path: root/contrib/funind
diff options
authorGravatar jforest <jforest@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-07-18 08:50:23 +0000
committerGravatar jforest <jforest@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-07-18 08:50:23 +0000
commitc048e93a80ce58e72ab5297341be435edbd154ad (patch)
tree86a7913d87a52dd93b00980d5483b5f3a136b634 /contrib/funind
parentf16545cc950129ec44c45d7f8cecf9f0e7cd48d1 (diff)
Code cleaning in Function
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@9053 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind')
4 files changed, 114 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/indfun.ml b/contrib/funind/indfun.ml
index 77c9de92c..14ee8efa2 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/indfun.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/indfun.ml
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ let functional_induction with_clean c princl pat =
let finfo = (* we first try to find out a graph on f *)
try find_Function_infos c'
with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find induction information on "++Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst c') )
+ errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find induction information on "++
+ Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst c') )
match Tacticals.elimination_sort_of_goal g with
| InProp -> finfo.prop_lemma
@@ -49,8 +50,9 @@ let functional_induction with_clean c princl pat =
let princ = (* then we get the principle *)
try mkConst (out_some princ_option )
with Failure "out_some" ->
- (*i If there is not default lemma defined then, we cross our finger and try to
- find a lemma named f_ind (or f_rec, f_rect) i*)
+ (*i If there is not default lemma defined then,
+ we cross our finger and try to find a lemma named f_ind
+ (or f_rec, f_rect) i*)
let princ_name =
(id_of_label (con_label c'))
@@ -90,39 +92,39 @@ let functional_induction with_clean c princl pat =
let old_idl = List.fold_right Idset.add (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty in
let old_idl = Idset.diff old_idl princ_vars in
let subst_and_reduce g =
- let idl =
- map_succeed
- (fun id ->
- if Idset.mem id old_idl then failwith "subst_and_reduce";
- id
- )
- (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g)
- in
- let flag =
- Rawterm.Cbv
- {Rawterm.all_flags
- with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
- }
- in
if with_clean
+ let idl =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun id ->
+ if Idset.mem id old_idl then failwith "subst_and_reduce";
+ id
+ )
+ (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g)
+ in
+ let flag =
+ Rawterm.Cbv
+ {Rawterm.all_flags
+ with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
+ }
+ in
(Tacticals.tclMAP (fun id -> Tacticals.tclTRY (Equality.subst [id])) idl )
(Hiddentac.h_reduce flag Tacticals.allClauses)
else Tacticals.tclIDTAC g
- princ_infos
- args_as_induction_constr
- princ'
- pat)
+ princ_infos
+ args_as_induction_constr
+ princ'
+ pat)
type annot =
@@ -243,17 +245,22 @@ let derive_inversion fix_names =
- (List.map (fun id -> destConst (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) id)) fix_names)
+ (List.map (fun id -> destConst (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) id)) fix_names)
(*i The next call to mk_rel_id is valid since we have just construct the graph
Ensures by : register_built
- (List.map (fun id -> destInd (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) (mk_rel_id id))) fix_names)
+ (List.map
+ (fun id -> destInd (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) (mk_rel_id id)))
+ fix_names
+ )
with e ->
- msg_warning (str "Cannot define correction of function and graph" ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e)
+ msg_warning
+ (str "Cannot define correction of function and graph" ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e)
let generate_principle
do_built fix_rec_l recdefs interactive_proof parametrize
- (continue_proof : int -> Names.constant array -> Term.constr array -> int -> Tacmach.tactic) : unit =
+ (continue_proof : int -> Names.constant array -> Term.constr array -> int ->
+ Tacmach.tactic) : unit =
let names = List.map (function (name,_,_,_,_) -> name) fix_rec_l in
let fun_bodies = List.map2 prepare_body fix_rec_l recdefs in
let funs_args = List.map fst fun_bodies in
@@ -365,7 +372,8 @@ let register_wf ?(is_mes=false) fname wf_rel_expr wf_arg args ret_type body
let eq = Command.generalize_constr_expr unbounded_eq args in
- let hook f_ref tcc_lemma_ref functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation =
+ let hook f_ref tcc_lemma_ref functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type
+ nb_args relation =
(generate_correction_proof_wf f_ref tcc_lemma_ref is_mes
@@ -469,7 +477,9 @@ let do_generate_principle register_built interactive_proof fixpoint_exprl =
let annot =
try Some (list_index (Name id) names - 1), Topconstr.CStructRec
- with Not_found -> raise (UserError("",str "Cannot find argument " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id id))
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (UserError("",str "Cannot find argument " ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_id id))
| (name,None,args,types,body),recdef ->
@@ -479,7 +489,8 @@ let do_generate_principle register_built interactive_proof fixpoint_exprl =
Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified in Function")
- (name,(Some 0, Topconstr.CStructRec),args,types,body),(None:Vernacexpr.decl_notation)
+ (name,(Some 0, Topconstr.CStructRec),args,types,body),
+ (None:Vernacexpr.decl_notation)
| (_,Some (Wf _),_,_,_),_ | (_,Some (Mes _),_,_,_),_->
("Cannot use mutual definition with well-founded recursion")
@@ -517,9 +528,13 @@ let rec add_args id new_args b =
| CArrow(loc,b1,b2) ->
CArrow(loc,add_args id new_args b1, add_args id new_args b2)
| CProdN(loc,nal,b1) ->
- CProdN(loc,List.map (fun (nal,b2) -> (nal,add_args id new_args b2)) nal, add_args id new_args b1)
+ CProdN(loc,
+ List.map (fun (nal,b2) -> (nal,add_args id new_args b2)) nal,
+ add_args id new_args b1)
| CLambdaN(loc,nal,b1) ->
- CLambdaN(loc,List.map (fun (nal,b2) -> (nal,add_args id new_args b2)) nal, add_args id new_args b1)
+ CLambdaN(loc,
+ List.map (fun (nal,b2) -> (nal,add_args id new_args b2)) nal,
+ add_args id new_args b1)
| CLetIn(loc,na,b1,b2) ->
CLetIn(loc,na,add_args id new_args b1,add_args id new_args b2)
| CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r),exprl) ->
@@ -530,10 +545,13 @@ let rec add_args id new_args b =
| _ -> CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r),List.map (add_args id new_args) exprl)
| CApp(loc,(pf,b),bl) ->
- CApp(loc,(pf,add_args id new_args b), List.map (fun (e,o) -> add_args id new_args e,o) bl)
+ CApp(loc,(pf,add_args id new_args b),
+ List.map (fun (e,o) -> add_args id new_args e,o) bl)
| CCases(loc,b_option,cel,cal) ->
CCases(loc,option_map (add_args id new_args) b_option,
- List.map (fun (b,(na,b_option)) -> add_args id new_args b,(na,option_map (add_args id new_args) b_option)) cel,
+ List.map (fun (b,(na,b_option)) ->
+ add_args id new_args b,
+ (na,option_map (add_args id new_args) b_option)) cel,
List.map (fun (loc,cpl,e) -> (loc,cpl,add_args id new_args e)) cal
| CLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,b_option),b1,b2) ->
@@ -578,41 +596,16 @@ let make_graph (f_ref:global_reference) =
let env = Global.env () in
let body = (force b) in
let extern_body,extern_type =
- let old_implicit_args = Impargs.is_implicit_args ()
- and old_strict_implicit_args = Impargs.is_strict_implicit_args ()
- and old_contextual_implicit_args = Impargs.is_contextual_implicit_args () in
- let old_rawprint = !Options.raw_print in
- Options.raw_print := true;
- Impargs.make_implicit_args false;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
- try
- let res = Constrextern.extern_constr false env body in
- let res' = Constrextern.extern_type false env c_body.const_type in
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- res,res'
- with
- | UserError(s,msg) as e ->
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- raise e
- | e ->
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- raise e
+ with_full_print
+ (fun () ->
+ (Constrextern.extern_constr false env body,
+ Constrextern.extern_type false env c_body.const_type
+ )
+ )
+ ()
let rec get_args b t : Topconstr.local_binder list *
Topconstr.constr_expr * Topconstr.constr_expr =
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "body: " ++Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr b); *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "type: " ++ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr t); *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (fnl ()); *)
match b with
| Topconstr.CLambdaN (loc, (nal_ta), b') ->
@@ -637,7 +630,8 @@ let make_graph (f_ref:global_reference) =
else t
let nal_tas,b'',t'' = get_args b' (chop_n_arrow n t) in
- (List.map (fun (nal,ta) -> (Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,ta))) nal_ta)@nal_tas, b'',t''
+ (List.map (fun (nal,ta) ->
+ (Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,ta))) nal_ta)@nal_tas, b'',t''
| _ -> [],b,t
@@ -659,7 +653,8 @@ let make_graph (f_ref:global_reference) =
let rec_id =
- match List.nth bl' (out_some n) with |(_,Name id) -> id | _ -> anomaly ""
+ match List.nth bl' (out_some n) with
+ |(_,Name id) -> id | _ -> anomaly ""
let new_args =
@@ -667,7 +662,10 @@ let make_graph (f_ref:global_reference) =
| Topconstr.LocalRawDef (na,_)-> []
| Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,_) ->
- List.map (fun (loc,n) -> CRef(Libnames.Ident(loc, Nameops.out_name n))) nal
+ List.map
+ (fun (loc,n) ->
+ CRef(Libnames.Ident(loc, Nameops.out_name n)))
+ nal
@@ -685,7 +683,9 @@ let make_graph (f_ref:global_reference) =
do_generate_principle false false expr_list;
(* We register the infos *)
let mp,dp,_ = repr_con c in
- List.iter (fun (id,_,_,_,_) -> add_Function (make_con mp dp (label_of_id id))) expr_list
+ List.iter
+ (fun (id,_,_,_,_) -> add_Function (make_con mp dp (label_of_id id)))
+ expr_list
(* let make_graph _ = assert false *)
diff --git a/contrib/funind/indfun_common.ml b/contrib/funind/indfun_common.ml
index f41aac205..20263c188 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/indfun_common.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/indfun_common.ml
@@ -233,6 +233,32 @@ let get_proof_clean do_reduce =
Pfedit.delete_current_proof ();
+let with_full_print f a =
+ let old_implicit_args = Impargs.is_implicit_args ()
+ and old_strict_implicit_args = Impargs.is_strict_implicit_args ()
+ and old_contextual_implicit_args = Impargs.is_contextual_implicit_args () in
+ let old_rawprint = !Options.raw_print in
+ Options.raw_print := true;
+ Impargs.make_implicit_args false;
+ Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false;
+ Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
+ try
+ let res = f a in
+ Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
+ Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
+ res
+ with
+ | e ->
+ Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
+ Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
+ raise e
diff --git a/contrib/funind/indfun_common.mli b/contrib/funind/indfun_common.mli
index 00e1ce8d9..2142d29b3 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/indfun_common.mli
+++ b/contrib/funind/indfun_common.mli
@@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ val get_proof_clean : bool ->
+(* [with_full_print f a] applies [f] to [a] in full printing environment
+ This function preserves the print settings
+val with_full_print : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
@@ -103,3 +109,4 @@ val pr_table : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val function_debug : bool ref
val do_observe : unit -> bool
diff --git a/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml b/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
index dbf2f9441..1b5ed99f5 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
@@ -1108,19 +1108,7 @@ let build_inductive
(function result (* (args',concl') *) ->
let rt = compose_raw_context result.context result.value in
let nb_args = List.length funsargs.(i) in
-(* let old_implicit_args = Impargs.is_implicit_args () *)
-(* and old_strict_implicit_args = Impargs.is_strict_implicit_args () *)
-(* and old_contextual_implicit_args = Impargs.is_contextual_implicit_args () in *)
-(* let old_rawprint = !Options.raw_print in *)
-(* Options.raw_print := true; *)
-(* Impargs.make_implicit_args false; *)
-(* Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false; *)
-(* Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false; *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "raw constr " ++ pr_rawconstr rt); *)
-(* Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args; *)
-(* Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args; *)
-(* Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args; *)
-(* Options.raw_print := old_rawprint; *)
+ (* with_full_print (fun rt -> Pp.msgnl (str "raw constr " ++ pr_rawconstr rt)) rt; *)
fst (
rebuild_cons nb_args relnames.(i)
@@ -1182,8 +1170,6 @@ let build_inductive
Then save the graphs and reset Printing options to their primitive values
let rel_arities = Array.mapi rel_arity funsargs in
- let old_rawprint = !Options.raw_print in
- Options.raw_print := true;
let rel_params =
(fun (n,t,is_defined) ->
@@ -1199,7 +1185,11 @@ let build_inductive
let ext_rels_constructors =
Array.map (List.map
(fun (id,t) ->
- false,((dummy_loc,id),Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty ((* zeta_normalize *) t))
+ false,((dummy_loc,id),
+ Options.with_option
+ Options.raw_print
+ (Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty) ((* zeta_normalize *) t)
+ )
@@ -1232,58 +1222,27 @@ let build_inductive
(* rel_inds *)
(* ) *)
(* in *)
- let old_implicit_args = Impargs.is_implicit_args ()
- and old_strict_implicit_args = Impargs.is_strict_implicit_args ()
- and old_contextual_implicit_args = Impargs.is_contextual_implicit_args () in
- Impargs.make_implicit_args false;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
let _time2 = System.get_time () in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "Bulding Inductive : " ++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time1 time2))); *)
- Options.silently (Command.build_mutual rel_inds) true;
- let _time3 = System.get_time () in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "Bulding Done: "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
-(* let msg = *)
-(* str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++ *)
-(* Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(true,rel_inds)) ++ fnl () *)
-(* in *)
-(* Pp.msgnl msg; *)
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- with
+ with_full_print (Options.silently (Command.build_mutual rel_inds)) true
+ with
| UserError(s,msg) ->
let _time3 = System.get_time () in
(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
let msg =
str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(true,rel_inds)) ++ fnl () ++
observe (msg);
- raise
- (UserError(s, msg))
+ raise (UserError(s, msg))
| e ->
let _time3 = System.get_time () in
(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
let msg =
str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(true,rel_inds)) ++ fnl () ++
Cerrors.explain_exn e
observe msg;
- raise
- (UserError("",msg))
+ raise (UserError("",msg))