path: root/configure.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2018-03-10 02:03:08 +0100
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2018-05-10 11:39:58 +0200
commit78c3d736a6a1c74d9bc8317e15895a1a0fbab341 (patch)
tree31f7eaad28d8880a4b97656f28501fa9359ba15f /configure.ml
parent6c8b00e47334f60f200256d45a5542fa80ce4b12 (diff)
[build] Build checker generated files using a make rule.
Currently, `configure.ml` does copy/link some files from `kernel` to `checker` in an ad-hoc way. Instead, it is preferable to add a copy rule to make and let it handle the dependencies properly. This also fixes a dependency bug in Windows, as files wouldn't be properly refreshed if `configure` was not run each time.
Diffstat (limited to 'configure.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/configure.ml b/configure.ml
index e77310eb7..d4750700b 100644
--- a/configure.ml
+++ b/configure.ml
@@ -1247,17 +1247,6 @@ let write_configml f =
let _ = write_configml "config/coq_config.ml"
-(** * Symlinks or copies for the checker *)
-let _ =
- let prog, args, prf =
- if arch = "win32" then "cp", [], ""
- else "ln", ["-s"], "../" in
- List.iter (fun file ->
- ignore(run "rm" ["-f"; "checker/"^file]);
- ignore(run ~fatal:true prog (args @ [prf^"kernel/"^file;"checker/"^file])))
- [ "esubst.ml"; "esubst.mli"; "names.ml"; "names.mli" ]
(** * Build the config/Makefile file *)
let write_makefile f =