path: root/contrib/extraction/common.ml
diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-04-16 23:27:41 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-04-16 23:27:41 +0000
commit4478577ca03d71742f954783d57b015f8d87f031 (patch)
treef5ecb4d6bd6a35214d2b6a40255a439eb305e0c8 /contrib/extraction/common.ml
parentd9a63c724960c2af66d4942bec2041846e584697 (diff)
BIG MAJ Extraction:
------------------ - (Recursive) Extraction Module devient (Recursive) Extraction Library (pour cause d'ambiguite avec les nouveaux modules Coq). - un nouveau Extraction Module qui extrait dans le toplevel tout module Coq - tout fixpoint est de nouveau inlinable (Yves). - fix bug du calcul d'env minimal des modules en extraction monolithique. - un nouveau fichier Modutil regroupant manques de Modops & functions specifiques aux modules MiniML - plus d'aliases a trainer (mais des substitutions des le depart) - ET SURTOUT: un nommage correct (ou du moins moins pire) dans les modtypes et les functors. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@3934 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction/common.ml')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/common.ml b/contrib/extraction/common.ml
index 1a785fe73..fe0c06631 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/common.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/common.ml
@@ -17,46 +17,9 @@ open Nameops
open Libnames
open Table
open Miniml
-open Mlutil
+open Modutil
open Ocaml
-(* Add _all_ direct subobjects of a module, not only those exported.
- Build on the Modops.add_signature model. *)
-let add_structure mp msb env =
- let add_one env (l,elem) =
- let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
- match elem with
- | SEBconst cb -> Environ.add_constant kn cb env
- | SEBmind mib -> Environ.add_mind kn mib env
- | SEBmodule mb -> Modops.add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) mb env
- | SEBmodtype mtb -> Environ.add_modtype kn mtb env
- in List.fold_left add_one env msb
-let add_functor mbid mtb env =
- Modops.add_module (MPbound mbid) (Modops.module_body_of_type mtb) env
-(*s Get all references used in one [ml_structure]. *)
-module Orefset = struct
- type t = { set : Refset.t ; list : global_reference list }
- let empty = { set = Refset.empty ; list = [] }
- let add r o =
- if Refset.mem r o.set then o
- else { set = Refset.add r o.set ; list = r :: o.list }
- let set o = o.set
- let list o = o.list
-type updown = { mutable up : Orefset.t ; mutable down : Orefset.t }
-let struct_get_references struc =
- let o = { up = Orefset.empty ; down = Orefset.empty } in
- let do_term r = o.down <- Orefset.add (long_r r) o.down in
- let do_cons r = o.up <- Orefset.add (long_r r) o.up in
- let do_type = if lang () = Haskell then do_cons else do_term in
- struct_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type struc; o
(*S Renamings. *)
(*s Tables of global renamings *)
@@ -69,7 +32,14 @@ let renamings = Hashtbl.create 97
let rename r s = Hashtbl.add renamings r s
let get_renamings r = Hashtbl.find renamings r
-let must_qualify = ref Refset.empty
+let modvisited = ref MPset.empty
+let modcontents = ref Gset.empty
+let add_module_contents mp s = modcontents := Gset.add (mp,s) !modcontents
+let module_contents mp s = Gset.mem (mp,s) !modcontents
+let to_qualify = ref Refset.empty
+(*s Uppercase/lowercase renamings. *)
let is_upper s = match s.[0] with 'A' .. 'Z' -> true | _ -> false
@@ -87,23 +57,21 @@ let modular_rename up id =
let rename_module = modular_rename true
-let mp_to_list mp =
- let rec f ls = function
- | MPfile d ->
- String.capitalize (string_of_id (List.hd (repr_dirpath d))) :: ls
- | MPself msid -> rename_module (id_of_msid msid) :: ls
- | MPbound mbid -> rename_module (id_of_mbid mbid) :: ls
- | MPdot (mp,l) -> f (rename_module (id_of_label l) :: ls) mp
- in f [] mp
-let mp_to_list' mp =
- let rec f ls = function
- | mp when at_toplevel mp -> ls
- | MPself msid -> rename_module (id_of_msid msid) :: ls
- | MPbound mbid -> rename_module (id_of_mbid mbid) :: ls
- | MPdot (mp,l) -> f (rename_module (id_of_label l) :: ls) mp
- | _ -> assert false
- in f [] mp
+let print_labels = List.map (fun l -> rename_module (id_of_label l))
+let print_base_mp = function
+ | MPfile d -> String.capitalize (string_of_id (List.hd (repr_dirpath d)))
+ | MPself msid -> rename_module (id_of_msid msid)
+ | MPbound mbid -> rename_module (id_of_mbid mbid)
+ | _ -> assert false
+(*s From a [module_path] to a list of [identifier]. *)
+let mp2l mp =
+ let base_mp,l = labels_of_mp mp in
+ if !modular || not (at_toplevel base_mp)
+ then (print_base_mp base_mp) :: (print_labels l)
+ else print_labels l
let string_of_modlist l =
List.fold_right (fun s s' -> if s' = "" then s else s ^ "." ^ s') l ""
@@ -111,86 +79,92 @@ let string_of_modlist l =
let string_of_ren l s =
if l = [] then s else (string_of_modlist l)^"."^s
-let contents_first_level mp =
- let s = ref Stringset.empty in
- let add b id = s := Stringset.add (modular_rename b id) !s in
- let upper_type = (lang () = Haskell) in
- let contents_seb env = function
- | (l, SEBconst cb) ->
- (match Extraction.constant_kind env cb with
- | Extraction.Logical -> ()
- | Extraction.Type -> add upper_type (id_of_label l)
- | Extraction.Term -> add false (id_of_label l))
- | (_, SEBmind mib) ->
- Array.iter
- (fun mip ->
- if mip.mind_sort = (Prop Null) then ()
- else begin
- add upper_type mip.mind_typename;
- Array.iter (add true) mip.mind_consnames
- end)
- mib.mind_packets
- | _ -> ()
+(* [clash mp0 l s mpl] checks if [mp0-l-s] can be printed as [l-s] when
+ [mpl] is the context of visible modules. More precisely, we check if
+ there exists a mp1, module (sub-)path of an element of [mpl], such as
+ module [mp1-l] contains [s].
+ The verification stops if we encounter [mp1=mp0]. *)
+exception Stop
+let clash mp0 l s mpl =
+ let rec clash_one mp = match mp with
+ | _ when mp = mp0 -> raise Stop
+ | MPdot (mp',_) ->
+ (module_contents (add_labels_mp mp l) s) || (clash_one mp')
+ | mp when is_toplevel mp -> false
+ | _ -> module_contents (add_labels_mp mp l) s
- match (Global.lookup_module mp).mod_expr with
- | Some (MEBstruct (msid,msb)) ->
- let env = add_structure (MPself msid) msb (Global.env ()) in
- List.iter (contents_seb env) msb; (mp,!s)
- | _ -> mp,!s
-(* The previous functions might fail if [mp] isn't a directly visible module. *)
-(* Ex: [MPself] under functor, [MPbound], etc ... *)
-(* Exception [Not_found] is catched in [pp_global]. *)
-let contents_first_level =
- let cache = ref MPmap.empty in
- fun mp ->
- try MPmap.find mp !cache
- with Not_found ->
- let res = contents_first_level mp in
- cache := MPmap.add mp res !cache;
- res
-let modules_first_level mp =
- let s = ref Stringset.empty in
- let add id = s := Stringset.add (rename_module id) !s in
- let contents_seb = function
- | (l, (SEBmodule _ | SEBmodtype _)) -> add (id_of_label l)
- | _ -> ()
- in
- match (Global.lookup_module mp).mod_expr with
- | Some (MEBstruct (_,msb)) -> List.iter contents_seb msb; !s
- | _ -> !s
+ let rec clash_list = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | mp :: mpl -> (clash_one mp) || (clash_list mpl)
+ in try clash_list mpl with Stop -> false
+(*s [contents_first_level mp] finds the names of the first-level objects
+ exported by module [mp]. Nota: it might fail if [mp] isn't a directly
+ visible module. Ex: [MPself] under functor, [MPbound], etc ... *)
-let rec clash_in_contents mp0 s = function
- | [] -> false
- | (mp,_) :: _ when mp = mp0 -> false
- | (mp,ss) :: l -> (Stringset.mem s ss) || (clash_in_contents mp0 s l)
+let contents_first_level mp =
+ if not (MPset.mem mp !modvisited) then begin
+ modvisited := MPset.add mp !modvisited;
+ match (Global.lookup_module mp).mod_type with
+ | MTBsig (msid,msb) ->
+ let add b id = add_module_contents mp (modular_rename b id) in
+ let upper_type = (lang () = Haskell) in
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | (l, SPBconst cb) ->
+ (match Extraction.constant_kind (Global.env ()) cb with
+ | Extraction.Logical -> ()
+ | Extraction.Type -> add upper_type (id_of_label l)
+ | Extraction.Term -> add false (id_of_label l))
+ | (_, SPBmind mib) ->
+ Array.iter
+ (fun mip -> if mip.mind_sort <> (Prop Null) then begin
+ add upper_type mip.mind_typename;
+ Array.iter (add true) mip.mind_consnames
+ end)
+ mib.mind_packets
+ | _ -> ())
+ (Modops.subst_signature_msid msid mp msb)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
+(*s Initial renamings creation, for modular extraction. *)
let create_modular_renamings struc =
- let cur_mp = fst (List.hd struc) in
+ let current_module = fst (List.hd struc) in
let modfiles = ref MPset.empty in
- let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references struc
+ let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references_set struc
- (* 1) create renamings of objects *)
+ (* 1) creates renamings of objects *)
let add upper r =
let mp = modpath (kn_of_r r) in
begin try
let mp = modfile_of_mp mp in
- if mp <> cur_mp then modfiles := MPset.add mp !modfiles
+ if mp <> current_module then modfiles := MPset.add mp !modfiles
with Not_found -> ()
- let mplist = mp_to_list (modpath (kn_of_r r)) in
let s = modular_rename upper (id_of_global r) in
global_ids := Idset.add (id_of_string s) !global_ids;
- Hashtbl.add renamings r (mplist,s)
+ Hashtbl.add renamings r s
- Refset.iter (add true) (Orefset.set u);
- Refset.iter (add false) (Orefset.set d);
+ Refset.iter (add true) u;
+ Refset.iter (add false) d;
- (* 2) determine the opened libraries and the potential clashes *)
+ (* 2) determines the opened libraries. *)
let used_modules = MPset.elements !modfiles in
- let s = ref (modules_first_level cur_mp) in
+ (* [s] will contain all first-level sub-modules of [cur_mp] *)
+ let s = ref Stringset.empty in
+ begin
+ let add l = s := Stringset.add (rename_module (id_of_label l)) !s in
+ match (Global.lookup_module current_module).mod_type with
+ | MTBsig (_,msb) ->
+ List.iter (function (l,SPBmodule _) -> add l | _ -> ()) msb
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ (* We now compare [s] with the modules coming from [used_modules]. *)
| MPfile d ->
@@ -200,22 +174,25 @@ let create_modular_renamings struc =
else s:= Stringset.add s_mp !s
| _ -> assert false)
- let env = List.rev_map contents_first_level used_modules in
+ (* 3) determines the potential clashes *)
+ List.iter contents_first_level used_modules;
+ let used_modules' = List.rev used_modules in
let needs_qualify r =
let mp = modpath (kn_of_r r) in
- if not (is_modfile mp) || mp = cur_mp then ()
- else
- let s = snd (get_renamings r) in
- if clash_in_contents mp s env
- then must_qualify := Refset.add r !must_qualify
- in
- Refset.iter needs_qualify (Orefset.set u);
- Refset.iter needs_qualify (Orefset.set d);
+ if (is_modfile mp) && mp <> current_module &&
+ (clash mp [] (get_renamings r) used_modules')
+ then to_qualify := Refset.add r !to_qualify
+ in
+ Refset.iter needs_qualify u;
+ Refset.iter needs_qualify d;
+(*s Initial renamings creation, for monolithic extraction. *)
let create_mono_renamings struc =
let fst_level_modules = ref Idmap.empty in
- let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references struc
+ let { up = u ; down = d } = struct_get_references_list struc
(* 1) create renamings of objects *)
let add upper r =
@@ -228,18 +205,17 @@ let create_mono_renamings struc =
else fst_level_modules := Idmap.add id mp !fst_level_modules
with Not_found -> ()
- let mplist = mp_to_list' (modpath (kn_of_r r)) in
let my_id = if upper then uppercase_id else lowercase_id in
let id =
- if mplist = [] then
+ if at_toplevel (modpath (kn_of_r r)) then
next_ident_away (my_id (id_of_global r)) (Idset.elements !global_ids)
else id_of_string (modular_rename upper (id_of_global r))
global_ids := Idset.add id !global_ids;
- Hashtbl.add renamings r (mplist,string_of_id id)
+ Hashtbl.add renamings r (string_of_id id)
- List.iter (add true) (List.rev (Orefset.list u));
- List.iter (add false) (List.rev (Orefset.list d))
+ List.iter (add true) (List.rev u);
+ List.iter (add false) (List.rev d)
(*s Renaming issues at toplevel *)
@@ -252,63 +228,54 @@ end
(*s Renaming issues for a monolithic or modular extraction. *)
-let rec remove_common l l' = match l,l' with
- | [], _ -> l'
- | s::q, s'::q' -> if s = s' then remove_common q q' else l'
- | _ -> assert false
-let rec length_common_prefix l l' = match l,l' with
- | [],_ -> 0
- | _, [] -> 0
- | s::q, s'::q' -> if s <> s' then 0 else 1+(length_common_prefix q q')
-let rec decreasing_contents mp = match mp with
- | MPdot (mp',_) -> (contents_first_level mp) :: (decreasing_contents mp')
- | mp when is_toplevel mp -> []
- | _ -> [contents_first_level mp]
module StdParams = struct
let globals () = !global_ids
- let pp_global cur_mp r =
- let cur_mp = long_mp cur_mp in
- let cur_l = if !modular then mp_to_list cur_mp else mp_to_list' cur_mp in
- let r = long_r r in
+ (* TODO: remettre des conditions [lang () = Haskell] disant de qualifier. *)
+ let pp_global mpl r =
+ let s = get_renamings r in
let mp = modpath (kn_of_r r) in
- let l,s = get_renamings r in
- let n = length_common_prefix cur_l l in
- if not (is_modfile (base_mp cur_mp)) && (is_modfile (base_mp mp)) then
- str (string_of_ren (mp_to_list' mp) s)
- else
- if n = 0 && !modular (* [r] is in another module *)
- then
- if (Refset.mem r !must_qualify) || (lang () = Haskell)
- then str (string_of_ren l s)
- else
- try
- if clash_in_contents mp s (decreasing_contents cur_mp)
- then str (string_of_ren l s)
- else str s
- with Not_found -> str (string_of_ren l s)
+ let final =
+ if mp = List.hd mpl then s (* simpliest situation *)
+ else
+ try (* has [mp] something in common with one of those in [mpl] ? *)
+ let pref = common_prefix_from_list mp mpl in
+ let l = labels_after_prefix pref mp in
+ if clash pref l s mpl
+ then error_unqualified_name (string_of_ren (print_labels l) s)
+ (string_of_modlist (mp2l (List.hd mpl)))
+ else (string_of_ren (print_labels l) s)
+ with Not_found -> (* [mp] is othogonal with every element of [mp]. *)
+ let base, l = labels_of_mp mp in
+ let short = string_of_ren (print_labels l) s in
+ if not (at_toplevel mp) ||
+ (!modular &&
+ (l <> [] || (Refset.mem r !to_qualify) || (clash base l s mpl)))
+ then (print_base_mp base)^"."^short
+ else short
+ in
+ add_module_contents mp s; (* update the visible environment *)
+ str s
+ let pp_long_module mpl mp =
+ try (* has [mp] something in common with one of those in [mpl] ? *)
+ let pref = common_prefix_from_list mp mpl in
+ let l = labels_after_prefix pref mp in
+(*i TODO: comment adapter cela ??
+ if clash pref l s mpl
+ then error_unqualified_name (string_of_ren (print_labels l) s)
+ (string_of_modlist (mp2l (List.hd mpl)))
- let nl = List.length l in
- if n = nl && nl < List.length cur_l then (* strict prefix *)
- try
- if clash_in_contents mp s (decreasing_contents cur_mp)
- then error_unqualified_name (string_of_ren l s) (string_of_modlist cur_l)
- else str s
- with Not_found -> str (string_of_ren l s)
- else (* [cur_mp] and [mp] are orthogonal *)
- let l = remove_common cur_l l
- in str (string_of_ren l s)
- let pp_long_module cur_mp mp =
- let cur_mp = long_mp cur_mp in
- let cur_l = if !modular then mp_to_list cur_mp else mp_to_list' cur_mp in
- let mp = long_mp mp in
- let l = if !modular then mp_to_list mp else mp_to_list' mp in
- str (string_of_modlist (remove_common cur_l l))
+ str (string_of_modlist (print_labels l))
+ with Not_found -> (* [mp] is othogonal with every element of [mp]. *)
+ let base_mp, l = labels_of_mp mp in
+ let short = string_of_modlist (print_labels l) in
+ if not (at_toplevel mp) || !modular
+ then str ((print_base_mp base_mp)^(if short = "" then "" else "."^short))
+ else str short
let pp_short_module id = str (rename_module id)
@@ -342,7 +309,7 @@ let set_keywords () =
| Scheme -> keywords := Scheme.keywords
| Toplevel -> keywords := Idset.empty);
global_ids := !keywords;
- must_qualify := Refset.empty
+ to_qualify := Refset.empty
let preamble prm = match lang () with
| Ocaml -> Ocaml.preamble prm
@@ -360,13 +327,15 @@ let print_one_decl struc mp decl =
set_keywords ();
modular := false;
create_mono_renamings struc;
- msgnl (pp_decl mp decl)
+ msgnl (pp_decl [mp] decl)
(*S Extraction to a file. *)
let print_structure_to_file f prm struc =
cons_cofix := Refset.empty;
Hashtbl.clear renamings;
+ modcontents := Gset.empty;
+ modvisited := MPset.empty;
set_keywords ();
modular := prm.modular;
let used_modules =