path: root/clib/cString.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2017-12-15 18:51:45 +0100
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2017-12-23 19:20:30 +0100
commit5ffa147bd2fe548df3ac9053fe497d0871a5f6df (patch)
treecc62882184c34e33e2995a5a4ff4ebfcbd0defe0 /clib/cString.ml
parentdea75d74c222c25f6aa6c38506ac7a51b339e9c6 (diff)
[lib] Split auxiliary libraries into Coq-specific and general.
Up to this point the `lib` directory contained two different library archives, `clib.cma` and `lib.cma`, which a rough splitting between Coq-specific libraries and general-purpose ones. We know split the directory in two, as to make the distinction clear: - `clib`: contains libraries that are not Coq specific and implement common data structures and programming patterns. These libraries could be eventually replace with external dependencies and the rest of the code base wouldn't notice much. - `lib`: contains Coq-specific common libraries in widespread use along the codebase, but that are not considered part of other components. Examples are printing, error handling, or flags. In some cases we have coupling due to utility files depending on Coq specific flags, however this commit doesn't modify any files, but only moves them around, further cleanup is welcome, as indeed a few files in `lib` should likely be placed in `clib`. Also note that `Deque` is not used ATM.
Diffstat (limited to 'clib/cString.ml')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clib/cString.ml b/clib/cString.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2242460e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clib/cString.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module type S = module type of String
+module type ExtS =
+ include S
+ [@@@ocaml.warning "-3"] (* [@@noalloc] since 4.03.0 GPR#240 *)
+ external equal : string -> string -> bool = "caml_string_equal" "noalloc"
+ [@@@ocaml.warning "+3"]
+ val hash : string -> int
+ val is_empty : string -> bool
+ val explode : string -> string list
+ val implode : string list -> string
+ val strip : string -> string
+ val drop_simple_quotes : string -> string
+ val string_index_from : string -> int -> string -> int
+ val string_contains : where:string -> what:string -> bool
+ val plural : int -> string -> string
+ val conjugate_verb_to_be : int -> string
+ val ordinal : int -> string
+ val split : char -> string -> string list
+ val is_sub : string -> string -> int -> bool
+ module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
+ module Map : CMap.ExtS with type key = t and module Set := Set
+ module List : CList.MonoS with type elt = t
+ val hcons : string -> string
+include String
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-3"] (* [@@noalloc] since 4.03.0 GPR#240 *)
+external equal : string -> string -> bool = "caml_string_equal" "noalloc"
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+3"]
+let rec hash len s i accu =
+ if i = len then accu
+ else
+ let c = Char.code (String.unsafe_get s i) in
+ hash len s (succ i) (accu * 19 + c)
+let hash s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ hash len s 0 0
+let explode s =
+ let rec explode_rec n =
+ if n >= String.length s then
+ []
+ else
+ String.make 1 (String.get s n) :: explode_rec (succ n)
+ in
+ explode_rec 0
+let implode sl = String.concat "" sl
+let is_blank = function
+ | ' ' | '\r' | '\t' | '\n' -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_empty s = String.length s = 0
+let strip s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ let rec lstrip_rec i =
+ if i < n && is_blank s.[i] then
+ lstrip_rec (i+1)
+ else i
+ in
+ let rec rstrip_rec i =
+ if i >= 0 && is_blank s.[i] then
+ rstrip_rec (i-1)
+ else i
+ in
+ let a = lstrip_rec 0 and b = rstrip_rec (n-1) in
+ String.sub s a (b-a+1)
+let drop_simple_quotes s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ if n > 2 && s.[0] = '\'' && s.[n-1] = '\'' then String.sub s 1 (n-2) else s
+(* substring searching... *)
+(* gdzie = where, co = what *)
+(* gdzie=gdzie(string) gl=gdzie(length) gi=gdzie(index) *)
+let rec raw_is_sub gdzie gl gi co cl ci =
+ (ci>=cl) ||
+ ((String.unsafe_get gdzie gi = String.unsafe_get co ci) &&
+ (raw_is_sub gdzie gl (gi+1) co cl (ci+1)))
+let rec raw_str_index i gdzie l c co cl =
+ (* First adapt to ocaml 3.11 new semantics of index_from *)
+ if (i+cl > l) then raise Not_found;
+ (* Then proceed as in ocaml < 3.11 *)
+ let i' = String.index_from gdzie i c in
+ if (i'+cl <= l) && (raw_is_sub gdzie l i' co cl 0) then i' else
+ raw_str_index (i'+1) gdzie l c co cl
+let string_index_from gdzie i co =
+ if co="" then i else
+ raw_str_index i gdzie (String.length gdzie)
+ (String.unsafe_get co 0) co (String.length co)
+let string_contains ~where ~what =
+ try
+ let _ = string_index_from where 0 what in true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let is_sub p s off =
+ let lp = String.length p in
+ let ls = String.length s in
+ if ls < off + lp then false
+ else
+ let rec aux i =
+ if lp <= i then true
+ else
+ let cp = String.unsafe_get p i in
+ let cs = String.unsafe_get s (off + i) in
+ if cp = cs then aux (succ i) else false
+ in
+ aux 0
+let plural n s = if n<>1 then s^"s" else s
+let conjugate_verb_to_be n = if n<>1 then "are" else "is"
+let ordinal n =
+ let s =
+ if (n / 10) mod 10 = 1 then "th"
+ else match n mod 10 with
+ | 1 -> "st"
+ | 2 -> "nd"
+ | 3 -> "rd"
+ | _ -> "th"
+ in
+ string_of_int n ^ s
+(* string parsing *)
+let split c s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec split n =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index_from s n c in
+ let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
+ dir :: split (succ pos)
+ with
+ | Not_found -> [String.sub s n (len-n)]
+ in
+ if Int.equal len 0 then [] else split 0
+module Self =
+ type t = string
+ let compare = compare
+module Set = Set.Make(Self)
+module Map = CMap.Make(Self)
+module List = struct
+ type elt = string
+ let mem id l = List.exists (fun s -> equal id s) l
+ let assoc id l = CList.assoc_f equal id l
+ let remove_assoc id l = CList.remove_assoc_f equal id l
+ let mem_assoc id l = List.exists (fun (a,_) -> equal id a) l
+ let mem_assoc_sym id l = List.exists (fun (_,b) -> equal id b) l
+ let equal l l' = CList.equal equal l l'
+let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hashcons.Hstring.generate Hashcons.Hstring.hcons ()