path: root/contrib/extraction
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-02-05 10:19:13 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-02-05 10:19:13 +0000
commit9b8b9b593ab6e2cd62ee53bbc673aae34dbeaa59 (patch)
tree2816e0a772ebd3dab91b1c30a054cabcb8092224 /contrib/extraction
parente5685b6d12558549a2013cd7362313c13cbb2b06 (diff)
Ajout d'optimisations locales kill_prop
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2452 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
index 98c2317ec..8b2ec13ee 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ exception Impossible
let anonymous = id_of_string "x"
let prop_name = id_of_string "_"
-let prop_name_to_anonymous =
- List.map (fun i -> if i=prop_name then anonymous else i)
+(*i let prop_name_to_anonymous =
+ List.map (fun i -> if i=prop_name then anonymous else i) i*)
(*s In an ML type, update the arguments to all inductive types [(sp,_)] *)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ let rec test_eta_args_lift k n = function
(* [ast_iter_rel f t] applies [f] on every [MLrel] in t. It takes care
of the number of bingings crossed before reaching the [MLrel]. *)
-let ast_iter f =
+let ast_iter_rel f =
let rec iter n = function
| MLrel i -> f (i-n)
| MLlam (_,a) -> iter (n+1) a
@@ -169,24 +169,43 @@ let ast_map_lift f n = function
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f n a)
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> a
+(* Fold over asts, with binding depth as parameter. *)
+let ast_map_lift_case f n m (_,ids,a) = f (n+(List.length ids)) m a
+let ast_fold_lift f n m = function
+ | MLlam (i,a) -> f (n+1) m a
+ | MLletin (i,a,b) -> f (n+1) (f n m a) b
+ | MLcase (a,v) -> let m = f n m a in
+ Array.fold_left (ast_map_lift_case f n) m v
+ | MLfix (i,ids,v) ->
+ let k = Array.length ids in Array.fold_left (f (k+n)) m v
+ | MLapp (a,l) -> let m = f n m a in List.fold_left (f n) m l
+ | MLcons (c,l) -> List.fold_left (f n) m l
+ | MLcast (a,t) -> f n m a
+ | MLmagic a -> f n m a
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> m
(*s [occurs k t] returns true if [(Rel k)] occurs in [t]. *)
let occurs k t =
- try ast_iter (fun i -> if i = k then raise Found) t; false with Found -> true
+ try
+ ast_iter_rel (fun i -> if i = k then raise Found) t; false
+ with Found -> true
(*s [occurs_itvl k k' t] return true if there is a [(Rel i)]
in [t] with [k<=i<=k'] *)
let occurs_itvl k k' t =
- ast_iter (fun i -> if (k <= i) && (i <= k') then raise Found) t; false
+ ast_iter_rel (fun i -> if (k <= i) && (i <= k') then raise Found) t; false
with Found -> true
(*s Number of occurences of [Rel k] and [Rel 1] in [t]. *)
let nb_occur_k k t =
let cpt = ref 0 in
- ast_iter (fun i -> if i = k then incr cpt) t;
+ ast_iter_rel (fun i -> if i = k then incr cpt) t;
let nb_occur t = nb_occur_k 1 t
@@ -228,6 +247,20 @@ let rec ml_subst e =
| a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
in subst 0
+(*s Idem without lifting of one. *)
+let rec ml_subst_no_lift e =
+ let rec subst n = function
+ | MLrel i as a ->
+ let i' = i-n in
+ if i'=1 then ml_lift n e
+ else if i'<1 then a
+ else MLrel i
+ | a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
+ in subst 0
(*s Simplification of any [MLapp (MLapp (_,_),_)] *)
let rec merge_app = function
@@ -251,7 +284,8 @@ let check_and_generalize (r0,l,c) =
if i'<1 then c
else if i'>nargs then MLrel (i-nargs+1)
else raise Impossible
- | MLcons(r,args) when r=r0 && (test_eta_args_lift n nargs args) -> MLrel (n+1)
+ | MLcons(r,args) when r=r0 && (test_eta_args_lift n nargs args) ->
+ MLrel (n+1)
| a -> ast_map_lift genrec n a
in genrec 0 c
@@ -276,7 +310,11 @@ let check_constant_case br =
then raise Impossible
done; cst
+(* TODO: il faudrait verifier si dans chaque branche on a _ et non pas
+ seulement dans la premiere (Coercion Prop < Type). *)
let rec permut_case_fun br acc =
+ let br = Array.copy br in
let (_,_,t0) = br.(0) in
let nb = ref (nb_lams t0) in
Array.iter (fun (_,_,t) -> let n = nb_lams t in if n < !nb then nb:=n) br;
@@ -285,7 +323,7 @@ let rec permut_case_fun br acc =
let (r,l,t) = br.(i) in
let t = permut_rels !nb (List.length l) (remove_n_lams !nb t)
in br.(i) <- (r,l,t)
- done; ids
+ done; ids,br
(*s Generalized iota-reduction. *)
@@ -383,16 +421,171 @@ and simplify_case o br e =
check_constant_case br
with Impossible ->
if (is_atomic e) then (* Swap the case and the lam if possible *)
- let ids = prop_name_to_anonymous (permut_case_fun br []) in
+ let ids,br = permut_case_fun br [] in
+(* let ids = prop_name_to_anonymous ids in *)
let n = List.length ids in
if n = 0 then MLcase (e, br)
else named_lams (MLcase (ml_lift n e, br)) ids
else MLcase (e, br)
-let normalize a = simplify (optim()) (merge_app a)
+(*s Local [prop] elimination. *)
+(* Try to eliminate as many [prop] as possible inside an [ml_ast]. *)
+(* Index of the first [prop] lambda *)
+let rec first_prop_rank = function
+ | MLlam(id,_) when id=prop_name -> 1
+ | MLlam(_,t) -> succ (first_prop_rank t)
+ | _ -> raise Impossible
+(* Minimal number of args after [Rel p] *)
+let min_nb_args p m t =
+ let rec minrec n m = function
+ | MLrel i when i=n+p -> 0
+ | MLapp(f,a) ->
+ let m = List.fold_left (minrec n) m a in
+ if f=(MLrel (n+p)) then min (List.length a) m else m
+ | a -> ast_fold_lift minrec n m a
+ in minrec 0 m t
+(* Given the names of the variables, build a substitution array. *)
+let rels_to_kill ids =
+ let n = (List.length ids)+1 in
+ let v = Array.make (n+1) 0 in
+ for i = 1 to n do v.(i) <- i done;
+ let rec parse_ids i j = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | id :: q when id <> prop_name ->
+ v.(i) <- j; parse_ids (i+1) (j+1) q
+ | _ :: q -> parse_ids (i+1) j q
+ in parse_ids 1 1 ids ; v
+(* [kill_prop_rels v m d t] applies to [t] the substitution coded with the
+ [v] array. [m] is the number of [Rel] concerned by this substitution,
+ and [d] is the correction applies to [Rel] greater than [m]. *)
+let rec kill_prop_rels v m d t =
+ let rec killrec n = function
+ | MLrel i as a ->
+ let i'= i-n in
+ if i' < 0 then a
+ else if i' <= m then MLrel (v.(i')+n )
+ else MLrel (i-d)
+ | a -> ast_map_lift killrec n a
+ in killrec 0 t
+(* In a list of args, kill the ones corresponding to a [prop]. *)
+let rec kill_some_args ids args = match ids,args with
+ | [],_ -> args
+ | i::l,t::q -> let a = kill_some_args l q in
+ if i = prop_name then a else t::a
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Apply the previous function recursively on a whole term *)
+let kill_prop_args p ids t =
+ let ids = List.rev ids in
+ let rec killrec n = function
+ | MLapp(MLrel i, a) when i = n+p ->
+ let a = kill_some_args ids a in
+ MLapp (MLrel i, List.map (killrec n) a)
+ | a -> ast_map_lift killrec n a
+ in killrec 0 t
+(* The main function for local [prop] elimination. *)
+let rec kill_prop = function
+ | MLapp (MLfix(i,fi,c),a) ->
+ let n = Array.length fi in
+ (try
+ let k = first_prop_rank c.(i) in
+ let m0 = nb_lams c.(i) in
+ let m = min m0 (List.length a) in
+ let m = Array.fold_left (min_nb_args (n-i)) m c in
+ if m < k then raise Impossible;
+ let ids,ci = collect_n_lams m c.(i) in
+ let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
+ if ids' = [] && m = m0 then raise Impossible;
+ let diff = m - List.length ids' in
+ let db = rels_to_kill ids in
+ let ci = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff ci) ids' in
+ let c = Array.copy c in c.(i) <- ci;
+ for j = 0 to (n-1) do
+ c.(j) <- kill_prop (kill_prop_args (n-i) ids c.(j))
+ done;
+ let a = List.map kill_prop (kill_some_args (List.rev ids) a) in
+ MLapp(MLfix(i,fi,c),a)
+ with Impossible ->
+ MLapp(MLfix(i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c),List.map kill_prop a))
+ | MLletin(id,MLfix(i,fi,c),e) ->
+ let n = Array.length fi in
+ (try
+ let k = first_prop_rank c.(i) in
+ let m0 = nb_lams c.(i) in
+ let m = min_nb_args 1 m0 e in
+ let m = Array.fold_left (min_nb_args (n-i)) m c in
+ if m < k then raise Impossible;
+ let ids,ci = collect_n_lams m c.(i) in
+ let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
+ if ids' = [] && m = m0 then raise Impossible;
+ let diff = m - List.length ids' in
+ let db = rels_to_kill ids in
+ let ci = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff ci) ids' in
+ let c = Array.copy c in c.(i) <- ci;
+ for j = 0 to (n-1) do
+ c.(j) <- kill_prop (kill_prop_args (n-i) ids c.(j))
+ done;
+ let e = kill_prop (kill_prop_args 1 ids e) in
+ MLletin(id,MLfix(i,fi,c),e)
+ with Impossible ->
+ MLletin(id,MLfix(i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c),kill_prop e))
+ | MLletin(id,c,e) ->
+ (try
+ let k = first_prop_rank c in
+ let m0 = nb_lams c in
+ let m = min_nb_args 1 m0 e in
+ if m < k then raise Impossible;
+ let ids,c = collect_n_lams m c in
+ let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
+ if ids' = [] && m0 = m then raise Impossible;
+ let diff = m - List.length ids' in
+ let db = rels_to_kill ids in
+ let c = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff c) ids' in
+ let e = kill_prop_args 1 ids e in
+ MLletin (id, kill_prop c,kill_prop e)
+ with Impossible -> MLletin(id,kill_prop c,kill_prop e))
+ | a -> ast_map kill_prop a
+let normalize a =
+ if (optim())
+ then kill_prop (simplify true (merge_app a))
+ else simplify false (merge_app a)
(*s Special treatment of non-mutual fixpoint for pretty-printing purpose. *)
+let make_general_fix f ids n args m c =
+ let v = Array.make n 0 in
+ for i=0 to (n-1) do v.(i)<-i done;
+ let aux i = function
+ MLrel j when v.(j-1)>=0 -> v.(j-1)<-(-i-1)
+ | _ -> raise Impossible
+ in
+ list_iter_i aux args;
+ let args_f =
+ List.rev_map
+ (fun i -> MLrel (i+m+1)) (Array.to_list v) in
+ let new_f =
+ anonym_lams (MLapp (MLrel (n+m+1),args_f)) m in
+ let new_c =
+ named_lams
+ (normalize (MLapp ((ml_subst new_f c),args))) ids
+ in MLfix(0,[|f|],[|new_c|])
let optimize_fix a =
if not (optim()) then a
@@ -412,24 +605,10 @@ let optimize_fix a =
(test_eta_args_lift 0 n args) && not (occurs_itvl 1 m a')
-> a'
| MLfix(_,[|f|],[|c|]) ->
- let v = Array.make n 0 in
- for i=0 to (n-1) do v.(i)<-i done;
- let aux i = function
- MLrel j when v.(j-1)>=0 -> v.(j-1)<-(-i-1)
- | _ -> raise Impossible
- in
- list_iter_i aux args;
- let args_f =
- List.rev_map
- (fun i -> MLrel (i+m+1)) (Array.to_list v) in
- let new_f =
- anonym_lams (MLapp (MLrel (n+m+1),args_f)) m in
- let new_c =
- named_lams
- (normalize (MLapp ((ml_subst new_f c),args))) ids
- in MLfix(0,[|f|],[|new_c|])
- with Impossible -> a)
+ make_general_fix f ids n args m c
+ with Impossible ->
+ named_lams (MLapp (MLfix (0,[|f|],[|c|]),args)) ids)
| _ -> a)
| _ -> a)
@@ -643,8 +822,8 @@ let rec optim prm = function
else l in
if not b' &&
(not b || prm.mod_name <> None || List.mem r prm.to_appear) then
- let t = optimize_fix t in
- Dglob (r,t) :: (optim prm l)
+ let t = optimize_fix t in
+ Dglob (r,t) :: (optim prm l)
optim prm l
| (Dtype ([],_) | Dabbrev _ | Dcustom _) as d :: l ->
@@ -661,3 +840,4 @@ let rec optim prm = function
let optimize prm l = clear_singletons(); optim prm l