path: root/configure.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-08 14:18:30 +0100
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-08 14:18:30 +0100
commite9d2a40ed12e31095565b5c7401f02af997a7cc7 (patch)
tree72ddf992c1f2eb68cafd7bcf2acac6cc5b13e47b /configure.ml
parent88ac5d92ce1a2f97c805f715021b2fed3f4c624f (diff)
parentcff434eef64420bbc8b2292670c5417d72b6c7a8 (diff)
Merge PR #6817: [configure]: support for profiles
Diffstat (limited to 'configure.ml')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/configure.ml b/configure.ml
index 72808d2e2..1eae3bd93 100644
--- a/configure.ml
+++ b/configure.ml
@@ -237,6 +237,101 @@ let _ = if not (dir_exists "bin") then Unix.mkdir "bin" 0o755
type ide = Opt | Byte | No
+type preferences = {
+ prefix : string option;
+ local : bool;
+ vmbyteflags : string option;
+ custom : bool option;
+ bindir : string option;
+ libdir : string option;
+ configdir : string option;
+ datadir : string option;
+ mandir : string option;
+ docdir : string option;
+ emacslib : string option;
+ coqdocdir : string option;
+ ocamlfindcmd : string option;
+ lablgtkdir : string option;
+ camlp5dir : string option;
+ arch : string option;
+ natdynlink : bool;
+ coqide : ide option;
+ macintegration : bool;
+ browser : string option;
+ withdoc : bool;
+ byteonly : bool;
+ flambda_flags : string list;
+ debug : bool;
+ profile : bool;
+ bin_annot : bool;
+ annot : bool;
+ bytecodecompiler : bool;
+ nativecompiler : bool;
+ coqwebsite : string;
+ force_caml_version : bool;
+ force_findlib_version : bool;
+ warn_error : bool;
+module Profiles = struct
+let default = {
+ prefix = None;
+ local = false;
+ vmbyteflags = None;
+ custom = None;
+ bindir = None;
+ libdir = None;
+ configdir = None;
+ datadir = None;
+ mandir = None;
+ docdir = None;
+ emacslib = None;
+ coqdocdir = None;
+ ocamlfindcmd = None;
+ lablgtkdir = None;
+ camlp5dir = None;
+ arch = None;
+ natdynlink = true;
+ coqide = None;
+ macintegration = true;
+ browser = None;
+ withdoc = false;
+ byteonly = false;
+ flambda_flags = [];
+ debug = true;
+ profile = false;
+ bin_annot = false;
+ annot = false;
+ bytecodecompiler = true;
+ nativecompiler = not (os_type_win32 || os_type_cygwin);
+ coqwebsite = "http://coq.inria.fr/";
+ force_caml_version = false;
+ force_findlib_version = false;
+ warn_error = false;
+let devel state = { state with
+ local = true;
+ bin_annot = true;
+ annot = true;
+ warn_error = true;
+let devel_doc = "-local -annot -bin-annot -warn-error yes"
+let get = function
+ | "devel" -> devel
+ | s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("profile name expected instead of "^s))
+let doc =
+ "<profile> Sets a bunch of flags. Supported profiles:
+ devel = " ^ devel_doc
+let prefs = ref Profiles.default
let get_bool = function
| "true" | "yes" | "y" | "all" -> true
| "false" | "no" | "n" -> false
@@ -248,123 +343,99 @@ let get_ide = function
| "no" -> No
| s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("(opt|byte|no) argument expected instead of "^s))
-let arg_bool r = Arg.String (fun s -> r := get_bool s)
-let arg_string_option r = Arg.String (fun s -> r := Some s)
-module Prefs = struct
- let prefix = ref (None : string option)
- let local = ref false
- let vmbyteflags = ref (None : string option)
- let custom = ref (None : bool option)
- let bindir = ref (None : string option)
- let libdir = ref (None : string option)
- let configdir = ref (None : string option)
- let datadir = ref (None : string option)
- let mandir = ref (None : string option)
- let docdir = ref (None : string option)
- let emacslib = ref (None : string option)
- let coqdocdir = ref (None : string option)
- let ocamlfindcmd = ref (None : string option)
- let lablgtkdir = ref (None : string option)
- let camlp5dir = ref (None : string option)
- let arch = ref (None : string option)
- let natdynlink = ref true
- let coqide = ref (None : ide option)
- let macintegration = ref true
- let browser = ref (None : string option)
- let withdoc = ref false
- let byteonly = ref false
- let flambda_flags = ref []
- let debug = ref true
- let profile = ref false
- let bin_annot = ref false
- let annot = ref false
- let bytecodecompiler = ref true
- let nativecompiler = ref (not (os_type_win32 || os_type_cygwin))
- let coqwebsite = ref "http://coq.inria.fr/"
- let force_caml_version = ref false
- let force_findlib_version = ref false
- let warn_error = ref false
+let arg_bool f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (get_bool s))
+let arg_string f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs s)
+let arg_string_option f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (Some s))
+let arg_string_list c f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (string_split c s))
+let arg_set f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs true)
+let arg_clear f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs false)
+let arg_set_option f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs (Some true))
+let arg_clear_option f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs (Some false))
+let arg_ide f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (Some (get_ide s)))
+let arg_profile = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := Profiles.get s !prefs)
(* TODO : earlier any option -foo was also available as --foo *)
let args_options = Arg.align [
- "-prefix", arg_string_option Prefs.prefix,
+ "-prefix", arg_string_option (fun p prefix -> { p with prefix }),
"<dir> Set installation directory to <dir>";
- "-local", Arg.Set Prefs.local,
+ "-local", arg_set (fun p local -> { p with local }),
" Set installation directory to the current source tree";
- "-vmbyteflags", arg_string_option Prefs.vmbyteflags,
+ "-vmbyteflags", arg_string_option (fun p vmbyteflags -> { p with vmbyteflags }),
"<flags> Comma-separated link flags for the VM of coqtop.byte";
- "-custom", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Prefs.custom := Some true),
+ "-custom", arg_set_option (fun p custom -> { p with custom }),
" Build bytecode executables with -custom (not recommended)";
- "-no-custom", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Prefs.custom := Some false),
+ "-no-custom", arg_clear_option (fun p custom -> { p with custom }),
" Do not build with -custom on Windows and MacOS";
- "-bindir", arg_string_option Prefs.bindir,
+ "-bindir", arg_string_option (fun p bindir -> { p with bindir }),
"<dir> Where to install bin files";
- "-libdir", arg_string_option Prefs.libdir,
+ "-libdir", arg_string_option (fun p libdir -> { p with libdir }),
"<dir> Where to install lib files";
- "-configdir", arg_string_option Prefs.configdir,
+ "-configdir", arg_string_option (fun p configdir -> { p with configdir }),
"<dir> Where to install config files";
- "-datadir", arg_string_option Prefs.datadir,
+ "-datadir", arg_string_option (fun p datadir -> { p with datadir }),
"<dir> Where to install data files";
- "-mandir", arg_string_option Prefs.mandir,
+ "-mandir", arg_string_option (fun p mandir -> { p with mandir }),
"<dir> Where to install man files";
- "-docdir", arg_string_option Prefs.docdir,
+ "-docdir", arg_string_option (fun p docdir -> { p with docdir }),
"<dir> Where to install doc files";
- "-emacslib", arg_string_option Prefs.emacslib,
+ "-emacslib", arg_string_option (fun p emacslib -> { p with emacslib }),
"<dir> Where to install emacs files";
- "-coqdocdir", arg_string_option Prefs.coqdocdir,
+ "-coqdocdir", arg_string_option (fun p coqdocdir -> { p with coqdocdir }),
"<dir> Where to install Coqdoc style files";
- "-ocamlfind", arg_string_option Prefs.ocamlfindcmd,
+ "-ocamlfind", arg_string_option (fun p ocamlfindcmd -> { p with ocamlfindcmd }),
"<dir> Specifies the ocamlfind command to use";
- "-lablgtkdir", arg_string_option Prefs.lablgtkdir,
+ "-lablgtkdir", arg_string_option (fun p lablgtkdir -> { p with lablgtkdir }),
"<dir> Specifies the path to the Lablgtk library";
- "-camlp5dir",
- Arg.String (fun s -> Prefs.camlp5dir:=Some s),
+ "-camlp5dir", arg_string_option (fun p camlp5dir -> { p with camlp5dir }),
"<dir> Specifies where is the Camlp5 library and tells to use it";
- "-flambda-opts",
- Arg.String (fun s -> Prefs.flambda_flags := string_split ' ' s),
+ "-flambda-opts", arg_string_list ' ' (fun p flambda_flags -> { p with flambda_flags }),
"<flags> Specifies additional flags to be passed to the flambda optimizing compiler";
- "-arch", arg_string_option Prefs.arch,
+ "-arch", arg_string_option (fun p arch -> { p with arch }),
"<arch> Specifies the architecture";
- "-natdynlink", arg_bool Prefs.natdynlink,
+ "-natdynlink", arg_bool (fun p natdynlink -> { p with natdynlink }),
"(yes|no) Use dynamic loading of native code or not";
- "-coqide", Arg.String (fun s -> Prefs.coqide := Some (get_ide s)),
+ "-coqide", arg_ide (fun p coqide -> { p with coqide }),
"(opt|byte|no) Specifies whether or not to compile CoqIDE";
- "-nomacintegration", Arg.Clear Prefs.macintegration,
+ "-nomacintegration", arg_clear (fun p macintegration -> { p with macintegration }),
" Do not try to build CoqIDE MacOS integration";
- "-browser", arg_string_option Prefs.browser,
+ "-browser", arg_string_option (fun p browser -> { p with browser }),
"<command> Use <command> to open URL %s";
- "-with-doc", arg_bool Prefs.withdoc,
+ "-with-doc", arg_bool (fun p withdoc -> { p with withdoc }),
"(yes|no) Compile the documentation or not";
- "-byte-only", Arg.Set Prefs.byteonly,
+ "-byte-only", arg_set (fun p byteonly -> { p with byteonly }),
" Compiles only bytecode version of Coq";
- "-nodebug", Arg.Clear Prefs.debug,
+ "-nodebug", arg_clear (fun p debug -> { p with debug }),
" Do not add debugging information in the Coq executables";
- "-profile", Arg.Set Prefs.profile,
+ "-profiling", arg_set (fun p profile -> { p with profile }),
" Add profiling information in the Coq executables";
"-annotate", Arg.Unit (fun () -> cprintf "*Warning* -annotate is deprecated. Please use -annot or -bin-annot instead."),
" Deprecated. Please use -annot or -bin-annot instead";
- "-annot", Arg.Set Prefs.annot,
+ "-annot", arg_set (fun p annot -> { p with annot }),
" Dumps ml text annotation files while compiling Coq (e.g. for Tuareg)";
- "-bin-annot", Arg.Set Prefs.bin_annot,
+ "-bin-annot", arg_set (fun p bin_annot -> { p with bin_annot }),
" Dumps ml binary annotation files while compiling Coq (e.g. for Merlin)";
- "-bytecode-compiler", arg_bool Prefs.bytecodecompiler,
+ "-bytecode-compiler", arg_bool (fun p bytecodecompiler -> { p with bytecodecompiler }),
"(yes|no) Enable Coq's bytecode reduction machine (VM)";
- "-native-compiler", arg_bool Prefs.nativecompiler,
+ "-native-compiler", arg_bool (fun p nativecompiler -> { p with nativecompiler }),
"(yes|no) Compilation to native code for conversion and normalization";
- "-coqwebsite", Arg.Set_string Prefs.coqwebsite,
+ "-coqwebsite", arg_string (fun p coqwebsite -> { p with coqwebsite }),
" URL of the coq website";
- "-force-caml-version", Arg.Set Prefs.force_caml_version,
+ "-force-caml-version", arg_set (fun p force_caml_version -> { p with force_caml_version }),
" Force OCaml version";
- "-force-findlib-version", Arg.Set Prefs.force_findlib_version,
+ "-force-findlib-version", arg_set (fun p force_findlib_version -> { p with force_findlib_version }),
" Force findlib version";
- "-warn-error", Arg.Set Prefs.warn_error,
- " Make OCaml warnings into errors";
+ "-warn-error", arg_bool (fun p warn_error -> { p with warn_error }),
+ "(yes|no) Make OCaml warnings into errors (default no)";
"-camldir", Arg.String (fun _ -> ()),
"<dir> Specifies path to 'ocaml' for running configure script";
+ "-profile", arg_profile,
+ Profiles.doc
let parse_args () =
@@ -372,7 +443,7 @@ let parse_args () =
(fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Unknown option: "^s)))
"Available options for configure are:";
- if !Prefs.local && !Prefs.prefix <> None then
+ if !prefs.local && !prefs.prefix <> None then
die "Options -prefix and -local are incompatible."
let _ = parse_args ()
@@ -393,10 +464,10 @@ let reset_caml_lex c o = c.lex <- o
let reset_caml_top c o = c.top <- o
let reset_caml_find c o = c.find <- o
-let coq_debug_flag = if !Prefs.debug then "-g" else ""
-let coq_profile_flag = if !Prefs.profile then "-p" else ""
-let coq_annot_flag = if !Prefs.annot then "-annot" else ""
-let coq_bin_annot_flag = if !Prefs.bin_annot then "-bin-annot" else ""
+let coq_debug_flag = if !prefs.debug then "-g" else ""
+let coq_profile_flag = if !prefs.profile then "-p" else ""
+let coq_annot_flag = if !prefs.annot then "-annot" else ""
+let coq_bin_annot_flag = if !prefs.bin_annot then "-bin-annot" else ""
(* This variable can be overriden only for debug purposes, use with
care. *)
@@ -425,7 +496,7 @@ let rec try_archs = function
| _ :: rest -> try_archs rest
| [] -> query_arch ()
-let arch = match !Prefs.arch with
+let arch = match !prefs.arch with
| Some a -> a
| None ->
let arch,_ = tryrun "uname" ["-s"] in
@@ -472,7 +543,7 @@ let _ =
(** * Browser command *)
let browser =
- match !Prefs.browser with
+ match !prefs.browser with
| Some b -> b
| None when arch_is_win32 -> "start %s"
| None when arch = "Darwin" -> "open %s"
@@ -481,7 +552,7 @@ let browser =
(** * OCaml programs *)
let camlbin, caml_version, camllib, findlib_version =
- let () = match !Prefs.ocamlfindcmd with
+ let () = match !prefs.ocamlfindcmd with
| Some cmd -> reset_caml_find camlexec cmd
| None ->
try reset_caml_find camlexec (which camlexec.find)
@@ -526,7 +597,7 @@ let check_caml_version () =
cprintf "You have OCaml %s. Good!" caml_version
let () = cprintf "Your version of OCaml is %s." caml_version in
- if !Prefs.force_caml_version then
+ if !prefs.force_caml_version then
cprintf "*Warning* Your version of OCaml is outdated."
die "You need OCaml 4.02.1 or later."
@@ -548,7 +619,7 @@ let check_findlib_version () =
cprintf "You have OCamlfind %s. Good!" findlib_version
let () = cprintf "Your version of OCamlfind is %s." findlib_version in
- if !Prefs.force_findlib_version then
+ if !prefs.force_findlib_version then
cprintf "*Warning* Your version of OCamlfind is outdated."
die "You need OCamlfind 1.4.1 or later."
@@ -573,7 +644,7 @@ let camltag = match caml_version_list with
let coq_warnings = "-w +a-4-9-27-41-42-44-45-48-50"
let coq_warn_error =
- if !Prefs.warn_error
+ if !prefs.warn_error
then "-warn-error +a"
^ (if caml_version_nums > [4;2;3]
then "-56"
@@ -613,7 +684,7 @@ let which_camlp5 base =
(* TODO: camlp5dir should rather be the *binary* location, just as camldir *)
(* TODO: remove the late attempts at finding gramlib.cma *)
-let check_camlp5 testcma = match !Prefs.camlp5dir with
+let check_camlp5 testcma = match !prefs.camlp5dir with
| Some dir ->
if Sys.file_exists (dir/testcma) then
let camlp5o =
@@ -676,7 +747,7 @@ let msg_no_dynlink_cmxa () =
cprintf "and then run ./configure -natdynlink no"
let check_native () =
- let () = if !Prefs.byteonly then raise Not_found in
+ let () = if !prefs.byteonly then raise Not_found in
let version, _ = tryrun camlexec.find ["opt";"-version"] in
if version = "" then let () = msg_no_ocamlopt () in raise Not_found
else if not (Sys.file_exists (fullcamlp5libdir/camlp5mod^".cmxa"))
@@ -695,7 +766,7 @@ let best_compiler =
(** * Native dynlink *)
-let hasnatdynlink = !Prefs.natdynlink && best_compiler = "opt"
+let hasnatdynlink = !prefs.natdynlink && best_compiler = "opt"
let natdynlinkflag =
if hasnatdynlink then "true" else "false"
@@ -755,7 +826,7 @@ let check_lablgtkdir ?(fatal=false) src dir =
(** Detect and/or verify the Lablgtk2 location *)
let get_lablgtkdir () =
- match !Prefs.lablgtkdir with
+ match !prefs.lablgtkdir with
| Some dir ->
let msg = Manual in
if check_lablgtkdir ~fatal:true msg dir then dir, msg
@@ -802,7 +873,7 @@ exception Ide of ide
(** If the user asks an impossible coqide, we abort the configuration *)
-let set_ide ide msg = match ide, !Prefs.coqide with
+let set_ide ide msg = match ide, !prefs.coqide with
| No, Some (Byte|Opt)
| Byte, Some Opt -> die (msg^":\n=> cannot build requested CoqIde")
| _ ->
@@ -815,7 +886,7 @@ let lablgtkdir = ref ""
This function also sets the lablgtkdir reference in case of success. *)
let check_coqide () =
- if !Prefs.coqide = Some No then set_ide No "CoqIde manually disabled";
+ if !prefs.coqide = Some No then set_ide No "CoqIde manually disabled";
let dir, via = get_lablgtkdir () in
if dir = "" then set_ide No "LablGtk2 not found";
let (ok, version) = check_lablgtk_version via dir in
@@ -823,7 +894,7 @@ let check_coqide () =
if not ok then set_ide No (found^", but too old (required >= 2.18.3, found " ^ version ^ ")");
(* We're now sure to produce at least one kind of coqide *)
lablgtkdir := shorten_camllib dir;
- if !Prefs.coqide = Some Byte then set_ide Byte (found^", bytecode requested");
+ if !prefs.coqide = Some Byte then set_ide Byte (found^", bytecode requested");
if best_compiler<>"opt" then set_ide Byte (found^", but no native compiler");
if not (Sys.file_exists (dir/"gtkThread.cmx")) then
set_ide Byte (found^", but no native LablGtk2");
@@ -846,7 +917,7 @@ let idearchdef = ref "X11"
let coqide_flags () =
if !lablgtkdir <> "" then lablgtkincludes := sprintf "-I %S" !lablgtkdir;
match coqide, arch with
- | "opt", "Darwin" when !Prefs.macintegration ->
+ | "opt", "Darwin" when !prefs.macintegration ->
let osxdir,_ = tryrun camlexec.find ["query";"lablgtkosx"] in
if osxdir <> "" then begin
lablgtkincludes := sprintf "%s -I %S" !lablgtkincludes osxdir;
@@ -872,7 +943,7 @@ let strip =
if arch = "Darwin" then
if hasnatdynlink then "true" else "strip"
- if !Prefs.profile || !Prefs.debug then "true" else begin
+ if !prefs.profile || !prefs.debug then "true" else begin
let _, all = run camlexec.find ["ocamlc";"-config"] in
let strip = String.concat "" (List.map (fun l ->
match string_split ' ' l with
@@ -892,7 +963,7 @@ let check_doc () =
raise Not_found
- if not !Prefs.withdoc then raise Not_found;
+ if not !prefs.withdoc then raise Not_found;
if not (program_in_path "latex") then err "latex";
if not (program_in_path "hevea") then err "hevea";
if not (program_in_path "hacha") then err "hacha";
@@ -910,28 +981,28 @@ let coqtop = Sys.getcwd ()
let unix = os_type_cygwin || not arch_is_win32
-(** Variable name, description, ref in Prefs, default dir, prefix-relative *)
+(** Variable name, description, ref in prefs, default dir, prefix-relative *)
type path_style =
| Absolute of string (* Should start with a "/" *)
| Relative of string (* Should not start with a "/" *)
let install = [
- "BINDIR", "the Coq binaries", Prefs.bindir,
+ "BINDIR", "the Coq binaries", !prefs.bindir,
Relative "bin", Relative "bin", Relative "bin";
- "COQLIBINSTALL", "the Coq library", Prefs.libdir,
+ "COQLIBINSTALL", "the Coq library", !prefs.libdir,
Relative "lib", Relative "lib/coq", Relative "";
- "CONFIGDIR", "the Coqide configuration files", Prefs.configdir,
+ "CONFIGDIR", "the Coqide configuration files", !prefs.configdir,
Relative "config", Absolute "/etc/xdg/coq", Relative "ide";
- "DATADIR", "the Coqide data files", Prefs.datadir,
+ "DATADIR", "the Coqide data files", !prefs.datadir,
Relative "share", Relative "share/coq", Relative "ide";
- "MANDIR", "the Coq man pages", Prefs.mandir,
+ "MANDIR", "the Coq man pages", !prefs.mandir,
Relative "man", Relative "share/man", Relative "man";
- "DOCDIR", "the Coq documentation", Prefs.docdir,
+ "DOCDIR", "the Coq documentation", !prefs.docdir,
Relative "doc", Relative "share/doc/coq", Relative "doc";
- "EMACSLIB", "the Coq Emacs mode", Prefs.emacslib,
+ "EMACSLIB", "the Coq Emacs mode", !prefs.emacslib,
Relative "emacs", Relative "share/emacs/site-lisp", Relative "tools";
- "COQDOCDIR", "the Coqdoc LaTeX files", Prefs.coqdocdir,
+ "COQDOCDIR", "the Coqdoc LaTeX files", !prefs.coqdocdir,
Relative "latex", Relative "share/texmf/tex/latex/misc", Relative "tools/coqdoc";
@@ -961,8 +1032,8 @@ let find_suffix prefix path = match prefix with
let do_one_instdir (var,msg,uservalue,selfcontainedlayout,unixlayout,locallayout) =
let dir,suffix =
- if !Prefs.local then (use_suffix coqtop locallayout,locallayout)
- else match !uservalue, !Prefs.prefix with
+ if !prefs.local then (use_suffix coqtop locallayout,locallayout)
+ else match uservalue, !prefs.prefix with
| Some d, p -> d,find_suffix p d
| _, Some p ->
let suffix = if arch_is_win32 then selfcontainedlayout else relativize unixlayout in
@@ -994,7 +1065,7 @@ let datadir,datadirsuffix = let (_,_,d,s) = select "DATADIR" in d,s
let custom_os = arch_is_win32 || arch = "Darwin"
-let use_custom = match !Prefs.custom with
+let use_custom = match !prefs.custom with
| Some b -> b
| None -> custom_os
@@ -1004,10 +1075,10 @@ let build_loadpath =
ref "# you might want to set CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH by hand!"
let config_runtime () =
- match !Prefs.vmbyteflags with
+ match !prefs.vmbyteflags with
| Some flags -> string_split ',' flags
| _ when use_custom -> [custom_flag]
- | _ when !Prefs.local ->
+ | _ when !prefs.local ->
| _ ->
@@ -1031,7 +1102,7 @@ let print_summary () =
pr " OCaml version : %s\n" caml_version;
pr " OCaml binaries in : %s\n" (esc camlbin);
pr " OCaml library in : %s\n" (esc camllib);
- pr " OCaml flambda flags : %s\n" (String.concat " " !Prefs.flambda_flags);
+ pr " OCaml flambda flags : %s\n" (String.concat " " !prefs.flambda_flags);
pr " Camlp5 version : %s\n" camlp5_version;
pr " Camlp5 binaries in : %s\n" (esc camlp5bindir);
pr " Camlp5 library in : %s\n" (esc camlp5libdir);
@@ -1045,10 +1116,10 @@ let print_summary () =
pr " Documentation : %s\n"
(if withdoc then "All" else "None");
pr " Web browser : %s\n" browser;
- pr " Coq web site : %s\n" !Prefs.coqwebsite;
- pr " Bytecode VM enabled : %B\n" !Prefs.bytecodecompiler;
- pr " Native Compiler enabled : %B\n\n" !Prefs.nativecompiler;
- if !Prefs.local then
+ pr " Coq web site : %s\n" !prefs.coqwebsite;
+ pr " Bytecode VM enabled : %B\n" !prefs.bytecodecompiler;
+ pr " Native Compiler enabled : %B\n\n" !prefs.nativecompiler;
+ if !prefs.local then
pr " Local build, no installation...\n"
(pr " Paths for true installation:\n";
@@ -1097,7 +1168,7 @@ let write_configml f =
pr "(* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: automatically generated by ../configure *)\n";
pr "(* Exact command that generated this file: *)\n";
pr "(* %s *)\n\n" (String.concat " " (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
- pr_b "local" !Prefs.local;
+ pr_b "local" !prefs.local;
pr "let vmbyteflags = ["; List.iter (pr "%S;") vmbyteflags; pr "]\n";
pr_s "coqlib" coqlib;
pr_s "configdir" configdir;
@@ -1132,17 +1203,17 @@ let write_configml f =
pr "let gtk_platform = `%s\n" !idearchdef;
pr_b "has_natdynlink" hasnatdynlink;
pr_s "natdynlinkflag" natdynlinkflag;
- pr_l "flambda_flags" !Prefs.flambda_flags;
+ pr_l "flambda_flags" !prefs.flambda_flags;
pr_i "vo_magic_number" vo_magic;
pr_i "state_magic_number" state_magic;
pr_s "browser" browser;
- pr_s "wwwcoq" !Prefs.coqwebsite;
- pr_s "wwwbugtracker" (!Prefs.coqwebsite ^ "bugs/");
- pr_s "wwwrefman" (!Prefs.coqwebsite ^ "distrib/" ^ coq_version ^ "/refman/");
- pr_s "wwwstdlib" (!Prefs.coqwebsite ^ "distrib/" ^ coq_version ^ "/stdlib/");
+ pr_s "wwwcoq" !prefs.coqwebsite;
+ pr_s "wwwbugtracker" (!prefs.coqwebsite ^ "bugs/");
+ pr_s "wwwrefman" (!prefs.coqwebsite ^ "distrib/" ^ coq_version ^ "/refman/");
+ pr_s "wwwstdlib" (!prefs.coqwebsite ^ "distrib/" ^ coq_version ^ "/stdlib/");
pr_s "localwwwrefman" ("file:/" ^ docdir ^ "/html/refman");
- pr_b "bytecode_compiler" !Prefs.bytecodecompiler;
- pr_b "native_compiler" !Prefs.nativecompiler;
+ pr_b "bytecode_compiler" !prefs.bytecodecompiler;
+ pr_b "native_compiler" !prefs.nativecompiler;
let core_src_dirs = [ "config"; "dev"; "lib"; "clib"; "kernel"; "library";
"engine"; "pretyping"; "interp"; "parsing"; "proofs";
@@ -1199,7 +1270,7 @@ let write_makefile f =
pr "#Variable used to detect whether ./configure has run successfully.\n";
pr "COQ_CONFIGURED=yes\n\n";
pr "# Local use (no installation)\n";
- pr "LOCAL=%B\n\n" !Prefs.local;
+ pr "LOCAL=%B\n\n" !prefs.local;
pr "# Bytecode link flags : should we use -custom or not ?\n";
pr "CUSTOM=%s\n" custom_flag;
pr "VMBYTEFLAGS=%s\n" (String.concat " " vmbyteflags);
@@ -1228,7 +1299,7 @@ let write_makefile f =
pr "# User compilation flag\n";
pr "USERFLAGS=\n\n";
(* XXX make this configurable *)
- pr "FLAMBDA_FLAGS=%s\n" (String.concat " " !Prefs.flambda_flags);
+ pr "FLAMBDA_FLAGS=%s\n" (String.concat " " !prefs.flambda_flags);
pr "# Flags for GCC\n";
pr "CFLAGS=%s\n\n" cflags;
pr "# Compilation debug flags\n";
@@ -1273,7 +1344,7 @@ let write_makefile f =
pr "# Option to control compilation and installation of the documentation\n";
pr "WITHDOC=%s\n\n" (if withdoc then "all" else "no");
pr "# Option to produce precompiled files for native_compute\n";
- pr "NATIVECOMPUTE=%s\n" (if !Prefs.nativecompiler then "-native-compiler" else "");
+ pr "NATIVECOMPUTE=%s\n" (if !prefs.nativecompiler then "-native-compiler" else "");
close_out o;
Unix.chmod f 0o444