path: root/API
diff options
authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-09-07 12:44:47 +0200
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-09-07 12:44:47 +0200
commit084ef41c98d52078f85831c940d0a073a4ccdb7a (patch)
treef1808d72e562f0dd674759f2f447f44cd5da9aad /API
parent276f08cb053eed175478c4c9359e61fb949742ba (diff)
parent1db568d3dc88d538f975377bb4d8d3eecd87872c (diff)
Merge PR #914: Making the detyper lazy
Diffstat (limited to 'API')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/API/API.mli b/API/API.mli
index 9114df3ea..fce319fe3 100644
--- a/API/API.mli
+++ b/API/API.mli
@@ -3073,55 +3073,67 @@ end
(* XXX: Located manually from intf *)
module Glob_term :
- type cases_pattern_r =
+ type 'a cases_pattern_r =
| PatVar of Names.Name.t
- | PatCstr of Names.constructor * cases_pattern list * Names.Name.t
- and cases_pattern = cases_pattern_r CAst.t
+ | PatCstr of Names.constructor * 'a cases_pattern_g list * Names.Name.t
+ and 'a cases_pattern_g = ('a cases_pattern_r, 'a) DAst.t
+ type cases_pattern = [ `any ] cases_pattern_g
type existential_name = Names.Id.t
- type glob_constr_r =
+ type 'a glob_constr_r =
| GRef of Globnames.global_reference * Misctypes.glob_level list option
(** An identifier that represents a reference to an object defined
either in the (global) environment or in the (local) context. *)
| GVar of Names.Id.t
(** An identifier that cannot be regarded as "GRef".
Bound variables are typically represented this way. *)
- | GEvar of existential_name * (Names.Id.t * glob_constr) list
+ | GEvar of existential_name * (Names.Id.t * 'a glob_constr_g) list
| GPatVar of Evar_kinds.matching_var_kind
- | GApp of glob_constr * glob_constr list
- | GLambda of Names.Name.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind * glob_constr * glob_constr
- | GProd of Names.Name.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind * glob_constr * glob_constr
- | GLetIn of Names.Name.t * glob_constr * glob_constr option * glob_constr
- | GCases of Term.case_style * glob_constr option * tomatch_tuples * cases_clauses
- | GLetTuple of Names.Name.t list * (Names.Name.t * glob_constr option) * glob_constr * glob_constr
- | GIf of glob_constr * (Names.Name.t * glob_constr option) * glob_constr * glob_constr
- | GRec of fix_kind * Names.Id.t array * glob_decl list array *
- glob_constr array * glob_constr array
+ | GApp of 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g list
+ | GLambda of Names.Name.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
+ | GProd of Names.Name.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
+ | GLetIn of Names.Name.t * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a glob_constr_g
+ | GCases of Term.case_style * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a tomatch_tuples_g * 'a cases_clauses_g
+ | GLetTuple of Names.Name.t list * (Names.Name.t * 'a glob_constr_g option) * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
+ | GIf of 'a glob_constr_g * (Names.Name.t * 'a glob_constr_g option) * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
+ | GRec of 'a fix_kind_g * Names.Id.t array * 'a glob_decl_g list array *
+ 'a glob_constr_g array * 'a glob_constr_g array
| GSort of Misctypes.glob_sort
| GHole of Evar_kinds.t * Misctypes.intro_pattern_naming_expr * Genarg.glob_generic_argument option
- | GCast of glob_constr * glob_constr Misctypes.cast_type
+ | GCast of 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g Misctypes.cast_type
- and glob_constr = glob_constr_r CAst.t
+ and 'a glob_constr_g = ('a glob_constr_r, 'a) DAst.t
- and glob_decl = Names.Name.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind * glob_constr option * glob_constr
+ and 'a glob_decl_g = Names.Name.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a glob_constr_g
- and fix_recursion_order =
+ and 'a fix_recursion_order_g =
| GStructRec
- | GWfRec of glob_constr
- | GMeasureRec of glob_constr * glob_constr option
+ | GWfRec of 'a glob_constr_g
+ | GMeasureRec of 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g option
- and fix_kind =
- | GFix of ((int option * fix_recursion_order) array * int)
+ and 'a fix_kind_g =
+ | GFix of ((int option * 'a fix_recursion_order_g) array * int)
| GCoFix of int
- and predicate_pattern =
+ and 'a predicate_pattern_g =
Names.Name.t * (Names.inductive * Names.Name.t list) Loc.located option
- and tomatch_tuple = (glob_constr * predicate_pattern)
+ and 'a tomatch_tuple_g = ('a glob_constr_g * 'a predicate_pattern_g)
- and tomatch_tuples = tomatch_tuple list
+ and 'a tomatch_tuples_g = 'a tomatch_tuple_g list
- and cases_clause = (Names.Id.t list * cases_pattern list * glob_constr) Loc.located
- and cases_clauses = cases_clause list
+ and 'a cases_clause_g = (Names.Id.t list * 'a cases_pattern_g list * 'a glob_constr_g) Loc.located
+ and 'a cases_clauses_g = 'a cases_clause_g list
+ type glob_constr = [ `any ] glob_constr_g
+ type tomatch_tuple = [ `any ] tomatch_tuple_g
+ type tomatch_tuples = [ `any ] tomatch_tuples_g
+ type cases_clause = [ `any ] cases_clause_g
+ type cases_clauses = [ `any ] cases_clauses_g
+ type glob_decl = [ `any ] glob_decl_g
+ type fix_kind = [ `any ] fix_kind_g
+ type predicate_pattern = [ `any ] predicate_pattern_g
+ type any_glob_constr =
+ | AnyGlobConstr : 'r glob_constr_g -> any_glob_constr
(** A globalised term together with a closure representing the value
of its free variables. Intended for use when these variables are taken
@@ -3981,11 +3993,14 @@ end
module Detyping :
+ type 'a delay =
+ | Now : 'a delay
+ | Later : [ `thunk ] delay
val print_universes : bool ref
val print_evar_arguments : bool ref
- val detype : ?lax:bool -> bool -> Names.Id.t list -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr
+ val detype : 'a delay -> ?lax:bool -> bool -> Names.Id.t list -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.constr -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g
val subst_glob_constr : Mod_subst.substitution -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr
- val set_detype_anonymous : (?loc:Loc.t -> int -> Glob_term.glob_constr) -> unit
+ val set_detype_anonymous : (?loc:Loc.t -> int -> Names.Id.t) -> unit
module Indrec :
@@ -4182,7 +4197,7 @@ sig
type cases_pattern_status = bool
type required_module = Libnames.full_path * string list
type 'a prim_token_interpreter = ?loc:Loc.t -> 'a -> Glob_term.glob_constr
- type 'a prim_token_uninterpreter = Glob_term.glob_constr list * (Glob_term.glob_constr -> 'a option) * cases_pattern_status
+ type 'a prim_token_uninterpreter = Glob_term.glob_constr list * (Glob_term.any_glob_constr -> 'a option) * cases_pattern_status
type delimiters = string
type local_scopes = Notation_term.tmp_scope_name option * Notation_term.scope_name list
type notation_location = (Names.DirPath.t * Names.DirPath.t) * string