path: root/Makefile.common
diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-12-09 16:45:42 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-12-09 16:45:42 +0000
commitcfc9e109a653047b7ca73224525bba67a8c3a571 (patch)
treeb0ad9867a8d675aeae841f9921b7ff0dcd355bb3 /Makefile.common
parentda0e158cf5b012ec2b61041553ae3f871e9bef09 (diff)
Factorisation between Makefile and ocamlbuild systems : .vo to compile are in */*/vo.itarget
On the way: no more -fsets (yes|no) and -reals (yes|no) option of configure if you want a partial build, make a specific rule such as theories-light Beware: these vo.itarget should not contain comments. Even if this is legal for ocamlbuild, the $(shell cat ...) we do in Makefile can't accept that. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@12574 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile.common')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.common b/Makefile.common
index 989ce3c58..c04480ef1 100644
--- a/Makefile.common
+++ b/Makefile.common
@@ -272,238 +272,34 @@ STAGE1:=parsing/grammar.cma parsing/q_constr.cmo
# vo files
-## Theories
-INITVO:=$(addprefix theories/Init/, \
- Notations.vo Datatypes.vo Peano.vo Logic.vo \
- Specif.vo Logic_Type.vo Wf.vo Tactics.vo \
- Prelude.vo )
-LOGICVO:=$(addprefix theories/Logic/, \
- Hurkens.vo ProofIrrelevance.vo Classical.vo \
- Classical_Type.vo Classical_Pred_Set.vo Eqdep.vo \
- Classical_Prop.vo Classical_Pred_Type.vo ClassicalFacts.vo \
- ChoiceFacts.vo Berardi.vo Eqdep_dec.vo \
- Decidable.vo JMeq.vo ClassicalChoice.vo \
- ClassicalDescription.vo RelationalChoice.vo Diaconescu.vo \
- EqdepFacts.vo ProofIrrelevanceFacts.vo ClassicalEpsilon.vo \
- ClassicalUniqueChoice.vo \
- Epsilon.vo ConstructiveEpsilon.vo Description.vo \
- IndefiniteDescription.vo SetIsType.vo FunctionalExtensionality.vo )
-STRUCTURESVO:=$(addprefix theories/Structures/, \
- OrderTac.vo \
- DecidableType.vo DecidableTypeEx.vo \
- OrderedType.vo OrderedTypeEx.vo OrderedTypeAlt.vo \
- DecidableType2.vo DecidableType2Ex.vo DecidableType2Facts.vo \
- OrderedType2.vo OrderedType2Ex.vo OrderedType2Alt.vo \
- OrderedType2Facts.vo OrderedType2Lists.vo GenericMinMax.vo )
-ARITHVO:=$(addprefix theories/Arith/, \
- Arith.vo Gt.vo Between.vo Le.vo \
- Compare.vo Lt.vo Compare_dec.vo Min.vo \
- Div2.vo Minus.vo Mult.vo Even.vo \
- EqNat.vo Peano_dec.vo Euclid.vo Plus.vo \
- Wf_nat.vo Max.vo Bool_nat.vo Factorial.vo \
- Arith_base.vo MinMax.vo NatOrderedType.vo )
-SORTINGVO:=$(addprefix theories/Sorting/, \
- Heap.vo Permutation.vo Sorting.vo PermutSetoid.vo \
- PermutEq.vo )
-BOOLVO:=$(addprefix theories/Bool/, \
- Bool.vo IfProp.vo Zerob.vo DecBool.vo \
- Sumbool.vo BoolEq.vo Bvector.vo )
-NARITHVO:=$(addprefix theories/NArith/, \
- BinPos.vo Pnat.vo BinNat.vo NArith.vo \
- Nnat.vo Ndigits.vo Ndec.vo Ndist.vo \
- POrderedType.vo Pminmax.vo NOrderedType.vo Nminmax.vo )
-ZARITHVO:=$(addprefix theories/ZArith/, \
- BinInt.vo Wf_Z.vo ZArith.vo ZArith_dec.vo \
- auxiliary.vo Zmisc.vo Zcompare.vo Znat.vo \
- Zorder.vo Zabs.vo Zmin.vo Zmax.vo \
- Zminmax.vo Zeven.vo Zhints.vo Zlogarithm.vo \
- Zpower.vo Zcomplements.vo Zdiv.vo Zsqrt.vo \
- Zwf.vo ZArith_base.vo Zbool.vo Zbinary.vo \
- Znumtheory.vo Int.vo Zpow_def.vo Zpow_facts.vo \
- ZOdiv_def.vo ZOdiv.vo Zgcd_alt.vo ZOrderedType.vo )
-QARITHVO:=$(addprefix theories/QArith/, \
- QArith_base.vo Qreduction.vo Qring.vo Qreals.vo \
- QArith.vo Qcanon.vo Qfield.vo Qpower.vo \
- Qabs.vo Qround.vo )
-LISTSVO:=$(addprefix theories/Lists/, \
- ListSet.vo Streams.vo StreamMemo.vo \
- TheoryList.vo List.vo SetoidList.vo \
- ListTactics.vo )
-STRINGSVO:=$(addprefix theories/Strings/, \
- Ascii.vo String.vo )
-SETSVO:=$(addprefix theories/Sets/, \
- Classical_sets.vo Permut.vo \
- Constructive_sets.vo Powerset.vo \
- Cpo.vo Powerset_Classical_facts.vo \
- Ensembles.vo Powerset_facts.vo \
- Finite_sets.vo Relations_1.vo \
- Finite_sets_facts.vo Relations_1_facts.vo \
- Image.vo Relations_2.vo \
- Infinite_sets.vo Relations_2_facts.vo \
- Integers.vo Relations_3.vo \
- Multiset.vo Relations_3_facts.vo \
- Partial_Order.vo Uniset.vo )
-FSETSBASEVO:=$(addprefix theories/FSets/, \
- FSetInterface.vo FSetList.vo FSetBridge.vo \
- FSetFacts.vo FSetProperties.vo FSetEqProperties.vo \
- FSetWeakList.vo FSetAVL.vo FSetDecide.vo \
- FSetCompat.vo FSets.vo \
- FMapInterface.vo FMapList.vo FMapFacts.vo \
- FMapWeakList.vo FMapPositive.vo FSetToFiniteSet.vo \
- FMaps.vo )
-FSETS_all:=$(addprefix theories/FSets/, \
- FMapAVL.vo FMapFullAVL.vo )
-MSETSVO:=$(addprefix theories/MSets/, \
- MSetInterface.vo MSetList.vo \
- MSetFacts.vo MSetProperties.vo MSetEqProperties.vo \
- MSetWeakList.vo MSetAVL.vo MSetDecide.vo \
- MSets.vo MSetToFiniteSet.vo)
-RELATIONSVO:=$(addprefix theories/Relations/, \
- Operators_Properties.vo Relation_Definitions.vo \
- Relation_Operators.vo Relations.vo )
-WELLFOUNDEDVO:=$(addprefix theories/Wellfounded/, \
- Disjoint_Union.vo Inclusion.vo Inverse_Image.vo \
- Transitive_Closure.vo Union.vo Wellfounded.vo \
- Well_Ordering.vo Lexicographic_Product.vo \
- Lexicographic_Exponentiation.vo )
-REALSBASEVO:=$(addprefix theories/Reals/, \
- Rdefinitions.vo Raxioms.vo RIneq.vo DiscrR.vo \
- Rbase.vo LegacyRfield.vo Rpow_def.vo )
-REALS_all:=$(addprefix theories/Reals/, \
- R_Ifp.vo Rbasic_fun.vo R_sqr.vo SplitAbsolu.vo \
- SplitRmult.vo ArithProp.vo Rfunctions.vo Rseries.vo \
- SeqProp.vo Rcomplete.vo PartSum.vo AltSeries.vo \
- Binomial.vo Rsigma.vo Rprod.vo Cauchy_prod.vo \
- Alembert.vo SeqSeries.vo Rtrigo_fun.vo Rtrigo_def.vo \
- Rtrigo_alt.vo Cos_rel.vo Cos_plus.vo Rtrigo.vo \
- Rlimit.vo Rderiv.vo RList.vo Ranalysis1.vo \
- Ranalysis2.vo Ranalysis3.vo Rtopology.vo MVT.vo \
- PSeries_reg.vo Exp_prop.vo Rtrigo_reg.vo Rsqrt_def.vo \
- R_sqrt.vo Rtrigo_calc.vo Rgeom.vo Sqrt_reg.vo \
- Ranalysis4.vo Rpower.vo Ranalysis.vo NewtonInt.vo \
- RiemannInt_SF.vo RiemannInt.vo Integration.vo \
- Rlogic.vo Reals.vo ROrderedType.vo Rminmax.vo )
-NUMBERSCOMMONVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/, \
- NaryFunctions.vo NumPrelude.vo BigNumPrelude.vo )
-CYCLICABSTRACTVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Cyclic/Abstract/, \
- CyclicAxioms.vo NZCyclic.vo )
-CYCLICINT31VO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Cyclic/Int31/, \
- Int31.vo Cyclic31.vo )
-CYCLICDOUBLECYCLICVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Cyclic/DoubleCyclic/, \
- DoubleType.vo DoubleBase.vo DoubleAdd.vo DoubleSub.vo \
- DoubleMul.vo DoubleDivn1.vo DoubleDiv.vo DoubleSqrt.vo \
- DoubleLift.vo DoubleCyclic.vo )
-CYCLICZMODULOVO := $(addprefix theories/Numbers/Cyclic/ZModulo/, \
- ZModulo.vo )
-NATINTVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/NatInt/, \
- NZAxioms.vo NZBase.vo NZAdd.vo NZMul.vo \
- NZOrder.vo NZAddOrder.vo NZMulOrder.vo NZProperties.vo)
-NATURALABSTRACTVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/, \
- NAxioms.vo NBase.vo NAdd.vo \
- NOrder.vo NAddOrder.vo NMulOrder.vo NSub.vo \
- NProperties.vo NIso.vo NStrongRec.vo NDefOps.vo)
-NATURALPEANOVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/, \
- NPeano.vo )
-NATURALBINARYVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Natural/Binary/, \
- NBinary.vo )
-NATURALSPECVIAZVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/, \
- NSig.vo NSigNAxioms.vo )
-NATURALBIGNVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/, \
- Nbasic.vo NMake.vo BigN.vo )
-INTEGERABSTRACTVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/, \
- ZAxioms.vo ZBase.vo ZAdd.vo ZMul.vo \
- ZLt.vo ZAddOrder.vo ZMulOrder.vo ZProperties.vo)
-INTEGERBINARYVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/, \
- ZBinary.vo )
-INTEGERNATPAIRSVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/, \
- ZNatPairs.vo )
-INTEGERSPECVIAZVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/, \
- ZSig.vo ZSigZAxioms.vo )
-INTEGERBIGZVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/, \
- ZMake.vo BigZ.vo )
-RATIONALSPECVIAQVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Rational/SpecViaQ/, \
- QSig.vo )
-RATIONALBIGQVO:=$(addprefix theories/Numbers/Rational/BigQ/, \
- QMake.vo BigQ.vo )
+## we now retrieve the names of .vo file to compile in */vo.itarget files
+cat_vo_itarget = $(addprefix $(1)/,$(shell cat $(1)/vo.itarget))
-SETOIDSVO:=$(addprefix theories/Setoids/, \
- Setoid.vo )
-UNICODEVO:=$(addprefix theories/Unicode/, \
- Utf8.vo )
-CLASSESVO:=$(addprefix theories/Classes/, \
- Init.vo RelationClasses.vo Morphisms.vo Morphisms_Prop.vo \
- Morphisms_Relations.vo Functions.vo Equivalence.vo SetoidTactics.vo \
- SetoidClass.vo SetoidAxioms.vo EquivDec.vo SetoidDec.vo \
- RelationPairs.vo )
+## Theories
-PROGRAMVO:=$(addprefix theories/Program/, \
- Tactics.vo Equality.vo Subset.vo Utils.vo \
- Wf.vo Basics.vo Combinators.vo Syntax.vo Program.vo )
+INITVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Init)
+LOGICVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Logic)
+STRUCTURESVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Structures)
+ARITHVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Arith)
+SORTINGVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Sorting)
+BOOLVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Bool)
+NARITHVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/NArith)
+ZARITHVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/ZArith)
+QARITHVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/QArith)
+LISTSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Lists)
+STRINGSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Strings)
+SETSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Sets)
+FSETSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/FSets)
+MSETSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/MSets)
+RELATIONSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Relations)
+WELLFOUNDEDVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Wellfounded)
+REALSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Reals)
+NUMBERSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Numbers)
+SETOIDSVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Setoids)
+UNICODEVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Unicode)
+CLASSESVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Classes)
+PROGRAMVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, theories/Program)
@@ -515,70 +311,24 @@ THEORIESLIGHTVO:= $(INITVO) $(LOGICVO) $(ARITHVO)
## Plugins
-OMEGAVO:=$(addprefix plugins/omega/, \
- PreOmega.vo OmegaLemmas.vo OmegaPlugin.vo Omega.vo )
-ROMEGAVO:=$(addprefix plugins/romega/, \
- ReflOmegaCore.vo ROmega.vo )
-MICROMEGAVO:=$(addprefix plugins/micromega/, \
- CheckerMaker.vo Refl.vo \
- Env.vo RingMicromega.vo \
- EnvRing.vo VarMap.vo \
- OrderedRing.vo ZCoeff.vo \
- Psatz.vo ZMicromega.vo \
- QMicromega.vo RMicromega.vo \
- Tauto.vo )
-QUOTEVO:=$(addprefix plugins/quote/, \
- Quote.vo )
-RINGVO:=$(addprefix plugins/ring/, \
- LegacyArithRing.vo Ring_normalize.vo \
- LegacyRing_theory.vo LegacyRing.vo \
- LegacyNArithRing.vo \
- LegacyZArithRing.vo Ring_abstract.vo \
- Setoid_ring_normalize.vo \
- Setoid_ring.vo Setoid_ring_theory.vo )
-FIELDVO:=$(addprefix plugins/field/, \
- LegacyField_Compl.vo LegacyField_Theory.vo \
- LegacyField_Tactic.vo LegacyField.vo )
-NEWRINGVO:=$(addprefix plugins/setoid_ring/, \
- BinList.vo Ring_theory.vo \
- Ring_polynom.vo Ring_tac.vo \
- Ring_base.vo InitialRing.vo \
- Ring_equiv.vo Ring.vo \
- ArithRing.vo NArithRing.vo \
- ZArithRing.vo \
- Field_theory.vo Field_tac.vo \
- Field.vo RealField.vo )
-GBVO:=$(addprefix plugins/groebner/, \
- GroebnerR.vo GroebnerZ.vo )
-FOURIERVO:=$(addprefix plugins/fourier/, \
- Fourier_util.vo Fourier.vo )
-RECDEFVO:=$(addprefix plugins/funind/, \
- Recdef.vo )
+OMEGAVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/omega)
+ROMEGAVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/romega)
+MICROMEGAVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/micromega)
+QUOTEVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/quote)
+RINGVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/ring)
+FIELDVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/field)
+NEWRINGVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/setoid_ring)
+GBVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/groebner)
+FOURIERVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/fourier)
+FUNINDVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/funind)
+DPVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/dp)
+RTAUTOVO:=$(call cat_vo_itarget, plugins/rtauto)
-DPVO:=$(addprefix plugins/dp/, \
- Dp.vo )
-RTAUTOVO:=$(addprefix plugins/rtauto/, \
- Bintree.vo Rtauto.vo )
@@ -593,18 +343,16 @@ ALLMODS:=$(call vo_to_mod,$(ALLVO))
-## Specials
+# Miscellaneous
MANPAGES:=man/coq-tex.1 man/coqdep.1 man/gallina.1 \
man/coqc.1 man/coqtop.1 man/coqtop.byte.1 man/coqtop.opt.1 \
man/coqwc.1 man/coqdoc.1 man/coqide.1 \
man/coq_makefile.1 man/coqmktop.1 man/coqchk.1
-# Miscellaneous
DATE=$(shell LANG=C date +"%B %Y")
@@ -627,7 +375,7 @@ endif
## Enumeration of targets that require being done at stage2
VO_TARGETS:=logic arith bool narith zarith qarith lists strings sets \
- fsets allfsets relations wellfounded ints reals allreals \
+ fsets relations wellfounded ints reals \
setoids sorting natural integer rational numbers noreal \
omega micromega ring setoid_ring dp xml extraction field fourier \
funind cc subtac rtauto