path: root/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.ml
diff options
authorGravatar bertot <bertot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-02-22 12:10:51 +0000
committerGravatar bertot <bertot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-02-22 12:10:51 +0000
commit580ede7de1e39172c5ec5f2fee1c9e6ae059a36d (patch)
tree0a3113a0dc88c96938fed956aa093d2fb2e50437 /contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.ml
parent0a981a6ff2efa519d89318117fa220b9f77b665d (diff)
+ Induction principle for general recursion + Bug correction in structural principles git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@8076 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.ml')
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.ml b/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.ml
index 56d0473d9..03eacea27 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.ml
@@ -16,20 +16,14 @@ open Indfun_common
(* let msgnl = Pp.msgnl *)
-let observe_tac s tac g =
- if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
- then
- let msgnl = Pp.msgnl in
- begin
- msgnl (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g));
- try
- let v = tclINFO tac g in msgnl (str s ++(str " ")++(str "finished")); v
- with e ->
- msgnl (str "observation "++ str s++str " raised an exception: "++Cerrors.explain_exn e); raise e
- end
+let observe_tac s tac g =
+ if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
+ then Recdef.do_observe_tac s tac g
else tac g
-let tclTRYD tac =
+let tclTRYD tac =
if !Options.debug || Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
then tclTRY tac
else tac
@@ -60,13 +54,13 @@ let test_var args arg_num =
-let rewrite_until_var arg_num : tactic =
+let rewrite_until_var arg_num : tactic =
let constr_eq = (Coqlib.build_coq_eq_data ()).Coqlib.eq in
- let replace_if_unify arg (pat,cl,id,lhs) : tactic =
- fun g ->
- try
- let (evd,matched) =
- Unification.w_unify_to_subterm
+ let replace_if_unify arg (pat,cl,id,lhs) : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ try
+ let (evd,matched) =
+ Unification.w_unify_to_subterm
(pf_env g) ~mod_delta:false (pat,arg) cl.Clenv.env
let cl' = {cl with Clenv.env = evd } in
@@ -74,8 +68,8 @@ let rewrite_until_var arg_num : tactic =
(Equality.replace matched c2) g
with _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str "") g
- let rewrite_on_step equalities : tactic =
- fun g ->
+ let rewrite_on_step equalities : tactic =
+ fun g ->
match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
| App(_,args) when (not (test_var args arg_num)) ->
(* tclFIRST (List.map (fun a -> observe_tac (str "replace_if_unify") (replace_if_unify args.(arg_num) a)) equalities) g *)
@@ -84,303 +78,174 @@ let rewrite_until_var arg_num : tactic =
raise (Util.UserError("", (str "No more rewrite" ++
pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) (pf_concl g))))
- fun g ->
- let equalities =
- List.filter
- (
- fun (_,_,id_t) ->
+ fun g ->
+ let equalities =
+ List.filter
+ (
+ fun (_,_,id_t) ->
match kind_of_term id_t with
- | App(f,_) -> eq_constr f constr_eq
- | _ -> false
+ | App(f,_) -> eq_constr f constr_eq
+ | _ -> false
(pf_hyps g)
- let f (id,_,ctype) =
+ let f (id,_,ctype) =
let c = mkVar id in
let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding g (c,ctype) Rawterm.NoBindings in
let clause_type = Clenv.clenv_type eqclause in
- let f,args = decompose_app (clause_type) in
+ let f,args = decompose_app (clause_type) in
let rec split_last_two = function
| [c1;c2] -> (c1, c2)
| x::y::z ->
- split_last_two (y::z)
- | _ ->
- error ("The term provided is not an equivalence")
+ split_last_two (y::z)
+ | _ ->
+ error ("The term provided is not an equivalence")
let (c1,c2) = split_last_two args in
- (c2,eqclause,id,c1)
+ (c2,eqclause,id,c1)
- let matching_hyps = List.map f equalities in
- tclTRY (tclREPEAT (tclPROGRESS (rewrite_on_step matching_hyps))) g
+ let matching_hyps = List.map f equalities in
+ tclTRY (tclREPEAT (tclPROGRESS (rewrite_on_step matching_hyps))) g
-exception Toberemoved_with_rel of int*constr
-exception Toberemoved
-let prov_pte_prefix = "_____PTE"
-let is_pte_type t =
- isSort (snd (decompose_prod t))
-let is_pte (_,_,t) = is_pte_type t
-let is_pte_id =
- let pref_length = String.length prov_pte_prefix in
- function id ->
- String.sub (string_of_id id) 0 pref_length = prov_pte_prefix
-let compute_new_princ_type_from_rel replace
- (rel_as_kn:mutual_inductive) =
- let is_dom c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind((u,_)) -> u = rel_as_kn
- | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = rel_as_kn
- | _ -> false
- in
- let get_fun_num c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind(_,num) -> num
- | Construct((_,num),_) -> num
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let dummy_var = mkVar (id_of_string "________") in
- let mk_replacement i args =
- mkApp(replace.(i),Array.map pop (array_get_start args))
- in
- let rec has_dummy_var t =
- fold_constr
- (fun b t -> b || (eq_constr t dummy_var) || (has_dummy_var t))
- false
- t
- in
- let rec compute_new_princ_type env pre_princ : types*(constr list) =
-(* let _tim1 = Sys.time() in *)
- let (new_princ_type,_) as res =
- match kind_of_term pre_princ with
- | Rel n ->
- begin
- match Environ.lookup_rel n env with
- | _,_,t when is_dom t -> raise Toberemoved
- | _ -> pre_princ,[]
- end
- | Prod(x,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_binder mkProd env x t b
- | Lambda(x,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_binder mkLambda env x t b
- | Ind _ | Construct _ when is_dom pre_princ -> raise Toberemoved
- | App(f,args) when is_dom f ->
- let var_to_be_removed = destRel (array_last args) in
- let num = get_fun_num f in
- raise (Toberemoved_with_rel (var_to_be_removed,mk_replacement num args))
- | App(f,args) ->
- let new_args,binders_to_remove =
- Array.fold_right (compute_new_princ_type_with_acc env)
- args
- ([],[])
- in
- let new_f,binders_to_remove_from_f = compute_new_princ_type env f in
- mkApp(new_f,Array.of_list new_args),
- list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_f binders_to_remove
- | LetIn(x,v,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_letin env x v t b
- | _ -> pre_princ,[]
- in
-(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
-(* then *)
-(* msgnl (str "compute_new_princ_type for "++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env env pre_princ ++ *)
-(* str" is "++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env env new_princ_type); *)
- res
- and compute_new_princ_type_for_binder bind_fun env x t b =
- begin
- try
- let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type env t in
- let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
- let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) env in
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type new_env b in
- if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
- then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- else
- (
- bind_fun(new_x,new_t,new_b),
- list_union_eq
- eq_constr
- binders_to_remove_from_t
- (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- )
- with
- | Toberemoved ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
- new_b, List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [c] n b) in
- new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- end
- and compute_new_princ_type_for_letin env x v t b =
- begin
- try
- let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type env t in
- let new_v,binders_to_remove_from_v = compute_new_princ_type env v in
- let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
- let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,Some v,t) env in
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type new_env b in
- if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
- then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- else
- (
- mkLetIn(new_x,new_v,new_t,new_b),
- list_union_eq
- eq_constr
- (list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_t binders_to_remove_from_v)
- (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- )
- with
- | Toberemoved ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
- new_b, List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [c] n b) in
- new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- end
- and compute_new_princ_type_with_acc env e (c_acc,to_remove_acc) =
- let new_e,to_remove_from_e = compute_new_princ_type env e
- in
- new_e::c_acc,list_union_eq eq_constr to_remove_from_e to_remove_acc
- in
- compute_new_princ_type
-let make_refl_eq type_of_t t =
+let make_refl_eq type_of_t t =
let refl_equal_term = Lazy.force refl_equal in
-let case_eq tac body term g =
+let case_eq tac body term g =
(* msgnl (str "case_eq on " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term); *)
let type_of_term = pf_type_of g term in
- let term_eq =
- make_refl_eq type_of_term term
- in
+ let term_eq =
+ make_refl_eq type_of_term term
+ in
let ba_fun ba : tactic =
- fun g ->
+ fun g ->
[intro_patterns [](* ba.branchnames *);
- fun g ->
- let (_,_,new_term_value_eq) = pf_last_hyp g in
- let new_term_value =
- match kind_of_term new_term_value_eq with
- | App(f,[| _;_;args2 |]) -> args2
- | _ ->
- Pp.msgnl (pr_gls g ++ fnl () ++ str "last hyp is" ++
+ fun g ->
+ let (_,_,new_term_value_eq) = pf_last_hyp g in
+ let new_term_value =
+ match kind_of_term new_term_value_eq with
+ | App(f,[| _;_;args2 |]) -> args2
+ | _ ->
+ Pp.msgnl (pr_gls g ++ fnl () ++ str "last hyp is" ++
pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) new_term_value_eq
- assert false
+ assert false
- let fun_body =
+ let fun_body =
mkLambda(Anonymous,type_of_term,replace_term term (mkRel 1) body)
- in
- let new_body = mkApp(fun_body,[| new_term_value |]) in
+ in
+ let new_body = mkApp(fun_body,[| new_term_value |]) in
tac (pf_nf_betaiota g new_body) g
- generalize [term_eq];
+ h_generalize [term_eq];
pattern_option [[-1],term] None;
case_then_using Genarg.IntroAnonymous (ba_fun) None ([],[]) term
- ]
+ ]
-let my_reflexivity : tactic =
- let test_eq =
- lazy (eq_constr (Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()))
+let my_reflexivity : tactic =
+ let test_eq =
+ lazy (eq_constr (Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()))
- let build_reflexivity =
+ let build_reflexivity =
lazy (fun ty t -> mkApp((Coqlib.build_coq_eq_data ()).Coqlib.refl,[|ty;t|]))
- fun g ->
+ fun g ->
- match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
- | App(eq,[|ty;t1;t2|]) when (Lazy.force test_eq) eq ->
- if not (Termops.occur_existential t1)
+ match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
+ | App(eq,[|ty;t1;t2|]) when (Lazy.force test_eq) eq ->
+ if not (Termops.occur_existential t1)
then tclTHEN (h_change None (mkApp(eq,[|ty;t1;t1|])) onConcl ) (apply ((Lazy.force build_reflexivity) ty t1))
- else if not (Termops.occur_existential t2)
+ else if not (Termops.occur_existential t2)
then tclTHEN (h_change None (mkApp(eq,[|ty;t2;t2|])) onConcl ) (apply ((Lazy.force build_reflexivity) ty t2))
else tclFAIL 0 (str "")
| _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str "")
end g
-let exactify_proof rec_pos ptes_to_fix : tactic =
- let not_as_constant = Coqlib.build_coq_not () in
- let or_as_ind = Coqlib.build_coq_or () in
- let eq_not = eq_constr not_as_constant in
+let exactify_proof rec_pos ptes_to_fix : tactic =
+ let not_as_constant = Coqlib.build_coq_not () in
+ let or_as_ind = Coqlib.build_coq_or () in
+ let eq_not = eq_constr not_as_constant in
let eq_or = eq_constr or_as_ind in
- let tac_res tac: tactic =
- fun g ->
+ let tac_res tac: tactic =
+ fun g ->
match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
| Prod _ -> tclTHEN intro tac g
- | App(f,_) ->
- if eq_not f
+ | App(f,_) ->
+ if eq_not f
then tclTHEN (intro_force true) (tclABSTRACT None (Cctac.cc_tactic []))
(* Equality.discr_tac None *) g
- else if eq_or f
+ else if eq_or f
- tclSOLVE
+ tclSOLVE
[tclTHEN simplest_left tac;
tclTHEN simplest_right tac
] g
- match rec_pos with
- | Some rec_pos ->
- begin
- match kind_of_term f with
- | Var id ->
+ match rec_pos with
+ | Some rec_pos ->
+ begin
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Var id ->
let fix_id = Idmap.find id ptes_to_fix in
- let fix = mkVar (fix_id) in
- tclTHEN
- (rewrite_until_var rec_pos)
- (Eauto.e_resolve_constr fix)
- g
- with Not_found ->
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "No fix found for "++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f); *)
+ let fix = mkVar (fix_id) in
+ tclTHEN
+ (rewrite_until_var rec_pos)
+ (Eauto.e_resolve_constr fix)
+ g
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Pp.msgnl (str "No fix found for "++ *)
+ (* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f); *)
tclFAIL 0 (str "No such fix found") g
- | _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str "Not a variable : "
- (* (string_of_pp (pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f)) *)
- ) g
+ | _ ->
+ (Eauto. gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some []))
+ (* (string_of_pp (pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f)) *)
+ g
- | None -> tclFAIL 0 (str "Not a good term") g
+ | None ->
+ tclCOMPLETE (Eauto. gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some [])) g
| _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str "Not a good term") g
- in
- let rec exactify_proof g =
+ in
+ let rec exactify_proof g =
tclSOLVE [my_reflexivity];
tclSOLVE [Eauto.e_assumption];
tclSOLVE [Tactics.reflexivity ];
- tac_res exactify_proof
+ tac_res exactify_proof;
+ (
+ (
+ (tclTHEN
+ (rew_all LR)
+ (Eauto. gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some []))
+ )
+ )
+ )
] g
- observe_tac "exactify_proof with " exactify_proof
+ observe_tac "exactify_proof with " exactify_proof
let reduce_fname fnames : tactic =
@@ -395,13 +260,13 @@ let reduce_fname fnames : tactic =
- let refold : tactic =
- reduce
+ let refold : tactic =
+ reduce
(Rawterm.Fold (List.map mkConst fnames))
- fun g ->
+ fun g ->
(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
(* then msgnl (str "reduce_fname"); *)
@@ -411,40 +276,40 @@ let reduce_fname fnames : tactic =
-let h_exact ?(with_rew_all=false) c :tactic =
+let h_exact ?(with_rew_all=false) c :tactic =
observe_tac "h_exact " (exact_check c )
-let finalize_proof rec_pos fixes (hyps:identifier list) =
+let finalize_proof rec_pos fixes (hyps:identifier list) =
if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
Pp.msgnl (str "rec hyps are : " ++
prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id hyps);
- let exactify_proof = exactify_proof rec_pos fixes in
+ let exactify_proof = exactify_proof rec_pos fixes in
- let exactify_proof_with_id id : tactic =
- let do_exactify_proof_with_id =
- fun g ->
- let res =
+ let exactify_proof_with_id id : tactic =
+ let do_exactify_proof_with_id =
+ fun g ->
+ let res =
(Eauto.e_resolve_constr (mkVar id))
(tclTRY exactify_proof)
- in
+ in
((h_exact (Coqlib.build_coq_I ())))
- in
- fun g -> observe_tac "exactify_proof_with_id" do_exactify_proof_with_id g
+ in
+ fun g -> observe_tac "exactify_proof_with_id" do_exactify_proof_with_id g
- let apply_one_hyp hyp acc =
+ let apply_one_hyp hyp acc =
( exactify_proof_with_id hyp)
- let apply_one_hyp_with_rewall hyp acc =
+ let apply_one_hyp_with_rewall hyp acc =
(rew_all RL)
(exactify_proof_with_id hyp)
@@ -452,19 +317,19 @@ let finalize_proof rec_pos fixes (hyps:identifier list) =
- let apply_hyps =
- tclTRYD(
- (List.fold_right
- apply_one_hyp
+ let apply_hyps =
+ tclTRYD(
+ (List.fold_right
+ apply_one_hyp
- (List.fold_right
- apply_one_hyp_with_rewall
- hyps
+ (List.fold_right
+ apply_one_hyp_with_rewall
+ hyps
(tclFAIL 0 (str "No rec hyps found ") )
- let finalize_proof fnames t : tactic =
+ let finalize_proof fnames t : tactic =
let change_tac tac g =
match kind_of_term ( pf_concl g) with
| App(p,args) ->
@@ -482,12 +347,12 @@ let finalize_proof rec_pos fixes (hyps:identifier list) =
| _ -> assert false
- fun g ->
+ fun g ->
(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
(* then *)
(* msgnl (str "finalize with body "++ Printer.pr_lconstr t ++ *)
(* str " on goal "++ Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)); *)
- (change_tac apply_hyps) g
+ (change_tac apply_hyps) g
@@ -495,17 +360,18 @@ let do_prove_princ_for_struct
(rec_pos:int option) (fnames:constant list)
(ptes:identifier list) (fixes:identifier Idmap.t) (hyps: identifier list)
(term:constr) : tactic =
- let finalize_proof term =
+ let finalize_proof term =
finalize_proof rec_pos fixes hyps fnames term
let rec do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize term g =
(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
(* then msgnl (str "Proving with body : " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term); *)
- let tac =
+ let tac =
fun g ->
match kind_of_term term with
| Case(_,_,t,_) ->
- case_eq (do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize) term t g
+ observe_tac "case_eq"
+ (case_eq (do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize) term t) g
| Lambda(n,t,b) ->
match kind_of_term( pf_concl g) with
@@ -517,7 +383,7 @@ let do_prove_princ_for_struct
let new_term = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(term,[|mkVar id|])) in
do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize new_term g'
) g
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
do_finalize term g
| Cast(t,_,_) -> do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize t g
@@ -529,9 +395,9 @@ let do_prove_princ_for_struct
match kind_of_term f with
| Var _ | Construct _ | Rel _ | Evar _ | Meta _ | Ind _ ->
do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize f args g
- | Const c when not (List.mem c fnames) ->
+ | Const c when not (List.mem c fnames) ->
do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize f args g
- | Const _ ->
+ | Const _ ->
do_finalize term g
| _ ->
warning "Applied binders not yet implemented";
@@ -540,123 +406,127 @@ let do_prove_princ_for_struct
| Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
error ( "Anonymous local (co)fixpoints are not handled yet")
| Prod _ -> assert false
- | LetIn (Name id,v,t,b) ->
+ | LetIn (Name id,v,t,b) ->
do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize (subst1 v b) g
- | LetIn(Anonymous,_,_,b) ->
+ | LetIn(Anonymous,_,_,b) ->
do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize (pop b) g
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
errorlabstrm "" (str "in do_prove_princ_for_struct found : "(* ++ *)
(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term *)
tac g
- and do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize f_args' args :tactic =
- fun g ->
+ and do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize f_args' args :tactic =
+ fun g ->
(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
(* then msgnl (str "do_prove_princ_for_struct_args with " ++ *)
(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f_args' *)
(* ); *)
- let tac =
- match args with
- | [] ->
+ let tac =
+ match args with
+ | [] ->
do_finalize f_args'
- | arg::args ->
- let do_finalize new_arg =
- tclTRYD
+ | arg::args ->
+ let do_finalize new_arg =
+ tclTRYD
- (mkApp(f_args',[|new_arg|]))
+ (mkApp(f_args',[|new_arg|]))
- in
+ in
do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize arg
- in
+ in
tclTRYD(tac) g
- do_prove_princ_for_struct
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct
+let is_pte_type t =
+ isSort (snd (decompose_prod t))
+let is_pte (_,_,t) = is_pte_type t
-let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
- let fnames_as_constr = Array.to_list (Array.map mkConst f_names) in
- let fbody =
- match (Global.lookup_constant f_names.(fun_num)).const_body with
- | Some b ->
- let body = force b in
- Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
- (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
+let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
+ let fnames_as_constr = Array.to_list (Array.map mkConst f_names) in
+ let fbody =
+ match (Global.lookup_constant f_names.(fun_num)).const_body with
+ | Some b ->
+ let body = force b in
+ Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
+ (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
(Global.env ())
| None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
- let rec_arg_num,fbody =
- match kind_of_term fbody with
- | Fix((idxs,fix_num),(_,_,ca)) ->
+ let rec_arg_num,fbody =
+ match kind_of_term fbody with
+ | Fix((idxs,fix_num),(_,_,ca)) ->
begin Some (idxs.(fix_num) - nparams),substl (List.rev fnames_as_constr) ca.(fix_num) end
| b -> None,fbody
let f_real_args = nb_lam fbody - nparams in
- let test_goal_for_hyps g =
- let goal_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
- goal_nb_prod = f_real_args
+ let test_goal_for_hyps g =
+ let goal_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
+ goal_nb_prod = f_real_args
- let test_goal_for_args g =
- let goal_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
- goal_nb_prod < 1
+ let test_goal_for_args g =
+ let goal_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
+ goal_nb_prod < 1
- let rec intro_params tac params n : tactic =
- if n = 0
+ let rec intro_params tac params n : tactic =
+ if n = 0
then tac params
- else
+ else
- (fun g ->
- let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g in
+ (fun g ->
+ let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g in
intro_params tac (id::params) (n-1) g
- let rec intro_pte tac ptes : tactic =
- tclTHEN
- intro
- (fun g ->
- let (id,_,_) as pte = pf_last_hyp g in
- if is_pte pte
+ let rec intro_pte tac ptes : tactic =
+ tclTHEN
+ intro
+ (fun g ->
+ let (id,_,_) as pte = pf_last_hyp g in
+ if is_pte pte
then intro_pte tac (id::ptes) g
- else
+ else
- [ generalize [(mkVar id)];
+ [ h_generalize [(mkVar id)];
clear [id];
tac ptes
- let rec intro_hyps tac hyps : tactic =
- fun g ->
+ let rec intro_hyps tac hyps : tactic =
+ fun g ->
if test_goal_for_hyps g
then tac hyps g
- else
- tclTHEN
- intro
- (fun g' ->
+ else
+ tclTHEN
+ intro
+ (fun g' ->
let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in
intro_hyps tac (id::hyps) g'
- let do_fix ptes tac : tactic =
- match rec_arg_num with
+ let do_fix ptes tac : tactic =
+ match rec_arg_num with
| None -> tac (Idmap.empty)
| Some fix_arg_num ->
- fun g ->
- let this_fix_id = (fresh_id (pf_ids_of_hyps g) "fix___") in
- let ptes_to_fix =
- List.fold_left2
- (fun acc pte fix ->
+ fun g ->
+ let this_fix_id = (fresh_id (pf_ids_of_hyps g) "fix___") in
+ let ptes_to_fix =
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun acc pte fix ->
Idmap.add pte fix acc
@@ -665,27 +535,27 @@ let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
(h_mutual_fix this_fix_id (fix_arg_num +1) [])
- (tac ptes_to_fix)
+ (tac ptes_to_fix)
- let rec intro_args tac args : tactic =
- fun g ->
- if test_goal_for_args g
+ let rec intro_args tac args : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ if test_goal_for_args g
then tac args g
- else
- tclTHEN
- intro
- (fun g' ->
+ else
+ tclTHEN
+ intro
+ (fun g' ->
let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in
intro_args tac (id::args) g'
- let intro_tacs tac : tactic =
- fun g ->
+ let intro_tacs tac : tactic =
+ fun g ->
(* msgnl (str "introducing params"); *)
- (fun params ->
+ (fun params ->
(* msgnl (str "introducing properties"); *)
(fun ptes ->
@@ -697,7 +567,7 @@ let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
(fun ptes_to_fix ->
(* msgnl (str "introducing args"); *)
- (fun args ->
+ (fun args ->
(* tclTHEN *)
(* (reduce_fname (Array.to_list f_names)) *)
(tac params ptes ptes_to_fix hyps args))
@@ -712,32 +582,33 @@ let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
- let apply_fbody g params args =
+ let apply_fbody g params args =
(* msgnl (str "applying fbody"); *)
let args' = List.rev_map mkVar args in
- let f_args =
+ let f_args =
List.fold_left (fun acc p -> (mkVar p)::acc) args' params
- in
- let app_f = applist(subst1 (mkConst f_names.(fun_num)) fbody,f_args) in
+ in
+ let app_f = applist(subst1 (mkConst f_names.(fun_num)) fbody,f_args) in
(* Pp.msgnl (pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) app_f); *)
pf_nf_betaiota g app_f
- let prepare_goal_tac tac : tactic =
- intro_tacs
- (fun params ptes ptes_to_fix hyps args g ->
- let app_f = apply_fbody g params args in
+ let prepare_goal_tac tac : tactic =
+ intro_tacs
+ (fun params ptes ptes_to_fix hyps args g ->
+ let app_f = apply_fbody g params args in
(* msgnl (str "proving"); *)
- match rec_arg_num with
- Some rec_arg_num ->
- let actual_args =
- List.fold_left (fun y x -> x::y)
+ match rec_arg_num with
+ Some rec_arg_num ->
+ let actual_args =
+ List.fold_left (fun y x -> x::y)
(List.rev args)
- let to_replace = applist(mkConst f_names.(fun_num),List.map mkVar actual_args) in
+ let to_replace =
+ applist(mkConst f_names.(fun_num),List.map mkVar actual_args) in
- (Equality.replace
+ (Equality.replace
@@ -752,7 +623,7 @@ let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
(* Tactics.reflexivity) *)
- | None ->
+ | None ->
(reduce_fname (Array.to_list f_names))
(tac (Array.to_list f_names) ptes ptes_to_fix hyps app_f)
@@ -761,9 +632,205 @@ let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
(* tac (Array.to_list f_names) ptes ptes_to_fix hyps app_f g *)
- prepare_goal_tac (fun g -> do_prove_princ_for_struct rec_arg_num g)
+ prepare_goal_tac (fun g -> do_prove_princ_for_struct rec_arg_num g)
+(* let case_eq term : tactic = *)
+(* fun g -> *)
+(* let type_of_term = pf_type_of g term in *)
+(* let eq_proof_term = *)
+(* let refl_equal_term = Lazy.force refl_equal in *)
+(* mkApp(refl_equal_term,[|type_of_t;t|]) *)
+(* in *)
+(* let ba_fun ba = *)
+(* tclDO ba.nassums h_intro *)
+(* in *)
+(* tclTHENSEQ *)
+(* [ *)
+(* h_generalize [eq_proof_term]; *)
+(* pattern_option [[-1],term] None; *)
+(* case_then_using Genarg.IntroAnonymous ba_fun term None ([],[]) term *)
+(* ] *)
+(* g *)
+(* let heq_id = id_of_string "Heq" *)
+(* let do_prove_princ_for_struct *)
+(* predicates_ids ptes_to_fix branches_ids params_ids args_ids rec_arg_num = *)
+(* let rec do_prove_princ_for_struct eqs_id term = *)
+(* match kind_of_term term with *)
+(* | Case(_,_,t,_) -> *)
+(* tclTHEN *)
+(* (case_eq t) *)
+(* (fun g -> *)
+(* let heq = fresh_id (pf_ids_of_hyps g) heq in *)
+(* tclTHEN *)
+(* (h_intro heq) *)
+(* (fun g' -> *)
+(* let new_t_value = *)
+(* match kind_of_term (pf_type_of g' (mkVar heq)) with *)
+(* | App(_,[|_;_;value|]) -> value *)
+(* | _ -> anomaly "should have been an equality" *)
+(* in *)
+(* let type_of_t = pf_type_of g' t in *)
+(* let term_as_fun = *)
+(* mkLambda(Anonymous,type_of_t, *)
+(* replace_term term (mkRel 1) term *)
+(* ) *)
+(* in *)
+(* let new_term = *)
+(* pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(term_as_fun,new_t_value)) *)
+(* in do_prove_princ_for_struct (heq::eqs_id) new_term g' *)
+(* ) *)
+(* ) *)
+(* | Lambda(n,t,b) -> *)
+(* begin *)
+(* match kind_of_term( pf_concl g) with *)
+(* | Prod _ -> *)
+(* tclTHEN *)
+(* intro *)
+(* (fun g' -> *)
+(* let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in *)
+(* let new_term = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(term,[|mkVar id|])) *)
+(* in *)
+(* do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize eqs_id new_term g' *)
+(* ) *)
+(* | _ -> *)
+(* do_finalize eqs_id term *)
+(* end *)
+(* | Cast(t,_,_) -> do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize eqs_id t *)
+(* | Fix _ | CoFix _ -> *)
+(* error ( "Anonymous local (co)fixpoints are not handled yet") *)
+(* | LetIn (Name id,v,t,b) -> *)
+(* do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize (subst1 v b) g *)
+(* | LetIn(Anonymous,_,_,b) -> *)
+(* do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize (pop b) g *)
+(* | Prod _ -> assert false *)
+(* | *)
+(* in *)
+(* do_prove_princ_for_struct [] *)
+(* let fresh_id_from_name avoid na = *)
+(* match get_name avoid na with *)
+(* | Name id -> id *)
+(* | _ -> assert false *)
+(* let fresh_ids (acces_fun: 'a -> name) (l: 'a list)(avoid : identifier list) = *)
+(* let rev_ids,avoid = *)
+(* List.fold_left *)
+(* (fun (rev_ids,avoid) e -> *)
+(* let old_name = acces_fun e in *)
+(* let new_id = fresh_id_from_name avoid old_name in *)
+(* new_id::rev_ids,new_id::avoid *)
+(* ) *)
+(* ([],avoid) *)
+(* l *)
+(* in *)
+(* List.rev rev_ids,avoid *)
+(* let fst' (x,_,_) = x *)
+(* let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic = *)
+(* fun g -> *)
+(* let fnames_as_constr = Array.to_list (Array.map mkConst f_names) in *)
+(* let fbody = *)
+(* match (Global.lookup_constant f_names.(fun_num)).const_body with *)
+(* | Some b -> *)
+(* let body = force b in *)
+(* Tacred.cbv_norm_flags *)
+(* (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA]) *)
+(* (Global.env ()) *)
+(* (Evd.empty) *)
+(* body *)
+(* | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ") *)
+(* in *)
+(* let rec_arg_num,fbody = *)
+(* match kind_of_term fbody with *)
+(* | Fix((idxs,fix_num),(_,_,ca)) -> *)
+(* begin Some (idxs.(fix_num) - nparams),substl (List.rev fnames_as_constr) ca.(fix_num) end *)
+(* | b -> None,fbody *)
+(* in *)
+(* let goal_info = compute_elim_sig (mkRel 0,Rawterm.NoBindings) (pf_concl g) in *)
+(* let params_ids,to_avoid = fresh_ids fst' goal_info.Tactics.params [] in *)
+(* let predicates_ids,to_avoid = fresh_ids fst' goal_info.predicates to_avoid in *)
+(* let branches_ids,to_avoid = fresh_ids fst' goal_info.branches to_avoid in *)
+(* let first_intros : tactic = *)
+(* tclMAP h_intro (params_ids@predicates_ids@branches_ids) *)
+(* in *)
+(* let fix_id,to_avoid,fix_tac = *)
+(* match rec_arg_num with *)
+(* | None -> None,to_avoid,first_intros *)
+(* | Some fix_arg_num -> *)
+(* let this_fix_id = (fresh_id to_avoid "fix___") in *)
+(* Some this_fix_id,this_fix_id::to_avoid, *)
+(* tclTHEN *)
+(* first_intros *)
+(* (h_mutual_fix this_fix_id (fix_arg_num +1) []) *)
+(* in *)
+(* let ptes_to_fix = *)
+(* List.fold_left2 *)
+(* (fun acc pte fix -> *)
+(* Idmap.add pte fix acc *)
+(* ) *)
+(* Idmap.empty *)
+(* predicates_ids *)
+(* [fix_id] *)
+(* in *)
+(* let args_ids,to_avoid = fresh_ids fst' goal_info.args to_avoid in *)
+(* let (tac_replace,term : tactic*constr) = *)
+(* let eqs_rhs = *)
+(* let fbody_with_funs = *)
+(* substl (List.rev_map mkConst (Array.to_list f_names)) fbody *)
+(* in *)
+(* applist (fbody_with_funs, (List.map mkVar (params_ids@args_ids))) *)
+(* in *)
+(* match rec_arg_num with *)
+(* | Some rec_arg_num -> *)
+(* let eqs_lhs = *)
+(* applist(mkConst f_names.(fun_num),List.map mkVar args_ids) *)
+(* in *)
+(* tclTHENS *)
+(* (Equality.replace eqs_lhs eqs_rhs) *)
+(* [ *)
+(* tclIDTAC (\* The proof continue in this branche *\) *)
+(* ; *)
+(* (\* Not in this one *\) *)
+(* let id = List.nth (List.rev args_ids) (rec_arg_num ) in *)
+(* tclCOMPLETE *)
+(* (tclTHENSEQ *)
+(* [(h_simplest_case (mkVar id)); *)
+(* Tactics.intros_reflexivity *)
+(* ]) *)
+(* ],eqs_rhs *)
+(* | None -> *)
+(* unfold_in_concl *)
+(* (Array.to_list (Array.map (fun x -> [],EvalConstRef x) f_names)), *)
+(* eqs_rhs *)
+(* in *)
+(* tclTHENSEQ *)
+(* [ *)
+(* fix_tac; *)
+(* tclMAP h_intro args_ids; *)
+(* tac_replace; *)
+(* do_prove_princ_for_struct *)
+(* predicates_ids *)
+(* ptes_to_fix *)
+(* branches_ids *)
+(* params_ids *)
+(* args_ids *)
+(* rec_arg_num *)
+(* term *)
+(* ] *)
@@ -771,6 +838,159 @@ let prove_princ_for_struct fun_num f_names nparams : tactic =
+exception Toberemoved_with_rel of int*constr
+exception Toberemoved
+let prov_pte_prefix = "_____PTE"
+let is_pte_id =
+ let pref_length = String.length prov_pte_prefix in
+ function id ->
+ String.sub (string_of_id id) 0 pref_length = prov_pte_prefix
+let compute_new_princ_type_from_rel replace
+ (rel_as_kn:mutual_inductive) =
+ let is_dom c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind((u,_)) -> u = rel_as_kn
+ | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = rel_as_kn
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let get_fun_num c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind(_,num) -> num
+ | Construct((_,num),_) -> num
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let dummy_var = mkVar (id_of_string "________") in
+ let mk_replacement i args =
+ mkApp(replace.(i),Array.map pop (array_get_start args))
+ in
+ let rec has_dummy_var t =
+ fold_constr
+ (fun b t -> b || (eq_constr t dummy_var) || (has_dummy_var t))
+ false
+ t
+ in
+ let rec compute_new_princ_type env pre_princ : types*(constr list) =
+(* let _tim1 = Sys.time() in *)
+ let (new_princ_type,_) as res =
+ match kind_of_term pre_princ with
+ | Rel n ->
+ begin
+ match Environ.lookup_rel n env with
+ | _,_,t when is_dom t -> raise Toberemoved
+ | _ -> pre_princ,[]
+ end
+ | Prod(x,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_binder mkProd env x t b
+ | Lambda(x,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_binder mkLambda env x t b
+ | Ind _ | Construct _ when is_dom pre_princ -> raise Toberemoved
+ | App(f,args) when is_dom f ->
+ let var_to_be_removed = destRel (array_last args) in
+ let num = get_fun_num f in
+ raise (Toberemoved_with_rel (var_to_be_removed,mk_replacement num args))
+ | App(f,args) ->
+ let new_args,binders_to_remove =
+ Array.fold_right (compute_new_princ_type_with_acc env)
+ args
+ ([],[])
+ in
+ let new_f,binders_to_remove_from_f = compute_new_princ_type env f in
+ mkApp(new_f,Array.of_list new_args),
+ list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_f binders_to_remove
+ | LetIn(x,v,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_letin env x v t b
+ | _ -> pre_princ,[]
+ in
+(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
+(* then *)
+(* msgnl (str "compute_new_princ_type for "++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env env pre_princ ++ *)
+(* str" is "++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env env new_princ_type); *)
+ res
+ and compute_new_princ_type_for_binder bind_fun env x t b =
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type env t in
+ let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
+ let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) env in
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type new_env b in
+ if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
+ then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ else
+ (
+ bind_fun(new_x,new_t,new_b),
+ list_union_eq
+ eq_constr
+ binders_to_remove_from_t
+ (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ )
+ with
+ | Toberemoved ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
+ new_b, List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [c] n b) in
+ new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ end
+ and compute_new_princ_type_for_letin env x v t b =
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type env t in
+ let new_v,binders_to_remove_from_v = compute_new_princ_type env v in
+ let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
+ let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,Some v,t) env in
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type new_env b in
+ if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
+ then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ else
+ (
+ mkLetIn(new_x,new_v,new_t,new_b),
+ list_union_eq
+ eq_constr
+ (list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_t binders_to_remove_from_v)
+ (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ )
+ with
+ | Toberemoved ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
+ new_b, List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type env (substnl [c] n b) in
+ new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) (List.map pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ end
+ and compute_new_princ_type_with_acc env e (c_acc,to_remove_acc) =
+ let new_e,to_remove_from_e = compute_new_princ_type env e
+ in
+ new_e::c_acc,list_union_eq eq_constr to_remove_from_e to_remove_acc
+ in
+ compute_new_princ_type
let change_property_sort nparam toSort princ princName =
let params,concl = decompose_prod_n nparam princ in
let hyps,_ = decompose_prod concl in
@@ -802,6 +1022,8 @@ let change_property_sort nparam toSort princ princName =
+let prov_pte_prefix = "_____PTE"
let generate_new_structural_principle
old_princ new_princ_name funs i proof_tac