path: root/contrib/interface/pbp.ml
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-05-29 10:48:37 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-05-29 10:48:37 +0000
commit32170384190168856efeac5bcf90edf1170b54d6 (patch)
tree0ea86b672df93d997fa1cab70b678ea7abdcf171 /contrib/interface/pbp.ml
parent1e5182e9d5c29ae9adeed20dae32969785758809 (diff)
Nouveau modèle d'analyse syntaxique et d'interprétation des tactiques et commandes vernaculaires (cf dev/changements.txt pour plus de précisions)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2722 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/interface/pbp.ml')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/pbp.ml b/contrib/interface/pbp.ml
index 2e92dd7c9..5dd9d071b 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/pbp.ml
+++ b/contrib/interface/pbp.ml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ open Environ;;
open Proof_trees;;
open Proof_type;;
open Tacmach;;
+open Tacexpr;;
open Typing;;
open Pp;;
@@ -24,37 +25,79 @@ let get_hyp_by_name g name =
let env = pf_env g in
try (let judgment =
- evd env (RVar(dummy_loc, id_of_string name)) in
+ evd env (RVar(dummy_loc, name)) in
(* je sais, c'est pas beau, mais je ne sais pas trop me servir de look_up...
Loïc *)
- with _ -> (let parse_ast = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr in
- let parse s = Astterm.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env())
- (parse_ast s) in
- ("cste",type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty (parse name)))
+ with _ -> (let ast = Termast.ast_of_qualid (Nametab.make_short_qualid name)in
+ let c = Astterm.interp_constr evd env ast in
+ ("cste",type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty c))
+type pbp_atom =
+ | PbpTryAssumption of identifier option
+ | PbpTryClear of identifier list
+ | PbpGeneralize of identifier * identifier list
+ | PbpLApply of identifier (* = CutAndApply *)
+ | PbpIntros of identifier list
+ | PbpSplit
+ (* Existential *)
+ | PbpExists of identifier
+ (* Or *)
+ | PbpLeft
+ | PbpRight
+ (* Not *)
+ | PbpReduce
+ (* Head *)
+ | PbpApply of identifier
+ | PbpElim of identifier * identifier list;;
+(* Invariant: In PbpThens ([a1;...;an],[t1;...;tp]), all tactics
+ [a1]..[an-1] are atomic (or try of an atomic) tactic and produce
+ exactly one goal, and [an] produces exactly p subgoals
+ In [PbpThen [a1;..an]], all tactics are (try of) atomic tactics and
+ produces exactly one subgoal, except the last one which may complete the
+ goal
+ Convention: [PbpThen []] is Idtac and [PbpThen t] is a coercion
+ from atomic to composed tactic
+type pbp_sequence =
+ | PbpThens of pbp_atom list * pbp_sequence list
+ | PbpThen of pbp_atom list
+(* This flattens sequences of tactics producing just one subgoal *)
+let chain_tactics tl1 = function
+ | PbpThens (tl2, tl3) -> PbpThens (tl1@tl2, tl3)
+ | PbpThen tl2 -> PbpThen (tl1@tl2)
type pbp_rule = (identifier list *
- string list *
+ identifier list *
bool *
- string option *
+ identifier option *
(types, constr) kind_of_term *
int list *
(identifier list ->
- string list ->
+ identifier list ->
bool ->
- string option -> (types, constr) kind_of_term -> int list -> Ctast.t)) ->
- Ctast.t option;;
+ identifier option -> (types, constr) kind_of_term -> int list -> pbp_sequence)) ->
+ pbp_sequence option;;
let zz = (0,0);;
let make_named_intro s =
Node(zz, "Intros",
[Node(zz, "IDENTIFIER",
[Nvar(zz, s)])])])]);;
+let make_named_intro id = PbpIntros [id]
let get_name_from_intro = function
Node(a, "Intros",
@@ -63,21 +106,24 @@ let get_name_from_intro = function
[Nvar(e, s)])])])]) ->
Some s
| _ -> None;;
let make_clears = function
[] -> Node(zz, "Idtac",[])
| str_list ->
Node(zz, "TRY", [Node(zz,"Clear",
[Node(zz, "CLAUSE", List.map (function s -> Nvar(zz,s)) str_list)])
+let make_clears str_list = PbpThen [PbpTryClear str_list]
let add_clear_names_if_necessary tactic clear_names =
match clear_names with
[] -> tactic
- | l -> Node(zz, "TACTICLIST", [make_clears l; tactic]);;
+ | l -> chain_tactics [PbpTryClear l] tactic;;
let make_final_cmd f optname clear_names constr path =
- let tactic = f optname constr path in
+(* let tactic = f optname constr path in*)
add_clear_names_if_necessary (f optname constr path) clear_names;;
let (rem_cast:pbp_rule) = function
@@ -94,18 +140,17 @@ let (forall_intro: pbp_rule) = function
f) ->
let x' = next_global_ident_away x avoid in
- Some(Node(zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [make_named_intro (string_of_id x'); f (x'::avoid)
- clear_names clear_flag None (kind_of_term body) path]))
+ Some(chain_tactics [make_named_intro x']
+ (f (x'::avoid)
+ clear_names clear_flag None (kind_of_term body) path))
| _ -> None;;
let (imply_intro2: pbp_rule) = function
avoid, clear_names,
clear_flag, None, Prod(Anonymous, _, body), 2::path, f ->
let h' = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
- Some(Node(zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [make_named_intro (string_of_id h');
- f (h'::avoid) clear_names clear_flag None (kind_of_term body) path]))
+ Some(chain_tactics [make_named_intro h']
+ (f (h'::avoid) clear_names clear_flag None (kind_of_term body) path))
| _ -> None;;
@@ -113,72 +158,90 @@ let (imply_intro1: pbp_rule) = function
avoid, clear_names,
clear_flag, None, Prod(Anonymous, prem, body), 1::path, f ->
let h' = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
- let str_h' = (string_of_id h') in
- Some(Node(zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [make_named_intro str_h';
- f (h'::avoid) clear_names clear_flag (Some str_h')
- (kind_of_term prem) path]))
+ let str_h' = h' in
+ Some(chain_tactics [make_named_intro str_h']
+ (f (h'::avoid) clear_names clear_flag (Some str_h')
+ (kind_of_term prem) path))
| _ -> None;;
+let make_pbp_pattern x =
+ Coqast.Node(zz,"APPLIST",
+ [Coqast.Nvar (zz, id_of_string "PBP_META");
+ Coqast.Nvar (zz, id_of_string ("Value_for_" ^ (string_of_id x)))])
+let rec make_then = function
+ | [] -> TacId
+ | [t] -> t
+ | t1::t2::l -> make_then (TacThen (t1,t2)::l)
+let make_pbp_atomic_tactic = function
+ | PbpTryAssumption None -> TacTry (TacAtom (zz, TacAssumption))
+ | PbpTryAssumption (Some a) ->
+ TacTry (TacAtom (zz, TacExact (Coqast.Nvar (zz,a))))
+ | PbpExists x ->
+ TacAtom (zz, TacSplit (ImplicitBindings [make_pbp_pattern x]))
+ | PbpGeneralize (h,args) ->
+ let l = Coqast.Nvar (zz, h)::List.map make_pbp_pattern args in
+ TacAtom (zz, TacGeneralize [Coqast.Node (zz, "APPLIST", l)])
+ | PbpLeft -> TacAtom (zz, TacLeft NoBindings)
+ | PbpRight -> TacAtom (zz, TacRight NoBindings)
+ | PbpReduce -> TacAtom (zz, TacReduce (Red false, []))
+ | PbpIntros l ->
+ let l = List.map (fun id -> IntroIdentifier id) l in
+ TacAtom (zz, TacIntroPattern l)
+ | PbpLApply h -> TacAtom (zz, TacLApply (Coqast.Nvar (zz, h)))
+ | PbpApply h -> TacAtom (zz, TacApply (Coqast.Nvar(zz, h),NoBindings))
+ | PbpElim (hyp_name, names) ->
+ let bind = List.map (fun s -> (NamedHyp s,make_pbp_pattern s)) names in
+ TacAtom
+ (zz, TacElim ((Coqast.Nvar(zz,hyp_name),ExplicitBindings bind),None))
+ | PbpTryClear l ->
+ TacTry (TacAtom (zz, TacClear (List.map (fun s -> AN (zz,s)) l)))
+ | PbpSplit -> TacAtom (zz, TacSplit NoBindings);;
+let rec make_pbp_tactic = function
+ | PbpThen tl -> make_then (List.map make_pbp_atomic_tactic tl)
+ | PbpThens (l,tl) ->
+ TacThens
+ (make_then (List.map make_pbp_atomic_tactic l),
+ List.map make_pbp_tactic tl)
let (forall_elim: pbp_rule) = function
avoid, clear_names, clear_flag,
Some h, Prod(Name x, _, body), 2::path, f ->
let h' = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
let clear_names' = if clear_flag then h::clear_names else clear_names in
- let str_h' = (string_of_id h') in
- Some(Node(zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [Node(zz,"Generalize",[Node
- (zz, "COMMAND",
- [Node
- (zz, "APPLIST",
- [Nvar (zz, h);
- Node(zz,"APPLIST", [Nvar (zz, "PBP_META");
- Nvar(zz, "Value_for_" ^ (string_of_id x))])])])]);
- make_named_intro str_h';
- f (h'::avoid) clear_names' true (Some str_h') (kind_of_term body) path]))
+ Some
+ (chain_tactics [PbpGeneralize (h,[x]); make_named_intro h']
+ (f (h'::avoid) clear_names' true (Some h') (kind_of_term body) path))
| _ -> None;;
let (imply_elim1: pbp_rule) = function
avoid, clear_names, clear_flag,
Some h, Prod(Anonymous, prem, body), 1::path, f ->
let clear_names' = if clear_flag then h::clear_names else clear_names in
let h' = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
let str_h' = (string_of_id h') in
- Some(Node
- (zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [Node
- (zz, "CutAndApply",
- [Node (zz, "COMMAND", [Nvar (zz, h)])]);
- Node(zz, "TACLIST",
- [Node
- (zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [Node (zz, "Intro", [Nvar (zz, str_h')]);
- make_clears (h::clear_names)]);
- Node (zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [f avoid clear_names' false None
- (kind_of_term prem) path])])]))
+ Some(PbpThens
+ ([PbpLApply h],
+ [PbpThen [PbpIntros [h']];
+ make_clears (h::clear_names);
+ f avoid clear_names' false None (kind_of_term prem) path]))
| _ -> None;;
let (imply_elim2: pbp_rule) = function
avoid, clear_names, clear_flag,
Some h, Prod(Anonymous, prem, body), 2::path, f ->
let clear_names' = if clear_flag then h::clear_names else clear_names in
let h' = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
- let str_h' = (string_of_id h') in
- Some(Node
- (zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [Node
- (zz, "CutAndApply",
- [Node (zz, "COMMAND", [Nvar (zz, h)])]);
- Node(zz, "TACLIST",
- [Node
- (zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [Node (zz, "Intro", [Nvar (zz, str_h')]);
- f (h'::avoid) clear_names' false (Some str_h')
- (kind_of_term body) path]);
- Node (zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [make_clears clear_names])])]))
+ Some(PbpThens
+ ([PbpLApply h],
+ [chain_tactics [PbpIntros [h']]
+ (f (h'::avoid) clear_names' false (Some h')
+ (kind_of_term body) path);
+ make_clears clear_names]))
| _ -> None;;
let reference dir s =
@@ -217,18 +280,11 @@ let (and_intro: pbp_rule) = function
let cont_cmd = f avoid clear_names false None
(kind_of_term cont_term) path in
let clear_cmd = make_clears clear_names in
- let cmds = List.map
- (function tac ->
- Node (zz, "TACTICLIST", [tac]))
+ let cmds =
(if a = 1
then [cont_cmd;clear_cmd]
else [clear_cmd;cont_cmd]) in
- Some
- (Node
- (zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [Node (zz, "Split", [Node (zz, "BINDINGS", [])]);
- Node
- (zz, "TACLIST", cmds)]))
+ Some (PbpThens ([PbpSplit],cmds))
else None
| _ -> None;;
@@ -239,17 +295,7 @@ let (ex_intro: pbp_rule) = function
or (is_matching_local (sigconstr ()) oper)
or (is_matching_local (sigTconstr ()) oper) ->
(match kind_of_term c2 with
- Lambda(Name x, _, body) ->
- Some(Node(zz, "Split",
- [Node(zz, "BINDINGS",
- [Node(zz, "BINDING",
- [Node(zz, "COMMAND",
- [Node(zz, "APPLIST",
- [Nvar(zz, "PBP_META");
- Nvar(zz,
- ("Value_for_" ^
- (string_of_id x)))])
- ])])])]))
+ Lambda(Name x, _, body) -> Some (PbpThen [PbpExists x])
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None;;
@@ -261,12 +307,10 @@ let (or_intro: pbp_rule) = function
(is_matching_local (sumconstr ()) or_oper))
& (a = 1 or a = 2) then
let cont_term = if a = 1 then c1 else c2 in
- let fst_cmd = Node(zz, (if a = 1 then "Left" else "Right"),
- [Node(zz, "BINDINGS",[])]) in
+ let fst_cmd = if a = 1 then PbpLeft else PbpRight in
let cont_cmd = f avoid clear_names false None
(kind_of_term cont_term) path in
- Some(Node(zz, "TACTICLIST",
- [fst_cmd;cont_cmd]))
+ Some(chain_tactics [fst_cmd] cont_cmd)
| _ -> None;;
@@ -279,19 +323,16 @@ let (not_intro: pbp_rule) = function
if(is_matching_local (notconstr ()) not_oper) or
(is_matching_local (notTconstr ()) not_oper) then
let h' = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
- let str_h' = (string_of_id h') in
- Some(Node(zz,"TACTICLIST",
- [Node(zz,"Reduce",[Node(zz,"REDEXP",[Node(zz,"Red",[])]);
- Node(zz,"CLAUSE",[])]);
- make_named_intro str_h';
- f (h'::avoid) clear_names false (Some str_h')
- (kind_of_term c1) path]))
+ Some(chain_tactics [PbpReduce;make_named_intro h']
+ (f (h'::avoid) clear_names false (Some h')
+ (kind_of_term c1) path))
| _ -> None;;
let elim_with_bindings hyp_name names =
[Node(zz, "COMMAND", [Nvar(zz,hyp_name)]);
@@ -307,6 +348,9 @@ let elim_with_bindings hyp_name names =
"value_for_" ^ s)])])])) names)]);;
+let elim_with_bindings hyp_name names =
+ PbpElim (hyp_name, names);;
let auxiliary_goals clear_names clear_flag this_name n_aux =
let clear_cmd =
@@ -338,13 +382,13 @@ let auxiliary_goals clear_names clear_flag this_name n_aux =
let rec down_prods: (types, constr) kind_of_term * (int list) * int ->
- string list * (int list) * int * (types, constr) kind_of_term *
+ identifier list * (int list) * int * (types, constr) kind_of_term *
(int list) =
Prod(Name x, _, body), 2::path, k ->
let res_sl, res_il, res_i, res_cstr, res_p
= down_prods (kind_of_term body, path, k+1) in
- (string_of_id x)::res_sl, (k::res_il), res_i, res_cstr, res_p
+ x::res_sl, (k::res_il), res_i, res_cstr, res_p
| Prod(Anonymous, _, body), 2::path, k ->
let res_sl, res_il, res_i, res_cstr, res_p
= down_prods (kind_of_term body, path, k+1) in
@@ -400,6 +444,7 @@ let (mk_db_indices: int list -> int -> int list) =
answer is true, then the built command takes advantage of the power of
head tactics. *)
let (head_tactic_patt: pbp_rule) = function
avoid, clear_names, clear_flag, Some h, cstr, path, f ->
(match down_prods (cstr, path, 0) with
@@ -505,7 +550,98 @@ let (head_tactic_patt: pbp_rule) = function
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None;;
+let (head_tactic_patt: pbp_rule) = function
+ avoid, clear_names, clear_flag, Some h, cstr, path, f ->
+ (match down_prods (cstr, path, 0) with
+ | (str_list, _, nprems,
+ App(oper,[|c1|]), 2::1::path)
+ when
+ (is_matching_local (notconstr ()) oper) or
+ (is_matching_local (notTconstr ()) oper) ->
+ Some(chain_tactics [elim_with_bindings h str_list]
+ (f avoid clear_names false None (kind_of_term c1) path))
+ | (str_list, _, nprems,
+ App(oper, [|c1; c2|]), 2::a::path)
+ when ((is_matching_local (andconstr()) oper) or
+ (is_matching_local (prodconstr()) oper)) & (a = 1 or a = 2) ->
+ let h1 = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
+ let h2 = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") (h1::avoid) in
+ Some(PbpThens
+ ([elim_with_bindings h str_list;
+ make_named_intro h1;
+ make_named_intro h2],
+ let cont_body =
+ if a = 1 then c1 else c2 in
+ let cont_tac =
+ f (h2::h1::avoid) (h::clear_names)
+ false (Some (if 1 = a then h1 else h2))
+ (kind_of_term cont_body) path in
+ cont_tac::(auxiliary_goals
+ clear_names clear_flag
+ h nprems)))
+ | (str_list, _, nprems, App(oper,[|c1; c2|]), 2::a::path)
+ when ((is_matching_local (exconstr ()) oper) or
+ (is_matching_local (exTconstr ()) oper) or
+ (is_matching_local (sigconstr ()) oper) or
+ (is_matching_local (sigTconstr()) oper)) & a = 2 ->
+ (match (kind_of_term c2),path with
+ Lambda(Name x, _,body), (2::path) ->
+ Some(PbpThens
+ ([elim_with_bindings h str_list],
+ let x' = next_global_ident_away x avoid in
+ let cont_body =
+ Prod(Name x', c1,
+ mkProd(Anonymous, body,
+ mkVar(dummy_id))) in
+ let cont_tac
+ = f avoid (h::clear_names) false None
+ cont_body (2::1::path) in
+ cont_tac::(auxiliary_goals
+ clear_names clear_flag
+ h nprems)))
+ | _ -> None)
+ | (str_list, _, nprems, App(oper,[|c1; c2|]), 2::a::path)
+ when ((is_matching_local (orconstr ()) oper) or
+ (is_matching_local (sumboolconstr ()) oper) or
+ (is_matching_local (sumconstr ()) oper)) &
+ (a = 1 or a = 2) ->
+ Some(PbpThens
+ ([elim_with_bindings h str_list],
+ let cont_body =
+ if a = 1 then c1 else c2 in
+ (* h' is the name for the new intro *)
+ let h' = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
+ let cont_tac =
+ chain_tactics
+ [make_named_intro h']
+ (f
+ (* h' should not be used again *)
+ (h'::avoid)
+ (* the disjunct itself can be discarded *)
+ (h::clear_names) false (Some h')
+ (kind_of_term cont_body) path) in
+ let snd_tac =
+ chain_tactics
+ [make_named_intro h']
+ (make_clears (h::clear_names)) in
+ let tacs1 =
+ if a = 1 then
+ [cont_tac; snd_tac]
+ else
+ [snd_tac; cont_tac] in
+ tacs1@(auxiliary_goals (h::clear_names)
+ false dummy_id nprems)))
+ | (str_list, int_list, nprems, c, [])
+ when (check_apply c (mk_db_indices int_list nprems)) &
+ (match c with Prod(_,_,_) -> false
+ | _ -> true) &
+ (List.length int_list) + nprems > 0 ->
+ Some(add_clear_names_if_necessary (PbpThen [PbpApply h]) clear_names)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None;;
let pbp_rules = ref [rem_cast;head_tactic_patt;forall_intro;imply_intro2;
forall_elim; imply_intro1; imply_elim1; imply_elim2;
@@ -541,11 +677,15 @@ let rec clean_trace flag =
command requested by the point-and-shoot strategy. Default is
Try Assumption--Try Exact. *)
let default_ast optname constr path =
match optname with
None -> Node(zz, "TRY", [Node(zz, "Assumption",[])])
| Some(a) -> Node(zz, "TRY",
[Node(zz, "Exact",[Node(zz,"COMMAND",[Nvar(zz,a)])])]);;
+let default_ast optname constr path = PbpThen [PbpTryAssumption optname]
(* This is the main proof by pointing function. *)
(* avoid: les noms a ne pas utiliser *)
@@ -564,8 +704,9 @@ let rec pbpt final_cmd avoid clear_names clear_flag opt_name constr path =
in try_all_rules (!pbp_rules);;
(* these are the optimisation functions. *)
-(* This function takes care of flattening successive intro commands. *)
+(* This function takes care of flattening successive then commands. *)
let rec optim1 =
Node(a,"TACTICLIST",b) ->
@@ -591,10 +732,25 @@ let rec optim1 =
| [t] -> t
| args -> Node(zz,"TACTICLIST", args))
| t -> t;;
+(* Invariant: in [flatten_sequence t], occurrences of [PbpThenCont(l,t)] enjoy
+ that t is some [PbpAtom t] *)
+let rec flatten_sequence =
+ function
+ PbpThens (tl1,tl2) -> PbpThens (tl1,List.map flatten_sequence tl2)
+ | PbpThen (tl1,t1) as x ->
+ (match flatten_sequence t1 with
+ | PbpThenCont (tl2,t2) -> PbpThenCont (tl1@tl2,t2)
+ | PbpThens (tl2,tl3) -> PbpThens (tl1@tl2,tl3)
+ | PbpAtom _ -> x)
+ | PbpAtom t as x -> x;;
(* This optimization function takes care of compacting successive Intro commands
together. *)
let rec optim2 =
Node(a,"TACTICLIST",b) ->
@@ -624,7 +780,42 @@ let rec optim2 =
| l -> (put_ids l)::t1::(group_intros [] others)) in
Node(a,"TACTICLIST",group_intros [] b)
| t -> t;;
+let rec optim2 = function
+ | TacThens (t,tl) -> TacThens (optim2 t, List.map optim2 tl)
+ | t ->
+ let get_ids =
+ List.map (function IntroIdentifier _ as x -> x
+ | _ -> failwith "get_ids expected an identifier") in
+ let rec group_intros names = function
+ [] -> (match names with
+ [] -> []
+ | l -> [TacIntroPattern l])
+ | (TacIntroPattern ids)::others ->
+ group_intros (names@(get_ids ids)) others
+ | t1::others ->
+ (match names with
+ [] -> t1::(group_intros [] others)
+ | l -> (TacIntroPattern l)::t1::(group_intros [] others)) in
+ make_then (group_intros [] (flatten_sequence t))
+let rec group_intros names = function
+ [] -> (match names with
+ [] -> []
+ | l -> [PbpIntros l])
+ | (PbpIntros ids)::others -> group_intros (names@ids) others
+ | t1::others ->
+ (match names with
+ [] -> t1::(group_intros [] others)
+ | l -> (PbpIntros l)::t1::(group_intros [] others))
+let rec optim2 = function
+ | PbpThens (tl1,tl2) -> PbpThens (group_intros [] tl1, List.map optim2 tl2)
+ | PbpThen tl -> PbpThen (group_intros [] tl)
let rec merge_ast_in_command com1 com2 =
let args1 =
(match com1 with
@@ -635,7 +826,8 @@ let rec merge_ast_in_command com1 com2 =
Node(_, "APPLIST", hyp::args) -> args
| _ -> failwith "unexpected com2 in merge_ast_in_command") in
Node(zz, "COMMAND", [Node(zz, "APPLIST", args1@args2)]);;
let cleanup_clears empty_allowed names str_list other =
let rec clean_aux = function
[] -> []
@@ -653,42 +845,44 @@ let cleanup_clears empty_allowed names str_list other =
else [Node(zz,"Idtac",[])]
| _ -> other)
| l -> Node(zz, "TRY", [Node(zz, "Clear", [Node(zz,"CLAUSE", l)])])::other;;
+let rec cleanup_clears str_list = function
+ [] -> []
+ | x::tail ->
+ if List.mem x str_list then cleanup_clears str_list tail
+ else x::(cleanup_clears str_list tail);;
(* This function takes care of compacting instanciations of universal
quantifications. *)
+let rec optim3_aux str_list = function
+ (PbpGeneralize (h,l1))::(PbpIntros [s])::(PbpGeneralize (h',l2))::others
+ when s=h' ->
+ optim3_aux (s::str_list) (PbpGeneralize (h,l1@l2)::others)
+ | (PbpTryClear names)::other ->
+ (match cleanup_clears str_list names with
+ [] -> other
+ | l -> (PbpTryClear l)::other)
+ | a::l -> a::(optim3_aux str_list l)
+ | [] -> [];;
let rec optim3 str_list = function
- Node(a,"TACTICLIST", b) ->
- let rec optim3_aux empty_allowed str_list = function
- ((Node(a, "Generalize", [Node(_, "COMMAND", [com1])])) as t1)::
- intro::
- (Node(b, "Generalize", [Node(_, "COMMAND", [com2])]) as t2)::others ->
- (match get_name_from_intro intro with
- None -> t1::intro::(optim3_aux true str_list (t2::others))
- | Some s -> optim3_aux true (s::str_list)
- (Node(a, "Generalize",
- [merge_ast_in_command com1 com2])::others))
- |( Node(zz, "TRY", [Node(a,"Clear", [Node(_,"CLAUSE", names)])]))::other ->
- cleanup_clears empty_allowed names str_list other
- | [Node(a,"TACLIST",branches)] ->
- [Node(a,"TACLIST",List.map (optim3 str_list) branches)]
- | a::l -> a::(optim3_aux true str_list l)
- | [] -> if empty_allowed then
- []
- else failwith "strange value in optim3_aux" in
- Node(a, "TACTICLIST", optim3_aux false str_list b)
- | t -> t;;
+ PbpThens (tl1, tl2) ->
+ PbpThens (optim3_aux str_list tl1, List.map (optim3 str_list) tl2)
+ | PbpThen tl -> PbpThen (optim3_aux str_list tl)
-let optim x = optim3 [] (optim2 (optim1 x));;
+let optim x = make_pbp_tactic (optim3 [] (optim2 x));;
+(* TODO
add_tactic "Traced_Try" traced_try_entry;;
let rec tactic_args_to_ints = function
[] -> []
| (Integer n)::l -> n::(tactic_args_to_ints l)
| _ -> failwith "expecting only numbers";;
let pbp_tac display_function = function
(Identifier a)::l ->
(function g ->
@@ -720,3 +914,34 @@ let pbp_tac display_function = function
| _ -> failwith "expecting other arguments";;
+let pbp_tac display_function idopt nl =
+ match idopt with
+ | Some str ->
+ (function g ->
+ let (ou,tstr) = (get_hyp_by_name g str) in
+ let exp_ast =
+ pbpt default_ast
+ (match ou with
+ "hyp" ->(pf_ids_of_hyps g)
+ |_ -> (str::(pf_ids_of_hyps g)))
+ []
+ false
+ (Some str)
+ (kind_of_term tstr)
+ nl in
+ (display_function (optim exp_ast); tclIDTAC g))
+ | None ->
+ if nl <> [] then
+ (function g ->
+ let exp_ast =
+ (pbpt default_ast (pf_ids_of_hyps g) [] false
+ None (kind_of_term (pf_concl g)) nl) in
+ (display_function (optim exp_ast); tclIDTAC g))
+ else
+ (function g ->
+ (display_function
+ (make_pbp_tactic (default_ast None (pf_concl g) []));
+ tclIDTAC g));;