path: root/contrib/funind
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authorGravatar courtieu <courtieu@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-03-01 14:23:47 +0000
committerGravatar courtieu <courtieu@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-03-01 14:23:47 +0000
commit98ebcece4ff6d2d9450dc96206b271516167daa5 (patch)
treedfcb37805cc13d7573ed48aa83bd7f9037ada0d1 /contrib/funind
parent1ca3746894032d4372d7937b6b4188f8c4996c35 (diff)
Added some tests to make more robust the tactique "Functional
Induction". Namely: check that the given function is a really a constant, and check that the number of given argument is exactly the arity of the given function. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@3723 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4 b/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4
index 81071ad1e..e845f3235 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4
+++ b/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let merge_smap m1 m2 = Smap.fold (fun c cb m -> Smap.add c cb m) m1 m2
case analysis*)
let equality_hyp_string = "_eg_"
-(* bug de refine: on doit ssavoir sur quelle hypothese on se trouve. valeur par
+(* bug de refine: on doit ssavoir sur quelle hypothese on se trouve. valeur
initiale au debut de l'appel a la fonction proofPrinc: 1. *)
let nthhyp = ref 1
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ let pr2constr = (fun c1 c2 -> prconstr c1; prstr " <---> "; prconstr c2)
let constr_of c =
try Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c
- with _ -> failwith "constr_of: error when looking for a term.\n"
+ with _ ->
+ msg (str "constr_of: error when looking for term: ");
+ raise Not_found
let rec collect_cases l =
match l with
@@ -121,7 +123,6 @@ let rec eqs_of_beqs_named_aux s i l =
::eqs_of_beqs_named_aux s (i-1) l'
-(* List.map (function a,b,c -> ((id_of_string s), (mkEq a b c))) *)
let eqs_of_beqs_named s l = eqs_of_beqs_named_aux s (List.length l) l
let rec patternify ltypes c nme =
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ let rec apply_levars c lmetav =
let levars,trm = apply_levars c lmetav' in
let exkey = mknewexist() in
((exkey,typ)::levars), applistc trm [mkEvar exkey]
- (* EXPERIMENT le refine est plus long si je met un cast:
+ (* EXPERIMENT le refine est plus long si on met un cast:
((exkey,typ)::levars), mkCast ((applistc trm [mkEvar exkey]),typ) *)
@@ -210,12 +211,12 @@ and build_rel_map_list ltyp ltype_of_b =
\item [lst_eqs] ([constr list]): liste d'équations engendrées au cours du parcours,
cette liste grandit à chaque case, et il faut lifter le tout à chaque binder.
\item [lst_recs] ([constr list]): listes des appels récursifs rencontrés jusque
- là (dans les let in).
+ là.
- le Compteur nthhyp est utilisé pour contourner un bug de refine en beta expansant
- lesmutual fixpt. trous. On mets une variable à la place d'un ?, dont le debruijn
- pointe sur la nieme hypothèse (nthhyp). nthhyp vaut donc initialement 1.
+ le Compteur nthhyp est utilisé pour contourner un comportement bizarre de refine en
+ beta expansant lesmutual fixpt. On mets une variable à la place d'un ?, dont le
+ debruijn pointe sur la nieme hypothèse (nthhyp). nthhyp vaut donc initialement 1.
Cette fonction rends un nuplet de la forme:
@@ -237,6 +238,8 @@ and build_rel_map_list ltyp ltype_of_b =
des prédicats mutuellement récursifs. Permet de finir la construction du principe.
+ TODO: mettre tout ça dans un record bien propre.
proofPrinc G=concl absG=absconcl t=mimick X=fonc Gamma1=lst_vars Gamma2=lst_eq
Gamma3=lst_recs *)
let rec
@@ -452,7 +455,6 @@ let invfun_proof fonc def_fonc gl_abstr pis env sigma =
proofPrinc ~concl:pis ~absconcl:gl_abstr ~mimick:def_fonc ~env:env
~sigma:sigma fonc (0,0) [] [] []
- (* prconstr princ_proof; *)
let rec iterintro i =
@@ -483,16 +485,13 @@ let invfun_basic open_princ_proof_applied listargs_ids gl dorew lposeq =
(* Refine on the right term (following the sheme of the
given function) *)
(fun gl ->
- (* let _ = prstr "avant refine \n" in *)
refine open_princ_proof_applied gl)
(* Clear the hypothesis given as arguments of the tactic
(because they are generalized) *)
- (tclTHEN (fun gl ->
- (* let _ = prstr "apres refine \n" in *) (simpl_in_concl gl))
- (tclTRY (clear listargs_ids))))
+ (tclTHEN (fun gl -> (simpl_in_concl gl)) (tclTRY (clear listargs_ids))))
(* Now we introduce the created hypothesis, and try rewrite on
equalities due to case analysis *)
- (fun gl -> (*let _ = prstr "avant rewrite \n" in*) (tclIDTAC gl)))
+ (fun gl -> (tclIDTAC gl)))
(fun i gl ->
if not dorew then tclIDTAC gl
@@ -536,13 +535,7 @@ let rec applistc_iota cstr lcstr env sigma =
(*s Tactic that makes induction and case analysis following the shape
of a function (idf) given with arguments (listargs) *)
let invfun c l dorew gl =
- (* match l with
- | fonctac::listargs ->*)
- let listargs'' = l in
-(* try List.map constr_of_Constr l with _ -> failwith " constr_of_Constr " in *)
- (* \begin{itemize}
+(* \begin{itemize}
\item [fonc] = the constant corresponding to the function
(necessary for equalities of the form [(f x1 x2 ...)=...] where
[f] is the recursive function).
@@ -550,7 +543,7 @@ let invfun c l dorew gl =
been expanded. *)
let fonc, def_fonc' = interp_fonc_tacarg c gl in
let def_fonc'',listargs' =
- applistc_iota def_fonc' listargs'' (pf_env gl) (project gl) in
+ applistc_iota def_fonc' l (pf_env gl) (project gl) in
let def_fonc = expand_letins def_fonc'' in
(* Generalize the goal. [[x1:T1][x2:T2]... g[arg1 <- x1 ...]]. *)
let gl_abstr = (add_lambdas (pf_concl gl) gl listargs') in
@@ -574,12 +567,22 @@ let invfun c l dorew gl =
let listargs_ids = List.map destVar (List.filter isVar listargs') in
invfun_basic (mkevarmap_aux open_princ_proof_applied) listargs_ids gl dorew lposeq
-(* | _ -> failwith "invfun_proof _ " *)
+(* function must be a constant, all arguments must be given. *)
+let invfun_verif c l dorew gl =
+ if not (isConst c) then error "given function is not a constant"
+ else
+ let x,_ = decompose_prod (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ if List.length x = List.length l then
+ try invfun c l dorew gl
+ with _ ->
+ error
+ ( "Tactic went wrong for some reason. If the function you used to define\n"
+ ^ "the induction principle do not deal with dependent typed, please report.")
+ else error "wrong number of arguments for the function"
-(* new syntax, with or without parenthesis *)
TACTIC EXTEND FunctionalInduction
- [ "Functional" "Induction" constr(c) ne_constr_list(l) ] -> [ invfun c l true ]
+ [ "Functional" "Induction" constr(c) ne_constr_list(l) ] -> [ invfun_verif c l true ]
@@ -591,13 +594,11 @@ let buildFunscheme fonc mutflist =
let gl = mknewmeta() in
let gl_app = applFull gl ftyp in
let pis = prod_change_concl ftyp gl_app in
- (* let gl_abstr = lam_change_concl ftyp gl_app in *)
(* Here we call the function invfun_proof, that effectively
builds the scheme *)
let princ_proof,levar,_,evararr,absc =
invfun_proof mutflist def_fonc [||] pis (Global.env()) Evd.empty in
let lst_hyps = List.map snd levar in
- (* let _ = prconstr princ_proof in *)
let princ_proof_hyps =
patternify (List.rev levar) princ_proof (Name (id_of_string "Hyp")) in
let rec princ_replace_metas ev abs i t =
@@ -609,29 +610,26 @@ let buildFunscheme fonc mutflist =
prod_change_concl (lift 1 abs.(i)) mkProp,
(substitterm 0 ev.(i) (mkRel (1)) (lift 1 t))))
- (* let _ = prconstr (princ_replace_metas evararr absc 0 princ_proof_hyps) in *)
if Array.length evararr = 0 (* Is there a Fixpoint? *)
then (* No Fixpoint *)
(mkLambda ((Name (id_of_string ("Q"))),
prod_change_concl ftyp mkProp,
(substitterm 0 gl (mkRel 1) princ_proof_hyps)))
-(* let _ = prstr "principe:\n" in
- let _ = prconstr (princ_replace_metas evararr absc 0 princ_proof_hyps) in *)
princ_replace_metas evararr absc 0 princ_proof_hyps
(* Declaration of the functional scheme. *)
let declareFunScheme f fname mutflist =
+ let scheme = buildFunscheme (constr_of f)
+ (Array.of_list (List.map constr_of (f::mutflist))) in
let ce = {
- const_entry_body = buildFunscheme (constr_of f)
- (Array.of_list (List.map constr_of (f::mutflist)));
+ const_entry_body = scheme;
const_entry_type = None;
const_entry_opaque = false } in
let _= ignore (declare_constant fname (DefinitionEntry ce,IsDefinition)) in
-(* Commands and tactic declarations *)
@@ -642,99 +640,13 @@ VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND FunctionalScheme
-> [ declareFunScheme c na [] ]
-(*s Command that generates the generic principle. *)
-(* FIXME:
-let _ = vinterp_add "FunctionElim"
- (function
- let mutflist =
- List.map
- (function VARG_CONSTR i -> i
- | _ -> bad_vernac_args "FunctionElim") l in
- (fun _ -> (declareFunScheme f fname mutflist))
- | _ -> bad_vernac_args "FunctionElim")
-let _ = add_tactic "Invfunproofsimpl" dyn_invfun_proof
-let _ = hide_tactic "Invfunproof" dyn_invfun_proofR
-(* iter a tactic *)
-let rec iter_tac_on_hyps tac l =
- match l with
- | [] -> tclIDTAC
- | h::l' ->
- tclTHEN (tac h) (iter_tac_on_hyps tac l')
-(* iter on all tactics for which filter is true *)
-let rec iter_tac_on_hyps_filter filter tac l =
- match l with
- | [] -> tclIDTAC
- | h::l' ->
- tclTHEN
- (if filter h then tac h
- else tclIDTAC)
- (iter_tac_on_hyps_filter filter tac l')
-(* Definition of a filter (see above) that matches the prefix of hypothesis *)
-exception String_diff
-let string_match s1 s2 =
- let res = true in
- try
- for i = 0 to (String.length s1) - 1 do
- if String.get s1 i <> String.get s2 i then raise String_diff
- done;
- true
- with Invalid_argument _ -> false
- | String_diff -> false
-(* a simple filter: true if an hyp name prefix matches [s] *)
-let hyp_named s namedecl =
- let id,_,_ = namedecl in
- string_match s (string_of_id id)
-(* Rewrite Matching *)
-let rew_list id =
- match id with
- | s,None,x -> tclTRY (rewriteLR (mkVar s))
- | _ -> failwith "something went wrong during automatic rewriting."
-let iter_rew_on_matching_name_hyps s gl =
- let hypslist = pf_hyps gl in
- iter_tac_on_hyps_filter (hyp_named s) rew_list hypslist gl
-TACTIC EXTEND RewriteMatching
- [ "Rewrite" "Matching" ident(s) ]
- ->[iter_rew_on_matching_name_hyps (string_of_id s)]
-(* End Rewrite Matching *)
-(* Clear (Try to) all matching hyps *)
-let clear_list id =
- match id with
- | (s,None,x) -> tclTRY (clear [s])
- | _ -> failwith "something went wrong during automatic clear."
-let iter_clear_on_matching_name_hyps s gl =
- let hypslist = pf_hyps gl in
- iter_tac_on_hyps_filter (hyp_named s) clear_list hypslist gl
-TACTIC EXTEND ClearMatching
- [ "Clear" "Matching" ident(s) ]
- ->[iter_clear_on_matching_name_hyps (string_of_id s)]
-(* end of clear matching*)
*** Local Variables: ***
-*** compile-command: "make" ***
+*** compile-command: "make -C ../.. contrib/funind/tacinv.cmo" ***
*** tab-width: 1 ***
*** tuareg-default-indent:1 ***
*** tuareg-begin-indent:1 ***