path: root/contrib/cc
diff options
authorGravatar corbinea <corbinea@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-10-18 08:54:18 +0000
committerGravatar corbinea <corbinea@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-10-18 08:54:18 +0000
commite21553acdd40010b9f21a3342cf5df4a51b0a15a (patch)
tree70062f158b38d5a6e7c42dcf28867568b4e73b14 /contrib/cc
parente82372fe9b5c1a9c56a605c582d4365e6bfcd593 (diff)
added generation from trivial patterns for congruence
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10234 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/cc')
3 files changed, 144 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/cc/ccalgo.ml b/contrib/cc/ccalgo.ml
index 341cf0916..eab2db308 100644
--- a/contrib/cc/ccalgo.ml
+++ b/contrib/cc/ccalgo.ml
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ open Pp
open Goptions
open Names
open Term
+open Tacmach
+open Evd
+open Proof_type
let init_size=5
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ type cinfo=
type term=
Symb of constr
- | Eps
+ | Eps of identifier
| Appli of term*term
| Constructor of cinfo (* constructor arity + nhyps *)
@@ -122,14 +125,19 @@ type equality = rule eq
type disequality = from eq
+type patt_kind =
+ Normal
+ | Trivial of types
+ | Creates_variables
type quant_eq =
{qe_hyp_id: identifier;
qe_pol: bool;
qe_lhs: ccpattern;
- qe_lhs_valid:bool;
+ qe_lhs_valid:patt_kind;
qe_rhs: ccpattern;
- qe_rhs_valid:bool}
+ qe_rhs_valid:patt_kind}
let swap eq : equality =
let swap_rule=match eq.rule with
@@ -145,10 +153,11 @@ type inductive_status =
| Total of (int * pa_constructor)
type representative=
- {mutable nfathers:int;
+ {mutable weight:int;
mutable lfathers:Intset.t;
mutable fathers:Intset.t;
mutable inductive_status: inductive_status;
+ class_type : Term.types;
mutable functions: Intset.t PafMap.t;
mutable constructors: int PacMap.t} (*pac -> term = app(constr,t) *)
@@ -181,7 +190,9 @@ type state =
mutable pa_classes: Intset.t;
q_history: (identifier,int array) Hashtbl.t;
mutable rew_depth:int;
- mutable changed:bool}
+ mutable changed:bool;
+ by_type: (types,Intset.t) Hashtbl.t;
+ mutable gls:Proof_type.goal Tacmach.sigma}
let dummy_node =
@@ -189,7 +200,7 @@ let dummy_node =
term=Symb (mkRel min_int)}
-let empty depth:state =
+let empty depth gls:state =
@@ -206,7 +217,9 @@ let empty depth:state =
q_history=Hashtbl.create init_size;
- changed=false}
+ by_type=Hashtbl.create init_size;
+ changed=false;
+ gls=gls}
let forest state = state.uf
@@ -233,7 +246,7 @@ let get_constructor_info uf i=
| _ -> anomaly "get_constructor: not a constructor"
let size uf i=
- (get_representative uf i).nfathers
+ (get_representative uf i).weight
let axioms uf = uf.axioms
@@ -241,13 +254,13 @@ let epsilons uf = uf.epsilons
let add_lfather uf i t=
let r=get_representative uf i in
- r.nfathers<-r.nfathers+1;
+ r.weight<-r.weight+1;
r.lfathers<-Intset.add t r.lfathers;
r.fathers <-Intset.add t r.fathers
let add_rfather uf i t=
let r=get_representative uf i in
- r.nfathers<-r.nfathers+1;
+ r.weight<-r.weight+1;
r.fathers <-Intset.add t r.fathers
exception Discriminable of int * pa_constructor * int * pa_constructor
@@ -295,11 +308,12 @@ let next uf=
-let new_representative ()=
- {nfathers=0;
+let new_representative typ =
+ {weight=0;
+ class_type=typ;
@@ -307,7 +321,7 @@ let new_representative ()=
let rec constr_of_term = function
Symb s->s
- | Eps -> mkMeta 0
+ | Eps id -> mkVar id
| Constructor cinfo -> mkConstruct cinfo.ci_constr
| Appli (s1,s2)->
make_app [(constr_of_term s2)] s1
@@ -341,19 +355,20 @@ let rec add_term state t=
try Hashtbl.find uf.syms t with
Not_found ->
let b=next uf in
+ let typ = pf_type_of state.gls (constr_of_term t) in
let new_node=
match t with
- Symb _ ->
+ Symb s ->
let paf =
fnargs=0} in
Queue.add (b,Fmark paf) state.marks;
- {clas= Rep (new_representative ());
+ {clas= Rep (new_representative typ);
cpath= -1;
vertex= Leaf;
term= t}
- | Eps ->
- {clas= Rep (new_representative ());
+ | Eps id ->
+ {clas= Rep (new_representative typ);
cpath= -1;
vertex= Leaf;
term= t}
@@ -362,7 +377,7 @@ let rec add_term state t=
add_lfather uf (find uf i1) b;
add_rfather uf (find uf i2) b;
state.terms<-Intset.add b state.terms;
- {clas= Rep (new_representative ());
+ {clas= Rep (new_representative typ);
cpath= -1;
vertex= Node(i1,i2);
term= t}
@@ -376,13 +391,17 @@ let rec add_term state t=
arity= cinfo.ci_arity;
args=[]} in
Queue.add (b,Cmark pac) state.marks;
- {clas=Rep (new_representative ());
+ {clas=Rep (new_representative typ);
cpath= -1;
Hashtbl.add uf.syms t b;
+ Hashtbl.replace state.by_type typ
+ (Intset.add b
+ (try Hashtbl.find state.by_type typ with
+ Not_found -> Intset.empty));
let add_equality state c s t=
@@ -480,8 +499,12 @@ let union state i1 i2 eq=
let r1= get_representative state.uf i1
and r2= get_representative state.uf i2 in
link state.uf i1 i2 eq;
+ Hashtbl.replace state.by_type r1.class_type
+ (Intset.remove i1
+ (try Hashtbl.find state.by_type r1.class_type with
+ Not_found -> Intset.empty));
let f= Intset.union r1.fathers r2.fathers in
- r2.nfathers<-Intset.cardinal f;
+ r2.weight<-Intset.cardinal f;
r2.lfathers<-Intset.union r1.lfathers r2.lfathers;
ST.delete_set state.sigtable r1.fathers;
@@ -630,16 +653,35 @@ let one_step state =
update t state;
with Not_found -> false
+let __eps__ = id_of_string "_eps_"
+let new_state_var typ state =
+ let id = pf_get_new_id __eps__ state.gls in
+ state.gls<-
+ {state.gls with it =
+ {state.gls.it with evar_hyps =
+ Environ.push_named_context_val (id,None,typ)
+ state.gls.it.evar_hyps}};
+ id
let complete_one_class state i=
match (get_representative state.uf i).inductive_status with
Partial pac ->
- let rec app t n =
+ let rec app t typ n =
if n<=0 then t else
- app (Appli(t,Eps)) (n-1) in
+ let _,etyp,rest= destProd typ in
+ let id = new_state_var etyp state in
+ app (Appli(t,Eps id)) (substl [mkVar id] rest) (n-1) in
+ let _c = pf_type_of state.gls
+ (constr_of_term (term state.uf pac.cnode)) in
+ let _args =
+ List.map (fun i -> constr_of_term (term state.uf i))
+ pac.args in
+ let typ = prod_applist _c (List.rev _args) in
+ let ct = app (term state.uf i) typ pac.arity in
state.uf.epsilons <- pac :: state.uf.epsilons;
- ignore (add_term state (app (term state.uf i) pac.arity))
+ ignore (add_term state ct)
| _ -> anomaly "wrong incomplete class"
let complete state =
@@ -653,18 +695,18 @@ type matching_problem =
let make_fun_table state =
let uf= state.uf in
let funtab=ref PafMap.empty in
- for cl=0 to pred uf.size do
- match uf.map.(cl).clas with
- Rep rep ->
- PafMap.iter
- (fun paf _ ->
- let elem =
- try PafMap.find paf !funtab
- with Not_found -> Intset.empty in
- funtab:= PafMap.add paf (Intset.add cl elem) !funtab)
- rep.functions
- | _ -> ()
- done;
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i inode -> if i < uf.size then
+ match inode.clas with
+ Rep rep ->
+ PafMap.iter
+ (fun paf _ ->
+ let elem =
+ try PafMap.find paf !funtab
+ with Not_found -> Intset.empty in
+ funtab:= PafMap.add paf (Intset.add i elem) !funtab)
+ rep.functions
+ | _ -> ()) state.uf.map;
@@ -692,11 +734,10 @@ let rec do_match state res pb_stack =
if find uf j =cl then
Stack.push {mp with mp_stack=remains} pb_stack
with Not_found -> ()
- end
+ end
| PApp(f, ((last_arg::rem_args) as args)) ->
- let j=Hashtbl.find uf.syms f in
+ let j=Hashtbl.find uf.syms f in
let paf={fsym=j;fnargs=List.length args} in
let rep=get_representative uf cl in
let good_terms = PafMap.find paf rep.functions in
@@ -708,7 +749,7 @@ let rec do_match state res pb_stack =
(PApp(f,rem_args),s) ::
(last_arg,t) :: remains} pb_stack in
- Intset.iter aux good_terms
+ Intset.iter aux good_terms
with Not_found -> ()
let paf_of_patt syms = function
@@ -723,28 +764,50 @@ let init_pb_stack state =
let funtab = make_fun_table state in
let aux inst =
- if inst.qe_lhs_valid then
- try
- let paf= paf_of_patt syms inst.qe_lhs in
- let good_classes = PafMap.find paf funtab in
- Intset.iter (fun i ->
- Stack.push
- {mp_subst = Array.make inst.qe_nvars (-1);
- mp_inst=inst;
- mp_stack=[inst.qe_lhs,i]} pb_stack) good_classes
- with Not_found -> ()
+ let good_classes =
+ match inst.qe_lhs_valid with
+ Creates_variables -> Intset.empty
+ | Normal ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let paf= paf_of_patt syms inst.qe_lhs in
+ PafMap.find paf funtab
+ with Not_found -> Intset.empty
+ end
+ | Trivial typ ->
+ begin
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find state.by_type typ
+ with Not_found -> Intset.empty
+ end in
+ Intset.iter (fun i ->
+ Stack.push
+ {mp_subst = Array.make inst.qe_nvars (-1);
+ mp_inst=inst;
+ mp_stack=[inst.qe_lhs,i]} pb_stack) good_classes
- if inst.qe_rhs_valid then
- try
- let paf= paf_of_patt syms inst.qe_rhs in
- let good_classes = PafMap.find paf funtab in
- Intset.iter (fun i ->
- Stack.push
- {mp_subst = Array.make inst.qe_nvars (-1);
- mp_inst=inst;
- mp_stack=[inst.qe_rhs,i]} pb_stack) good_classes
- with Not_found -> ()
+ let good_classes =
+ match inst.qe_rhs_valid with
+ Creates_variables -> Intset.empty
+ | Normal ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let paf= paf_of_patt syms inst.qe_rhs in
+ PafMap.find paf funtab
+ with Not_found -> Intset.empty
+ end
+ | Trivial typ ->
+ begin
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find state.by_type typ
+ with Not_found -> Intset.empty
+ end in
+ Intset.iter (fun i ->
+ Stack.push
+ {mp_subst = Array.make inst.qe_nvars (-1);
+ mp_inst=inst;
+ mp_stack=[inst.qe_rhs,i]} pb_stack) good_classes
end in
List.iter aux state.quant;
diff --git a/contrib/cc/ccalgo.mli b/contrib/cc/ccalgo.mli
index 34bdb5f04..036abd9b3 100644
--- a/contrib/cc/ccalgo.mli
+++ b/contrib/cc/ccalgo.mli
@@ -19,10 +19,15 @@ type cinfo =
type term =
Symb of constr
- | Eps
+ | Eps of identifier
| Appli of term*term
| Constructor of cinfo (* constructor arity + nhyps *)
+type patt_kind =
+ Normal
+ | Trivial of types
+ | Creates_variables
type ccpattern =
PApp of term * ccpattern list
| PVar of int
@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ val axioms : forest -> (constr, term * term) Hashtbl.t
val epsilons : forest -> pa_constructor list
-val empty : int -> state
+val empty : int -> Proof_type.goal Tacmach.sigma -> state
val add_term : state -> term -> int
@@ -79,8 +84,7 @@ val add_equality : state -> constr -> term -> term -> unit
val add_disequality : state -> from -> term -> term -> unit
val add_quant : state -> identifier -> bool ->
- int * bool * ccpattern * bool * ccpattern -> unit
+ int * patt_kind * ccpattern * patt_kind * ccpattern -> unit
val tail_pac : pa_constructor -> pa_constructor
@@ -102,9 +106,9 @@ type quant_eq=
qe_pol: bool;
qe_lhs: ccpattern;
- qe_lhs_valid:bool;
+ qe_lhs_valid:patt_kind;
qe_rhs: ccpattern;
- qe_rhs_valid:bool}
+ qe_rhs_valid:patt_kind}
type pa_fun=
diff --git a/contrib/cc/cctac.ml b/contrib/cc/cctac.ml
index 7a728f103..d3c4f65c2 100644
--- a/contrib/cc/cctac.ml
+++ b/contrib/cc/cctac.ml
@@ -109,9 +109,16 @@ let patterns_of_constr env nrels term=
let patt1,rels1 = pattern_of_constr env args.(1)
and patt2,rels2 = pattern_of_constr env args.(2) in
- let valid1 = (Intset.cardinal rels1 = nrels && non_trivial patt1)
- and valid2 = (Intset.cardinal rels2 = nrels && non_trivial patt2) in
- if valid1 || valid2 then
+ let valid1 =
+ if Intset.cardinal rels1 <> nrels then Creates_variables
+ else if non_trivial patt1 then Normal
+ else Trivial args.(0)
+ and valid2 =
+ if Intset.cardinal rels2 <> nrels then Creates_variables
+ else if non_trivial patt2 then Normal
+ else Trivial args.(0) in
+ if valid1 <> Creates_variables
+ || valid2 <> Creates_variables then
else raise Not_found
else raise Not_found
@@ -150,7 +157,7 @@ let litteral_of_constr env term=
let rec make_prb gls depth additionnal_terms =
let env=pf_env gls in
- let state = empty depth in
+ let state = empty depth gls in
let pos_hyps = ref [] in
let neg_hyps =ref [] in