path: root/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
diff options
authorGravatar jforest <jforest@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-04-24 07:59:57 +0000
committerGravatar jforest <jforest@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-04-24 07:59:57 +0000
commit4d7dd37ecc7e3d0dcc58d15eca53972cf41be057 (patch)
tree728ad922b97966a6cd715cefac0a621062b9fab9 /contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
parent2ff58aa2c8592a5ce56815e10c8477f481ab25fd (diff)
+ Handling "if" and cast in GenFixpoint
+ Correcting a bug in recursives funcitons detection in GenFixpoint + Parially handling applied binders in funcitonal principles generation tactic git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@8725 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml b/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
index 327198b91..1234c7faa 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.ml
@@ -145,37 +145,6 @@ let rec replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term = function
let add_bt_names bt = List.append (ids_of_binder bt)
-(* let rec replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term = function *)
-(* | [] -> [] *)
-(* | (bt,Name id,t)::l when id_ord id x_id = 0 -> *)
-(* (bt,Name id,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::l *)
-(* | (bt,na,t)::l -> *)
-(* (bt,na,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::(replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term l) *)
-(* let rec change_vars_in_binder mapping = function *)
-(* | [] -> [] *)
-(* | (bt,(Name id as na),t)::l when Idmap.mem id mapping -> *)
-(* (bt,na,change_vars mapping t):: l *)
-(* | (bt,na,t)::l -> *)
-(* (bt,na,change_vars mapping t):: *)
-(* (change_vars_in_binder mapping l) *)
-(* let alpha_ctxt avoid b = *)
-(* let rec alpha_ctxt = function *)
-(* | [] -> [],b *)
-(* | (bt,n,t)::ctxt -> *)
-(* let new_ctxt,new_b = alpha_ctxt ctxt in *)
-(* match n with *)
-(* | Name id when List.mem id avoid -> *)
-(* let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id avoid in *)
-(* let mapping = Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty in *)
-(* (bt,Name new_id,t):: *)
-(* (change_vars_in_binder mapping new_ctxt), *)
-(* change_vars mapping new_b *)
-(* | _ -> (bt,n,t)::new_ctxt,new_b *)
-(* in *)
-(* alpha_ctxt *)
let apply_args ctxt body args =
let need_convert_id avoid id =
List.exists (is_free_in id) args || List.mem id avoid
@@ -183,11 +152,6 @@ let apply_args ctxt body args =
let need_convert avoid bt =
List.exists (need_convert_id avoid) (ids_of_binder bt)
-(* let add_name na avoid = *)
-(* match na with *)
-(* | Anonymous -> avoid *)
-(* | Name id -> id::avoid *)
-(* in *)
let next_name_away (na:name) (mapping: identifier Idmap.t) (avoid: identifier list) =
match na with
| Name id when List.mem id avoid ->
@@ -206,17 +170,6 @@ let apply_args ctxt body args =
| Lambda na ->
let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
Lambda new_na,mapping,new_avoid
-(* | LetTuple (nal,na) -> *)
-(* let rev_new_nal,mapping,new_avoid = *)
-(* List.fold_left *)
-(* (fun (nal,mapping,(avoid:identifier list)) na -> *)
-(* let new_na,new_mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na mapping avoid in *)
-(* (new_na::nal,new_mapping,new_avoid) *)
-(* ) *)
-(* ([],Idmap.empty,avoid) *)
-(* nal *)
-(* in *)
-(* (LetTuple(List.rev rev_new_nal,na),mapping,new_avoid) *)
let rec do_apply avoid ctxt body args =
match ctxt,args with
@@ -402,6 +355,73 @@ let make_pattern_eq_precond id e pat =
+let build_constructors_of_type msg ind' =
+ let (mib,ind) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind' in
+ let npar = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ Array.mapi (fun i _ ->
+ let construct = ind',i+1 in
+ let constructref = ConstructRef(construct) in
+ let _implicit_positions_of_cst =
+ Impargs.implicits_of_global constructref
+ in
+ let cst_narg =
+ Inductiveops.mis_constructor_nargs_env
+ (Global.env ())
+ construct
+ in
+ let pat_as_term =
+ mkRApp(mkRRef (ConstructRef(ind',i+1)),
+ Array.to_list
+ (Array.init (cst_narg - npar) (fun _ -> mkRHole ())
+ )
+ )
+ in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "new constructor := " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr pat_as_term); *)
+ cases_pattern_of_rawconstr Anonymous pat_as_term
+ )
+ ind.Declarations.mind_consnames
+let find_constructors_of_raw_type msg t =
+ let ind,args = raw_decompose_app t in
+ match ind with
+ | RRef(_,IndRef ind') ->
+(* let _,ind = Global.lookup_inductive ind' in *)
+ build_constructors_of_type msg ind'
+ | _ -> error msg
+let rec find_type_of b =
+ let f,_ = raw_decompose_app b in
+ match f with
+ | RRef(_,ref) ->
+ begin
+ let ind_type =
+ match ref with
+ | VarRef _ | ConstRef _ ->
+ let constr_of_ref = constr_of_global ref in
+ let type_of_ref = Typing.type_of (Global.env ()) Evd.empty constr_of_ref in
+ let (_,ret_type) = Reduction.dest_prod (Global.env ()) type_of_ref in
+ let ret_type,_ = decompose_app ret_type in
+ if not (isInd ret_type) then
+ begin
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "not an inductive" ++ pr_lconstr ret_type); *)
+ raise (Invalid_argument "not an inductive")
+ end;
+ destInd ret_type
+ | IndRef ind -> ind
+ | ConstructRef c -> fst c
+ in
+ let _,ind_type_info = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind_type in
+ if not (Array.length ind_type_info.Declarations.mind_consnames = 2 )
+ then raise (Invalid_argument "find_type_of : not an if inductive");
+ ind_type
+ end
+ | RCast(_,b,_,_) -> find_type_of b
+ | RApp _ -> assert false (* we have decomposed any application via raw_decompose_app *)
+ | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "not a ref")
let rec build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
(* Pp.msgnl (str " Entering : " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr rt); *)
match rt with
@@ -466,13 +486,13 @@ let rec build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
- | RCases _ | RLambda _ ->
+ | RCases _ | RLambda _ | RIf _ ->
let f_res = build_entry_lc funnames args_res.to_avoid f in
combine_results combine_app f_res args_res
| RDynamic _ ->error "Not handled RDynamic"
- | RCast _ -> error "Not handled RCast"
+ | RCast(_,b,_,_) ->
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid (mkRApp(b,args))
| RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
| RLetTuple _ -> error "Not handled RLetTuple"
| RProd _ -> error "Cannot apply a type"
@@ -496,10 +516,49 @@ let rec build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
| RCases(_,_,el,brl) ->
let make_discr = make_discr_match brl in
build_entry_lc_from_case funnames make_discr el brl avoid
- | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
+ | RIf(_,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
+ begin
+ match b with
+ | RCast(_,b,_,t) ->
+ let msg = "If construction must be used with cast" in
+ let case_pat = find_constructors_of_raw_type msg t in
+ assert (Array.length case_pat = 2);
+ let brl =
+ list_map_i
+ (fun i x -> (dummy_loc,[],[case_pat.(i)],x))
+ 0
+ [lhs;rhs]
+ in
+ let match_expr =
+ mkRCases(None,[(b,(Anonymous,None))],brl)
+ in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "new case := " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr match_expr); *)
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid match_expr
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ let ind = find_type_of b in
+ let case_pat = build_constructors_of_type (str "") ind in
+ let brl =
+ list_map_i
+ (fun i x -> (dummy_loc,[],[case_pat.(i)],x))
+ 0
+ [lhs;rhs]
+ in
+ let match_expr =
+ mkRCases(None,[(b,(Anonymous,None))],brl)
+ in
+ (* Pp.msgnl (str "new case := " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr match_expr); *)
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid match_expr
+ with Invalid_argument s ->
+ let msg = "If construction must be used with cast : "^ s in
+ error msg
+ end
| RLetTuple _ -> error "Not handled RLetTuple"
| RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RCast _ -> error "Not handled RCast"
+ | RCast(_,b,_,_) ->
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid b
| RDynamic _ -> error "Not handled RDynamic"
and build_entry_lc_from_case funname make_discr
(el:(Rawterm.rawconstr *
@@ -839,6 +898,7 @@ let rec rebuild_return_type rt =
let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: (Names.name * rawconstr * bool) list list) returned_types (rtl:rawconstr list) =
+ let _time1 = System.get_time () in
(* Pp.msgnl (prlist_with_sep fnl Printer.pr_rawconstr rtl); *)
let funnames_as_set = List.fold_right Idset.add funnames Idset.empty in
let funnames = Array.of_list funnames in
@@ -975,14 +1035,25 @@ let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: (Names.name * rawconstr * bo
Impargs.make_implicit_args false;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
+ let _time2 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "Bulding Inductive : " ++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time1 time2))); *)
Options.silently (Command.build_mutual rel_inds) true;
+ let _time3 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "Bulding Done: "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
+(* let msg = *)
+(* str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++ *)
+(* Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(true,rel_inds)) ++ fnl () *)
+(* in *)
+(* Pp.msgnl msg; *)
Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- | UserError(s,msg) ->
+ | UserError(s,msg) ->
+ let _time3 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
@@ -996,6 +1067,8 @@ let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: (Names.name * rawconstr * bo
(UserError(s, msg))
| e ->
+ let _time3 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
@@ -1010,3 +1083,4 @@ let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: (Names.name * rawconstr * bo