path: root/contrib/extraction
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-12 16:32:43 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-12 16:32:43 +0000
commit3725135942a9778cbc741602dc6ecba23dde46f8 (patch)
treef3f211d705bc64eaeb003c4f216d3d8fc339e348 /contrib/extraction
parent1de518f08e3213e2b68cfb3aa425fc7247942d92 (diff)
nouvelle gestion des variables de type ML
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@1583 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction')
4 files changed, 229 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
index cfb2a47c9..acb2e966f 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let info_arity = (Info, Arity)
let logic = (Logic, NotArity)
let default = (Info, NotArity)
-type signature = (type_var * identifier) list
+type signature = type_var list
(* When dealing with CIC contexts, we maintain corresponding contexts
telling whether a variable will be kept or will disappear *)
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ type extraction_context = bool list
(* The [type_extraction_result] is the result of the [extract_type] function
that extracts a CIC object into an ML type. It is either:
- \item a real ML type, followed by its signature and its list of dummy fresh
- type variables (called flexible variables)
+ \item a real ML type, followed by its signature and its list of type
+ variables (['a],\ldots)
\item a CIC arity, without counterpart in ML
\item a non-informative type, which will receive special treatment
\end{itemize} *)
@@ -103,13 +103,6 @@ let id_of_name = function
| Anonymous -> id_of_string "x"
| Name id -> id
-(* This function [params_of_sign] extracts the type parameters (['a] in Caml)
- from a signature. *)
-let params_of_sign =
- List.fold_left
- (fun l v -> match v with (Info,Arity),id -> id :: l | _ -> l) []
(* [get_arity c] returns [Some s] if [c] is an arity of sort [s],
and [None] otherwise. *)
@@ -169,13 +162,22 @@ let rec nb_params_to_keep env = function
let rec signature_of_arity env c = match kind_of_term c with
| IsProd (n, t, c') ->
let env' = push_rel (n,None,t) env in
- let id = id_of_name n in
- (v_of_arity env t, id) :: (signature_of_arity env' c')
- | IsSort _ ->
- []
- | _ ->
- assert false
+ (v_of_arity env t) :: (signature_of_arity env' c')
+ | IsSort _ -> []
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec vl_of_binders env vl b = match b with
+ | [] -> vl
+ | (n,t) :: l
+ when ((v_of_arity env t) = info_arity) ->
+ let id = next_ident_away (id_of_name n) vl in
+ let env' = push_rel (Name id, None, t) env in
+ vl_of_binders env' (id :: vl) l
+ | (n,t) :: l ->
+ vl_of_binders (push_rel (n, None, t) env) vl l
+let rec vl_of_arity env vl c =
+ vl_of_binders env vl (List.rev (fst (decompose_prod c)))
(* [list_of_ml_arrows] applied to the ML type [a->b->]\dots[z->t]
returns the list [[a;b;...;z]]. It is used when making the ML types
@@ -292,126 +294,143 @@ let constant_table =
\end{itemize} *)
let rec extract_type env c =
- let rec extract_rec env fl c args =
- (* We accumulate the two contexts, the generated flexible
- variables, and the arguments of [c]. *)
- let ty = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty (applist (c, args)) in
- (* Since [ty] is an arity, there is two non-informative case:
- [ty] is an arity of sort [Prop], or
- [c] has a non-informative head symbol *)
- match get_arity env ty with
- | None ->
- assert false (* Cf. precondition. *)
- | Some (Prop Null) ->
- Tprop
- | Some _ ->
- (match (kind_of_term (whd_betaiotalet env Evd.empty c)) with
- | IsSort _ ->
- assert (args = []); (* A sort can't be applied. *)
- Tarity
- | IsProd (n,t,d) ->
- assert (args = []); (* A product can't be applied. *)
- extract_prod_lam env fl (n,t,d) Prod
- | IsLambda (n,t,d) ->
- assert (args = []); (* [c] is now in head normal form. *)
- extract_prod_lam env fl (n,t,d) Lam
- | IsApp (d, args') ->
- (* We just accumulate the arguments. *)
- extract_rec env fl d (Array.to_list args' @ args)
- | IsRel n ->
- (match lookup_rel_value n env with
- | Some t ->
- extract_rec env fl (lift n t) args
- | None ->
- let id = id_of_name (fst (lookup_rel_type n env)) in
- Tmltype (Tvar id, [], fl))
- | IsConst (sp,a) when is_axiom sp ->
- let id = basename sp in
- Tmltype (Tvar id, [], id :: fl)
- | IsConst (sp,a) ->
- let cty = constant_type env Evd.empty (sp,a) in
- if is_arity env Evd.empty cty then
- let sc = signature_of_arity env cty in
- extract_type_app env fl (ConstRef sp,sc,[]) args
- else begin
- (* We can't keep as ML type abbreviation a CIC constant
- which type is not an arity: we reduce this constant. *)
- let cvalue = constant_value env (sp,a) in
- extract_rec env fl (applist (cvalue, args)) []
- end
- | IsMutInd (spi,_) ->
- (match extract_inductive spi with
- |Iml (si,fli) ->
- extract_type_app env fl (IndRef spi,si,fli) args
- |Iprop -> assert false
- (* Cf. initial tests *))
- | IsMutCase _
- | IsFix _ ->
- let id = next_ident_away flexible_name fl in
- Tmltype (Tvar id, [], id :: fl)
- (* CIC type without counterpart in ML: we generate a
- new flexible type variable. *)
- | IsCast (c, _) ->
- extract_rec env fl c args
- | _ ->
- assert false)
- (* Auxiliary function used to factor code in lambda and product cases *)
- and extract_prod_lam env fl (n,t,d) flag =
- let id = id_of_name n in (* FIXME: capture problem *)
- let env' = push_rel (n,None,t) env in
- let tag = v_of_arity env t in
- match tag,flag with
- | (_, Arity), _ | _, Lam ->
- (match extract_rec env' fl d [] with
- | Tmltype (mld, sign, fl'') -> Tmltype (mld, (tag,id)::sign, fl'')
+ extract_type_rec env [] c []
+and extract_type_rec env vl c args =
+ (* We accumulate the two contexts, the generated variable list *)
+ let ty = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty (applist (c, args)) in
+ (* Since [ty] is an arity, there is two non-informative case:
+ [ty] is an arity of sort [Prop], or
+ [c] has a non-informative head symbol *)
+ match get_arity env ty with
+ | None ->
+ assert false (* Cf. precondition. *)
+ | Some (Prop Null) ->
+ Tprop
+ | Some _ -> extract_type_rec_info env vl c args
+and extract_type_rec_info env vl c args =
+ match (kind_of_term (whd_betaiotalet env Evd.empty c)) with
+ | IsSort _ ->
+ assert (args = []); (* A sort can't be applied. *)
+ Tarity
+ | IsProd (n,t,d) ->
+ assert (args = []); (* A product can't be applied. *)
+ extract_prod_lam env vl (n,t,d) Prod
+ | IsLambda (n,t,d) ->
+ assert (args = []); (* [c] is now in head normal form. *)
+ extract_prod_lam env vl (n,t,d) Lam
+ | IsApp (d, args') ->
+ (* We just accumulate the arguments. *)
+ extract_type_rec_info env vl d (Array.to_list args' @ args)
+ | IsRel n ->
+ (match lookup_rel_value n env with
+ | Some t ->
+ extract_type_rec_info env vl (lift n t) args
+ | None ->
+ let id = id_of_name (fst (lookup_rel_type n env)) in
+ Tmltype (Tvar id, [], vl))
+ | IsConst (sp,a) when is_axiom sp ->
+ let id = next_ident_away (basename sp) vl in
+ Tmltype (Tvar id, [], id :: vl)
+ | IsConst (sp,a) ->
+ let cty = constant_type env Evd.empty (sp,a) in
+ if is_arity env Evd.empty cty then
+ let (sc,vlc) =
+ (match extract_constant sp with
+ | Emltype (mlt, sc, vlc) -> (sc,vlc)
+ | Emlterm _ -> assert false)
+ in
+ extract_type_app env vl (ConstRef sp,sc,vlc) args
+ else begin
+ (* We can't keep as ML type abbreviation a CIC constant
+ which type is not an arity: we reduce this constant. *)
+ let cvalue = constant_value env (sp,a) in
+ extract_type_rec_info env vl (applist (cvalue, args)) []
+ end
+ | IsMutInd (spi,_) ->
+ (match extract_inductive spi with
+ |Iml (si,vli) ->
+ extract_type_app env vl (IndRef spi,si,vli) args
+ |Iprop -> assert false
+ (* Cf. initial tests *))
+ | IsMutCase _
+ | IsFix _ ->
+ let id = next_ident_away flexible_name vl in
+ Tmltype (Tvar id, [], id :: vl)
+ (* CIC type without counterpart in ML: we generate a
+ new flexible type variable. *)
+ | IsCast (c, _) ->
+ extract_type_rec_info env vl c args
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+(* Auxiliary function used to factor code in lambda and product cases *)
+and extract_prod_lam env vl (n,t,d) flag =
+ let tag = v_of_arity env t in
+ let env' = push_rel (n, None, t) env in
+ match tag,flag with
+ | (Info, Arity), _ ->
+ let id' = next_ident_away (id_of_name n) vl in
+ let env' = push_rel (Name id', None, t) env in
+ (match extract_type_rec_info env' (id'::vl) d [] with
+ | Tmltype (mld, sign, vl') -> Tmltype (mld, tag::sign, vl')
| et -> et)
- | (Logic, NotArity), Prod ->
- (match extract_rec env' fl d [] with
- | Tmltype (mld, sign, fl'') ->
- Tmltype (Tarr (Miniml.Tprop, mld), (tag,id)::sign, fl'')
+ | (Logic, Arity), _ | _, Lam ->
+ (match extract_type_rec_info env' vl d [] with
+ | Tmltype (mld, sign, vl') -> Tmltype (mld, tag::sign, vl')
+ | et -> et)
+ | (Logic, NotArity), Prod ->
+ (match extract_type_rec_info env' vl d [] with
+ | Tmltype (mld, sign, vl') ->
+ Tmltype (Tarr (Miniml.Tprop, mld), tag::sign, vl')
| et -> et)
- | (Info, NotArity), Prod ->
- (match extract_rec env fl t [] with
- | Tprop | Tarity ->
- assert false
- (* Cf. relation between [extract_type] and [v_of_arity] *)
- | Tmltype (mlt,_,fl') ->
- (match extract_rec env' fl' d [] with
- | Tmltype (mld, sign, fl'') ->
- Tmltype (Tarr(mlt,mld), (tag,id)::sign, fl'')
- | et -> et))
+ | (Info, NotArity), Prod ->
+ (match extract_type_rec_info env' vl d [] with
+ | Tmltype (mld, sign, vl') ->
+ (match extract_type_rec_info env vl' t [] with
+ | Tprop | Tarity ->
+ assert false
+ (* Cf. relation between [extract_type] and [v_of_arity] *)
+ | Tmltype (mlt,_,vl'') ->
+ Tmltype (Tarr(mlt,mld), tag::sign, vl''))
+ | et -> et)
(* Auxiliary function dealing with type application.
Precondition: [r] is of type an arity. *)
- and extract_type_app env fl (r,sc,flc) args =
- let nargs = List.length args in
- assert (List.length sc >= nargs);
- (* [r] is of type an arity, so it can't be applied to more than n args,
- where n is the number of products in this arity type. *)
- let (sign_args,sign_rest) = list_chop nargs sc in
- let (mlargs,fl') =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (v,a) ((args,fl) as acc) -> match v with
- | (_, NotArity), _ -> acc
- | (Logic, Arity), _ -> acc (* TO JUSTIFY *)
- | (Info, Arity), _ -> match extract_rec env fl a [] with
- | Tarity -> (Miniml.Tarity :: args, fl)
- (* we pass a dummy type [arity] as argument *)
- | Tprop -> (Miniml.Tprop :: args, fl)
- | Tmltype (mla,_,fl') -> (mla :: args, fl' @ fl))
- (List.combine sign_args args)
- ([],fl)
- in
- let fl_args = List.map (fun i -> Tvar i) flc in
- Tmltype (Tapp ((Tglob r) :: mlargs @ fl_args), sign_rest, flc @ fl')
+and extract_type_app env vl (r,sc,vlc) args =
+ let nargs = List.length args in
+ assert (List.length sc >= nargs);
+ (* [r] is of type an arity, so it can't be applied to more than n args,
+ where n is the number of products in this arity type. *)
+ let (sign_args,sign_rem) = list_chop nargs sc in
+ let (mlargs,vl') =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (v,a) ((args,vl) as acc) -> match v with
+ | _, NotArity -> acc
+ | Logic, Arity -> acc (* TO JUSTIFY *)
+ | Info, Arity -> match extract_type_rec_info env vl a [] with
+ | Tarity -> (Miniml.Tarity :: args, vl)
+ (* we pass a dummy type [arity] as argument *)
+ | Tprop -> (Miniml.Tprop :: args, vl)
+ | Tmltype (mla,_,vl') -> (mla :: args, vl'))
+ (List.combine sign_args args)
+ ([],vl)
- extract_rec env [] c []
+ let nvlargs = List.length vlc - List.length mlargs in
+ assert (nvlargs >= 0);
+ let vl'' =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id l -> (next_ident_away id l) :: l)
+ (list_firstn nvlargs vlc) vl'
+ in
+ let vlargs =
+ List.rev_map (fun i -> Tvar i) (list_firstn nvlargs vl'') in
+ Tmltype (Tapp ((Tglob r) :: mlargs @ vlargs), sign_rem, vl'')
(*s Extraction of a term.
Precondition: [c] has a type which is not an arity.
This is normaly checked in [extract_constr]. *)
@@ -436,9 +455,9 @@ and extract_term_info env ctx c =
extract_term_info_with_type env ctx c t
and extract_term_info_with_type env ctx c t =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | IsLambda (n, t, d) ->
- let v = v_of_arity env t in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | IsLambda (n, t, d) ->
+ let v = v_of_arity env t in
let env' = push_rel (n,None,t) env in
let ctx' = (snd v = NotArity) :: ctx in
let d' = extract_term_info env' ctx' d in
@@ -463,11 +482,11 @@ and extract_term_info_with_type env ctx c t =
| [] ->
let rels = List.rev_map (fun x -> MLrel (i-x)) rels in
MLcons (ConstructRef cp, List.length rels, rels)
- | ((Info,NotArity),id) :: l ->
- MLlam (id, abstract (i :: rels) (succ i) l)
- | ((Logic,NotArity),id) :: l ->
- MLlam (id, abstract rels (succ i) l)
- | ((_,Arity),_) :: l ->
+ | (Info,NotArity) :: l ->
+ MLlam (id_of_name Anonymous, abstract (i :: rels) (succ i) l)
+ | (Logic,NotArity) :: l ->
+ MLlam (id_of_name Anonymous, abstract rels (succ i) l)
+ | (_,Arity) :: l ->
abstract rels i l
abstract_n n (abstract [] 1 s)
@@ -492,7 +511,7 @@ and extract_term_info_with_type env ctx c t =
let (binders, e') = extract_branch_aux j b in
let ids =
- (fun ((v,_),(n,_)) acc ->
+ (fun (v,(n,_)) acc ->
if v = default then (id_of_name n :: acc) else acc)
(List.combine s binders) []
@@ -539,9 +558,9 @@ and extract_app env ctx (f,tyf,sf) args =
let mlargs =
(fun (v,a) args -> match v with
- | (_,Arity), _ -> args
- | (Logic,NotArity), _ -> MLprop :: args
- | (Info,NotArity), _ ->
+ | (_,Arity) -> args
+ | (Logic,NotArity) -> MLprop :: args
+ | (Info,NotArity) ->
(* We can't trust the tag [Vdefault], we use [extract_constr] *)
match extract_constr env ctx a with
| Emltype _ -> MLarity :: args
@@ -587,7 +606,7 @@ and extract_constr_with_type env ctx c t =
(match extract_type env c with
| Tprop -> Emltype (Miniml.Tprop, [], [])
| Tarity -> Emltype (Miniml.Tarity, [], [])
- | Tmltype (t, sign, fl) -> Emltype (t, sign, fl))
+ | Tmltype (t, sign, vl) -> Emltype (t, sign, vl))
| (Info, NotArity) ->
Emlterm (extract_term_info_with_type env ctx c t)
@@ -628,7 +647,8 @@ and extract_mib sp =
if not (Gmap.mem (sp,0) !inductive_extraction_table) then begin
let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in
let genv = Global.env () in
- (* first pass: we store inductive signatures together with empty flex. *)
+ (* first pass: we store inductive signatures together with
+ an initial type var list. *)
(fun i ib ->
let mis = build_mis ((sp,i),[||]) mib in
@@ -636,50 +656,65 @@ and extract_mib sp =
add_inductive_extraction (sp,i) Iprop
add_inductive_extraction (sp,i)
- (Iml (signature_of_arity genv ib.mind_nf_arity, [])))
+ (Iml (signature_of_arity genv ib.mind_nf_arity,
+ vl_of_arity genv [] ib.mind_nf_arity)))
(* second pass: we extract constructors arities and we accumulate
- flexible variables. *)
- let all_flex () =
- array_fold_left_i
- (fun i fl ib ->
+ type variables. *)
+ let mis = build_mis ((sp,0),[||]) mib in
+ let nparams = mis_nparams mis in
+ let params = mis_params_ctxt mis in
+ let env = Environ.push_rels params genv in
+ let params = List.rev_map (fun (n,s,t)->(n,t)) params in
+ let nparams' = nb_params_to_keep genv params in
+ let vlparams = vl_of_binders genv [] params in
+ let vl =
+ array_fold_left_i
+ (fun i vl packet ->
let ip = (sp,i) in
let mis = build_mis (ip,[||]) mib in
if mis_sort mis = Prop Null then begin
for j = 0 to mis_nconstr mis do
- add_constructor_extraction (ip,succ j) Cprop
+ add_constructor_extraction (ip,succ j) Cprop
- fl
- end else
+ vl
+ end else begin
- (fun j fl _ ->
+ (fun j vl _ ->
let t = mis_constructor_type (succ j) mis in
- let nparams = mis_nparams mis in
- let (binders, t) = decompose_prod_n nparams t in
- let env = push_rels_assum binders genv in
- let nparams' = nb_params_to_keep genv (List.rev binders) in
- match extract_type env t with
+ let t = snd (decompose_prod_n nparams t) in
+ match extract_type_rec_info env vl t [] with
| Tarity | Tprop -> assert false
- | Tmltype (mlt, s, f) ->
+ | Tmltype (mlt, s, v) ->
let l = list_of_ml_arrows mlt in
let cp = (ip,succ j) in
- add_constructor_extraction cp (Cml (l,s,nparams'));
- f @ fl)
- fl ib.mind_nf_lc)
- [] mib.mind_packets
+ add_constructor_extraction cp (Cml (l,s,nparams'));
+ v)
+ vl packet.mind_nf_lc
+ end)
+ vlparams mib.mind_packets
- let fl = all_flex () in
- (* third pass: we update the inductive flexible variables. *)
- for i = 0 to mib.mind_ntypes - 1 do
+ (* third pass: we update the type variables list in every tables *)
+ for i = 0 to mib.mind_ntypes-1 do
match lookup_inductive_extraction (sp,i) with
| Iprop -> ()
- | Iml (s,_) -> add_inductive_extraction (sp,i) (Iml (s,fl))
- done;
- (* fourth pass: we re-compute the constructors extraction with
- the now correct flexibles *)
- ignore (all_flex ())
- end
+ | Iml (s,_) -> begin
+ add_inductive_extraction (sp,i) (Iml (s,vl));
+ let ip = (sp,i) in
+ let mis = build_mis (ip,[||]) mib in
+ for j = 1 to mis_nconstr mis do
+ let cp = (ip,j) in
+ match lookup_constructor_extraction cp with
+ | Cprop -> assert false
+ | Cml (t,s,n) ->
+ let vl = List.rev_map (fun i -> Tvar i) vl in
+ let t' = List.map (update_args sp vl) t in
+ add_constructor_extraction cp (Cml (t',s, n))
+ done
+ end
+ done
+ end
and extract_inductive_declaration sp =
extract_mib sp;
let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in
@@ -695,22 +730,22 @@ and extract_inductive_declaration sp =
let ip = (sp,i) in
match lookup_inductive_extraction ip with
| Iprop -> acc
- | Iml (s,fl) ->
- (params_of_sign s @ fl,
+ | Iml (s,vl) ->
+ (List.rev vl,
IndRef ip,
(Array.mapi (one_constructor ip) packet.mind_consnames))
:: acc )
[] mib.mind_packets
- Dtype l
+ Dtype (List.rev l)
(*s Extraction of a global reference i.e. a constant or an inductive. *)
let extract_declaration r = match r with
| ConstRef sp ->
(match extract_constant sp with
- | Emltype (mlt, s, fl) -> Dabbrev (r, params_of_sign s @ fl, mlt)
+ | Emltype (mlt, s, vl) -> Dabbrev (r, List.rev vl, mlt)
| Emlterm t -> Dglob (r, t))
| IndRef (sp,_) -> extract_inductive_declaration sp
| ConstructRef ((sp,_),_) -> extract_inductive_declaration sp
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli b/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
index 0f08f3128..e75e39fe6 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type arity = Arity | NotArity
type type_var = info * arity
-type signature = (type_var * identifier) list
+type signature = type_var list
type extraction_context = bool list
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
index b7a07c706..5a06982bf 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ open Miniml
let anonymous = id_of_string "x"
let prop_name = id_of_string "_"
+(* In an ML type, update the arguments to all inductive types [(sp,_)] *)
+let rec update_args sp vl = function
+ | Tapp ( Tglob r :: l ) ->
+ (match r with
+ | IndRef (s,_) when s = sp -> Tapp ( Tglob r :: vl)
+ | _ -> Tapp (Tglob r :: (List.map (update_args sp vl) l)))
+ | Tapp l -> Tapp (List.map (update_args sp vl) l)
+ | Tarr (a,b)->
+ Tarr (update_args sp vl a, update_args sp vl b)
+ | a -> a
(*s [occurs k t] returns true if [(Rel k)] occurs in [t]. *)
let rec occurs k = function
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
index f4aae3b7f..768695e0a 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ open Miniml
val anonymous : identifier
val prop_name : identifier
+(* Utility functions over ML types. [update_args sp vl t] puts [vl]
+ as arguments behind every inductive types [(sp,_)]. *)
+val update_args : section_path -> ml_type list -> ml_type -> ml_type
(*s Utility functions over ML terms. [occurs n t] checks whether [Rel
n] occurs (freely) in [t]. [ml_lift] is de Bruijn
lifting. [ml_subst e t] substitutes [e] for [Rel 1] in [t]. *)