path: root/contrib/extraction/mlimport.ml
diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-04 08:32:46 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-04 08:32:46 +0000
commit3af1bf4e2de34d3647b9c5395740b431a8ff6e7e (patch)
treef3a5be87ec9a4a35284811c48373179fe808923a /contrib/extraction/mlimport.ml
parenta68a0a97a940002d87682b3b304bc9828c0481e5 (diff)
supression vieux fichiers extraction
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@1529 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction/mlimport.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlimport.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlimport.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd5d8657..000000000
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlimport.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
-(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id$ i*)
-open Pp
-open Names
-open Term
-open Libobject
-open Declare
-open Summary
-(* TODO : move this function to another file, like more_util. *)
-let list0n =
- let rec gen acc = function
- -1 -> acc
- | n -> gen (n::acc) (n-1)
- in
- gen []
-(* get a fresh name if necessary *)
-let rec next_global_ident id =
- if not (is_global id) then id else next_global_ident (lift_ident id)
-(*s Importing ML objects, and linking axioms to terms. *)
-(* A table to keep the ML imports. *)
-let ml_import_tab = ref (Gmap.empty : (global_reference, identifier) Gmap.t)
-let ml_inductives = ref ([] : section_path list)
-let add_ml_inductive_import sp =
- if not (List.mem sp !ml_inductives) then
- ml_inductives := sp :: !ml_inductives
-let add_ml_import imp id =
- ml_import_tab := Gmap.add imp id !ml_import_tab;
- match imp with
- | IndRef (sp,_) -> add_ml_inductive_import sp
- | _ -> ()
-let find_ml_import imp = Gmap.find imp !ml_import_tab
-let is_ml_import op =
- try let _ = find_ml_import op in true with Not_found -> false
-let sp_is_ml_import sp =
- (is_ml_import (ConstRef sp))
- or (is_ml_import (IndRef (sp,0)))
- or (is_ml_import (ConstructRef ((sp,0),1)))
-let sp_prod = path_of_string "#Datatypes#prod.fw"
-let sp_is_ml_import_or_prod sp =
- (sp = sp_prod) or (sp_is_ml_import sp)
-let inMLImport,outMLImport =
- declare_object ("MLIMPORT",
- { load_function = (fun _ -> ());
- open_function = (fun (_,(imp,id)) -> add_ml_import imp id);
- cache_function = (fun (_,(imp,id)) -> add_ml_import imp id);
- export_function = (fun x -> Some x) })
-(* A table to keep the extractions to ML objects *)
-let ml_extract_tab = ref (Gmap.empty : (global_reference, identifier) Gmap.t)
-let add_ml_extract op id =
- ml_extract_tab := Gmap.add op id !ml_extract_tab;
- match op with
- | IndRef (sp,_) -> add_ml_inductive_import sp
- | _ -> ()
-let find_ml_extract gr = Gmap.find gr !ml_extract_tab
-let is_ml_extract op =
- try let _ = find_ml_extract op in true with Not_found -> false
-let sp_is_ml_extract sp =
- (is_ml_extract (ConstRef sp))
- or (is_ml_extract (IndRef (sp,0)))
- or (is_ml_extract (ConstructRef ((sp,0),1)))
-let inMLExtract,outMLExtract =
- declare_object ("MLEXTRACT",
- { load_function = (fun _ -> ());
- open_function = (fun (_,(op,id)) -> add_ml_extract op id);
- cache_function = (fun (_,(op,id)) -> add_ml_extract op id);
- export_function = (fun x -> Some x) })
-let is_import_or_extract sp = sp_is_ml_import sp or sp_is_ml_extract sp
-(* Those two tables are rolled-back *)
-let freeze () =
- (!ml_import_tab, !ml_inductives, !ml_extract_tab)
-let unfreeze (ft,stk,et) =
- ml_import_tab := ft;
- ml_inductives := stk;
- ml_extract_tab := et
-let _ = declare_summary "MLIMPORT-TABLE"
- { freeze_function = freeze ;
- unfreeze_function = unfreeze ;
- init_function = (fun () -> ml_import_tab := Gmap.empty;
- ml_inductives := [];
- ml_extract_tab := Gmap.empty);
- survive_section = false }
-(* ML Import file__name : type. *)
-(***** constants__make_parameter_body *****)
-let make_fw_parameter_body (hyps,jt) =
- match level_of_type jt with
- (Prop Pos) | (Type _) ->
- cONSTHYPS=hyps;
- cONSTEVAL = None;
- cONSTOPAQUE = true;
- cONSTTYPE= jt;
- | _ -> errorlabstrm "make_fw_parameter_body"
- [< Printer.fprtype jt ; 'sTR " is not an informative term." >]
-(***** constants__infexecute_parameter *****)
-let fw_infexecute_parameter fhyps name t =
- let sp = Lib.make_path OBJ name in
- let (u,j) = fexecute_type_with_univ empty_evd fhyps sp t in
- let ids = auto_save_variables() in
- let fhyps' = thin_to_level fhyps (body_of_type j) in
- (u,[FW,make_fw_parameter_body (fhyps',j)])
-(***** declare__machine_parameter *****)
-let fw_machine_parameter fhyps (name,cty) =
- let (u',cmap) = fw_infexecute_parameter fhyps name cty in
- add_named_object (name,OBJ) (inConstant(cmap,NeverDischarge,u'))
-(***** command__parameter_def_var *****)
-let fw_parameter id com =
- let tcci = fconstr_of_com empty_evd (initial_fsign()) com in
- let tfw = fwify tcci in
- let _,fhyps = initial_assumptions() in
- fw_machine_parameter fhyps (id,tfw)
-let ml_import id' id com =
- fw_parameter id com ;
- let sp = Lib.make_path FW id in
- add_anonymous_object (inMLImport (Const sp, id')) ;
- mSGNL [< 'sTR(string_of_id id) ; 'sTR" imported." >]
-let id_of_varg = function
- | VARG_STRING s -> (try id_of_string s with _ -> id_of_string (" "^s))
- | _ -> invalid_arg "id_of_varg"
-(*** TODO: remove overwriting ***)
-let _ = overwriting_vinterp_add("ML_IMPORT", function
- (fun () -> ml_import (id_of_varg id') id com)
- | _ -> anomaly "ML_IMPORT called with bad arguments.")
-(* Link ident := Fw-term. *)
-let not_an_axiom id =
- errorlabstrm "ml_import__fw_link"
- [< 'sTR(string_of_id id) ; 'sTR" is not an FW axiom." >]
-let not_have_type env cb' cb =
- let c = match cb'.cONSTBODY with
- Some {contents=COOKED x} -> x
- | _ -> anomaly "ml_import__not_have_type: should be a constant" in
- errorlabstrm "Ml_import.not_convertible"
- [< pENV [< 'sTR"In environment " >] env ; 'fNL ;
- 'sTR"The term: " ; pFTERMINENV(env,c) ; 'sPC ;
- 'sTR"does not have type" ; 'sPC ; pFTYPEINENV(env,cb.cONSTTYPE) ;
- 'sTR"." ; 'fNL ;
- 'sTR"Actually, it has type" ; 'sPC ; pFTYPEINENV(env,cb'.cONSTTYPE) >]
-let fw_infexecute_constant fhyps id c =
- let sp = Lib.make_path OBJ id in
- let (u,j) = fexecute_with_univ empty_evd fhyps sp c in
- let ids = auto_save_variables() in
- let fhyps' = thin_to_level fhyps j._KIND in
- (u,[FW, make_constant_body FW false (fhyps',j)])
-let fw_link id com =
- (*** First we check that id corresponds to an informative axiom. ***)
- let sp = fwsp_of_id id in
- let osp = objsp_of sp in
- let (cmap,s,u) = match Lib.leaf_object_tag osp with
- "CONSTANT" -> outConstant (Lib.map_leaf osp)
- | _ -> not_an_axiom id in
- let cb = try Listmap.map cmap FW
- with Not_found -> not_an_axiom id in
- if cb.cONSTBODY <> None then not_an_axiom id ;
- (*** Then we execute the term com. ***)
- let (hyps,fhyps) = initial_assumptions() in
- let tcci = fconstr_of_com empty_evd hyps com in
- let tfw = fwify tcci in
- let (u',cmap') = fw_infexecute_constant fhyps id tfw in
- let cb' = Listmap.map cmap' FW in
- (*** We check that the type of com is convertible with cb.CONSTTYPE ***)
- if (not (conv empty_evd
- (body_of_type cb.cONSTTYPE)
- (body_of_type cb'.cONSTTYPE))) then
- not_have_type (gLOB fhyps) cb' cb ;
- (*** At last, we transform the original axiom into a constant. ***)
-(**lib__remap (osp,lib__LEAF (inConstant(listmap__remap cmap FW cb',s,u))); **)
- cb.cONSTBODY <- cb'.cONSTBODY ;
- cb.cONSTOPAQUE <- false ;
- let c = match cb'.cONSTBODY with
- Some {contents=COOKED x} -> x
- | _ -> anomaly "ml_import__fw_link: should be a constant" in
- mSGNL (hOV 0 [< 'sTR"Constant " ; print_id id ; 'sTR" linked to" ; 'sPC ;
- pFTERM c >])
-(*** TODO: remove overwriting ***)
-let _ = overwriting_vinterp_add("LINK", function
- [VARG_IDENTIFIER id; VARG_COMMAND com] -> (fun () -> fw_link id com)
- | _ -> anomaly "ML_IMPORT called with bad arguments.")
-(* ML Inductive name [ c1 ... cn ] == <Inductive Definition>. *)
-(* ML Inductive name1 [ c1,1 ... c1,n1 ] *)
-(* ... *)
-(* namek [ ck,1 ... ck,nk ] *)
-(* == <Mutual Inductive Definition>. *)
-(***** declare__machine_minductive *****)
-let fw_machine_minductive fhyps nparams mispecvec finite =
- if Array.length mispecvec = 0 then anomaly "fw_machine_minductive"
- else
- let mindidvec =
- Array.map (fun (indid,_,_,_,_) -> indid) mispecvec
- and arlcvec =
- Array.map (fun (_,_,indarity,indconstructors,_) ->
- (indarity,indconstructors)) mispecvec
- and namesvec =
- Array.map (fun (indid,indstamp,_,_,consnames) ->
- (indstamp,indid,consnames)) mispecvec in
- let sp = Lib.make_path OBJ mindidvec.(0) in
- let (u',mimap) = with_universes
- (execute_minductive fhyps nparams namesvec finite)
- (sp,initial_universes,arlcvec) in
- (*** declare_minductive (mindidvec,mimap,u') ***)
- add_named_object (mindidvec.(0),OBJ) (inMutualInductive (mimap,u'))
- (*** do_vect declare_eliminations mindidvec ***)
-(***** trad__fconstruct *****)
-let fw_fconstruct sigma fsign com =
- let c = fconstr_of_com sigma fsign com in
- Mach.fexecute_type sigma fsign c
-(***** command__build_mutual *****)
-let fw_build_mutual lparams lnamearconstrs finite =
- let lrecnames = List.map (fun (x,_,_)->x) lnamearconstrs
- and nparams = List.length lparams
- and sign0 = initial_fsign() in
- let (ind_sign,arityl) = List.fold_left
- (fun (sign,arl) (recname,arityc,_) ->
- let arity = fw_fconstruct empty_evd sign0 (mkProdCit lparams arityc) in
- (add_sign (recname,arity) sign, (arity::arl)))
- (sign0,[]) lnamearconstrs in
- let mispecvec = Array.of_list
- (List.map2 (fun ar (name,_,lname_constr) ->
- let consconstrl = List.map
- (fun (_,constr) ->
- let c = fconstr_of_com empty_evd ind_sign
- (mkProdCit lparams constr)
- in fwify c) lname_constr in
- (name,Anonymous,ar,
- put_DLAMSV_subst (List.rev lrecnames) (Array.of_list consconstrl),
- Array.of_list (List.map fst lname_constr)))
- (List.rev arityl) lnamearconstrs) in
- let _,fhyps = initial_assumptions() in
- fw_machine_minductive fhyps nparams mispecvec finite
-let not_same_number_types () =
- errorlabstrm "ml_import__ml_import_inductive"
- [< 'sTR"Not the same number of types." >]
-let not_same_number_constructors (id,id') =
- errorlabstrm "ml_import__ml_import_inductive"
- (hOV 0
- [< 'sTR"The ML type" ; 'sPC ; print_id id ;
- 'sTR" and the FW type" ; 'sPC ; print_id id' ; 'sPC ;
- 'sTR"do not have the same number" ;
- 'sPC ; 'sTR"of constructors." >])
-let ml_import_inductive names lparams lnamearconstrs finite =
- let assoc_list =
- if (List.length names) <> (List.length lnamearconstrs) then
- not_same_number_types ()
- else
- List.fold_right2 (fun (id,l) (id',_,l') acc ->
- if (List.length l)<>(List.length l') then
- not_same_number_constructors (id,id')
- else
- ( (id,id'), List.combine l (List.map fst l') )::acc )
- names lnamearconstrs [] in
- fw_build_mutual lparams lnamearconstrs finite;
- List.iter
- (fun i ->
- let (mlid,id), l = List.nth assoc_list i in
- let sp = Lib.make_path FW id in
- add_anonymous_object (inMLImport (MutInd (sp,i), mlid)) ;
- List.iter (fun j ->
- let (mlid,id) = List.nth l (j-1) in
- add_anonymous_object
- (inMLImport (MutConstruct ((sp,i),j), mlid)) )
- (List.tl (list0n (List.length l))) )
- (list0n ((List.length assoc_list) - 1)) ;
- pPNL [< 'sTR"ML inductive type(s) " ;
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR"," ; 'sPC >])
- (fun (id,_) -> [< 'sTR(string_of_id id) >]) names ;
- 'sTR" imported." >]
-(*** TODO: remove overwriting ***)
-let _ = overwriting_vinterp_add("ML_ONEINDUCTIVE",
- function [VARG_VARGLIST nl;
- VARG_BINDERLIST constructors] ->
- if List.length nl <> 1 then not_same_number_types () ;
- (match nl with
- [VARG_VARGLIST (v::l)] ->
- let cnames = List.map id_of_varg l in
- let la = join_binders binders in
- let li = List.map (fun (l,c) -> (List.hd l,c)) constructors in
- (function () -> ml_import_inductive [id_of_varg v,cnames]
- la [(s,c,li)] true)
- | _ -> assert false)
- | _ -> anomaly "ML_ONEINDUCTIVE called with bad arguments.")
-(*** TODO: remove overwriting ***)
-let _ = overwriting_vinterp_add("ML_MUTUALINDUCTIVE",
- function [VARG_VARGLIST l;
- VARG_VARGLIST indl] ->
- let names =
- List.map (function (VARG_VARGLIST (v::ll)) ->
- id_of_varg v, List.map id_of_varg ll
- | _ -> assert false) l in
- let la = join_binders binders in
- let lnamearconstructs =
- List.map (function (VARG_VARGLIST [VARG_IDENTIFIER arid;
- -> (arid,arc,
- List.map (fun (l,c) -> (List.hd l,c)) lconstr)
- | _ -> assert false)
- indl in
- (function () -> ml_import_inductive names la lnamearconstructs true)
- | _ -> anomaly "ML_MUTUALINDUCTIVE called with bad arguments.")
-(* Extract Constant id => id *)
-(* Extract Inductive (id [id ... id])+ => (id [id ... id])+ *)
-let extract_constant id id' =
- try
- let sp = Nametab.sp_of_id FW id in
- (match global_operator sp id with
- Const _,_ -> add_anonymous_object (inMLExtract (Const sp,id'))
- | _ -> raise Not_found)
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "Ml_import.extract_constant"
- [< pID id; 'sPC; 'sTR"is not an FW constant" >]
-(*** TODO: remove overwriting ***)
-let _ = overwriting_vinterp_add("EXTRACT_CONSTANT",
- function
- [VARG_IDENTIFIER id; id'] ->
- fun () -> extract_constant id (id_of_varg id')
- | _ -> assert false)
-let extract_inductive id (id2,l2) =
- try
- let sp = Nametab.sp_of_id FW id in
- (match global_operator sp id with
- MutInd (sp,i),_ ->
- add_anonymous_object (inMLExtract (MutInd (sp,i),id2));
- (* TODO: verifier le nombre de constructeurs *)
- List.iter
- (fun (id,j) ->
- add_anonymous_object
- (inMLExtract (MutConstruct ((sp,i),j),id)))
- (List.combine l2 (List.tl (list0n (List.length l2))))
- | _ -> raise Not_found)
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "Ml_import.extract_inductive"
- [< pID id; 'sPC; 'sTR"is not an FW inductive type" >]
-(*** TODO: remove overwriting ***)
-let _ = overwriting_vinterp_add("EXTRACT_INDUCTIVE",
- function
- fun () -> extract_inductive id1 (id_of_varg id2,List.map id_of_varg l2)
- | _ -> assert false)
-(* Fw Print ident. *)
-(* To see FW constants or axioms. *)
-let fprint_recipe = function
- Some{contents=COOKED c} -> pFTERM c
- | Some{contents=RECIPE _} -> [< 'sTR"<recipe>" >]
- | None -> [< 'sTR"<uncookable>" >]
-let fprint_name id =
- try let sp = Nametab.sp_of_id FW id in
- let obj = Lib.map_leaf (objsp_of sp) in
- (match object_tag obj with
- let (cmap,_,_) = outConstant obj in
- let {cONSTBODY=val_0;cONSTTYPE=typ} = Listmap.map cmap FW in
- hOV 0 (match val_0 with
- None -> [< 'sTR"*** [ "; 'sTR(string_of_id id); 'sTR " : ";
- 'cUT ; fprtype typ ; 'sTR" ]"; 'fNL >]
- | _ -> [< 'sTR(string_of_id id); 'sTR" = " ;
- fprint_recipe val_0 ;
- 'fNL ; 'sTR " : "; fprtype typ ; 'fNL >] )
- let (cmap,_) = outMutualInductive obj in
- [< print_mutual FW (Listmap.map cmap FW) ; 'fNL >]
- | _ -> invalid_arg "fprint_name" )
- with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> errorlabstrm "ml_import__fprint_name"
- [< 'sTR(string_of_id id) ; 'sTR" is not an FW constant." >]
-(*** TODO: remove overwriting ***)
-let _ = overwriting_vinterp_add("FWPRINT",
- function [VARG_IDENTIFIER id] -> (function () -> mSG(fprint_name id))
- | _ -> anomaly "FWPRINT called with bad arguments.")