path: root/contrib/funind
diff options
authorGravatar courtieu <courtieu@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-10-27 08:52:36 +0000
committerGravatar courtieu <courtieu@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-10-27 08:52:36 +0000
commit632f915ccc5cb48db620da2d87d0a624a13a2c02 (patch)
treeb91b6d9f909d4431d8d832e5475d845b815e2c2b /contrib/funind
parent77a3a67cbffc28416b934969d752ed0aee99f243 (diff)
Fixes on functional graphs merging: names of constructors.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@9295 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/merge.ml b/contrib/funind/merge.ml
index c37254491..1a960b0ee 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/merge.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/merge.ml
@@ -556,15 +556,44 @@ let merge_one_constructor (shift:merge_infos) (typcstr1:rawconstr)
list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk1.(i)) (List.rev allargs1) in
let revargs2 =
list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk2.(i)) (List.rev allargs2) in
-(* let args1 , _ = list_chop_end shift.nrecprms1 allargs1 in
- let args2 , _ = list_chop_end shift.nrecprms2 allargs2_filtered in *)
let typwithprms = raw_compose_prod typ (List.rev revargs2 @ List.rev revargs1) in
- typwithprms (* useless *)
+ typwithprms
+let next_ident_fresh (s:identifier) =
+ let res = ref s in
+ let _ = prstr (Printf.sprintf "\ns = %s" (string_of_id !res)) in
+ while
+ (try
+ let ans = CRef (Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,!res)) in
+ ignore (Constrintern.intern_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) ans)
+ (* ignore (Prettyp.locate_any_name Libnames.qualid_of_string (string_of_id !res)) *)
+ ; true
+ with _ -> false)
+ do res := Nameops.lift_ident !res ; prstr (string_of_id !res) done;
+ let _ = prstr (Printf.sprintf "\ns = %s (out)" (string_of_id !res)) in
+ !res;;
let merge_constructor_id id1 id2:identifier =
let s1 = string_of_id id1 in
let s2 = string_of_id id2 in
- id_of_string (s1^s2)
+ next_ident_fresh (id_of_string (s1^"_"^s2^"_"))
+let fresh_cstror_suffix , cstror_suffix_init =
+ let cstror_num = ref 0 in
+ (fun () ->
+ let res = string_of_int !cstror_num in
+ cstror_num := !cstror_num + 1;
+ res) ,
+ (fun () -> cstror_num := 0)
+let merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift:identifier =
+ let id = string_of_id shift.ident ^ "_" ^ fresh_cstror_suffix () in
+ next_ident_fresh (id_of_string id)
(** [merge_constructors lnk shift avoid] merges the two list of
constructor [(name*type)]. These are translated to rawterms
@@ -585,7 +614,7 @@ let rec merge_constructors (shift:merge_infos) (avoid:Idset.t)
let avoid2 = Idset.union avoid idsoftyp1 in
let rawtyp2 = Detyping.detype false (Idset.elements avoid2) [] typ2 in
let typ = merge_one_constructor shift rawtyp1 rawtyp2 in
- let newcstror_id = merge_constructor_id id1 id2 in
+ let newcstror_id = merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift in
newcstror_id , typ)
@@ -599,11 +628,8 @@ let rec merge_inductive_body (shift:merge_infos) avoid (oib1:one_inductive_body)
let lcstr2 = Array.to_list oib2.mind_user_lc in
let lcstr1 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib1.mind_consnames) lcstr1 in
let lcstr2 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib2.mind_consnames) lcstr2 in
- let newshift = shift (* { shift with
- nargs1 = oib1.mind_nrealargs;
- nargs2 = oib2.mind_nrealargs; } *) in
- let res = merge_constructors newshift avoid lcstr1 lcstr2 in
- res
+ cstror_suffix_init();
+ merge_constructors shift avoid lcstr1 lcstr2
(** [build_raw_params prms_decl avoid] returns a list of variables
attributed to the list of decl [prms_decl], avoiding names in
@@ -669,19 +695,15 @@ let merge_rec_params_and_arity params1 params2 shift (concl:constr) =
FIXME: params et cstr_expr (arity) *)
let rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr mib1 mib2 shift
(rawlist:(identifier * rawconstr) list):inductive_expr =
- let rawterm_to_constr_expr = (* build a constr_expr from a rawconstr *)
- Options.with_option Options.raw_print (Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty) in
+ let rawterm_to_constr_expr x = (* build a constr_expr from a rawconstr *)
+ Options.with_option Options.raw_print (Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty) x in
let lident = dummy_loc, shift.ident in
- let bindlist , cstr_expr = (* params , arities , FIXME: verify this *)
+ let bindlist , cstr_expr = (* params , arities *)
mib1.mind_params_ctxt mib2.mind_params_ctxt shift mkSet in
- let cstor_cpt = ref 0 in
- let bld_cor_name id =
- cstor_cpt := !cstor_cpt + 1;
- id_of_string (string_of_id id ^ string_of_int !cstor_cpt) in
let lcstor_expr : (bool * (lident * constr_expr)) list =
List.map (* zeta_normalize t ? *)
- (fun (id,t) -> false, ((dummy_loc,bld_cor_name id),rawterm_to_constr_expr t))
+ (fun (id,t) -> false, ((dummy_loc,id),rawterm_to_constr_expr t))
rawlist in
lident , bindlist , cstr_expr , lcstor_expr