path: root/contrib/correctness
diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-03 08:05:32 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-03 08:05:32 +0000
commit8cca53cd6384549dbec8a866ac009fb15f417a1a (patch)
tree45884cbdee7ce71e931df8fe27cb3f580a2f8934 /contrib/correctness
parentbb76b246d1396f788d18888abe8284befb7f44b9 (diff)
psyntax.ml4 sous CVS
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@1520 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/correctness')
2 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/.cvsignore b/contrib/correctness/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ff92e965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/correctness/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4 b/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa6daffe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+open Names
+open Vernacentries
+open Reduction
+open Term
+open Prename
+open Pmisc
+open Putil
+open Ptype
+open Past
+open Penv
+open Pmonad
+(* We define new entries for programs, with the use of this module
+ * Programs. These entries are named Programs.<foo>
+ *)
+module Gram = Pcoq.Gram
+module Constr = Pcoq.Constr
+module Tactic = Pcoq.Tactic
+module Programs =
+ struct
+ let gec s = Gram.Entry.create ("Programs."^s)
+ (* types *)
+ let type_v = gec "type_v"
+ let type_v0 = gec "type_v0"
+ let type_v1 = gec "type_v1"
+ let type_v2 = gec "type_v2"
+ let type_v3 = gec "type_v3"
+ let type_v_app = gec "type_v_app"
+ let type_c = gec "type_c"
+ let effects = gec "effects"
+ let reads = gec "reads"
+ let writes = gec "writes"
+ let pre_condition = gec "pre_condition"
+ let post_condition = gec "post_condition"
+ (* binders *)
+ let binder = gec "binder"
+ let binder_type = gec "binder_type"
+ let binders = gec "binders"
+ (* programs *)
+ let program = gec "program"
+ let prog1 = gec "prog1"
+ let prog2 = gec "prog2"
+ let prog3 = gec "prog3"
+ let prog4 = gec "prog4"
+ let prog5 = gec "prog5"
+ let prog6 = gec "prog6"
+ let prog7 = gec "prog7"
+ let ast1 = gec "ast1"
+ let ast2 = gec "ast2"
+ let ast3 = gec "ast3"
+ let ast4 = gec "ast4"
+ let ast5 = gec "ast5"
+ let ast6 = gec "ast6"
+ let ast7 = gec "ast7"
+ let arg = gec "arg"
+ let block = gec "block"
+ let block_statement = gec "block_statement"
+ let relation = gec "relation"
+ let variable = gec "variable"
+ let ident = gec "ident"
+ let wf_arg = gec "wf_arg"
+ let invariant = gec "invariant"
+ let variant = gec "variant"
+ let assertion = gec "assertion"
+ let precondition = gec "precondition"
+ let postcondition = gec "postcondition"
+ let predicate = gec "predicate"
+ let name = gec "name"
+ end
+open Programs
+let ast_of_int n =
+ G_zsyntax.z_of_string true n Ast.dummy_loc
+let constr_of_int n =
+ Astterm.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env ()) (ast_of_int n)
+let ast_constant loc s = <:ast< ($VAR $s) >>
+let conj_assert {a_name=n;a_value=a} {a_value=b} =
+ let loc = Ast.loc a in
+ let et = ast_constant loc "and" in
+ { a_value = <:ast< (APPLIST $et $a $b) >>; a_name = n }
+let conj = function
+ None,None -> None
+ | None,b -> b
+ | a,None -> a
+ | Some a,Some b -> Some (conj_assert a b)
+let without_effect loc d =
+ { desc = d; pre = []; post = None; loc = loc; info = () }
+let isevar = Expression isevar
+let bin_op op loc e1 e2 =
+ without_effect loc
+ (App (without_effect loc (Expression (constant op)), [ Term e1; Term e2 ]))
+let un_op op loc e =
+ without_effect loc
+ (App (without_effect loc (Expression (constant op)), [Term e]))
+let bool_bin op loc a1 a2 =
+ let w = without_effect loc in
+ let d = SApp ( [Var op], [a1; a2]) in
+ w d
+let bool_or loc = bool_bin connective_or loc
+let bool_and loc = bool_bin connective_and loc
+let bool_not loc a =
+ let w = without_effect loc in
+ let d = SApp ( [Var connective_not ], [a]) in
+ w d
+let ast_zwf_zero loc =
+ let zwf = ast_constant loc "Zwf" and zero = ast_constant loc "ZERO" in
+ <:ast< (APPLIST $zwf $zero) >>
+(* program -> Coq AST *)
+let bdize = Termast.ast_of_constr true (Global.env ())
+let rec coqast_of_program loc = function
+ | Var id -> let s = string_of_id id in <:ast< ($VAR $s) >>
+ | Acc id -> let s = string_of_id id in <:ast< ($VAR $s) >>
+ | App (f,l) ->
+ let f = coqast_of_program f.loc f.desc in
+ let args = List.map
+ (function Term t -> coqast_of_program t.loc t.desc
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "coqast_of_program") l
+ in
+ <:ast< (APPLIST $f ($LIST $args)) >>
+ | Expression c -> bdize c
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "coqast_of_program"
+(* The construction `for' is syntactic sugar.
+ *
+ * for i = v1 to v2 do { invariant Inv } block done
+ *
+ * ==> (let rec f i { variant v2+1-i } =
+ * { i <= v2+1 /\ Inv(i) }
+ * (if i > v2 then tt else begin block; (f (i+1)) end)
+ * { Inv(v2+1) }
+ * in (f v1)) { Inv(v2+1) }
+ *)
+let ast_plus_un loc ast =
+ let zplus = ast_constant loc "Zplus" in
+ let un = ast_of_int "1" in
+ <:ast< (APPLIST $zplus $ast $un) >>
+let make_ast_for loc i v1 v2 inv block =
+ let f = for_name() in
+ let id_i = id_of_string i in
+ let var_i = without_effect loc (Var id_i) in
+ let var_f = without_effect loc (Var f) in
+ let succ_v2 =
+ let a_v2 = coqast_of_program v2.loc v2.desc in
+ ast_plus_un loc a_v2 in
+ let post = named_app (subst_ast_in_ast [ id_i, succ_v2 ]) inv in
+ let e1 =
+ let test = bin_op "Z_gt_le_bool" loc var_i v2 in
+ let br_t = without_effect loc (Expression (constant "tt")) in
+ let br_f =
+ let un = without_effect loc (Expression (constr_of_int "1")) in
+ let succ_i = bin_op "Zplus" loc var_i un in
+ let f_succ_i = without_effect loc (App (var_f, [Term succ_i])) in
+ without_effect loc (Seq (block @ [Statement f_succ_i]))
+ in
+ let inv' =
+ let zle = ast_constant loc "Zle" in
+ let i_le_sv2 = <:ast< (APPLIST $zle ($VAR $i) $succ_v2) >> in
+ conj_assert {a_value=i_le_sv2;a_name=inv.a_name} inv
+ in
+ { desc = If(test,br_t,br_f); loc = loc;
+ pre = [pre_of_assert false inv']; post = Some post; info = () }
+ in
+ let bl =
+ let typez = ast_constant loc "Z" in
+ [(id_of_string i, BindType (TypePure typez))]
+ in
+ let fv1 = without_effect loc (App (var_f, [Term v1])) in
+ let v = TypePure (ast_constant loc "unit") in
+ let var =
+ let zminus = ast_constant loc "Zminus" in
+ let a = <:ast< (APPLIST $zminus $succ_v2 ($VAR $i)) >> in
+ (a, ast_zwf_zero loc)
+ in
+ LetIn (f, without_effect loc (LetRec (f,bl,v,var,e1)), fv1)
+let mk_prog loc p pre post =
+ { desc = p.desc;
+ pre = p.pre @ pre;
+ post = conj (p.post,post);
+ loc = loc;
+ info = () }
+ (* Types ******************************************************************)
+ type_v:
+ [ [ t = type_v0 -> t ] ]
+ ;
+ type_v0:
+ [ [ t = type_v1 -> t ] ]
+ ;
+ type_v1:
+ [ [ t = type_v2 -> t ] ]
+ ;
+ type_v2:
+ [ v = type_v2; LIDENT "ref" -> Ref v
+ | t = type_v3 -> t ] ]
+ ;
+ type_v3:
+ [ [ LIDENT "array"; size = Constr.constr; "of"; v = type_v0 ->
+ Array (size,v)
+ | LIDENT "fun"; bl = binders; c = type_c -> make_arrow bl c
+ | c = Constr.constr -> TypePure c
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ type_c:
+ [ [ LIDENT "returns"; id = LIDENT; ":"; v = type_v;
+ e = effects; p = OPT pre_condition; q = OPT post_condition; "end" ->
+ ((id_of_string id, v), e, list_of_some p, q)
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ effects:
+ [ [ r = OPT reads; w = OPT writes ->
+ let r' = match r with Some l -> l | _ -> [] in
+ let w' = match w with Some l -> l | _ -> [] in
+ List.fold_left (fun e x -> Peffect.add_write x e)
+ (List.fold_left (fun e x -> Peffect.add_read x e) Peffect.bottom r')
+ w'
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ reads:
+ [ [ LIDENT "reads"; l = LIST0 LIDENT SEP "," -> List.map id_of_string l ] ]
+ ;
+ writes:
+ [ [ LIDENT "writes"; l=LIST0 LIDENT SEP "," -> List.map id_of_string l ] ]
+ ;
+ pre_condition:
+ [ [ LIDENT "pre"; c = predicate -> pre_of_assert false c ] ]
+ ;
+ post_condition:
+ [ [ LIDENT "post"; c = predicate -> c ] ]
+ ;
+ (* Binders (for both types and programs) **********************************)
+ binder:
+ [ [ "("; sl = LIST1 LIDENT SEP ","; ":"; t = binder_type ; ")" ->
+ List.map (fun s -> (id_of_string s, t)) sl
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ binder_type:
+ [ [ "Set" -> BindSet
+ | v = type_v -> BindType v
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ binders:
+ [ [ bl = LIST0 binder -> List.flatten bl ] ]
+ ;
+ (* annotations *)
+ predicate:
+ [ [ c = Constr.constr; n = name -> { a_name = n; a_value = c } ] ]
+ ;
+ name:
+ [ [ "as"; s = LIDENT -> Name (id_of_string s)
+ | -> Anonymous
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ (* Programs ***************************************************************)
+ variable:
+ [ [ s = LIDENT -> id_of_string s ] ]
+ ;
+ ident:
+ [ [ s = LIDENT -> id_of_string s ] ]
+ ;
+ assertion:
+ [ [ "{"; c = predicate; "}" -> c ] ]
+ ;
+ precondition:
+ [ [ "{"; c = predicate; "}" -> pre_of_assert false c ] ]
+ ;
+ postcondition:
+ [ [ "{"; c = predicate; "}" -> c ] ]
+ ;
+ program:
+ [ [ p = prog1 -> p ] ]
+ ;
+ prog1:
+ [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast1; post = OPT postcondition ->
+ mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
+ ;
+ prog2:
+ [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast2; post = OPT postcondition ->
+ mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
+ ;
+ prog3:
+ [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast3; post = OPT postcondition ->
+ mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
+ ;
+ prog4:
+ [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast4; post = OPT postcondition ->
+ mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
+ ;
+ prog5:
+ [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast5; post = OPT postcondition ->
+ mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
+ ;
+ prog6:
+ [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast6; post = OPT postcondition ->
+ mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
+ ;
+ ast1:
+ [ [ x = prog2; LIDENT "or"; y = prog1 -> bool_or loc x y
+ | x = prog2; LIDENT "and"; y = prog1 -> bool_and loc x y
+ | x = prog2 -> x
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ ast2:
+ [ [ LIDENT "not"; x = prog3 -> bool_not loc x
+ | x = prog3 -> x
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ ast3:
+ [ [ x = prog4; rel = relation; y = prog4 -> bin_op rel loc x y
+ | x = prog4 -> x
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ ast4:
+ [ [ x = prog5; "+"; y = prog4 -> bin_op "Zplus" loc x y
+ | x = prog5; "-"; y = prog4 -> bin_op "Zminus" loc x y
+ | x = prog5 -> x
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ ast5:
+ [ [ x = prog6; "*"; y = prog5 -> bin_op "Zmult" loc x y
+ | x = prog6 -> x
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ ast6:
+ [ [ "-"; x = prog6 -> un_op "Zinv" loc x
+ | x = ast7 -> without_effect loc x
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ ast7:
+ [ [ v = variable ->
+ Var v
+ | n = INT ->
+ Expression (constr_of_int n)
+ | "!"; v = variable ->
+ Acc v
+ | "?" ->
+ isevar
+ | v = variable; ":="; p = program ->
+ Aff (v,p)
+ | v = variable; "["; e = program; "]" -> TabAcc (true,v,e)
+ | v = variable; "#"; "["; e = program; "]" -> TabAcc (true,v,e)
+ | v = variable; "["; e = program; "]"; ":="; p = program ->
+ TabAff (true,v,e,p)
+ | v = variable; "#"; "["; e = program; "]"; ":="; p = program ->
+ TabAff (true,v,e,p)
+ | LIDENT "if"; e1 = program; LIDENT "then"; e2 = program;
+ LIDENT "else"; e3 = program ->
+ If (e1,e2,e3)
+ | LIDENT "if"; e1 = program; LIDENT "then"; e2 = program ->
+ If (e1,e2,without_effect loc (Expression (constant "tt")))
+ | LIDENT "while"; b = program; LIDENT "do";
+ "{"; inv = OPT invariant; LIDENT "variant"; wf = variant; "}";
+ bl = block; LIDENT "done" ->
+ While (b, inv, wf, bl)
+ | LIDENT "for"; i = LIDENT; "="; v1 = program; LIDENT "to"; v2 = program;
+ LIDENT "do"; "{"; inv = invariant; "}";
+ bl = block; LIDENT "done" ->
+ make_ast_for loc i v1 v2 inv bl
+ | LIDENT "let"; v = variable; "="; LIDENT "ref"; p1 = program;
+ "in"; p2 = program ->
+ LetRef (v, p1, p2)
+ | LIDENT "let"; v = variable; "="; p1 = program; "in"; p2 = program ->
+ LetIn (v, p1, p2)
+ | LIDENT "begin"; b = block; "end" ->
+ Seq b
+ | LIDENT "fun"; bl = binders; "->"; p = program ->
+ Lam (bl,p)
+ | LIDENT "let"; LIDENT "rec"; f = variable;
+ bl = binders; ":"; v = type_v;
+ "{"; LIDENT "variant"; var = variant; "}"; "="; p = program ->
+ LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p)
+ | LIDENT "let"; LIDENT "rec"; f = variable;
+ bl = binders; ":"; v = type_v;
+ "{"; LIDENT "variant"; var = variant; "}"; "="; p = program;
+ "in"; p2 = program ->
+ LetIn (f, without_effect loc (LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p)), p2)
+ | "@"; s = STRING; p = program ->
+ Debug (s,p)
+ | "("; p = program; args = LIST0 arg; ")" ->
+ match args with
+ [] ->
+ if p.pre<>[] or p.post<>None then
+ Pp.warning "Some annotations are lost";
+ p.desc
+ | _ ->
+ App(p,args)
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ arg:
+ [ [ "'"; t = type_v -> Type t
+ | p = program -> Term p
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ block:
+ [ [ s = block_statement; ";"; b = block -> s::b
+ | s = block_statement -> [s] ] ]
+ ;
+ block_statement:
+ [ [ LIDENT "label"; s = LIDENT -> Label s
+ | LIDENT "assert"; c = assertion -> Assert c
+ | p = program -> Statement p ] ]
+ ;
+ relation:
+ [ [ "<" -> "Z_lt_ge_bool"
+ | "<=" -> "Z_le_gt_bool"
+ | ">" -> "Z_gt_le_bool"
+ | ">=" -> "Z_ge_lt_bool"
+ | "=" -> "Z_eq_bool"
+ | "<>" -> "Z_noteq_bool" ] ]
+ ;
+ (* Other entries (invariants, etc.) ***************************************)
+ wf_arg:
+ [ [ "{"; LIDENT "wf"; c = Constr.constr; LIDENT "for";
+ w = Constr.constr; "}" ->
+ Wf (c,w)
+ | "{"; LIDENT "wf"; n = INT; "}" ->
+ RecArg (int_of_string n) ] ]
+ ;
+ invariant:
+ [ [ LIDENT "invariant"; c = predicate -> c ] ]
+ ;
+ variant:
+ [ [ c = Constr.constr; LIDENT "for"; r = Constr.constr -> (c, r)
+ | c = Constr.constr -> (c, ast_zwf_zero loc) ] ]
+ ;
+let (in_prog,out_prog) = Dyn.create "PROGRAMS-PROG"
+let (in_typev,out_typev) = Dyn.create "PROGRAMS-TYPEV"
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Himsg
+open Vernacinterp
+open Declare
+let is_assumed global ids =
+ if List.length ids = 1 then
+ mSGNL [< 'sTR(if global then "A global variable " else "");
+ pr_id (List.hd ids); 'sTR" is assumed" >]
+ else
+ mSGNL [< 'sTR(if global then "Some global variables " else "");
+ (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR", " >]) pr_id ids);
+ 'sTR" are assumed" >]
+let add = vinterp_add
+let _ = add "PROGDEBUGON"
+ (function [] -> fun () -> debug := true | _ -> assert false)
+let _ = add "PROGDEBUGOFF"
+ (function [] -> fun () -> debug := false | _ -> assert false)
+let _ = add "CORRECTNESS"
+ (function
+ [ VARG_STRING s; VARG_DYN d ] ->
+ fun () -> Ptactic.correctness s (out_prog d) None
+ let tac = Tacinterp.interp t in
+ fun () -> Ptactic.correctness s (out_prog d) (Some tac)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+let _ = add "SHOWPROGRAMS"
+ (function
+ [] -> fun () ->
+ fold_all
+ (fun (id,v) _ ->
+ mSGNL [< 'sTR(string_of_id id); 'sTR" : ";
+ hOV 2 (match v with TypeV v -> pp_type_v v
+ | Set -> [< 'sTR"Set" >]);
+ 'fNL >])
+ Penv.empty ()
+ | _ -> assert false)
+let _ = add "PROGVARIABLE"
+ (function
+ fun () ->
+ let ids = List.map (function VARG_IDENTIFIER id -> id
+ | _ -> assert false) l in
+ List.iter
+ (fun id -> if Penv.is_global id then
+ Util.errorlabstrm "PROGVARIABLE"
+ [< 'sTR"Clash with previous constant "; pr_id id >])
+ ids;
+ let v = Pdb.db_type_v [] (out_typev d) in
+ let env = empty in
+ let ren = update empty_ren "" [] in
+ let v = Ptyping.cic_type_v env ren v in
+ if not (is_mutable v) then begin
+ let c = trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
+ List.iter
+ (fun id -> ignore (Declare.declare_parameter id c)) ids;
+ is_assumed false ids
+ end;
+ if not (is_pure v) then begin
+ List.iter (fun id -> ignore (Penv.add_global id v None)) ids;
+ is_assumed true ids
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false)
+open Vernac
+ Pcoq.Vernac.vernac:
+ [ [ LIDENT "Global"; "Variable";
+ l = LIST1 LIDENT SEP ","; ":"; t = type_v; "." ->
+ let idl = List.map Ast.nvar l in
+ let d = Ast.dynamic (in_typev t) in
+ | LIDENT "Show"; LIDENT "Programs"; "." ->
+ <:ast< (SHOWPROGRAMS) >>
+ | LIDENT "Correctness"; s = LIDENT; p = Programs.program; "." ->
+ let d = Ast.dynamic (in_prog p) in
+ let str = Ast.str s in
+ <:ast< (CORRECTNESS $str (VERNACDYN $d)) >>
+ | LIDENT "Correctness"; s = LIDENT; p = Programs.program; ";";
+ tac = Tactic.tactic; "." ->
+ let d = Ast.dynamic (in_prog p) in
+ let str = Ast.str s in
+ <:ast< (CORRECTNESS $str (VERNACDYN $d) (TACTIC $tac)) >>
+ | LIDENT "Debug"; LIDENT "on"; "." -> <:ast< (PROGDEBUGON) >>
+ | LIDENT "Debug"; LIDENT "off"; "." -> <:ast< (PROGDEBUGOFF) >>
+ ] ]
+ ;