path: root/checker/votour.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2014-02-21 18:24:59 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2014-02-26 14:53:08 +0100
commit0499f51cedb38eba6b8ecd01ce94ddfb1b6ae9c8 (patch)
treeeb43b12647b93e52784c9118d77c7a64199989a5 /checker/votour.ml
parentf7338257584ba69e7e815c7ef9ac0d24f0dec36c (diff)
checker and votour ported to new vo format (after -vi2vo)
Diffstat (limited to 'checker/votour.ml')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/checker/votour.ml b/checker/votour.ml
index 2634e8448..136f7d29e 100644
--- a/checker/votour.ml
+++ b/checker/votour.ml
@@ -152,31 +152,35 @@ let visit_vo f =
"At prompt, <n> enters the <n>-th child, u goes up 1 level, x exits\n\n%!";
let segments = [|
{name="library"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_lib};
+ {name="univ constraints of opaque proofs"; pos=0;typ=Values.v_univopaques};
+ {name="discharging info"; pos=0; typ=Opt Any};
{name="STM tasks"; pos=0; typ=Opt Any};
- {name="opaque proof terms"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_opaques};
+ {name="opaque proofs"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_opaques};
|] in
- let ch = open_in_bin f in
- let magic = input_binary_int ch in
- Printf.printf "File format: %d\n%!" magic;
- for i=0 to Array.length segments - 1 do
- let pos = input_binary_int ch in
- segments.(i).pos <- pos_in ch;
- seek_in ch pos;
- ignore(Digest.input ch);
- done;
- Printf.printf "The file has %d segments, choose the one to visit:\n"
- (Array.length segments);
- Array.iteri (fun i { name; pos } ->
- Printf.printf " %d: %s, starting at byte %d\n" i name pos)
- segments;
- Printf.printf "# %!";
- let l = read_line () in
- let seg = int_of_string l in
- seek_in ch segments.(seg).pos;
- let o = (input_value ch : Obj.t) in
- let () = CObj.register_shared_size o in
- let () = init () in
- visit segments.(seg).typ o []
+ while true do
+ let ch = open_in_bin f in
+ let magic = input_binary_int ch in
+ Printf.printf "File format: %d\n%!" magic;
+ for i=0 to Array.length segments - 1 do
+ let pos = input_binary_int ch in
+ segments.(i).pos <- pos_in ch;
+ seek_in ch pos;
+ ignore(Digest.input ch);
+ done;
+ Printf.printf "The file has %d segments, choose the one to visit:\n"
+ (Array.length segments);
+ Array.iteri (fun i { name; pos } ->
+ Printf.printf " %d: %s, starting at byte %d\n" i name pos)
+ segments;
+ Printf.printf "# %!";
+ let l = read_line () in
+ let seg = int_of_string l in
+ seek_in ch segments.(seg).pos;
+ let o = (input_value ch : Obj.t) in
+ let () = CObj.register_shared_size o in
+ let () = init () in
+ visit segments.(seg).typ o []
+ done
let main =
if not !Sys.interactive then