path: root/configure.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Théo Zimmermann <theo.zimmermann@univ-paris-diderot.fr>2018-01-02 13:16:45 +0100
committerGravatar Théo Zimmermann <theo.zimmermann@univ-paris-diderot.fr>2018-01-04 10:36:42 +0100
commitf8b45835f78da16ecc89c0b85ed9fbe92ab4a764 (patch)
treebe25917f0f38f9cace1a37400bf71500532c2c17 /configure.ml
parent2d6e395dead61a49ede6208bc40e16b4b8e68ce4 (diff)
Update the lower-bound of the lablgtk dependency.
Closes #6509.
Diffstat (limited to 'configure.ml')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/configure.ml b/configure.ml
index a86b78ba5..eedc01752 100644
--- a/configure.ml
+++ b/configure.ml
@@ -758,24 +758,20 @@ let get_lablgtkdir () =
let check_lablgtk_version src dir = match src with
| Manual | Stdlib ->
- let test accu f =
- if accu then
- let test = sprintf "grep -q -w %s %S/glib.mli" f dir in
- Sys.command test = 0
- else false
- in
- let heuristics = [
- "convert_with_fallback";
- "wrap_poll_func"; (** Introduced in lablgtk 2.16 *)
- ] in
- let ans = List.fold_left test true heuristics in
- if ans then printf "Warning: could not check the version of lablgtk2.\n";
- (ans, "an unknown version")
+ printf "Warning: could not check the version of lablgtk2.\nMake sure your version is at least 2.18.3.\n";
+ (true, "an unknown version")
| OCamlFind ->
let v, _ = tryrun camlexec.find ["query"; "-format"; "%v"; "lablgtk2"] in
let vi = List.map s2i (numeric_prefix_list v) in
- ([2; 16] <= vi, v)
+ if vi = [2; 18; 0] then
+ begin
+ (* Version 2.18.3 is known to report incorrectly as 2.18.0 *)
+ printf "Warning: could not check the version of lablgtk2.\nMake sure your version is at least 2.18.3.\n";
+ (true, "an unknown version")
+ end
+ else
+ ([2; 18; 3] <= vi, v)
with _ -> (false, v)
let pr_ide = function No -> "no" | Byte -> "only bytecode" | Opt -> "native"
@@ -802,7 +798,7 @@ let check_coqide () =
if dir = "" then set_ide No "LablGtk2 not found";
let (ok, version) = check_lablgtk_version via dir in
let found = sprintf "LablGtk2 found (%s, %s)" (get_source via) version in
- if not ok then set_ide No (found^", but too old (required >= 2.16, found " ^ version ^ ")");
+ if not ok then set_ide No (found^", but too old (required >= 2.18.3, found " ^ version ^ ")");
(* We're now sure to produce at least one kind of coqide *)
lablgtkdir := shorten_camllib dir;
if !Prefs.coqide = Some Byte then set_ide Byte (found^", bytecode requested");