path: root/contrib/extraction
diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-11-17 15:48:45 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-11-17 15:48:45 +0000
commitf7e00f4bc292795bcef6b66c294a60cd4f61ccb0 (patch)
treee6e09387898683bf26c37373745f588196bfcff5 /contrib/extraction
parent97a93cc747342931c37e205c60d8398bd45a2f28 (diff)
merci les warnings de 3.09 ...
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@7574 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction')
5 files changed, 5 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/common.ml b/contrib/extraction/common.ml
index 359257c88..750729660 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/common.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/common.ml
@@ -310,7 +310,6 @@ module StdParams = struct
(*i TODO: clash possible i*)
list_firstn ((mp_length mp)-(mp_length pref)) ls
with Not_found -> (* [mp] is othogonal with every element of [mp]. *)
- let base = base_mp mp in
if !modular && (at_toplevel mp)
then snd (list_sep_last ls)
else ls
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
index 55ad52ee2..16d85a3f9 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
(* We try to reduce. *)
let newc = applist (Declarations.force lbody, args) in
extract_type env db j newc []))
- | Ind ((kn,i) as ip) ->
+ | Ind (kn,i) ->
let s = (extract_ind env kn).ind_packets.(i).ip_sign in
extract_type_app env db (IndRef (kn,i),s) args
| Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ -> Tunknown
@@ -676,7 +676,6 @@ and extract_case env mle ((kn,i) as ip,c,br) mlt =
let mi = extract_ind env kn in
- let params_nb = mi.ind_nparams in
let oi = mi.ind_packets.(i) in
let metas = Array.init (List.length oi.ip_vars) new_meta in
(* The extraction of the head. *)
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
index 5c842f159..b909eead5 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ type abbrev_map = global_reference -> ml_type option
let type_expand env t =
let rec expand = function
| Tmeta {contents = Some t} -> expand t
- | Tglob (r,l) as t ->
+ | Tglob (r,l) ->
(match env r with
| Some mlt -> expand (type_subst_list l mlt)
| None -> Tglob (r, List.map expand l))
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ let ast_iter f = function
| MLapp (a,l) -> f a; List.iter f l
| MLcons (_,c,l) -> List.iter f l
| MLmagic a -> f a
- | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom as a -> ()
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom -> ()
(*S Operations concerning De Bruijn indices. *)
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/modutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/modutil.ml
index 673c8e929..6dcfaf2a1 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/modutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/modutil.ml
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ let ast_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type a =
| MLcons (i,r,_) ->
if lang () = Ocaml then record_iter_references do_term i;
do_cons r
- | MLcase (i,_,v) as a ->
+ | MLcase (i,_,v) ->
if lang () = Ocaml then record_iter_references do_term i;
Array.iter (fun (r,_,_) -> do_cons r) v
| _ -> ()
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
index f9b91d226..ee53bd49a 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
@@ -264,7 +264,6 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
let tuple = pp_tuple (pp_expr true env []) args' in
pp_par par (pp_global r ++ spc () ++ tuple)
| MLcase (i, t, pv) ->
- let r,_,_ = pv.(0) in
let expr = if i = Coinductive then
(str "Lazy.force" ++ spc () ++ pp_expr true env [] t)
@@ -480,7 +479,7 @@ let pp_mind kn i =
let pp_decl mpl =
local_mpl := mpl;
- | Dind (kn,i) as d -> pp_mind kn i
+ | Dind (kn,i) -> pp_mind kn i
| Dtype (r, l, t) ->
if is_inline_custom r then failwith "empty phrase"