path: root/contrib/extraction
diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-11-07 23:35:13 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-11-07 23:35:13 +0000
commit9e0bd5a13dda8805798fe97a22dce75ac7262302 (patch)
tree81b75faae1ffbd4f63ab50089264a4f95fd599d3 /contrib/extraction
parent90a79b141426a4344df162beb767c48d9b37a765 (diff)
Refonte du fichier mlutil.ml. Correction d'un bug d'optim case
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2167 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction')
4 files changed, 273 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
index 2fef10de1..15d0977e3 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -765,8 +765,7 @@ and is_singleton_inductive ind =
(mib.mind_ntypes = 1) &&
(Array.length mip.mind_consnames = 1) &&
match extract_constructor (ind,1) with
- | Cml ([mlt],_,_)->
- (try parse_ml_type (fst ind) mlt; true with Found_sp -> false)
+ | Cml ([mlt],_,_)-> not (type_mem_sp (fst ind) mlt)
| _ -> false
and is_singleton_constructor ((sp,i),_) =
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
index c4517cd60..7ef9599e5 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -18,11 +18,19 @@ open Nametab
open Table
open Options
+(*s Exceptions *)
+exception Found
+exception Impossible
(*s Dummy names. *)
let anonymous = id_of_string "x"
let prop_name = id_of_string "_"
+let no_prop_name =
+ List.map (fun i -> if i=prop_name then anonymous else i)
(*s In an ML type, update the arguments to all inductive types [(sp,_)] *)
let rec update_args sp vl = function
@@ -35,7 +43,7 @@ let rec update_args sp vl = function
Tarr (update_args sp vl a, update_args sp vl b)
| a -> a
-exception Found_sp
+(*s Does one particular section path occur in a type ? *)
let sp_of_r r = match r with
| ConstRef sp -> sp
@@ -43,159 +51,13 @@ let sp_of_r r = match r with
| ConstructRef ((sp,_),_) -> sp
| _ -> assert false
-let rec parse_ml_type sp = function
- | Tglob r -> if (sp_of_r r)=sp then raise Found_sp
- | Tapp l -> List.iter (parse_ml_type sp) l
- | Tarr (a,b) -> (parse_ml_type sp a; parse_ml_type sp b)
- | _ -> ()
-(*s [occurs k t] returns true if [(Rel k)] occurs in [t]. *)
-let rec occurs k = function
- | MLrel i -> i = k
- | MLapp(t,argl) -> (occurs k t) || (occurs_list k argl)
- | MLlam(_,t) -> occurs (k + 1) t
- | MLletin(_,t,t')-> (occurs k t) || (occurs (k+1) t')
- | MLcons(_,argl) -> occurs_list k argl
- | MLcase(t,pv) ->
- (occurs k t) ||
- (array_exists
- (fun (_,l,t') -> let k' = List.length l in occurs (k + k') t') pv)
- | MLfix(_,l,cl) -> let k' = Array.length l in occurs_vect (k + k') cl
- | MLcast(t,_) -> occurs k t
- | MLmagic t -> occurs k t
- | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> false
-and occurs_list k l = List.exists (occurs k) l
-and occurs_vect k v = array_exists (occurs k) v
-(* [occurs_itvl k k' t] return true if there is a [(Rel j)]
- in [t] with [k<=i<=k'] *)
-let rec occurs_itvl k k' = function
- | MLrel i -> (k <= i) && (i <= k')
- | MLapp(t,argl) -> (occurs_itvl k k' t) || (occurs_itvl_list k k' argl)
- | MLlam(_,t) -> occurs_itvl (k + 1) (k' + 1) t
- | MLletin(_,t,t') -> (occurs_itvl k k' t) || (occurs_itvl (k+1) (k'+1) t')
- | MLcons(_,argl) -> occurs_itvl_list k k' argl
- | MLcase(t,pv) ->
- (occurs_itvl k k' t) ||
- (array_exists
- (fun (_,l,t') ->
- let n = List.length l in occurs_itvl (k + n) (k' + n) t') pv)
- | MLfix(_,l,cl) ->
- let n = Array.length l in occurs_itvl_vect (k + n) (k' + n) cl
- | MLcast(t,_) -> occurs_itvl k k' t
- | MLmagic t -> occurs_itvl k k' t
- | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> false
-and occurs_itvl_list k k' l = List.exists (occurs_itvl k k') l
-and occurs_itvl_vect k k' v = array_exists (occurs_itvl k k') v
-(*s map over ML asts *)
-let rec ast_map f = function
- | MLapp (a,al) -> MLapp (f a, List.map f al)
- | MLlam (id,a) -> MLlam (id, f a)
- | MLletin (id,a,b) -> MLletin (id, f a, f b)
- | MLcons (c,al) -> MLcons (c, List.map f al)
- | MLcase (a,eqv) -> MLcase (f a, Array.map (ast_map_eqn f) eqv)
- | MLfix (fi,ids,al) -> MLfix (fi, ids, Array.map f al)
- | MLcast (a,t) -> MLcast (f a, t)
- | MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f a)
- | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> a
-and ast_map_eqn f (c,ids,a) = (c,ids,f a)
-(*s Lifting on terms.
- [ml_lift k t] lifts the binding depth of [t] across [k] bindings.
- We use a generalization [ml_lift k n t] lifting the vars
- of [t] under [n] bindings. *)
-let ml_liftn k n c =
- let rec liftrec n = function
- | MLrel i as c -> if i < n then c else MLrel (i+k)
- | MLlam (id,t) -> MLlam (id, liftrec (n+1) t)
- | MLletin (id,a,b) -> MLletin (id, liftrec n a, liftrec (n+1) b)
- | MLcase (t,pv) ->
- MLcase (liftrec n t,
- Array.map (fun (id,idl,p) ->
- let k = List.length idl in
- (id, idl, liftrec (k+n) p)) pv)
- | MLfix (n0,idl,pv) ->
- MLfix (n0,idl,
- let k = Array.length idl in Array.map (liftrec (k+n)) pv)
- | a -> ast_map (liftrec n) a
- in
- if k = 0 then c else liftrec n c
-let ml_lift k c = ml_liftn k 1 c
-let ml_pop c = ml_lift (-1) c
-(*s Substitution. [ml_subst e t] substitutes [e] for [Rel 1] in [t].
- It uses a generalization [subst] substituting [m] for [Rel n].
- Lifting (of one binder) is done at the same time. *)
-let rec ml_subst v =
- let rec subst n m = function
- | MLrel i as a ->
- if i = n then
- m
- else
- if i < n then a else MLrel (i-1)
- | MLlam (id,t) ->
- MLlam (id, subst (n+1) (ml_lift 1 m) t)
- | MLletin (id,a,b) ->
- MLletin (id, subst n m a, subst (n+1) (ml_lift 1 m) b)
- | MLcase (t,pv) ->
- MLcase (subst n m t,
- Array.map (fun (id,ids,t) ->
- let k = List.length ids in
- (id,ids,subst (n+k) (ml_lift k m) t)) pv)
- | MLfix (i,ids,cl) ->
- MLfix (i,ids,
- let k = Array.length ids in
- Array.map (subst (n+k) (ml_lift k m)) cl)
- | a ->
- ast_map (subst n m) a
- in
- subst 1 v
-(*s Simplification of any [MLapp (MLapp (_,_),_)] *)
-let rec merge_app a = match a with
- | MLapp (f,l) ->
- let f' = merge_app f in
- let l' = List.map merge_app l in
- (match f' with
- | MLapp (f'',l'') -> MLapp (f'',l'' @ l')
- | _ -> MLapp (f', l'))
- | _ -> ast_map merge_app a
-(*s Number of occurences of [Rel 1] in [a]. *)
-let nb_occur a =
- let cpt = ref 0 in
- let rec count n = function
- | MLrel i -> if i = n then incr cpt
- | MLlam (id,t) -> count (n + 1) t
- | MLletin (id,a,b) -> count n a; count (n + 1) b
- | MLcase (t,pv) ->
- count n t;
- Array.iter (fun (_,l,t) -> let k = List.length l in count (n + k) t) pv
- | MLfix (_,ids,cl) ->
- let k = Array.length ids in Array.iter (count (n + k)) cl
- | MLapp (a,l) -> count n a; List.iter (count n) l
- | MLcons (_,l) -> List.iter (count n) l
- | MLmagic a -> count n a
- | MLcast (a,_) -> count n a
- | MLprop | MLexn _ | MLglob _ | MLarity -> ()
- in
- count 1 a; !cpt
+let type_mem_sp sp t=
+ let rec mem_sp = function
+ | Tglob r when (sp_of_r r)=sp -> raise Found
+ | Tapp l -> List.iter mem_sp l
+ | Tarr (a,b) -> mem_sp a; mem_sp b
+ | _ -> ()
+ in try mem_sp t; false with Found -> true
(*s [collect_lams MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns
the list [idn;...;id1] and the term [t]. *)
@@ -204,8 +66,9 @@ let collect_lams =
let rec collect acc = function
| MLlam(id,t) -> collect (id::acc) t
| x -> acc,x
- in
- collect []
+ in collect []
+(* [collect_n_lams] does the same for a precise number of [MLlam] *)
let collect_n_lams =
let rec collect acc n t =
@@ -213,67 +76,184 @@ let collect_n_lams =
else match t with
| MLlam(id,t) -> collect (id::acc) (n-1) t
| _ -> assert false
- in
- collect []
+ in collect []
+(* [remove_n_lams] just remove some [MLlam] *)
let rec remove_n_lams n t =
if n = 0 then t
else match t with
- | MLlam(id,t) -> remove_n_lams (n-1) t
+ | MLlam(_,t) -> remove_n_lams (n-1) t
| _ -> assert false
-let rec nb_lam = function
- | MLlam(id,t) -> succ (nb_lam t)
+(* [nb_lams] gives the number of head [MLlam] *)
+let rec nb_lams = function
+ | MLlam(_,t) -> succ (nb_lams t)
| _ -> 0
-(* [named_abstract] does the converse of [collect_lambda] *)
+(*s [named_lams] does the converse of [collect_lams] *)
let rec named_lams a = function
| [] -> a
| id :: ids -> named_lams (MLlam(id,a)) ids
+(* The same in anonymous version *)
let rec anonym_lams a = function
| 0 -> a
| n -> anonym_lams (MLlam(anonymous,a)) (pred n)
-(*s The two following functions test and create [MLrel n;...;MLrel 1] *)
-let rec test_eta_args n = function
- | [] -> n=0
- | a :: q -> (a = (MLrel n)) && (test_eta_args (pred n) q)
+(*s The following function create [MLrel n;...;MLrel 1] *)
let rec make_eta_args n =
if n = 0 then [] else (MLrel n)::(make_eta_args (pred n))
+(* This one tests [MLrel (n+k); ... ;MLrel (1+k)] *)
+let rec test_eta_args_lift k n = function
+ | [] -> n=0
+ | a :: q -> (a = (MLrel (k+n))) && (test_eta_args_lift k (pred n) q)
-(*s [generalize_check k k' i] return true if there is a [(Rel j)]
+(*s Generic functions overs [ml_ast] *)
+(* [ast_iter_rel f t] applies [f] on every [MLrel] in t.
+ It takes care of the number of bingings crossed before reaching the [MLrel]. *)
+let ast_iter f =
+ let rec iter n = function
+ | MLrel i -> f (i-n)
+ | MLlam (_,a) -> iter (n+1) a
+ | MLletin (_,a,b) -> iter n a; iter (n+1) b
+ | MLcase (a,v) ->
+ iter n a; Array.iter (fun (_,l,t) -> iter (n + (List.length l)) t) v
+ | MLfix (_,ids,v) -> let k = Array.length ids in Array.iter (iter (n+k)) v
+ | MLapp (a,l) -> iter n a; List.iter (iter n) l
+ | MLcons (_,l) -> List.iter (iter n) l
+ | MLcast (a,_) -> iter n a
+ | MLmagic a -> iter n a
+ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> ()
+ in iter 0
+(* Map over asts *)
+let ast_map_case f (c,ids,a) = (c,ids,f a)
+let ast_map f = function
+ | MLlam (i,a) -> MLlam (i, f a)
+ | MLletin (i,a,b) -> MLletin (i, f a, f b)
+ | MLcase (a,v) -> MLcase (f a, Array.map (ast_map_case f) v)
+ | MLfix (i,ids,v) -> MLfix (i, ids, Array.map f v)
+ | MLapp (a,l) -> MLapp (f a, List.map f l)
+ | MLcons (c,l) -> MLcons (c, List.map f l)
+ | MLcast (a,t) -> MLcast (f a, t)
+ | MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f a)
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> a
+(* Map over asts, with binding depth as parameter *)
+let ast_map_lift_case f n (c,ids,a) = (c,ids, f (n+(List.length ids)) a)
+let ast_map_lift f n = function
+ | MLlam (i,a) -> MLlam (i, f (n+1) a)
+ | MLletin (i,a,b) -> MLletin (i, f n a, f (n+1) b)
+ | MLcase (a,v) -> MLcase (f n a,Array.map (ast_map_lift_case f n) v)
+ | MLfix (i,ids,v) ->
+ let k = Array.length ids in MLfix (i,ids,Array.map (f (k+n)) v)
+ | MLapp (a,l) -> MLapp (f n a, List.map (f n) l)
+ | MLcons (c,l) -> MLcons (c, List.map (f n) l)
+ | MLcast (a,t) -> MLcast (f n a, t)
+ | MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f n a)
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> a
+(*s [occurs k t] returns true if [(Rel k)] occurs in [t]. *)
+let occurs k t =
+ try ast_iter (fun i -> if i = k then raise Found) t; false with Found -> true
+(*s [occurs_itvl k k' t] return true if there is a [(Rel i)]
in [t] with [k<=i<=k'] *)
-exception Impossible
+let occurs_itvl k k' t =
+ try
+ ast_iter (fun i -> if (k <= i) && (i <= k') then raise Found) t; false
+ with Found -> true
+(*s Number of occurences of [Rel k] and [Rel 1] in [t]. *)
+let nb_occur_k k t =
+ let cpt = ref 0 in
+ ast_iter (fun i -> if i = k then incr cpt) t;
+ !cpt
+let nb_occur t = nb_occur_k 1 t
+(*s Lifting on terms.
+ [ml_lift k t] lifts the binding depth of [t] across [k] bindings. *)
+let ml_lift k t =
+ let rec liftrec n = function
+ | MLrel i as a -> if i-n < 1 then a else MLrel (i+k)
+ | a -> ast_map_lift liftrec n a
+ in if k = 0 then t else liftrec 0 t
+let ml_pop t = ml_lift (-1) t
+(*s [permut_rels k k' c] translates [Rel 1 ... Rel k] to [Rel (k'+1) ... Rel (k'+k)]
+ and [Rel (k+1) ... Rel (k+k')] to [Rel 1 ... Rel k'] *)
+let permut_rels k k' =
+ let rec permut n = function
+ | MLrel i as a ->
+ let i' = i-n in
+ if i'<1 || i'>k+k' then a
+ else if i'<=k then MLrel (i+k')
+ else MLrel (i-k)
+ | a -> ast_map_lift permut n a
+ in permut 0
+(*s Substitution. [ml_subst e t] substitutes [e] for [Rel 1] in [t].
+ Lifting (of one binder) is done at the same time. *)
+let rec ml_subst e =
+ let rec subst n = function
+ | MLrel i as a ->
+ let i' = i-n in
+ if i'=1 then ml_lift n e
+ else if i'<1 then a
+ else MLrel (i-1)
+ | a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
+ in subst 0
+(*s Simplification of any [MLapp (MLapp (_,_),_)] *)
+let rec merge_app = function
+ | MLapp (f,l) ->
+ let f = merge_app f in
+ let l = List.map merge_app l in
+ (match f with
+ | MLapp (f',l') -> MLapp (f',l' @ l)
+ | _ -> MLapp (f,l))
+ | a -> ast_map merge_app a
+(*s [check_and_generalize (r0,l,c)] transforms any [MLcons(r0,l)] in [MLrel 1]
+ and raises [Impossible] if any variable in [l] occurs outside such a [MLcons] *)
let check_and_generalize (r0,l,c) =
let nargs = List.length l in
- let rec genrec k k' = function
+ let rec genrec n = function
| MLrel i as c ->
- if i<k then c
- else if i>k' then MLrel (i-nargs+1)
- else raise Impossible
- | MLcons(r,args) when r=r0 ->
- if test_eta_args nargs args then MLrel k
+ let i' = i-n in
+ if i'<1 then c
+ else if i'>nargs then MLrel (i-nargs+1)
else raise Impossible
- | MLlam(id,t) -> MLlam(id,genrec (k + 1) (k' + 1) t)
- | MLletin(id,t,t') -> MLletin(id,(genrec k k' t),(genrec (k+1) (k'+1) t'))
- | MLcase(t,pv) ->
- MLcase(genrec k k' t,
- Array.map (fun (id,idl,t') ->
- let n = List.length idl in
- (id,idl,genrec (k+n) (k'+n) t')) pv)
- | MLfix(n0,idl,pv) ->
- MLfix(n0,idl,
- let n = Array.length idl in Array.map (genrec (k+n) (k'+n)) pv)
- | a -> ast_map (genrec k k') a
- in genrec 1 nargs c
-let check_case br =
+ | MLcons(r,args) when r=r0 && (test_eta_args_lift n nargs args) -> MLrel (n+1)
+ | a -> ast_map_lift genrec n a
+ in genrec 0 c
+(*s Auxialiary functions used during simplifications of [MLcase] *)
+let check_generalizable_case br =
let f = check_and_generalize br.(0) in
for i = 1 to Array.length br - 1 do
if check_and_generalize br.(i) <> f then raise Impossible
@@ -292,41 +272,16 @@ let check_constant_case br =
then raise Impossible
done; cst
-(* [permut_rels n n' c] translates [Rel 1 ... Rel n] to [Rel (n'+1) ... Rel (n'+n)]
- and [Rel (n+1) ... Rel (n+n')] to [Rel 1 ... Rel n'] *)
-let permut_rels n n' =
- let rec permut k = function
- | MLrel i as c ->
- if i<k || i>=k+n+n' then c
- else if i<n+k then MLrel (i+n')
- else MLrel (i-n)
- | MLlam (id,t) -> MLlam (id, permut (k+1) t)
- | MLletin (id,a,b) -> MLletin (id, permut k a, permut (k+1) b)
- | MLcase (t,pv) ->
- MLcase (permut k t,
- Array.map (fun (id,idl,p) ->
- let nl = List.length idl in
- (id, idl, permut (k+nl) p)) pv)
- | MLfix (n0,idl,pv) ->
- MLfix (n0,idl,
- let nl = Array.length idl in Array.map (permut (k+nl)) pv)
- | a -> ast_map (permut k) a
- in
- permut 1
let rec permut_case_fun br acc =
let (_,_,t0) = br.(0) in
- let nb = ref (nb_lam t0) in
- Array.iter (fun (_,_,t) -> let n = nb_lam t in if n < !nb then nb:=n) br;
- let ids,_ = collect_n_lams !nb t0
- in
+ let nb = ref (nb_lams t0) in
+ Array.iter (fun (_,_,t) -> let n = nb_lams t in if n < !nb then nb:=n) br;
+ let ids,_ = collect_n_lams !nb t0 in
for i = 0 to Array.length br - 1 do
let (r,l,t) = br.(i) in
let t = permut_rels !nb (List.length l) (remove_n_lams !nb t)
in br.(i) <- (r,l,t)
- done;
- ids
+ done; ids
(*s Some Beta-iota reductions + simplifications*)
@@ -339,108 +294,87 @@ let is_atomic = function
| _ -> false
let all_constr br =
- try
- Array.iter
- (fun (_,_,t)->
- match t with
- | MLcons _ -> ()
- | _ -> raise Impossible)
- br;
- true
+ try Array.iter (function (_,_,MLcons _)-> () | _ -> raise Impossible) br; true
with Impossible -> false
-let normalize a =
- let o = optim() in
- let rec simplify = function
- | MLapp (f, []) ->
- simplify f
- | MLapp (f, a) ->
- let f' = simplify f
- and a' = List.map simplify a in
- (match f' with
- (* beta redex *)
- | MLlam (id,t) ->
- (match nb_occur t with
- | 0 -> simplify (MLapp (ml_pop t, List.tl a'))
- | 1 when o ->
- simplify (MLapp (ml_subst (List.hd a') t, List.tl a'))
- | _ ->
- let a'' = List.map (ml_lift 1) (List.tl a') in
- simplify (MLletin (id, List.hd a', MLapp (t, a''))))
- (* application of a let in: we push arguments inside *)
- | MLletin (id,e1,e2) ->
- MLletin (id, e1, simplify (MLapp (e2, List.map (ml_lift 1) a')))
- (* application of a case: we push arguments inside *)
- | MLcase (e,br) ->
- let br' =
- Array.map
- (fun (n,l,t) ->
- let k = List.length l in
- let a'' = List.map (ml_lift k) a' in
- (n, l, simplify (MLapp (t,a''))))
- br
- in simplify (MLcase (e,br'))
- | _ ->
- MLapp (f',a'))
- | MLcase (e,[||]) ->
- MLexn "Empty inductive"
- | MLcase (e,br) ->
- (match simplify e with
- (* iota redex *)
- | MLcons (r,a) ->
- let (_,ids,c) = br.(constructor_index r) in
- let c = List.fold_right (fun id t -> MLlam (id,t)) ids c in
- simplify (MLapp (c,a))
- | MLcase(e',br') when o && (all_constr br') ->
- let new_br=
- Array.map
- (function
- | (n, i, MLcons (r,a))->
- let (_,ids,c) = br.(constructor_index r) in
- let c = List.fold_right
- (fun id t -> MLlam (id,t)) ids c in
- let c = ml_lift (List.length i) c in
- (n,i,simplify (MLapp (c,a)))
- | _ -> assert false) br'
- in MLcase(e', new_br)
- | e' ->
- let br' = Array.map (fun (n,l,t) -> (n,l,simplify t)) br in
- if o then
- try
- let f = check_case br' in
- simplify (MLapp (MLlam (anonymous,f),[e']))
- with Impossible ->
- try check_constant_case br'
- with Impossible ->
- (match e' with
- | MLrel i ->
- let ids = permut_case_fun br' [] in
- let ids = List.map
- (fun id ->
- if id = prop_name then anonymous
- else id) ids in
- let n = List.length ids in
- if n = 0 then MLcase (e', br')
- else named_lams (MLcase (MLrel (i+n), br')) ids
- | _ -> MLcase (e', br'))
- else MLcase (e', br'))
- | MLletin(_,c,e) when (is_atomic c) || (nb_occur e <= 1) ->
- (* expansion of a letin in special cases *)
- simplify (ml_subst c e)
- | MLfix(i,ids,c) as t when o ->
- let n = Array.length ids in
- if occurs_itvl 1 n c.(i) then
- MLfix (i, ids, Array.map simplify c)
- else simplify (ml_lift (-n) c.(i)) (* dummy fixpoint *)
- | a ->
- ast_map simplify a
- in simplify (merge_app a)
-let normalize_decl = function
- | Dglob (id, a) -> Dglob (id, normalize a)
- | d -> d
-(*s special treatment of non-mutual fixpoint for pretty-printing purpose *)
+let rec simplify o = function
+ | MLapp (f, []) ->
+ simplify o f
+ | MLapp (f, a) ->
+ simplify_app o (List.map (simplify o) a) (simplify o f)
+ | MLcase (e,[||]) ->
+ MLexn "Empty inductive"
+ | MLcase (e,br) ->
+ simplify_case o br (simplify o e)
+ | MLletin(_,c,e) when (is_atomic c) || (nb_occur e <= 1) ->
+ (* Expansion of a letin in special cases *)
+ simplify o (ml_subst c e)
+ | MLfix(i,ids,c) as t when o ->
+ let n = Array.length ids in
+ if occurs_itvl 1 n c.(i) then
+ MLfix (i, ids, Array.map (simplify o) c)
+ else simplify o (ml_lift (-n) c.(i)) (* Dummy fixpoint *)
+ | a -> ast_map (simplify o) a
+and simplify_app o a = function
+ | MLlam (id,t) -> (* Beta redex *)
+ (match nb_occur t with
+ | 0 -> simplify o (MLapp (ml_pop t, List.tl a))
+ | 1 when o ->
+ simplify o (MLapp (ml_subst (List.hd a) t, List.tl a))
+ | _ ->
+ let a' = List.map (ml_lift 1) (List.tl a) in
+ simplify o (MLletin (id, List.hd a, MLapp (t, a'))))
+ | MLletin (id,e1,e2) -> (* Application of a letin: we push arguments inside *)
+ MLletin (id, e1, simplify o (MLapp (e2, List.map (ml_lift 1) a)))
+ | MLcase (e,br) -> (* Application of a case: we push arguments inside *)
+ let br' =
+ Array.map
+ (fun (n,l,t) ->
+ let k = List.length l in
+ let a' = List.map (ml_lift k) a in
+ (n, l, simplify o (MLapp (t,a')))) br
+ in simplify o (MLcase (e,br'))
+ | f -> MLapp (f,a)
+and simplify_case o br = function
+ | MLcons (r,a) -> (* Iota redex *)
+ let (_,ids,c) = br.(constructor_index r) in
+ let c = List.fold_right (fun id t -> MLlam (id,t)) ids c in
+ simplify o (MLapp (c,a))
+ | MLcase(e,br') when o && (all_constr br') -> (* Stupid double case *)
+ let new_br =
+ Array.map
+ (function
+ | (n, i, MLcons (r,a))->
+ let (_,ids,c) = br.(constructor_index r) in
+ let c = List.fold_right
+ (fun id t -> MLlam (id,t)) ids c in
+ let c = ml_lift (List.length i) c in
+ (n,i,simplify o (MLapp (c,a)))
+ | _ -> assert false) br'
+ in MLcase(e, new_br)
+ | e ->
+ let br = Array.map (fun (n,l,t) -> (n,l,simplify o t)) br in
+ if not o then MLcase (e,br)
+ else
+ try (* Does a term [f] exist such as each branch is [(f e)] ? *)
+ let f = check_generalizable_case br in
+ simplify o (MLapp (MLlam (anonymous,f),[e]))
+ with Impossible ->
+ try (* Is each branch independant of [e] ? *)
+ check_constant_case br
+ with Impossible ->
+ if (is_atomic e) then (* Swap the case and the lam if possible *)
+ let ids = no_prop_name (permut_case_fun br []) in
+ let n = List.length ids in
+ if n = 0 then MLcase (e, br)
+ else named_lams (MLcase (ml_lift n e, br)) ids
+ else MLcase (e, br)
+let normalize a = simplify (optim()) (merge_app a)
+(*s Special treatment of non-mutual fixpoint for pretty-printing purpose *)
let optimize_fix a =
if not (optim()) then a
@@ -456,7 +390,7 @@ let optimize_fix a =
in MLfix(0,[|f|],[|new_c|])
| MLapp(a',args) ->
(match a' with
- | MLfix(_,[|_|],[|_|]) when (test_eta_args n args)-> a'
+ | MLfix(_,[|_|],[|_|]) when (test_eta_args_lift 0 n args)-> a'
| MLfix(_,[|f|],[|c|]) ->
let m = List.length args in
@@ -501,7 +435,6 @@ let rec is_constr = function
| MLlam(_,t) -> is_constr t
| _ -> false
(*s Strictness *)
(* A variable is strict if the evaluation of the whole term implies
@@ -604,9 +537,9 @@ let expansion_test t =
\end{itemize} *)
let expand strict_lang r t =
- (not (to_keep r)) (* the user DOES want to keep it *)
+ (not (to_keep r)) (* The user DOES want to keep it *)
- ((to_inline r) (* the user DOES want to expand it *)
+ ((to_inline r) (* The user DOES want to expand it *)
(auto_inline () && strict_lang && expansion_test t))
@@ -626,7 +559,7 @@ let subst_glob_decl r m = function
let warning_expansion r =
wARN (hOV 0 [< 'sTR "The constant"; 'sPC;
Printer.pr_global r;
-(* 'sTR (" of size "^ (string_of_int (ml_size t))); *)
+(*i 'sTR (" of size "^ (string_of_int (ml_size t))); i*)
'sPC; 'sTR "is expanded." >])
let print_ml_decl prm (r,_) =
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
index 327ef5b94..7d5373a91 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
@@ -19,16 +19,23 @@ open Nametab
val anonymous : identifier
val prop_name : identifier
-(* Utility functions over ML types. [update_args sp vl t] puts [vl]
+(*s [collect_lambda MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns
+ the list [idn;...;id1] and the term [t]. *)
+val collect_lams : ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
+(*s [anonym_lams a n] creates [n] anonymous [MLlam] in front of [a] *)
+val anonym_lams : ml_ast -> int -> ml_ast
+(*s Utility functions over ML types. [update_args sp vl t] puts [vl]
as arguments behind every inductive types [(sp,_)]. *)
val update_args : section_path -> ml_type list -> ml_type -> ml_type
-exception Found_sp
val sp_of_r : global_reference -> section_path
-val parse_ml_type : section_path -> ml_type -> unit
+val type_mem_sp : section_path -> ml_type -> bool
(*s Utility functions over ML terms. [occurs n t] checks whether [Rel
n] occurs (freely) in [t]. [ml_lift] is de Bruijn
@@ -40,28 +47,13 @@ val ml_lift : int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
val ml_subst : ml_ast -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
-val subst_glob_ast : global_reference -> ml_ast -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
-(*s [collect_lambda MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns
- the list [idn;...;id1] and the term [t]. *)
-val collect_lams : ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
-(* [named_abstract] is the converse of [collect_lambda]. *)
-val named_lams : ml_ast -> identifier list -> ml_ast
-val anonym_lams : ml_ast -> int -> ml_ast
-(*s Some transformations of ML terms. [normalize] and [normalize_decl] reduce
+(*s Some transformations of ML terms. [normalize] simplify
all beta redexes (when the argument does not occur, it is just
thrown away; when it occurs exactly once it is substituted; otherwise
a let in redex is created for clarity) and iota redexes, plus some other
- optimizations. *) (* TO UPDATE *)
+ optimizations. *)
val normalize : ml_ast -> ml_ast
-val normalize_decl : ml_decl -> ml_decl
(*s Optimization. *)
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile b/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile
index af2ae59ff..9c4f87e94 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ CMO:= $(patsubst %.ml,%.cmo,$(ML))
# General rules
-all: ml theories/Reals/addReals.cmo $(CMO) v2ml
+all: v2ml ml theories/Reals/addReals.cmo $(CMO)
cp -f addReals theories/Reals/addReals.ml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ clean:
- find theories -name "*".ml -exec qualify2open \{\} \;
+ find theories -name "*".ml -exec ./qualify2open \{\} \;
find theories -name "*".ml -exec mv \{\}.orig \{\} \;