path: root/bootstrap/Monads.v
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authorGravatar aspiwack <aspiwack@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-11-02 15:37:31 +0000
committerGravatar aspiwack <aspiwack@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-11-02 15:37:31 +0000
commit74cea0d7aeba834afaf2ef126eb682e916fe1a5a (patch)
tree0424d2756bf6a87fc8e4dc87360e6378efca8c28 /bootstrap/Monads.v
parentdf1f906cd0b729f95d409100ae1a86f898e6656b (diff)
A more principled split.
Instead of interleaving the reifications and reflection steps, split is defined as a series of reification followed by a series of reflection. The immediate consequence is that split is hoisted out of the Logic interface, and defined in a single block at the end of the file. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16994 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap/Monads.v')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap/Monads.v b/bootstrap/Monads.v
index 2aceb9fbc..7164c5e69 100644
--- a/bootstrap/Monads.v
+++ b/bootstrap/Monads.v
@@ -123,12 +123,7 @@ Record Logic (T:Set -> Set) := {
(* [zero] is usually argument free, but Coq likes to explain errors,
hence error messages should be carried around. *)
zero : forall {A}, Exception -> T A;
- plus : forall {A}, T A -> (Exception -> T A) -> T A;
- (** [split x] runs [x] until it either fails with [zero e] or finds
- a result [a]. In the former case it returns [Inr e], otherwise
- it returns [Inl (a,y)] where [y] can be run to get more results
- from [x]. It is a variant of prolog's cut. *)
- split : forall {A}, T A -> T ((A * (Exception -> T A)) + Exception)%type
+ plus : forall {A}, T A -> (Exception -> T A) -> T A
(** Writing (+) for plus and (>>=) for bind, we shall require that
@@ -301,21 +296,14 @@ Section Common.
Definition run : forall {A}, T A -> S -> T₀ (A*S) := fun _ x => x.
+ Definition reflect : forall {A:Set}, (S -> T₀ (A*S)) -> T A := fun _ x => x.
Variable (L:Logic T₀).
Definition Logic : Logic T := {|
zero A e := lift (zero _ L e);
- plus A x y s := plus _ L (x s) (fun e => y e s);
- split A x s :=
- do M x := split _ L (x s) in
- match x return T₀ (((A*(Exception->T A))+Exception)*S) with
- | inr e => ret _ M (inr e,s)
- | inl ((a,s),y) =>
- let y e (_:S) := y e in
- ret _ M (inl (a,y) , s)
- end
+ plus A x y s := plus _ L (x s) (fun e => y e s)
End Common.
@@ -351,21 +339,14 @@ Section Common.
Definition Logic : Logic T := {|
zero A e env := zero _ L e;
- plus A x y env := plus _ L (x env) (fun e => y e env);
- split A x env :=
- do M x := split _ L (x env) in
- match x return T₀ ((A*(Exception->T A))+Exception) with
- | inr e => ret _ M (inr e)
- | inl (a,y) =>
- let y e (_:E) := y e in
- ret _ M (inl (a,y))
- end
+ plus A x y env := plus _ L (x env) (fun e => y e env)
Definition lift {A:Set} (x:T₀ A) : T A := fun _ => x.
Definition run {A:Set} (x:T A) (e:E) : T₀ A := x e.
+ Definition reflect {A:Set} (m:E->T₀ A) : T A := m.
End Common.
@@ -411,19 +392,13 @@ Section Common.
Definition run {A} (x:T A) : T₀ (A*C)%type := x.
+ Definition reflect {A:Set} (x:T₀ (A*C)) := x.
Variable (L:Logic T₀).
Definition Logic : Logic T := {|
zero A e := lift (zero _ L e);
- plus A x y := plus _ L x y;
- split A x :=
- do M x := split _ L x in
- match x return T ((A*(Exception -> T A)) + Exception) with
- | inr e => ret _ M (inr e, Monoid.zero _ m)
- | inl ((a,c),y) =>
- ret _ M (inl (a,y), c)
- end
+ plus A x y := plus _ L x y
End Common.
@@ -494,16 +469,16 @@ Section Common.
x _ sk (fun e => y e _ sk fk)
- (* For [reflect] and [split] see the "Backtracking, Interleaving,
- and Terminating Monad Transformers" paper *)
+ (* For [reflect] and [reify] see the "Backtracking, Interleaving, and
+ Terminating Monad Transformers" paper (where [reify] must be seen
+ as the body of [msplit]). *)
Definition reflect {A:Set} (x:(A*(Exception -> T A)) + Exception) : T A :=
match x with
| inr e => _zero e
| inl (a,x) => _plus (ret _ F a) x
- Definition lower {A:Set} (x:T A) : T₀ ((A*(Exception -> T A)) + Exception) :=
+ Definition reify {A:Set} (x:T A) : T₀ ((A*(Exception -> T A)) + Exception) :=
let fk e := ret _ M (inr e) in
let lift_fk fk e := do F y := lift (fk e) in reflect y in
let sk a fk := ret _ M (inl (a, lift_fk fk)) in
@@ -512,8 +487,7 @@ Section Common.
Definition Logic : Logic T := {|
zero := @_zero;
- plus := @_plus;
- split A x := lift (lower x)
+ plus := @_plus
Variable (Ref:Set->Set) (IO:IO.S Ref T₀).
@@ -556,7 +530,7 @@ Definition NonLogicalType := IO.T.
Definition NonLogicalMonad : Monad NonLogicalType := IO.M.
Definition NonLogicalIO : IO.S IO.Ref NonLogicalType := IO.IO.
-Definition LogicalType := Eval compute in State.T LogicalState (Environment.T LogicalEnvironment (Writer.T LogicalMessageType (Logic.T NonLogicalType))).
+Definition LogicalType := State.T LogicalState (Environment.T LogicalEnvironment (Writer.T LogicalMessageType (Logic.T NonLogicalType))).
Definition LogicalMonadBase := Logic.F NonLogicalType.
Definition LogicalMonadWriter := Writer.F _ LogicalMessage _ LogicalMonadBase.
Definition LogicalMonadEnv := Environment.F LogicalEnvironment _ LogicalMonadWriter.
@@ -564,7 +538,28 @@ Definition LogicalMonad : Monad LogicalType := State.F LogicalState _ LogicalMon
Definition LogicalStateM : State LogicalState LogicalType := State.State LogicalState _ LogicalMonadEnv.
Definition LogicalReader : Environment LogicalEnvironment _ := Environment.Environment LogicalEnvironment _ LogicalMonadWriter.
Definition LogicalWriter : Writer LogicalMessageType _ := Writer.Writer LogicalMessageType _ (Logic.F NonLogicalType).
-Definition LogicalLogic : Logic LogicalType := State.Logic _ _ LogicalMonadEnv (Environment.Logic _ _ LogicalMonadWriter (Writer.Logic _ LogicalMessage _ LogicalMonadBase (Logic.Logic _ NonLogicalMonad))).
+Definition LogicalLogic : Logic LogicalType := State.Logic _ _ LogicalMonadEnv (Environment.Logic _ _ (Writer.Logic _ LogicalMessage _ LogicalMonadBase (Logic.Logic _))).
+(* The function [split] will be define as the normal form of
+ [split0]. It reifies the monad transformer stack until we can read
+ back a more syntactic form, then reflects the result back. *)
+Definition split0 {a:Set} (x:LogicalType a) : LogicalType ((a*(Exception -> LogicalType a))+Exception) :=
+ State.reflect _ _ (fun s =>
+ Environment.reflect _ _ (fun e =>
+ Writer.reflect _ _ (
+ Logic.lift _ NonLogicalMonad (
+ do NonLogicalMonad x' :=
+ Logic.reify _ NonLogicalMonad (Writer.run _ _ (Environment.run _ _ (State.run _ _ x s) e)) in
+ match x' with
+ | inr exc => ret _ NonLogicalMonad ((inr exc),s, Monoid.zero _ LogicalMessage)
+ | inl (a',s',m',y) =>
+ let y' exc _ _ := y exc in
+ ret _ NonLogicalMonad (inl (a',y'),s',m')
+ end
+ ))))
Module NonLogical.
@@ -628,7 +623,22 @@ Module Logical.
Extraction Implicit zero [a].
Definition plus {a:Set} (x:t a) (y:Exception -> t a) : t a := Eval compute in freeze _ (plus _ LogicalLogic x y).
Extraction Implicit plus [a].
- Definition split {a:Set} (x:t a) : t ((a*(Exception -> t a))+Exception) := Eval compute in freeze _ (split _ LogicalLogic x).
+ Definition split {a:Set} (x:t a) : t ((a*(Exception -> t a))+Exception) :=
+ Eval compute in freeze _ (split0 x).
+ Eval compute in
+ freeze _ (
+ do NonLogicalMonad r :=
+ Logic.reify (Writer.reify (Environment.reify (State.reify x)))
+ in
+ match r with
+ | inr e => _zero e
+ | inl (a,x) => _plus (ret _ F a) x
+ ).
+split _ LogicalLogic x).
Extraction Implicit split [a].
Definition lift {a:Set} (x:NonLogical.t a) : t a := Eval compute in
freeze _ (State.lift _ _ LogicalMonadEnv (Environment.lift _ _ (Writer.lift _ LogicalMessage _ LogicalMonadBase (Logic.lift _ NonLogicalMonad x)))).