path: root/contrib/extraction
diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-04-16 23:27:41 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-04-16 23:27:41 +0000
commit4478577ca03d71742f954783d57b015f8d87f031 (patch)
treef5ecb4d6bd6a35214d2b6a40255a439eb305e0c8 /contrib/extraction
parentd9a63c724960c2af66d4942bec2041846e584697 (diff)
BIG MAJ Extraction:
------------------ - (Recursive) Extraction Module devient (Recursive) Extraction Library (pour cause d'ambiguite avec les nouveaux modules Coq). - un nouveau Extraction Module qui extrait dans le toplevel tout module Coq - tout fixpoint est de nouveau inlinable (Yves). - fix bug du calcul d'env minimal des modules en extraction monolithique. - un nouveau fichier Modutil regroupant manques de Modops & functions specifiques aux modules MiniML - plus d'aliases a trainer (mais des substitutions des le depart) - ET SURTOUT: un nommage correct (ou du moins moins pire) dans les modtypes et les functors. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@3934 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction')
19 files changed, 1008 insertions, 865 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/common.ml b/contrib/extraction/common.ml
index 1a785fe73..fe0c06631 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/common.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/common.ml
@@ -17,46 +17,9 @@ open Nameops
open Libnames
open Table
open Miniml
-open Mlutil
+open Modutil
open Ocaml
-(* Add _all_ direct subobjects of a module, not only those exported.
- Build on the Modops.add_signature model. *)
-let add_structure mp msb env =
- let add_one env (l,elem) =
- let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
- match elem with
- | SEBconst cb -> Environ.add_constant kn cb env
- | SEBmind mib -> Environ.add_mind kn mib env
- | SEBmodule mb -> Modops.add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) mb env
- | SEBmodtype mtb -> Environ.add_modtype kn mtb env
- in List.fold_left add_one env msb
-let add_functor mbid mtb env =
- Modops.add_module (MPbound mbid) (Modops.module_body_of_type mtb) env
-(*s Get all references used in one [ml_structure]. *)
-module Orefset = struct
- type t = { set : Refset.t ; list : global_reference list }
- let empty = { set = Refset.empty ; list = [] }
- let add r o =
- if Refset.mem r o.set then o
- else { set = Refset.add r o.set ; list = r :: o.list }
- let set o = o.set
- let list o = o.list
-type updown = { mutable up : Orefset.t ; mutable down : Orefset.t }
-let struct_get_references struc =
- let o = { up = Orefset.empty ; down = Orefset.empty } in
- let do_term r = o.down <- Orefset.add (long_r r) o.down in
- let do_cons r = o.up <- Orefset.add (long_r r) o.up in
- let do_type = if lang () = Haskell then do_cons else do_term in
- struct_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type struc; o
(*S Renamings. *)
(*s Tables of global renamings *)
@@ -69,7 +32,14 @@ let renamings = Hashtbl.create 97
let rename r s = Hashtbl.add renamings r s
let get_renamings r = Hashtbl.find renamings r
-let must_qualify = ref Refset.empty
+let modvisited = ref MPset.empty
+let modcontents = ref Gset.empty
+let add_module_contents mp s = modcontents := Gset.add (mp,s) !modcontents
+let module_contents mp s = Gset.mem (mp,s) !modcontents
+let to_qualify = ref Refset.empty
+(*s Uppercase/lowercase renamings. *)
let is_upper s = match s.[0] with 'A' .. 'Z' -> true | _ -> false
@@ -87,23 +57,21 @@ let modular_rename up id =
let rename_module = modular_rename true
-let mp_to_list mp =
- let rec f ls = function
- | MPfile d ->
- String.capitalize (string_of_id (List.hd (repr_dirpath d))) :: ls
- | MPself msid -> rename_module (id_of_msid msid) :: ls
- | MPbound mbid -> rename_module (id_of_mbid mbid) :: ls
- | MPdot (mp,l) -> f (rename_module (id_of_label l) :: ls) mp
- in f [] mp
-let mp_to_list' mp =
- let rec f ls = function
- | mp when at_toplevel mp -> ls
- | MPself msid -> rename_module (id_of_msid msid) :: ls
- | MPbound mbid -> rename_module (id_of_mbid mbid) :: ls
- | MPdot (mp,l) -> f (rename_module (id_of_label l) :: ls) mp
- | _ -> assert false
- in f [] mp
+let print_labels = List.map (fun l -> rename_module (id_of_label l))
+let print_base_mp = function
+ | MPfile d -> String.capitalize (string_of_id (List.hd (repr_dirpath d)))
+ | MPself msid -> rename_module (id_of_msid msid)
+ | MPbound mbid -> rename_module (id_of_mbid mbid)
+ | _ -> assert false
+(*s From a [module_path] to a list of [identifier]. *)
+let mp2l mp =
+ let base_mp,l = labels_of_mp mp in
+ if !modular || not (at_toplevel base_mp)
+ then (print_base_mp base_mp) :: (print_labels l)
+ else print_labels l
let string_of_modlist l =
List.fold_right (fun s s' -> if s' = "" then s else s ^ "." ^ s') l ""
@@ -111,86 +79,92 @@ let string_of_modlist l =
let string_of_ren l s =
if l = [] then s else (string_of_modlist l)^"."^s
-let contents_first_level mp =
- let s = ref Stringset.empty in
- let add b id = s := Stringset.add (modular_rename b id) !s in
- let upper_type = (lang () = Haskell) in
- let contents_seb env = function
- | (l, SEBconst cb) ->
- (match Extraction.constant_kind env cb with
- | Extraction.Logical -> ()
- | Extraction.Type -> add upper_type (id_of_label l)
- | Extraction.Term -> add false (id_of_label l))
- | (_, SEBmind mib) ->
- Array.iter
- (fun mip ->
- if mip.mind_sort = (Prop Null) then ()
- else begin
- add upper_type mip.mind_typename;
- Array.iter (add true) mip.mind_consnames
- end)
- mib.mind_packets
- | _ -> ()
+(* [clash mp0 l s mpl] checks if [mp0-l-s] can be printed as [l-s] when
+ [mpl] is the context of visible modules. More precisely, we check if
+ there exists a mp1, module (sub-)path of an element of [mpl], such as
+ module [mp1-l] contains [s].
+ The verification stops if we encounter [mp1=mp0]. *)
+exception Stop
+let clash mp0 l s mpl =
+ let rec clash_one mp = match mp with
+ | _ when mp = mp0 -> raise Stop
+ | MPdot (mp',_) ->
+ (module_contents (add_labels_mp mp l) s) || (clash_one mp')
+ | mp when is_toplevel mp -> false
+ | _ -> module_contents (add_labels_mp mp l) s
- match (Global.lookup_module mp).mod_expr with
- | Some (MEBstruct (msid,msb)) ->
- let env = add_structure (MPself msid) msb (Global.env ()) in
- List.iter (contents_seb env) msb; (mp,!s)
- | _ -> mp,!s
-(* The previous functions might fail if [mp] isn't a directly visible module. *)
-(* Ex: [MPself] under functor, [MPbound], etc ... *)
-(* Exception [Not_found] is catched in [pp_global]. *)
-let contents_first_level =
- let cache = ref MPmap.empty in
- fun mp ->
- try MPmap.find mp !cache
- with Not_found ->
- let res = contents_first_level mp in
- cache := MPmap.add mp res !cache;
- res
-let modules_first_level mp =
- let s = ref Stringset.empty in
- let add id = s := Stringset.add (rename_module id) !s in
- let contents_seb = function
- | (l, (SEBmodule _ | SEBmodtype _)) -> add (id_of_label l)
- | _ -> ()
- in
- match (Global.lookup_module mp).mod_expr with
- | Some (MEBstruct (_,msb)) -> List.iter contents_seb msb; !s
- | _ -> !s
+ let rec clash_list = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | mp :: mpl -> (clash_one mp) || (clash_list mpl)
+ in try clash_list mpl with Stop -> false
+(*s [contents_first_level mp] finds the names of the first-level objects
+ exported by module [mp]. Nota: it might fail if [mp] isn't a directly
+ visible module. Ex: [MPself] under functor, [MPbound], etc ... *)
-let rec clash_in_contents mp0 s = function
- | [] -> false
- | (mp,_) :: _ when mp = mp0 -> false
- | (mp,ss) :: l -> (Stringset.mem s ss) || (clash_in_contents mp0 s l)
+let contents_first_level mp =
+ if not (MPset.mem mp !modvisited) then begin
+ modvisited := MPset.add mp !modvisited;
+ match (Global.lookup_module mp).mod_type with
+ | MTBsig (msid,msb) ->
+ let add b id = add_module_contents mp (modular_rename b id) in
+ let upper_type = (lang () = Haskell) in
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | (l, SPBconst cb) ->
+ (match Extraction.constant_kind (Global.env ()) cb with
+ | Extraction.Logical -> ()
+ | Extraction.Type -> add upper_type (id_of_label l)
+ | Extraction.Term -> add false (id_of_label l))
+ | (_, SPBmind mib) ->
+ Array.iter
+ (fun mip -> if mip.mind_sort <> (Prop Null) then begin
+ add upper_type mip.mind_typename;
+ Array.iter (add true) mip.mind_consnames
+ end)
+ mib.mind_packets
+ | _ -> ())
+ (Modops.subst_signature_msid msid mp msb)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
+(*s Initial renamings creation, for modular extraction. *)
let create_modular_renamings struc =
- let cur_mp = fst (List.hd struc) in
+ let current_module = fst (List.hd struc) in
let modfiles = ref MPset.empty in
- let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references struc
+ let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references_set struc
- (* 1) create renamings of objects *)
+ (* 1) creates renamings of objects *)
let add upper r =
let mp = modpath (kn_of_r r) in
begin try
let mp = modfile_of_mp mp in
- if mp <> cur_mp then modfiles := MPset.add mp !modfiles
+ if mp <> current_module then modfiles := MPset.add mp !modfiles
with Not_found -> ()
- let mplist = mp_to_list (modpath (kn_of_r r)) in
let s = modular_rename upper (id_of_global r) in
global_ids := Idset.add (id_of_string s) !global_ids;
- Hashtbl.add renamings r (mplist,s)
+ Hashtbl.add renamings r s
- Refset.iter (add true) (Orefset.set u);
- Refset.iter (add false) (Orefset.set d);
+ Refset.iter (add true) u;
+ Refset.iter (add false) d;
- (* 2) determine the opened libraries and the potential clashes *)
+ (* 2) determines the opened libraries. *)
let used_modules = MPset.elements !modfiles in
- let s = ref (modules_first_level cur_mp) in
+ (* [s] will contain all first-level sub-modules of [cur_mp] *)
+ let s = ref Stringset.empty in
+ begin
+ let add l = s := Stringset.add (rename_module (id_of_label l)) !s in
+ match (Global.lookup_module current_module).mod_type with
+ | MTBsig (_,msb) ->
+ List.iter (function (l,SPBmodule _) -> add l | _ -> ()) msb
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ (* We now compare [s] with the modules coming from [used_modules]. *)
| MPfile d ->
@@ -200,22 +174,25 @@ let create_modular_renamings struc =
else s:= Stringset.add s_mp !s
| _ -> assert false)
- let env = List.rev_map contents_first_level used_modules in
+ (* 3) determines the potential clashes *)
+ List.iter contents_first_level used_modules;
+ let used_modules' = List.rev used_modules in
let needs_qualify r =
let mp = modpath (kn_of_r r) in
- if not (is_modfile mp) || mp = cur_mp then ()
- else
- let s = snd (get_renamings r) in
- if clash_in_contents mp s env
- then must_qualify := Refset.add r !must_qualify
- in
- Refset.iter needs_qualify (Orefset.set u);
- Refset.iter needs_qualify (Orefset.set d);
+ if (is_modfile mp) && mp <> current_module &&
+ (clash mp [] (get_renamings r) used_modules')
+ then to_qualify := Refset.add r !to_qualify
+ in
+ Refset.iter needs_qualify u;
+ Refset.iter needs_qualify d;
+(*s Initial renamings creation, for monolithic extraction. *)
let create_mono_renamings struc =
let fst_level_modules = ref Idmap.empty in
- let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references struc
+ let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references_list struc
(* 1) create renamings of objects *)
let add upper r =
@@ -228,18 +205,17 @@ let create_mono_renamings struc =
else fst_level_modules := Idmap.add id mp !fst_level_modules
with Not_found -> ()
- let mplist = mp_to_list' (modpath (kn_of_r r)) in
let my_id = if upper then uppercase_id else lowercase_id in
let id =
- if mplist = [] then
+ if at_toplevel (modpath (kn_of_r r)) then
next_ident_away (my_id (id_of_global r)) (Idset.elements !global_ids)
else id_of_string (modular_rename upper (id_of_global r))
global_ids := Idset.add id !global_ids;
- Hashtbl.add renamings r (mplist,string_of_id id)
+ Hashtbl.add renamings r (string_of_id id)
- List.iter (add true) (List.rev (Orefset.list u));
- List.iter (add false) (List.rev (Orefset.list d))
+ List.iter (add true) (List.rev u);
+ List.iter (add false) (List.rev d)
(*s Renaming issues at toplevel *)
@@ -252,63 +228,54 @@ end
(*s Renaming issues for a monolithic or modular extraction. *)
-let rec remove_common l l' = match l,l' with
- | [], _ -> l'
- | s::q, s'::q' -> if s = s' then remove_common q q' else l'
- | _ -> assert false
-let rec length_common_prefix l l' = match l,l' with
- | [],_ -> 0
- | _, [] -> 0
- | s::q, s'::q' -> if s <> s' then 0 else 1+(length_common_prefix q q')
-let rec decreasing_contents mp = match mp with
- | MPdot (mp',_) -> (contents_first_level mp) :: (decreasing_contents mp')
- | mp when is_toplevel mp -> []
- | _ -> [contents_first_level mp]
module StdParams = struct
let globals () = !global_ids
- let pp_global cur_mp r =
- let cur_mp = long_mp cur_mp in
- let cur_l = if !modular then mp_to_list cur_mp else mp_to_list' cur_mp in
- let r = long_r r in
+ (* TODO: remettre des conditions [lang () = Haskell] disant de qualifier. *)
+ let pp_global mpl r =
+ let s = get_renamings r in
let mp = modpath (kn_of_r r) in
- let l,s = get_renamings r in
- let n = length_common_prefix cur_l l in
- if not (is_modfile (base_mp cur_mp)) && (is_modfile (base_mp mp)) then
- str (string_of_ren (mp_to_list' mp) s)
- else
- if n = 0 && !modular (* [r] is in another module *)
- then
- if (Refset.mem r !must_qualify) || (lang () = Haskell)
- then str (string_of_ren l s)
- else
- try
- if clash_in_contents mp s (decreasing_contents cur_mp)
- then str (string_of_ren l s)
- else str s
- with Not_found -> str (string_of_ren l s)
+ let final =
+ if mp = List.hd mpl then s (* simpliest situation *)
+ else
+ try (* has [mp] something in common with one of those in [mpl] ? *)
+ let pref = common_prefix_from_list mp mpl in
+ let l = labels_after_prefix pref mp in
+ if clash pref l s mpl
+ then error_unqualified_name (string_of_ren (print_labels l) s)
+ (string_of_modlist (mp2l (List.hd mpl)))
+ else (string_of_ren (print_labels l) s)
+ with Not_found -> (* [mp] is othogonal with every element of [mp]. *)
+ let base, l = labels_of_mp mp in
+ let short = string_of_ren (print_labels l) s in
+ if not (at_toplevel mp) ||
+ (!modular &&
+ (l <> [] || (Refset.mem r !to_qualify) || (clash base l s mpl)))
+ then (print_base_mp base)^"."^short
+ else short
+ in
+ add_module_contents mp s; (* update the visible environment *)
+ str s
+ let pp_long_module mpl mp =
+ try (* has [mp] something in common with one of those in [mpl] ? *)
+ let pref = common_prefix_from_list mp mpl in
+ let l = labels_after_prefix pref mp in
+(*i TODO: comment adapter cela ??
+ if clash pref l s mpl
+ then error_unqualified_name (string_of_ren (print_labels l) s)
+ (string_of_modlist (mp2l (List.hd mpl)))
- let nl = List.length l in
- if n = nl && nl < List.length cur_l then (* strict prefix *)
- try
- if clash_in_contents mp s (decreasing_contents cur_mp)
- then error_unqualified_name (string_of_ren l s) (string_of_modlist cur_l)
- else str s
- with Not_found -> str (string_of_ren l s)
- else (* [cur_mp] and [mp] are orthogonal *)
- let l = remove_common cur_l l
- in str (string_of_ren l s)
- let pp_long_module cur_mp mp =
- let cur_mp = long_mp cur_mp in
- let cur_l = if !modular then mp_to_list cur_mp else mp_to_list' cur_mp in
- let mp = long_mp mp in
- let l = if !modular then mp_to_list mp else mp_to_list' mp in
- str (string_of_modlist (remove_common cur_l l))
+ str (string_of_modlist (print_labels l))
+ with Not_found -> (* [mp] is othogonal with every element of [mp]. *)
+ let base_mp, l = labels_of_mp mp in
+ let short = string_of_modlist (print_labels l) in
+ if not (at_toplevel mp) || !modular
+ then str ((print_base_mp base_mp)^(if short = "" then "" else "."^short))
+ else str short
let pp_short_module id = str (rename_module id)
@@ -342,7 +309,7 @@ let set_keywords () =
| Scheme -> keywords := Scheme.keywords
| Toplevel -> keywords := Idset.empty);
global_ids := !keywords;
- must_qualify := Refset.empty
+ to_qualify := Refset.empty
let preamble prm = match lang () with
| Ocaml -> Ocaml.preamble prm
@@ -360,13 +327,15 @@ let print_one_decl struc mp decl =
set_keywords ();
modular := false;
create_mono_renamings struc;
- msgnl (pp_decl mp decl)
+ msgnl (pp_decl [mp] decl)
(*S Extraction to a file. *)
let print_structure_to_file f prm struc =
cons_cofix := Refset.empty;
Hashtbl.clear renamings;
+ modcontents := Gset.empty;
+ modvisited := MPset.empty;
set_keywords ();
modular := prm.modular;
let used_modules =
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/common.mli b/contrib/extraction/common.mli
index 2d3a7d47b..ea4d99623 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/common.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/common.mli
@@ -8,18 +8,10 @@
(*i $Id$ i*)
-open Pp
open Names
-open Declarations
-open Environ
-open Libnames
open Miniml
open Mlutil
-val add_structure : module_path -> module_structure_body -> env -> env
-val add_functor : mod_bound_id -> module_type_body -> env -> env
val print_one_decl :
ml_structure -> module_path -> ml_decl -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extract_env.ml b/contrib/extraction/extract_env.ml
index 9170d4f24..0495e6244 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extract_env.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extract_env.ml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ open Util
open Miniml
open Table
open Extraction
-open Mlutil
+open Modutil
open Common
(*s Obtaining Coq environment. *)
@@ -52,59 +52,14 @@ let environment_until dir_opt =
| _ -> assert false
in parse (Library.loaded_libraries ())
-(*s First, we parse everything in order to produce
- a table of aliases between short and long [module_path]. *)
-let rec init_aliases_seb loc abs = function
- | l, SEBmodule mb ->
- init_aliases_module loc (option_app (fun mp -> MPdot (mp,l)) abs) mb
- | l, SEBmodtype mtb -> init_aliases_modtype loc mtb
- | _ -> ()
-and init_aliases_module loc abs mb =
- option_iter (init_aliases_meb loc abs) mb.mod_expr
-and init_aliases_meb loc abs = function
- | MEBident mp -> ()
- | MEBapply (meb, meb',_) ->
- init_aliases_meb loc None meb; init_aliases_meb loc None meb'
- | MEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb) ->
- init_aliases_modtype loc mtb;
- init_aliases_meb loc None meb
- | MEBstruct (msid, msb) ->
- let loc = MPself msid in
- option_iter (add_aliases loc) abs;
- List.iter (init_aliases_seb loc abs) msb
-and init_aliases_modtype loc = function
- | MTBident mp -> ()
- | MTBfunsig (mbid, mtb, mtb') ->
- init_aliases_modtype loc mtb;
- init_aliases_modtype loc mtb'
- | MTBsig (msid, sign) ->
- let loc = MPself msid in
- List.iter (init_aliases_spec loc) sign
-and init_aliases_spec loc = function
- | l, SPBmodule {msb_modtype=mtb} -> init_aliases_modtype loc mtb
- | l, SPBmodtype mtb -> init_aliases_modtype loc mtb
- | _ -> ()
-let init_aliases l =
- List.iter
- (fun (mp,meb) -> init_aliases_meb (current_toplevel ()) (Some mp) meb) l
-(*s The extraction pass. *)
type visit = { mutable kn : KNset.t; mutable mp : MPset.t }
-let in_kn v kn = KNset.mem (long_kn kn) v.kn
-let in_mp v mp = MPset.mem (long_mp mp) v.mp
+let in_kn v kn = KNset.mem kn v.kn
+let in_mp v mp = MPset.mem mp v.mp
-let visit_ref v r =
- let kn = long_kn (kn_of_r r) in
- v.kn <- KNset.add kn v.kn;
- v.mp <- MPset.union (prefixes_mp (modpath kn)) v.mp
+let visit_mp v mp = v.mp <- MPset.union (prefixes_mp mp) v.mp
+let visit_kn v kn = v.kn <- KNset.add kn v.kn; visit_mp v (modpath kn)
+let visit_ref v r = visit_kn v (kn_of_r r)
exception Impossible
@@ -138,43 +93,67 @@ let factor_fix env l cb msb =
labels, recd, msb''
-let logical_decl = function
- | Dterm (_,MLdummy,Tdummy) -> true
- | Dtype (_,[],Tdummy) -> true
- | Dfix (_,av,tv) ->
- (array_for_all ((=) MLdummy) av) && (array_for_all ((=) Tdummy) tv)
- | Dind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
- | _ -> false
-let logical_spec = function
- | Stype (_, [], Some Tdummy) -> true
- | Sval (_,Tdummy) -> true
- | Sind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
- | _ -> false
let get_decl_references v d =
let f = visit_ref v in decl_iter_references f f f d
let get_spec_references v s =
let f = visit_ref v in spec_iter_references f f f s
-let rec extract_msb env v all loc = function
+let rec extract_msig env v mp = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (l,SPBconst cb) :: msig ->
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
+ let s = extract_constant_spec env kn cb in
+ if logical_spec s then extract_msig env v mp msig
+ else begin
+ get_spec_references v s;
+ (l,Spec s) :: (extract_msig env v mp msig)
+ end
+ | (l,SPBmind cb) :: msig ->
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
+ let s = Sind (kn, extract_inductive env kn) in
+ if logical_spec s then extract_msig env v mp msig
+ else begin
+ get_spec_references v s;
+ (l,Spec s) :: (extract_msig env v mp msig)
+ end
+ | (l,SPBmodule {msb_modtype=mtb}) :: msig ->
+(* let mpo = Some (MPdot (mp,l)) in *)
+ (l,Smodule (extract_mtb env v None (* mpo *) mtb)) :: (extract_msig env v mp msig)
+ | (l,SPBmodtype mtb) :: msig ->
+ (l,Smodtype (extract_mtb env v None mtb)) :: (extract_msig env v mp msig)
+and extract_mtb env v mpo = function
+ | MTBident kn -> visit_kn v kn; MTident kn
+ | MTBfunsig (mbid, mtb, mtb') ->
+ let mp = MPbound mbid in
+ let env' = Modops.add_module mp (Modops.module_body_of_type mtb) env in
+ MTfunsig (mbid, extract_mtb env v None mtb,
+ extract_mtb env' v None mtb')
+ | MTBsig (msid, msig) ->
+ let mp, msig = match mpo with
+ | None -> MPself msid, msig
+ | Some mp -> mp, Modops.subst_signature_msid msid mp msig
+ in
+ let env' = Modops.add_signature mp msig env in
+ MTsig (msid, extract_msig env' v mp msig)
+let rec extract_msb env v mp all = function
| [] -> []
| (l,SEBconst cb) :: msb ->
let vl,recd,msb = factor_fix env l cb msb in
- let vkn = Array.map (make_kn loc empty_dirpath) vl in
- let vkn = Array.map long_kn vkn in
- let ms = extract_msb env v all loc msb in
+ let vkn = Array.map (fun id -> make_kn mp empty_dirpath id) vl in
+ let ms = extract_msb env v mp all msb in
let b = array_exists (in_kn v) vkn in
if all || b then
let d = extract_fixpoint env vkn recd in
if (not b) && (logical_decl d) then ms
- else begin get_decl_references v d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
+ else begin get_decl_references v d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
else ms
with Impossible ->
- let ms = extract_msb env v all loc msb in
- let kn = make_kn loc empty_dirpath l in
+ let ms = extract_msb env v mp all msb in
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
let b = in_kn v kn in
if all || b then
let d = extract_constant env kn cb in
@@ -182,8 +161,8 @@ let rec extract_msb env v all loc = function
else begin get_decl_references v d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
else ms)
| (l,SEBmind mib) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_msb env v all loc msb in
- let kn = make_kn loc empty_dirpath l in
+ let ms = extract_msb env v mp all msb in
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
let b = in_kn v kn in
if all || b then
let d = Dind (kn, extract_inductive env kn) in
@@ -191,90 +170,46 @@ let rec extract_msb env v all loc = function
else begin get_decl_references v d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
else ms
| (l,SEBmodule mb) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_msb env v all loc msb in
- let loc = MPdot (loc,l) in
- if all || in_mp v loc then
- (l,SEmodule (extract_module env v true mb)) :: ms
+ let ms = extract_msb env v mp all msb in
+ let mp = MPdot (mp,l) in
+ if all || in_mp v mp then
+ (l,SEmodule (extract_module env v mp true mb)) :: ms
else ms
| (l,SEBmodtype mtb) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_msb env v all loc msb in
- let kn = make_kn loc empty_dirpath l in
+ let ms = extract_msb env v mp all msb in
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
if all || in_kn v kn then
- (l,SEmodtype (extract_mtb env v mtb)) :: ms
+ (l,SEmodtype (extract_mtb env v None mtb)) :: ms
else ms
-and extract_meb env v all = function
- | MEBident mp -> MEident mp
+and extract_meb env v mpo all = function
+ | MEBident mp -> visit_mp v mp; MEident mp
| MEBapply (meb, meb',_) ->
- MEapply (extract_meb env v true meb, extract_meb env v true meb')
+ MEapply (extract_meb env v None true meb,
+ extract_meb env v None true meb')
| MEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb) ->
- let env' = add_functor mbid mtb env in
- MEfunctor (mbid, extract_mtb env v mtb, extract_meb env' v true meb)
+ let mp = MPbound mbid in
+ let env' = Modops.add_module mp (Modops.module_body_of_type mtb) env in
+ MEfunctor (mbid, extract_mtb env v None mtb,
+ extract_meb env' v None true meb)
| MEBstruct (msid, msb) ->
- let loc = MPself msid in
- let env' = add_structure loc msb env in
- MEstruct (msid, extract_msb env' v all loc msb)
-and extract_module env v all mb =
- { ml_mod_expr = option_app (extract_meb env v all) mb.mod_expr;
- ml_mod_type = (match mb.mod_user_type with
- | None -> extract_mtb env v mb.mod_type
- | Some mtb -> extract_mtb env v mtb);
- ml_mod_equiv = mb.mod_equiv }
-and extract_mtb env v = function
- | MTBident kn -> MTident kn
- | MTBfunsig (mbid, mtb, mtb') ->
- let env' = add_functor mbid mtb env in
- MTfunsig (mbid, extract_mtb env v mtb, extract_mtb env' v mtb')
- | MTBsig (msid, msig) ->
- let loc = MPself msid in
- let env' = Modops.add_signature loc msig env in
- MTsig (msid, extract_msig env' v loc msig)
-and extract_msig env v loc = function
- | [] -> []
- | (l,SPBconst cb) :: msig ->
- let kn = make_kn loc empty_dirpath l in
- let s = extract_constant_spec env kn cb in
- if logical_spec s then extract_msig env v loc msig
- else begin
- get_spec_references v s;
- (l,Spec s) :: (extract_msig env v loc msig)
- end
- | (l,SPBmind cb) :: msig ->
- let kn = make_kn loc empty_dirpath l in
- let s = Sind (kn, extract_inductive env kn) in
- if logical_spec s then extract_msig env v loc msig
- else begin
- get_spec_references v s;
- (l,Spec s) :: (extract_msig env v loc msig)
- end
- | (l,SPBmodule {msb_modtype=mtb}) :: msig ->
- (l,Smodule (extract_mtb env v mtb)) :: (extract_msig env v loc msig)
- | (l,SPBmodtype mtb) :: msig ->
- (l,Smodtype (extract_mtb env v mtb)) :: (extract_msig env v loc msig)
-(* Searching one [ml_decl] in a [ml_structure] by its [kernel_name] *)
-let get_decl_in_structure r struc =
- try
- let kn = kn_of_r r in
- let base_mp,ll = labels_of_kn (long_kn kn) in
- if not (at_toplevel base_mp) then error_not_visible r;
- let sel = List.assoc base_mp struc in
- let rec go ll sel = match ll with
- | [] -> assert false
- | l :: ll ->
- match List.assoc l sel with
- | SEdecl d -> d
- | SEmodtype m -> assert false
- | SEmodule m ->
- match m.ml_mod_expr with
- | Some (MEstruct (_,sel)) -> go ll sel
- | _ -> error_not_visible r
- in go ll sel
- with Not_found -> assert false
+ let mp,msb = match mpo with
+ | None -> MPself msid, msb
+ | Some mp -> mp, subst_msb (map_msid msid mp) msb
+ in
+ let env' = add_structure mp msb env in
+ MEstruct (msid, extract_msb env' v mp all msb)
+and extract_module env v mp all mb =
+ (* [mb.mod_expr <> None ], since we look at modules from outside. *)
+ (* Example of module with empty [mod_expr] is X inside a Module F [X:SIG]. *)
+ let meb = out_some mb.mod_expr in
+ let mtb = match mb.mod_user_type with None -> mb.mod_type | Some mt -> mt in
+ (* Because of the "with" construct, the module type can be [MTBsig] with *)
+ (* a msid different from the one of the module. Here is the patch. *)
+ let mtb = replicate_msid meb mtb in
+ { ml_mod_expr = extract_meb env v (Some mp) all meb;
+ ml_mod_type = extract_mtb env v None mtb }
(*s Extraction in the Coq toplevel. We display the extracted term in
Ocaml syntax and we use the Coq printers for globals. The
@@ -284,14 +219,13 @@ let unpack = function MEstruct (_,sel) -> sel | _ -> assert false
let mono_environment refs =
let l = environment_until None in
- init_aliases l;
let v =
let kns = List.fold_right (fun r -> KNset.add (kn_of_r r)) refs KNset.empty
in let add_mp kn = MPset.union (prefixes_mp (modpath kn))
in { kn = kns; mp = KNset.fold add_mp kns MPset.empty }
let env = Global.env () in
- List.rev_map (fun (mp,m) -> mp, unpack (extract_meb env v false m))
+ List.rev_map (fun (mp,m) -> mp, unpack (extract_meb env v (Some mp) false m))
(List.rev l)
let extraction qid =
@@ -306,7 +240,7 @@ let extraction qid =
let kn = kn_of_r r in
let struc = optimize_struct prm None (mono_environment [r]) in
let d = get_decl_in_structure r struc in
- print_one_decl struc (long_mp (modpath kn)) d;
+ print_one_decl struc (modpath kn) d;
reset_tables ()
@@ -345,8 +279,39 @@ let extraction_file f vl =
if lang () = Toplevel then error_toplevel ()
else mono_extraction (filename f) vl
-(*s Extraction of a module. The vernacular command is
- \verb!Extraction Module! [M]. *)
+(*s Extraction of a module at the toplevel. *)
+let extraction_module m =
+ if is_something_opened () then error_section ();
+ match lang () with
+ | Toplevel -> error_toplevel ()
+ | Scheme -> error_scheme ()
+ | _ ->
+ let q = snd (qualid_of_reference m) in
+ let mp =
+ try Nametab.locate_module q
+ with Not_found -> error_unknown_module q
+ in
+ let b = is_modfile mp in
+ let prm = {modular=b; mod_name = id_of_string ""; to_appear= []} in
+ let l = environment_until None in
+ let v = { kn = KNset.empty ; mp = prefixes_mp mp } in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let struc =
+ List.rev_map
+ (fun (mp,m) -> mp, unpack (extract_meb env v (Some mp) b m))
+ (List.rev l)
+ in
+ let struc = optimize_struct prm None struc in
+ let struc =
+ let bmp = base_mp mp in
+ try [bmp, List.assoc bmp struc] with Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ print_structure_to_file None prm struc;
+ reset_tables ()
+(*s Extraction of a library. The vernacular command is
+ \verb!Extraction Library! [M]. *)
let module_file_name m = match lang () with
| Ocaml -> let f = String.uncapitalize (string_of_id m) in f^".ml", f^".mli"
@@ -354,26 +319,27 @@ let module_file_name m = match lang () with
| _ -> assert false
let dir_module_of_id m =
- try Nametab.full_name_module (make_short_qualid m)
- with Not_found -> error_unknown_module m
+ let q = make_short_qualid m in
+ try Nametab.full_name_module q with Not_found -> error_unknown_module q
-let extraction_module m =
+let extraction_library m =
if is_something_opened () then error_section ();
- match lang () with
+ match lang () with
| Toplevel -> error_toplevel ()
| Scheme -> error_scheme ()
| _ ->
let dir_m = dir_module_of_id m in
let v = { kn = KNset.empty; mp = MPset.singleton (MPfile dir_m) } in
let l = environment_until (Some dir_m) in
- init_aliases l;
-(* TEMPORARY: make Extraction Module look like Recursive Extraction Module *)
+(* TEMPORARY: make Extraction Library look like Recursive Extraction Library *)
let struc =
let env = Global.env () in
let select l (mp,meb) =
- if in_mp v mp then (mp, unpack (extract_meb env v true meb)) :: l
+ if in_mp v mp (* mp est long -> in_mp peut etre sans long_mp *)
+ then (mp, unpack (extract_meb env v (Some mp) true meb)) :: l
else l
- in List.fold_left select [] (List.rev l)
+ in
+ List.fold_left select [] (List.rev l)
let dummy_prm = {modular=true; mod_name=m; to_appear=[]} in
let struc = optimize_struct dummy_prm None struc in
@@ -390,10 +356,10 @@ let extraction_module m =
in print struc;
reset_tables ()
-(*s Recursive Extraction of all the modules [M] depends on.
- The vernacular command is \verb!Recursive Extraction Module! [M]. *)
+(*s Recursive Extraction of all the libraries [M] depends on.
+ The vernacular command is \verb!Recursive Extraction Library! [M]. *)
-let recursive_extraction_module m =
+let recursive_extraction_library m =
if is_something_opened () then error_section ();
match lang () with
| Toplevel -> error_toplevel ()
@@ -402,12 +368,14 @@ let recursive_extraction_module m =
let dir_m = dir_module_of_id m in
let v = { kn = KNset.empty; mp = MPset.singleton (MPfile dir_m) } in
let l = environment_until (Some dir_m) in
- init_aliases l;
let struc =
let env = Global.env () in
let select l (mp,meb) =
- if in_mp v mp then (mp, unpack (extract_meb env v true meb)) :: l else l
- in List.fold_left select [] (List.rev l)
+ if in_mp v mp (* mp est long -> in_mp peut etre sans long_mp *)
+ then (mp, unpack (extract_meb env v (Some mp) true meb)) :: l
+ else l
+ in
+ List.fold_left select [] (List.rev l)
let dummy_prm = {modular=true; mod_name=m; to_appear=[]} in
let struc = optimize_struct dummy_prm None struc in
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extract_env.mli b/contrib/extraction/extract_env.mli
index 625afc7d1..bdce5706e 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extract_env.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extract_env.mli
@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ open Libnames
val extraction : reference -> unit
val extraction_rec : reference list -> unit
val extraction_file : string -> reference list -> unit
-val extraction_module : identifier -> unit
-val recursive_extraction_module : identifier -> unit
+val extraction_module : reference -> unit
+val extraction_library : identifier -> unit
+val recursive_extraction_library : identifier -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
index 05ad8f48f..824a48568 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ let rec type_scheme_nb_args env c =
if is_info_scheme env t then n+1 else n
| _ -> 0
-let _ = ugly_hack_arity_nb_args := type_scheme_nb_args
+let _ = register_type_scheme_nb_args type_scheme_nb_args
(*s [type_sign_vl] does the same, plus a type var list. *)
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
else let n' = List.nth db (n-1) in
if n' = 0 then Tunknown else Tvar n')
| Const kn ->
- let kn = long_kn kn in
let r = ConstRef kn in
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
let typ = cb.const_type in
@@ -228,7 +227,6 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
let newc = applist (Declarations.force lbody, args) in
extract_type env db j newc []))
| Ind ((kn,i) as ip) ->
- let kn = long_kn kn in
let s = (extract_ind env kn).ind_packets.(i).ip_sign in
extract_type_app env db (IndRef (kn,i),s) args
| Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ -> Tunknown
@@ -284,9 +282,9 @@ and extract_type_scheme env db c p =
and extract_ind env kn = (* kn is supposed to be in long form *)
- if (!internal_call = Some kn) || (is_modfile (base_mp (modpath kn)))
- then lookup_ind kn
- else raise Not_found
+ if (!internal_call = Some kn) then lookup_ind kn (* Already started. *)
+ else if visible_kn kn then lookup_ind kn (* Standard situation. *)
+ else raise Not_found (* Never trust the table for a internal kn. *)
with Not_found ->
internal_call := Some kn;
let mib = Environ.lookup_mind kn env in
@@ -384,13 +382,11 @@ and extract_type_cons env db dbmap c i =
and mlt_env env r = match r with
| ConstRef kn ->
- let kn = long_kn kn in
- if is_modfile (base_mp (modpath kn)) then
- match lookup_term kn with
- | Dtype (_,vl,mlt) -> Some mlt
- | _ -> None
- else raise Not_found
+ if not (visible_kn kn) then raise Not_found;
+ match lookup_term kn with
+ | Dtype (_,vl,mlt) -> Some mlt
+ | _ -> None
with Not_found ->
let cb = Environ.lookup_constant kn env in
let typ = cb.const_type in
@@ -415,10 +411,9 @@ let type_expunge env = type_expunge (mlt_env env)
(*s Extraction of the type of a constant. *)
let record_constant_type env kn opt_typ =
- let kn = long_kn kn in
- if is_modfile (base_mp (modpath kn)) then lookup_type kn
- else raise Not_found
+ if not (visible_kn kn) then raise Not_found;
+ lookup_type kn
with Not_found ->
let typ = match opt_typ with
| None -> constant_type env kn
@@ -470,16 +465,15 @@ let rec extract_term env mle mlt c args =
let mle' = Mlenv.push_std_type mle Tdummy in
ast_pop (extract_term env' mle' mlt c2 args')
| Const kn ->
- extract_cst_app env mle mlt (long_kn kn) args
- | Construct ((kn,i),j) ->
- extract_cons_app env mle mlt (((long_kn kn),i),j) args
+ extract_cst_app env mle mlt kn args
+ | Construct cp ->
+ extract_cons_app env mle mlt cp args
| Rel n ->
(* As soon as the expected [mlt] for the head is known, *)
(* we unify it with an fresh copy of the stored type of [Rel n]. *)
let extract_rel mlt = put_magic (mlt, Mlenv.get mle n) (MLrel n)
in extract_app env mle mlt extract_rel args
- | Case ({ci_ind=(kn,i)},_,c0,br) ->
- let ip = long_kn kn, i in
+ | Case ({ci_ind=ip},_,c0,br) ->
extract_app env mle mlt (extract_case env mle (ip,c0,br)) args
| Fix ((_,i),recd) ->
extract_app env mle mlt (extract_fix env mle i recd) args
@@ -743,17 +737,16 @@ let extract_fixpoint env vkn (fi,ti,ci) =
Dfix (Array.map (fun kn -> ConstRef kn) vkn, terms, types)
let extract_constant env kn cb =
- let kn = long_kn kn in
let r = ConstRef kn in
let typ = cb.const_type in
match cb.const_body with
| None -> (* A logical axiom is risky, an informative one is fatal. *)
(match flag_of_type env typ with
| (Info,TypeScheme) ->
- if is_custom (long_r r) then Dtype (r, [], Tunknown)
+ if is_custom r then Dtype (r, [], Tunknown)
else error_axiom r
| (Info,Default) ->
- if is_custom (long_r r) then
+ if is_custom r then
let t = snd (record_constant_type env kn (Some typ)) in
Dterm (r, MLexn "axiom!", type_expunge env t)
else error_axiom r
@@ -773,7 +766,6 @@ let extract_constant env kn cb =
in Dtype (r, vl, t))
let extract_constant_spec env kn cb =
- let kn = long_kn kn in
let r = ConstRef kn in
let typ = cb.const_type in
match flag_of_type env typ with
@@ -792,7 +784,6 @@ let extract_constant_spec env kn cb =
Sval (r, type_expunge env t)
let extract_inductive env kn =
- let kn = long_kn kn in
let ind = extract_ind env kn in
add_recursors env kn;
let f l = List.filter (type_neq env Tdummy) l in
@@ -805,9 +796,8 @@ let extract_inductive env kn =
let extract_declaration env r = match r with
| ConstRef kn -> extract_constant env kn (Environ.lookup_constant kn env)
- | IndRef (kn,_) -> let kn = long_kn kn in Dind (kn, extract_inductive env kn)
- | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) ->
- let kn = long_kn kn in Dind (kn, extract_inductive env kn)
+ | IndRef (kn,_) -> Dind (kn, extract_inductive env kn)
+ | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) -> Dind (kn, extract_inductive env kn)
| VarRef kn -> assert false
(*s Without doing complete extraction, just guess what a constant would be. *)
@@ -820,6 +810,23 @@ let constant_kind env cb =
| (Info,TypeScheme) -> Type
| (Info,Default) -> Term
+(*s Is a [ml_decl] logical ? *)
+let logical_decl = function
+ | Dterm (_,MLdummy,Tdummy) -> true
+ | Dtype (_,[],Tdummy) -> true
+ | Dfix (_,av,tv) ->
+ (array_for_all ((=) MLdummy) av) && (array_for_all ((=) Tdummy) tv)
+ | Dind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
+ | _ -> false
+(*s Is a [ml_spec] logical ? *)
+let logical_spec = function
+ | Stype (_, [], Some Tdummy) -> true
+ | Sval (_,Tdummy) -> true
+ | Sind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
+ | _ -> false
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli b/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
index c9654d25c..882fa74b4 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
@@ -35,3 +35,8 @@ val extract_declaration : env -> global_reference -> ml_decl
type kind = Logical | Term | Type
val constant_kind : env -> constant_body -> kind
+(*s Is a [ml_decl] or a [ml_spec] logical ? *)
+val logical_decl : ml_decl -> bool
+val logical_spec : ml_spec -> bool
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/g_extraction.ml4 b/contrib/extraction/g_extraction.ml4
index ae79dda81..80496af52 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/g_extraction.ml4
+++ b/contrib/extraction/g_extraction.ml4
@@ -42,15 +42,21 @@ VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Extraction
-> [ extraction_file f l ]
-(* Modular extraction (one Coq module = one ML module) *)
+(* Extraction of a Coq module in the Coq toplevel *)
-| [ "Extraction" "Module" ident(m) ]
- -> [ extraction_module m ]
+| [ "Extraction" "Module" global(m) ]
+ -> [ extraction_module m ]
-VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND RecursiveExtractionModule
-| [ "Recursive" "Extraction" "Module" ident(m) ]
- -> [ recursive_extraction_module m ]
+(* Modular extraction (one Coq library = one ML module) *)
+| [ "Extraction" "Library" ident(m) ]
+ -> [ extraction_library m ]
+VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND RecursiveExtractionLibrary
+| [ "Recursive" "Extraction" "Library" ident(m) ]
+ -> [ recursive_extraction_library m ]
(* Target Language *)
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml b/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
index 7092efad5..15101037b 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ let pr_lower_id id = pr_id (lowercase_id id)
module Make = functor(P : Mlpp_param) -> struct
-let local_mp = ref initial_path
+let local_mpl = ref ([] : module_path list)
-let pp_global r = P.pp_global !local_mp r
+let pp_global r = P.pp_global !local_mpl r
let empty_env () = [], P.globals()
(*s Pretty-printing of types. [par] is a boolean indicating whether parentheses
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ let rec pp_ind first kn i ind =
(*s Pretty-printing of a declaration. *)
-let pp_decl mp =
- local_mp := mp;
+let pp_decl mpl =
+ local_mpl := mpl;
| Dind (kn,i) when i.ind_info = Singleton ->
pp_singleton kn i.ind_packets.(0) ++ fnl ()
@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@ let pp_decl mp =
hov 0 (pp_function (empty_env ()) (pp_global r) a ++ fnl () ++ fnl ())
-let pp_structure_elem mp = function
- | (l,SEdecl d) -> pp_decl mp d
+let pp_structure_elem mpl = function
+ | (l,SEdecl d) -> pp_decl mpl d
| (l,SEmodule m) ->
failwith "TODO: Haskell extraction of modules not implemented yet"
| (l,SEmodtype m) ->
failwith "TODO: Haskell extraction of modules not implemented yet"
let pp_struct =
- prlist (fun (mp,sel) -> prlist (pp_structure_elem mp) sel)
+ prlist (fun (mp,sel) -> prlist (pp_structure_elem [mp]) sel)
let pp_signature s = failwith "TODO"
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli b/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
index 3b255a440..4a92f4833 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
@@ -104,30 +104,32 @@ type ml_specif =
| Smodule of ml_module_type
| Smodtype of ml_module_type
-and ml_module_sig = (label * ml_specif) list
and ml_module_type =
| MTident of kernel_name
| MTfunsig of mod_bound_id * ml_module_type * ml_module_type
| MTsig of mod_self_id * ml_module_sig
+and ml_module_sig = (label * ml_specif) list
+type ml_structure_elem =
+ | SEdecl of ml_decl
+ | SEmodule of ml_module
+ | SEmodtype of ml_module_type
and ml_module_expr =
| MEident of module_path
| MEfunctor of mod_bound_id * ml_module_type * ml_module_expr
| MEstruct of mod_self_id * ml_module_structure
| MEapply of ml_module_expr * ml_module_expr
-and ml_structure_elem =
- | SEdecl of ml_decl
- | SEmodule of ml_module (* pourquoi pas plutot ml_module_expr *)
- | SEmodtype of ml_module_type
and ml_module_structure = (label * ml_structure_elem) list
and ml_module =
- { ml_mod_expr : ml_module_expr option;
- ml_mod_type : ml_module_type;
- ml_mod_equiv : module_path option }
+ { ml_mod_expr : ml_module_expr;
+ ml_mod_type : ml_module_type }
+(* NB: we do not translate the [mod_equiv] field, since [mod_equiv = mp]
+ implies that [mod_expr = MEBident mp]. Same with [msb_equiv]. *)
type ml_structure = (module_path * ml_module_structure) list
@@ -140,13 +142,13 @@ type ml_signature = (module_path * ml_module_sig) list
module type Mlpp_param = sig
val globals : unit -> Idset.t
- val pp_global : module_path -> global_reference -> std_ppcmds
- val pp_long_module : module_path -> module_path -> std_ppcmds
+ val pp_global : module_path list -> global_reference -> std_ppcmds
+ val pp_long_module : module_path list -> module_path -> std_ppcmds
val pp_short_module : identifier -> std_ppcmds
module type Mlpp = sig
- val pp_decl : module_path -> ml_decl -> std_ppcmds
+ val pp_decl : module_path list -> ml_decl -> std_ppcmds
val pp_struct : ml_structure -> std_ppcmds
val pp_signature : ml_signature -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
index ba0659b32..e2316ecd3 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -208,12 +208,6 @@ end
(*s Does a section path occur in a ML type ? *)
-let kn_of_r r = match r with
- | ConstRef kn -> kn
- | IndRef (kn,_) -> kn
- | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) -> kn
- | VarRef _ -> assert false
let rec type_mem_kn kn = function
| Tmeta _ -> assert false
| Tglob (r,l) -> (kn_of_r r) = kn || List.exists (type_mem_kn kn) l
@@ -808,7 +802,7 @@ let case_expunge s e =
let m = List.length s in
let n = nb_lams e in
let p = if m <= n then collect_n_lams m e
- else eta_expansion_sign (snd (list_chop n s)) (collect_lams e) in
+ else eta_expansion_sign (list_skipn n s) (collect_lams e) in
kill_some_lams (List.rev s) p
(*s [term_expunge] takes a function [fun idn ... id1 -> c]
@@ -1064,199 +1058,3 @@ let inline r t =
|| (auto_inline () && lang () <> Haskell && not (is_projection r)
&& (is_recursor r || manual_inline r || inline_test t)))
-(*S Optimization. *)
-let rec subst_glob_ast s t = match t with
- | MLglob (ConstRef kn) -> (try KNmap.find (long_kn kn) !s with Not_found -> t)
- | _ -> ast_map (subst_glob_ast s) t
-let rec optim prm s = function
- | [] -> []
- | (Dtype (r,_,Tdummy) | Dterm(r,MLdummy,_)) as d :: l ->
- if List.mem r prm.to_appear then d :: (optim prm s l) else optim prm s l
- | Dterm (r,t,typ) :: l ->
- let t = normalize (subst_glob_ast s t) in
- let i = inline r t in
- if i then s := KNmap.add (long_kn (kn_of_r r)) t !s;
- if not i || prm.modular || List.mem r prm.to_appear
- then
- let d = match optimize_fix t with
- | MLfix (0, _, [|c|]) ->
- Dfix ([|r|], [|ast_subst (MLglob r) c|], [|typ|])
- | t -> Dterm (r, t, typ)
- in d :: (optim prm s l)
- else optim prm s l
- | d :: l -> d :: (optim prm s l)
-let rec optim_se top prm s = function
- | [] -> []
- | (l,SEdecl (Dterm (r,a,t))) :: lse ->
- let r = long_r r in
- let kn = kn_of_r r in
- let a = normalize (subst_glob_ast s a) in
- let i = inline r a in
- if i then s := KNmap.add kn a !s;
- if top && i && not prm.modular && not (List.mem r prm.to_appear)
- then optim_se top prm s lse
- else
- let d = match optimize_fix a with
- | MLfix (0, _, [|c|]) ->
- Dfix ([|r|], [|ast_subst (MLglob r) c|], [|t|])
- | a -> Dterm (r, a, t)
- in (l,SEdecl d) :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
- | (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv,av,tv))) :: lse ->
- let av = Array.map (fun a -> normalize (subst_glob_ast s a)) av in
- (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv, av, tv))) :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
- | (l,SEmodule m) :: lse ->
- let m = { m with ml_mod_expr = option_app (optim_me prm s) m.ml_mod_expr}
- in (l,SEmodule m) :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
- | se :: lse -> se :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
-and optim_me prm s = function
- | MEstruct (msid, lse) -> MEstruct (msid, optim_se false prm s lse)
- | MEident mp as me -> me
- | MEapply (me, me') -> MEapply (optim_me prm s me, optim_me prm s me')
- | MEfunctor (mbid,mt,me) -> MEfunctor (mbid,mt, optim_me prm s me)
-let optimize_struct prm before struc =
- let subst = ref (KNmap.empty : ml_ast KNmap.t) in
- option_iter (fun l -> ignore (optim prm subst l)) before;
- List.map (fun (mp,lse) -> (mp, optim_se true prm subst lse)) struc
-(*s Apply some functions upon all [ml_decl] and [ml_spec] found in a
- [ml_structure]. *)
-let struct_iter do_decl do_spec s =
- let rec se_iter = function
- | (_,SEdecl d) -> do_decl d
- | (_,SEmodule m) ->
- option_iter me_iter m.ml_mod_expr; mt_iter m.ml_mod_type
- | (_,SEmodtype m) -> mt_iter m
- and me_iter = function
- | MEident _ -> ()
- | MEfunctor (_,mt,me) -> me_iter me; mt_iter mt
- | MEapply (me,me') -> me_iter me; me_iter me'
- | MEstruct (msid, sel) -> List.iter se_iter sel
- and mt_iter = function
- | MTident _ -> ()
- | MTfunsig (_,mt,mt') -> mt_iter mt; mt_iter mt'
- | MTsig (_, sign) -> List.iter spec_iter sign
- and spec_iter = function
- | (_,Spec s) -> do_spec s
- | (_,Smodule mt) -> mt_iter mt
- | (_,Smodtype mt) -> mt_iter mt
- in
- List.iter (function (_,sel) -> List.iter se_iter sel) s
-(*s Apply some fonctions upon all references in [ml_type], [ml_ast],
- [ml_decl], [ml_spec] and [ml_structure]. *)
-type do_ref = global_reference -> unit
-let type_iter_references do_type t =
- let rec iter = function
- | Tglob (r,l) -> do_type r; List.iter iter l
- | Tarr (a,b) -> iter a; iter b
- | _ -> ()
- in iter t
-let ast_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type a =
- let rec iter a =
- ast_iter iter a;
- match a with
- | MLglob r -> do_term r
- | MLcons (r,_) -> do_cons r
- | MLcase (_,v) as a -> Array.iter (fun (r,_,_) -> do_cons r) v
- | MLcast (_,t) -> type_iter_references do_type t
- | _ -> ()
- in iter a
-let ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind =
- let type_iter = type_iter_references do_type in
- let cons_iter cp l = do_cons (ConstructRef cp); List.iter type_iter l in
- let packet_iter ip p =
- do_type (IndRef ip); Array.iteri (fun j -> cons_iter (ip,j+1)) p.ip_types
- in
- if ind.ind_info = Record then List.iter do_term (find_projections kn);
- Array.iteri (fun i -> packet_iter (kn,i)) ind.ind_packets
-let decl_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type =
- let type_iter = type_iter_references do_type
- and ast_iter = ast_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type in
- function
- | Dind (kn,ind) -> ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind
- | Dtype (r,_,t) -> do_type r; type_iter t
- | Dterm (r,a,t) -> do_term r; ast_iter a; type_iter t
- | Dfix(rv,c,t) ->
- Array.iter do_term rv; Array.iter ast_iter c; Array.iter type_iter t
-let spec_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type = function
- | Sind (kn,ind) -> ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind
- | Stype (r,_,ot) -> do_type r; option_iter (type_iter_references do_type) ot
- | Sval (r,t) -> do_term r; type_iter_references do_type t
-let struct_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type =
- struct_iter
- (decl_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type)
- (spec_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type)
-(*S Searching occurrences of a particular term (no lifting done). *)
-let rec ast_search t a =
- if t = a then raise Found else ast_iter (ast_search t) a
-let decl_ast_search t = function
- | Dterm (_,a,_) -> ast_search t a
- | Dfix (_,c,_) -> Array.iter (ast_search t) c
- | _ -> ()
-let struct_ast_search t s =
- try struct_iter (decl_ast_search t) (fun _ -> ()) s; false
- with Found -> true
-let rec type_search t = function
- | Tarr (a,b) -> type_search t a; type_search t b
- | Tglob (r,l) -> List.iter (type_search t) l
- | u -> if t = u then raise Found
-let decl_type_search t = function
- | Dind (_,{ind_packets=p}) ->
- Array.iter
- (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search t)) v) p
- | Dterm (_,_,u) -> type_search t u
- | Dfix (_,_,v) -> Array.iter (type_search t) v
- | Dtype (_,_,u) -> type_search t u
-let spec_type_search t = function
- | Sind (_,{ind_packets=p}) ->
- Array.iter
- (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search t)) v) p
- | Stype (_,_,ot) -> option_iter (type_search t) ot
- | Sval (_,u) -> type_search t u
-let struct_type_search t s =
- try struct_iter (decl_type_search t) (spec_type_search t) s; false
- with Found -> true
-(*s Generating the signature. *)
-let rec msig_of_ms = function
- | [] -> []
- | (l,SEdecl (Dind (kn,i))) :: ms -> (l,Spec (Sind (kn,i))) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
- | (l,SEdecl (Dterm (r,_,t))) :: ms -> (l,Spec (Sval (r,t))) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
- | (l,SEdecl (Dtype (r,v,t))) :: ms ->
- (l,Spec (Stype (r,v,Some t))) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
- | (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv,_,tv))) :: ms ->
- let msig = ref (msig_of_ms ms) in
- for i = Array.length rv - 1 downto 0 do
- msig := (l,Spec (Sval (rv.(i),tv.(i))))::!msig
- done;
- !msig
- | (l,SEmodule m) :: ms -> (l,Smodule m.ml_mod_type) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
- | (l,SEmodtype m) :: ms -> (l,Smodtype m) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
-let signature_of_structure s =
- List.map (fun (mp,ms) -> mp,msig_of_ms ms) s
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
index 13f37b32b..489df1a66 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ end
(*s Utility functions over ML types without meta *)
-val kn_of_r : global_reference -> kernel_name
val type_mem_kn : kernel_name -> ml_type -> bool
val type_maxvar : ml_type -> int
@@ -94,30 +92,17 @@ val eta_args_sign : int -> bool list -> ml_ast list
(*s Utility functions over ML terms. *)
+val ast_map : (ml_ast -> ml_ast) -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
+val ast_map_lift : (int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast) -> int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
val ast_iter : (ml_ast -> unit) -> ml_ast -> unit
val ast_occurs : int -> ml_ast -> bool
val ast_occurs_itvl : int -> int -> ml_ast -> bool
val ast_lift : int -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
val ast_pop : ml_ast -> ml_ast
+val ast_subst : ml_ast -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
-(*s Some transformations of ML terms. [optimize_struct] simplify
- all beta redexes (when the argument does not occur, it is just
- thrown away; when it occurs exactly once it is substituted; otherwise
- a let-in redex is created for clarity) and iota redexes, plus some other
- optimizations. *)
-val optimize_struct :
- extraction_params -> ml_decl list option -> ml_structure -> ml_structure
-(* Misc. *)
-val struct_ast_search : ml_ast -> ml_structure -> bool
-val struct_type_search : ml_type -> ml_structure -> bool
-type do_ref = global_reference -> unit
+val normalize : ml_ast -> ml_ast
+val optimize_fix : ml_ast -> ml_ast
+val inline : global_reference -> ml_ast -> bool
-val decl_iter_references : do_ref -> do_ref -> do_ref -> ml_decl -> unit
-val spec_iter_references : do_ref -> do_ref -> do_ref -> ml_spec -> unit
-val struct_iter_references : do_ref -> do_ref -> do_ref -> ml_structure -> unit
-val signature_of_structure : ml_structure -> ml_signature
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/modutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/modutil.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..343861ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/extraction/modutil.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
+open Names
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Util
+open Miniml
+open Table
+open Mlutil
+(*S Functions upon modules missing in [Modops]. *)
+(*s Add _all_ direct subobjects of a module, not only those exported.
+ Build on the [Modops.add_signature] model. *)
+let add_structure mp msb env =
+ let add_one env (l,elem) =
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
+ match elem with
+ | SEBconst cb -> Environ.add_constant kn cb env
+ | SEBmind mib -> Environ.add_mind kn mib env
+ | SEBmodule mb -> Modops.add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) mb env
+ | SEBmodtype mtb -> Environ.add_modtype kn mtb env
+ in List.fold_left add_one env msb
+(*s Apply a module path substitution on a module.
+ Build on the [Modops.subst_modtype] model. *)
+let rec subst_module sub mb =
+ let mtb' = Modops.subst_modtype sub mb.mod_type
+ and meb' = option_smartmap (subst_meb sub) mb.mod_expr
+ and mtb'' = option_smartmap (Modops.subst_modtype sub) mb.mod_user_type
+ and mpo' = option_smartmap (subst_mp sub) mb.mod_equiv in
+ if (mtb'==mb.mod_type) && (meb'==mb.mod_expr) &&
+ (mtb''==mb.mod_user_type) && (mpo'==mb.mod_equiv)
+ then mb
+ else { mod_expr= meb';
+ mod_type=mtb';
+ mod_user_type=mtb'';
+ mod_equiv=mpo';
+ mod_constraints=mb.mod_constraints }
+and subst_meb sub = function
+ | MEBident mp -> MEBident (subst_mp sub mp)
+ | MEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb) ->
+ assert (not (occur_mbid mbid sub));
+ MEBfunctor (mbid, Modops.subst_modtype sub mtb, subst_meb sub meb)
+ | MEBstruct (msid, msb) ->
+ assert (not (occur_msid msid sub));
+ MEBstruct (msid, subst_msb sub msb)
+ | MEBapply (meb, meb', c) ->
+ MEBapply (subst_meb sub meb, subst_meb sub meb', c)
+and subst_msb sub msb =
+ let subst_body = function
+ | SEBconst cb -> SEBconst (subst_const_body sub cb)
+ | SEBmind mib -> SEBmind (subst_mind sub mib)
+ | SEBmodule mb -> SEBmodule (subst_module sub mb)
+ | SEBmodtype mtb -> SEBmodtype (Modops.subst_modtype sub mtb)
+ in List.map (fun (l,b) -> (l,subst_body b)) msb
+(*s Change a msid in a module type, to follow a module expr.
+ Because of the "with" construct, the module type of a module can be a
+ [MTBsig] with a msid different from the one of the module. *)
+let rec replicate_msid meb mtb = match meb,mtb with
+ | MEBfunctor (_, _, meb), MTBfunsig (mbid, mtb1, mtb2) ->
+ let mtb' = replicate_msid meb mtb2 in
+ if mtb' == mtb2 then mtb else MTBfunsig (mbid, mtb1, mtb')
+ | MEBstruct (msid, _), MTBsig (msid1, msig) when msid <> msid1 ->
+ let msig' = Modops.subst_signature_msid msid1 (MPself msid) msig in
+ if msig' == msig then MTBsig (msid, msig) else MTBsig (msid, msig')
+ | _ -> mtb
+(*S More functions concerning [module_path]. *)
+let rec prefixes_mp mp = match mp with
+ | MPdot (mp',_) -> MPset.add mp (prefixes_mp mp')
+ | _ -> MPset.singleton mp
+let rec common_prefix prefixes_mp1 mp2 =
+ if MPset.mem mp2 prefixes_mp1 then mp2
+ else match mp2 with
+ | MPdot (mp,_) -> common_prefix prefixes_mp1 mp
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let common_prefix_from_list mp0 mpl =
+ let prefixes_mp0 = prefixes_mp mp0 in
+ let rec f = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | mp1 :: l -> try common_prefix prefixes_mp0 mp1 with Not_found -> f l
+ in f mpl
+let rec modfile_of_mp mp = match mp with
+ | MPfile _ -> mp
+ | MPdot (mp,_) -> modfile_of_mp mp
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec fst_level_module_of_mp mp = match mp with
+ | MPdot (mp, l) when is_toplevel mp -> mp,l
+ | MPdot (mp, l) -> fst_level_module_of_mp mp
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec parse_labels ll = function
+ | MPdot (mp,l) -> parse_labels (l::ll) mp
+ | mp -> mp,ll
+let labels_of_mp mp = parse_labels [] mp
+let labels_of_kn kn =
+ let mp,_,l = repr_kn kn in parse_labels [l] mp
+let labels_after_prefix mp0 mp =
+ let n0 = List.length (snd (labels_of_mp mp0))
+ and l = snd (labels_of_mp mp)
+ in
+ assert (n0 <= List.length l);
+ list_skipn n0 l
+let rec add_labels_mp mp = function
+ | [] -> mp
+ | l :: ll -> add_labels_mp (MPdot (mp,l)) ll
+(*S Functions upon ML modules. *)
+(*s Apply some functions upon all [ml_decl] and [ml_spec] found in a
+ [ml_structure]. *)
+let struct_iter do_decl do_spec s =
+ let rec mt_iter = function
+ | MTident _ -> ()
+ | MTfunsig (_,mt,mt') -> mt_iter mt; mt_iter mt'
+ | MTsig (_, sign) -> List.iter spec_iter sign
+ and spec_iter = function
+ | (_,Spec s) -> do_spec s
+ | (_,Smodule mt) -> mt_iter mt
+ | (_,Smodtype mt) -> mt_iter mt
+ in
+ let rec se_iter = function
+ | (_,SEdecl d) -> do_decl d
+ | (_,SEmodule m) ->
+ me_iter m.ml_mod_expr; mt_iter m.ml_mod_type
+ | (_,SEmodtype m) -> mt_iter m
+ and me_iter = function
+ | MEident _ -> ()
+ | MEfunctor (_,mt,me) -> me_iter me; mt_iter mt
+ | MEapply (me,me') -> me_iter me; me_iter me'
+ | MEstruct (msid, sel) -> List.iter se_iter sel
+ in
+ List.iter (function (_,sel) -> List.iter se_iter sel) s
+(*s Apply some fonctions upon all references in [ml_type], [ml_ast],
+ [ml_decl], [ml_spec] and [ml_structure]. *)
+type do_ref = global_reference -> unit
+let type_iter_references do_type t =
+ let rec iter = function
+ | Tglob (r,l) -> do_type r; List.iter iter l
+ | Tarr (a,b) -> iter a; iter b
+ | _ -> ()
+ in iter t
+let ast_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type a =
+ let rec iter a =
+ ast_iter iter a;
+ match a with
+ | MLglob r -> do_term r
+ | MLcons (r,_) -> do_cons r
+ | MLcase (_,v) as a -> Array.iter (fun (r,_,_) -> do_cons r) v
+ | MLcast (_,t) -> type_iter_references do_type t
+ | _ -> ()
+ in iter a
+let ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind =
+ let type_iter = type_iter_references do_type in
+ let cons_iter cp l = do_cons (ConstructRef cp); List.iter type_iter l in
+ let packet_iter ip p =
+ do_type (IndRef ip); Array.iteri (fun j -> cons_iter (ip,j+1)) p.ip_types
+ in
+ if ind.ind_info = Record then List.iter do_term (find_projections kn);
+ Array.iteri (fun i -> packet_iter (kn,i)) ind.ind_packets
+let decl_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type =
+ let type_iter = type_iter_references do_type
+ and ast_iter = ast_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type in
+ function
+ | Dind (kn,ind) -> ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind
+ | Dtype (r,_,t) -> do_type r; type_iter t
+ | Dterm (r,a,t) -> do_term r; ast_iter a; type_iter t
+ | Dfix(rv,c,t) ->
+ Array.iter do_term rv; Array.iter ast_iter c; Array.iter type_iter t
+let spec_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type = function
+ | Sind (kn,ind) -> ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind
+ | Stype (r,_,ot) -> do_type r; option_iter (type_iter_references do_type) ot
+ | Sval (r,t) -> do_term r; type_iter_references do_type t
+let struct_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type =
+ struct_iter
+ (decl_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type)
+ (spec_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type)
+(*s Get all references used in one [ml_structure], either in [list] or [set]. *)
+type 'a updown = { mutable up : 'a ; mutable down : 'a }
+let struct_get_references empty add struc =
+ let o = { up = empty ; down = empty } in
+ let do_term r = o.down <- add r o.down in
+ let do_cons r = o.up <- add r o.up in
+ let do_type = if lang () = Haskell then do_cons else do_term in
+ struct_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type struc; o
+let struct_get_references_set = struct_get_references Refset.empty Refset.add
+module Orefset = struct
+ type t = { set : Refset.t ; list : global_reference list }
+ let empty = { set = Refset.empty ; list = [] }
+ let add r o =
+ if Refset.mem r o.set then o
+ else { set = Refset.add r o.set ; list = r :: o.list }
+ let set o = o.set
+ let list o = o.list
+let struct_get_references_list struc =
+ let o = struct_get_references Orefset.empty Orefset.add struc in
+ { up = Orefset.list o.up; down = Orefset.list o.down }
+(*s Searching occurrences of a particular term (no lifting done). *)
+exception Found
+let rec ast_search t a =
+ if t = a then raise Found else ast_iter (ast_search t) a
+let decl_ast_search t = function
+ | Dterm (_,a,_) -> ast_search t a
+ | Dfix (_,c,_) -> Array.iter (ast_search t) c
+ | _ -> ()
+let struct_ast_search t s =
+ try struct_iter (decl_ast_search t) (fun _ -> ()) s; false
+ with Found -> true
+let rec type_search t = function
+ | Tarr (a,b) -> type_search t a; type_search t b
+ | Tglob (r,l) -> List.iter (type_search t) l
+ | u -> if t = u then raise Found
+let decl_type_search t = function
+ | Dind (_,{ind_packets=p}) ->
+ Array.iter
+ (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search t)) v) p
+ | Dterm (_,_,u) -> type_search t u
+ | Dfix (_,_,v) -> Array.iter (type_search t) v
+ | Dtype (_,_,u) -> type_search t u
+let spec_type_search t = function
+ | Sind (_,{ind_packets=p}) ->
+ Array.iter
+ (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search t)) v) p
+ | Stype (_,_,ot) -> option_iter (type_search t) ot
+ | Sval (_,u) -> type_search t u
+let struct_type_search t s =
+ try struct_iter (decl_type_search t) (spec_type_search t) s; false
+ with Found -> true
+(*s Generating the signature. *)
+let rec msig_of_ms = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (l,SEdecl (Dind (kn,i))) :: ms ->
+ (l,Spec (Sind (kn,i))) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
+ | (l,SEdecl (Dterm (r,_,t))) :: ms ->
+ (l,Spec (Sval (r,t))) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
+ | (l,SEdecl (Dtype (r,v,t))) :: ms ->
+ (l,Spec (Stype (r,v,Some t))) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
+ | (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv,_,tv))) :: ms ->
+ let msig = ref (msig_of_ms ms) in
+ for i = Array.length rv - 1 downto 0 do
+ msig := (l,Spec (Sval (rv.(i),tv.(i))))::!msig
+ done;
+ !msig
+ | (l,SEmodule m) :: ms -> (l,Smodule m.ml_mod_type) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
+ | (l,SEmodtype m) :: ms -> (l,Smodtype m) :: (msig_of_ms ms)
+let signature_of_structure s =
+ List.map (fun (mp,ms) -> mp,msig_of_ms ms) s
+(*s Searching one [ml_decl] in a [ml_structure] by its [global_reference] *)
+let get_decl_in_structure r struc =
+ try
+ let kn = kn_of_r r in
+ let base_mp,ll = labels_of_kn kn in
+ if not (at_toplevel base_mp) then error_not_visible r;
+ let sel = List.assoc base_mp struc in
+ let rec go ll sel = match ll with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | l :: ll ->
+ match List.assoc l sel with
+ | SEdecl d -> d
+ | SEmodtype m -> assert false
+ | SEmodule m ->
+ match m.ml_mod_expr with
+ | MEstruct (_,sel) -> go ll sel
+ | _ -> error_not_visible r
+ in go ll sel
+ with Not_found -> assert false
+(*s Optimization of a [ml_structure]. *)
+(* Some transformations of ML terms. [optimize_struct] simplify
+ all beta redexes (when the argument does not occur, it is just
+ thrown away; when it occurs exactly once it is substituted; otherwise
+ a let-in redex is created for clarity) and iota redexes, plus some other
+ optimizations. *)
+let rec subst_glob_ast s t = match t with
+ | MLglob (ConstRef kn) -> (try KNmap.find kn s with Not_found -> t)
+ | _ -> ast_map (subst_glob_ast s) t
+let dfix_to_mlfix rv av i =
+ let rec make_subst n s =
+ if n < 0 then s
+ else make_subst (n-1) (KNmap.add (kn_of_r rv.(n)) (n+1) s)
+ in
+ let s = make_subst (Array.length rv - 1) KNmap.empty
+ in
+ let rec subst n t = match t with
+ | MLglob (ConstRef kn) ->
+ (try MLrel (n + (KNmap.find kn s)) with Not_found -> t)
+ | _ -> ast_map_lift subst n t
+ in
+ let ids = Array.map (fun r -> id_of_label (label (kn_of_r r))) rv in
+ let c = Array.map (subst 0) av
+ in MLfix(i, ids, c)
+let rec optim prm s = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (Dtype (r,_,Tdummy) | Dterm(r,MLdummy,_)) as d :: l ->
+ if List.mem r prm.to_appear then d :: (optim prm s l) else optim prm s l
+ | Dterm (r,t,typ) :: l ->
+ let t = normalize (subst_glob_ast !s t) in
+ let i = inline r t in
+ if i then s := KNmap.add (kn_of_r r) t !s;
+ if not i || prm.modular || List.mem r prm.to_appear
+ then
+ let d = match optimize_fix t with
+ | MLfix (0, _, [|c|]) ->
+ Dfix ([|r|], [|ast_subst (MLglob r) c|], [|typ|])
+ | t -> Dterm (r, t, typ)
+ in d :: (optim prm s l)
+ else optim prm s l
+ | d :: l -> d :: (optim prm s l)
+let rec optim_se top prm s = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (l,SEdecl (Dterm (r,a,t))) :: lse ->
+ let kn = kn_of_r r in
+ let a = normalize (subst_glob_ast !s a) in
+ let i = inline r a in
+ if i then s := KNmap.add kn a !s;
+ if top && i && not prm.modular && not (List.mem r prm.to_appear)
+ then optim_se top prm s lse
+ else
+ let d = match optimize_fix a with
+ | MLfix (0, _, [|c|]) ->
+ Dfix ([|r|], [|ast_subst (MLglob r) c|], [|t|])
+ | a -> Dterm (r, a, t)
+ in (l,SEdecl d) :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
+ | (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv,av,tv))) :: lse ->
+ let av = Array.map (fun a -> normalize (subst_glob_ast !s a)) av in
+ let all = ref true in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length rv - 1 do
+ if inline rv.(i) av.(i)
+ then s := KNmap.add (kn_of_r rv.(i)) (dfix_to_mlfix rv av i) !s
+ else all := false
+ done;
+ if !all && top && not prm.modular
+ && (array_for_all (fun r -> not (List.mem r prm.to_appear)) rv)
+ then optim_se top prm s lse
+ else (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv, av, tv))) :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
+ | (l,SEmodule m) :: lse ->
+ let m = { m with ml_mod_expr = optim_me prm s m.ml_mod_expr}
+ in (l,SEmodule m) :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
+ | se :: lse -> se :: (optim_se top prm s lse)
+and optim_me prm s = function
+ | MEstruct (msid, lse) -> MEstruct (msid, optim_se false prm s lse)
+ | MEident mp as me -> me
+ | MEapply (me, me') -> MEapply (optim_me prm s me, optim_me prm s me')
+ | MEfunctor (mbid,mt,me) -> MEfunctor (mbid,mt, optim_me prm s me)
+let optimize_struct prm before struc =
+ let subst = ref (KNmap.empty : ml_ast KNmap.t) in
+ option_iter (fun l -> ignore (optim prm subst l)) before;
+ List.map (fun (mp,lse) -> (mp, optim_se true prm subst lse)) struc
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/modutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/modutil.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41a041d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/extraction/modutil.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
+open Names
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Miniml
+(*s Functions upon modules missing in [Modops]. *)
+(* Add _all_ direct subobjects of a module, not only those exported.
+ Build on the [Modops.add_signature] model. *)
+val add_structure : module_path -> module_structure_body -> env -> env
+(* Apply a module path substitution on a module.
+ Build on the [Modops.subst_modtype] model. *)
+val subst_module : substitution -> module_body -> module_body
+val subst_meb : substitution -> module_expr_body -> module_expr_body
+val subst_msb : substitution -> module_structure_body -> module_structure_body
+(* Change a msid in a module type, to follow a module expr. *)
+val replicate_msid : module_expr_body -> module_type_body -> module_type_body
+(*s More utilities concerning [module_path]. *)
+val modfile_of_mp : module_path -> module_path
+val fst_level_module_of_mp : module_path -> module_path * label
+val prefixes_mp : module_path -> MPset.t
+val common_prefix_from_list : module_path -> module_path list -> module_path
+val labels_after_prefix : module_path -> module_path -> label list
+val labels_of_mp : module_path -> module_path * label list
+val add_labels_mp : module_path -> label list -> module_path
+(*s Functions upon ML modules. *)
+val struct_ast_search : ml_ast -> ml_structure -> bool
+val struct_type_search : ml_type -> ml_structure -> bool
+type do_ref = global_reference -> unit
+val decl_iter_references : do_ref -> do_ref -> do_ref -> ml_decl -> unit
+val spec_iter_references : do_ref -> do_ref -> do_ref -> ml_spec -> unit
+val struct_iter_references : do_ref -> do_ref -> do_ref -> ml_structure -> unit
+type 'a updown = { mutable up : 'a ; mutable down : 'a }
+val struct_get_references_set : ml_structure -> Refset.t updown
+val struct_get_references_list : ml_structure -> global_reference list updown
+val signature_of_structure : ml_structure -> ml_signature
+val get_decl_in_structure : global_reference -> ml_structure -> ml_decl
+(* Some transformations of ML terms. [optimize_struct] simplify
+ all beta redexes (when the argument does not occur, it is just
+ thrown away; when it occurs exactly once it is substituted; otherwise
+ a let-in redex is created for clarity) and iota redexes, plus some other
+ optimizations. *)
+val optimize_struct :
+ extraction_params -> ml_decl list option -> ml_structure -> ml_structure
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
index 5fb08d091..6d718f9b6 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ open Libnames
open Table
open Miniml
open Mlutil
+open Modutil
let cons_cofix = ref Refset.empty
@@ -156,12 +157,11 @@ let preamble_sig _ used_modules (_,tdummy,tunknown) =
module Make = functor(P : Mlpp_param) -> struct
-let local_mp = ref initial_path
+let local_mpl = ref ([] : module_path list)
let pp_global r =
- let r = long_r r in
if is_inline_custom r then str (find_custom r)
- else P.pp_global !local_mp r
+ else P.pp_global !local_mpl r
let empty_env () = [], P.globals ()
@@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
spc () ++ hov 0 pp_a2))
| MLglob r ->
- let _,args = list_chop (projection_arity r) args in
+ let args = list_skipn (projection_arity r) args in
let record = List.hd args in
pp_apply (record ++ str "." ++ pp_global r) par (List.tl args)
with _ -> apply (pp_global r))
| MLcons (r,[]) ->
assert (args=[]);
- if Refset.mem (long_r r) !cons_cofix then
+ if Refset.mem r !cons_cofix then
pp_par par (str "lazy " ++ pp_global r)
else pp_global r
| MLcons (r,args') ->
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
with Not_found ->
assert (args=[]);
let tuple = pp_tuple (pp_expr true env []) args' in
- if Refset.mem (long_r r) !cons_cofix then
+ if Refset.mem r !cons_cofix then
pp_par par (str "lazy (" ++ pp_global r ++ spc() ++ tuple ++str ")")
else pp_par par (pp_global r ++ spc () ++ tuple))
| MLcase (t, pv) ->
let r,_,_ = pv.(0) in
- let expr = if Refset.mem (long_r r) !cons_cofix then
+ let expr = if Refset.mem r !cons_cofix then
(str "Lazy.force" ++ spc () ++ pp_expr true env [] t)
(pp_expr false env [] t)
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ and pp_function env f t =
not (List.exists (fun (k,t0) -> ast_occurs (k+1) t0) ktl)
let is_not_cofix pv =
- let (r,_,_) = pv.(0) in not (Refset.mem (long_r r) !cons_cofix)
+ let (r,_,_) = pv.(0) in not (Refset.mem r !cons_cofix)
match t' with
| MLcase(MLrel 1,pv) when is_not_cofix pv ->
@@ -375,14 +375,13 @@ let pp_val e typ =
let rec pp_Dfix init i ((rv,c,t) as fix) =
if i >= Array.length rv then mt ()
- let r = long_r rv.(i) in
- if is_inline_custom r then pp_Dfix init (i+1) fix
+ if is_inline_custom rv.(i) then pp_Dfix init (i+1) fix
- let e = pp_global r in
+ let e = pp_global rv.(i) in
(if init then mt () else fnl2 ()) ++
pp_val e t.(i) ++
str (if init then "let rec " else "and ") ++
- (if is_custom r then e ++ str " = " ++ str (find_custom r)
+ (if is_custom rv.(i) then e ++ str " = " ++ str (find_custom rv.(i))
else pp_function (empty_env ()) e c.(i)) ++
pp_Dfix false (i+1) fix
@@ -419,13 +418,12 @@ let pp_logical_ind packet =
let pp_singleton kn packet =
let l = rename_tvars keywords packet.ip_vars in
hov 2 (str "type " ++ pp_parameters l ++
- P.pp_global !local_mp (IndRef (kn,0)) ++ str " =" ++ spc () ++
+ pp_global (IndRef (kn,0)) ++ str " =" ++ spc () ++
pp_type false l (List.hd packet.ip_types.(0)) ++ fnl () ++
pp_comment (str "singleton inductive, whose constructor was " ++
pr_id packet.ip_consnames.(0)))
let pp_record kn packet =
- let kn = long_kn kn in
let l = List.combine (find_projections kn) packet.ip_types.(0) in
let projs = find_projections kn in
let pl = rename_tvars keywords packet.ip_vars in
@@ -469,19 +467,18 @@ let pp_ind co kn ind =
(*s Pretty-printing of a declaration. *)
let pp_mind kn i =
- let kn = long_kn kn in
- (match i.ind_info with
- | Singleton -> pp_singleton kn i.ind_packets.(0)
- | Coinductive ->
- let nop _ = ()
- and add r = cons_cofix := Refset.add (long_r r) !cons_cofix in
- decl_iter_references nop add nop (Dind (kn,i));
- pp_ind true kn i
- | Record -> pp_record kn i.ind_packets.(0)
- | _ -> pp_ind false kn i)
-let pp_decl mp =
- local_mp := mp;
+ match i.ind_info with
+ | Singleton -> pp_singleton kn i.ind_packets.(0)
+ | Coinductive ->
+ let nop _ = ()
+ and add r = cons_cofix := Refset.add r !cons_cofix in
+ decl_iter_references nop add nop (Dind (kn,i));
+ pp_ind true kn i
+ | Record -> pp_record kn i.ind_packets.(0)
+ | _ -> pp_ind false kn i
+let pp_decl mpl =
+ local_mpl := mpl;
| Dind (kn,i) as d -> pp_mind kn i
| Dtype (r, l, t) ->
@@ -512,8 +509,8 @@ let pp_decl mp =
| Dfix (rv,defs,typs) ->
pp_Dfix true 0 (rv,defs,typs)
-let pp_spec mp =
- local_mp := mp;
+let pp_spec mpl =
+ local_mpl := mpl;
| Sind (kn,i) -> pp_mind kn i
| Sval (r,t) ->
@@ -537,82 +534,87 @@ let pp_spec mp =
hov 2 (str "type" ++ spc () ++ ids ++ pp_global r ++ spc () ++ def)
-let rec pp_structure_elem mp = function
- | (_,SEdecl d) -> pp_decl mp d
+let rec pp_specif mpl = function
+ | (_,Spec s) -> pp_spec mpl s
+ | (l,Smodule mt) ->
+ hov 1
+ (str "module " ++
+ P.pp_short_module (id_of_label l) ++
+ str " : " ++ fnl () ++ pp_module_type mpl None (* (Some l) *) mt)
+ | (l,Smodtype mt) ->
+ hov 1
+ (str "module type " ++
+ P.pp_short_module (id_of_label l) ++
+ str " = " ++ fnl () ++ pp_module_type mpl None mt)
+and pp_module_type mpl ol = function
+ | MTident kn ->
+ let mp,_,l = repr_kn kn in P.pp_long_module mpl (MPdot (mp,l))
+ | MTfunsig (mbid, mt, mt') ->
+ str "functor (" ++
+ P.pp_short_module (id_of_mbid mbid) ++
+ str ":" ++
+ pp_module_type mpl None mt ++
+ str ") ->" ++ fnl () ++
+ pp_module_type mpl None mt'
+ | MTsig (msid, sign) ->
+ let mpl = match ol, mpl with
+ | None, _ -> (MPself msid) :: mpl
+ | Some l, mp :: mpl -> (MPdot (mp,l)) :: mpl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let l = map_succeed (pp_specif mpl) sign in
+ str "sig " ++ fnl () ++
+ v 1 (str " " ++ prlist_with_sep fnl2 identity l) ++
+ fnl () ++ str "end"
+let rec pp_structure_elem mpl = function
+ | (_,SEdecl d) -> pp_decl mpl d
| (l,SEmodule m) ->
hov 1
(str "module " ++ P.pp_short_module (id_of_label l) ++
- (match m.ml_mod_equiv with
- | None ->
- str " :" ++ fnl () ++
- pp_module_type mp m.ml_mod_type ++ fnl () ++
- str "= " ++ fnl () ++
- (match m.ml_mod_expr with
- | None -> assert false (* see Jacek *)
- | Some me -> pp_module_expr mp me)
- | Some mp' ->
- str " = " ++ P.pp_long_module mp mp'))
+ str " :" ++ fnl () ++
+ pp_module_type mpl None m.ml_mod_type ++ fnl () ++
+ str "= " ++ fnl () ++
+ pp_module_expr mpl (Some l) m.ml_mod_expr)
| (l,SEmodtype m) ->
hov 1
(str "module type " ++ P.pp_short_module (id_of_label l) ++
- str " = " ++ fnl () ++ pp_module_type mp m)
+ str " = " ++ fnl () ++ pp_module_type mpl None m)
-and pp_module_expr mp = function
- | MEident mp' -> P.pp_long_module mp mp'
+and pp_module_expr mpl ol = function
+ | MEident mp' -> P.pp_long_module mpl mp'
| MEfunctor (mbid, mt, me) ->
str "functor (" ++
P.pp_short_module (id_of_mbid mbid) ++
str ":" ++
- pp_module_type mp mt ++
+ pp_module_type mpl None mt ++
str ") ->" ++ fnl () ++
- pp_module_expr mp me
+ pp_module_expr mpl None me
| MEapply (me, me') ->
- pp_module_expr mp me ++ str "(" ++ pp_module_expr mp me' ++ str ")"
+ pp_module_expr mpl None me ++ str "(" ++
+ pp_module_expr mpl None me' ++ str ")"
| MEstruct (msid, sel) ->
- let l = map_succeed (pp_structure_elem (MPself msid)) sel in
+ let mpl = match ol, mpl with
+ | None, _ -> (MPself msid) :: mpl
+ | Some l, mp :: mpl -> (MPdot (mp,l)) :: mpl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let l = map_succeed (pp_structure_elem mpl) sel in
str "struct " ++ fnl () ++
v 1 (str " " ++ prlist_with_sep fnl2 identity l) ++
fnl () ++ str "end"
-and pp_module_type mp = function
- | MTident kn ->
- let mp',_,l = repr_kn kn in P.pp_long_module mp (MPdot (mp,l))
- | MTfunsig (mbid, mt, mt') ->
- str "functor (" ++
- P.pp_short_module (id_of_mbid mbid) ++
- str ":" ++
- pp_module_type mp mt ++
- str ") ->" ++ fnl () ++
- pp_module_type mp mt'
- | MTsig (msid, sign) ->
- let l = map_succeed (pp_specif (MPself msid)) sign in
- str "sig " ++ fnl () ++
- v 1 (str " " ++ prlist_with_sep fnl2 identity l) ++
- fnl () ++ str "end"
-and pp_specif mp = function
- | (_,Spec s) -> pp_spec mp s
- | (l,Smodule mt) ->
- hov 1
- (str "module " ++
- P.pp_short_module (id_of_label l) ++
- str " : " ++ fnl () ++ pp_module_type mp mt)
- | (l,Smodtype mt) ->
- hov 1
- (str "module type " ++
- P.pp_short_module (id_of_label l) ++
- str " = " ++ fnl () ++ pp_module_type mp mt)
let pp_struct s =
- let pp mp s = pp_structure_elem mp s ++ fnl2 () in
+ let pp mp s = pp_structure_elem [mp] s ++ fnl2 () in
prlist (fun (mp,sel) -> prlist identity (map_succeed (pp mp) sel)) s
let pp_signature s =
- let pp mp s = pp_specif mp s ++ fnl2 () in
+ let pp mp s = pp_specif [mp] s ++ fnl2 () in
prlist (fun (mp,sign) -> prlist identity (map_succeed (pp mp) sign)) s
-let pp_decl mp d =
- try pp_decl mp d with Failure "empty phrase" -> mt ()
+let pp_decl mpl d =
+ try pp_decl mpl d with Failure "empty phrase" -> mt ()
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/scheme.ml b/contrib/extraction/scheme.ml
index b6d0014ac..a47607fa8 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/scheme.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/scheme.ml
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let pp_abst st = function
module Make = functor(P : Mlpp_param) -> struct
-let pp_global r = P.pp_global initial_path r
+let pp_global r = P.pp_global [initial_path] r
let empty_env () = [], P.globals()
(*s Pretty-printing of expressions. *)
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/table.ml b/contrib/extraction/table.ml
index 189bcbbf6..7afc2f9ea 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/table.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/table.ml
@@ -20,12 +20,15 @@ open Util
open Pp
open Miniml
-(*S Utilities concerning [module_path] *)
+(*S Utilities concerning [module_path] and [kernel_names] *)
-let current_toplevel () = fst (Lib.current_prefix ())
+let kn_of_r r = match r with
+ | ConstRef kn -> kn
+ | IndRef (kn,_) -> kn
+ | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) -> kn
+ | VarRef _ -> assert false
-let is_toplevel mp =
- mp = initial_path || mp = current_toplevel ()
+let current_toplevel () = fst (Lib.current_prefix ())
let is_something_opened () =
try ignore (Lib.what_is_opened ()); true
@@ -35,98 +38,39 @@ let rec base_mp = function
| MPdot (mp,l) -> base_mp mp
| mp -> mp
-let rec prefixes_mp mp = match mp with
- | MPdot (mp',_) -> MPset.add mp (prefixes_mp mp')
- | _ -> MPset.singleton mp
let is_modfile = function
| MPfile _ -> true
| _ -> false
-let rec modfile_of_mp mp = match mp with
- | MPfile _ -> mp
- | MPdot (mp,_) -> modfile_of_mp mp
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+let is_toplevel mp =
+ mp = initial_path || mp = current_toplevel ()
let at_toplevel mp =
is_modfile mp || is_toplevel mp
-let rec fst_level_module_of_mp mp = match mp with
- | MPdot (mp, l) when is_toplevel mp -> mp,l
- | MPdot (mp, l) -> fst_level_module_of_mp mp
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let rec parse_labels ll = function
- | MPdot (mp,l) -> parse_labels (l::ll) mp
- | mp -> mp,ll
+let visible_kn kn = at_toplevel (base_mp (modpath kn))
-let labels_of_mp mp = parse_labels [] mp
-let labels_of_kn kn =
- let mp,_,l = repr_kn kn in parse_labels [l] mp
(*S The main tables: constants, inductives, records, ... *)
-(*s Module path aliases. *)
-(* A [MPbound] has no aliases except itself: it's its own long and short form.*)
-(* A [MPself] is a short form, and the table contains its long form. *)
-(* A [MPfile] is a long form, and the table contains its short form. *)
-(* Since the table does not contain all intermediate forms, a [MPdot]
- is dealt by first expanding its head, and then looking in the table. *)
-let aliases = ref (MPmap.empty : module_path MPmap.t)
-let init_aliases () = aliases := MPmap.empty
-let add_aliases mp mp' = aliases := MPmap.add mp mp' (MPmap.add mp' mp !aliases)
-let rec long_mp mp = match mp with
- | MPbound _ | MPfile _ -> mp
- | MPself _ -> (try MPmap.find mp !aliases with Not_found -> mp)
- | MPdot (mp1,l) ->
- let mp2 = long_mp mp1 in
- if mp1 == mp2 then mp else MPdot (mp2,l)
-(*i let short_mp mp = match mp with
- | MPself _ | MPbound _ -> mp
- | MPfile _ -> (try MPmap.find mp !aliases with Not_found -> mp)
- | MPdot _ -> (try MPmap.find (long_mp mp) !aliases with Not_found -> mp)
-let long_kn kn =
- let (mp,s,l) = repr_kn kn in
- let mp' = long_mp mp in
- if mp' == mp then kn else make_kn mp' s l
-(*i let short_kn kn =
- let (mp,s,l) = repr_kn kn in
- let mp' = short_mp mp in
- if mp' == mp then kn else make_kn mp' s l
-let long_r = function
- | ConstRef kn -> ConstRef (long_kn kn)
- | IndRef (kn,i) -> IndRef (long_kn kn, i)
- | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) -> ConstructRef ((long_kn kn,i),j)
- | _ -> assert false
(*s Constants tables. *)
let terms = ref (KNmap.empty : ml_decl KNmap.t)
let init_terms () = terms := KNmap.empty
-let add_term kn d = terms := KNmap.add (long_kn kn) d !terms
-let lookup_term kn = KNmap.find (long_kn kn) !terms
+let add_term kn d = terms := KNmap.add kn d !terms
+let lookup_term kn = KNmap.find kn !terms
let types = ref (KNmap.empty : ml_schema KNmap.t)
let init_types () = types := KNmap.empty
-let add_type kn s = types := KNmap.add (long_kn kn) s !types
-let lookup_type kn = KNmap.find (long_kn kn) !types
+let add_type kn s = types := KNmap.add kn s !types
+let lookup_type kn = KNmap.find kn !types
(*s Inductives table. *)
let inductives = ref (KNmap.empty : ml_ind KNmap.t)
let init_inductives () = inductives := KNmap.empty
-let add_ind kn m = inductives := KNmap.add (long_kn kn) m !inductives
-let lookup_ind kn = KNmap.find (long_kn kn) !inductives
+let add_ind kn m = inductives := KNmap.add kn m !inductives
+let lookup_ind kn = KNmap.find kn !inductives
(*s Recursors table. *)
@@ -134,7 +78,6 @@ let recursors = ref KNset.empty
let init_recursors () = recursors := KNset.empty
let add_recursors env kn =
- let kn = long_kn kn in
let make_kn id = make_kn (modpath kn) empty_dirpath (label_of_id id) in
let mib = Environ.lookup_mind kn env in
@@ -146,7 +89,7 @@ let add_recursors env kn =
let is_recursor = function
- | ConstRef kn -> KNset.mem (long_kn kn) !recursors
+ | ConstRef kn -> KNset.mem kn !recursors
| _ -> false
(*s Record tables. *)
@@ -158,18 +101,18 @@ let projs = ref (Refmap.empty : int Refmap.t)
let init_projs () = projs := Refmap.empty
let add_record kn n l =
- records := KNmap.add (long_kn kn) l !records;
- projs := List.fold_right (fun r -> Refmap.add (long_r r) n) l !projs
+ records := KNmap.add kn l !records;
+ projs := List.fold_right (fun r -> Refmap.add r n) l !projs
-let find_projections kn = KNmap.find (long_kn kn) !records
-let is_projection r = Refmap.mem (long_r r) !projs
-let projection_arity r = Refmap.find (long_r r) !projs
+let find_projections kn = KNmap.find kn !records
+let is_projection r = Refmap.mem r !projs
+let projection_arity r = Refmap.find r !projs
(*s Tables synchronization. *)
let reset_tables () =
init_terms (); init_types (); init_inductives (); init_recursors ();
- init_records (); init_projs (); init_aliases ()
+ init_records (); init_projs ()
(*s Printing. *)
@@ -212,12 +155,6 @@ let error_section () =
let error_constant r =
err (Printer.pr_global r ++ str " is not a constant.")
-let error_fixpoint r =
- err (str "Fixpoint " ++ Printer.pr_global r ++ str " cannot be inlined.")
-let error_type_scheme r =
- err (Printer.pr_global r ++ spc () ++ str "is a type scheme, not a type.")
let error_inductive r =
err (Printer.pr_global r ++ spc () ++ str "is not an inductive type.")
@@ -229,7 +166,7 @@ let error_module_clash s =
str "This is not allowed in ML. Please do some renaming first.")
let error_unknown_module m =
- err (str "Module" ++ spc () ++ pr_id m ++ spc () ++ str "not found.")
+ err (str "Module" ++ spc () ++ pr_qualid m ++ spc () ++ str "not found.")
let error_toplevel () =
err (str "Toplevel pseudo-ML language can be used only at Coq toplevel.\n" ++
@@ -308,9 +245,9 @@ let empty_inline_table = (Refset.empty,Refset.empty)
let inline_table = ref empty_inline_table
-let to_inline r = Refset.mem (long_r r) (fst !inline_table)
+let to_inline r = Refset.mem r (fst !inline_table)
-let to_keep r = Refset.mem (long_r r) (snd !inline_table)
+let to_keep r = Refset.mem r (snd !inline_table)
let add_inline_entries b l =
let f b = if b then Refset.add else Refset.remove in
@@ -319,13 +256,6 @@ let add_inline_entries b l =
(List.fold_right (f b) l i),
(List.fold_right (f (not b)) l k)
-let is_fixpoint kn =
- match (Global.lookup_constant kn).const_body with
- | None -> false
- | Some body -> match kind_of_term (force body) with
- | Fix _ | CoFix _ -> true
- | _ -> false
(* Registration of operations for rollback. *)
let (inline_extraction,_) =
@@ -348,7 +278,6 @@ let extraction_inline b l =
let refs = List.map Nametab.global l in
(fun r -> match r with
- | ConstRef kn when b && is_fixpoint kn -> error_fixpoint r
| ConstRef _ -> ()
| _ -> error_constant r) refs;
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inline_extraction (b,refs))
@@ -382,31 +311,21 @@ let reset_extraction_inline () = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (reset_inline ())
(*s Extract Constant/Inductive. *)
-let ugly_hack_arity_nb_args = ref (fun _ _ -> 0)
-let check_term_or_type r ids = match r with
- | ConstRef sp ->
- let env = Global.env () in
- let typ = Environ.constant_type env sp in
- let typ = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env typ in
- if Reduction.is_arity env typ
- then
- let nargs = !ugly_hack_arity_nb_args env typ in
- if List.length ids <> nargs then error_axiom_scheme r nargs
- | _ -> error_constant r
+(* UGLY HACK: to be defined in [extraction.ml] *)
+let use_type_scheme_nb_args, register_type_scheme_nb_args =
+ let r = ref (fun _ _ -> 0) in (fun x y -> !r x y), (:=) r
let customs = ref Refmap.empty
let add_custom r ids s = customs := Refmap.add r (ids,s) !customs
-let is_custom r = Refmap.mem (long_r r) !customs
+let is_custom r = Refmap.mem r !customs
-let is_inline_custom r =
- let r = long_r r in (is_custom r) && (to_inline r)
+let is_inline_custom r = (is_custom r) && (to_inline r)
-let find_custom r = snd (Refmap.find (long_r r) !customs)
+let find_custom r = snd (Refmap.find r !customs)
-let find_type_custom r = Refmap.find (long_r r) !customs
+let find_type_custom r = Refmap.find r !customs
(* Registration of operations for rollback. *)
@@ -428,9 +347,20 @@ let _ = declare_summary "ML extractions"
let extract_constant_inline inline r ids s =
if is_something_opened () then error_section ();
let g = Nametab.global r in
- check_term_or_type g ids;
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inline_extraction (inline,[g]));
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_customs (g,ids,s))
+ match g with
+ | ConstRef kn ->
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let typ = Environ.constant_type env kn in
+ let typ = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env typ in
+ if Reduction.is_arity env typ
+ then begin
+ let nargs = use_type_scheme_nb_args env typ in
+ if List.length ids <> nargs then error_axiom_scheme g nargs
+ end;
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inline_extraction (inline,[g]));
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_customs (g,ids,s))
+ | _ -> error_constant g
let extract_inductive r (s,l) =
if is_something_opened () then error_section ();
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/table.mli b/contrib/extraction/table.mli
index 3fbdbc209..087d7f846 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/table.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/table.mli
@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@ val error_axiom : global_reference -> 'a
val warning_axiom : global_reference -> unit
val error_section : unit -> 'a
val error_constant : global_reference -> 'a
-val error_fixpoint : global_reference -> 'a
-val error_type_scheme : global_reference -> 'a
val error_inductive : global_reference -> 'a
val error_nb_cons : unit -> 'a
val error_module_clash : string -> 'a
-val error_unknown_module : identifier -> 'a
+val error_unknown_module : qualid -> 'a
val error_toplevel : unit -> 'a
val error_scheme : unit -> 'a
val error_not_visible : global_reference -> 'a
@@ -34,19 +32,15 @@ val error_unqualified_name : string -> string -> 'a
(*s utilities concerning [module_path]. *)
-val current_toplevel : unit -> module_path
+val kn_of_r : global_reference -> kernel_name
-val is_toplevel : module_path -> bool
-val at_toplevel : module_path -> bool
+val current_toplevel : unit -> module_path
+val is_something_opened : unit -> bool
val base_mp : module_path -> module_path
-val prefixes_mp : module_path -> MPset.t
val is_modfile : module_path -> bool
-val modfile_of_mp : module_path -> module_path
-val fst_level_module_of_mp : module_path -> module_path * label
-val labels_of_mp : module_path -> module_path * label list
-val labels_of_kn : kernel_name -> module_path * label list
-val is_something_opened : unit -> bool
+val is_toplevel : module_path -> bool
+val at_toplevel : module_path -> bool
+val visible_kn : kernel_name -> bool
(*s Some table-related operations *)
@@ -67,11 +61,6 @@ val find_projections : kernel_name -> global_reference list
val is_projection : global_reference -> bool
val projection_arity : global_reference -> int
-val add_aliases : module_path -> module_path -> unit
-val long_mp : module_path -> module_path
-val long_kn : kernel_name -> kernel_name
-val long_r : global_reference -> global_reference
val reset_tables : unit -> unit
(*s AutoInline parameter *)
@@ -94,7 +83,8 @@ val to_keep : global_reference -> bool
(*s Table for user-given custom ML extractions. *)
-val ugly_hack_arity_nb_args : (Environ.env -> Term.constr -> int) ref
+(* UGLY HACK: registration of a function defined in [extraction.ml] *)
+val register_type_scheme_nb_args : (Environ.env -> Term.constr -> int) -> unit
val is_custom : global_reference -> bool
val is_inline_custom : global_reference -> bool
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/extract b/contrib/extraction/test/extract
index 2b96f354f..83444be31 100755
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/extract
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/extract
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ vfile=`./ml2v $1`
d=`dirname $vfile`
n=`basename $vfile .v`
if [ -e custom/$n ]; then cat custom/$n > /tmp/extr$$.v; fi
-echo "Cd \"$d\". Extraction Module $n. " >> /tmp/extr$$.v
+echo "Cd \"$d\". Extraction Library $n. " >> /tmp/extr$$.v
../../../bin/coqtop.opt -silent -batch -require $n -load-vernac-source /tmp/extr$$.v
rm -f /tmp/extr$$.v
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/extract.haskell b/contrib/extraction/test/extract.haskell
index 3f4a59d49..d11bc706e 100755
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/extract.haskell
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/extract.haskell
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ vfile=`./hs2v $1`
d=`dirname $vfile`
n=`basename $vfile .v`
if [ -e custom/$n ]; then cat custom/$n > /tmp/extr$$.v; fi
-echo "Cd \"$d\". Extraction Language Haskell. Extraction Module $n. " >> /tmp/extr$$.v
+echo "Cd \"$d\". Extraction Language Haskell. Extraction Library $n. " >> /tmp/extr$$.v
../../../bin/coqtop.opt -silent -batch -require $n -load-vernac-source /tmp/extr$$.v
rm -f /tmp/extr$$.v