path: root/contrib/omega
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-01-18 14:46:04 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-01-18 14:46:04 +0000
commitc114c99ac237c34e2a24aeec2344efbcd7f1e34d (patch)
tree2648ed1b6fd72099c11cfaa55fdaa3641756d5aa /contrib/omega
parenta4c788c1492a85f7dcf2f61af218ce5d9a762e1a (diff)
ajouts provenant de Chinese dans ZArith + deplacements de 3 fichiers de contrib/omega vers theories/ZArith
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2406 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/omega')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 956 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/omega/Zcomplements.v b/contrib/omega/Zcomplements.v
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index 90d1f5940..000000000
--- a/contrib/omega/Zcomplements.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
-(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-Require ZArith.
-Require Omega.
-Require Wf_nat.
-(* Multiplication by a number >0 preserves Zcompare. It also perserves
- Zle, Zlt, Zge, Zgt *)
-Implicit Arguments On.
-Lemma Zmult_zero : (x,y:Z)`x*y=0` -> `x=0` \/ `y=0`.
-NewDestruct x; NewDestruct y; Auto.
-Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
-Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
-Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
-Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
-Lemma Zeq_Zminus : (x,y:Z)x=y -> `x-y = 0`.
-Intros; Omega.
-Lemma Zminus_Zeq : (x,y:Z)`x-y=0` -> x=y.
-Intros; Omega.
-Lemma Zmult_Zminus_distr_l : (x,y,z:Z)`(x-y)*z = x*z - y*z`.
-Intros; Unfold Zminus.
-Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult.
-Apply Zmult_plus_distr_l.
-Lemma Zmult_Zminus_distr_r : (x,y,z:Z)`z*(x-y) = z*x - z*y`.
-Intros; Rewrite (Zmult_sym z `x-y`).
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x).
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y).
-Apply Zmult_Zminus_distr_l.
-Lemma Zmult_reg_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `z*x=z*y` -> x=y.
-Generalize (Zeq_Zminus H0).
-Apply Zminus_Zeq.
-Rewrite <- (Zmult_Zminus_distr_r x y z) in H1.
-Elim (Zmult_zero H1).
-Lemma Zmult_reg_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x*z=y*z` -> x=y.
-Intros x y z Hz.
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym x z).
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym y z).
-Intro; Apply Zmult_reg_left with z; Assumption.
-Lemma Zgt0_le_pred : (y:Z) `y > 0` -> `0 <= (Zpred y)`.
-Intro; Unfold Zpred; Omega.
-Lemma Zlt_Zplus :
- (x1,x2,y1,y2:Z)`x1 < x2` -> `y1 < y2` -> `x1 + y1 < x2 + y2`.
-Intros; Omega.
-Lemma Zlt_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x < y` -> `x*z < y*z`.
-Intros; Rewrite (Zs_pred z); Generalize (Zgt0_le_pred H); Intro;
-Apply natlike_ind with P:=[z:Z]`x*(Zs z) < y*(Zs z)`;
-[ Simpl; Do 2 (Rewrite Zmult_n_1); Assumption
-| Unfold Zs; Intros x0 Hx0; Do 6 (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r);
- Repeat Rewrite Zmult_n_1;
- Intro; Apply Zlt_Zplus; Assumption
-| Assumption ].
-Lemma Zlt_Zmult_right2 : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x*z < y*z` -> `x < y`.
-Intros x y z H; Rewrite (Zs_pred z).
-Apply natlike_ind with P:=[z:Z]`x*(Zs z) < y*(Zs z)`->`x < y`.
-Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_n_1; Auto 1.
-Unfold Zs.
-Intros x0 Hx0; Repeat Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r.
-Repeat Rewrite Zmult_n_1.
-Omega. (* Auto with zarith. *)
-Unfold Zpred; Omega.
-Lemma Zle_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x <= y` -> `x*z <= y*z`.
-Intros x y z Hz Hxy.
-Elim (Zle_lt_or_eq x y Hxy).
-Intros; Apply Zlt_le_weak.
-Apply Zlt_Zmult_right; Trivial.
-Intros; Apply Zle_refl.
-Rewrite H; Trivial.
-Lemma Zle_Zmult_right2 : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x*z <= y*z` -> `x <= y`.
-Intros x y z Hz Hxy.
-Elim (Zle_lt_or_eq `x*z` `y*z` Hxy).
-Intros; Apply Zlt_le_weak.
-Apply Zlt_Zmult_right2 with z; Trivial.
-Intros; Apply Zle_refl.
-Apply Zmult_reg_right with z; Trivial.
-Lemma Zgt_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x > y` -> `x*z > y*z`.
-Intros; Apply Zlt_gt; Apply Zlt_Zmult_right;
-[ Assumption | Apply Zgt_lt ; Assumption ].
-Lemma Zlt_Zmult_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x < y` -> `z*x < z*y`.
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x); Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y);
-Apply Zlt_Zmult_right; Assumption.
-Lemma Zgt_Zmult_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x > y` -> `z*x > z*y`.
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x); Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y);
-Apply Zgt_Zmult_right; Assumption.
-Theorem Zcompare_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)` z>0` -> `x ?= y`=`x*z ?= y*z`.
-Intros; Apply Zcompare_egal_dec;
-[ Intros; Apply Zlt_Zmult_right; Trivial
-| Intro Hxy; Apply [a,b:Z](let (t1,t2)=(Zcompare_EGAL a b) in t2);
- Rewrite ((let (t1,t2)=(Zcompare_EGAL x y) in t1) Hxy); Trivial
-| Intros; Apply Zgt_Zmult_right; Trivial
-Theorem Zcompare_Zmult_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x ?= y`=`z*x ?= z*y`.
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x);
-Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y);
-Apply Zcompare_Zmult_right; Assumption.
-Section diveucl.
-Lemma two_or_two_plus_one : (x:Z) { y:Z | `x = 2*y`}+{ y:Z | `x = 2*y+1`}.
-NewDestruct x.
-Left ; Split with ZERO; Reflexivity.
-NewDestruct p.
-Right ; Split with (POS p); Reflexivity.
-Left ; Split with (POS p); Reflexivity.
-Right ; Split with ZERO; Reflexivity.
-NewDestruct p.
-Right ; Split with (NEG (add xH p)).
-Rewrite NEG_xI.
-Rewrite NEG_add.
-Left ; Split with (NEG p); Reflexivity.
-Right ; Split with `-1`; Reflexivity.
-(* The biggest power of 2 that is stricly less than a *)
-(* Easy to compute : replace all "1" of the binary representation by
- "0", except the first "1" (or the first one :-) *)
-Fixpoint floor_pos [a : positive] : positive :=
- Cases a of
- | xH => xH
- | (xO a') => (xO (floor_pos a'))
- | (xI b') => (xO (floor_pos b'))
- end.
-Definition floor := [a:positive](POS (floor_pos a)).
-Lemma floor_gt0 : (x:positive) `(floor x) > 0`.
-Lemma floor_ok : (a:positive)
- `(floor a) <= (POS a) < 2*(floor a)`.
-Unfold floor.
-Induction a.
-Intro p; Simpl.
-Repeat Rewrite POS_xI.
-Rewrite (POS_xO (xO (floor_pos p))).
-Rewrite (POS_xO (floor_pos p)).
-Intro p; Simpl.
-Repeat Rewrite POS_xI.
-Rewrite (POS_xO (xO (floor_pos p))).
-Rewrite (POS_xO (floor_pos p)).
-Rewrite (POS_xO p).
-Simpl; Omega.
-Lemma Zdiv_eucl_POS : (b:Z)`b > 0` -> (p:positive)
- { qr:Z*Z | let (q,r)=qr in `(POS p)=b*q+r` /\ `0 <= r < b` }.
-Induction p.
-(* p => (xI p) *)
-(* Notez l'utilisation des nouveaux patterns Intro *)
-Intros p' ((q,r), (Hrec1, Hrec2)).
-Elim (Z_lt_ge_dec `2*r+1` b);
-[ Exists `(2*q, 2*r+1)`;
- Rewrite POS_xI;
- Rewrite Hrec1;
- Split;
- [ Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
- Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l;
- Rewrite (Zmult_permute b `2`);
- Reflexivity
- | Omega ]
-| Exists `(2*q+1, 2*r+1-b)`;
- Rewrite POS_xI;
- Rewrite Hrec1;
- Split;
- [ Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
- Unfold Zminus;
- Do 2 Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l;
- Rewrite <- (Zmult_permute `2` b);
- Generalize `b*q`; Intros; Omega
- | Omega ]
-(* p => (xO p) *)
-Intros p' ((q,r), (Hrec1, Hrec2)).
-Elim (Z_lt_ge_dec `2*r` b);
-[ Exists `(2*q,2*r)`;
- Rewrite POS_xO;
- Rewrite Hrec1;
- Split;
- [ Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
- Rewrite (Zmult_permute b `2`);
- Reflexivity
- | Omega ]
-| Exists `(2*q+1, 2*r-b)`;
- Rewrite POS_xO;
- Rewrite Hrec1;
- Split;
- [ Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
- Unfold Zminus;
- Rewrite <- (Zmult_permute `2` b);
- Generalize `b*q`; Intros; Omega
- | Omega ]
-(* xH *)
-Elim (Z_le_gt_dec `2` b);
-[ Exists `(0,1)`; Omega
-| Exists `(1,0)`; Omega
-Theorem Zdiv_eucl : (b:Z)`b > 0` -> (a:Z)
- { qr:Z*Z | let (q,r)=qr in `a=b*q+r` /\ `0 <= r < b` }.
-NewDestruct a;
-[ (* a=0 *) Exists `(0,0)`; Omega
-| (* a = (POS p) *) Intros; Apply Zdiv_eucl_POS; Auto
-| (* a = (NEG p) *) Intros; Elim (Zdiv_eucl_POS H p);
- Intros (q,r) (Hp1, Hp2);
- Elim (Z_le_gt_dec r `0`);
- [ Exists `(-q,0)`; Split;
- [ Apply Zopp_intro; Simpl; Rewrite Hp1;
- Rewrite Zero_right;
- Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult;
- Rewrite Zmult_Zopp_Zopp;
- Generalize `b*q`; Intro; Omega
- | Omega
- ]
- | Exists `(-(q+1),b-r)`; Split;
- [ Apply Zopp_intro;
- Unfold Zminus; Simpl; Rewrite Hp1;
- Repeat Rewrite Zopp_Zplus;
- Repeat Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult;
- Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
- Rewrite Zmult_Zopp_Zopp;
- Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r;
- Apply f_equal with f:=[c:Z]`b*q+c`;
- Omega
- | Omega ]
- ]
-End diveucl.
diff --git a/contrib/omega/Zlogarithm.v b/contrib/omega/Zlogarithm.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ad93aba..000000000
--- a/contrib/omega/Zlogarithm.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
-(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-(* The integer logarithms with base 2. There are three logarithms, *)
-(* depending on the rounding of the real 2-based logarithm : *)
-(* *)
-(* Log_inf : y = (Log_inf x) iff 2^y <= x < 2^(y+1) *)
-(* Log_sup : y = (Log_sup x) iff 2^(y-1) < x <= 2^y *)
-(* Log_nearest : y= (Log_nearest x) iff 2^(y-1/2) < x <= 2^(y+1/2) *)
-(* *)
-(* (Log_inf x) is the biggest integer that is smaller than (Log x) *)
-(* (Log_inf x) is the smallest integer that is bigger than (Log x) *)
-(* (Log_nearest x) is the integer nearest from (Log x). *)
-Require ZArith.
-Require Omega.
-Require Zcomplements.
-Require Zpower.
-Section Log_pos. (* Log of positive integers *)
-(* First we build log_inf and log_sup *)
-Fixpoint log_inf [p:positive] : Z :=
- Cases p of
- xH => `0` (* 1 *)
- | (xO q) => (Zs (log_inf q)) (* 2n *)
- | (xI q) => (Zs (log_inf q)) (* 2n+1 *)
- end.
-Fixpoint log_sup [p:positive] : Z :=
- Cases p of
- xH => `0` (* 1 *)
- | (xO n) => (Zs (log_sup n)) (* 2n *)
- | (xI n) => (Zs (Zs (log_inf n))) (* 2n+1 *)
- end.
-Hints Unfold log_inf log_sup.
-(* Then we give the specifications of log_inf and log_sup
- and prove their validity *)
-(* Hints Resolve ZERO_le_S : zarith. *)
-Hints Resolve Zle_trans : zarith.
-Theorem log_inf_correct : (x:positive) ` 0 <= (log_inf x)` /\
- ` (two_p (log_inf x)) <= (POS x) < (two_p (Zs (log_inf x)))`.
-Induction x; Intros; Simpl;
-[ Elim H; Intros Hp HR; Clear H; Split;
- [ Auto with zarith
- | Rewrite (two_p_S (Zs (log_inf p)) (Zle_le_S `0` (log_inf p) Hp));
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p) Hp);
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p) Hp) in HR;
- Rewrite (POS_xI p); Omega ]
-| Elim H; Intros Hp HR; Clear H; Split;
- [ Auto with zarith
- | Rewrite (two_p_S (Zs (log_inf p)) (Zle_le_S `0` (log_inf p) Hp));
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p) Hp);
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p) Hp) in HR;
- Rewrite (POS_xO p); Omega ]
-| Unfold two_power_pos; Unfold shift_pos; Simpl; Omega
-Definition log_inf_correct1 :=
- [p:positive](proj1 ? ? (log_inf_correct p)).
-Definition log_inf_correct2 :=
- [p:positive](proj2 ? ? (log_inf_correct p)).
-Opaque log_inf_correct1 log_inf_correct2.
-Hints Resolve log_inf_correct1 log_inf_correct2 : zarith.
-Lemma log_sup_correct1 : (p:positive)` 0 <= (log_sup p)`.
-Induction p; Intros; Simpl; Auto with zarith.
-(* For every p, either p is a power of two and (log_inf p)=(log_sup p)
- either (log_sup p)=(log_inf p)+1 *)
-Theorem log_sup_log_inf : (p:positive)
- either (POS p)=(two_p (log_inf p))
- and_then (POS p)=(two_p (log_sup p))
- or_else ` (log_sup p)=(Zs (log_inf p))`.
-Induction p; Intros;
-[ Elim H; Right; Simpl;
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p0) (log_inf_correct1 p0));
- Rewrite POS_xI; Unfold Zs; Omega
-| Elim H; Clear H; Intro Hif;
- [ Left; Simpl;
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p0) (log_inf_correct1 p0));
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_sup p0) (log_sup_correct1 p0));
- Rewrite <- (proj1 ? ? Hif); Rewrite <- (proj2 ? ? Hif);
- Auto
- | Right; Simpl;
- Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p0) (log_inf_correct1 p0));
- Rewrite POS_xO; Unfold Zs; Omega ]
-| Left; Auto ].
-Theorem log_sup_correct2 : (x:positive)
- ` (two_p (Zpred (log_sup x))) < (POS x) <= (two_p (log_sup x))`.
-Elim (log_sup_log_inf x).
-(* x is a power of two and log_sup = log_inf *)
-Intros (E1,E2); Rewrite E2.
-Split ; [ Apply two_p_pred; Apply log_sup_correct1 | Apply Zle_n ].
-Intros (E1,E2); Rewrite E2.
-Rewrite <- (Zpred_Sn (log_inf x)).
-Generalize (log_inf_correct2 x); Omega.
-Lemma log_inf_le_log_sup :
- (p:positive) `(log_inf p) <= (log_sup p)`.
-Induction p; Simpl; Intros; Omega.
-Lemma log_sup_le_Slog_inf :
- (p:positive) `(log_sup p) <= (Zs (log_inf p))`.
-Induction p; Simpl; Intros; Omega.
-(* Now it's possible to specify and build the Log rounded to the nearest *)
-Fixpoint log_near[x:positive] : Z :=
- Cases x of
- xH => `0`
- | (xO xH) => `1`
- | (xI xH) => `2`
- | (xO y) => (Zs (log_near y))
- | (xI y) => (Zs (log_near y))
- end.
-Theorem log_near_correct1 : (p:positive)` 0 <= (log_near p)`.
-Induction p; Simpl; Intros;
-[Elim p0; Auto with zarith | Elim p0; Auto with zarith | Trivial with zarith ].
-Intros; Apply Zle_le_S.
-Generalize H0; Elim p1; Intros; Simpl;
- [ Assumption | Assumption | Apply ZERO_le_POS ].
-Intros; Apply Zle_le_S.
-Generalize H0; Elim p1; Intros; Simpl;
- [ Assumption | Assumption | Apply ZERO_le_POS ].
-Theorem log_near_correct2: (p:positive)
- (log_near p)=(log_inf p)
-\/(log_near p)=(log_sup p).
-Induction p.
-Intros p0 [Einf|Esup].
-Simpl. Rewrite Einf.
-Case p0; [Left | Left | Right]; Reflexivity.
-Simpl; Rewrite Esup.
-Elim (log_sup_log_inf p0).
-Generalize (log_inf_le_log_sup p0).
-Generalize (log_sup_le_Slog_inf p0).
-Case p0; Auto with zarith.
-Intros; Omega.
-Case p0; Intros; Auto with zarith.
-Intros p0 [Einf|Esup].
-Repeat Rewrite Einf.
-Case p0; Intros; Auto with zarith.
-Repeat Rewrite Esup.
-Case p0; Intros; Auto with zarith.
-Theorem log_near_correct: (p:positive)
- `| (two_p (log_near p)) - (POS p) | <= (POS p)-(two_p (log_inf p))`
- /\`| (two_p (log_near p)) - (POS p) | <= (two_p (log_sup p))-(POS p)`.
-Induction p.
-Intros p0 [(Einf1,Einf2)|(Esup1,Esup2)].
-Unfold log_near log_inf log_sup. Fold log_near log_inf log_sup.
-Rewrite Einf1.
-Repeat Rewrite two_p_S.
-Case p0; [Left | Left | Right].
-Rewrite E1; Case p0; Try Reflexivity.
-Unfold log_near; Fold log_near.
-Unfold log_inf; Fold log_inf.
-Repeat Rewrite E1.
-End Log_pos.
-Section divers.
-(* Number of significative digits. *)
-Definition N_digits :=
- [x:Z]Cases x of
- (POS p) => (log_inf p)
- | (NEG p) => (log_inf p)
- | ZERO => `0`
- end.
-Lemma ZERO_le_N_digits : (x:Z) ` 0 <= (N_digits x)`.
-Induction x; Simpl;
-[ Apply Zle_n
-| Exact log_inf_correct1
-| Exact log_inf_correct1].
-Lemma log_inf_shift_nat :
- (n:nat)(log_inf (shift_nat n xH))=(inject_nat n).
-Induction n; Intros;
-[ Try Trivial
-| Rewrite -> inj_S; Rewrite <- H; Reflexivity].
-Lemma log_sup_shift_nat :
- (n:nat)(log_sup (shift_nat n xH))=(inject_nat n).
-Induction n; Intros;
-[ Try Trivial
-| Rewrite -> inj_S; Rewrite <- H; Reflexivity].
-(* (Is_power p) means that p is a power of two *)
-Fixpoint Is_power[p:positive] : Prop :=
- Cases p of
- xH => True
- | (xO q) => (Is_power q)
- | (xI q) => False
- end.
-Lemma Is_power_correct :
- (p:positive) (Is_power p) <-> (Ex [y:nat](p=(shift_nat y xH))).
-[ Elim p;
- [ Simpl; Tauto
- | Simpl; Intros; Generalize (H H0); Intro H1; Elim H1; Intros y0 Hy0;
- Exists (S y0); Rewrite Hy0; Reflexivity
- | Intro; Exists O; Reflexivity]
-| Intros; Elim H; Intros; Rewrite -> H0; Elim x; Intros; Simpl; Trivial].
-Lemma Is_power_or : (p:positive) (Is_power p)\/~(Is_power p).
-Induction p;
-[ Intros; Right; Simpl; Tauto
-| Intros; Elim H;
- [ Intros; Left; Simpl; Exact H0
- | Intros; Right; Simpl; Exact H0]
-| Left; Simpl; Trivial].
-End divers.
diff --git a/contrib/omega/Zpower.v b/contrib/omega/Zpower.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d9727573..000000000
--- a/contrib/omega/Zpower.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
-(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-Require ZArith.
-Require Omega.
-Require Zcomplements.
-Section section1.
-(* (Zpower_nat z n) is the n-th power of x when n is an unary
- integer (type nat) and z an signed integer (type Z) *)
-Definition Zpower_nat :=
- [z:Z][n:nat] (iter_nat n Z ([x:Z]` z * x `) `1`).
-(* Zpower_nat_is_exp says Zpower_nat is a morphism for
- plus : nat->nat and Zmult : Z->Z *)
-Lemma Zpower_nat_is_exp :
- (n,m:nat)(z:Z)
- `(Zpower_nat z (plus n m)) = (Zpower_nat z n)*(Zpower_nat z m)`.
-Intros; Elim n;
-[ Simpl; Elim (Zpower_nat z m); Auto with zarith
-| Unfold Zpower_nat; Intros; Simpl; Rewrite H;
- Apply Zmult_assoc].
-(* (Zpower_nat z n) is the n-th power of x when n is an binary
- integer (type positive) and z an signed integer (type Z) *)
-Definition Zpower_pos :=
- [z:Z][n:positive] (iter_pos n Z ([x:Z]`z * x`) `1`).
-(* This theorem shows that powers of unary and binary integers
- are the same thing, modulo the function convert : positive -> nat *)
-Theorem Zpower_pos_nat :
- (z:Z)(p:positive)(Zpower_pos z p) = (Zpower_nat z (convert p)).
-Intros; Unfold Zpower_pos; Unfold Zpower_nat; Apply iter_convert.
-(* Using the theorem Zpower_pos_nat and the lemma Zpower_nat_is_exp we
- deduce that the function [n:positive](Zpower_pos z n) is a morphism
- for add : positive->positive and Zmult : Z->Z *)
-Theorem Zpower_pos_is_exp :
- (n,m:positive)(z:Z)
- ` (Zpower_pos z (add n m)) = (Zpower_pos z n)*(Zpower_pos z m)`.
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat z n).
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat z m).
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat z (add n m)).
-Rewrite -> (convert_add n m).
-Apply Zpower_nat_is_exp.
-Definition Zpower :=
- [x,y:Z]Cases y of
- (POS p) => (Zpower_pos x p)
- | ZERO => `1`
- | (NEG p) => `0`
- end.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_nat_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_pos_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_pos : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_nat : zarith.
-Lemma Zpower_exp : (x:Z)(n,m:Z)
- `n >= 0` -> `m >= 0` -> `(Zpower x (n+m))=(Zpower x n)*(Zpower x m)`.
-NewDestruct n; NewDestruct m; Auto with zarith.
-Simpl; Intros; Apply Zred_factor0.
-Simpl; Auto with zarith.
-Intros; Compute in H0; Absurd INFERIEUR=INFERIEUR; Auto with zarith.
-Intros; Compute in H0; Absurd INFERIEUR=INFERIEUR; Auto with zarith.
-End section1.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_nat_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_pos_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_pos : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_nat : zarith.
-Section Powers_of_2.
-(* For the powers of two, that will be widely used, a more direct
- calculus is possible. We will also prove some properties such
- as (x:positive) x < 2^x that are true for all integers bigger
- than 2 but more difficult to prove and useless. *)
-(* shift n m computes 2^n * m, or m shifted by n positions *)
-Definition shift_nat :=
- [n:nat][z:positive](iter_nat n positive xO z).
-Definition shift_pos :=
- [n:positive][z:positive](iter_pos n positive xO z).
-Definition shift :=
- [n:Z][z:positive]
- Cases n of
- ZERO => z
- | (POS p) => (iter_pos p positive xO z)
- | (NEG p) => z
- end.
-Definition two_power_nat := [n:nat] (POS (shift_nat n xH)).
-Definition two_power_pos := [x:positive] (POS (shift_pos x xH)).
-Lemma two_power_nat_S :
- (n:nat)` (two_power_nat (S n)) = 2*(two_power_nat n)`.
-Intro; Simpl; Apply refl_equal.
-Lemma shift_nat_plus :
- (n,m:nat)(x:positive)
- (shift_nat (plus n m) x)=(shift_nat n (shift_nat m x)).
-Intros; Unfold shift_nat; Apply iter_nat_plus.
-Theorem shift_nat_correct :
- (n:nat)(x:positive)(POS (shift_nat n x))=`(Zpower_nat 2 n)*(POS x)`.
-Unfold shift_nat; Induction n;
-[ Simpl; Trivial with zarith
-| Intros; Replace (Zpower_nat `2` (S n0)) with `2 * (Zpower_nat 2 n0)`;
-[ Rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; Rewrite <- (H x); Simpl; Reflexivity
-| Auto with zarith ]
-Theorem two_power_nat_correct :
- (n:nat)(two_power_nat n)=(Zpower_nat `2` n).
-Intro n.
-Unfold two_power_nat.
-Rewrite -> (shift_nat_correct n).
-(* Second we show that two_power_pos and two_power_nat are the same *)
-Lemma shift_pos_nat : (p:positive)(x:positive)
- (shift_pos p x)=(shift_nat (convert p) x).
-Unfold shift_pos.
-Unfold shift_nat.
-Intros; Apply iter_convert.
-Lemma two_power_pos_nat :
- (p:positive) (two_power_pos p)=(two_power_nat (convert p)).
-Intro; Unfold two_power_pos; Unfold two_power_nat.
-Apply f_equal with f:=POS.
-Apply shift_pos_nat.
-(* Then we deduce that two_power_pos is also correct *)
-Theorem shift_pos_correct :
- (p,x:positive) ` (POS (shift_pos p x)) = (Zpower_pos 2 p) * (POS x)`.
-Rewrite -> (shift_pos_nat p x).
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat `2` p).
-Apply shift_nat_correct.
-Theorem two_power_pos_correct :
- (x:positive) (two_power_pos x)=(Zpower_pos `2` x).
-Rewrite -> two_power_pos_nat.
-Rewrite -> Zpower_pos_nat.
-Apply two_power_nat_correct.
-(* Some consequences *)
-Theorem two_power_pos_is_exp :
- (x,y:positive) (two_power_pos (add x y))
- =(Zmult (two_power_pos x) (two_power_pos y)).
-Rewrite -> (two_power_pos_correct (add x y)).
-Rewrite -> (two_power_pos_correct x).
-Rewrite -> (two_power_pos_correct y).
-Apply Zpower_pos_is_exp.
-(* The exponentiation z -> 2^z for z a signed integer. *)
-(* For convenience, we assume that 2^z = 0 for all z <0 *)
-(* We could also define a inductive type Log_result with *)
-(* 3 contructors Zero | Pos positive -> | minus_infty *)
-(* but it's more complexe and not so useful. *)
-Definition two_p :=
- [x:Z]Cases x of
- ZERO => `1`
- | (POS y) => (two_power_pos y)
- | (NEG y) => `0`
- end.
-Theorem two_p_is_exp :
- (x,y:Z) ` 0 <= x` -> ` 0 <= y` ->
- ` (two_p (x+y)) = (two_p x)*(two_p y)`.
-Induction x;
-[ Induction y; Simpl; Auto with zarith
-| Induction y;
- [ Unfold two_p; Rewrite -> (Zmult_sym (two_power_pos p) `1`);
- Rewrite -> (Zmult_one (two_power_pos p)); Auto with zarith
- | Unfold Zplus; Unfold two_p;
- Intros; Apply two_power_pos_is_exp
- | Intros; Unfold Zle in H0; Unfold Zcompare in H0;
- Absurd SUPERIEUR=SUPERIEUR; Trivial with zarith
- ]
-| Induction y;
- [ Simpl; Auto with zarith
- | Intros; Unfold Zle in H; Unfold Zcompare in H;
- Absurd (SUPERIEUR=SUPERIEUR); Trivial with zarith
- | Intros; Unfold Zle in H; Unfold Zcompare in H;
- Absurd (SUPERIEUR=SUPERIEUR); Trivial with zarith
- ]
-Lemma two_p_gt_ZERO : (x:Z) ` 0 <= x` -> ` (two_p x) > 0`.
-Induction x; Intros;
-[ Simpl; Omega
-| Simpl; Unfold two_power_pos; Apply POS_gt_ZERO
-| Absurd ` 0 <= (NEG p)`;
- [ Simpl; Unfold Zle; Unfold Zcompare;
- Do 2 Unfold not; Auto with zarith
- | Assumption ]
-Lemma two_p_S : (x:Z) ` 0 <= x` ->
- `(two_p (Zs x)) = 2 * (two_p x)`.
-Intros; Unfold Zs.
-Rewrite (two_p_is_exp x `1` H (ZERO_le_POS xH)).
-Apply Zmult_sym.
-Lemma two_p_pred :
- (x:Z)` 0 <= x` -> ` (two_p (Zpred x)) < (two_p x)`.
-Intros; Apply natlike_ind
-with P:=[x:Z]` (two_p (Zpred x)) < (two_p x)`;
-[ Simpl; Unfold Zlt; Auto with zarith
-| Intros; Elim (Zle_lt_or_eq `0` x0 H0);
- [ Intros;
- Replace (two_p (Zpred (Zs x0)))
- with (two_p (Zs (Zpred x0)));
- [ Rewrite -> (two_p_S (Zpred x0));
- [ Rewrite -> (two_p_S x0);
- [ Omega
- | Assumption]
- | Apply Zlt_ZERO_pred_le_ZERO; Assumption]
- | Rewrite <- (Zs_pred x0); Rewrite <- (Zpred_Sn x0); Trivial with zarith]
- | Intro Hx0; Rewrite <- Hx0; Simpl; Unfold Zlt; Auto with zarith]
-| Assumption].
-Lemma Zlt_lt_double : (x,y:Z) ` 0 <= x < y` -> ` x < 2*y`.
-Intros; Omega. Save.
-End Powers_of_2.
-Hints Resolve two_p_gt_ZERO : zarith.
-Hints Immediate two_p_pred two_p_S : zarith.
-Section power_div_with_rest.
-(* Division by a power of two
- To n:Z and p:positive q,r are associated such that
- n = 2^p.q + r and 0 <= r < 2^p *)
-(* Invariant : d*q + r = d'*q + r /\ d' = 2*d /\ 0<= r < d /\ 0 <= r' < d' *)
-Definition Zdiv_rest_aux :=
- [qrd:(Z*Z)*Z]
- let (qr,d)=qrd in let (q,r)=qr in
- (Cases q of
- ZERO => ` (0, r)`
- | (POS xH) => ` (0, d + r)`
- | (POS (xI n)) => ` ((POS n), d + r)`
- | (POS (xO n)) => ` ((POS n), r)`
- | (NEG xH) => ` (-1, d + r)`
- | (NEG (xI n)) => ` ((NEG n) - 1, d + r)`
- | (NEG (xO n)) => ` ((NEG n), r)`
- end, ` 2*d`).
-Definition Zdiv_rest :=
- [x:Z][p:positive]let (qr,d)=(iter_pos p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)) in qr.
-Lemma Zdiv_rest_correct1 :
- (x:Z)(p:positive)
- let (qr,d)=(iter_pos p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)) in d=(two_power_pos p).
-Intros x p;
-Rewrite (iter_convert p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`));
-Rewrite (two_power_pos_nat p);
-Elim (convert p); Simpl;
-[ Trivial with zarith
-| Intro n; Rewrite (two_power_nat_S n);
- Unfold 2 Zdiv_rest_aux;
- Elim (iter_nat n (Z*Z)*Z Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`));
- NewDestruct a; Intros; Apply f_equal with f:=[z:Z]`2*z`; Assumption ].
-Lemma Zdiv_rest_correct2 :
- (x:Z)(p:positive)
- let (qr,d)=(iter_pos p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)) in
- let (q,r)=qr in
- ` x=q*d + r` /\ ` 0 <= r < d`.
-Intros; Apply iter_pos_invariant with
- f:=Zdiv_rest_aux
- Inv:=[qrd:(Z*Z)*Z]let (qr,d)=qrd in let (q,r)=qr in
- ` x=q*d + r` /\ ` 0 <= r < d`;
-[ Intro x0; Elim x0; Intro y0; Elim y0;
- Intros q r d; Unfold Zdiv_rest_aux;
- Elim q;
- [ Omega
- | NewDestruct p0;
- [ Rewrite POS_xI; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0; Rewrite Zplus_assoc;
- Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l;
- Rewrite Zmult_1_n; Rewrite Zmult_assoc;
- Rewrite (Zmult_sym (POS p0) `2`); Apply refl_equal
- | Omega ]
- | Rewrite POS_xO; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0;
- Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Rewrite (Zmult_sym (POS p0) `2`);
- Apply refl_equal
- | Omega ]
- | Omega ]
- | NewDestruct p0;
- [ Rewrite NEG_xI; Unfold Zminus; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0; Rewrite Zplus_assoc;
- Apply f_equal with f:=[z:Z]`z+r`;
- Do 2 (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l);
- Rewrite Zmult_assoc;
- Rewrite (Zmult_sym (NEG p0) `2`);
- Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;
- Apply f_equal with f:=[z:Z]`2 * (NEG p0) * d + z`;
- Omega
- | Omega ]
- | Rewrite NEG_xO; Unfold Zminus; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0;
- Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Rewrite (Zmult_sym (NEG p0) `2`);
- Apply refl_equal
- | Omega ]
- | Omega ] ]
-| Omega].
-Inductive Set Zdiv_rest_proofs[x:Z; p:positive] :=
- Zdiv_rest_proof : (q:Z)(r:Z)
- `x = q * (two_power_pos p) + r`
- -> `0 <= r`
- -> `r < (two_power_pos p)`
- -> (Zdiv_rest_proofs x p).
-Lemma Zdiv_rest_correct :
- (x:Z)(p:positive)(Zdiv_rest_proofs x p).
-Intros x p.
-Generalize (Zdiv_rest_correct1 x p); Generalize (Zdiv_rest_correct2 x p).
-Elim (iter_pos p (Z*Z)*Z Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)).
-Induction a.
-Elim H; Intros H1 H2; Clear H.
-Rewrite -> H0 in H1; Rewrite -> H0 in H2;
-Elim H2; Intros;
-Apply Zdiv_rest_proof with q:=a0 r:=b; Assumption.
-End power_div_with_rest.