path: root/contrib/ring
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authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-06-21 01:14:24 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-06-21 01:14:24 +0000
commit18ca75a6fbaf2a1238a3a2e36f51f1e1bf1c2c68 (patch)
tree54b24cd104c4ad2f83815a811788838eb797937b /contrib/ring
parent9c7a98513f351348a836ae2a54490733d2368ccc (diff)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@512 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/ring')
9 files changed, 3268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ring/ArithRing.v b/contrib/ring/ArithRing.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a0842e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/ArithRing.v
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Instantiation of the Ring tactic for the naturals of Arith $*)
+Require Export Ring.
+Require Export Arith.
+Require Eqdep_dec.
+Fixpoint nateq [n,m:nat] : bool :=
+ Cases n m of
+ | O O => true
+ | (S n') (S m') => (nateq n' m')
+ | _ _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma nateq_prop : (n,m:nat)(Is_true (nateq n m))->n==m.
+ Induction n; Induction m; Intros; Try Contradiction.
+ Trivial.
+ Unfold Is_true in H1.
+ Rewrite (H n1 H1).
+ Trivial.
+Hints Resolve nateq_prop eq2eqT : arithring.
+Definition NatTheory : (Semi_Ring_Theory plus mult (1) (0) nateq).
+ Split; Intros; Auto with arith arithring.
+ Apply eq2eqT; Apply simpl_plus_l with n.
+ Apply eqT2eq; Trivial.
+Add Semi Ring nat plus mult (1) (0) nateq NatTheory [O S].
+Goal (n:nat)(S n)=(plus (S O) n).
+Intro; Reflexivity.
+Save S_to_plus_one.
+Tactic Definition NatRing :=
+ [<:tactic:<(Repeat Rewrite S_to_plus_one); Ring>>].
diff --git a/contrib/ring/Quote.v b/contrib/ring/Quote.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..609328d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/Quote.v
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+ The "abstract" type index is defined to represent variables.
+ index : Set
+ index_eq : index -> bool
+ index_eq_prop: (n,m:index)(index_eq n m)=true -> n=m
+ index_lt : index -> bool
+ varmap : Type -> Type.
+ varmap_find : (A:Type)A -> index -> (varmap A) -> A.
+ The first arg. of varmap_find is the default value to take
+ if the object is not found in the varmap.
+ index_lt defines a total well-founded order, but we don't prove that.
+Implicit Arguments On.
+Section variables_map.
+Variable A : Type.
+Inductive varmap : Type :=
+ Empty_vm : varmap
+| Node_vm : A->varmap->varmap->varmap.
+Inductive index : Set :=
+| Left_idx : index -> index
+| Right_idx : index -> index
+| End_idx : index
+Fixpoint varmap_find [default_value:A; i:index; v:varmap] : A :=
+ Cases i v of
+ End_idx (Node_vm x _ _) => x
+ | (Right_idx i1) (Node_vm x v1 v2) => (varmap_find default_value i1 v2)
+ | (Left_idx i1) (Node_vm x v1 v2) => (varmap_find default_value i1 v1)
+ | _ _ => default_value
+ end.
+Fixpoint index_eq [n,m:index] : bool :=
+ Cases n m of
+ | End_idx End_idx => true
+ | (Left_idx n') (Left_idx m') => (index_eq n' m')
+ | (Right_idx n') (Right_idx m') => (index_eq n' m')
+ | _ _ => false
+ end.
+Fixpoint index_lt[n,m:index] : bool :=
+ Cases n m of
+ | End_idx (Left_idx _) => true
+ | End_idx (Right_idx _) => true
+ | (Left_idx n') (Right_idx m') => true
+ | (Right_idx n') (Right_idx m') => (index_lt n' m')
+ | (Left_idx n') (Left_idx m') => (index_lt n' m')
+ | _ _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma index_eq_prop : (n,m:index)(index_eq n m)=true -> n=m.
+ Induction n; Induction m; Simpl; Intros.
+ Rewrite (H i0 H1); Reflexivity.
+ Discriminate.
+ Discriminate.
+ Discriminate.
+ Rewrite (H i0 H1); Reflexivity.
+ Discriminate.
+ Discriminate.
+ Discriminate.
+ Reflexivity.
+End variables_map.
+Implicit Arguments Off.
+Declare ML Module "quote".
+Grammar tactic simple_tactic :=
+ quote [ "Quote" identarg($f) ] -> [(Quote $f)]
+| quote_lc [ "Quote" identarg($f) "[" ne_identarg_list($lc) "]"] ->
+ [(Quote $f ($LIST $lc))].
diff --git a/contrib/ring/Ring.v b/contrib/ring/Ring.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc316e361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/Ring.v
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Export Bool.
+Require Export Ring_theory.
+Require Export Quote.
+Require Export Ring_normalize.
+Require Export Ring_abstract.
+Declare ML Module "ring".
+Grammar tactic simple_tactic :=
+ ring [ "Ring" comarg_list($arg) ] -> [(Ring ($LIST $arg))].
+Syntax tactic level 0:
+ ring [ (Ring ($LIST $lc)) ] -> [ "Ring" [1 1] (LISTSPC ($LIST $lc)) ]
+| ring_e [ (Ring) ] -> ["Ring"].
+Grammar vernac vernac :=
+ addring [ "Add" "Ring"
+ comarg($a) comarg($aplus) comarg($amult) comarg($aone)
+ comarg($azero) comarg($aopp) comarg($aeq) comarg($t)
+ "[" ne_comarg_list($l) "]" "." ]
+ -> [(AddRing $a $aplus $amult $aone $azero $aopp $aeq $t
+ ($LIST $l))]
+| addsemiring [ "Add" "Semi" "Ring"
+ comarg($a) comarg($aplus) comarg($amult) comarg($aone)
+ comarg($azero) comarg($aeq) comarg($t)
+ "[" ne_comarg_list($l) "]" "." ]
+ -> [(AddSemiRing $a $aplus $amult $aone $azero $aeq $t
+ ($LIST $l))]
+| addabstractring [ "Add" "Abstract" "Ring"
+ comarg($a) comarg($aplus) comarg($amult) comarg($aone)
+ comarg($azero) comarg($aopp) comarg($aeq) comarg($t) "." ]
+ -> [(AddAbstractRing $a $aplus $amult $aone $azero $aopp $aeq $t)]
+| addabstractsemiring [ "Add" "Abstract" "Semi" "Ring"
+ comarg($a) comarg($aplus) comarg($amult) comarg($aone)
+ comarg($azero) comarg($aeq) comarg($t) "." ]
+ -> [(AddAbstractSemiRing $a $aplus $amult $aone $azero $aeq $t )]
+(* As an example, we provide an instantation for bool. *)
+(* Other instatiations are given in ArithRing and ZArithRing in the
+ same directory *)
+Definition BoolTheory : (Ring_Theory xorb andb true false [b:bool]b eqb).
+Split; Simpl.
+Destruct n; Destruct m; Reflexivity.
+Destruct n; Destruct m; Destruct p; Reflexivity.
+Destruct n; Destruct m; Reflexivity.
+Destruct n; Destruct m; Destruct p; Reflexivity.
+Destruct n; Reflexivity.
+Destruct n; Reflexivity.
+Destruct n; Reflexivity.
+Destruct n; Destruct m; Destruct p; Reflexivity.
+Destruct x; Destruct y; Reflexivity Orelse Tauto.
+Add Ring bool xorb andb true false [b:bool]b eqb BoolTheory [ true false ].
diff --git a/contrib/ring/Ring_abstract.v b/contrib/ring/Ring_abstract.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fd77bc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/Ring_abstract.v
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Ring_theory.
+Require Quote.
+Require Ring_normalize.
+Section abstract_semi_rings.
+Inductive Type aspolynomial :=
+ ASPvar : index -> aspolynomial
+| ASP0 : aspolynomial
+| ASP1 : aspolynomial
+| ASPplus : aspolynomial -> aspolynomial -> aspolynomial
+| ASPmult : aspolynomial -> aspolynomial -> aspolynomial
+Inductive abstract_sum : Type :=
+| Nil_acs : abstract_sum
+| Cons_acs : varlist -> abstract_sum -> abstract_sum
+Fixpoint abstract_sum_merge [s1:abstract_sum]
+ : abstract_sum -> abstract_sum :=
+Cases s1 of
+| (Cons_acs l1 t1) =>
+ Fix asm_aux{asm_aux[s2:abstract_sum] : abstract_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Cons_acs l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_acs l1 (abstract_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Cons_acs l2 (asm_aux t2))
+ | Nil_acs => s1
+ end}
+| Nil_acs => [s2]s2
+Fixpoint abstract_varlist_insert [l1:varlist; s2:abstract_sum]
+ : abstract_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Cons_acs l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_acs l1 s2)
+ else (Cons_acs l2 (abstract_varlist_insert l1 t2))
+ | Nil_acs => (Cons_acs l1 Nil_acs)
+ end.
+Fixpoint abstract_sum_scalar [l1:varlist; s2:abstract_sum]
+ : abstract_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Cons_acs l2 t2) => (Cons_acs (varlist_merge l1 l2)
+ (abstract_sum_scalar l1 t2))
+ | Nil_acs => Nil_acs
+ end.
+Fixpoint abstract_sum_prod [s1:abstract_sum]
+ : abstract_sum -> abstract_sum :=
+ [s2]Cases s1 of
+ | (Cons_acs l1 t1) =>
+ (abstract_sum_merge (abstract_sum_scalar l1 s2)
+ (abstract_sum_prod t1 s2))
+ | Nil_acs => Nil_acs
+ end.
+Fixpoint aspolynomial_normalize[p:aspolynomial] : abstract_sum :=
+ Cases p of
+ | (ASPvar i) => (Cons_acs (Cons_var i Nil_var) Nil_acs)
+ | ASP1 => (Cons_acs Nil_var Nil_acs)
+ | ASP0 => Nil_acs
+ | (ASPplus l r) => (abstract_sum_merge (aspolynomial_normalize l)
+ (aspolynomial_normalize r))
+ | (ASPmult l r) => (abstract_sum_prod (aspolynomial_normalize l)
+ (aspolynomial_normalize r))
+ end.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Aone : A.
+Variable Azero : A.
+Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
+Variable vm : (varmap A).
+Variable T : (Semi_Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq).
+Fixpoint interp_asp [p:aspolynomial] : A :=
+ Cases p of
+ | (ASPvar i) => (interp_var Azero vm i)
+ | ASP0 => Azero
+ | ASP1 => Aone
+ | (ASPplus l r) => (Aplus (interp_asp l) (interp_asp r))
+ | (ASPmult l r) => (Amult (interp_asp l) (interp_asp r))
+ end.
+Local iacs_aux := Fix iacs_aux{iacs_aux [a:A; s:abstract_sum] : A :=
+ Cases s of
+ | Nil_acs => a
+ | (Cons_acs l t) => (Aplus a (iacs_aux (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) t))
+ end}.
+Definition interp_acs [s:abstract_sum] : A :=
+ Cases s of
+ | (Cons_acs l t) => (iacs_aux (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) t)
+ | Nil_acs => Azero
+ end.
+Hint SR_plus_sym_T := Resolve (SR_plus_sym T).
+Hint SR_plus_assoc_T := Resolve (SR_plus_assoc T).
+Hint SR_plus_assoc2_T := Resolve (SR_plus_assoc2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_sym_T := Resolve (SR_mult_sym T).
+Hint SR_mult_assoc_T := Resolve (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Hint SR_mult_assoc2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_assoc2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_left_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_left T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_left2_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_left2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_left_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_left T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_left2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_left2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_left_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_left T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_left2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_left2 T).
+Hint SR_distr_left_T := Resolve (SR_distr_left T).
+Hint SR_distr_left2_T := Resolve (SR_distr_left2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_reg_left_T := Resolve (SR_plus_reg_left T).
+Hint SR_plus_permute_T := Resolve (SR_plus_permute T).
+Hint SR_mult_permute_T := Resolve (SR_mult_permute T).
+Hint SR_distr_right_T := Resolve (SR_distr_right T).
+Hint SR_distr_right2_T := Resolve (SR_distr_right2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_right_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_right T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_right2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_right2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_right_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_right T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_right2_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_right2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_right_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_right T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_right2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_right2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_reg_right_T := Resolve (SR_plus_reg_right T).
+Hints Resolve refl_eqT sym_eqT trans_eqT.
+Hints Immediate T.
+Remark iacs_aux_ok : (x:A)(s:abstract_sum)
+ (iacs_aux x s)==(Aplus x (interp_acs s)).
+ Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
+ Trivial.
+ Reflexivity.
+Hint rew_iacs_aux : core := Extern 10 (eqT A ? ?) Rewrite iacs_aux_ok.
+Lemma abstract_varlist_insert_ok : (l:varlist)(s:abstract_sum)
+ (interp_acs (abstract_varlist_insert l s))
+ ==(Aplus (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) (interp_acs s)).
+ Induction s.
+ Trivial.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Elim (varlist_lt l v); Simpl.
+ EAuto.
+ Rewrite iacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H; Auto.
+Lemma abstract_sum_merge_ok : (x,y:abstract_sum)
+ (interp_acs (abstract_sum_merge x y))
+ ==(Aplus (interp_acs x) (interp_acs y)).
+ Induction x.
+ Trivial.
+ Induction y; Intros.
+ Auto.
+ Simpl; Elim (varlist_lt v v0); Simpl.
+ Repeat Rewrite iacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H; Simpl; Auto.
+ Simpl in H0.
+ Repeat Rewrite iacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H0. Simpl; Auto.
+Lemma abstract_sum_scalar_ok : (l:varlist)(s:abstract_sum)
+ (interp_acs (abstract_sum_scalar l s))
+ == (Amult (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) (interp_acs s)).
+ Induction s.
+ Simpl; EAuto.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Rewrite iacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H.
+ Rewrite (varlist_merge_ok A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq vm T).
+ Auto.
+Lemma abstract_sum_prod_ok : (x,y:abstract_sum)
+ (interp_acs (abstract_sum_prod x y))
+ == (Amult (interp_acs x) (interp_acs y)).
+ Induction x.
+ Intros; Simpl; EAuto.
+ Destruct y; Intros.
+ Simpl; Rewrite H; EAuto.
+ Unfold abstract_sum_prod; Fold abstract_sum_prod.
+ Rewrite abstract_sum_merge_ok.
+ Rewrite abstract_sum_scalar_ok.
+ Rewrite H; Simpl; Auto.
+Theorem aspolynomial_normalize_ok : (x:aspolynomial)
+ (interp_asp x)==(interp_acs (aspolynomial_normalize x)).
+ Induction x; Simpl; Intros; Trivial.
+ Rewrite abstract_sum_merge_ok.
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; EAuto.
+ Rewrite abstract_sum_prod_ok.
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; EAuto.
+End abstract_semi_rings.
+Section abstract_rings.
+(* In abstract polynomials there is no constants other
+ than 0 and 1. An abstract ring is a ring whose operations plus,
+ and mult are not functions but constructors. In other words,
+ when c1 and c2 are closed, (plus c1 c2) doesn't reduce to a closed
+ term. "closed" mean here "without plus and mult". *)
+(* this section is not parametrized by a (semi-)ring.
+ Nevertheless, they are two different types for semi-rings and rings
+ and there will be 2 correction theorems *)
+Inductive Type apolynomial :=
+ APvar : index -> apolynomial
+| AP0 : apolynomial
+| AP1 : apolynomial
+| APplus : apolynomial -> apolynomial -> apolynomial
+| APmult : apolynomial -> apolynomial -> apolynomial
+| APopp : apolynomial -> apolynomial
+(* A canonical "abstract" sum is a list of varlist with the sign "+" or "-".
+ Invariant : the list is sorted and there is no varlist is present
+ with both signs. +x +x +x -x is forbidden => the canonical form is +x+x *)
+Inductive signed_sum : Type :=
+| Nil_varlist : signed_sum
+| Plus_varlist : varlist -> signed_sum -> signed_sum
+| Minus_varlist : varlist -> signed_sum -> signed_sum
+Fixpoint signed_sum_merge [s1:signed_sum]
+ : signed_sum -> signed_sum :=
+Cases s1 of
+| (Plus_varlist l1 t1) =>
+ Fix ssm_aux{ssm_aux[s2:signed_sum] : signed_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Plus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Plus_varlist l1 (signed_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Plus_varlist l2 (ssm_aux t2))
+ | (Minus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (signed_sum_merge t1 t2)
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Plus_varlist l1 (signed_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Minus_varlist l2 (ssm_aux t2))
+ | Nil_varlist => s1
+ end}
+| (Minus_varlist l1 t1) =>
+ Fix ssm_aux2{ssm_aux2[s2:signed_sum] : signed_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Plus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (signed_sum_merge t1 t2)
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Minus_varlist l1 (signed_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Plus_varlist l2 (ssm_aux2 t2))
+ | (Minus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Minus_varlist l1 (signed_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Minus_varlist l2 (ssm_aux2 t2))
+ | Nil_varlist => s1
+ end}
+| Nil_varlist => [s2]s2
+Fixpoint plus_varlist_insert [l1:varlist; s2:signed_sum]
+ : signed_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Plus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Plus_varlist l1 s2)
+ else (Plus_varlist l2 (plus_varlist_insert l1 t2))
+ | (Minus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then t2
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Plus_varlist l1 s2)
+ else (Minus_varlist l2 (plus_varlist_insert l1 t2))
+ | Nil_varlist => (Plus_varlist l1 Nil_varlist)
+ end.
+Fixpoint minus_varlist_insert [l1:varlist; s2:signed_sum]
+ : signed_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Plus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then t2
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Minus_varlist l1 s2)
+ else (Plus_varlist l2 (minus_varlist_insert l1 t2))
+ | (Minus_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Minus_varlist l1 s2)
+ else (Minus_varlist l2 (minus_varlist_insert l1 t2))
+ | Nil_varlist => (Minus_varlist l1 Nil_varlist)
+ end.
+Fixpoint plus_sum_scalar [l1:varlist; s2:signed_sum]
+ : signed_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Plus_varlist l2 t2) => (Plus_varlist (varlist_merge l1 l2)
+ (plus_sum_scalar l1 t2))
+ | (Minus_varlist l2 t2) => (Minus_varlist (varlist_merge l1 l2)
+ (plus_sum_scalar l1 t2))
+ | Nil_varlist => Nil_varlist
+ end.
+Fixpoint minus_sum_scalar [l1:varlist; s2:signed_sum]
+ : signed_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Plus_varlist l2 t2) => (Minus_varlist (varlist_merge l1 l2)
+ (minus_sum_scalar l1 t2))
+ | (Minus_varlist l2 t2) => (Plus_varlist (varlist_merge l1 l2)
+ (minus_sum_scalar l1 t2))
+ | Nil_varlist => Nil_varlist
+ end.
+Fixpoint signed_sum_prod [s1:signed_sum]
+ : signed_sum -> signed_sum :=
+ [s2]Cases s1 of
+ | (Plus_varlist l1 t1) =>
+ (signed_sum_merge (plus_sum_scalar l1 s2)
+ (signed_sum_prod t1 s2))
+ | (Minus_varlist l1 t1) =>
+ (signed_sum_merge (minus_sum_scalar l1 s2)
+ (signed_sum_prod t1 s2))
+ | Nil_varlist => Nil_varlist
+ end.
+Fixpoint apolynomial_normalize[p:apolynomial] : signed_sum :=
+ Cases p of
+ | (APvar i) => (Plus_varlist (Cons_var i Nil_var) Nil_varlist)
+ | AP1 => (Plus_varlist Nil_var Nil_varlist)
+ | AP0 => Nil_varlist
+ | (APplus l r) => (signed_sum_merge (apolynomial_normalize l)
+ (apolynomial_normalize r))
+ | (APmult l r) => (signed_sum_prod (apolynomial_normalize l)
+ (apolynomial_normalize r))
+ | (APopp q) => (minus_sum_scalar Nil_var (apolynomial_normalize q))
+ end.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Aone : A.
+Variable Azero : A.
+Variable Aopp :A -> A.
+Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
+Variable vm : (varmap A).
+Variable T : (Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aopp Aeq).
+Local isacs_aux := Fix isacs_aux{isacs_aux [a:A; s:signed_sum] : A :=
+ Cases s of
+ | Nil_varlist => a
+ | (Plus_varlist l t) =>
+ (Aplus a (isacs_aux (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) t))
+ | (Minus_varlist l t) =>
+ (Aplus a (isacs_aux (Aopp (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l)) t))
+ end}.
+Definition interp_sacs [s:signed_sum] : A :=
+ Cases s of
+ | (Plus_varlist l t) => (isacs_aux (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) t)
+ | (Minus_varlist l t) =>
+ (isacs_aux (Aopp (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l)) t)
+ | Nil_varlist => Azero
+ end.
+Fixpoint interp_ap [p:apolynomial] : A :=
+ Cases p of
+ | (APvar i) => (interp_var Azero vm i)
+ | AP0 => Azero
+ | AP1 => Aone
+ | (APplus l r) => (Aplus (interp_ap l) (interp_ap r))
+ | (APmult l r) => (Amult (interp_ap l) (interp_ap r))
+ | (APopp q) => (Aopp (interp_ap q))
+ end.
+Hint Th_plus_sym_T := Resolve (Th_plus_sym T).
+Hint Th_plus_assoc_T := Resolve (Th_plus_assoc T).
+Hint Th_plus_assoc2_T := Resolve (Th_plus_assoc2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_sym_T := Resolve (Th_mult_sym T).
+Hint Th_mult_assoc_T := Resolve (Th_mult_assoc T).
+Hint Th_mult_assoc2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_assoc2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_left_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_left T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_left2_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_left2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_left_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_left T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_left2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_left2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_zero_left_T := Resolve (Th_mult_zero_left T).
+Hint Th_mult_zero_left2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_zero_left2 T).
+Hint Th_distr_left_T := Resolve (Th_distr_left T).
+Hint Th_distr_left2_T := Resolve (Th_distr_left2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_reg_left_T := Resolve (Th_plus_reg_left T).
+Hint Th_plus_permute_T := Resolve (Th_plus_permute T).
+Hint Th_mult_permute_T := Resolve (Th_mult_permute T).
+Hint Th_distr_right_T := Resolve (Th_distr_right T).
+Hint Th_distr_right2_T := Resolve (Th_distr_right2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_zero_right2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_zero_right2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_right_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_right T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_right2_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_right2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_right_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_right T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_right2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_right2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_reg_right_T := Resolve (Th_plus_reg_right T).
+Hints Resolve refl_eqT sym_eqT trans_eqT.
+Hints Immediate T.
+Lemma isacs_aux_ok : (x:A)(s:signed_sum)
+ (isacs_aux x s)==(Aplus x (interp_sacs s)).
+ Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
+ Trivial.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Reflexivity.
+Hint rew_isacs_aux : core := Extern 10 (eqT A ? ?) Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+Tactic Definition Solve1 := [<:tactic:<
+ Simpl; Elim (varlist_lt v v0); Simpl; Rewrite isacs_aux_ok;
+ [ Rewrite H; Simpl; Auto
+ | Simpl in H0; Rewrite H0; Auto ]
+Lemma signed_sum_merge_ok : (x,y:signed_sum)
+ (interp_sacs (signed_sum_merge x y))
+ ==(Aplus (interp_sacs x) (interp_sacs y)).
+ Induction x.
+ Intro; Simpl; Auto.
+ Induction y; Intros.
+ Auto.
+ Solve1.
+ Simpl; Generalize (varlist_eq_prop v v0).
+ Elim (varlist_eq v v0); Simpl.
+ Intro Heq; Rewrite (Heq I).
+ Rewrite H.
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_permute T).
+ Repeat Rewrite (Th_plus_assoc T).
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_sym T (Aopp (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm v0))
+ (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm v0)).
+ Rewrite (Th_opp_def T).
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_zero_left T).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Solve1.
+ Induction y; Intros.
+ Auto.
+ Simpl; Generalize (varlist_eq_prop v v0).
+ Elim (varlist_eq v v0); Simpl.
+ Intro Heq; Rewrite (Heq I).
+ Rewrite H.
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_permute T).
+ Repeat Rewrite (Th_plus_assoc T).
+ Rewrite (Th_opp_def T).
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_zero_left T).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Solve1.
+ Solve1.
+Tactic Definition Solve2 := [<:tactic:<
+ Elim (varlist_lt l v); Simpl; Rewrite isacs_aux_ok;
+ [ Auto
+ | Rewrite H; Auto ]
+Lemma plus_varlist_insert_ok : (l:varlist)(s:signed_sum)
+ (interp_sacs (plus_varlist_insert l s))
+ == (Aplus (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) (interp_sacs s)).
+ Induction s.
+ Trivial.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Solve2.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Generalize (varlist_eq_prop l v).
+ Elim (varlist_eq l v); Simpl.
+ Intro Heq; Rewrite (Heq I).
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Repeat Rewrite (Th_plus_assoc T).
+ Rewrite (Th_opp_def T).
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_zero_left T).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Solve2.
+Lemma minus_varlist_insert_ok : (l:varlist)(s:signed_sum)
+ (interp_sacs (minus_varlist_insert l s))
+ == (Aplus (Aopp (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l)) (interp_sacs s)).
+ Induction s.
+ Trivial.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Generalize (varlist_eq_prop l v).
+ Elim (varlist_eq l v); Simpl.
+ Intro Heq; Rewrite (Heq I).
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Repeat Rewrite (Th_plus_assoc T).
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_sym T (Aopp (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm v))
+ (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm v)).
+ Rewrite (Th_opp_def T).
+ Auto.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Solve2.
+ Simpl; Intros; Solve2.
+Lemma plus_sum_scalar_ok : (l:varlist)(s:signed_sum)
+ (interp_sacs (plus_sum_scalar l s))
+ == (Amult (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) (interp_sacs s)).
+ Induction s.
+ Trivial.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Rewrite (varlist_merge_ok A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq vm T).
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H.
+ Auto.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite (varlist_merge_ok A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq vm T).
+ Rewrite H.
+ Rewrite (Th_distr_right T).
+ Rewrite <- (Th_opp_mult_right T).
+ Reflexivity.
+Lemma minus_sum_scalar_ok : (l:varlist)(s:signed_sum)
+ (interp_sacs (minus_sum_scalar l s))
+ == (Aopp (Amult (interp_vl Amult Aone Azero vm l) (interp_sacs s))).
+ Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
+ Rewrite (Th_mult_zero_right T); Symmetry; Apply (Th_opp_zero T).
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Rewrite (varlist_merge_ok A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq vm T).
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H.
+ Rewrite (Th_distr_right T).
+ Rewrite (Th_plus_opp_opp T).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite (varlist_merge_ok A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq vm T).
+ Rewrite H.
+ Rewrite (Th_distr_right T).
+ Rewrite <- (Th_opp_mult_right T).
+ Rewrite <- (Th_plus_opp_opp T).
+ Rewrite (Th_opp_opp T).
+ Reflexivity.
+Lemma signed_sum_prod_ok : (x,y:signed_sum)
+ (interp_sacs (signed_sum_prod x y)) ==
+ (Amult (interp_sacs x) (interp_sacs y)).
+ Induction x.
+ Simpl; EAuto 1.
+ Intros; Simpl.
+ Rewrite signed_sum_merge_ok.
+ Rewrite plus_sum_scalar_ok.
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H.
+ Auto.
+ Intros; Simpl.
+ Repeat Rewrite isacs_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite signed_sum_merge_ok.
+ Rewrite minus_sum_scalar_ok.
+ Rewrite H.
+ Rewrite (Th_distr_left T).
+ Rewrite (Th_opp_mult_left T).
+ Reflexivity.
+Theorem apolynomial_normalize_ok : (p:apolynomial)
+ (interp_sacs (apolynomial_normalize p))==(interp_ap p).
+ Induction p; Simpl; Auto 1.
+ Intros.
+ Rewrite signed_sum_merge_ok.
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity.
+ Intros.
+ Rewrite signed_sum_prod_ok.
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity.
+ Intros.
+ Rewrite minus_sum_scalar_ok.
+ Simpl.
+ Rewrite (Th_mult_one_left T).
+ Rewrite H; Reflexivity.
+End abstract_rings.
diff --git a/contrib/ring/Ring_normalize.v b/contrib/ring/Ring_normalize.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..968ce7f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/Ring_normalize.v
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Ring_theory.
+Require Quote.
+Implicit Arguments On.
+Lemma index_eq_prop: (n,m:index)(Is_true (index_eq n m)) -> n=m.
+ Induction n; Induction m; Simpl; Try (Reflexivity Orelse Contradiction).
+ Intros; Rewrite (H i0); Trivial.
+ Intros; Rewrite (H i0); Trivial.
+Section semi_rings.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Aone : A.
+Variable Azero : A.
+Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
+(* Section definitions. *)
+(* Normal abtract Polynomials *)
+- A varlist is a sorted product of one or more variables : x, x*y*z
+- A monom is a constant, a varlist or the product of a constant by a varlist
+ variables. 2*x*y, x*y*z, 3 are monoms : 2*3, x*3*y, 4*x*3 are NOT.
+- A canonical sum is either a monom or an ordered sum of monoms
+ (the order on monoms is defined later)
+- A normal polynomial it either a constant or a canonical sum or a constant
+ plus a canonical sum
+(* varlist is isomorphic to (list var), but we built a special inductive
+ for efficiency *)
+Inductive varlist : Type :=
+| Nil_var : varlist
+| Cons_var : index -> varlist -> varlist
+Inductive canonical_sum : Type :=
+| Nil_monom : canonical_sum
+| Cons_monom : A -> varlist -> canonical_sum -> canonical_sum
+| Cons_varlist : varlist -> canonical_sum -> canonical_sum
+(* Order on monoms *)
+(* That's the lexicographic order on varlist, extended by :
+ - A constant is less than every monom
+ - The relation between two varlist is preserved by multiplication by a
+ constant.
+ Examples :
+ 3 < x < y
+ x*y < x*y*y*z
+ 2*x*y < x*y*y*z
+ x*y < 54*x*y*y*z
+ 4*x*y < 59*x*y*y*z
+Fixpoint varlist_eq [x,y:varlist] : bool :=
+ Cases x y of
+ | Nil_var Nil_var => true
+ | (Cons_var i xrest) (Cons_var j yrest) =>
+ (andb (index_eq i j) (varlist_eq xrest yrest))
+ | _ _ => false
+ end.
+Fixpoint varlist_lt [x,y:varlist] : bool :=
+ Cases x y of
+ | Nil_var (Cons_var _ _) => true
+ | (Cons_var i xrest) (Cons_var j yrest) =>
+ if (index_lt i j) then true
+ else (andb (index_eq i j) (varlist_lt xrest yrest))
+ | _ _ => false
+ end.
+(* merges two variables lists *)
+Fixpoint varlist_merge [l1:varlist] : varlist -> varlist :=
+ Cases l1 of
+ | (Cons_var v1 t1) =>
+ Fix vm_aux {vm_aux [l2:varlist] : varlist :=
+ Cases l2 of
+ | (Cons_var v2 t2) =>
+ if (index_lt v1 v2)
+ then (Cons_var v1 (varlist_merge t1 l2))
+ else (Cons_var v2 (vm_aux t2))
+ | Nil_var => l1
+ end}
+ | Nil_var => [l2]l2
+ end.
+(* returns the sum of two canonical sums *)
+Fixpoint canonical_sum_merge [s1:canonical_sum]
+ : canonical_sum -> canonical_sum :=
+Cases s1 of
+| (Cons_monom c1 l1 t1) =>
+ Fix csm_aux{csm_aux[s2:canonical_sum] : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Cons_monom c2 l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus c1 c2) l1
+ (canonical_sum_merge t1 t2))
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom c1 l1 (canonical_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Cons_monom c2 l2 (csm_aux t2))
+ | (Cons_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus c1 Aone) l1
+ (canonical_sum_merge t1 t2))
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom c1 l1 (canonical_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Cons_varlist l2 (csm_aux t2))
+ | Nil_monom => s1
+ end}
+| (Cons_varlist l1 t1) =>
+ Fix csm_aux2{csm_aux2[s2:canonical_sum] : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Cons_monom c2 l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus Aone c2) l1
+ (canonical_sum_merge t1 t2))
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_varlist l1 (canonical_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Cons_monom c2 l2 (csm_aux2 t2))
+ | (Cons_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus Aone Aone) l1
+ (canonical_sum_merge t1 t2))
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_varlist l1 (canonical_sum_merge t1 s2))
+ else (Cons_varlist l2 (csm_aux2 t2))
+ | Nil_monom => s1
+ end}
+| Nil_monom => [s2]s2
+(* Insertion of a monom in a canonical sum *)
+Fixpoint monom_insert [c1:A; l1:varlist; s2 : canonical_sum]
+ : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Cons_monom c2 l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus c1 c2) l1 t2)
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom c1 l1 s2)
+ else (Cons_monom c2 l2 (monom_insert c1 l1 t2))
+ | (Cons_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus c1 Aone) l1 t2)
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom c1 l1 s2)
+ else (Cons_varlist l2 (monom_insert c1 l1 t2))
+ | Nil_monom => (Cons_monom c1 l1 Nil_monom)
+ end.
+Fixpoint varlist_insert [l1:varlist; s2:canonical_sum]
+ : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s2 of
+ | (Cons_monom c2 l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus Aone c2) l1 t2)
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_varlist l1 s2)
+ else (Cons_monom c2 l2 (varlist_insert l1 t2))
+ | (Cons_varlist l2 t2) =>
+ if (varlist_eq l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_monom (Aplus Aone Aone) l1 t2)
+ else if (varlist_lt l1 l2)
+ then (Cons_varlist l1 s2)
+ else (Cons_varlist l2 (varlist_insert l1 t2))
+ | Nil_monom => (Cons_varlist l1 Nil_monom)
+ end.
+(* Computes c0*s *)
+Fixpoint canonical_sum_scalar [c0:A; s:canonical_sum] : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s of
+ | (Cons_monom c l t) =>
+ (Cons_monom (Amult c0 c) l (canonical_sum_scalar c0 t))
+ | (Cons_varlist l t) =>
+ (Cons_monom c0 l (canonical_sum_scalar c0 t))
+ | Nil_monom => Nil_monom
+ end.
+(* Computes l0*s *)
+Fixpoint canonical_sum_scalar2 [l0:varlist; s:canonical_sum]
+ : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s of
+ | (Cons_monom c l t) =>
+ (monom_insert c (varlist_merge l0 l) (canonical_sum_scalar2 l0 t))
+ | (Cons_varlist l t) =>
+ (varlist_insert (varlist_merge l0 l) (canonical_sum_scalar2 l0 t))
+ | Nil_monom => Nil_monom
+ end.
+(* Computes c0*l0*s *)
+Fixpoint canonical_sum_scalar3 [c0:A;l0:varlist; s:canonical_sum]
+ : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s of
+ | (Cons_monom c l t) =>
+ (monom_insert (Amult c0 c) (varlist_merge l0 l)
+ (canonical_sum_scalar3 c0 l0 t))
+ | (Cons_varlist l t) =>
+ (monom_insert c0 (varlist_merge l0 l)
+ (canonical_sum_scalar3 c0 l0 t))
+ | Nil_monom => Nil_monom
+ end.
+(* returns the product of two canonical sums *)
+Fixpoint canonical_sum_prod [s1:canonical_sum]
+ : canonical_sum -> canonical_sum :=
+ [s2]Cases s1 of
+ | (Cons_monom c1 l1 t1) =>
+ (canonical_sum_merge (canonical_sum_scalar3 c1 l1 s2)
+ (canonical_sum_prod t1 s2))
+ | (Cons_varlist l1 t1) =>
+ (canonical_sum_merge (canonical_sum_scalar2 l1 s2)
+ (canonical_sum_prod t1 s2))
+ | Nil_monom => Nil_monom
+ end.
+(* The type to represent concrete semi-ring polynomials *)
+Inductive Type spolynomial :=
+ SPvar : index -> spolynomial
+| SPconst : A -> spolynomial
+| SPplus : spolynomial -> spolynomial -> spolynomial
+| SPmult : spolynomial -> spolynomial -> spolynomial.
+Fixpoint spolynomial_normalize[p:spolynomial] : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases p of
+ | (SPvar i) => (Cons_varlist (Cons_var i Nil_var) Nil_monom)
+ | (SPconst c) => (Cons_monom c Nil_var Nil_monom)
+ | (SPplus l r) => (canonical_sum_merge (spolynomial_normalize l)
+ (spolynomial_normalize r))
+ | (SPmult l r) => (canonical_sum_prod (spolynomial_normalize l)
+ (spolynomial_normalize r))
+ end.
+(* Deletion of useless 0 and 1 in canonical sums *)
+Fixpoint canonical_sum_simplify [ s:canonical_sum] : canonical_sum :=
+ Cases s of
+ | (Cons_monom c l t) =>
+ if (Aeq c Azero)
+ then (canonical_sum_simplify t)
+ else if (Aeq c Aone)
+ then (Cons_varlist l (canonical_sum_simplify t))
+ else (Cons_monom c l (canonical_sum_simplify t))
+ | (Cons_varlist l t) => (Cons_varlist l (canonical_sum_simplify t))
+ | Nil_monom => Nil_monom
+ end.
+Definition spolynomial_simplify :=
+ [x:spolynomial](canonical_sum_simplify (spolynomial_normalize x)).
+(* End definitions. *)
+(* Section interpretation. *)
+(*** Here a variable map is defined and the interpetation of a spolynom
+ acording to a certain variables map. Once again the choosen definition
+ is generic and could be changed ****)
+Variable vm : (varmap A).
+(* Interpretation of list of variables
+ * [x1; ... ; xn ] is interpreted as (find v x1)* ... *(find v xn)
+ * The unbound variables are mapped to 0. Normally this case sould
+ * never occur. Since we want only to prove correctness theorems, which form
+ * is : for any varmap and any spolynom ... this is a safe and pain-saving
+ * choice *)
+Definition interp_var [i:index] := (varmap_find Azero i vm).
+Local ivl_aux := Fix ivl_aux {ivl_aux[x:index; t:varlist] : A :=
+ Cases t of
+ | Nil_var => (interp_var x)
+ | (Cons_var x' t') => (Amult (interp_var x) (ivl_aux x' t'))
+ end}.
+Definition interp_vl := [l:varlist]
+ Cases l of
+ | Nil_var => Aone
+ | (Cons_var x t) => (ivl_aux x t)
+ end.
+Local interp_m := [c:A][l:varlist]
+ Cases l of
+ | Nil_var => c
+ | (Cons_var x t) =>
+ (Amult c (ivl_aux x t))
+ end.
+Local ics_aux := Fix ics_aux{ics_aux[a:A; s:canonical_sum] : A :=
+ Cases s of
+ | Nil_monom => a
+ | (Cons_varlist l t) => (Aplus a (ics_aux (interp_vl l) t))
+ | (Cons_monom c l t) => (Aplus a (ics_aux (interp_m c l) t))
+ end}.
+(* Interpretation of a canonical sum *)
+Definition interp_cs : canonical_sum -> A :=
+ [s]Cases s of
+ | Nil_monom => Azero
+ | (Cons_varlist l t) =>
+ (ics_aux (interp_vl l) t)
+ | (Cons_monom c l t) =>
+ (ics_aux (interp_m c l) t)
+ end.
+Fixpoint interp_sp [p:spolynomial] : A :=
+ Cases p of
+ (SPconst c) => c
+ | (SPvar i) => (interp_var i)
+ | (SPplus p1 p2) => (Aplus (interp_sp p1) (interp_sp p2))
+ | (SPmult p1 p2) => (Amult (interp_sp p1) (interp_sp p2))
+ end.
+(* End interpretation. *)
+Implicit Arguments Off.
+(* Section properties. *)
+Syntax constr
+ level 0:
+ fix_cache [<<Fix $x{$_[$_:$_]:$_:=$_}>>] -> [ "Fix " $x ]
+| fix_cache2 [<<Fix $x{$_[$_:$_;$_:$_]:$_:=$_}>>] -> [ "Fix " $x ]
+| fix_cache3 [<<Fix $x{$_[$_:$_;$_:$_;$_:$_]:$_:=$_}>>] -> [ "Fix " $x ]
+Variable T : (Semi_Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq).
+Hint SR_plus_sym_T := Resolve (SR_plus_sym T).
+Hint SR_plus_assoc_T := Resolve (SR_plus_assoc T).
+Hint SR_plus_assoc2_T := Resolve (SR_plus_assoc2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_sym_T := Resolve (SR_mult_sym T).
+Hint SR_mult_assoc_T := Resolve (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Hint SR_mult_assoc2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_assoc2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_left_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_left T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_left2_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_left2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_left_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_left T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_left2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_left2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_left_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_left T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_left2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_left2 T).
+Hint SR_distr_left_T := Resolve (SR_distr_left T).
+Hint SR_distr_left2_T := Resolve (SR_distr_left2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_reg_left_T := Resolve (SR_plus_reg_left T).
+Hint SR_plus_permute_T := Resolve (SR_plus_permute T).
+Hint SR_mult_permute_T := Resolve (SR_mult_permute T).
+Hint SR_distr_right_T := Resolve (SR_distr_right T).
+Hint SR_distr_right2_T := Resolve (SR_distr_right2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_right_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_right T).
+Hint SR_mult_zero_right2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_zero_right2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_right_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_right T).
+Hint SR_plus_zero_right2_T := Resolve (SR_plus_zero_right2 T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_right_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_right T).
+Hint SR_mult_one_right2_T := Resolve (SR_mult_one_right2 T).
+Hint SR_plus_reg_right_T := Resolve (SR_plus_reg_right T).
+Hints Resolve refl_eqT sym_eqT trans_eqT.
+Hints Immediate T.
+Lemma varlist_eq_prop : (x,y:varlist)
+ (Is_true (varlist_eq x y))->x==y.
+ Induction x; Induction y; Try Contradiction Orelse Reflexivity.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Generalize (andb_prop2 ? ? H1); Intros; Elim H2; Intros.
+ Rewrite (index_eq_prop H3); Rewrite (H v0 H4); Reflexivity.
+Remark ivl_aux_ok : (v:varlist)(i:index)
+ (ivl_aux i v)==(Amult (interp_var i) (interp_vl v)).
+ Induction v; Simpl; Intros.
+ Trivial.
+ Rewrite H; Trivial.
+Lemma varlist_merge_ok : (x,y:varlist)
+ (interp_vl (varlist_merge x y))
+ ==(Amult (interp_vl x) (interp_vl y)).
+ Induction x.
+ Simpl; Trivial.
+ Induction y.
+ Simpl; Trivial.
+ Simpl; Intros.
+ Elim (index_lt i i0); Simpl; Intros.
+ Repeat Rewrite ivl_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H. Simpl.
+ Rewrite ivl_aux_ok.
+ EAuto.
+ Repeat Rewrite ivl_aux_ok.
+ Rewrite H0.
+ Rewrite ivl_aux_ok.
+ EAuto.
+Remark ics_aux_ok : (x:A)(s:canonical_sum)
+ (ics_aux x s)==(Aplus x (interp_cs s)).
+ Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
+ Trivial.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Reflexivity.
+Remark interp_m_ok : (x:A)(l:varlist)
+ (interp_m x l)==(Amult x (interp_vl l)).
+ Destruct l.
+ Simpl; Trivial.
+ Reflexivity.
+Lemma canonical_sum_merge_ok : (x,y:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (canonical_sum_merge x y))
+ ==(Aplus (interp_cs x) (interp_cs y)).
+Induction x; Simpl.
+Induction y; Simpl; Intros.
+(* monom and nil *)
+(* monom and monom *)
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop v v0).
+Elim (varlist_eq v v0).
+Intros; Rewrite (H1 I).
+Simpl; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite (SR_distr_left T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_plus_assoc T).
+Apply congr_eqT with f:=(Aplus (Amult a (interp_vl v0))).
+Elim (varlist_lt v v0); Simpl.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite H; Simpl; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto.
+Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H0; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Simpl; EAuto.
+(* monom and varlist *)
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop v v0).
+Elim (varlist_eq v v0).
+Intros; Rewrite (H1 I).
+Simpl; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite (SR_distr_left T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_plus_assoc T).
+Apply congr_eqT with f:=(Aplus (Amult a (interp_vl v0))).
+Rewrite (SR_mult_one_left T).
+Elim (varlist_lt v v0); Simpl.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite H; Simpl; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto.
+Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H0; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Simpl; EAuto.
+Induction y; Simpl; Intros.
+(* varlist and nil *)
+(* varlist and monom *)
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop v v0).
+Elim (varlist_eq v v0).
+Intros; Rewrite (H1 I).
+Simpl; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite (SR_distr_left T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_plus_assoc T).
+Rewrite (SR_mult_one_left T).
+Apply congr_eqT with f:=(Aplus (interp_vl v0)).
+Elim (varlist_lt v v0); Simpl.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite H; Simpl; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto.
+Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H0; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Simpl; EAuto.
+(* varlist and varlist *)
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop v v0).
+Elim (varlist_eq v v0).
+Intros; Rewrite (H1 I).
+Simpl; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite (SR_distr_left T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_plus_assoc T).
+Rewrite (SR_mult_one_left T).
+Apply congr_eqT with f:=(Aplus (interp_vl v0)).
+Elim (varlist_lt v v0); Simpl.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite H; Simpl; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto.
+Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite H0; Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Simpl; EAuto.
+Lemma monom_insert_ok: (a:A)(l:varlist)(s:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (monom_insert a l s))
+ == (Aplus (Amult a (interp_vl l)) (interp_cs s)).
+Intros; Generalize s; Induction s0.
+Simpl; Rewrite interp_m_ok; Trivial.
+Simpl; Intros.
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop l v); Elim (varlist_eq l v).
+Intro Hr; Rewrite (Hr I); Simpl; Rewrite interp_m_ok;
+ Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite interp_m_ok;
+ Rewrite (SR_distr_left T); EAuto.
+Elim (varlist_lt l v); Simpl;
+[ Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto
+| Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok;
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto].
+Simpl; Intros.
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop l v); Elim (varlist_eq l v).
+Intro Hr; Rewrite (Hr I); Simpl; Rewrite interp_m_ok;
+ Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok;
+ Rewrite (SR_distr_left T); Rewrite (SR_mult_one_left T); EAuto.
+Elim (varlist_lt l v); Simpl;
+[ Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto
+| Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok;
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto].
+Lemma varlist_insert_ok :
+ (l:varlist)(s:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (varlist_insert l s))
+ == (Aplus (interp_vl l) (interp_cs s)).
+Intros; Generalize s; Induction s0.
+Simpl; Trivial.
+Simpl; Intros.
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop l v); Elim (varlist_eq l v).
+Intro Hr; Rewrite (Hr I); Simpl; Rewrite interp_m_ok;
+ Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok; Rewrite interp_m_ok;
+ Rewrite (SR_distr_left T); Rewrite (SR_mult_one_left T); EAuto.
+Elim (varlist_lt l v); Simpl;
+[ Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto
+| Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok;
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto].
+Simpl; Intros.
+Generalize (varlist_eq_prop l v); Elim (varlist_eq l v).
+Intro Hr; Rewrite (Hr I); Simpl; Rewrite interp_m_ok;
+ Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok;
+ Rewrite (SR_distr_left T); Rewrite (SR_mult_one_left T); EAuto.
+Elim (varlist_lt l v); Simpl;
+[ Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto
+| Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok; Rewrite ics_aux_ok;
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite ics_aux_ok; EAuto].
+Lemma canonical_sum_scalar_ok : (a:A)(s:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (canonical_sum_scalar a s))
+ ==(Amult a (interp_cs s)).
+Induction s.
+Simpl; EAuto.
+Simpl; Intros.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite (SR_distr_right T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Simpl; Intros.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite (SR_distr_right T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Lemma canonical_sum_scalar2_ok : (l:varlist; s:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (canonical_sum_scalar2 l s))
+ ==(Amult (interp_vl l) (interp_cs s)).
+Induction s.
+Simpl; Trivial.
+Simpl; Intros.
+Rewrite monom_insert_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite varlist_merge_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite (SR_distr_right T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_pus_assoc T).
+Rewrite (SR_mult_permute T a (interp_vl l) (interp_vl v)).
+Simpl; Intros.
+Rewrite varlist_insert_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite varlist_merge_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite (SR_distr_right T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_pus_assoc T).
+Lemma canonical_sum_scalar3_ok : (c:A; l:varlist; s:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (canonical_sum_scalar3 c l s))
+ ==(Amult c (Amult (interp_vl l) (interp_cs s))).
+Induction s.
+Simpl; Repeat Rewrite (SR_mult_zero_right T); Reflexivity.
+Simpl; Intros.
+Rewrite monom_insert_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite varlist_merge_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite (SR_distr_right T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_pus_assoc T).
+Rewrite (SR_mult_permute T a (interp_vl l) (interp_vl v)).
+Simpl; Intros.
+Rewrite monom_insert_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite varlist_merge_ok.
+Repeat Rewrite (SR_distr_right T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Repeat Rewrite <- (SR_pus_assoc T).
+Rewrite (SR_mult_permute T c (interp_vl l) (interp_vl v)).
+Lemma canonical_sum_prod_ok : (x,y:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (canonical_sum_prod x y))
+ ==(Amult (interp_cs x) (interp_cs y)).
+Induction x; Simpl; Intros.
+Rewrite canonical_sum_merge_ok.
+Rewrite canonical_sum_scalar3_ok.
+Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite (SR_mult_assoc T a (interp_vl v) (interp_cs y)).
+Rewrite canonical_sum_merge_ok.
+Rewrite canonical_sum_scalar2_ok.
+Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Theorem spolynomial_normalize_ok : (p:spolynomial)
+ (interp_cs (spolynomial_normalize p)) == (interp_sp p).
+Induction p; Simpl; Intros.
+Rewrite canonical_sum_merge_ok.
+Rewrite H; Rewrite H0.
+Rewrite canonical_sum_prod_ok.
+Rewrite H; Rewrite H0.
+Lemma canonical_sum_simplify_ok : (s:canonical_sum)
+ (interp_cs (canonical_sum_simplify s)) == (interp_cs s).
+Induction s.
+(* cons_monom *)
+Simpl; Intros.
+Generalize (SR_eq_prop T 8!a 9!Azero).
+Elim (Aeq a Azero).
+Intro Heq; Rewrite (Heq I).
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite (SR_mult_zero_left T).
+Intros; Simpl.
+Generalize (SR_eq_prop T 8!a 9!Aone).
+Elim (Aeq a Aone).
+Intro Heq; Rewrite (Heq I).
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite (SR_mult_one_left T).
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite interp_m_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+(* cons_varlist *)
+Simpl; Intros.
+Repeat Rewrite ics_aux_ok.
+Rewrite H.
+Theorem spolynomial_simplify_ok : (p:spolynomial)
+ (interp_cs (spolynomial_simplify p)) == (interp_sp p).
+Unfold spolynomial_simplify.
+Rewrite canonical_sum_simplify_ok.
+Apply spolynomial_normalize_ok.
+(* End properties. *)
+End semi_rings.
+Section rings.
+(* Here the coercion between Ring and Semi-Ring will be useful *)
+Implicit Arguments On.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Aone : A.
+Variable Azero : A.
+Variable Aopp : A -> A.
+Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
+Variable vm : (varmap A).
+Variable T : (Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aopp Aeq).
+Hint Th_plus_sym_T := Resolve (Th_plus_sym T).
+Hint Th_plus_assoc_T := Resolve (Th_plus_assoc T).
+Hint Th_plus_assoc2_T := Resolve (Th_plus_assoc2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_sym_T := Resolve (Th_mult_sym T).
+Hint Th_mult_assoc_T := Resolve (Th_mult_assoc T).
+Hint Th_mult_assoc2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_assoc2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_left_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_left T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_left2_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_left2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_left_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_left T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_left2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_left2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_zero_left_T := Resolve (Th_mult_zero_left T).
+Hint Th_mult_zero_left2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_zero_left2 T).
+Hint Th_distr_left_T := Resolve (Th_distr_left T).
+Hint Th_distr_left2_T := Resolve (Th_distr_left2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_reg_left_T := Resolve (Th_plus_reg_left T).
+Hint Th_plus_permute_T := Resolve (Th_plus_permute T).
+Hint Th_mult_permute_T := Resolve (Th_mult_permute T).
+Hint Th_distr_right_T := Resolve (Th_distr_right T).
+Hint Th_distr_right2_T := Resolve (Th_distr_right2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_zero_right_T := Resolve (Th_mult_zero_right T).
+Hint Th_mult_zero_right2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_zero_right2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_right_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_right T).
+Hint Th_plus_zero_right2_T := Resolve (Th_plus_zero_right2 T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_right_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_right T).
+Hint Th_mult_one_right2_T := Resolve (Th_mult_one_right2 T).
+Hint Th_plus_reg_right_T := Resolve (Th_plus_reg_right T).
+Hints Resolve refl_eqT sym_eqT trans_eqT.
+Hints Immediate T.
+(*** Definitions *)
+Inductive Type polynomial :=
+ Pvar : index -> polynomial
+| Pconst : A -> polynomial
+| Pplus : polynomial -> polynomial -> polynomial
+| Pmult : polynomial -> polynomial -> polynomial
+| Popp : polynomial -> polynomial.
+Fixpoint polynomial_normalize [x:polynomial] : (canonical_sum A) :=
+ Cases x of
+ (Pplus l r) => (canonical_sum_merge Aplus Aone
+ (polynomial_normalize l)
+ (polynomial_normalize r))
+ | (Pmult l r) => (canonical_sum_prod Aplus Amult Aone
+ (polynomial_normalize l)
+ (polynomial_normalize r))
+ | (Pconst c) => (Cons_monom A c Nil_var (Nil_monom A))
+ | (Pvar i) => (Cons_varlist A (Cons_var i Nil_var) (Nil_monom A))
+ | (Popp p) => (canonical_sum_scalar3 Aplus Amult Aone
+ (Aopp Aone) Nil_var
+ (polynomial_normalize p))
+ end.
+Definition polynomial_simplify :=
+ [x:polynomial](canonical_sum_simplify Aone Azero Aeq
+ (polynomial_normalize x)).
+Fixpoint spolynomial_of [x:polynomial] : (spolynomial A) :=
+ Cases x of
+ (Pplus l r) => (SPplus A (spolynomial_of l) (spolynomial_of r))
+ | (Pmult l r) => (SPmult A (spolynomial_of l) (spolynomial_of r))
+ | (Pconst c) => (SPconst A c)
+ | (Pvar i) => (SPvar A i)
+ | (Popp p) => (SPmult A (SPconst A (Aopp Aone)) (spolynomial_of p))
+ end.
+(*** Interpretation *)
+Fixpoint interp_p [p:polynomial] : A :=
+ Cases p of
+ (Pconst c) => c
+ | (Pvar i) => (varmap_find Azero i vm)
+ | (Pplus p1 p2) => (Aplus (interp_p p1) (interp_p p2))
+ | (Pmult p1 p2) => (Amult (interp_p p1) (interp_p p2))
+ | (Popp p1) => (Aopp (interp_p p1))
+ end.
+(*** Properties *)
+Implicit Arguments Off.
+Lemma spolynomial_of_ok : (p:polynomial)
+ (interp_p p)==(interp_sp Aplus Amult Azero vm (spolynomial_of p)).
+Induction p; Reflexivity Orelse (Simpl; Intros).
+Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity.
+Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity.
+Rewrite H.
+Rewrite (Th_opp_mult_left2 T).
+Rewrite (Th_mult_one_left T).
+Theorem polynomial_normalize_ok : (p:polynomial)
+ (polynomial_normalize p)
+ ==(spolynomial_normalize Aplus Amult Aone (spolynomial_of p)).
+Induction p; Reflexivity Orelse (Simpl; Intros).
+Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity.
+Rewrite H; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity.
+Rewrite H; Simpl.
+Elim (canonical_sum_scalar3 Aplus Amult Aone (Aopp Aone) Nil_var
+ (spolynomial_normalize Aplus Amult Aone (spolynomial_of p0)));
+[ Reflexivity
+| Simpl; Intros; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity
+| Simpl; Intros; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity ].
+Theorem polynomial_simplify_ok : (p:polynomial)
+ (interp_cs Aplus Amult Aone Azero vm (polynomial_simplify p))
+ ==(interp_p p).
+Unfold polynomial_simplify.
+Rewrite spolynomial_of_ok.
+Rewrite polynomial_normalize_ok.
+Rewrite (canonical_sum_simplify_ok A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq vm T).
+Rewrite (spolynomial_normalize_ok A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq vm T).
+End rings.
diff --git a/contrib/ring/Ring_theory.v b/contrib/ring/Ring_theory.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ff4f51f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/Ring_theory.v
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Export Bool.
+Implicit Arguments On.
+Grammar ring formula :=
+ formula_expr [ expr($p) ] -> [$p]
+| formula_eq [ expr($p) "==" expr($c) ] -> [<<(eqT A $p $c)>>]
+with expr :=
+ expr_plus [ expr($p) "+" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Aplus $p $c)>>]
+ | expr_expr1 [ expr1($p) ] -> [$p]
+with expr1 :=
+ expr1_plus [ expr1($p) "*" expr1($c) ] -> [<<(Amult $p $c)>>]
+ | expr1_final [ final($p) ] -> [$p]
+with final :=
+ final_var [ prim:var($id) ] -> [$id]
+| final_command [ "[" command:command($c) "]" ] -> [$c]
+| final_app [ "(" application($r) ")" ] -> [$r]
+| final_0 [ "0" ] -> [<<Azero>>]
+| final_1 [ "1" ] -> [<<Aone>>]
+| final_uminus [ "-" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Aopp $c)>>]
+with application :=
+ app_cons [ application($p) application($c1) ] -> [<<($p $c1)>>]
+ | app_tail [ expr($c1) ] -> [$c1].
+Grammar command command0 :=
+ formula_in_command [ "[" "|" ring:formula($c) "|" "]" ] -> [$c].
+Section Theory_of_semi_rings.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Aone : A.
+Variable Azero : A.
+(* There is also a "weakly decidable" equality on A. That means
+ that if (A_eq x y)=true then x=y but x=y can arise when
+ (A_eq x y)=false. On an abstract ring the function [x,y:A]false
+ is a good choice. The proof of A_eq_prop is in this case easy. *)
+Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
+Record Semi_Ring_Theory : Prop :=
+{ SR_plus_sym : (n,m:A)[| n + m == m + n |];
+ SR_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p |];
+ SR_mult_sym : (n,m:A)[| n*m == m*n |];
+ SR_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p |];
+ SR_plus_zero_left :(n:A)[| 0 + n == n|];
+ SR_mult_one_left : (n:A)[| 1*n == n |];
+ SR_mult_zero_left : (n:A)[| 0*n == 0 |];
+ SR_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) [| (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p |];
+ SR_plus_reg_left : (n,m,p:A)[| n + m == n + p |] -> m==p;
+ SR_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x==y
+Variable T : Semi_Ring_Theory.
+Local plus_sym := (SR_plus_sym T).
+Local plus_assoc := (SR_plus_assoc T).
+Local mult_sym := ( SR_mult_sym T).
+Local mult_assoc := (SR_mult_assoc T).
+Local plus_zero_left := (SR_plus_zero_left T).
+Local mult_one_left := (SR_mult_one_left T).
+Local mult_zero_left := (SR_mult_zero_left T).
+Local distr_left := (SR_distr_left T).
+Local plus_reg_left := (SR_plus_reg_left T).
+Hints Resolve plus_sym plus_assoc mult_sym mult_assoc plus_zero_left
+ mult_one_left mult_zero_left distr_left plus_reg_left.
+(* Lemmas whose form is x=y are also provided in form y=x because Auto does
+ not symmetry *)
+Lemma SR_mult_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A)[| (n * m) * p == n * (m * p) |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma SR_plus_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A)[| (n + m) + p == n + (m + p) |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma SR_plus_zero_left2 : (n:A)[| n == 0 + n |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma SR_mult_one_left2 : (n:A)[| n == 1*n |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma SR_mult_zero_left2 : (n:A)[| 0 == 0*n |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma SR_distr_left2 : (n,m,p:A) [| n*p + m*p == (n + m)*p |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma SR_plus_permute : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == m + (n + p) |].
+Rewrite -> plus_assoc.
+Elim (plus_sym m n).
+Rewrite <- plus_assoc.
+Lemma SR_mult_permute : (n,m,p:A) [| n*(m*p) == m*(n*p) |].
+Rewrite -> mult_assoc.
+Elim (mult_sym m n).
+Rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+Hints Resolve SR_plus_permute SR_mult_permute.
+Lemma SR_distr_right : (n,m,p:A) [| n*(m + p) == (n*m) + (n*p) |].
+Repeat Rewrite -> (mult_sym n).
+Lemma SR_distr_right2 : (n,m,p:A) [| (n*m) + (n*p) == n*(m + p) |].
+Symmetry; Apply SR_distr_right. Save.
+Lemma SR_mult_zero_right : (n:A)[| n*0 == 0|].
+Intro; Rewrite mult_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma SR_mult_zero_right2 : (n:A)[| 0 == n*0 |].
+Intro; Rewrite mult_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma SR_plus_zero_right :(n:A)[| n + 0 == n |].
+Intro; Rewrite plus_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma SR_plus_zero_right2 :(n:A)[| n == n + 0 |].
+Intro; Rewrite plus_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma SR_mult_one_right : (n:A)[| n*1 == n |].
+Intro; Elim mult_sym; Auto.
+Lemma SR_mult_one_right2 : (n:A)[| n == n*1 |].
+Intro; Elim mult_sym; Auto.
+Lemma SR_plus_reg_right : (n,m,p:A)[| m + n == p + n |] -> m==p.
+Intros n m p; Rewrite (plus_sym m n); Rewrite (plus_sym p n); EAuto.
+End Theory_of_semi_rings.
+Section Theory_of_rings.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Aone : A.
+Variable Azero : A.
+Variable Aopp : A -> A.
+Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
+Record Ring_Theory : Prop :=
+{ Th_plus_sym : (n,m:A)[| n + m == m + n |];
+ Th_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p |];
+ Th_mult_sym : (n,m:A)[| n*m == m*n |];
+ Th_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p |];
+ Th_plus_zero_left :(n:A)[| 0 + n == n|];
+ Th_mult_one_left : (n:A)[| 1*n == n |];
+ Th_opp_def : (n:A) [| n + (-n) == 0 |];
+ Th_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) [| (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p |];
+ Th_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x==y
+Variable T : Ring_Theory.
+Local plus_sym := (Th_plus_sym T).
+Local plus_assoc := (Th_plus_assoc T).
+Local mult_sym := ( Th_mult_sym T).
+Local mult_assoc := (Th_mult_assoc T).
+Local plus_zero_left := (Th_plus_zero_left T).
+Local mult_one_left := (Th_mult_one_left T).
+Local opp_def := (Th_opp_def T).
+Local distr_left := (Th_distr_left T).
+Hints Resolve plus_sym plus_assoc mult_sym mult_assoc plus_zero_left mult_one_left
+ opp_def distr_left.
+(* Lemmas whose form is x=y are also provided in form y=x because Auto does
+ not symmetry *)
+Lemma Th_mult_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A)[| (n * m) * p == n * (m * p) |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_plus_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A)[| (n + m) + p == n + (m + p) |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_plus_zero_left2 : (n:A)[| n == 0 + n |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_mult_one_left2 : (n:A)[| n == 1*n |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_distr_left2 : (n,m,p:A) [| n*p + m*p == (n + m)*p |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_opp_def2 : (n:A) [| 0 == n + (-n) |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_plus_permute : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == m + (n + p) |].
+Rewrite -> plus_assoc.
+Elim (plus_sym m n).
+Rewrite <- plus_assoc.
+Lemma Th_mult_permute : (n,m,p:A) [| n*(m*p) == m*(n*p) |].
+Rewrite -> mult_assoc.
+Elim (mult_sym m n).
+Rewrite <- mult_assoc.
+Hints Resolve Th_plus_permute Th_mult_permute.
+Lemma Th_mult_zero_left :(n:A)[| 0*n == 0 |].
+Lemma aux1 : (a:A) [| a + a == a |] -> [| a == 0 |].
+Generalize (opp_def a).
+Pattern 1 a.
+Rewrite <- H.
+Rewrite <- plus_assoc.
+Rewrite -> opp_def.
+Elim plus_sym.
+Rewrite plus_zero_left.
+Apply aux1.
+Rewrite <- distr_left.
+Rewrite plus_zero_left.
+Hints Resolve Th_mult_zero_left.
+Lemma Th_mult_zero_left2 : (n:A)[| 0 == 0*n |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_opp_mult_left : (x,y:A)[| -(x*y) == (-x)*y |].
+Lemma aux2 : (x,y,z:A) [|x+y==0|] -> [|x+z==0|] -> y==z.
+Rewrite <- (plus_zero_left y).
+Elim H0.
+Elim plus_assoc.
+Elim (plus_sym y z).
+Rewrite -> plus_assoc.
+Rewrite -> H.
+Rewrite plus_zero_left.
+Apply (aux2 1![|x*y|]);
+[ Apply opp_def
+| Rewrite <- distr_left;
+ Rewrite -> opp_def;
+ Auto].
+Hints Resolve Th_opp_mult_left.
+Lemma Th_opp_mult_left2 : (x,y:A)[| (-x)*y == -(x*y) |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_mult_zero_right : (n:A)[| n*0 == 0|].
+Intro; Elim mult_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma Th_mult_zero_right2 : (n:A)[| 0 == n*0 |].
+Intro; Elim mult_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma Th_plus_zero_right :(n:A)[| n + 0 == n |].
+Intro; Rewrite plus_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma Th_plus_zero_right2 :(n:A)[| n == n + 0 |].
+Intro; Rewrite plus_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma Th_mult_one_right : (n:A)[| n*1 == n |].
+Intro;Elim mult_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma Th_mult_one_right2 : (n:A)[| n == n*1 |].
+Intro;Elim mult_sym; EAuto.
+Lemma Th_opp_mult_right : (x,y:A)[| -(x*y) == x*(-y) |].
+Intros; Do 2 Rewrite -> (mult_sym x); Auto.
+Lemma Th_opp_mult_right2 : (x,y:A)[| x*(-y) == -(x*y) |].
+Intros; Do 2 Rewrite -> (mult_sym x); Auto.
+Lemma Th_plus_opp_opp : (x,y:A)[| (-x) + (-y) == -(x+y) |].
+Apply (aux2 1![| x + y |]);
+[ Elim plus_assoc;
+ Rewrite -> (Th_plus_permute y [|-x|]); Rewrite -> plus_assoc;
+ Rewrite -> opp_def; Rewrite plus_zero_left; Auto
+| Auto ].
+Lemma Th_plus_permute_opp: (n,m,p:A)[| (-m) + (n + p) == n + ((-m)+p) |].
+EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_opp_opp : (n:A)[|-(-n) == n |].
+Intro; Apply (aux2 1![|-n|]);
+ [ Auto | Elim plus_sym; Auto ].
+Hints Resolve Th_opp_opp.
+Lemma Th_opp_opp2 : (n:A)[| n == -(-n) |].
+Symmetry; EAuto. Save.
+Lemma Th_mult_opp_opp : (x,y:A)[| (-x)*(-y) == x*y |].
+Intros; Rewrite <- Th_opp_mult_left; Rewrite <- Th_opp_mult_right; Auto.
+Lemma Th_mult_opp_opp2 : (x,y:A)[| x*y == (-x)*(-y) |].
+Symmetry; Apply Th_mult_opp_opp. Save.
+Lemma Th_opp_zero : [| -0 == 0 |].
+Rewrite <- (plus_zero_left [| -0 |]).
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma Th_plus_reg_left : (n,m,p:A)[| n + m == n + p |] -> m==p.
+Intros; Generalize (congr_eqT ? ? [z][| (-n)+z |] ? ? H).
+Repeat Rewrite plus_assoc.
+Rewrite (plus_sym [|-n|] n).
+Rewrite opp_def.
+Repeat Rewrite Th_plus_zero_left; EAuto.
+Lemma Th_plus_reg_right : (n,m,p:A)[| m + n == p + n |] -> m==p.
+EApply Th_plus_reg_left with n.
+Rewrite (plus_sym n m).
+Rewrite (plus_sym n p).
+Lemma Th_distr_right : (n,m,p:A) [| n*(m + p) == (n*m) + (n*p) |].
+Repeat Rewrite -> (mult_sym n).
+Lemma Th_distr_right2 : (n,m,p:A) [| (n*m) + (n*p) == n*(m + p) |].
+Symmetry; Apply Th_distr_right.
+End Theory_of_rings.
+Implicit Arguments Off.
+Definition Semi_Ring_Theory_of :
+ (A:Type)(Aplus : A -> A -> A)(Amult : A -> A -> A)(Aone : A)
+ (Azero : A)(Aopp : A -> A)(Aeq : A -> A -> bool)
+ (Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aopp Aeq)
+ ->(Semi_Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq).
+Destruct 1.
+Split; Intros; Simpl; EAuto.
+EApply (Th_mult_zero_left (Build_Ring_Theory Th_plus_sym0 Th_plus_assoc0
+ Th_mult_sym0 Th_mult_assoc0 Th_plus_zero_left0 Th_mult_one_left0
+ Th_opp_def0 Th_distr_left0 Th_eq_prop0)).
+EApply (Th_plus_reg_left (Build_Ring_Theory Th_plus_sym0 Th_plus_assoc0
+ Th_mult_sym0 Th_mult_assoc0 Th_plus_zero_left0 Th_mult_one_left0
+ Th_opp_def0 Th_distr_left0 Th_eq_prop0)) with n:=n.
+(* Every ring can be viewed as a semi-ring : this property will be used
+ in Abstract_polynom. *)
+Coercion Semi_Ring_Theory_of : Ring_Theory >-> Semi_Ring_Theory.
+Section product_ring.
+End product_ring.
+Section power_ring.
+End power_ring.
diff --git a/contrib/ring/ZArithRing.v b/contrib/ring/ZArithRing.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8adfe2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/ZArithRing.v
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Instantiation of the Ring tactic for the binary integers of ZArith *)
+Require Export ArithRing.
+Require Export ZArith.
+Require Eqdep_dec.
+Definition Zeq := [x,y:Z]
+ Cases `x ?= y ` of
+ EGAL => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma Zeq_prop : (x,y:Z)(Is_true (Zeq x y)) -> x==y.
+ Intros x y; Unfold Zeq.
+ Generalize (let (H1,H2)=(Zcompare_EGAL x y) in H1).
+ Elim (Zcompare x y); [Intro; Rewrite H; Trivial | Contradiction |
+ Contradiction ].
+Definition ZTheory : (Ring_Theory Zplus Zmult `1` `0` Zopp Zeq).
+ Split; Intros; Apply eq2eqT; EAuto with zarith.
+ Apply eqT2eq; Apply Zeq_prop; Assumption.
+(* NatConstants and NatTheory are defined in Ring_theory.v *)
+Add Ring Z Zplus Zmult `1` `0` Zopp Zeq ZTheory [POS NEG ZERO xO xI xH].
diff --git a/contrib/ring/quote.ml b/contrib/ring/quote.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ebdd5444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/quote.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* The `Quote' tactic *)
+(* The basic idea is to automatize the inversion of interpetation functions
+ in 2-level approach
+ Examples are given in \texttt{theories/DEMOS/DemoQuote.v}
+ Suppose you have a langage \texttt{L} of 'abstract terms'
+ and a type \texttt{A} of 'concrete terms'
+ and a function \texttt{f : L -> (varmap A L) -> A}.
+ Then, the tactic \texttt{Quote f} will replace an
+ expression \texttt{e} of type \texttt{A} by \texttt{(f vm t)}
+ such that \texttt{e} and \texttt{(f vm t)} are convertible.
+ The problem is then inverting the function f.
+ The tactic works when:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item L is a simple inductive datatype. The constructors of L may
+ have one of the three following forms:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item ordinary recursive constructors like: \verb|Cplus : L -> L -> L|
+ \item variable leaf like: \verb|Cvar : index -> L|
+ \item constant leaf like \verb|Cconst : A -> L|
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The definition of \texttt{L} must contain at most one variable
+ leaf and at most one constant leaf.
+ When there are both a variable leaf and a constant leaf, there is
+ an ambiguity on inversion. The term t can be either the
+ interpretation of \texttt{(Cconst t)} or the interpretation of
+ (\texttt{Cvar}~$i$) in a variables map containing the binding $i
+ \rightarrow$~\texttt{t}. How to discriminate between these
+ choices ?
+ To solve the dilemma, one gives to \texttt{Quote} a list of
+ \emph{constant constructors}: a term will be considered as a
+ constant if it is either a constant constructor of the
+ application of a constant constructor to constants. For example
+ the list \verb+[S, O]+ defines the closed natural
+ numbers. \texttt{(S (S O))} is a constant when \texttt{(S x)} is
+ not.
+ The definition of constants vary for each application of the
+ tactic, so it can even be different for two applications of
+ \texttt{Quote} with the same function.
+ \item \texttt{f} is a quite simple fixpoint on
+ \texttt{L}. In particular, \texttt{f} must verify:
+ (f (Cvar i)) = (varmap_find vm default_value i)
+ (f (Cconst c)) = c
+ where \texttt{index} and \texttt{varmap\_find} are those defined
+ the \texttt{Quote} module. \emph{The tactic won't work with
+ user's own variables map !!} It is mandatory to use the
+ variables map defined in module \texttt{Quote}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ The method to proceed is then clear:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Start with an empty hashtable of "registed leafs"
+ that map constr to integers and a "variable counter" equal to 0.
+ \item Try to match the term with every right hand side of the
+ definition of f.
+ If there is one match, returns the correponding left hand
+ side and call yourself recursively to get the arguments of this
+ left hand side.
+ If there is no match, we are at a leaf. That is the
+ interpretation of either a variable or a constant.
+ If it is a constant, return \texttt{Cconst} applied to that
+ constant.
+ If not, it is a variable. Look in the hashtable
+ if this leaf has been already encountered. If not, increment
+ the variables counter and add an entry to the hashtable; then
+ return \texttt{(Cvar !variables\_counter)}
+ \end{itemize}
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Generic
+open Term
+open Instantiate
+open Pattern
+open Tacmach
+open Tactics
+open Proof_trees
+open Proof_type
+(*s First, we need to access some Coq constants
+ We do that lazily, because this code can be linked before
+ the constants are loaded in the environment *)
+let constant sp id =
+ Declare.global_sp_reference (path_of_string sp) (id_of_string id)
+let coq_Empty_vm = lazy (constant "#Quote#varmap.cci" "Empty_vm")
+let coq_Node_vm = lazy (constant "#Quote#varmap.cci" "Node_vm")
+let coq_varmap_find = lazy (constant "#Quote#varmap_find.cci" "varmap_find")
+let coq_Right_idx = lazy (constant "#Quote#index.cci" "Right_idx")
+let coq_Left_idx = lazy (constant "#Quote#index.cci" "Left_idx")
+let coq_End_idx = lazy (constant "#Quote#index.cci" "End_idx")
+(*s Then comes the stuff to decompose the body of interpetation function
+ and pre-compute the inversion data.
+For a function like:
+ Fixpoint interp[vm:(varmap Prop); f:form] :=
+ Cases f of
+ | (f_and f1 f1 f2) => (interp f1)/\(interp f2)
+ | (f_or f1 f1 f2) => (interp f1)\/(interp f2)
+ | (f_var i) => (varmap_find Prop default_v i vm)
+ | (f_const c) => c
+With the constant constructors \texttt{C1}, \dots, \texttt{Cn}, the
+corresponding scheme will be:
+ {normal_lhs_rhs =
+ [ "(f_and ?1 ?2)", "?1 /\ ?2";
+ "(f_or ?1 ?2)", " ?1 \/ ?2";];
+ return_type = "Prop";
+ constants = Some [C1,...Cn];
+ variable_lhs = Some "(f_var ?1)";
+ constant_lhs = Some "(f_const ?1)"
+ }
+If there is no constructor for variables in the type \texttt{form},
+then [variable_lhs] is [None]. Idem for constants and
+[constant_lhs]. Both cannot be equal to [None].
+The metas in the RHS must correspond to those in the LHS (one cannot
+exchange ?1 and ?2 in the example above)
+module ConstrSet = Set.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = constr
+ let compare = (Pervasives.compare : t->t->int)
+ end)
+type inversion_scheme = {
+ normal_lhs_rhs : (constr * constr_pattern) list;
+ variable_lhs : constr option;
+ return_type : constr;
+ constants : ConstrSet.t;
+ constant_lhs : constr option }
+(*s [compute_ivs gl f cs] computes the inversion scheme associated to
+ [f:constr] with constants list [cs:constr list] in the context of
+ goal [gl]. This function uses the auxiliary functions
+ [i_can't_do_that], [decomp_term], [compute_lhs] and [compute_rhs]. *)
+let i_can't_do_that () = error "Quote: not a simple fixpoint"
+let decomp_term c = kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c)
+(*s [compute_lhs typ i nargsi] builds the term \texttt{(C ?nargsi ...
+ ?2 ?1)}, where \texttt{C} is the [i]-th constructor of inductive
+ type [typ] *)
+let compute_lhs typ i nargsi =
+ match kind_of_term typ with
+ | IsMutInd((sp,0),args) ->
+ let argsi = Array.init nargsi (fun j -> mkMeta (nargsi - j)) in
+ mkAppL (Array.append [| mkMutConstruct (((sp,0),i+1), args) |] argsi)
+ | _ -> i_can't_do_that ()
+(*s This function builds the pattern from the RHS. Recursive calls are
+ replaced by meta-variables ?i corresponding to those in the LHS *)
+let compute_rhs bodyi index_of_f =
+ let rec aux c =
+ match decomp_term c with
+ | IsAppL (Rel j, args) when j = index_of_f (* recursive call *) ->
+ let i = destRel (list_last args) in mkMeta i
+ | IsAppL (f,args) ->
+ mkAppList f (List.map aux args)
+ | IsCast (c,t) -> aux c
+ | _ -> c
+ in
+ pattern_of_constr (aux bodyi)
+(*s Now the function [compute_ivs] itself *)
+let compute_ivs gl f cs =
+ let body = constant_value (Global.env()) f in
+ match decomp_term body with
+ | IsFix(([| len |], 0), ([| typ |], [ name ], [| body2 |])) ->
+ let (args3, body3) = decompose_lam body2 in
+ let nargs3 = List.length args3 in
+ begin match decomp_term body3 with
+ | IsMutCase(_,p,c,lci) -> (* <p> Case c of c1 ... cn end *)
+ let n_lhs_rhs = ref []
+ and v_lhs = ref (None : constr option)
+ and c_lhs = ref (None : constr option) in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i ci ->
+ let argsi, bodyi = decompose_lam ci in
+ let nargsi = List.length argsi in
+ (* REL (narg3 + nargsi + 1) is f *)
+ (* REL nargsi+1 to REL nargsi + nargs3 are arguments of f *)
+ (* REL 1 to REL nargsi are argsi (reverse order) *)
+ (* First we test if the RHS is the RHS for constants *)
+ if bodyi = mkRel 1 then
+ c_lhs := Some (compute_lhs (snd (List.hd args3))
+ i nargsi)
+ (* Then we test if the RHS is the RHS for variables *)
+ else begin match decomp_app bodyi with
+ | vmf, [_; _; Rel ri; Rel rj]
+ when pf_conv_x gl vmf
+ (Lazy.force coq_varmap_find)->
+ v_lhs := Some (compute_lhs
+ (snd (List.hd args3))
+ i nargsi)
+ (* Third case: this is a normal LHS-RHS *)
+ | _ ->
+ n_lhs_rhs :=
+ (compute_lhs (snd (List.hd args3)) i nargsi,
+ compute_rhs bodyi (nargs3 + nargsi + 1))
+ :: !n_lhs_rhs
+ end)
+ lci;
+ if !c_lhs = None & !v_lhs = None then i_can't_do_that ();
+ { normal_lhs_rhs = List.rev !n_lhs_rhs;
+ variable_lhs = !v_lhs;
+ return_type = p;
+ constants = List.fold_right ConstrSet.add cs ConstrSet.empty;
+ constant_lhs = !c_lhs }
+ | _ -> i_can't_do_that ()
+ end
+ |_ -> i_can't_do_that ()
+(* TODO for that function:
+\item handle the case where the return type is an argument of the
+ function
+\item handle the case of simple mutual inductive (for example terms
+ and lists of terms) formulas with the corresponding mutual
+ recursvive interpretation functions.
+(*s Stuff to build variables map, currently implemented as complete
+binary search trees (see file \texttt{Quote.v}) *)
+(* First the function to distinghish between constants (closed terms)
+ and variables (open terms) *)
+let rec closed_under cset t =
+ (ConstrSet.mem t cset) or
+ (match (kind_of_term t) with
+ | IsCast(c,_) -> closed_under cset c
+ | IsAppL(f,l) -> List.for_all (closed_under cset) (f::l)
+ | _ -> false)
+(*s [btree_of_array [| c1; c2; c3; c4; c5 |]] builds the complete
+ binary search tree containing the [ci], that is:
+ c1
+ / \
+ c2 c3
+ / \
+ c4 c5
+The second argument is a constr (the common type of the [ci])
+let btree_of_array a ty =
+ let size_of_a = Array.length a in
+ let semi_size_of_a = size_of_a lsr 1 in
+ let node = Lazy.force coq_Node_vm
+ and empty = mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Empty_vm; ty |] in
+ let rec aux n =
+ if n > size_of_a
+ then empty
+ else if n > semi_size_of_a
+ then mkAppL [| node; ty; a.(n-1); empty; empty |]
+ else mkAppL [| node; ty; a.(n-1); aux (2*n); aux (2*n+1) |]
+ in
+ aux 1
+(*s [btree_of_array] and [path_of_int] verify the following invariant:\\
+ {\tt (varmap\_find A dv }[(path_of_int n)] [(btree_of_array a ty)]
+ = [a.(n)]\\
+ [n] must be [> 0] *)
+let path_of_int n =
+ (* returns the list of digits of n in reverse order with
+ initial 1 removed *)
+ let rec digits_of_int n =
+ if n=1 then []
+ else (n mod 2 = 1)::(digits_of_int (n lsr 1))
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun b c -> mkAppL [| if b then Lazy.force coq_Right_idx
+ else Lazy.force coq_Left_idx;
+ c |])
+ (List.rev (digits_of_int n))
+ (Lazy.force coq_End_idx)
+(*s The tactic works with a list of subterms sharing the same
+ variables map. We need to sort terms in order to avoid than
+ strange things happen during replacement of terms by their
+ 'abstract' counterparties. *)
+(* [subterm t t'] tests if constr [t'] occurs in [t] *)
+(* This function does not descend under binders (lambda and Cases) *)
+let rec subterm gl (t : constr) (t' : constr) =
+ (pf_conv_x gl t t') or
+ (match (kind_of_term t) with
+ | IsAppL (f,args) -> List.exists (fun t -> subterm gl t t') args
+ | IsCast(t,_) -> (subterm gl t t')
+ | _ -> false)
+(*s We want to sort the list according to reverse subterm order. *)
+(* Since it's a partial order the algoritm of Sort.list won't work !! *)
+let rec sort_subterm gl l =
+ let rec insert c = function
+ | [] -> [c]
+ | h::t -> if subterm gl c h then c::h::t else h::(insert c t)
+ in
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::t -> insert h (sort_subterm gl t)
+(*s Now we are able to do the inversion itself.
+ We destructurate the term and use an imperative hashtable
+ to store leafs that are already encountered.
+ The type of arguments is:\\
+ [ivs : inversion_scheme]\\
+ [lc: constr list]\\
+ [gl: goal sigma]\\ *)
+let quote_terms ivs lc gl=
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ let rec auxl l =
+ match l with
+ | (lhs, rhs)::tail ->
+ begin try
+ let s1 = matches rhs c in
+ let s2 = List.map (fun (i,c_i) -> (i,aux c_i)) s1 in
+ Term.subst_meta s2 lhs
+ with UserError("somatch", _) -> auxl tail
+ end
+ | [] ->
+ begin match ivs.variable_lhs with
+ | None ->
+ begin match ivs.constant_lhs with
+ | Some c_lhs -> Term.subst_meta [1, c] c_lhs
+ | None -> anomaly "invalid inversion scheme for quote"
+ end
+ | Some var_lhs ->
+ begin match ivs.constant_lhs with
+ | Some c_lhs when closed_under ivs.constants c ->
+ Term.subst_meta [1, c] c_lhs
+ | _ ->
+ begin
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar =
+ Term.subst_meta [1, (path_of_int !counter)]
+ var_lhs in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ in
+ auxl ivs.normal_lhs_rhs
+ in
+ let lp = List.map aux lc in
+ (lp, (btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist))
+ ivs.return_type ))
+(*s actually we could "quote" a list of terms instead of the
+ conclusion of current goal. Ring for example needs that, but Ring doesn't
+ uses Quote yet. *)
+let quote f lid gl =
+ let f = pf_global gl f in
+ let cl = List.map (pf_global gl) lid in
+ let ivs = compute_ivs gl f cl in
+ let (p, vm) = match quote_terms ivs [(pf_concl gl)] gl with
+ | [p], vm -> (p,vm)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ match ivs.variable_lhs with
+ | None -> Tactics.convert_concl (mkAppL [| f ; p |]) gl
+ | Some _ -> Tactics.convert_concl (mkAppL [| f ; vm; p |]) gl
+let dyn_quote = function
+ | [Identifier f] -> quote f []
+ | Identifier f :: lid -> quote f
+ (List.map (function
+ | Identifier id -> id
+ | other -> bad_tactic_args "Quote" [other]) lid)
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "Quote" l
+let h_quote = hide_tactic "Quote" dyn_quote
+Just testing ...
+#use "include.ml";;
+open Quote;;
+let r = raw_constr_of_string;;
+let ivs = {
+ normal_lhs_rhs =
+ [ r "(f_and ?1 ?2)", r "?1/\?2";
+ r "(f_not ?1)", r "~?1"];
+ variable_lhs = Some (r "(f_atom ?1)");
+ return_type = r "Prop";
+ constants = ConstrSet.empty;
+ constant_lhs = (r "nat")
+let t1 = r "True/\(True /\ ~False)";;
+let t2 = r "True/\~~False";;
+quote_term ivs () t1;;
+quote_term ivs () t2;;
+let ivs2 =
+ normal_lhs_rhs =
+ [ r "(f_and ?1 ?2)", r "?1/\?2";
+ r "(f_not ?1)", r "~?1"
+ r "True", r "f_true"];
+ variable_lhs = Some (r "(f_atom ?1)");
+ return_type = r "Prop";
+ constants = ConstrSet.empty;
+ constant_lhs = (r "nat")
diff --git a/contrib/ring/ring.ml b/contrib/ring/ring.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2418e1abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ring/ring.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* ML part of the Ring tactic *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Term
+open Names
+open Reduction
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Proof_trees
+open Printer
+open Equality
+open Vernacinterp
+open Libobject
+open Closure
+open Tactics
+open Pattern
+open Hiddentac
+open Quote
+let mt_evd = Evd.empty
+let constr_of com = Astterm.interp_constr mt_evd (Global.env()) com
+let constant sp id =
+ Declare.global_sp_reference (path_of_string sp) (id_of_string id)
+(* Ring_theory *)
+let coq_Ring_Theory =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_theory#Ring_Theory.cci" "Ring_Theory")
+let coq_Semi_Ring_Theory =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_theory#Semi_Ring_Theory.cci" "Semi_Ring_Theory")
+(* Ring_normalize *)
+let coq_SPplus = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#spolynomial.cci" "SPplus")
+let coq_SPmult = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#spolynomial.cci" "SPmult")
+let coq_SPvar = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#spolynomial.cci" "SPvar")
+let coq_SPconst = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#spolynomial.cci" "SPconst")
+let coq_Pplus = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#polynomial.cci" "Pplus")
+let coq_Pmult = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#polynomial.cci" "Pmult")
+let coq_Pvar = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#polynomial.cci" "Pvar")
+let coq_Pconst = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#polynomial.cci" "Pconst")
+let coq_Popp = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#polynomial.cci" "Popp")
+let coq_interp_sp = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#interp_sp.cci" "interp_sp")
+let coq_interp_p = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#interp_p.cci" "interp_p")
+let coq_interp_cs = lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#interp_cs.cci" "interp_cs")
+let coq_spolynomial_simplify =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#spolynomial_simplify.cci"
+ "spolynomial_simplify")
+let coq_polynomial_simplify =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#polynomial_simplify.cci"
+ "polynomial_simplify")
+let coq_spolynomial_simplify_ok =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#spolynomial_simplify_ok.cci"
+ "spolynomial_simplify_ok")
+let coq_polynomial_simplify_ok =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_normalize#polynomial_simplify_ok.cci"
+ "polynomial_simplify_ok")
+(* Ring_abstract *)
+let coq_ASPplus = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#aspolynomial.cci" "ASPplus")
+let coq_ASPmult = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#aspolynomial.cci" "ASPmult")
+let coq_ASPvar = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#aspolynomial.cci" "ASPvar")
+let coq_ASP0 = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#aspolynomial.cci" "ASP0")
+let coq_ASP1 = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#aspolynomial.cci" "ASP1")
+let coq_APplus = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial.cci" "APplus")
+let coq_APmult = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial.cci" "APmult")
+let coq_APvar = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial.cci" "APvar")
+let coq_AP0 = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial.cci" "AP0")
+let coq_AP1 = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial.cci" "AP1")
+let coq_APopp = lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial.cci" "APopp")
+let coq_interp_asp =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#interp_asp.cci" "interp_asp")
+let coq_interp_ap =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#interp_ap.cci" "interp_ap")
+let coq_interp_acs =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#interp_acs.cci" "interp_acs")
+let coq_interp_sacs =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#interp_sacs.cci" "interp_sacs")
+let coq_aspolynomial_normalize =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#aspolynomial_normalize.cci"
+ "aspolynomial_normalize")
+let coq_apolynomial_normalize =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial_normalize.cci"
+ "apolynomial_normalize")
+let coq_aspolynomial_normalize_ok =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#aspolynomial_normalize_ok.cci"
+ "aspolynomial_normalize_ok")
+let coq_apolynomial_normalize_ok =
+ lazy (constant "#Ring_abstract#apolynomial_normalize_ok.cci"
+ "apolynomial_simplify_ok")
+(* Logic *)
+let coq_f_equal2 = lazy (constant "#Logic#f_equal2.cci" "f_equal2")
+let coq_eq = lazy (constant "#Logic#eq.cci" "eq")
+let coq_eqT = lazy (constant "#Logic_Type#eqT.cci" "eqT")
+(*********** Useful types and functions ************)
+module OperSet =
+ Set.Make (struct
+ type t = sorts oper
+ let compare = (Pervasives.compare : t->t->int)
+ end)
+type theory =
+ { th_ring : bool; (* false for a semi-ring *)
+ th_abstract : bool;
+ th_a : constr; (* e.g. nat *)
+ th_plus : constr;
+ th_mult : constr;
+ th_one : constr;
+ th_zero : constr;
+ th_opp : constr; (* Not used if semi-ring *)
+ th_eq : constr;
+ th_t : constr; (* e.g. NatTheory *)
+ th_closed : ConstrSet.t; (* e.g. [S; O] *)
+ (* Must be empty for an abstract ring *)
+ }
+(* Theories are stored in a table which is synchronised with the Reset
+ mechanism. *)
+module Cmap = Map.Make(struct type t = constr let compare = compare end)
+let theories_map = ref Cmap.empty
+let theories_map_add (c,t) = theories_map := Cmap.add c t !theories_map
+let theories_map_find c = Cmap.find c !theories_map
+let theories_map_mem c = Cmap.mem c !theories_map
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "tactic-ring-table"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !theories_map);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun t -> theories_map := t);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> theories_map := Cmap.empty) }
+(* declare a new type of object in the environment, "tactic-ring-theory"
+ The functions theory_to_obj and obj_to_theory do the conversions
+ between theories and environement objects. *)
+let (theory_to_obj, obj_to_theory) =
+ let cache_th (_,(c, th)) = theories_map_add (c,th)
+ and spec_th x = x in
+ declare_object ("tactic-ring-theory",
+ { load_function = (fun _ -> ());
+ open_function = (fun _ -> ());
+ cache_function = cache_th;
+ specification_function = spec_th })
+(* from the set A, guess the associated theory *)
+(* With this simple solution, the theory to use is automatically guessed *)
+(* But only one theory can be declared for a given Set *)
+let guess_theory a =
+ try
+ theories_map_find a
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "Ring"
+ [< 'sTR "No Declared Ring Theory for ";
+ prterm a; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR "Use Add [Semi] Ring to declare it">]
+(* Add a Ring or a Semi-Ring to the database after a type verification *)
+let add_theory want_ring want_abstract a aplus amult aone azero aopp aeq t cset =
+ if theories_map_mem a then errorlabstrm "Add Semi Ring"
+ [< 'sTR "A (Semi-)Ring Structure is already declared for "; prterm a >];
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ if (want_ring &
+ not (is_conv env Evd.empty (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t)
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Ring_Theory; a; aplus; amult;
+ aone; azero; aopp; aeq |]))) then
+ errorlabstrm "addring" [< 'sTR "Not a valid Ring theory" >];
+ if (not want_ring &
+ not (is_conv env Evd.empty (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t)
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Semi_Ring_Theory; a;
+ aplus; amult; aone; azero; aeq |]))) then
+ errorlabstrm "addring" [< 'sTR "Not a valid Semi-Ring theory" >];
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (theory_to_obj
+ (a, { th_ring = want_ring;
+ th_abstract = want_abstract;
+ th_a = a;
+ th_plus = aplus;
+ th_mult = amult;
+ th_one = aone;
+ th_zero = azero;
+ th_opp = aopp;
+ th_eq = aeq;
+ th_t = t;
+ th_closed = cset }))
+(* The vernac commands "Add Ring" and "Add Semi Ring" *)
+(* see file Ring.v for examples of this command *)
+let constr_of_comarg = function
+ | VARG_CONSTR c -> constr_of c
+ | _ -> anomaly "Add (Semi) Ring"
+let cset_of_comarg_list l =
+ List.fold_right ConstrSet.add (List.map constr_of_comarg l) ConstrSet.empty
+let _ =
+ vinterp_add "AddSemiRing"
+ (function
+ | (VARG_CONSTR a)::(VARG_CONSTR aplus)::(VARG_CONSTR amult)
+ ::(VARG_CONSTR aone)::(VARG_CONSTR azero)::(VARG_CONSTR aeq)
+ ::(VARG_CONSTR t)::l ->
+ (fun () -> (add_theory false false
+ (constr_of a)
+ (constr_of aplus)
+ (constr_of amult)
+ (constr_of aone)
+ (constr_of azero)
+ (mkXtra "not a term")
+ (constr_of aeq)
+ (constr_of t)
+ (cset_of_comarg_list l)))
+ | _ -> anomaly "AddSemiRing")
+let _ =
+ vinterp_add "AddRing"
+ (function
+ | (VARG_CONSTR a)::(VARG_CONSTR aplus)::(VARG_CONSTR amult)
+ ::(VARG_CONSTR aone)::(VARG_CONSTR azero)::(VARG_CONSTR aopp)
+ ::(VARG_CONSTR aeq)::(VARG_CONSTR t)::l ->
+ (fun () -> (add_theory true false
+ (constr_of a)
+ (constr_of aplus)
+ (constr_of amult)
+ (constr_of aone)
+ (constr_of azero)
+ (constr_of aopp)
+ (constr_of aeq)
+ (constr_of t)
+ (cset_of_comarg_list l)))
+ | _ -> anomaly "AddRing")
+let _ =
+ vinterp_add "AddAbstractSemiRing"
+ (function
+ (fun () -> (add_theory false false
+ (constr_of a)
+ (constr_of aplus)
+ (constr_of amult)
+ (constr_of aone)
+ (constr_of azero)
+ (mkXtra "not a term")
+ (constr_of aeq)
+ (constr_of t)
+ ConstrSet.empty))
+ | _ -> anomaly "AddAbstractSemiRing")
+let _ =
+ vinterp_add "AddAbstractRing"
+ (function
+ (fun () -> (add_theory true true
+ (constr_of a)
+ (constr_of aplus)
+ (constr_of amult)
+ (constr_of aone)
+ (constr_of azero)
+ (constr_of aopp)
+ (constr_of aeq)
+ (constr_of t)
+ ConstrSet.empty))
+ | _ -> anomaly "AddAbstractRing")
+(******** The tactic itself *********)
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : semi-ring theory (concrete)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_spolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ (* aux creates the spolynom p by a recursive destructuration of c
+ and builds the varmap with side-effects *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (whd_castapp c)) with
+ | IsAppL (binop,[c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_SPplus; th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ | IsAppL (binop,[c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_SPmult; th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ | _ when closed_under th.th_closed c ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_SPconst; th.th_a; c |]
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar = mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_SPvar; th.th_a;
+ (path_of_int !counter) |] in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = List.map aux lc in
+ let v = btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a in
+ List.map
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_sp; th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_zero; v; p |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_cs; th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_spolynomial_simplify;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_eq; p|]) |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_spolynomial_simplify_ok;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |]))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : ring theory (concrete)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_polynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (whd_castapp c)) with
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Pplus; th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Pmult; th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ (* The special case of Zminus *)
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2])
+ when pf_conv_x gl c (mkAppL [| th.th_plus; c1;
+ mkAppL [| th.th_opp; c2 |] |]) ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Pplus; th.th_a; aux c1;
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Popp; th.th_a; aux c2 |] |]
+ | IsAppL (unop, [c1]) when pf_conv_x gl unop th.th_opp ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Popp; th.th_a; aux c1 |]
+ | _ when closed_under th.th_closed c ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Pconst; th.th_a; c |]
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar = mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_Pvar; th.th_a;
+ (path_of_int !counter) |] in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = List.map aux lc in
+ let v = (btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a) in
+ List.map
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_p;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_zero; th.th_opp;
+ v; p |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_cs;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_polynomial_simplify;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_opp; th.th_eq; p |]) |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_polynomial_simplify_ok;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_opp; th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |]))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : semi-ring theory (abstract)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_aspolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ (* aux creates the aspolynom p by a recursive destructuration of c
+ and builds the varmap with side-effects *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (whd_castapp c)) with
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_ASPplus; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_ASPmult; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ | _ when pf_conv_x gl c th.th_zero -> Lazy.force coq_ASP0
+ | _ when pf_conv_x gl c th.th_one -> Lazy.force coq_ASP1
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar = mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_ASPvar;
+ (path_of_int !counter) |] in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = List.map aux lc in
+ let v = btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a in
+ List.map
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_asp; th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero; v; p |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_acs; th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_aspolynomial_normalize; p|]) |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_spolynomial_simplify_ok;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |]))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : ring theory (abstract)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_apolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (whd_castapp c)) with
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_APplus; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2]) when pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_APmult; aux c1; aux c2 |]
+ (* The special case of Zminus *)
+ | IsAppL (binop, [c1; c2])
+ when pf_conv_x gl c (mkAppL [| th.th_plus; c1;
+ mkAppL [| th.th_opp; c2 |] |]) ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_APplus; aux c1;
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_APopp; aux c2 |] |]
+ | IsAppL (unop, [c1]) when pf_conv_x gl unop th.th_opp ->
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_APopp; aux c1 |]
+ | _ when pf_conv_x gl c th.th_zero -> Lazy.force coq_AP0
+ | _ when pf_conv_x gl c th.th_one -> Lazy.force coq_AP1
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar = mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_APvar;
+ (path_of_int !counter) |] in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = List.map aux lc in
+ let v = (btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a) in
+ List.map
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_ap;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one;
+ th.th_zero; th.th_opp; v; p |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_interp_sacs;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero; th.th_opp; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_apolynomial_normalize; p |]) |],
+ mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_apolynomial_normalize_ok;
+ th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_opp; th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |]))
+ lp
+module SectionPathSet =
+ Set.Make(struct
+ type t = section_path
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
+ end)
+let constants_to_unfold =
+ List.fold_right SectionPathSet.add
+ [ path_of_string "#Ring_normalize#interp_cs.cci";
+ path_of_string "#Ring_normalize#interp_var.cci";
+ path_of_string "#Ring_normalize#interp_vl.cci";
+ path_of_string "#Ring_abstract#interp_acs.cci";
+ path_of_string "#Ring_abstract#interp_sacs.cci";
+ path_of_string "#Quote#varmap_find.cci" ]
+ SectionPathSet.empty
+(* Unfolds the functions interp and find_btree in the term c of goal gl *)
+let polynom_unfold_tac =
+ let flags =
+ { r_beta = true;
+ r_delta = (function
+ | Const sp -> SectionPathSet.mem sp constants_to_unfold
+ | Abst sp -> SectionPathSet.mem sp constants_to_unfold
+ | _ -> false);
+ r_iota = true })
+ in
+ reduct_in_concl (cbv_norm_flags flags)
+(* lc : constr list *)
+(* th : theory associated to t *)
+(* op : clause (None for conclusion or Some id for hypothesis id) *)
+(* gl : goal *)
+(* Does the rewriting c_i -> (interp R RC v (polynomial_simplify p_i))
+ where the ring R, the Ring theory RC, the varmap v and the polynomials p_i
+ are guessed and such that c_i = (interp R RC v p_i) *)
+let raw_polynom th op lc gl =
+ (* first we sort the terms : if t' is a subterm of t it must appear
+ after t in the list. This is to avoid that the normalization of t'
+ modifies t in a non-desired way *)
+ let lc = sort_subterm gl lc in
+ let ltriplets =
+ if th.th_abstract then
+ if th.th_ring
+ then build_apolynom gl th lc
+ else build_aspolynom gl th lc
+ else
+ if th.th_ring
+ then build_polynom gl th lc
+ else build_spolynom gl th lc in
+ let polynom_tac =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun ci (c'i, c''i, c'i_eq_c''i) tac ->
+ tclTHENS
+ (elim_type (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_eqT; th.th_a; c'i; ci |]))
+ [ tclTHENS
+ (elim_type
+ (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_eqT; th.th_a; c''i; c'i |]))
+ [ tac;
+ h_exact c'i_eq_c''i ];
+ h_reflexivity])
+ lc ltriplets polynom_unfold_tac
+ in
+ polynom_tac gl
+let guess_eq_tac th =
+ (tclORELSE reflexivity
+ (tclTHEN
+ polynom_unfold_tac
+ (tclREPEAT
+ (tclORELSE
+ (apply (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_f_equal2;
+ th.th_a; th.th_a; th.th_a;
+ th.th_plus |]))
+ (apply (mkAppL [| Lazy.force coq_f_equal2;
+ th.th_a; th.th_a; th.th_a;
+ th.th_mult |]))))))
+let polynom lcom gl =
+ let lc = (List.map (pf_interp_constr gl) lcom) in
+ match lc with
+ (* If no argument is given, try to recognize either an equality or
+ a declared relation with arguments c1 ... cn,
+ do "Ring c1 c2 ... cn" and then try to apply the simplification
+ theorems declared for the relation *)
+ | [] ->
+ (match Hipattern.match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | Some (eq,t::args) ->
+ let th = guess_theory t in
+ if List.exists
+ (fun c1 -> not (pf_conv_x gl t (pf_type_of gl c1))) args
+ then
+ errorlabstrm "Ring :"
+ [< 'sTR" All terms must have the same type" >];
+ (tclTHEN (raw_polynom th None args) (guess_eq_tac th)) gl
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "polynom :"
+ [< 'sTR" This goal is not an equality" >])
+ (* Elsewhere, guess the theory, check that all terms have the same type
+ and apply raw_polynom *)
+ | c :: lc' ->
+ let t = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let th = guess_theory t in
+ if List.exists
+ (fun c1 -> not (pf_conv_x gl t (pf_type_of gl c1))) lc'
+ then
+ errorlabstrm "Ring :"
+ [< 'sTR" All terms must have the same type" >];
+ (tclTHEN (raw_polynom th None lc) polynom_unfold_tac) gl
+let dyn_polynom ltacargs =
+ polynom (List.map
+ (function
+ | Command c -> c
+ | _ -> anomaly "dyn_polynom")
+ ltacargs)
+let v_polynom = add_tactic "Ring" dyn_polynom