diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-11-06 02:18:53 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-11-06 02:18:53 +0000
commitb3f67a99cf1013343d99f7cf8036bbabb566dce0 (patch)
parenta17428b39d80a7da6dae16951be2b73eb0c7c4f5 (diff)
Integration of theories/Ints/Z/* in ZArith and large cleanup and extension of Zdiv
Some details: - ZAux.v is the only file left in Ints/Z. The few elements that remain in it are rather specific or compatibility oriented. Others parts and files have been either deleted when unused or pushed into some place of ZArith. - Ints/List/ is removed since it was not needed anymore - Ints/Tactic.v disappear: some of its tactic were unused, some already in Tactics.v (case_eq, f_equal instead of eq_tac), and the nice contradict has been added to Tactics.v - Znumtheory inherits lots of results about Zdivide, rel_prime, prime, Zgcd, ... - A new file Zpow_facts inherits lots of results about Zpower. Placing them into Zpower would have been difficult with respect to compatibility (import of ring) - A few things added to Zmax, Zabs, Znat, Zsqrt, Zeven, Zorder - Adequate adaptations to Ints/num/* (mainly renaming of lemmas) Now, concerning Zdiv, the behavior when dividing by a negative number is now fully proved. When this was possible, existing lemmas has been extended, either from strictly positive to non-zero divisor, or even to arbitrary divisor (especially when playing with Zmod). These extended lemmas are named with the suffix _full, whereas the original restrictive lemmas are retained for compatibility. Several lemmas now have shorter proofs (based on unicity lemmas). Lemmas are now more or less organized by themes (division and order, division and usual operations, etc). Three possible choices of spec for divisions on negative numbers are presented: this Zdiv, the ocaml approach and the remainder-always-positive approach. The ugly behavior of Zopp with the current choice of Zdiv/Zmod is now fully covered. A embryo of division "a la Ocaml" is given: Odiv and Omod. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10291 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
46 files changed, 2307 insertions, 4983 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.common b/Makefile.common
index bf466da7a..47102d69f 100644
--- a/Makefile.common
+++ b/Makefile.common
@@ -509,12 +509,10 @@ ZARITHVO:=\
theories/ZArith/Zwf.vo theories/ZArith/ZArith_base.vo \
theories/ZArith/Zbool.vo theories/ZArith/Zbinary.vo \
theories/ZArith/Znumtheory.vo theories/ZArith/Int.vo \
- theories/ZArith/Zpow_def.vo
+ theories/ZArith/Zpow_def.vo theories/ZArith/Zpow_facts.vo
- theories/Ints/Z/IntsZmisc.vo theories/Ints/Z/Pmod.vo \
- theories/Ints/Tactic.vo theories/Ints/Z/ZAux.vo \
- theories/Ints/Z/ZPowerAux.vo theories/Ints/Z/ZDivModAux.vo \
+ theories/Ints/Z/ZAux.vo \
theories/Ints/Basic_type.vo theories/Ints/Int31.vo \
theories/Ints/num/GenBase.vo theories/Ints/num/ZnZ.vo \
theories/Ints/num/GenAdd.vo theories/Ints/num/GenSub.vo \
@@ -524,10 +522,6 @@ INTSVO:=\
theories/Ints/num/Nbasic.vo theories/Ints/num/NMake.vo \
theories/Ints/BigN.vo theories/Ints/num/ZMake.vo \
theories/Ints/BigZ.vo theories/Ints/num/BigQ.vo
-# theories/Ints/List/ListAux.vo
-# theories/Ints/List/LPermutation.vo theories/Ints/List/Iterator.vo \
-# theories/Ints/List/ZProgression.vo
-# theories/Ints/Z/ZSum.vo theories/Ints/Z/Ppow.vo \
# spiwack : should use the genN.ml to create NMake eventually
# arnaud : see above
diff --git a/theories/Init/Tactics.v b/theories/Init/Tactics.v
index 61a6c8e77..29ec5f888 100644
--- a/theories/Init/Tactics.v
+++ b/theories/Init/Tactics.v
@@ -17,9 +17,43 @@ Require Import Logic.
Tactic Notation "revert" ne_hyp_list(l) := generalize l; clear l.
+ A tactic for proof by contradiction
+ with contradict H
+ H: ~A |- B gives |- A
+ H: ~A |- ~ B gives H: B |- A
+ H: A |- B gives |- ~ A
+ H: A |- B gives |- ~ A
+ H: A |- ~ B gives H: A |- ~ A
+Ltac contradict name :=
+ let term := type of name in (
+ match term with
+ (~_) =>
+ match goal with
+ |- ~ _ => let x := fresh in
+ (intros x; case name;
+ generalize x; clear x name;
+ intro name)
+ | |- _ => case name; clear name
+ end
+ | _ =>
+ match goal with
+ |- ~ _ => let x := fresh in
+ (intros x; absurd term;
+ [idtac | exact name]; generalize x; clear x name;
+ intros name)
+ | |- _ => generalize name; absurd term;
+ [idtac | exact name]; clear name
+ end
+ end).
(* to contradict an hypothesis without copying its type. *)
Ltac absurd_hyp h :=
+ (* idtac "absurd_hyp is OBSOLETE: use contradict instead."; *)
let T := type of h in
absurd T.
@@ -29,7 +63,9 @@ absurd_hyp H; [apply t | assumption].
(* Transforming a negative goal [ H:~A |- ~B ] into a positive one [ B |- A ]*)
-Ltac swap H := intro; apply H; clear H.
+Ltac swap H :=
+ (* idtac "swap is OBSOLETE: use contradict instead."; *)
+ intro; apply H; clear H.
(* A case with no loss of information. *)
diff --git a/theories/Ints/Basic_type.v b/theories/Ints/Basic_type.v
index f481f3942..72a027cb6 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/Basic_type.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/Basic_type.v
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
-Require Import ZPowerAux.
Open Local Scope Z_scope.
Section Carry.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/List/Iterator.v b/theories/Ints/List/Iterator.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 327a1454b..000000000
--- a/theories/Ints/List/Iterator.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
-Require Export List.
-Require Export LPermutation.
-Require Import Arith.
-Section Iterator.
-Variables A B : Set.
-Variable zero : B.
-Variable f : A -> B.
-Variable g : B -> B -> B.
-Hypothesis g_zero : forall a, g a zero = a.
-Hypothesis g_trans : forall a b c, g a (g b c) = g (g a b) c.
-Hypothesis g_sym : forall a b, g a b = g b a.
-Definition iter := fold_right (fun a r => g (f a) r) zero.
-Hint Unfold iter .
-Theorem iter_app: forall l1 l2, iter (app l1 l2) = g (iter l1) (iter l2).
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros l2; rewrite g_sym; auto.
-intros a l H l2; rewrite H.
-rewrite g_trans; auto.
-Theorem iter_permutation: forall l1 l2, permutation l1 l2 -> iter l1 = iter l2.
-intros l1 l2 H; elim H; simpl; auto; clear H l1 l2.
-intros a l1 l2 H1 H2; apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-intros a b l; (repeat rewrite g_trans).
-apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-intros l1 l2 l3 H H0 H1 H2; apply trans_equal with ( 1 := H0 ); auto.
-Lemma iter_inv:
- forall P l,
- P zero ->
- (forall a b, P a -> P b -> P (g a b)) ->
- (forall x, In x l -> P (f x)) -> P (iter l).
-intros P l H H0; (elim l; simpl; auto).
-Variable next : A -> A.
-Fixpoint progression (m : A) (n : nat) {struct n} : list A :=
- match n with 0 => nil
- | S n1 => cons m (progression (next m) n1) end.
-Fixpoint next_n (c : A) (n : nat) {struct n} : A :=
- match n with 0 => c | S n1 => next_n (next c) n1 end.
-Theorem progression_app:
- forall a b n m,
- le m n ->
- b = next_n a m ->
- progression a n = app (progression a m) (progression b (n - m)).
-intros a b n m; generalize a b n; clear a b n; elim m; clear m; simpl.
-intros a b n H H0; apply f_equal2 with ( f := progression ); auto with arith.
-intros m H a b n; case n; simpl; clear n.
-intros H1; absurd (0 < 1 + m); auto with arith.
-intros n H0 H1; apply f_equal2 with ( f := @cons A ); auto with arith.
-Let iter_progression := fun m n => iter (progression m n).
-Theorem iter_progression_app:
- forall a b n m,
- le m n ->
- b = next_n a m ->
- iter (progression a n) =
- g (iter (progression a m)) (iter (progression b (n - m))).
-intros a b n m H H0; unfold iter_progression; rewrite (progression_app a b n m);
- (try apply iter_app); auto.
-Theorem length_progression: forall z n, length (progression z n) = n.
-intros z n; generalize z; elim n; simpl; auto.
-End Iterator.
-Implicit Arguments iter [A B].
-Implicit Arguments progression [A].
-Implicit Arguments next_n [A].
-Hint Unfold iter .
-Hint Unfold progression .
-Hint Unfold next_n .
-Theorem iter_ext:
- forall (A B : Set) zero (f1 : A -> B) f2 g l,
- (forall a, In a l -> f1 a = f2 a) -> iter zero f1 g l = iter zero f2 g l.
-intros A B zero f1 f2 g l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a l0 H H0; apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-Theorem iter_map:
- forall (A B C : Set) zero (f : B -> C) g (k : A -> B) l,
- iter zero f g (map k l) = iter zero (fun x => f (k x)) g l.
-intros A B C zero f g k l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros; apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto with arith.
-Theorem iter_comp:
- forall (A B : Set) zero (f1 f2 : A -> B) g l,
- (forall a, g a zero = a) ->
- (forall a b c, g a (g b c) = g (g a b) c) ->
- (forall a b, g a b = g b a) ->
- g (iter zero f1 g l) (iter zero f2 g l) =
- iter zero (fun x => g (f1 x) (f2 x)) g l.
-intros A B zero f1 f2 g l g_zero g_trans g_sym; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a l0 H; rewrite <- H; (repeat rewrite <- g_trans).
-apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-(repeat rewrite g_trans); apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-Theorem iter_com:
- forall (A B : Set) zero (f : A -> A -> B) g l1 l2,
- (forall a, g a zero = a) ->
- (forall a b c, g a (g b c) = g (g a b) c) ->
- (forall a b, g a b = g b a) ->
- iter zero (fun x => iter zero (fun y => f x y) g l1) g l2 =
- iter zero (fun y => iter zero (fun x => f x y) g l2) g l1.
-intros A B zero f g l1 l2 H H0 H1; generalize l2; elim l1; simpl; auto;
- clear l1 l2.
-intros l2; elim l2; simpl; auto with arith.
-intros; rewrite H1; rewrite H; auto with arith.
-intros a l1 H2 l2; case l2; clear l2; simpl; auto.
-elim l1; simpl; auto with arith.
-intros; rewrite H1; rewrite H; auto with arith.
-intros b l2.
-rewrite <- (iter_comp
- _ _ zero (fun x => f x a)
- (fun x => iter zero (fun (y : A) => f x y) g l1)); auto with arith.
-rewrite <- (iter_comp
- _ _ zero (fun y => f b y)
- (fun y => iter zero (fun (x : A) => f x y) g l2)); auto with arith.
-(repeat rewrite H0); auto.
-apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-(repeat rewrite <- H0); auto.
-apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-Theorem iter_comp_const:
- forall (A B : Set) zero (f : A -> B) g k l,
- k zero = zero ->
- (forall a b, k (g a b) = g (k a) (k b)) ->
- k (iter zero f g l) = iter zero (fun x => k (f x)) g l.
-intros A B zero f g k l H H0; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a l0 H1; rewrite H0; apply f_equal2 with ( f := g ); auto.
-Lemma next_n_S: forall n m, next_n S n m = plus n m.
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m; simpl; auto with arith.
-intros m H n; case n; simpl; auto with arith.
-rewrite H; auto with arith.
-intros n1; rewrite H; simpl; auto with arith.
-Theorem progression_S_le_init:
- forall n m p, In p (progression S n m) -> le n p.
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m; simpl; auto.
-intros; contradiction.
-intros m H n p [H1|H1]; auto with arith.
-subst n; auto.
-apply le_S_n; auto with arith.
-Theorem progression_S_le_end:
- forall n m p, In p (progression S n m) -> lt p (n + m).
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m; simpl; auto.
-intros; contradiction.
-intros m H n p [H1|H1]; auto with arith.
-subst n; auto with arith.
-rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; auto with arith.
-rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; auto with arith.
-generalize (H (S n) p); auto with arith.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/List/LPermutation.v b/theories/Ints/List/LPermutation.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9270ded43..000000000
--- a/theories/Ints/List/LPermutation.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
- Permutation.v
- Defintion and properties of permutations
- **********************************************************************)
-Require Export List.
-Require Export ListAux.
-Section permutation.
-Variable A : Set.
- Definition of permutations as sequences of adjacent transpositions
- **************************************)
-Inductive permutation : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
- | permutation_nil : permutation nil nil
- | permutation_skip :
- forall (a : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
- permutation l2 l1 -> permutation (a :: l2) (a :: l1)
- | permutation_swap :
- forall (a b : A) (l : list A), permutation (a :: b :: l) (b :: a :: l)
- | permutation_trans :
- forall l1 l2 l3 : list A,
- permutation l1 l2 -> permutation l2 l3 -> permutation l1 l3.
-Hint Constructors permutation.
- Reflexivity
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_refl : forall l : list A, permutation l l.
-simple induction l.
-apply permutation_nil.
-intros a l1 H.
-apply permutation_skip with (1 := H).
-Hint Resolve permutation_refl.
- Symmetry
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_sym :
- forall l m : list A, permutation l m -> permutation m l.
-intros l1 l2 H'; elim H'.
-apply permutation_nil.
-intros a l1' l2' H1 H2.
-apply permutation_skip with (1 := H2).
-intros a b l1'.
-apply permutation_swap.
-intros l1' l2' l3' H1 H2 H3 H4.
-apply permutation_trans with (1 := H4) (2 := H2).
- Compatibility with list length
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_length :
- forall l m : list A, permutation l m -> length l = length m.
-intros l m H'; elim H'; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros l1 l2 l3 H'0 H'1 H'2 H'3.
-rewrite <- H'3; auto.
- A permutation of the nil list is the nil list
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_nil_inv : forall l : list A, permutation l nil -> l = nil.
-intros l H; generalize (permutation_length _ _ H); case l; simpl in |- *;
- auto.
-intros; discriminate.
- A permutation of the singleton list is the singleton list
- **************************************)
-Let permutation_one_inv_aux :
- forall l1 l2 : list A,
- permutation l1 l2 -> forall a : A, l1 = a :: nil -> l2 = a :: nil.
-intros l1 l2 H; elim H; clear H l1 l2; auto.
-intros a l3 l4 H0 H1 b H2.
-injection H2; auto.
-apply permutation_nil_inv; auto.
-injection H2; intros H3 H4; rewrite <- H3; auto.
-apply permutation_sym; auto.
-intros; discriminate.
-Theorem permutation_one_inv :
- forall (a : A) (l : list A), permutation (a :: nil) l -> l = a :: nil.
-intros a l H; apply permutation_one_inv_aux with (l1 := a :: nil); auto.
- Compatibility with the belonging
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_in :
- forall (a : A) (l m : list A), permutation l m -> In a l -> In a m.
-intros a l m H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto; intuition.
- Compatibility with the append function
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_app_comp :
- forall l1 l2 l3 l4,
- permutation l1 l2 -> permutation l3 l4 -> permutation (l1 ++ l3) (l2 ++ l4).
-intros l1 l2 l3 l4 H1; generalize l3 l4; elim H1; clear H1 l1 l2 l3 l4;
- simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros a b l l3 l4 H.
-cut (permutation (l ++ l3) (l ++ l4)); auto.
-intros; apply permutation_trans with (a :: b :: l ++ l4); auto.
-elim l; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros l1 l2 l3 H H0 H1 H2 l4 l5 H3.
-apply permutation_trans with (l2 ++ l4); auto.
-Hint Resolve permutation_app_comp.
- Swap two sublists
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_app_swap :
- forall l1 l2, permutation (l1 ++ l2) (l2 ++ l1).
-intros l1; elim l1; auto.
-intros; rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto.
-intros a l H l2.
-replace (l2 ++ a :: l) with ((l2 ++ a :: nil) ++ l).
-apply permutation_trans with (l ++ l2 ++ a :: nil); auto.
-apply permutation_trans with (((a :: nil) ++ l2) ++ l); auto.
-simpl in |- *; auto.
-apply permutation_trans with (l ++ (a :: nil) ++ l2); auto.
-apply permutation_sym; auto.
-replace (l2 ++ a :: l) with ((l2 ++ a :: nil) ++ l).
-apply permutation_app_comp; auto.
-elim l2; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros a0 l0 H0.
-apply permutation_trans with (a0 :: a :: l0); auto.
-apply (app_ass l2 (a :: nil) l).
-apply (app_ass l2 (a :: nil) l).
- A transposition is a permutation
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_transposition :
- forall a b l1 l2 l3,
- permutation (l1 ++ a :: l2 ++ b :: l3) (l1 ++ b :: l2 ++ a :: l3).
-intros a b l1 l2 l3.
-apply permutation_app_comp; auto.
- (permutation ((a :: nil) ++ l2 ++ (b :: nil) ++ l3)
- ((b :: nil) ++ l2 ++ (a :: nil) ++ l3)) in |- *.
-repeat rewrite <- app_ass.
-apply permutation_app_comp; auto.
-apply permutation_trans with ((b :: nil) ++ (a :: nil) ++ l2); auto.
-apply permutation_app_swap; auto.
-repeat rewrite app_ass.
-apply permutation_app_comp; auto.
-apply permutation_app_swap; auto.
- An element of a list can be put on top of the list to get a permutation
- **************************************)
-Theorem in_permutation_ex :
- forall a l, In a l -> exists l1 : list A, permutation (a :: l1) l.
-intros a l; elim l; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros H; case H; auto.
-intros a0 l0 H [H0| H0].
-exists l0; rewrite H0; auto.
-case H; auto; intros l1 Hl1; exists (a0 :: l1).
-apply permutation_trans with (a0 :: a :: l1); auto.
- A permutation of a cons can be inverted
- **************************************)
-Let permutation_cons_ex_aux :
- forall (a : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
- permutation l1 l2 ->
- forall l11 l12 : list A,
- l1 = l11 ++ a :: l12 ->
- exists l3 : list A,
- (exists l4 : list A,
- l2 = l3 ++ a :: l4 /\ permutation (l11 ++ l12) (l3 ++ l4)).
-intros a l1 l2 H; elim H; clear H l1 l2.
-intros l11 l12; case l11; simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate.
-intros a0 l1 l2 H H0 l11 l12; case l11; simpl in |- *.
-exists (nil (A:=A)); exists l1; simpl in |- *; split; auto.
-eq_tac; injection H1; auto.
-injection H1; intros H2 H3; rewrite <- H2; auto.
-intros a1 l111 H1.
-case (H0 l111 l12); auto.
-injection H1; auto.
-intros l3 (l4, (Hl1, Hl2)).
-exists (a0 :: l3); exists l4; split; simpl in |- *; auto.
-eq_tac; injection H1; auto.
-injection H1; intros H2 H3; rewrite H3; auto.
-intros a0 b l l11 l12; case l11; simpl in |- *.
-case l12; try (intros; discriminate).
-intros a1 l0 H; exists (b :: nil); exists l0; simpl in |- *; split; auto.
-repeat eq_tac; injection H; auto.
-injection H; intros H1 H2 H3; rewrite H2; auto.
-intros a1 l111; case l111; simpl in |- *.
-intros H; exists (nil (A:=A)); exists (a0 :: l12); simpl in |- *; split; auto.
-repeat eq_tac; injection H; auto.
-injection H; intros H1 H2 H3; rewrite H3; auto.
-intros a2 H1111 H; exists (a2 :: a1 :: H1111); exists l12; simpl in |- *;
- split; auto.
-repeat eq_tac; injection H; auto.
-intros l1 l2 l3 H H0 H1 H2 l11 l12 H3.
-case H0 with (1 := H3).
-intros l4 (l5, (Hl1, Hl2)).
-case H2 with (1 := Hl1).
-intros l6 (l7, (Hl3, Hl4)).
-exists l6; exists l7; split; auto.
-apply permutation_trans with (1 := Hl2); auto.
-Theorem permutation_cons_ex :
- forall (a : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
- permutation (a :: l1) l2 ->
- exists l3 : list A,
- (exists l4 : list A, l2 = l3 ++ a :: l4 /\ permutation l1 (l3 ++ l4)).
-intros a l1 l2 H.
-apply (permutation_cons_ex_aux a (a :: l1) l2 H nil l1); simpl in |- *; auto.
- A permutation can be simply inverted if the two list starts with a cons
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_inv :
- forall (a : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
- permutation (a :: l1) (a :: l2) -> permutation l1 l2.
-intros a l1 l2 H; case permutation_cons_ex with (1 := H).
-intros l3 (l4, (Hl1, Hl2)).
-apply permutation_trans with (1 := Hl2).
-generalize Hl1; case l3; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros H1; injection H1; intros H2; rewrite H2; auto.
-intros a0 l5 H1; injection H1; intros H2 H3; rewrite H2; rewrite H3; auto.
-apply permutation_trans with (a0 :: l4 ++ l5); auto.
-apply permutation_skip; apply permutation_app_swap.
-apply (permutation_app_swap (a0 :: l4) l5).
- Take a list and return tle list of all pairs of an element of the
- list and the remaining list
- **************************************)
-Fixpoint split_one (l : list A) : list (A * list A) :=
- match l with
- | nil => nil (A:=A * list A)
- | a :: l1 =>
- (a, l1)
- :: map (fun p : A * list A => (fst p, a :: snd p)) (split_one l1)
- end.
- The pairs of the list are a permutation
- **************************************)
-Theorem split_one_permutation :
- forall (a : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
- In (a, l1) (split_one l2) -> permutation (a :: l1) l2.
-intros a l1 l2; generalize a l1; elim l2; clear a l1 l2; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros a l1 H1; case H1.
-intros a l H a0 l1 [H0| H0].
-injection H0; intros H1 H2; rewrite H2; rewrite H1; auto.
-generalize H H0; elim (split_one l); simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros H1 H2; case H2.
-intros a1 l0 H1 H2 [H3| H3]; auto.
-injection H3; intros H4 H5; (rewrite <- H4; rewrite <- H5).
-apply permutation_trans with (a :: fst a1 :: snd a1); auto.
-apply permutation_skip.
-apply H2; auto.
-case a1; simpl in |- *; auto.
- All elements of the list are there
- **************************************)
-Theorem split_one_in_ex :
- forall (a : A) (l1 : list A),
- In a l1 -> exists l2 : list A, In (a, l2) (split_one l1).
-intros a l1; elim l1; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros H; case H.
-intros a0 l H [H0| H0]; auto.
-exists l; left; eq_tac; auto.
-case H; auto.
-intros x H1; exists (a0 :: x); right; auto.
- (in_map (fun p : A * list A => (fst p, a0 :: snd p)) (split_one l) (a, x));
- auto.
- An auxillary function to generate all permutations
- **************************************)
-Fixpoint all_permutations_aux (l : list A) (n : nat) {struct n} :
- list (list A) :=
- match n with
- | O => nil :: nil
- | S n1 =>
- flat_map
- (fun p : A * list A =>
- map (cons (fst p)) (all_permutations_aux (snd p) n1)) (
- split_one l)
- end.
- Generate all the permutations
- **************************************)
-Definition all_permutations (l : list A) := all_permutations_aux l (length l).
- All the elements of the list are permutations
- **************************************)
-Let all_permutations_aux_permutation :
- forall (n : nat) (l1 l2 : list A),
- n = length l2 -> In l1 (all_permutations_aux l2 n) -> permutation l1 l2.
-intros n; elim n; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros l1 l2; case l2.
-simpl in |- *; intros H0 [H1| H1].
-rewrite <- H1; auto.
-case H1.
-simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate.
-intros n0 H l1 l2 H0 H1.
-case in_flat_map_ex with (1 := H1).
-clear H1; intros x; case x; clear x; intros a1 l3 (H1, H2).
-case in_map_inv with (1 := H2).
-simpl in |- *; intros y (H3, H4).
-rewrite H4; auto.
-apply permutation_trans with (a1 :: l3); auto.
-apply permutation_skip; auto.
-apply H with (2 := H3).
-apply eq_add_S.
-apply trans_equal with (1 := H0).
-change (length l2 = length (a1 :: l3)) in |- *.
-apply permutation_length; auto.
-apply permutation_sym; apply split_one_permutation; auto.
-apply split_one_permutation; auto.
-Theorem all_permutations_permutation :
- forall l1 l2 : list A, In l1 (all_permutations l2) -> permutation l1 l2.
-intros l1 l2 H; apply all_permutations_aux_permutation with (n := length l2);
- auto.
- A permutation is in the list
- **************************************)
-Let permutation_all_permutations_aux :
- forall (n : nat) (l1 l2 : list A),
- n = length l2 -> permutation l1 l2 -> In l1 (all_permutations_aux l2 n).
-intros n; elim n; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros l1 l2; case l2.
-intros H H0; rewrite permutation_nil_inv with (1 := H0); auto with datatypes.
-simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate.
-intros n0 H l1; case l1.
-intros l2 H0 H1;
- rewrite permutation_nil_inv with (1 := permutation_sym _ _ H1) in H0;
- discriminate.
-clear l1; intros a1 l1 l2 H1 H2.
-case (split_one_in_ex a1 l2); auto.
-apply permutation_in with (1 := H2); auto with datatypes.
-intros x H0.
-apply in_flat_map with (b := (a1, x)); auto.
-apply in_map; simpl in |- *.
-apply H; auto.
-apply eq_add_S.
-apply trans_equal with (1 := H1).
-change (length l2 = length (a1 :: x)) in |- *.
-apply permutation_length; auto.
-apply permutation_sym; apply split_one_permutation; auto.
-apply permutation_inv with (a := a1).
-apply permutation_trans with (1 := H2).
-apply permutation_sym; apply split_one_permutation; auto.
-Theorem permutation_all_permutations :
- forall l1 l2 : list A, permutation l1 l2 -> In l1 (all_permutations l2).
-intros l1 l2 H; unfold all_permutations in |- *;
- apply permutation_all_permutations_aux; auto.
- Permutation is decidable
- **************************************)
-Definition permutation_dec :
- (forall a b : A, {a = b} + {a <> b}) ->
- forall l1 l2 : list A, {permutation l1 l2} + {~ permutation l1 l2}.
-intros H l1 l2.
-case (In_dec (list_eq_dec H) l1 (all_permutations l2)).
-intros i; left; apply all_permutations_permutation; auto.
-intros i; right; contradict i; apply permutation_all_permutations; auto.
-End permutation.
- Hints
- **************************************)
-Hint Constructors permutation.
-Hint Resolve permutation_refl.
-Hint Resolve permutation_app_comp.
-Hint Resolve permutation_app_swap.
- Implicits
- **************************************)
-Implicit Arguments permutation [A].
-Implicit Arguments split_one [A].
-Implicit Arguments all_permutations [A].
-Implicit Arguments permutation_dec [A].
- Permutation is compatible with map
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_map :
- forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) l1 l2,
- permutation l1 l2 -> permutation (map f l1) (map f l2).
-intros A B f l1 l2 H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros l0 l3 l4 H0 H1 H2 H3; apply permutation_trans with (2 := H3); auto.
-Hint Resolve permutation_map.
- Permutation of a map can be inverted
- *************************************)
-Let permutation_map_ex_aux :
- forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) l1 l2 l3,
- permutation l1 l2 ->
- l1 = map f l3 -> exists l4, permutation l4 l3 /\ l2 = map f l4.
-intros A1 B1 f l1 l2 l3 H; generalize l3; elim H; clear H l1 l2 l3.
-intros l3; case l3; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros H; exists (nil (A:=A1)); auto.
-intros; discriminate.
-intros a0 l1 l2 H H0 l3; case l3; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros; discriminate.
-intros a1 l H1; case (H0 l); auto.
-injection H1; auto.
-intros l5 (H2, H3); exists (a1 :: l5); split; simpl in |- *; auto.
-eq_tac; auto; injection H1; auto.
-intros a0 b l l3; case l3.
-intros; discriminate.
-intros a1 l0; case l0; simpl in |- *.
-intros; discriminate.
-intros a2 l1 H; exists (a2 :: a1 :: l1); split; simpl in |- *; auto.
-repeat eq_tac; injection H; auto.
-intros l1 l2 l3 H H0 H1 H2 l0 H3.
-case H0 with (1 := H3); auto.
-intros l4 (HH1, HH2).
-case H2 with (1 := HH2); auto.
-intros l5 (HH3, HH4); exists l5; split; auto.
-apply permutation_trans with (1 := HH3); auto.
-Theorem permutation_map_ex :
- forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) l1 l2,
- permutation (map f l1) l2 ->
- exists l3, permutation l3 l1 /\ l2 = map f l3.
-intros A0 B f l1 l2 H; apply permutation_map_ex_aux with (l1 := map f l1);
- auto.
- Permutation is compatible with flat_map
- **************************************)
-Theorem permutation_flat_map :
- forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> list B) l1 l2,
- permutation l1 l2 -> permutation (flat_map f l1) (flat_map f l2).
-intros A B f l1 l2 H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
-intros a b l; auto.
-repeat rewrite <- app_ass.
-apply permutation_app_comp; auto.
-intros k3 l4 l5 H0 H1 H2 H3; apply permutation_trans with (1 := H1); auto.
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
- Aux.v
- Auxillary functions & Theorems
- **********************************************************************)
-Require Export List.
-Require Export Arith.
-Require Export Tactic.
-Require Import Inverse_Image.
-Require Import Wf_nat.
- Some properties on list operators: app, map,...
-Section List.
-Variables (A : Set) (B : Set) (C : Set).
-Variable f : A -> B.
- An induction theorem for list based on length
-Theorem list_length_ind:
- forall (P : list A -> Prop),
- (forall (l1 : list A),
- (forall (l2 : list A), length l2 < length l1 -> P l2) -> P l1) ->
- forall (l : list A), P l.
-intros P H l;
- apply well_founded_ind with ( R := fun (x y : list A) => length x < length y );
- auto.
-apply wf_inverse_image with ( R := lt ); auto.
-apply lt_wf.
-Definition list_length_induction:
- forall (P : list A -> Set),
- (forall (l1 : list A),
- (forall (l2 : list A), length l2 < length l1 -> P l2) -> P l1) ->
- forall (l : list A), P l.
-intros P H l;
- apply well_founded_induction
- with ( R := fun (x y : list A) => length x < length y ); auto.
-apply wf_inverse_image with ( R := lt ); auto.
-apply lt_wf.
-Theorem in_ex_app:
- forall (a : A) (l : list A),
- In a l -> (exists l1 : list A , exists l2 : list A , l = l1 ++ (a :: l2) ).
-intros a l; elim l; clear l; simpl; auto.
-intros H; case H.
-intros a1 l H [H1|H1]; auto.
-exists (nil (A:=A)); exists l; simpl; auto.
-eq_tac; auto.
-case H; auto; intros l1 [l2 Hl2]; exists (a1 :: l1); exists l2; simpl; auto.
-eq_tac; auto.
- Properties on app
-Theorem length_app:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A), length (l1 ++ l2) = length l1 + length l2.
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-Theorem app_inv_head:
- forall (l1 l2 l3 : list A), l1 ++ l2 = l1 ++ l3 -> l2 = l3.
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H l2 l3 H0; apply H; injection H0; auto.
-Theorem app_inv_tail:
- forall (l1 l2 l3 : list A), l2 ++ l1 = l3 ++ l1 -> l2 = l3.
-intros l1 l2; generalize l1; elim l2; clear l1 l2; simpl; auto.
-intros l1 l3; case l3; auto.
-intros b l H; absurd (length ((b :: l) ++ l1) <= length l1).
-simpl; rewrite length_app; auto with arith.
-rewrite <- H; auto with arith.
-intros a l H l1 l3; case l3.
-simpl; intros H1; absurd (length (a :: (l ++ l1)) <= length l1).
-simpl; rewrite length_app; auto with arith.
-rewrite H1; auto with arith.
-simpl; intros b l0 H0; injection H0.
-intros H1 H2; eq_tac; auto.
-apply H with ( 1 := H1 ); auto.
-Theorem app_inv_app:
- forall l1 l2 l3 l4 a,
- l1 ++ l2 = l3 ++ (a :: l4) ->
- (exists l5 : list A , l1 = l3 ++ (a :: l5) ) \/
- (exists l5 , l2 = l5 ++ (a :: l4) ).
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros l2 l3 l4 a H; right; exists l3; auto.
-intros a l H l2 l3 l4 a0; case l3; simpl.
-intros H0; left; exists l; eq_tac; injection H0; auto.
-intros b l0 H0; case (H l2 l0 l4 a0); auto.
-injection H0; auto.
-intros [l5 H1].
-left; exists l5; eq_tac; injection H0; auto.
-Theorem app_inv_app2:
- forall l1 l2 l3 l4 a b,
- l1 ++ l2 = l3 ++ (a :: (b :: l4)) ->
- (exists l5 : list A , l1 = l3 ++ (a :: (b :: l5)) ) \/
- ((exists l5 , l2 = l5 ++ (a :: (b :: l4)) ) \/
- l1 = l3 ++ (a :: nil) /\ l2 = b :: l4).
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros l2 l3 l4 a b H; right; left; exists l3; auto.
-intros a l H l2 l3 l4 a0 b; case l3; simpl.
-case l; simpl.
-intros H0; right; right; injection H0; split; auto.
-eq_tac; auto.
-intros b0 l0 H0; left; exists l0; injection H0; intros; (repeat eq_tac); auto.
-intros b0 l0 H0; case (H l2 l0 l4 a0 b); auto.
-injection H0; auto.
-intros [l5 HH1]; left; exists l5; eq_tac; auto; injection H0; auto.
-intros [H1|[H1 H2]]; auto.
-right; right; split; auto; eq_tac; auto; injection H0; auto.
-Theorem same_length_ex:
- forall (a : A) l1 l2 l3,
- length (l1 ++ (a :: l2)) = length l3 ->
- (exists l4 ,
- exists l5 ,
- exists b : B ,
- length l1 = length l4 /\ (length l2 = length l5 /\ l3 = l4 ++ (b :: l5)) ).
-intros a l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros l2 l3; case l3; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate)).
-intros b l H; exists (nil (A:=B)); exists l; exists b; (repeat (split; auto)).
-intros a0 l H l2 l3; case l3; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate)).
-intros b l0 H0.
-case (H l2 l0); auto.
-intros l4 [l5 [b1 [HH1 [HH2 HH3]]]].
-exists (b :: l4); exists l5; exists b1; (repeat (simpl; split; auto)).
-eq_tac; auto.
- Properties on map
-Theorem in_map_inv:
- forall (b : B) (l : list A),
- In b (map f l) -> (exists a : A , In a l /\ b = f a ).
-intros b l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros tmp; case tmp.
-intros a0 l0 H [H1|H1]; auto.
-exists a0; auto.
-case (H H1); intros a1 [H2 H3]; exists a1; auto.
-Theorem in_map_fst_inv:
- forall a (l : list (B * C)),
- In a (map (fst (B:=_)) l) -> (exists c , In (a, c) l ).
-intros a l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros H; case H.
-intros a0 l0 H [H0|H0]; auto.
-exists (snd a0); left; rewrite <- H0; case a0; simpl; auto.
-case H; auto; intros l1 Hl1; exists l1; auto.
-Theorem length_map: forall l, length (map f l) = length l.
-intros l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-Theorem map_app: forall l1 l2, map f (l1 ++ l2) = map f l1 ++ map f l2.
-intros l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a l0 H l2; eq_tac; auto.
-Theorem map_length_decompose:
- forall l1 l2 l3 l4,
- length l1 = length l2 ->
- map f (app l1 l3) = app l2 l4 -> map f l1 = l2 /\ map f l3 = l4.
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto; clear l1.
-intros l2; case l2; simpl; auto.
-intros; discriminate.
-intros a l1 Rec l2; case l2; simpl; clear l2; auto.
-intros; discriminate.
-intros b l2 l3 l4 H1 H2.
-injection H2; clear H2; intros H2 H3.
-case (Rec l2 l3 l4); auto.
-intros H4 H5; split; auto.
-eq_tac; auto.
- Properties of flat_map
-Theorem in_flat_map:
- forall (l : list B) (f : B -> list C) a b,
- In a (f b) -> In b l -> In a (flat_map f l).
-intros l g; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a l0 H a0 b H0 [H1|H1]; apply in_or_app; auto.
-left; rewrite H1; auto.
-right; apply H with ( b := b ); auto.
-Theorem in_flat_map_ex:
- forall (l : list B) (f : B -> list C) a,
- In a (flat_map f l) -> (exists b , In b l /\ In a (f b) ).
-intros l g; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a H; case H.
-intros a l0 H a0 H0; case in_app_or with ( 1 := H0 ); simpl; auto.
-intros H1; exists a; auto.
-intros H1; case H with ( 1 := H1 ).
-intros b [H2 H3]; exists b; simpl; auto.
- Properties of fold_left
-Theorem fold_left_invol:
- forall (f: A -> B -> A) (P: A -> Prop) l a,
- P a -> (forall x y, P x -> P (f x y)) -> P (fold_left f l a).
-intros f1 P l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-Theorem fold_left_invol_in:
- forall (f: A -> B -> A) (P: A -> Prop) l a b,
- In b l -> (forall x, P (f x b)) -> (forall x y, P x -> P (f x y)) ->
- P (fold_left f l a).
-intros f1 P l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a1 b HH; case HH.
-intros a1 l1 Rec a2 b [V|V] V1 V2; subst; auto.
-apply fold_left_invol; auto.
-apply Rec with (b := b); auto.
-End List.
- Propertie of list_prod
-Theorem length_list_prod:
- forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 : list A),
- length (list_prod l1 l2) = length l1 * length l2.
-intros A l1 l2; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H; rewrite length_app; rewrite length_map; rewrite H; auto.
-Theorem in_list_prod_inv:
- forall (A B : Set) a l1 l2,
- In a (list_prod l1 l2) ->
- (exists b : A , exists c : B , a = (b, c) /\ (In b l1 /\ In c l2) ).
-intros A B a l1 l2; elim l1; simpl; auto; clear l1.
-intros H; case H.
-intros a1 l1 H1 H2.
-case in_app_or with ( 1 := H2 ); intros H3; auto.
-case in_map_inv with ( 1 := H3 ); intros b1 [Hb1 Hb2]; auto.
-exists a1; exists b1; split; auto.
-case H1; auto; intros b1 [c1 [Hb1 [Hb2 Hb3]]].
-exists b1; exists c1; split; auto.
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
- UList.v
- Definition of list with distinct elements
- Definition: ulist
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Import Permutation.
-Require Import ListSet.
-Section UniqueList.
-Variable A : Set.
-Variable eqA_dec : forall (a b : A), ({ a = b }) + ({ a <> b }).
-(* A list is unique if there is not twice the same element in the list *)
-Inductive ulist : list A -> Prop :=
- ulist_nil: ulist nil
- | ulist_cons: forall a l, ~ In a l -> ulist l -> ulist (a :: l) .
-Hint Constructors ulist .
-(* Inversion theorem *)
-Theorem ulist_inv: forall a l, ulist (a :: l) -> ulist l.
-intros a l H; inversion H; auto.
-(* The append of two unique list is unique if the list are distinct *)
-Theorem ulist_app:
- forall l1 l2,
- ulist l1 ->
- ulist l2 -> (forall (a : A), In a l1 -> In a l2 -> False) -> ulist (l1 ++ l2).
-intros L1; elim L1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H l2 H0 H1 H2; apply ulist_cons; simpl; auto.
-red; intros H3; case in_app_or with ( 1 := H3 ); auto; intros H4.
-inversion H0; auto.
-apply H2 with a; auto.
-apply H; auto.
-apply ulist_inv with ( 1 := H0 ); auto.
-intros a0 H3 H4; apply (H2 a0); auto.
-(* Iinversion theorem the appended list *)
-Theorem ulist_app_inv:
- forall l1 l2 (a : A), ulist (l1 ++ l2) -> In a l1 -> In a l2 -> False.
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H l2 a0 H0 [H1|H1] H2.
-inversion H0 as [|a1 l0 H3 H4 H5]; auto.
-case H4; rewrite H1; auto with datatypes.
-apply (H l2 a0); auto.
-apply ulist_inv with ( 1 := H0 ); auto.
-(* Iinversion theorem the appended list *)
-Theorem ulist_app_inv_l: forall (l1 l2 : list A), ulist (l1 ++ l2) -> ulist l1.
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H l2 H0.
-inversion H0 as [|il1 iH1 iH2 il2 [iH4 iH5]]; apply ulist_cons; auto.
-intros H5; case iH2; auto with datatypes.
-apply H with l2; auto.
-(* Iinversion theorem the appended list *)
-Theorem ulist_app_inv_r: forall (l1 l2 : list A), ulist (l1 ++ l2) -> ulist l2.
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H l2 H0; inversion H0; auto.
-(* Uniqueness is decidable *)
-Definition ulist_dec: forall l, ({ ulist l }) + ({ ~ ulist l }).
-intros l; elim l; auto.
-intros a l1 [H|H]; auto.
-case (In_dec eqA_dec a l1); intros H2; auto.
-right; red; intros H1; inversion H1; auto.
-right; intros H1; case H; apply ulist_inv with ( 1 := H1 ).
-(* Uniqueness is compatible with permutation *)
-Theorem ulist_perm:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A), permutation l1 l2 -> ulist l1 -> ulist l2.
-intros l1 l2 H; elim H; clear H l1 l2; simpl; auto.
-intros a l1 l2 H0 H1 H2; apply ulist_cons; auto.
-inversion_clear H2 as [|ia il iH1 iH2 [iH3 iH4]]; auto.
-intros H3; case iH1;
- apply permutation_in with ( 1 := permutation_sym _ _ _ H0 ); auto.
-inversion H2; auto.
-intros a b L H0; apply ulist_cons; auto.
-inversion_clear H0 as [|ia il iH1 iH2]; auto.
-inversion_clear iH2 as [|ia il iH3 iH4]; auto.
-intros H; case H; auto.
-intros H1; case iH1; rewrite H1; simpl; auto.
-apply ulist_cons; auto.
-inversion_clear H0 as [|ia il iH1 iH2]; auto.
-intros H; case iH1; simpl; auto.
-inversion_clear H0 as [|ia il iH1 iH2]; auto.
-inversion iH2; auto.
-Theorem ulist_def:
- forall l a,
- In a l -> ulist l -> ~ (exists l1 , permutation l (a :: (a :: l1)) ).
-intros l a H H0 [l1 H1].
-absurd (ulist (a :: (a :: l1))); auto.
-intros H2; inversion_clear H2; simpl; auto with datatypes.
-apply ulist_perm with ( 1 := H1 ); auto.
-Theorem ulist_incl_permutation:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A),
- ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> (exists l3 , permutation l2 (l1 ++ l3) ).
-intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros l2 H H0; exists l2; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H l2 H0 H1; auto.
-case (in_permutation_ex _ a l2); auto with datatypes.
-intros l3 Hl3.
-case (H l3); auto.
-apply ulist_inv with ( 1 := H0 ); auto.
-intros b Hb.
-assert (H2: In b (a :: l3)).
-apply permutation_in with ( 1 := permutation_sym _ _ _ Hl3 );
- auto with datatypes.
-simpl in H2 |-; case H2; intros H3; simpl; auto.
-inversion_clear H0 as [|c lc Hk1]; auto.
-case Hk1; subst a; auto.
-intros l4 H4; exists l4.
-apply permutation_trans with (a :: l3); auto.
-apply permutation_sym; auto.
-Theorem ulist_eq_permutation:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A),
- ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2 -> permutation l1 l2.
-intros l1 l2 H1 H2 H3.
-case (ulist_incl_permutation l1 l2); auto.
-intros l3 H4.
-assert (H5: l3 = @nil A).
-generalize (permutation_length _ _ _ H4); rewrite length_app; rewrite H3.
-rewrite plus_comm; case l3; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H5; absurd (lt (length l2) (length l2)); auto with arith.
-pattern (length l2) at 2; rewrite H5; auto with arith.
-replace l1 with (app l1 l3); auto.
-apply permutation_sym; auto.
-rewrite H5; rewrite app_nil_end; auto.
-Theorem ulist_incl_length:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A), ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> le (length l1) (length l2).
-intros l1 l2 H1 Hi; case ulist_incl_permutation with ( 2 := Hi ); auto.
-intros l3 Hl3; rewrite permutation_length with ( 1 := Hl3 ); auto.
-rewrite length_app; simpl; auto with arith.
-Theorem ulist_incl2_permutation:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A),
- ulist l1 -> ulist l2 -> incl l1 l2 -> incl l2 l1 -> permutation l1 l2.
-intros l1 l2 H1 H2 H3 H4.
-apply ulist_eq_permutation; auto.
-apply le_antisym; apply ulist_incl_length; auto.
-Theorem ulist_incl_length_strict:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A),
- ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> ~ incl l2 l1 -> lt (length l1) (length l2).
-intros l1 l2 H1 Hi Hi0; case ulist_incl_permutation with ( 2 := Hi ); auto.
-intros l3 Hl3; rewrite permutation_length with ( 1 := Hl3 ); auto.
-rewrite length_app; simpl; auto with arith.
-generalize Hl3; case l3; simpl; auto with arith.
-rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto.
-intros H2; case Hi0; auto.
-intros a HH; apply permutation_in with ( 1 := H2 ); auto.
-intros a l Hl0; (rewrite plus_comm; simpl; rewrite plus_comm; auto with arith).
-Theorem in_inv_dec:
- forall (a b : A) l, In a (cons b l) -> a = b \/ ~ a = b /\ In a l.
-intros a b l H; case (eqA_dec a b); auto; intros H1.
-right; split; auto; inversion H; auto.
-case H1; auto.
-Theorem in_ex_app_first:
- forall (a : A) (l : list A),
- In a l ->
- (exists l1 : list A , exists l2 : list A , l = l1 ++ (a :: l2) /\ ~ In a l1 ).
-intros a l; elim l; clear l; auto.
-intros H; case H.
-intros a1 l H H1; auto.
-generalize (in_inv_dec _ _ _ H1); intros [H2|[H2 H3]].
-exists (nil (A:=A)); exists l; simpl; split; auto.
-eq_tac; auto.
-case H; auto; intros l1 [l2 [Hl2 Hl3]]; exists (a1 :: l1); exists l2; simpl;
- split; auto.
-eq_tac; auto.
-intros H4; case H4; auto.
-Theorem ulist_inv_ulist:
- forall (l : list A),
- ~ ulist l ->
- (exists a ,
- exists l1 ,
- exists l2 ,
- exists l3 , l = l1 ++ ((a :: l2) ++ (a :: l3)) /\ ulist (l1 ++ (a :: l2)) ).
-intros l; elim l using list_length_ind; clear l.
-intros l; case l; simpl; auto; clear l.
-intros Rec H0; case H0; auto.
-intros a l H H0.
-case (In_dec eqA_dec a l); intros H1; auto.
-case in_ex_app_first with ( 1 := H1 ); intros l1 [l2 [Hl1 Hl2]]; subst l.
-case (ulist_dec l1); intros H2.
-exists a; exists (@nil A); exists l1; exists l2; split; auto.
-simpl; apply ulist_cons; auto.
-case (H l1); auto.
-rewrite length_app; auto with arith.
-intros b [l3 [l4 [l5 [Hl3 Hl4]]]]; subst l1.
-exists b; exists (a :: l3); exists l4; exists (l5 ++ (a :: l2)); split; simpl;
- auto.
-(repeat (rewrite <- ass_app; simpl)); auto.
-apply ulist_cons; auto.
-contradict Hl2; auto.
-replace (l3 ++ (b :: (l4 ++ (b :: l5)))) with ((l3 ++ (b :: l4)) ++ (b :: l5));
- auto with datatypes.
-(repeat (rewrite <- ass_app; simpl)); auto.
-case (H l); auto; intros a1 [l1 [l2 [l3 [Hl3 Hl4]]]]; subst l.
-exists a1; exists (a :: l1); exists l2; exists l3; split; auto.
-simpl; apply ulist_cons; auto.
-contradict H1.
-replace (l1 ++ (a1 :: (l2 ++ (a1 :: l3))))
- with ((l1 ++ (a1 :: l2)) ++ (a1 :: l3)); auto with datatypes.
-(repeat (rewrite <- ass_app; simpl)); auto.
-Theorem incl_length_repetition:
- forall (l1 l2 : list A),
- incl l1 l2 ->
- lt (length l2) (length l1) ->
- (exists a ,
- exists ll1 ,
- exists ll2 ,
- exists ll3 ,
- l1 = ll1 ++ ((a :: ll2) ++ (a :: ll3)) /\ ulist (ll1 ++ (a :: ll2)) ).
-intros l1 l2 H H0; apply ulist_inv_ulist.
-intros H1; absurd (le (length l1) (length l2)); auto with arith.
-apply ulist_incl_length; auto.
-End UniqueList.
-Implicit Arguments ulist [A].
-Hint Constructors ulist .
-Theorem ulist_map:
- forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) l,
- (forall x y, (In x l) -> (In y l) -> f x = f y -> x = y) -> ulist l -> ulist (map f l).
-intros a b f l Hf Hl; generalize Hf; elim Hl; clear Hf; auto.
-simpl; auto.
-intros a1 l1 H1 H2 H3 Hf; simpl.
-apply ulist_cons; auto with datatypes.
-contradict H1.
-case in_map_inv with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with datatypes.
-intros b1 [Hb1 Hb2].
-replace a1 with b1; auto with datatypes.
-Theorem ulist_list_prod:
- forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 : list A),
- ulist l1 -> ulist l2 -> ulist (list_prod l1 l2).
-intros A l1 l2 Hl1 Hl2; elim Hl1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H1 H2 H3; apply ulist_app; auto.
-apply ulist_map; auto.
-intros x y _ _ H; inversion H; auto.
-intros p Hp1 Hp2; case H1.
-case in_map_inv with ( 1 := Hp1 ); intros a1 [Ha1 Ha2]; auto.
-case in_list_prod_inv with ( 1 := Hp2 ); intros b1 [c1 [Hb1 [Hb2 Hb3]]]; auto.
-replace a with b1; auto.
-rewrite Ha2 in Hb1; injection Hb1; auto.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/List/ZProgression.v b/theories/Ints/List/ZProgression.v
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
-Require Export Iterator.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Export UList.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Theorem next_n_Z: forall n m, next_n Zsucc n m = n + Z_of_nat m.
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m.
-intros n; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros m H n.
-replace (n + Z_of_nat (S m)) with (Zsucc n + Z_of_nat m); auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- H; auto with zarith.
-rewrite inj_S; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zprogression_end:
- forall n m,
- progression Zsucc n (S m) =
- app (progression Zsucc n m) (cons (n + Z_of_nat m) nil).
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m.
-simpl; intros; apply f_equal2 with ( f := @cons Z ); auto with zarith.
-intros m1 Hm1 n1.
-apply trans_equal with (cons n1 (progression Zsucc (Zsucc n1) (S m1))); auto.
-rewrite Hm1.
-replace (Zsucc n1 + Z_of_nat m1) with (n1 + Z_of_nat (S m1)); auto with zarith.
-replace (Z_of_nat (S m1)) with (1 + Z_of_nat m1); auto with zarith.
-rewrite inj_S; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zprogression_pred_end:
- forall n m,
- progression Zpred n (S m) =
- app (progression Zpred n m) (cons (n - Z_of_nat m) nil).
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m.
-simpl; intros; apply f_equal2 with ( f := @cons Z ); auto with zarith.
-intros m1 Hm1 n1.
-apply trans_equal with (cons n1 (progression Zpred (Zpred n1) (S m1))); auto.
-rewrite Hm1.
-replace (Zpred n1 - Z_of_nat m1) with (n1 - Z_of_nat (S m1)); auto with zarith.
-replace (Z_of_nat (S m1)) with (1 + Z_of_nat m1); auto with zarith.
-unfold Zpred; ring.
-rewrite inj_S; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zprogression_opp:
- forall n m,
- rev (progression Zsucc n m) = progression Zpred (n + Z_of_nat (pred m)) m.
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m.
-simpl; auto.
-intros m Hm n.
-rewrite (Zprogression_end n); auto.
-rewrite distr_rev.
-rewrite Hm; simpl; auto.
-case m.
-simpl; auto.
-intros m1;
- replace (n + Z_of_nat (pred (S m1))) with (Zpred (n + Z_of_nat (S m1))); auto.
-rewrite inj_S; simpl; (unfold Zpred; unfold Zsucc); auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zprogression_le_init:
- forall n m p, In p (progression Zsucc n m) -> (n <= p).
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m; simpl; auto.
-intros; contradiction.
-intros m H n p [H1|H1]; auto with zarith.
-generalize (H _ _ H1); auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zprogression_le_end:
- forall n m p, In p (progression Zsucc n m) -> (p < n + Z_of_nat m).
-intros n m; generalize n; elim m; clear n m; auto.
-intros; contradiction.
-intros m H n p H1; simpl in H1 |-; case H1; clear H1; intros H1;
- auto with zarith.
-subst n; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_lt_trans with (p + 0); auto with zarith.
-apply Zplus_lt_compat_l; red; simpl; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with (Zsucc n + Z_of_nat m); auto with zarith.
-rewrite inj_S; rewrite Zplus_succ_comm; auto with zarith.
-Theorem ulist_Zprogression: forall a n, ulist (progression Zsucc a n).
-intros a n; generalize a; elim n; clear a n; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros n H1 a; apply ulist_cons; auto.
-intros H2; absurd (Zsucc a <= a); auto with zarith.
-apply Zprogression_le_init with ( 1 := H2 ).
-Theorem in_Zprogression:
- forall a b n, ( a <= b < a + Z_of_nat n ) -> In b (progression Zsucc a n).
-intros a b n; generalize a b; elim n; clear a b n; auto with zarith.
-simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros n H a b.
-replace (a + Z_of_nat (S n)) with (Zsucc a + Z_of_nat n); auto with zarith.
-intros [H1 H2]; simpl; auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ H1); auto with zarith.
-rewrite inj_S; auto with zarith.
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
- Tactic.v
- Useful tactics
- **********************************************************************)
- A simple tactic to end a proof
-Ltac finish := intros; auto; trivial; discriminate.
- A tactic for proof by contradiction
- with contradict H
- H: ~A |- B gives |- A
- H: ~A |- ~ B gives H: B |- A
- H: A |- B gives |- ~ A
- H: A |- B gives |- ~ A
- H: A |- ~ B gives H: A |- ~ A
-Ltac contradict name :=
- let term := type of name in (
- match term with
- (~_) =>
- match goal with
- |- ~ _ => let x := fresh in
- (intros x; case name;
- generalize x; clear x name;
- intro name)
- | |- _ => case name; clear name
- end
- | _ =>
- match goal with
- |- ~ _ => let x := fresh in
- (intros x; absurd term;
- [idtac | exact name]; generalize x; clear x name;
- intros name)
- | |- _ => generalize name; absurd term;
- [idtac | exact name]; clear name
- end
- end).
- A tactic to use f_equal? theorems
-Ltac eq_tac :=
- match goal with
- |- (?g _ = ?g _) => apply f_equal with (f := g)
- | |- (?g ?X _ = ?g ?X _) => apply f_equal with (f := g X)
- | |- (?g _ _ = ?g _ _) => apply f_equal2 with (f := g)
- | |- (?g ?X ?Y _ = ?g ?X ?Y _) => apply f_equal with (f := g X Y)
- | |- (?g ?X _ _ = ?g ?X _ _) => apply f_equal2 with (f := g X)
- | |- (?g _ _ _ = ?g _ _ _) => apply f_equal3 with (f := g)
- | |- (?g ?X ?Y ?Z _ = ?g ?X ?Y ?Z _) => apply f_equal with (f := g X Y Z)
- | |- (?g ?X ?Y _ _ = ?g ?X ?Y _ _) => apply f_equal2 with (f := g X Y)
- | |- (?g ?X _ _ _ = ?g ?X _ _ _) => apply f_equal3 with (f := g X)
- | |- (?g _ _ _ _ _ = ?g _ _ _ _) => apply f_equal4 with (f := g)
- end.
- A stupid tactic that tries auto also after applying sym_equal
-Ltac sauto := (intros; apply sym_equal; auto; fail) || auto.
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
-Require Export ZArith.
-Open Local Scope Z_scope.
-Coercion Zpos : positive >-> Z.
-Coercion Z_of_N : N >-> Z.
-Lemma Zpos_plus : forall p q, Zpos (p + q) = p + q.
-Proof. intros;trivial. Qed.
-Lemma Zpos_mult : forall p q, Zpos (p * q) = p * q.
-Proof. intros;trivial. Qed.
-Lemma Zpos_xI_add : forall p, Zpos (xI p) = Zpos p + Zpos p + Zpos 1.
-Proof. intros p;rewrite Zpos_xI;ring. Qed.
-Lemma Zpos_xO_add : forall p, Zpos (xO p) = Zpos p + Zpos p.
-Proof. intros p;rewrite Zpos_xO;ring. Qed.
-Lemma Psucc_Zplus : forall p, Zpos (Psucc p) = p + 1.
-Proof. intros p;rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism;unfold Zsucc;trivial. Qed.
-Hint Rewrite Zpos_xI_add Zpos_xO_add Pplus_carry_spec
- Psucc_Zplus Zpos_plus : zmisc.
-Lemma Zlt_0_pos : forall p, 0 < Zpos p.
-Proof. unfold Zlt;trivial. Qed.
-Lemma Pminus_mask_carry_spec : forall p q,
- Pminus_mask_carry p q = Pminus_mask p (Psucc q).
- intros p q;generalize q p;clear q p.
- induction q;destruct p;simpl;try rewrite IHq;trivial.
- destruct p;trivial. destruct p;trivial.
-Hint Rewrite Pminus_mask_carry_spec : zmisc.
-Ltac zsimpl := autorewrite with zmisc.
-Ltac CaseEq t := generalize (refl_equal t);pattern t at -1;case t.
-Ltac generalizeclear H := generalize H;clear H.
-Lemma Pminus_mask_spec :
- forall p q,
- match Pminus_mask p q with
- | IsNul => Zpos p = Zpos q
- | IsPos k => Zpos p = q + k
- | IsNeq => p < q
- end.
-Proof with zsimpl;auto with zarith.
- induction p;destruct q;simpl;zsimpl;
- match goal with
- | [|- context [(Pminus_mask ?p1 ?q1)]] =>
- assert (H1 := IHp q1);destruct (Pminus_mask p1 q1)
- | _ => idtac
- end;simpl ...
- inversion H1 ... inversion H1 ...
- rewrite Psucc_Zplus in H1 ...
- clear IHp;induction p;simpl ...
- rewrite IHp;destruct (Pdouble_minus_one p) ...
- assert (H:= Zlt_0_pos q) ... assert (H:= Zlt_0_pos q) ...
-Definition PminusN x y :=
- match Pminus_mask x y with
- | IsPos k => Npos k
- | _ => N0
- end.
-Lemma PminusN_le : forall x y:positive, x <= y -> Z_of_N (PminusN y x) = y - x.
- intros x y Hle;unfold PminusN.
- assert (H := Pminus_mask_spec y x);destruct (Pminus_mask y x).
- rewrite H;unfold Z_of_N;auto with zarith.
- rewrite H;unfold Z_of_N;auto with zarith.
- elimtype False;omega.
-Lemma Ppred_Zminus : forall p, 1< Zpos p -> (p-1)%Z = Ppred p.
-Proof. destruct p;simpl;trivial. intros;elimtype False;omega. Qed.
-Open Local Scope positive_scope.
-Delimit Scope P_scope with P.
-Open Local Scope P_scope.
-Definition is_lt (n m : positive) :=
- match (n ?= m) Eq with
- | Lt => true
- | _ => false
- end.
-Infix "?<" := is_lt (at level 70, no associativity) : P_scope.
-Lemma is_lt_spec : forall n m, if n ?< m then (n < m)%Z else (m <= n)%Z.
- intros n m; unfold is_lt, Zlt, Zle, Zcompare.
- rewrite (ZC4 m n);destruct ((n ?= m) Eq);trivial;try (intro;discriminate).
-Definition is_eq a b :=
- match (a ?= b) Eq with
- | Eq => true
- | _ => false
- end.
-Infix "?=" := is_eq (at level 70, no associativity) : P_scope.
-Lemma is_eq_refl : forall n, n ?= n = true.
-Proof. intros n;unfold is_eq;rewrite Pcompare_refl;trivial. Qed.
-Lemma is_eq_eq : forall n m, n ?= m = true -> n = m.
- unfold is_eq;intros n m H; apply Pcompare_Eq_eq;
- destruct ((n ?= m)%positive Eq);trivial;try discriminate.
-Lemma is_eq_spec_pos : forall n m, if n ?= m then n = m else m <> n.
- intros n m; CaseEq (n ?= m);intro H.
- rewrite (is_eq_eq _ _ H);trivial.
- intro H1;rewrite H1 in H;rewrite is_eq_refl in H;discriminate H.
-Lemma is_eq_spec : forall n m, if n ?= m then Zpos n = m else Zpos m <> n.
- intros n m; CaseEq (n ?= m);intro H.
- rewrite (is_eq_eq _ _ H);trivial.
- intro H1;inversion H1.
- rewrite H2 in H;rewrite is_eq_refl in H;discriminate H.
-Definition is_Eq a b :=
- match a, b with
- | N0, N0 => true
- | Npos a', Npos b' => a' ?= b'
- | _, _ => false
- end.
-Lemma is_Eq_spec :
- forall n m, if is_Eq n m then Z_of_N n = m else Z_of_N m <> n.
- destruct n;destruct m;simpl;trivial;try (intro;discriminate).
- apply is_eq_spec.
-(* [times x y] return [x * y], a litle bit more efficiant *)
-Fixpoint times (x y : positive) {struct y} : positive :=
- match x, y with
- | xH, _ => y
- | _, xH => x
- | xO x', xO y' => xO (xO (times x' y'))
- | xO x', xI y' => xO (x' + xO (times x' y'))
- | xI x', xO y' => xO (y' + xO (times x' y'))
- | xI x', xI y' => xI (x' + y' + xO (times x' y'))
- end.
-Infix "*" := times : P_scope.
-Lemma times_Zmult : forall p q, Zpos (p * q)%P = (p * q)%Z.
- intros p q;generalize q p;clear p q.
- induction q;destruct p; unfold times; try fold (times p q);
- autorewrite with zmisc; try rewrite IHq; ring.
-Fixpoint square (x:positive) : positive :=
- match x with
- | xH => xH
- | xO x => xO (xO (square x))
- | xI x => xI (xO (square x + x))
- end.
-Lemma square_Zmult : forall x, Zpos (square x) = (x * x) %Z.
- induction x as [x IHx|x IHx |];unfold square;try (fold (square x));
- autorewrite with zmisc; try rewrite IHx; ring.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/Z/Pmod.v b/theories/Ints/Z/Pmod.v
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
-Require Import IntsZmisc.
-Open Local Scope P_scope.
-(* [div_eucl a b] return [(q,r)] such that a = q*b + r *)
-Fixpoint div_eucl (a b : positive) {struct a} : N * N :=
- match a with
- | xH => if 1 ?< b then (0%N, 1%N) else (1%N, 0%N)
- | xO a' =>
- let (q, r) := div_eucl a' b in
- match q, r with
- | N0, N0 => (0%N, 0%N) (* n'arrive jamais *)
- | N0, Npos r =>
- if (xO r) ?< b then (0%N, Npos (xO r))
- else (1%N,PminusN (xO r) b)
- | Npos q, N0 => (Npos (xO q), 0%N)
- | Npos q, Npos r =>
- if (xO r) ?< b then (Npos (xO q), Npos (xO r))
- else (Npos (xI q),PminusN (xO r) b)
- end
- | xI a' =>
- let (q, r) := div_eucl a' b in
- match q, r with
- | N0, N0 => (0%N, 0%N) (* Impossible *)
- | N0, Npos r =>
- if (xI r) ?< b then (0%N, Npos (xI r))
- else (1%N,PminusN (xI r) b)
- | Npos q, N0 => if 1 ?< b then (Npos (xO q), 1%N) else (Npos (xI q), 0%N)
- | Npos q, Npos r =>
- if (xI r) ?< b then (Npos (xO q), Npos (xI r))
- else (Npos (xI q),PminusN (xI r) b)
- end
- end.
-Infix "/" := div_eucl : P_scope.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Opaque Zmult.
-Lemma div_eucl_spec : forall a b,
- Zpos a = fst (a/b)%P * b + snd (a/b)%P
- /\ snd (a/b)%P < b.
-Proof with zsimpl;try apply Zlt_0_pos;try ((ring;fail) || omega).
- intros a b;generalize a;clear a;induction a;simpl;zsimpl;
- try (case IHa;clear IHa;repeat rewrite Zmult_0_l;zsimpl;intros H1 H2;
- try rewrite H1; destruct (a/b)%P as [q r];
- destruct q as [|q];destruct r as [|r];simpl in *;
- generalize H1 H2;clear H1 H2);repeat rewrite Zmult_0_l;
- repeat rewrite Zplus_0_r;
- zsimpl;simpl;intros;
- match goal with
- | [H : Zpos _ = 0 |- _] => discriminate H
- | [|- context [ ?xx ?< b ]] =>
- assert (H3 := is_lt_spec xx b);destruct (xx ?< b)
- | _ => idtac
- end;simpl;try assert(H4 := Zlt_0_pos r);split;repeat rewrite Zplus_0_r;
- try (generalize H3;zsimpl;intros);
- try (rewrite PminusN_le;trivial) ...
- assert (Zpos b = 1) ... rewrite H ...
- assert (H4 := Zlt_0_pos b); assert (Zpos b = 1) ...
-Transparent Zmult.
-(******** Definition du modulo ************)
-(* [mod a b] return [a] modulo [b] *)
-Fixpoint Pmod (a b : positive) {struct a} : N :=
- match a with
- | xH => if 1 ?< b then 1%N else 0%N
- | xO a' =>
- let r := Pmod a' b in
- match r with
- | N0 => 0%N
- | Npos r' =>
- if (xO r') ?< b then Npos (xO r')
- else PminusN (xO r') b
- end
- | xI a' =>
- let r := Pmod a' b in
- match r with
- | N0 => if 1 ?< b then 1%N else 0%N
- | Npos r' =>
- if (xI r') ?< b then Npos (xI r')
- else PminusN (xI r') b
- end
- end.
-Infix "mod" := Pmod (at level 40, no associativity) : P_scope.
-Open Local Scope P_scope.
-Lemma Pmod_div_eucl : forall a b, a mod b = snd (a/b).
-Proof with auto.
- intros a b;generalize a;clear a;induction a;simpl;
- try (rewrite IHa;
- assert (H1 := div_eucl_spec a b); destruct (a/b) as [q r];
- destruct q as [|q];destruct r as [|r];simpl in *;
- match goal with
- | [|- context [ ?xx ?< b ]] =>
- assert (H2 := is_lt_spec xx b);destruct (xx ?< b)
- | _ => idtac
- end;simpl) ...
- destruct H1 as [H3 H4];discriminate H3.
- destruct (1 ?< b);simpl ...
-Lemma mod1: forall a, a mod 1 = 0%N.
-Proof. induction a;simpl;try rewrite IHa;trivial. Qed.
-Lemma mod_a_a_0 : forall a, a mod a = N0.
- intros a;generalize (div_eucl_spec a a);rewrite <- Pmod_div_eucl.
- destruct (fst (a / a));unfold Z_of_N at 1.
- rewrite Zmult_0_l;intros (H1,H2);elimtype False;omega.
- assert (a<=p*a).
- pattern (Zpos a) at 1;rewrite <- (Zmult_1_l a).
- assert (H1:= Zlt_0_pos p);assert (H2:= Zle_0_pos a);
- apply Zmult_le_compat;trivial;try omega.
- destruct (a mod a)%P;auto with zarith.
- unfold Z_of_N;assert (H1:= Zlt_0_pos p0);intros (H2,H3);elimtype False;omega.
-Lemma mod_le_2r : forall (a b r: positive) (q:N),
- Zpos a = b*q + r -> b <= a -> r < b -> 2*r <= a.
- intros a b r q H0 H1 H2.
- assert (H3:=Zlt_0_pos a). assert (H4:=Zlt_0_pos b). assert (H5:=Zlt_0_pos r).
- destruct q as [|q]. rewrite Zmult_0_r in H0. elimtype False;omega.
- assert (H6:=Zlt_0_pos q). unfold Z_of_N in H0.
- assert (Zpos r = a - b*q). omega.
- simpl;zsimpl. pattern r at 2;rewrite H.
- assert (b <= b * q).
- pattern (Zpos b) at 1;rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r b).
- apply Zmult_le_compat;try omega.
- apply Zle_trans with (a - b * q + b). omega.
- apply Zle_trans with (a - b + b);omega.
-Lemma mod_lt : forall a b r, a mod b = Npos r -> r < b.
- intros a b r H;generalize (div_eucl_spec a b);rewrite <- Pmod_div_eucl;
- rewrite H;simpl;intros (H1,H2);omega.
-Lemma mod_le : forall a b r, a mod b = Npos r -> r <= b.
-Proof. intros a b r H;assert (H1:= mod_lt _ _ _ H);omega. Qed.
-Lemma mod_le_a : forall a b r, a mod b = r -> r <= a.
- intros a b r H;generalize (div_eucl_spec a b);rewrite <- Pmod_div_eucl;
- rewrite H;simpl;intros (H1,H2).
- assert (0 <= fst (a / b) * b).
- destruct (fst (a / b));simpl;auto with zarith.
- auto with zarith.
-Lemma lt_mod : forall a b, Zpos a < Zpos b -> (a mod b)%P = Npos a.
- intros a b H; rewrite Pmod_div_eucl. case (div_eucl_spec a b).
- assert (0 <= snd(a/b)). destruct (snd(a/b));simpl;auto with zarith.
- destruct (fst (a/b)).
- unfold Z_of_N at 1;rewrite Zmult_0_l;rewrite Zplus_0_l.
- destruct (snd (a/b));simpl; intros H1 H2;inversion H1;trivial.
- unfold Z_of_N at 1;assert (b <= p*b).
- pattern (Zpos b) at 1; rewrite <- (Zmult_1_l (Zpos b)).
- assert (H1 := Zlt_0_pos p);apply Zmult_le_compat;try omega.
- apply Zle_0_pos.
- intros;elimtype False;omega.
-Fixpoint gcd_log2 (a b c:positive) {struct c}: option positive :=
- match a mod b with
- | N0 => Some b
- | Npos r =>
- match b mod r, c with
- | N0, _ => Some r
- | Npos r', xH => None
- | Npos r', xO c' => gcd_log2 r r' c'
- | Npos r', xI c' => gcd_log2 r r' c'
- end
- end.
-Fixpoint egcd_log2 (a b c:positive) {struct c}:
- option (Z * Z * positive) :=
- match a/b with
- | (_, N0) => Some (0, 1, b)
- | (q, Npos r) =>
- match b/r, c with
- | (_, N0), _ => Some (1, -q, r)
- | (q', Npos r'), xH => None
- | (q', Npos r'), xO c' =>
- match egcd_log2 r r' c' with
- None => None
- | Some (u', v', w') =>
- let u := u' - v' * q' in
- Some (u, v' - q * u, w')
- end
- | (q', Npos r'), xI c' =>
- match egcd_log2 r r' c' with
- None => None
- | Some (u', v', w') =>
- let u := u' - v' * q' in
- Some (u, v' - q * u, w')
- end
- end
- end.
-Lemma egcd_gcd_log2: forall c a b,
- match egcd_log2 a b c, gcd_log2 a b c with
- None, None => True
- | Some (u,v,r), Some r' => r = r'
- | _, _ => False
- end.
-induction c; simpl; auto; try
- (intros a b; generalize (Pmod_div_eucl a b); case (a/b); simpl;
- intros q r1 H; subst; case (a mod b); auto;
- intros r; generalize (Pmod_div_eucl b r); case (b/r); simpl;
- intros q' r1 H; subst; case (b mod r); auto;
- intros r'; generalize (IHc r r'); case egcd_log2; auto;
- intros ((p1,p2),p3); case gcd_log2; auto).
-Ltac rw l :=
- match l with
- | (?r, ?r1) =>
- match type of r with
- True => rewrite <- r1
- | _ => rw r; rw r1
- end
- | ?r => rewrite r
- end.
-Lemma egcd_log2_ok: forall c a b,
- match egcd_log2 a b c with
- None => True
- | Some (u,v,r) => u * a + v * b = r
- end.
-induction c; simpl; auto;
- intros a b; generalize (div_eucl_spec a b); case (a/b);
- simpl fst; simpl snd; intros q r1; case r1; try (intros; ring);
- simpl; intros r (Hr1, Hr2); clear r1;
- generalize (div_eucl_spec b r); case (b/r);
- simpl fst; simpl snd; intros q' r1; case r1;
- try (intros; rewrite Hr1; ring);
- simpl; intros r' (Hr'1, Hr'2); clear r1; auto;
- generalize (IHc r r'); case egcd_log2; auto;
- intros ((u',v'),w'); case gcd_log2; auto; intros;
- rw ((I, H), Hr1, Hr'1); ring.
-Fixpoint log2 (a:positive) : positive :=
- match a with
- | xH => xH
- | xO a => Psucc (log2 a)
- | xI a => Psucc (log2 a)
- end.
-Lemma gcd_log2_1: forall a c, gcd_log2 a xH c = Some xH.
-Proof. destruct c;simpl;try rewrite mod1;trivial. Qed.
-Lemma log2_Zle :forall a b, Zpos a <= Zpos b -> log2 a <= log2 b.
-Proof with zsimpl;try omega.
- induction a;destruct b;zsimpl;intros;simpl ...
- assert (log2 a <= log2 b) ... apply IHa ...
- assert (log2 a <= log2 b) ... apply IHa ...
- assert (H1 := Zlt_0_pos a);elimtype False;omega.
- assert (log2 a <= log2 b) ... apply IHa ...
- assert (log2 a <= log2 b) ... apply IHa ...
- assert (H1 := Zlt_0_pos a);elimtype False;omega.
- assert (H1 := Zlt_0_pos (log2 b)) ...
- assert (H1 := Zlt_0_pos (log2 b)) ...
-Lemma log2_1_inv : forall a, Zpos (log2 a) = 1 -> a = xH.
- destruct a;simpl;zsimpl;intros;trivial.
- assert (H1:= Zlt_0_pos (log2 a));elimtype False;omega.
- assert (H1:= Zlt_0_pos (log2 a));elimtype False;omega.
-Lemma mod_log2 :
- forall a b r:positive, a mod b = Npos r -> b <= a -> log2 r + 1 <= log2 a.
- intros; cut (log2 (xO r) <= log2 a). simpl;zsimpl;trivial.
- apply log2_Zle.
- replace (Zpos (xO r)) with (2 * r)%Z;trivial.
- generalize (div_eucl_spec a b);rewrite <- Pmod_div_eucl;rewrite H.
- rewrite Zmult_comm;intros [H1 H2];apply mod_le_2r with b (fst (a/b));trivial.
-Lemma gcd_log2_None_aux :
- forall c a b, Zpos b <= Zpos a -> log2 b <= log2 c ->
- gcd_log2 a b c <> None.
- induction c;simpl;intros;
- (CaseEq (a mod b);[intros Heq|intros r Heq];try (intro;discriminate));
- (CaseEq (b mod r);[intros Heq'|intros r' Heq'];try (intro;discriminate)).
- apply IHc. apply mod_le with b;trivial.
- generalize H0 (mod_log2 _ _ _ Heq' (mod_le _ _ _ Heq));zsimpl;intros;omega.
- apply IHc. apply mod_le with b;trivial.
- generalize H0 (mod_log2 _ _ _ Heq' (mod_le _ _ _ Heq));zsimpl;intros;omega.
- assert (Zpos (log2 b) = 1).
- assert (H1 := Zlt_0_pos (log2 b));omega.
- rewrite (log2_1_inv _ H1) in Heq;rewrite mod1 in Heq;discriminate Heq.
-Lemma gcd_log2_None : forall a b, Zpos b <= Zpos a -> gcd_log2 a b b <> None.
-Proof. intros;apply gcd_log2_None_aux;auto with zarith. Qed.
-Lemma gcd_log2_Zle :
- forall c1 c2 a b, log2 c1 <= log2 c2 ->
- gcd_log2 a b c1 <> None -> gcd_log2 a b c2 = gcd_log2 a b c1.
-Proof with zsimpl;trivial;try omega.
- induction c1;destruct c2;simpl;intros;
- (destruct (a mod b) as [|r];[idtac | destruct (b mod r)]) ...
- apply IHc1;trivial. generalize H;zsimpl;intros;omega.
- apply IHc1;trivial. generalize H;zsimpl;intros;omega.
- elim H;destruct (log2 c1);trivial.
- apply IHc1;trivial. generalize H;zsimpl;intros;omega.
- apply IHc1;trivial. generalize H;zsimpl;intros;omega.
- elim H;destruct (log2 c1);trivial.
- elim H0;trivial. elim H0;trivial.
-Lemma gcd_log2_Zle_log :
- forall a b c, log2 b <= log2 c -> Zpos b <= Zpos a ->
- gcd_log2 a b c = gcd_log2 a b b.
- intros a b c H1 H2; apply gcd_log2_Zle; trivial.
- apply gcd_log2_None; trivial.
-Lemma gcd_log2_mod0 :
- forall a b c, a mod b = N0 -> gcd_log2 a b c = Some b.
-Proof. intros a b c H;destruct c;simpl;rewrite H;trivial. Qed.
-Require Import Zwf.
-Lemma Zwf_pos : well_founded (fun x y => Zpos x < Zpos y).
- unfold well_founded.
- assert (forall x a ,x = Zpos a -> Acc (fun x y : positive => x < y) a).
- intros x;assert (Hacc := Zwf_well_founded 0 x);induction Hacc;intros;subst x.
- constructor;intros. apply H0 with (Zpos y);trivial.
- split;auto with zarith.
- intros a;apply H with (Zpos a);trivial.
-Opaque Pmod.
-Lemma gcd_log2_mod : forall a b, Zpos b <= Zpos a ->
- forall r, a mod b = Npos r -> gcd_log2 a b b = gcd_log2 b r r.
- intros a b;generalize a;clear a; assert (Hacc := Zwf_pos b).
- induction Hacc; intros a Hle r Hmod.
- rename x into b. destruct b;simpl;rewrite Hmod.
- CaseEq (xI b mod r)%P;intros. rewrite gcd_log2_mod0;trivial.
- assert (H2 := mod_le _ _ _ H1);assert (H3 := mod_lt _ _ _ Hmod);
- assert (H4 := mod_le _ _ _ Hmod).
- rewrite (gcd_log2_Zle_log r p b);trivial.
- symmetry;apply H0;trivial.
- generalize (mod_log2 _ _ _ H1 H4);simpl;zsimpl;intros;omega.
- CaseEq (xO b mod r)%P;intros. rewrite gcd_log2_mod0;trivial.
- assert (H2 := mod_le _ _ _ H1);assert (H3 := mod_lt _ _ _ Hmod);
- assert (H4 := mod_le _ _ _ Hmod).
- rewrite (gcd_log2_Zle_log r p b);trivial.
- symmetry;apply H0;trivial.
- generalize (mod_log2 _ _ _ H1 H4);simpl;zsimpl;intros;omega.
- rewrite mod1 in Hmod;discriminate Hmod.
-Lemma gcd_log2_xO_Zle :
- forall a b, Zpos b <= Zpos a -> gcd_log2 a b (xO b) = gcd_log2 a b b.
- intros a b Hle;apply gcd_log2_Zle.
- simpl;zsimpl;auto with zarith.
- apply gcd_log2_None_aux;auto with zarith.
-Lemma gcd_log2_xO_Zlt :
- forall a b, Zpos a < Zpos b -> gcd_log2 a b (xO b) = gcd_log2 b a a.
- intros a b H;simpl. assert (Hlt := Zlt_0_pos a).
- assert (H0 := lt_mod _ _ H).
- rewrite H0;simpl.
- CaseEq (b mod a)%P;intros;simpl.
- symmetry;apply gcd_log2_mod0;trivial.
- assert (H2 := mod_lt _ _ _ H1).
- rewrite (gcd_log2_Zle_log a p b);auto with zarith.
- symmetry;apply gcd_log2_mod;auto with zarith.
- apply log2_Zle.
- replace (Zpos p) with (Z_of_N (Npos p));trivial.
- apply mod_le_a with a;trivial.
-Lemma gcd_log2_x0 : forall a b, gcd_log2 a b (xO b) <> None.
- intros;simpl;CaseEq (a mod b)%P;intros. intro;discriminate.
- CaseEq (b mod p)%P;intros. intro;discriminate.
- assert (H1 := mod_le_a _ _ _ H0). unfold Z_of_N in H1.
- assert (H2 := mod_le _ _ _ H0).
- apply gcd_log2_None_aux. trivial.
- apply log2_Zle. trivial.
-Lemma egcd_log2_x0 : forall a b, egcd_log2 a b (xO b) <> None.
-intros a b H; generalize (egcd_gcd_log2 (xO b) a b) (gcd_log2_x0 a b);
- rw H; case gcd_log2; auto.
-Definition gcd a b :=
- match gcd_log2 a b (xO b) with
- | Some p => p
- | None => (* can not appear *) 1%positive
- end.
-Definition egcd a b :=
- match egcd_log2 a b (xO b) with
- | Some p => p
- | None => (* can not appear *) (1,1,1%positive)
- end.
-Lemma gcd_mod0 : forall a b, (a mod b)%P = N0 -> gcd a b = b.
- intros a b H;unfold gcd.
- pattern (gcd_log2 a b (xO b)) at 1;
- rewrite (gcd_log2_mod0 _ _ (xO b) H);trivial.
-Lemma gcd1 : forall a, gcd a xH = xH.
-Proof. intros a;rewrite gcd_mod0;[trivial|apply mod1]. Qed.
-Lemma gcd_mod : forall a b r, (a mod b)%P = Npos r ->
- gcd a b = gcd b r.
- intros a b r H;unfold gcd.
- assert (log2 r <= log2 (xO r)). simpl;zsimpl;omega.
- assert (H1 := mod_lt _ _ _ H).
- pattern (gcd_log2 b r (xO r)) at 1; rewrite gcd_log2_Zle_log;auto with zarith.
- destruct (Z_lt_le_dec a b).
- pattern (gcd_log2 a b (xO b)) at 1; rewrite gcd_log2_xO_Zlt;trivial.
- rewrite (lt_mod _ _ z) in H;inversion H.
- assert (r <= b). omega.
- generalize (gcd_log2_None _ _ H2).
- destruct (gcd_log2 b r r);intros;trivial.
- assert (log2 b <= log2 (xO b)). simpl;zsimpl;omega.
- pattern (gcd_log2 a b (xO b)) at 1; rewrite gcd_log2_Zle_log;auto with zarith.
- pattern (gcd_log2 a b b) at 1;rewrite (gcd_log2_mod _ _ z _ H).
- assert (r <= b). omega.
- generalize (gcd_log2_None _ _ H3).
- destruct (gcd_log2 b r r);intros;trivial.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import Znumtheory.
-Hint Rewrite Zpos_mult times_Zmult square_Zmult Psucc_Zplus: zmisc.
-Ltac mauto :=
- trivial;autorewrite with zmisc;trivial;auto with zarith.
-Lemma gcd_Zis_gcd : forall a b:positive, (Zis_gcd b a (gcd b a)%P).
-Proof with mauto.
- intros a;assert (Hacc := Zwf_pos a);induction Hacc;rename x into a;intros.
- generalize (div_eucl_spec b a)...
- rewrite <- (Pmod_div_eucl b a).
- CaseEq (b mod a)%P;[intros Heq|intros r Heq]; intros (H1,H2).
- simpl in H1;rewrite Zplus_0_r in H1.
- rewrite (gcd_mod0 _ _ Heq).
- constructor;mauto.
- apply Zdivide_intro with (fst (b/a)%P);trivial.
- rewrite (gcd_mod _ _ _ Heq).
- rewrite H1;apply Zis_gcd_sym.
- rewrite Zmult_comm;apply Zis_gcd_for_euclid2;simpl in *.
- apply Zis_gcd_sym;auto.
-Lemma egcd_Zis_gcd : forall a b:positive,
- let (uv,w) := egcd a b in
- let (u,v) := uv in
- u * a + v * b = w /\ (Zis_gcd b a w).
-Proof with mauto.
- intros a b; unfold egcd.
- generalize (egcd_log2_ok (xO b) a b) (egcd_gcd_log2 (xO b) a b)
- (egcd_log2_x0 a b) (gcd_Zis_gcd b a); unfold egcd, gcd.
- case egcd_log2; try (intros ((u,v),w)); case gcd_log2;
- try (intros; match goal with H: False |- _ => case H end);
- try (intros _ _ H1; case H1; auto; fail).
- intros; subst; split; try apply Zis_gcd_sym; auto.
-Definition Zgcd a b :=
- match a, b with
- | Z0, _ => b
- | _, Z0 => a
- | Zpos a, Zneg b => Zpos (gcd a b)
- | Zneg a, Zpos b => Zpos (gcd a b)
- | Zpos a, Zpos b => Zpos (gcd a b)
- | Zneg a, Zneg b => Zpos (gcd a b)
- end.
-Lemma Zgcd_is_gcd : forall x y, Zis_gcd x y (Zgcd x y).
- destruct x;destruct y;simpl.
- apply Zis_gcd_0.
- apply Zis_gcd_sym;apply Zis_gcd_0.
- apply Zis_gcd_sym;apply Zis_gcd_0.
- apply Zis_gcd_0.
- apply gcd_Zis_gcd.
- apply Zis_gcd_sym;apply Zis_gcd_minus;simpl;apply gcd_Zis_gcd.
- apply Zis_gcd_0.
- apply Zis_gcd_minus;simpl;apply Zis_gcd_sym;apply gcd_Zis_gcd.
- apply Zis_gcd_minus;apply Zis_gcd_minus;simpl;apply gcd_Zis_gcd.
-Definition Zegcd a b :=
- match a, b with
- | Z0, Z0 => (0,0,0)
- | Zpos _, Z0 => (1,0,a)
- | Zneg _, Z0 => (-1,0,-a)
- | Z0, Zpos _ => (0,1,b)
- | Z0, Zneg _ => (0,-1,-b)
- | Zpos a, Zneg b =>
- match egcd a b with (u,v,w) => (u,-v, Zpos w) end
- | Zneg a, Zpos b =>
- match egcd a b with (u,v,w) => (-u,v, Zpos w) end
- | Zpos a, Zpos b =>
- match egcd a b with (u,v,w) => (u,v, Zpos w) end
- | Zneg a, Zneg b =>
- match egcd a b with (u,v,w) => (-u,-v, Zpos w) end
- end.
-Lemma Zegcd_is_egcd : forall x y,
- match Zegcd x y with
- (u,v,w) => u * x + v * y = w /\ Zis_gcd x y w /\ 0 <= w
- end.
- assert (zx0: forall x, Zneg x = -x).
- simpl; auto.
- assert (zx1: forall x, -(-x) = x).
- intro x; case x; simpl; auto.
- destruct x;destruct y;simpl; try (split; [idtac|split]);
- auto; try (red; simpl; intros; discriminate);
- try (rewrite zx0; apply Zis_gcd_minus; try rewrite zx1; auto;
- apply Zis_gcd_minus; try rewrite zx1; simpl; auto);
- try apply Zis_gcd_0; try (apply Zis_gcd_sym;apply Zis_gcd_0);
- generalize (egcd_Zis_gcd p p0); case egcd; intros (u,v,w) (H1, H2);
- split; repeat rewrite zx0; try (rewrite <- H1; ring); auto;
- (split; [idtac | red; intros; discriminate]).
- apply Zis_gcd_sym; auto.
- apply Zis_gcd_sym; apply Zis_gcd_minus; rw zx1;
- apply Zis_gcd_sym; auto.
- apply Zis_gcd_minus; rw zx1; auto.
- apply Zis_gcd_minus; rw zx1; auto.
- apply Zis_gcd_minus; rw zx1; auto.
- apply Zis_gcd_sym; auto.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/Z/Ppow.v b/theories/Ints/Z/Ppow.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e4ca5ef..000000000
--- a/theories/Ints/Z/Ppow.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import ZAux.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Fixpoint Ppow a z {struct z}:=
- match z with
- xH => a
- | xO z1 => let v := Ppow a z1 in (Pmult v v)
- | xI z1 => let v := Ppow a z1 in (Pmult a (Pmult v v))
- end.
-Theorem Ppow_correct: forall a z,
- Zpos (Ppow a z) = (Zpos a) ^ (Zpos z).
-intros a z; elim z; simpl Ppow; auto;
- try (intros z1 Hrec; repeat rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism; rewrite Hrec).
- rewrite Zpos_xI; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; rewrite (Zmult_comm 2);
- try rewrite Zpower_mult; auto with zarith.
- change 2 with (1 + 1); rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; rewrite Zmult_comm; auto.
- apply Zle_ge; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpos_xO; rewrite (Zmult_comm 2);
- rewrite Zpower_mult; auto with zarith.
- change 2 with (1 + 1); rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto.
-Theorem Ppow_plus: forall a z1 z2,
- Ppow a (z1 + z2) = ((Ppow a z1) * (Ppow a z2))%positive.
-intros a z1 z2.
- assert (tmp: forall x y, Zpos x = Zpos y -> x = y).
- intros x y H; injection H; auto.
- apply tmp.
- rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism; repeat rewrite Ppow_correct.
- rewrite Zpos_plus_distr; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto; red; simpl;
- intros; discriminate.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/Z/ZAux.v b/theories/Ints/Z/ZAux.v
index 83337ee50..8e4b1d64f 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/Z/ZAux.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/Z/ZAux.v
@@ -15,8 +15,13 @@
Require Import ArithRing.
Require Export ZArith.
Require Export Znumtheory.
-Require Export Tactic.
-(* Require Import MOmega. *)
+Require Export Zpow_facts.
+(* *** Nota Bene ***
+ All results that were general enough has been moved in ZArith.
+ Only remain here specialized lemmas and compatibility elements.
+ (P.L. 5/11/2007).
Open Local Scope Z_scope.
@@ -35,51 +40,18 @@ Hint Extern 2 (Zlt _ _) =>
| H: _ < ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := H)
+Hint Resolve Zlt_gt Zle_ge Z_div_pos: zarith.
Properties of order and product
-Theorem Zmult_interval: forall p q, 0 < p * q -> 1 < p -> 0 < q < p * q.
-intros p q H1 H2; assert (0 < q).
-case (Zle_or_lt q 0); auto; intros H3; contradict H1; apply Zle_not_lt.
-rewrite <- (Zmult_0_r p).
-apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-split; auto.
-pattern q at 1; rewrite <- (Zmult_1_l q).
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zmult_lt_compat: forall n m p q : Z, 0 < n <= p -> 0 < m < q -> n * m < p * q.
-intros n m p q (H1, H2) (H3, H4).
-apply Zle_lt_trans with (p * m).
-apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zle_square_mult: forall a b, 0 <= a <= b -> a * a <= b * b.
-intros a b (H1, H2); apply Zle_trans with (a * b); auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zlt_square_mult: forall a b, 0 <= a < b -> a * a < b * b.
-intros a b (H1, H2); apply Zle_lt_trans with (a * b); auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zlt_square_mult_inv: forall a b, 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> a * a < b * b -> a < b.
-intros a b H1 H2 H3; case (Zle_or_lt b a); auto; intros H4; apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with a;
- contradict H3; apply Zle_not_lt; apply Zle_square_mult; auto.
-Theorem Zpower_2: forall x, x^2 = x * x.
-intros; ring.
Theorem beta_lex: forall a b c d beta,
a * beta + b <= c * beta + d ->
0 <= b < beta -> 0 <= d < beta ->
a <= c.
+ Proof.
intros a b c d beta H1 (H3, H4) (H5, H6).
assert (a - c < 1); auto with zarith.
apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with beta; auto with zarith.
@@ -175,1203 +147,161 @@ Theorem mult_add_ineq3: forall x y c cross beta,
apply Zle_trans with (1*beta+cross);auto with zarith.
- Properties of Z_nat
- **************************************)
-Theorem inj_eq_inv: forall (n m : nat), Z_of_nat n = Z_of_nat m -> n = m.
-intros n m H1; case (le_or_lt n m); auto with arith.
-intros H2; case (le_lt_or_eq _ _ H2); auto; intros H3.
-contradict H1; auto with zarith.
-intros H2; contradict H1; auto with zarith.
-Theorem inj_le_inv: forall (n m : nat), Z_of_nat n <= Z_of_nat m-> (n <= m)%nat.
-intros n m H1; case (le_or_lt n m); auto with arith.
-intros H2; contradict H1; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat:
- forall (z : Z), 0 <= z -> Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat z) = z.
-intros z; case z; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros; apply sym_equal; apply Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P; auto.
-intros p H1; contradict H1; simpl; auto with zarith.
- Properties of Zabs
-Theorem Zabs_square: forall a, a * a = Zabs a * Zabs a.
-intros a; rewrite <- Zabs_Zmult; apply sym_equal; apply Zabs_eq;
- auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_or_lt 0%Z a); auto with zarith.
-intros Ha; replace (a * a) with (- a * - a); auto with zarith.
- Properties of Zabs_nat
-Theorem Z_of_nat_abs_le:
- forall x y, x <= y -> x + Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat (y - x)) = y.
-intros x y Hx1.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zabs_nat_Zsucc:
- forall p, 0 <= p -> Zabs_nat (Zsucc p) = S (Zabs_nat p).
-intros p Hp.
-apply inj_eq_inv.
-rewrite inj_S; (repeat rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat); auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat: forall n, Zabs_nat (Z_of_nat n) = n.
-intros n1; apply inj_eq_inv; rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
- Properties Zsqrt_plain
-Theorem Zsqrt_plain_is_pos: forall n, 0 <= n -> 0 <= Zsqrt_plain n.
-intros n m; case (Zsqrt_interval n); auto with zarith.
-intros H1 H2; case (Zle_or_lt 0 (Zsqrt_plain n)); auto.
-intros H3; contradict H2; apply Zle_not_lt.
-apply Zle_trans with ( 2 := H1 ).
-replace ((Zsqrt_plain n + 1) * (Zsqrt_plain n + 1))
- with (Zsqrt_plain n * Zsqrt_plain n + (2 * Zsqrt_plain n + 1));
- auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zsqrt_square_id: forall a, 0 <= a -> Zsqrt_plain (a * a) = a.
-intros a H.
-generalize (Zsqrt_plain_is_pos (a * a)); auto with zarith; intros Haa.
-case (Zsqrt_interval (a * a)); auto with zarith.
-intros H1 H2.
-case (Zle_or_lt a (Zsqrt_plain (a * a))); intros H3; auto.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := H3 ); auto; clear H3; intros H3.
-contradict H1; apply Zlt_not_le; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_lt_trans with (a * Zsqrt_plain (a * a)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
-contradict H2; apply Zle_not_lt; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zsqrt_le:
- forall p q, 0 <= p <= q -> Zsqrt_plain p <= Zsqrt_plain q.
-intros p q [H1 H2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := H2 ); clear H2; intros H2.
-2:subst q; auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_or_lt (Zsqrt_plain p) (Zsqrt_plain q)); auto; intros H3.
-assert (Hp: (0 <= Zsqrt_plain q)).
-apply Zsqrt_plain_is_pos; auto with zarith.
-absurd (q <= p); auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_trans with ((Zsqrt_plain q + 1) * (Zsqrt_plain q + 1)).
-case (Zsqrt_interval q); auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_trans with (Zsqrt_plain p * Zsqrt_plain p); auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with zarith.
-case (Zsqrt_interval p); auto with zarith.
+Hint Rewrite Zmult_1_r Zmult_0_r Zmult_1_l Zmult_0_l Zplus_0_l Zplus_0_r Zminus_0_r: rm10.
- Properties Zpower
+ Properties of Zdiv and Zmod
-Theorem Zpower_1: forall a, 0 <= a -> 1 ^ a = 1.
-intros a Ha; pattern a; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith.
-intros x Hx Hx1; unfold Zsucc.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Hx1; simpl; auto.
-Theorem Zpower_exp_0: forall a, a ^ 0 = 1.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_exp_1: forall a, a ^ 1 = a.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_Zabs: forall a b, Zabs (a ^ b) = (Zabs a) ^ b.
-intros a b; case (Zle_or_lt 0 b).
-intros Hb; pattern b; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith.
-intros x Hx Hx1; unfold Zsucc.
-(repeat rewrite Zpower_exp); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zabs_Zmult; rewrite Hx1.
-eq_tac; auto.
-replace (a ^ 1) with a; auto.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto.
-case b; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros p Hp; discriminate.
-Theorem Zpower_Zsucc: forall p n, 0 <= n -> p ^Zsucc n = p * p ^ n.
-intros p n H.
-unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_1; apply Zmult_comm.
-Theorem Zpower_mult: forall p q r, 0 <= q -> 0 <= r -> p ^ (q * r) = (p ^ q) ^ r.
-intros p q r H1 H2; generalize H2; pattern r; apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros H3; rewrite Zmult_0_r; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp_0; auto.
-intros r1 H3 H4 H5.
-unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- H4; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; try rewrite <- Zpower_exp; try eq_tac; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_ge; replace 0 with (0 * r1); try apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto.
-Theorem Zpower_lt_0: forall a b: Z, 0 < a -> 0 <= b-> 0 < a ^b.
-intros a b; case b; auto with zarith.
-simpl; intros; auto with zarith.
-2: intros p H H1; case H1; auto.
-intros p H1 H; generalize H; pattern (Zpos p); apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros; case a; compute; auto.
-intros p1 H2 H3 _; unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; simpl; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_O_compat; auto with zarith.
-generalize H1; case a; compute; intros; auto; discriminate.
-Theorem Zpower_le_monotone: forall a b c: Z, 0 < a -> 0 <= b <= c -> a ^ b <= a ^ c.
-intros a b c H (H1, H2).
-rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (a ^ b)); replace c with (b + (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-assert (0 < a ^ (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_lt_monotone: forall a b c: Z, 1 < a -> 0 <= b < c -> a ^ b < a ^ c.
-intros a b c H (H1, H2).
-rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (a ^ b)); replace c with (b + (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
-assert (0 < a ^ (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with (a ^1); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zmod_le_first: forall a b, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 <= a mod b <= a.
+ Proof.
+ intros a b H H1;case (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith;intros H2 H3;split;auto.
+ case (Zle_or_lt b a); intros H4; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
+ Qed.
-Theorem Zpower_nat_Zpower: forall p q, 0 <= q -> p ^ q = Zpower_nat p (Zabs_nat q).
-intros p1 q1; case q1; simpl.
-intros _; exact (refl_equal _).
-intros p2 _; apply Zpower_pos_nat.
-intros p2 H1; case H1; auto.
-Theorem Zgt_pow_1 : forall n m : Z, 0 < n -> 1 < m -> 1 < m ^ n.
-intros n m H1 H2.
-replace 1 with (m ^ 0) by apply Zpower_exp_0.
-apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
+ Theorem Zmod_distr: forall a b r t, 0 <= a <= b -> 0 <= r -> 0 <= t < 2 ^a ->
+ (2 ^a * r + t) mod (2 ^ b) = (2 ^a * r) mod (2 ^ b) + t.
+ Proof.
+ intros a b r t (H1, H2) H3 (H4, H5).
+ assert (t < 2 ^ b).
+ apply Zlt_le_trans with (1:= H5); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small with (a := t); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
+ split; auto with zarith.
+ assert (0 <= 2 ^a * r); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
+ match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
+ auto with zarith.
+ pattern (2 ^ b) at 2; replace (2 ^ b) with ((2 ^ b - 2 ^a) + 2 ^ a);
+ try ring.
+ apply Zplus_le_lt_compat; auto with zarith.
+ replace b with ((b - a) + a); try ring.
+ rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ pattern (2 ^a) at 4; rewrite <- (Zmult_1_l (2 ^a));
+ try rewrite <- Zmult_minus_distr_r.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm (2 ^(b - a))); rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_l;
+ auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm (2 ^a)); apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+ match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
+ auto with zarith.
+ Qed.
- Properties Zmod
-Theorem Zmod_mult:
- forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a * b) mod n = ((a mod n) * (b mod n)) mod n.
-intros a b n H.
-pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a n); auto with zarith.
-pattern b at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq b n); auto with zarith.
-replace ((n * (a / n) + a mod n) * (n * (b / n) + b mod n))
- with
- ((a mod n) * (b mod n) +
- (((n * (a / n)) * (b / n) + (b mod n) * (a / n)) + (a mod n) * (b / n)) *
- n); auto with zarith.
-apply Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ Theorem Zmod_shift_r:
+ forall a b r t, 0 <= a <= b -> 0 <= r -> 0 <= t < 2 ^a ->
+ (r * 2 ^a + t) mod (2 ^ b) = (r * 2 ^a) mod (2 ^ b) + t.
+ Proof.
+ intros a b r t (H1, H2) H3 (H4, H5).
+ assert (t < 2 ^ b).
+ apply Zlt_le_trans with (1:= H5); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small with (a := t); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
+ split; auto with zarith.
+ assert (0 <= 2 ^a * r); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
+ match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
+ auto with zarith.
+ pattern (2 ^ b) at 2;replace (2 ^ b) with ((2 ^ b - 2 ^a) + 2 ^ a); try ring.
+ apply Zplus_le_lt_compat; auto with zarith.
+ replace b with ((b - a) + a); try ring.
+ rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ pattern (2 ^a) at 4; rewrite <- (Zmult_1_l (2 ^a));
+ try rewrite <- Zmult_minus_distr_r.
+ repeat rewrite (fun x => Zmult_comm x (2 ^ a)); rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_l;
+ auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
+ match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
+ auto with zarith.
+ Qed.
-Theorem Zmod_plus:
- forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a + b) mod n = (a mod n + b mod n) mod n.
-intros a b n H.
-pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a n); auto with zarith.
-pattern b at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq b n); auto with zarith.
-replace ((n * (a / n) + a mod n) + (n * (b / n) + b mod n))
- with ((a mod n + b mod n) + (a / n + b / n) * n); auto with zarith.
-apply Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ Theorem Zdiv_shift_r:
+ forall a b r t, 0 <= a <= b -> 0 <= r -> 0 <= t < 2 ^a ->
+ (r * 2 ^a + t) / (2 ^ b) = (r * 2 ^a) / (2 ^ b).
+ Proof.
+ intros a b r t (H1, H2) H3 (H4, H5).
+ assert (Eq: t < 2 ^ b); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zlt_le_trans with (1 := H5); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
+ pattern (r * 2 ^ a) at 1; rewrite Z_div_mod_eq with (b := 2 ^ b);
+ auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
+ rewrite <- Zmod_shift_r; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm (2 ^ b)); rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (fun x y => @Zdiv_small (x mod y)); auto with zarith.
+ match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
+ auto with zarith.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma shift_unshift_mod : forall n p a,
+ 0 <= a < 2^n ->
+ 0 <= p <= n ->
+ a * 2^p = a / 2^(n - p) * 2^n + (a*2^p) mod 2^n.
+ Proof.
+ intros n p a H1 H2.
+ pattern (a*2^p) at 1;replace (a*2^p) with
+ (a*2^p/2^n * 2^n + a*2^p mod 2^n).
+ 2:symmetry;rewrite (Zmult_comm (a*2^p/2^n));apply Z_div_mod_eq.
+ replace (a * 2 ^ p / 2 ^ n) with (a / 2 ^ (n - p));trivial.
+ replace (2^n) with (2^(n-p)*2^p).
+ symmetry;apply Zdiv_mult_cancel_r.
+ destruct H1;trivial.
+ cut (0 < 2^p); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zpower_exp.
+ replace (n-p+p) with n;trivial. ring.
+ omega. omega.
+ apply Zlt_gt. apply Zpower_gt_0;auto with zarith.
+ Qed.
-Theorem Zmod_mod: forall a n, 0 < n -> (a mod n) mod n = a mod n.
-intros a n H.
-pattern a at 2; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a n); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Zmult_comm.
-apply sym_equal; apply Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ Lemma div_le_0 : forall p x, 0 <= x -> 0 <= x / 2 ^ p.
+ Proof.
+ intros p x Hle;destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 p).
+ apply Zdiv_le_lower_bound;auto with zarith.
+ replace (2^p) with 0.
+ destruct x;compute;intro;discriminate.
+ destruct p;trivial;discriminate z.
+ Qed.
-Theorem Zmod_def_small: forall a n, 0 <= a < n -> a mod n = a.
-intros a n [H1 H2]; unfold Zmod.
-generalize (Z_div_mod a n); case (Zdiv_eucl a n).
-intros q r H3; case H3; clear H3; auto with zarith.
-auto with zarith.
-intros H4 [H5 H6].
-case (Zle_or_lt q (- 1)); intros H7.
-contradict H1; apply Zlt_not_le.
-subst a.
-apply Zle_lt_trans with (n * - 1 + r); auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 q); auto with zarith; intros H8.
-contradict H2; apply Zle_not_lt.
-apply Zle_trans with (n * 1 + r); auto with zarith.
-rewrite H4; auto with zarith.
-subst a; subst q; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zmod_minus: forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a - b) mod n = (a mod n - b mod n) mod n.
-intros a b n H; replace (a - b) with (a + (-1) * b); auto with zarith.
-replace (a mod n - b mod n) with (a mod n + (-1) * (b mod n)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zmod_mult; auto with zarith.
-rewrite (fun x y => Zmod_plus x ((-1) * y)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zmod_mult; auto with zarith.
-rewrite (fun x => Zmod_mult x (b mod n)); auto with zarith.
-repeat rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
-Theorem Zmod_Zpower: forall p q n, 0 < n -> (p ^ q) mod n = ((p mod n) ^ q) mod n.
-intros p q n Hn; case (Zle_or_lt 0 q); intros H1.
-generalize H1; pattern q; apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros q1 Hq1 Rec _; unfold Zsucc; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
-rewrite (fun x => (Zmod_mult x p)); try rewrite Rec; auto.
-rewrite (fun x y => (Zmod_mult (x ^y))); try eq_tac; auto.
-eq_tac; auto; apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
-generalize H1; case q; simpl; auto.
-intros; discriminate.
-Theorem Zmod_le: forall a n, 0 < n -> 0 <= a -> (Zmod a n) <= a.
-intros a n H1 H2; case (Zle_or_lt n a); intros H3.
-case (Z_mod_lt a n); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zplus_mod_idemp_l: forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a mod n + b) mod n = (a + b) mod n.
-intros. rewrite Zmod_plus; auto.
-rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
-symmetry; apply Zmod_plus; auto.
-Lemma Zplus_mod_idemp_r: forall a b n, 0 < n -> (b + a mod n) mod n = (b + a) mod n.
-intros a b n H; repeat rewrite (Zplus_comm b).
-apply Zplus_mod_idemp_l; auto.
-Lemma Zminus_mod_idemp_l: forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a mod n - b) mod n = (a - b) mod n.
-intros. rewrite Zmod_minus; auto.
-rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
-symmetry; apply Zmod_minus; auto.
-Lemma Zminus_mod_idemp_r: forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a - b mod n) mod n = (a - b) mod n.
-intros. rewrite Zmod_minus; auto.
-rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
-symmetry; apply Zmod_minus; auto.
-Lemma Zmult_mod_idemp_l: forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a mod n * b) mod n = (a * b) mod n.
-intros; rewrite Zmod_mult; auto.
-rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
-symmetry; apply Zmod_mult; auto.
-Lemma Zmult_mod_idemp_r: forall a b n, 0 < n -> (b * (a mod n)) mod n = (b * a) mod n.
-intros a b n H; repeat rewrite (Zmult_comm b).
-apply Zmult_mod_idemp_l; auto.
-Lemma Zmod_div_mod: forall n m a, 0 < n -> 0 < m ->
- (n | m) -> a mod n = (a mod m) mod n.
-intros n m a H1 H2 H3.
-pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a m); auto with zarith.
-case H3; intros q Hq; pattern m at 1; rewrite Hq.
-rewrite (Zmult_comm q).
-rewrite Zmod_plus; auto.
-rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; rewrite Zmod_mult; auto.
-rewrite Z_mod_same; try rewrite Zmult_0_l; auto with zarith.
-rewrite (Zmod_def_small 0); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zplus_0_l; rewrite Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
-(** A better way to compute Zpower mod **)
-Fixpoint Zpow_mod_pos (a: Z) (m: positive) (n : Z) {struct m} : Z :=
- match m with
- | xH => a mod n
- | xO m' =>
- let z := Zpow_mod_pos a m' n in
- match z with
- | 0 => 0
- | _ => (z * z) mod n
- end
- | xI m' =>
- let z := Zpow_mod_pos a m' n in
- match z with
- | 0 => 0
- | _ => (z * z * a) mod n
- end
- end.
-Theorem Zpow_mod_pos_Zpower_pos_correct: forall a m n, 0 < n -> Zpow_mod_pos a m n = (Zpower_pos a m) mod n.
-intros a m; elim m; simpl; auto.
-intros p Rec n H1; rewrite xI_succ_xO; rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r; rewrite <- Pplus_diag; auto.
-repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp; auto.
-repeat rewrite Rec; auto.
-replace (Zpower_pos a 1) with a; auto.
-2: unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
-repeat rewrite (fun x => (Zmod_mult x a)); auto.
-rewrite (Zmod_mult (Zpower_pos a p)); auto.
-case (Zpower_pos a p mod n); auto.
-intros p Rec n H1; rewrite <- Pplus_diag; auto.
-repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp; auto.
-repeat rewrite Rec; auto.
-rewrite (Zmod_mult (Zpower_pos a p)); auto.
-case (Zpower_pos a p mod n); auto.
-unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto with zarith.
-Definition Zpow_mod a m n := match m with 0 => 1 | Zpos p1 => Zpow_mod_pos a p1 n | Zneg p1 => 0 end.
-Theorem Zpow_mod_Zpower_correct: forall a m n, 1 < n -> 0 <= m -> Zpow_mod a m n = (a ^ m) mod n.
-intros a m n; case m; simpl.
-intros; apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
-intros; apply Zpow_mod_pos_Zpower_pos_correct; auto with zarith.
-intros p H H1; case H1; auto.
-(* A direct way to compute Zmod *)
-Fixpoint Zmod_POS (a : positive) (b : Z) {struct a} : Z :=
- match a with
- | xI a' =>
- let r := Zmod_POS a' b in
- let r' := (2 * r + 1) in
- if Zgt_bool b r' then r' else (r' - b)
- | xO a' =>
- let r := Zmod_POS a' b in
- let r' := (2 * r) in
- if Zgt_bool b r' then r' else (r' - b)
- | xH => if Zge_bool b 2 then 1 else 0
- end.
-Theorem Zmod_POS_correct: forall a b, Zmod_POS a b = (snd (Zdiv_eucl_POS a b)).
-intros a b; elim a; simpl; auto.
-intros p Rec; rewrite Rec.
-case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b); intros z1 z2; simpl; auto.
-match goal with |- context [Zgt_bool _ ?X] => case (Zgt_bool b X) end; auto.
-intros p Rec; rewrite Rec.
-case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b); intros z1 z2; simpl; auto.
-match goal with |- context [Zgt_bool _ ?X] => case (Zgt_bool b X) end; auto.
-case (Zge_bool b 2); auto.
-Definition Zmodd a b :=
-match a with
-| Z0 => 0
-| Zpos a' =>
- match b with
- | Z0 => 0
- | Zpos _ => Zmod_POS a' b
- | Zneg b' =>
- let r := Zmod_POS a' (Zpos b') in
- match r with Z0 => 0 | _ => b + r end
- end
-| Zneg a' =>
- match b with
- | Z0 => 0
- | Zpos _ =>
- let r := Zmod_POS a' b in
- match r with Z0 => 0 | _ => b - r end
- | Zneg b' => - (Zmod_POS a' (Zpos b'))
- end
-Theorem Zmodd_correct: forall a b, Zmodd a b = Zmod a b.
-intros a b; unfold Zmod; case a; simpl; auto.
-intros p; case b; simpl; auto.
-intros p1; refine (Zmod_POS_correct _ _); auto.
-intros p1; rewrite Zmod_POS_correct; auto.
-case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p (Zpos p1)); simpl; intros z1 z2; case z2; auto.
-intros p; case b; simpl; auto.
-intros p1; rewrite Zmod_POS_correct; auto.
-case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p (Zpos p1)); simpl; intros z1 z2; case z2; auto.
-intros p1; rewrite Zmod_POS_correct; simpl; auto.
-case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p (Zpos p1)); auto.
- Properties of Zdivide
-Theorem Zmod_divide_minus: forall a b c : Z,
- 0 < b -> a mod b = c -> (b | a - c).
- intros a b c H H1; apply Zmod_divide; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_minus; auto.
- rewrite H1; pattern c at 1; rewrite <- (Zmod_def_small c b); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zminus_diag; apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
- subst; apply Z_mod_lt; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zdivide_mod_minus: forall a b c : Z,
- 0 <= c < b -> (b | a -c) -> (a mod b) = c.
- intros a b c (H1, H2) H3; assert (0 < b); try apply Zle_lt_trans with c; auto.
- replace a with ((a - c) + c); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Zdivide_mod (a -c) b); try rewrite Zplus_0_l; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_mod; try apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zmod_closeby_eq: forall a b n, 0 <= a -> 0 <= b < n -> a - b < n -> a mod n = b -> a = b.
- intros a b n H H1 H2 H3.
- case (Zle_or_lt 0 (a - b)); intros H4.
- case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := H4); clear H4; intros H4; auto with zarith.
- absurd_hyp H2; auto.
- apply Zle_not_lt; apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
- apply Zmod_divide_minus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- (Zmod_def_small a n); try split; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_divide: forall p q, 0 < q -> (p | p ^ q).
- intros p q H; exists (p ^(q - 1)).
- pattern p at 3; rewrite <- (Zpower_exp_1 p); rewrite <- Zpower_exp; try eq_tac; auto with zarith.
- Properties of Zis_gcd
-(* P.L. : See Numtheory.v *)
+ Lemma div_lt : forall p x y, 0 <= x < y -> x / 2^p < y.
+ Proof.
+ intros p x y H;destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 p).
+ apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound;auto with zarith.
+ apply Zlt_le_trans with y;auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r y);apply Zmult_le_compat;auto with zarith.
+ assert (0 < 2^p);auto with zarith.
+ replace (2^p) with 0.
+ destruct x;change (0<y);auto with zarith.
+ destruct p;trivial;discriminate z.
+ Qed.
- Properties rel_prime
-Theorem rel_prime_sym: forall a b, rel_prime a b -> rel_prime b a.
-intros a b H; auto with zarith.
-red; apply Zis_gcd_sym; auto with zarith.
-Theorem rel_prime_le_prime:
- forall a p, prime p -> 1 <= a < p -> rel_prime a p.
-intros a p Hp [H1 H2].
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply prime_rel_prime; auto.
-intros [q Hq]; subst a.
-case (Zle_or_lt q 0); intros Hl.
-absurd (q * p <= 0 * p); auto with zarith.
-absurd (1 * p <= q * p); auto with zarith.
+ Theorem Zgcd_div_pos a b:
+ (0 < b)%Z -> (0 < Zgcd a b)%Z -> (0 < b / Zgcd a b)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros a b Ha Hg.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 (b/Zgcd a b)); auto.
+ apply Z_div_pos; auto with zarith.
+ intros H; generalize Ha.
+ pattern b at 1; rewrite (Zdivide_Zdiv_eq (Zgcd a b) b); auto.
+ rewrite <- H; auto with zarith.
+ assert (F := (Zgcd_is_gcd a b)); inversion F; auto.
+ Qed.
-Definition rel_prime_dec:
- forall a b, ({ rel_prime a b }) + ({ ~ rel_prime a b }).
-intros a b; case (Z_eq_dec (Zgcd a b) 1); intros H1.
-left; red.
-rewrite <- H1; apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
-right; contradict H1.
-case (Zis_gcd_unique a b (Zgcd a b) 1); auto.
-apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
-intros H2; absurd (0 <= Zgcd a b); auto with zarith.
-generalize (Zgcd_is_pos a b); auto with zarith.
+(* For compatibility of scripts, weaker version of some lemmas of Zdiv *)
-Theorem rel_prime_mod_rev: forall p q, 0 < q -> rel_prime (p mod q) q -> rel_prime p q.
-intros p q H H0.
-rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq p q); auto with zarith.
-apply Zis_gcd_sym; apply Zis_gcd_for_euclid2; auto with zarith.
-Theorem rel_prime_div: forall p q r, rel_prime p q -> (r | p) -> rel_prime r q.
-intros p q r H (u, H1); subst.
-inversion_clear H as [H1 H2 H3].
-red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; try apply Zone_divide.
-intros x H4 H5; apply H3; auto.
-apply Zdivide_mult_r; auto.
-Theorem rel_prime_1: forall n, rel_prime 1 n.
-intros n; red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto.
-exists 1; auto with zarith.
-exists n; auto with zarith.
-Theorem not_rel_prime_0: forall n, 1 < n -> ~rel_prime 0 n.
-intros n H H1; absurd (n = 1 \/ n = -1).
-intros [H2 | H2]; subst; contradict H; auto with zarith.
-case (Zis_gcd_unique 0 n n 1); auto.
-apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto.
-exists 0; auto with zarith.
-exists 1; auto with zarith.
-Theorem rel_prime_mod: forall p q, 0 < q -> rel_prime p q -> rel_prime (p mod q) q.
-intros p q H H0.
-assert (H1: Bezout p q 1).
-apply rel_prime_bezout; auto.
-inversion_clear H1 as [q1 r1 H2].
-apply bezout_rel_prime.
-apply Bezout_intro with q1 (r1 + q1 * (p / q)).
-rewrite <- H2.
-pattern p at 3; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq p q); try ring; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zrel_prime_neq_mod_0: forall a b, 1 < b -> rel_prime a b -> a mod b <> 0.
+Lemma Zlt0_not_eq : forall n, 0<n -> n<>0.
-intros a b H H1 H2.
-case (not_rel_prime_0 _ H).
-rewrite <- H2.
-apply rel_prime_mod; auto with zarith.
-Theorem rel_prime_Zpower_r: forall i p q, 0 < i -> rel_prime p q -> rel_prime p (q^i).
-intros i p q Hi Hpq; generalize Hi; pattern i; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith; clear i Hi.
-intros H; contradict H; auto with zarith.
-intros i Hi Rec _; rewrite Zpower_Zsucc; auto.
-apply rel_prime_mult; auto.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hi); intros Hi1; subst; auto.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_0; apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_1.
- Properties prime
-Theorem not_prime_0: ~ prime 0.
-intros H1; case (prime_divisors _ H1 2); auto with zarith.
-Theorem not_prime_1: ~ prime 1.
-intros H1; absurd (1 < 1); auto with zarith.
-inversion H1; auto.
-Theorem prime_2: prime 2.
-apply prime_intro; auto with zarith.
-intros n [H1 H2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with zarith;
- clear H1; intros H1.
-contradict H2; auto with zarith.
-subst n; red; auto with zarith.
-apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
-Theorem prime_3: prime 3.
-apply prime_intro; auto with zarith.
-intros n [H1 H2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with zarith;
- clear H1; intros H1.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 2 n); auto with zarith; clear H1; intros H1.
-contradict H2; auto with zarith.
-subst n; red; auto with zarith.
-apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
-intros x [q1 Hq1] [q2 Hq2].
-exists (q2 - q1).
-apply trans_equal with (3 - 2); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Hq1; rewrite Hq2; ring.
-subst n; red; auto with zarith.
-apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
-Theorem prime_le_2: forall p, prime p -> 2 <= p.
-intros p Hp; inversion Hp; auto with zarith.
-Definition prime_dec_aux:
- forall p m,
- ({ forall n, 1 < n < m -> rel_prime n p }) +
- ({ exists n , 1 < n < m /\ ~ rel_prime n p }).
-intros p m.
-case (Z_lt_dec 1 m); intros H1.
-apply natlike_rec
- with
- ( P :=
- fun m =>
- ({ forall (n : Z), 1 < n < m -> rel_prime n p }) +
- ({ exists n : Z , 1 < n < m /\ ~ rel_prime n p }) );
auto with zarith.
-left; intros n [HH1 HH2]; contradict HH2; auto with zarith.
-intros x Hx Rec; case Rec.
-intros P1; case (rel_prime_dec x p); intros P2.
-left; intros n [HH1 HH2].
-case (Zgt_succ_gt_or_eq x n); auto with zarith.
-intros HH3; subst x; auto.
-case (Z_lt_dec 1 x); intros HH1.
-right; exists x; split; auto with zarith.
-left; intros n [HHH1 HHH2]; contradict HHH1; auto with zarith.
-intros tmp; right; case tmp; intros n [HH1 HH2]; exists n; auto with zarith.
-left; intros n [HH1 HH2]; contradict H1; auto with zarith.
-Theorem not_prime_divide:
- forall p, 1 < p -> ~ prime p -> exists n, 1 < n < p /\ (n | p) .
-intros p Hp Hp1.
-case (prime_dec_aux p p); intros H1.
-case Hp1; apply prime_intro; auto.
-intros n [Hn1 Hn2].
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := Hn1 ); auto with zarith.
-intros H2; subst n; red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
-case H1; intros n [Hn1 Hn2].
-generalize (Zgcd_is_pos n p); intros Hpos.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 (Zgcd n p)); auto with zarith; intros H3.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 (Zgcd n p)); auto with zarith; intros H4.
-exists (Zgcd n p); split; auto.
-split; auto.
-apply Zle_lt_trans with n; auto with zarith.
-generalize (Zgcd_is_gcd n p); intros tmp; inversion_clear tmp as [Hr1 Hr2 Hr3].
-case Hr1; intros q Hq.
-case (Zle_or_lt q 0); auto with zarith; intros Ht.
-absurd (n <= 0 * Zgcd n p) ; auto with zarith.
-pattern n at 1; rewrite Hq; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_trans with (1 * Zgcd n p); auto with zarith.
-pattern n at 2; rewrite Hq; auto with zarith.
-generalize (Zgcd_is_gcd n p); intros Ht; inversion Ht; auto.
-case Hn2; red.
-rewrite H4; apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
-generalize (Zgcd_is_gcd n p); rewrite <- H3; intros tmp;
- inversion_clear tmp as [Hr1 Hr2 Hr3].
-absurd (n = 0); auto with zarith.
-case Hr1; auto with zarith.
-Definition prime_dec: forall p, ({ prime p }) + ({ ~ prime p }).
-intros p; case (Z_lt_dec 1 p); intros H1.
-case (prime_dec_aux p p); intros H2.
-left; apply prime_intro; auto.
-intros n [Hn1 Hn2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := Hn1 ); auto.
-intros HH; subst n.
-red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
-right; intros H3; inversion_clear H3 as [Hp1 Hp2].
-case H2; intros n [Hn1 Hn2]; case Hn2; auto with zarith.
-right; intros H3; inversion_clear H3 as [Hp1 Hp2]; case H1; auto.
-Theorem prime_def:
- forall p, 1 < p -> (forall n, 1 < n < p -> ~ (n | p)) -> prime p.
-intros p H1 H2.
-apply prime_intro; auto.
-intros n H3.
-red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
-intros x H4 H5.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 (Zabs x)); auto with zarith; intros H6.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 (Zabs x)); auto with zarith; intros H7.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq (Zabs x) p); auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_Zabs_inv_l; auto.
-intros H8; case (H2 (Zabs x)); auto.
-apply Zdivide_Zabs_inv_l; auto.
-intros H8; subst p; absurd (Zabs x <= n); auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_Zabs_inv_l; auto.
-rewrite H7; pattern (Zabs x); apply Zabs_intro; auto with zarith.
-absurd (0%Z = p); auto with zarith.
-cut (Zdivide (Zabs x) p).
-intros [q Hq]; subst p; rewrite <- H6; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_Zabs_inv_l; auto.
-Theorem prime_inv_def: forall p n, prime p -> 1 < n < p -> ~ (n | p).
-intros p n H1 H2 H3.
-absurd (rel_prime n p); auto.
-unfold rel_prime; intros H4.
-case (Zis_gcd_unique n p n 1); auto with zarith.
-apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
-inversion H1; auto with zarith.
-Theorem square_not_prime: forall a, ~ prime (a * a).
-intros a; rewrite (Zabs_square a).
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 (Zabs a)); auto with zarith; intros Hza1.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 (Zabs a)); auto with zarith; intros Hza2.
-intros Ha; case (prime_inv_def (Zabs a * Zabs a) (Zabs a)); auto.
-split; auto.
-pattern (Zabs a) at 1; replace (Zabs a) with (1 * Zabs a); auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
-exists (Zabs a); auto.
-rewrite <- Hza2; simpl; apply not_prime_1.
-rewrite <- Hza1; simpl; apply not_prime_0.
-Theorem prime_divide_prime_eq:
- forall p1 p2, prime p1 -> prime p2 -> Zdivide p1 p2 -> p1 = p2.
-intros p1 p2 Hp1 Hp2 Hp3.
-assert (Ha: 1 < p1).
-inversion Hp1; auto.
-assert (Ha1: 1 < p2).
-inversion Hp2; auto.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq p1 p2); auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
-intros Hp4.
-case (prime_inv_def p2 p1); auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zdivide_div_prime_le_square: forall x, 1 < x -> ~prime x -> exists p, prime p /\ (p | x) /\ p * p <= x.
-intros x Hx; generalize Hx; pattern x; apply Z_lt_induction; auto with zarith.
-clear x Hx; intros x Rec H H1.
-case (not_prime_divide x); auto.
-intros x1 ((H2, H3), H4); case (prime_dec x1); intros H5.
-case (Zle_or_lt (x1 * x1) x); intros H6.
-exists x1; auto.
-case H4; clear H4; intros x2 H4; subst.
-assert (Hx2: x2 <= x1).
-case (Zle_or_lt x2 x1); auto; intros H8; contradict H6; apply Zle_not_lt.
-apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
-case (prime_dec x2); intros H7.
-exists x2; repeat (split; auto with zarith).
-apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_trans with 2%Z; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_or_lt 0 x2); intros H8.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := H8); auto with zarith; clear H8; intros H8; subst; auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 x2); auto with zarith; clear H8; intros H8; subst; auto with zarith.
-case (Rec x2); try split; auto with zarith.
-intros x3 (H9, (H10, H11)).
-exists x3; repeat (split; auto with zarith).
-contradict H; apply Zle_not_lt; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_trans with (0 * x1); auto with zarith.
-case (Rec x1); try split; auto with zarith.
-intros x3 (H9, (H10, H11)).
-exists x3; repeat (split; auto with zarith).
-apply Zdivide_trans with x1; auto with zarith.
-Theorem prime_div_prime: forall p q, prime p -> prime q -> (p | q) -> p = q.
-intros p q H H1 H2;
-assert (Hp: 0 < p); try apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-assert (Hq: 0 < q); try apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-case prime_divisors with (2 := H2); auto.
-intros H4; contradict Hp; subst; auto with zarith.
-intros [H4| [H4 | H4]]; subst; auto.
-contradict H; apply not_prime_1.
-contradict Hp; auto with zarith.
-Theorem prime_div_Zpower_prime: forall n p q, 0 <= n -> prime p -> prime q -> (p | q ^ n) -> p = q.
-intros n p q Hp Hq; generalize p q Hq; pattern n; apply natlike_ind; auto; clear n p q Hp Hq.
-intros p q Hp Hq; rewrite Zpower_exp_0.
-intros (r, H); subst.
-case (Zmult_interval p r); auto; try rewrite Zmult_comm.
-rewrite <- H; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- H; intros H1 H2; contradict H2; auto with zarith.
-intros n1 H Rec p q Hp Hq; try rewrite Zpower_Zsucc; auto with zarith; intros H1.
-case prime_mult with (2 := H1); auto.
-intros H2; apply prime_div_prime; auto.
-Theorem rel_prime_Zpower: forall i j p q, 0 <= i -> 0 <= j -> rel_prime p q -> rel_prime (p^i) (q^j).
-intros i j p q Hi; generalize Hi j p q; pattern i; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith; clear i Hi j p q.
-intros _ j p q H H1; rewrite Zpower_exp_0; apply rel_prime_1.
-intros n Hn Rec _ j p q Hj Hpq.
-rewrite Zpower_Zsucc; auto.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hj); intros Hj1; subst.
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_mult; auto.
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_Zpower_r; auto with arith.
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply Rec; auto.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_0; apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_1.
-Theorem prime_induction: forall (P: Z -> Prop), P 0 -> P 1 -> (forall p q, prime p -> P q -> P (p * q)) -> forall p, 0 <= p -> P p.
-intros P H H1 H2 p Hp.
-generalize Hp; pattern p; apply Z_lt_induction; auto; clear p Hp.
-intros p Rec Hp.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hp); clear Hp; intros Hp; subst; auto.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 p); auto with zarith; clear Hp; intros Hp; subst; auto.
-case (prime_dec p); intros H3.
-rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r p); apply H2; auto.
- case (Zdivide_div_prime_le_square p); auto.
-intros q (Hq1, ((q2, Hq2), Hq3)); subst.
-case (Zmult_interval q q2).
-rewrite Zmult_comm; apply Zlt_trans with 1; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; auto with zarith; apply prime_le_2; auto.
-intros H4 H5; rewrite Zmult_comm; apply H2; auto.
-apply Rec; try split; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zmult_comm; auto.
-Theorem div_power_max: forall p q, 1 < p -> 0 < q -> exists n, 0 <= n /\ (p ^n | q) /\ ~(p ^(1 + n) | q).
-intros p q H1 H2; generalize H2; pattern q; apply Z_lt_induction; auto with zarith; clear q H2.
-intros q Rec H2.
-case (Zdivide_dec p q); intros H3.
-case (Zdivide_Zdiv_lt_pos p q); auto with zarith; intros H4 H5.
-case (Rec (Zdiv q p)); auto with zarith.
-intros n (Ha1, (Ha2, Ha3)); exists (n + 1); split; auto with zarith; split.
-case Ha2; intros q1 Hq; exists q1.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zmult_assoc; rewrite <- Hq.
-rewrite Zmult_comm; apply Zdivide_Zdiv_eq; auto with zarith.
-intros (q1, Hu); case Ha3; exists q1.
-apply Zmult_reg_r with p; auto with zarith.
-rewrite (Zmult_comm (q / p)); rewrite <- Zdivide_Zdiv_eq; auto with zarith.
-apply trans_equal with (1 := Hu); repeat rewrite Zpower_exp; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
-exists 0; repeat split; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; try rewrite Zpower_exp_0; auto with zarith.
-Theorem prime_divide_Zpower_Zdiv: forall m a p i, 0 <= i -> prime p -> (m | a) -> ~(m | (a/p)) -> (p^i | a) -> (p^i | m).
-intros m a p i Hi Hp (k, Hk) H (l, Hl); subst.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 i); auto with arith; intros Hi1; subst.
-assert (Hp0: 0 < p).
-apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; auto with zarith; apply prime_le_2; auto.
-case (Zdivide_dec p k); intros H1.
-case H1; intros k' H2; subst.
-case H; replace (k' * p * m) with ((k' * m) * p); try ring; rewrite Z_div_mult; auto with zarith.
-apply Gauss with k.
-exists l; rewrite Hl; ring.
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_Zpower_r; auto.
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply prime_rel_prime; auto.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_0; apply Zone_divide.
-Theorem Zdivide_Zpower: forall n m, 0 < n -> (forall p i, prime p -> 0 < i -> (p^i | n) -> (p^i | m)) -> (n | m).
-intros n m Hn; generalize m Hn; pattern n; apply prime_induction; auto with zarith; clear n m Hn.
-intros m H1; contradict H1; auto with zarith.
-intros p q H Rec m H1 H2.
-assert (H3: (p | m)).
-rewrite <- (Zpower_exp_1 p); apply H2; auto with zarith; rewrite Zpower_exp_1; apply Zdivide_factor_r.
-case (Zmult_interval p q); auto.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; auto with zarith; apply prime_le_2; auto.
-case H3; intros k Hk; subst.
-intros Hq Hq1.
-rewrite (Zmult_comm k); apply Zmult_divide_compat_l.
-apply Rec; auto.
-intros p1 i Hp1 Hp2 Hp3.
-case (Z_eq_dec p p1); intros Hpp1; subst.
-case (H2 p1 (Zsucc i)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_Zsucc; try apply Zmult_divide_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-intros q2 Hq2; exists q2.
-apply Zmult_reg_r with p1.
-contradict H; subst; apply not_prime_0.
-rewrite Hq2; rewrite Zpower_Zsucc; try ring; auto with zarith.
-apply Gauss with p.
-rewrite Zmult_comm; apply H2; auto.
-apply Zdivide_trans with (1:= Hp3).
-apply Zdivide_factor_l.
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_Zpower_r; auto.
-apply prime_rel_prime; auto.
-contradict Hpp1; apply prime_divide_prime_eq; auto.
-Theorem divide_prime_divide:
- forall a n m, 0 < a -> (n | m) -> (a | m) ->
- (forall p, prime p -> (p | a) -> ~(n | (m/p))) ->
- (a | n).
-intros a n m Ha Hnm Ham Hp.
-apply Zdivide_Zpower; auto.
-intros p i H1 H2 H3.
-apply prime_divide_Zpower_Zdiv with m; auto with zarith.
-apply Hp; auto; apply Zdivide_trans with (2 := H3); auto.
-apply Zpower_divide; auto.
-apply Zdivide_trans with (1 := H3); auto.
-Theorem prime_div_induction:
- forall (P: Z -> Prop) n,
- 0 < n ->
- (P 1) ->
- (forall p i, prime p -> 0 <= i -> (p^i | n) -> P (p^i)) ->
- (forall p q, rel_prime p q -> P p -> P q -> P (p * q)) ->
- forall m, 0 <= m -> (m | n) -> P m.
-intros P n P1 Hn H H1 m Hm.
-generalize Hm; pattern m; apply Z_lt_induction; auto; clear m Hm.
-intros m Rec Hm H2.
-case (prime_dec m); intros Hm1.
-rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1; apply H; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hm); clear Hm; intros Hm; subst.
-2: contradict P1; case H2; intros; subst; auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 m); auto with zarith; clear Hm; intros Hm; subst; auto.
-case Zdivide_div_prime_le_square with m; auto.
-intros p (Hp1, (Hp2, Hp3)).
-case (div_power_max p m); auto with zarith.
-generalize (prime_le_2 p Hp1); auto with zarith.
-intros i (Hi, (Hi1, Hi2)).
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hi); clear Hi; intros Hi.
-assert (Hpi: 0 < p ^ i).
-apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-rewrite (Z_div_exact_2 m (p ^ i)); auto with zarith.
-apply H1; auto with zarith.
-apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_Zpower_r; auto.
-apply rel_prime_sym.
-apply prime_rel_prime; auto.
-contradict Hi2.
-case Hi1; intros; subst.
-rewrite Z_div_mult in Hi2; auto with zarith.
-case Hi2; intros q0 Hq0; subst.
-exists q0; rewrite Zpower_exp; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
-apply H; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_trans with (1 := Hi1); auto.
-apply Rec; auto with zarith.
-split; auto with zarith.
-apply Zge_le; apply Z_div_ge0; auto with zarith.
-apply Z_div_lt; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_ge; apply Zle_trans with p.
-apply prime_le_2; auto.
-pattern p at 1; rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1; apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-apply Zge_le; apply Z_div_ge0; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_trans with (2 := H2); auto.
-exists (p ^ i); apply Z_div_exact_2; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_mod; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_mod; auto with zarith.
-case Hi2; rewrite <- Hi; rewrite Zplus_0_r; rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto.
- A tail recursive way of compute a^n
-Fixpoint Zpower_tr_aux (z1 z2: Z) (n: nat) {struct n}: Z :=
- match n with O => z1 | (S n1) => Zpower_tr_aux (z2 * z1) z2 n1 end.
-Theorem Zpower_tr_aux_correct:
-forall z1 z2 n p, z1 = Zpower_nat z2 p -> Zpower_tr_aux z1 z2 n = Zpower_nat z2 (p + n).
-intros z1 z2 n; generalize z1; elim n; clear z1 n; simpl; auto.
-intros z1 p; rewrite plus_0_r; auto.
-intros n1 Rec z1 p H1.
-rewrite Rec with (p:= S p).
-rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; simpl; auto.
-pattern z2 at 1; replace z2 with (Zpower_nat z2 1).
-rewrite H1; rewrite <- Zpower_nat_is_exp; simpl; auto.
-unfold Zpower_nat; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto.
-Definition Zpower_nat_tr := Zpower_tr_aux 1.
-Theorem Zpower_nat_tr_correct:
-forall z n, Zpower_nat_tr z n = Zpower_nat z n.
-intros z n; unfold Zpower_nat_tr.
-rewrite Zpower_tr_aux_correct with (p := 0%nat); auto.
- Definition of Zsquare
-Fixpoint Psquare (p: positive): positive :=
-match p with
- xH => xH
-| xO p => xO (xO (Psquare p))
-| xI p => xI (xO (Pplus (Psquare p) p))
-Theorem Psquare_correct: (forall p, Psquare p = p * p)%positive.
-intros p; elim p; simpl; auto.
-intros p1 Rec; rewrite Rec.
-apply trans_equal with (xO p1 + xO (p1 * p1) )%positive; auto.
-rewrite (Pplus_comm (xO p1)); auto.
-rewrite Pmult_xI_permute_r; rewrite Pplus_assoc.
-eq_tac; auto.
-apply sym_equal; apply Pplus_diag.
-intros p1 Rec; rewrite Rec; simpl; auto.
-eq_tac; auto.
-apply sym_equal; apply Pmult_xO_permute_r.
-Definition Zsquare p :=
-match p with Z0 => Z0 | Zpos p => Zpos (Psquare p) | Zneg p => Zpos (Psquare p) end.
-Theorem Zsquare_correct: forall p, Zsquare p = p * p.
-intro p; case p; simpl; auto; intros p1; rewrite Psquare_correct; auto.
- Some properties of Zpower
-Theorem prime_power_2: forall x n, 0 <= n -> prime x -> (x | 2 ^ n) -> x = 2.
-intros x n H Hx; pattern n; apply natlike_ind; auto; clear n H.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_0.
-intros H1; absurd (x <= 1).
-apply Zlt_not_le; apply Zlt_le_trans with 2%Z; auto with zarith.
-apply prime_le_2; auto.
-apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_trans with 2%Z; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-intros n1 H H1.
-unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
-intros H2; case prime_mult with (2 := H2); auto.
-intros H3; case (Zle_lt_or_eq x 2); auto.
-apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
-apply Zle_trans with 2%Z; try apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-intros H4; contradict H4; apply Zle_not_lt.
-apply prime_le_2; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zdivide_power_2: forall x n, 0 <= n -> 0 <= x -> (x | 2 ^ n) -> exists q, x = 2 ^ q.
-intros x n Hn H; generalize n H Hn; pattern x; apply Z_lt_induction; auto; clear x n H Hn.
-intros x Rec n H Hn H1.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := H); auto; clear H; intros H; subst.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 x); auto with zarith; clear H; intros H; subst.
-case (prime_dec x); intros H2.
-exists 1; simpl; apply prime_power_2 with n; auto.
-case not_prime_divide with (2 := H2); auto.
-intros p1 ((H3, H4), (q1, Hq1)); subst.
-case (Rec p1) with n; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_trans with (2 := H1); exists q1; auto with zarith.
-intros r1 Hr1.
-case (Rec q1) with n; auto with zarith.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 q1).
-apply Zmult_le_0_reg_r with p1; auto with zarith.
-split; auto with zarith.
-pattern q1 at 1; replace q1 with (q1 * 1); auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-intros H5; subst; contradict H; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_le_0_reg_r with p1; auto with zarith.
-apply Zdivide_trans with (2 := H1); exists p1; auto with zarith.
-intros r2 Hr2; exists (r2 + r1); subst.
-apply sym_equal; apply Zpower_exp.
-generalize H; case r2; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros; red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
-generalize H; case r1; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros; red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
-exists 0; simpl; auto.
-case H1; intros q1; try rewrite Zmult_0_r; intros H2.
-absurd (0 < 0); auto with zarith.
-pattern 0 at 2; rewrite <- H2; auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
- Some properties of Zodd and Zeven
-Theorem Zeven_ex: forall p, Zeven p -> exists q, p = 2 * q.
-intros p; case p; simpl; auto.
-intros _; exists 0; auto.
-intros p1; case p1; try ((intros H; case H; fail) || intros z H; case H; fail).
-intros p2 _; exists (Zpos p2); auto.
-intros p1; case p1; try ((intros H; case H; fail) || intros z H; case H; fail).
-intros p2 _; exists (Zneg p2); auto.
-Theorem Zodd_ex: forall p, Zodd p -> exists q, p = 2 * q + 1.
-intros p HH; case (Zle_or_lt 0 p); intros HH1.
-exists (Zdiv2 p); apply Zodd_div2; auto with zarith.
-exists ((Zdiv2 p) - 1); pattern p at 1; rewrite Zodd_div2_neg; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zeven_2p: forall p, Zeven (2 * p).
-intros p; case p; simpl; auto.
-Theorem Zodd_2p_plus_1: forall p, Zodd (2 * p + 1).
-intros p; case p; simpl; auto.
-intros p1; case p1; simpl; auto.
-Theorem Zeven_plus_Zodd_Zodd: forall z1 z2, Zeven z1 -> Zodd z2 -> Zodd (z1 + z2).
-intros z1 z2 HH1 HH2; case Zeven_ex with (1 := HH1); intros x HH3; try rewrite HH3; auto.
-case Zodd_ex with (1 := HH2); intros y HH4; try rewrite HH4; auto.
-replace (2 * x + (2 * y + 1)) with (2 * (x + y) + 1); try apply Zodd_2p_plus_1; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zeven_plus_Zeven_Zeven: forall z1 z2, Zeven z1 -> Zeven z2 -> Zeven (z1 + z2).
-intros z1 z2 HH1 HH2; case Zeven_ex with (1 := HH1); intros x HH3; try rewrite HH3; auto.
-case Zeven_ex with (1 := HH2); intros y HH4; try rewrite HH4; auto.
-replace (2 * x + 2 * y) with (2 * (x + y)); try apply Zeven_2p; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zodd_plus_Zeven_Zodd: forall z1 z2, Zodd z1 -> Zeven z2 -> Zodd (z1 + z2).
-intros z1 z2 HH1 HH2; rewrite Zplus_comm; apply Zeven_plus_Zodd_Zodd; auto.
-Theorem Zodd_plus_Zodd_Zeven: forall z1 z2, Zodd z1 -> Zodd z2 -> Zeven (z1 + z2).
-intros z1 z2 HH1 HH2; case Zodd_ex with (1 := HH1); intros x HH3; try rewrite HH3; auto.
-case Zodd_ex with (1 := HH2); intros y HH4; try rewrite HH4; auto.
-replace ((2 * x + 1) + (2 * y + 1)) with (2 * (x + y + 1)); try apply Zeven_2p; try ring.
-Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_l: forall z1 z2, Zeven z1 -> Zeven (z1 * z2).
-intros z1 z2 HH1; case Zeven_ex with (1 := HH1); intros x HH3; try rewrite HH3; auto.
-replace (2 * x * z2) with (2 * (x * z2)); try apply Zeven_2p; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_r: forall z1 z2, Zeven z2 -> Zeven (z1 * z2).
-intros z1 z2 HH1; case Zeven_ex with (1 := HH1); intros x HH3; try rewrite HH3; auto.
-replace (z1 * (2 * x)) with (2 * (x * z1)); try apply Zeven_2p; try ring.
-Theorem Zodd_mult_Zodd_Zodd: forall z1 z2, Zodd z1 -> Zodd z2 -> Zodd (z1 * z2).
-intros z1 z2 HH1 HH2; case Zodd_ex with (1 := HH1); intros x HH3; try rewrite HH3; auto.
-case Zodd_ex with (1 := HH2); intros y HH4; try rewrite HH4; auto.
-replace ((2 * x + 1) * (2 * y + 1)) with (2 * (2 * x * y + x + y) + 1); try apply Zodd_2p_plus_1; try ring.
-Definition Zmult_lt_0_compat := Zmult_lt_O_compat.
-Hint Rewrite Zmult_1_r Zmult_0_r Zmult_1_l Zmult_0_l Zplus_0_l Zplus_0_r Zminus_0_r: rm10.
-Hint Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r Zmult_plus_distr_l Zmult_minus_distr_r Zmult_minus_distr_l: distr.
-Theorem Zmult_lt_compat_bis:
- forall n m p q : Z, 0 <= n < p -> 0 <= m < q -> n * m < p * q.
-intros n m p q (H1, H2) (H3,H4).
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := H1); intros H5; auto with zarith.
-case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := H3); intros H6; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_trans with (n * q).
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- H6; autorewrite with rm10; apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- H5; autorewrite with rm10; apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto with zarith.
-Theorem nat_of_P_xO:
- forall p, nat_of_P (xO p) = (2 * nat_of_P p)%nat.
-intros p; unfold nat_of_P; simpl; rewrite Pmult_nat_2_mult_2_permute; auto with arith.
-Theorem nat_of_P_xI:
- forall p, nat_of_P (xI p) = (2 * nat_of_P p + 1)%nat.
-intros p; unfold nat_of_P; simpl; rewrite Pmult_nat_2_mult_2_permute; auto with arith.
-Theorem nat_of_P_xH: nat_of_P xH = 1%nat.
-Hint Rewrite
- nat_of_P_xO nat_of_P_xI nat_of_P_xH
- nat_of_P_succ_morphism
- nat_of_P_plus_carry_morphism
- nat_of_P_plus_morphism
- nat_of_P_mult_morphism
- nat_of_P_minus_morphism: pos_morph.
-Ltac pos_tac :=
- match goal with |- ?X = ?Y =>
- assert (tmp: Zpos X = Zpos Y);
- [idtac; repeat rewrite Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P; eq_tac | injection tmp; auto]
- end; autorewrite with pos_morph.
- Bounded induction
+Definition Zdiv_mult_cancel_r a b c H := Zdiv.Zdiv_mult_cancel_r a b c (Zlt0_not_eq _ H).
+Definition Zdiv_mult_cancel_l a b c H := Zdiv.Zdiv_mult_cancel_r a b c (Zlt0_not_eq _ H).
+Definition Z_div_plus_l a b c H := Zdiv.Z_div_plus_full_l a b c (Zlt0_not_eq _ H).
Theorem Zbounded_induction :
(forall Q : Z -> Prop, forall b : Z,
@@ -1392,4 +322,3 @@ right; auto with zarith.
unfold Q' in *; intros n H1 H2. destruct (H n H1) as [[H3 H4] | H3].
assumption. apply Zle_not_lt in H3. false_hyp H2 H3.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/Z/ZDivModAux.v b/theories/Ints/Z/ZDivModAux.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 127d3cefa..000000000
--- a/theories/Ints/Z/ZDivModAux.v
+++ /dev/null
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
- ZDivModAux.v
- Auxillary functions & Theorems for Zdiv and Zmod
- **********************************************************************)
-Require Export ZArith.
-Require Export Znumtheory.
-Require Export Tactic.
-Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZPowerAux.
-Open Local Scope Z_scope.
-Hint Extern 2 (Zle _ _) =>
- (match goal with
- |- Zpos _ <= Zpos _ => exact (refl_equal _)
- | H: _ <= ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zle_trans with (2 := H)
- | H: _ < ?p |- _ <= ?p =>
- apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := H)
- end).
-Hint Extern 2 (Zlt _ _) =>
- (match goal with
- |- Zpos _ < Zpos _ => exact (refl_equal _)
-| H: _ <= ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zlt_le_trans with (2 := H)
-| H: _ < ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := H)
- end).
-Hint Resolve Zlt_gt Zle_ge: zarith.
- Properties Zmod
- Theorem Zmod_mult:
- forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a * b) mod n = ((a mod n) * (b mod n)) mod n.
- Proof.
- intros a b n H.
- pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a n); auto with zarith.
- pattern b at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq b n); auto with zarith.
- replace ((n * (a / n) + a mod n) * (n * (b / n) + b mod n)) with
- ((a mod n) * (b mod n) +
- (((n*(a/n)) * (b/n) + (b mod n)*(a / n)) + (a mod n) * (b / n)) * n);
- auto with zarith.
- apply Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
- ring.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_plus:
- forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a + b) mod n = (a mod n + b mod n) mod n.
- Proof.
- intros a b n H.
- pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a n); auto with zarith.
- pattern b at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq b n); auto with zarith.
- replace ((n * (a / n) + a mod n) + (n * (b / n) + b mod n))
- with ((a mod n + b mod n) + (a / n + b / n) * n); auto with zarith.
- apply Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
- ring.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_mod: forall a n, 0 < n -> (a mod n) mod n = a mod n.
- Proof.
- intros a n H.
- pattern a at 2; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a n); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Zmult_comm.
- apply sym_equal; apply Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_def_small: forall a n, 0 <= a < n -> a mod n = a.
- Proof.
- intros a n [H1 H2]; unfold Zmod.
- generalize (Z_div_mod a n); case (Zdiv_eucl a n).
- intros q r H3; case H3; clear H3; auto with zarith.
- intros H4 [H5 H6].
- case (Zle_or_lt q (- 1)); intros H7.
- contradict H1; apply Zlt_not_le.
- subst a.
- apply Zle_lt_trans with (n * - 1 + r); auto with zarith.
- case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 q); auto with zarith; intros H8.
- contradict H2; apply Zle_not_lt.
- apply Zle_trans with (n * 1 + r); auto with zarith.
- rewrite H4; auto with zarith.
- subst a; subst q; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_minus:
- forall a b n, 0 < n -> (a - b) mod n = (a mod n - b mod n) mod n.
- Proof.
- intros a b n H; replace (a - b) with (a + (-1) * b); auto with zarith.
- replace (a mod n - b mod n) with (a mod n + (-1)*(b mod n));auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_mult; auto with zarith.
- rewrite (fun x y => Zmod_plus x ((-1) * y)); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_mult; auto with zarith.
- rewrite (fun x => Zmod_mult x (b mod n)); auto with zarith.
- repeat rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_le: forall a n, 0 < n -> 0 <= a -> (Zmod a n) <= a.
- Proof.
- intros a n H1 H2; case (Zle_or_lt n a); intros H3.
- case (Z_mod_lt a n); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_le_first: forall a b, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 <= a mod b <= a.
- Proof.
- intros a b H H1;case (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith;intros H2 H3;split;auto.
- case (Zle_or_lt b a); intros H4; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Properties of Zdivide
- Theorem Zdiv_pos: forall a b, 0 < b -> 0 <= a -> 0 <= a / b.
- Proof.
- intros; apply Zge_le; apply Z_div_ge0; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Hint Resolve Zdiv_pos: zarith.
- Theorem Zdiv_mult_le:
- forall a b c, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 <= c -> c * (a/b) <= (c * a)/ b.
- Proof.
- intros a b c H1 H2 H3.
- case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith; intros Hu1 Hu2.
- case (Z_mod_lt c b); auto with zarith; intros Hv1 Hv2.
- apply Zmult_le_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- Zmult_assoc.
- replace (a / b * b) with (a - a mod b).
- replace (c * a / b * b) with (c * a - (c * a) mod b).
- rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_l.
- unfold Zminus; apply Zplus_le_compat_l.
- match goal with |- - ?X <= -?Y => assert (Y <= X); auto with zarith end.
- apply Zle_trans with ((c mod b) * (a mod b)); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_mult; case (Zmod_le_first ((c mod b) * (a mod b)) b);
- auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
- case (Zmod_le_first c b); auto.
- pattern (c * a) at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq (c * a) b); try ring;
- auto with zarith.
- pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); try ring; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_unique:
- forall n d q r, 0 < d -> ( 0 <= r < d ) -> n = d * q + r -> q = n / d.
- Proof.
- intros n d q r H H0 H1.
- assert (H2: n = d * (n / d) + n mod d).
- apply Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
- assert (H3: 0 <= n mod d < d ).
- apply Z_mod_lt; auto with zarith.
- case (Ztrichotomy q (n / d)); auto.
- intros H4.
- absurd (n < n); auto with zarith.
- pattern n at 1; rewrite H1; rewrite H2.
- apply Zlt_le_trans with (d * (q + 1)); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r; auto with zarith.
- apply Zle_trans with (d * (n / d)); auto with zarith.
- intros tmp; case tmp; auto; intros H4; clear tmp.
- absurd (n < n); auto with zarith.
- pattern n at 2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2.
- apply Zlt_le_trans with (d * (n / d + 1)); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r; auto with zarith.
- apply Zle_trans with (d * q); auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_unique:
- forall n d q r, 0 < d -> ( 0 <= r < d ) -> n = d * q + r -> r = n mod d.
- Proof.
- intros n d q r H H0 H1.
- assert (H2: n = d * (n / d) + n mod d).
- apply Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Zdiv_unique n d q r) in H1; auto.
- apply (Zplus_reg_l (d * (n / d))); auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_Zmult_compat_l: forall a b c,
- 0 < b -> 0 < c -> c * a mod (c * b) = c * (a mod b).
- Proof.
- intros a b c H2 H3.
- pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r.
- rewrite Zmult_assoc; rewrite (Zmult_comm (c * b)).
- rewrite Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
- apply Zmod_def_small; split; auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
- destruct (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith.
- destruct (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_Zmult_compat_l:
- forall a b c, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 < c -> c * a / (c * b) = a / b.
- Proof.
- intros a b c H1 H2 H3; case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith; intros H4 H5.
- apply Zdiv_unique with (a mod b); auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_reg_l with c; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r; rewrite <- Zmod_Zmult_compat_l; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmult_assoc; apply Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_0_l: forall a, 0 / a = 0.
- Proof.
- intros a; case a; auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_0_r: forall a, a / 0 = 0.
- Proof.
- intros a; case a; auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_0_l: forall a, 0 mod a = 0.
- Proof.
- intros a; case a; auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_0_r: forall a, a mod 0 = 0.
- Proof.
- intros a; case a; auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_le_upper_bound:
- forall a b q, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> a <= q * b -> a / b <= q.
- Proof.
- intros a b q H1 H2 H3.
- apply Zmult_le_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
- apply Zle_trans with (2 := H3).
- pattern a at 2; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Zmult_comm b); case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_lt_upper_bound:
- forall a b q, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> a < q * b -> a / b < q.
- Proof.
- intros a b q H1 H2 H3.
- apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
- apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := H3).
- pattern a at 2; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Zmult_comm b); case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_le_lower_bound:
- forall a b q, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> q * b <= a -> q <= a / b.
- Proof.
- intros a b q H1 H2 H3.
- assert (q < a / b + 1); auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
- apply Zle_lt_trans with (1 := H3).
- pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l; rewrite (Zmult_comm b); case (Z_mod_lt a b);
- auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmult_mod_distr_l:
- forall a b c, 0 < a -> 0 < c -> (a * b) mod (a * c) = a * (b mod c).
- Proof.
- intros a b c H Hc.
- apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_unique with (b / c); auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto.
- case (Z_mod_lt b c); auto with zarith; intros; split; auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto.
- rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_r.
- rewrite <- Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_distr: forall a b r t, 0 <= a <= b -> 0 <= r -> 0 <= t < 2 ^a ->
- (2 ^a * r + t) mod (2 ^ b) = (2 ^a * r) mod (2 ^ b) + t.
- Proof.
- intros a b r t (H1, H2) H3 (H4, H5).
- assert (t < 2 ^ b).
- apply Zlt_le_trans with (1:= H5); auto with zarith.
- apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small with (a := t); auto with zarith.
- apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
- split; auto with zarith.
- assert (0 <= 2 ^a * r); auto with zarith.
- apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
- match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
- auto with zarith.
- pattern (2 ^ b) at 2; replace (2 ^ b) with ((2 ^ b - 2 ^a) + 2 ^ a);
- try ring.
- apply Zplus_le_lt_compat; auto with zarith.
- replace b with ((b - a) + a); try ring.
- rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- pattern (2 ^a) at 4; rewrite <- (Zmult_1_l (2 ^a));
- try rewrite <- Zmult_minus_distr_r.
- rewrite (Zmult_comm (2 ^(b - a))); rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_l;
- auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Zmult_comm (2 ^a)); apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
- match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
- auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmult_mod_distr_r:
- forall a b c : Z, 0 < a -> 0 < c -> (b * a) mod (c * a) = (b mod c) * a.
- Proof.
- intros; repeat rewrite (fun x => (Zmult_comm x a)).
- apply Zmult_mod_distr_l; auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem Z_div_plus_l: forall a b c : Z, 0 < b -> (a * b + c) / b = a + c / b.
- Proof.
- intros a b c H; rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Z_div_plus;
- try apply Zplus_comm; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_shift_r:
- forall a b r t, 0 <= a <= b -> 0 <= r -> 0 <= t < 2 ^a ->
- (r * 2 ^a + t) mod (2 ^ b) = (r * 2 ^a) mod (2 ^ b) + t.
- Proof.
- intros a b r t (H1, H2) H3 (H4, H5).
- assert (t < 2 ^ b).
- apply Zlt_le_trans with (1:= H5); auto with zarith.
- apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small with (a := t); auto with zarith.
- apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
- split; auto with zarith.
- assert (0 <= 2 ^a * r); auto with zarith.
- apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
- match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
- auto with zarith.
- pattern (2 ^ b) at 2;replace (2 ^ b) with ((2 ^ b - 2 ^a) + 2 ^ a); try ring.
- apply Zplus_le_lt_compat; auto with zarith.
- replace b with ((b - a) + a); try ring.
- rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- pattern (2 ^a) at 4; rewrite <- (Zmult_1_l (2 ^a));
- try rewrite <- Zmult_minus_distr_r.
- repeat rewrite (fun x => Zmult_comm x (2 ^ a)); rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_l;
- auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
- match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
- auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_lt_0: forall a b, 0 <= a < b -> a / b = 0.
- intros a b H; apply sym_equal; apply Zdiv_unique with a; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zmod_mult_0: forall a b, 0 < b -> (a * b) mod b = 0.
- Proof.
- intros a b H; rewrite <- (Zplus_0_l (a * b)); rewrite Z_mod_plus;
- auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_shift_r:
- forall a b r t, 0 <= a <= b -> 0 <= r -> 0 <= t < 2 ^a ->
- (r * 2 ^a + t) / (2 ^ b) = (r * 2 ^a) / (2 ^ b).
- Proof.
- intros a b r t (H1, H2) H3 (H4, H5).
- assert (Eq: t < 2 ^ b); auto with zarith.
- apply Zlt_le_trans with (1 := H5); auto with zarith.
- apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
- pattern (r * 2 ^ a) at 1; rewrite Z_div_mod_eq with (b := 2 ^ b);
- auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
- rewrite <- Zmod_shift_r; auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Zmult_comm (2 ^ b)); rewrite Z_div_plus_l; auto with zarith.
- rewrite (fun x y => @Zdiv_lt_0 (x mod y)); auto with zarith.
- match goal with |- context [?X mod ?Y] => case (Z_mod_lt X Y) end;
- auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zpos_minus:
- forall a b, Zpos a < Zpos b -> Zpos (b- a) = Zpos b - Zpos a.
- Proof.
- intros a b H.
- repeat rewrite Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P; autorewrite with pos_morph;
- auto with zarith.
- rewrite inj_minus1; auto with zarith.
- match goal with |- (?X <= ?Y)%nat =>
- case (le_or_lt X Y); auto; intro tmp; absurd (Z_of_nat X < Z_of_nat Y);
- try apply Zle_not_lt; auto with zarith
- end.
- repeat rewrite <- Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P; auto with zarith.
- generalize (Zlt_gt _ _ H); auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zdiv_Zmult_compat_r:
- forall a b c : Z, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 < c -> a * c / (b * c) = a / b.
- Proof.
- intros a b c H H1 H2; repeat rewrite (fun x => Zmult_comm x c);
- apply Zdiv_Zmult_compat_l; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma shift_unshift_mod : forall n p a,
- 0 <= a < 2^n ->
- 0 <= p <= n ->
- a * 2^p = a / 2^(n - p) * 2^n + (a*2^p) mod 2^n.
- Proof.
- intros n p a H1 H2.
- pattern (a*2^p) at 1;replace (a*2^p) with
- (a*2^p/2^n * 2^n + a*2^p mod 2^n).
- 2:symmetry;rewrite (Zmult_comm (a*2^p/2^n));apply Z_div_mod_eq.
- replace (a * 2 ^ p / 2 ^ n) with (a / 2 ^ (n - p));trivial.
- replace (2^n) with (2^(n-p)*2^p).
- symmetry;apply Zdiv_Zmult_compat_r.
- destruct H1;trivial.
- apply Zpower_lt_0;auto with zarith.
- apply Zpower_lt_0;auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- Zpower_exp.
- replace (n-p+p) with n;trivial. ring.
- omega. omega.
- apply Zlt_gt. apply Zpower_lt_0;auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Lemma Zdiv_Zdiv : forall a b c, 0 < b -> 0 < c -> (a/b)/c = a / (b*c).
- Proof.
- intros a b c H H0.
- pattern a at 2;rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b);auto with zarith.
- pattern (a/b) at 2;rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq (a/b) c);auto with zarith.
- replace (b * (c * (a / b / c) + (a / b) mod c) + a mod b) with
- ((a / b / c)*(b * c) + (b * ((a / b) mod c) + a mod b));try ring.
- rewrite Z_div_plus_l;auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Zdiv_lt_0 (b * ((a / b) mod c) + a mod b)).
- ring.
- split.
- apply Zplus_le_0_compat;auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_le_0_compat;auto with zarith.
- destruct (Z_mod_lt (a/b) c);auto with zarith.
- destruct (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith.
- apply Zle_lt_trans with (b * ((a / b) mod c) + (b-1)).
- destruct (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith.
- apply Zle_lt_trans with (b * (c-1) + (b - 1)).
- apply Zplus_le_compat;auto with zarith.
- destruct (Z_mod_lt (a/b) c);auto with zarith.
- replace (b * (c - 1) + (b - 1)) with (b*c-1);try ring;auto with zarith.
- apply Zmult_lt_0_compat;auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Lemma div_le_0 : forall p x, 0 <= x -> 0 <= x / 2 ^ p.
- Proof.
- intros p x Hle;destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 p).
- apply Zdiv_le_lower_bound;auto with zarith.
- replace (2^p) with 0.
- destruct x;compute;intro;discriminate.
- destruct p;trivial;discriminate z.
- Qed.
- Lemma div_lt : forall p x y, 0 <= x < y -> x / 2^p < y.
- Proof.
- intros p x y H;destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 p).
- apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound;auto with zarith.
- apply Zlt_le_trans with y;auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r y);apply Zmult_le_compat;auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 2^p);auto with zarith.
- replace (2^p) with 0.
- destruct x;change (0<y);auto with zarith.
- destruct p;trivial;discriminate z.
- Qed.
- Theorem Zgcd_div_pos a b:
- (0 < b)%Z -> (0 < Zgcd a b)%Z -> (0 < b / Zgcd a b)%Z.
- intros a b Ha Hg.
- case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 (b/Zgcd a b)); auto.
- apply Zdiv_pos; auto with zarith.
- intros H; generalize Ha.
- pattern b at 1; rewrite (Zdivide_Zdiv_eq (Zgcd a b) b); auto.
- rewrite <- H; auto with zarith.
- assert (F := (Zgcd_is_gcd a b)); inversion F; auto.
- Qed.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/Z/ZPowerAux.v b/theories/Ints/Z/ZPowerAux.v
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index 151b9a73a..000000000
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-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
- ZPowerAux.v Auxillary functions & Theorems for Zpower
- **********************************************************************)
-Require Export ZArith.
-Require Export Znumtheory.
-Require Export Tactic.
-Open Local Scope Z_scope.
-Hint Extern 2 (Zle _ _) =>
- (match goal with
- |- Zpos _ <= Zpos _ => exact (refl_equal _)
-| H: _ <= ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zle_trans with (2 := H)
-| H: _ < ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := H)
- end).
-Hint Extern 2 (Zlt _ _) =>
- (match goal with
- |- Zpos _ < Zpos _ => exact (refl_equal _)
-| H: _ <= ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zlt_le_trans with (2 := H)
-| H: _ < ?p |- _ <= ?p => apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := H)
- end).
-Hint Resolve Zlt_gt Zle_ge: zarith.
- Properties Zpower
-Theorem Zpower_1: forall a, 0 <= a -> 1 ^ a = 1.
-intros a Ha; pattern a; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith.
-intros x Hx Hx1; unfold Zsucc.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Hx1; simpl; auto.
-Theorem Zpower_exp_0: forall a, a ^ 0 = 1.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_exp_1: forall a, a ^ 1 = a.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_Zabs: forall a b, Zabs (a ^ b) = (Zabs a) ^ b.
-intros a b; case (Zle_or_lt 0 b).
-intros Hb; pattern b; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith.
-intros x Hx Hx1; unfold Zsucc.
-(repeat rewrite Zpower_exp); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zabs_Zmult; rewrite Hx1.
-eq_tac; auto.
-replace (a ^ 1) with a; auto.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto.
-simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto.
-case b; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros p Hp; discriminate.
-Theorem Zpower_Zsucc: forall p n, 0 <= n -> p ^Zsucc n = p * p ^ n.
-intros p n H.
-unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_1; apply Zmult_comm.
-Theorem Zpower_mult: forall p q r, 0 <= q -> 0 <= r -> p ^ (q * r) = (p ^ q) ^
- r.
-intros p q r H1 H2; generalize H2; pattern r; apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros H3; rewrite Zmult_0_r; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp_0; auto.
-intros r1 H3 H4 H5.
-unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite <- H4; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; try rewrite <- Zpower_exp; try eq_tac;
-auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_lt_0: forall a b: Z, 0 < a -> 0 <= b-> 0 < a ^b.
-intros a b; case b; auto with zarith.
-simpl; intros; auto with zarith.
-2: intros p H H1; case H1; auto.
-intros p H1 H; generalize H; pattern (Zpos p); apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros; case a; compute; auto.
-intros p1 H2 H3 _; unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; simpl; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_O_compat; auto with zarith.
-generalize H1; case a; compute; intros; auto; discriminate.
-Theorem Zpower_le_monotone: forall a b c: Z, 0 < a -> 0 <= b <= c -> a ^ b <= a ^ c.
-intros a b c H (H1, H2).
-rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (a ^ b)); replace c with (b + (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-assert (0 < a ^ (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_le_0: forall a b: Z, 0 <= a -> 0 <= a ^b.
-intros a b; case b; auto with zarith.
-simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros p H1; assert (H: 0 <= Zpos p); auto with zarith.
-generalize H; pattern (Zpos p); apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros p1 H2 H3 _; unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; simpl; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
-generalize H1; case a; compute; intros; auto; discriminate.
-Hint Resolve Zpower_le_0 Zpower_lt_0: zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_prod: forall p q r, 0 <= q -> 0 <= r -> (p * q) ^ r = p ^ r * q ^ r.
-intros p q r H1 H2; generalize H2; pattern r; apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros r1 H3 H4 H5.
-unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite H4; repeat (rewrite Zpower_exp_1 || rewrite Zpower_exp); auto with zarith; ring.
-Theorem Zpower_le_monotone_exp: forall a b c: Z, 0 <= c -> 0 <= a <= b -> a ^ c <= b ^ c.
-intros a b c H (H1, H2).
-generalize H; pattern c; apply natlike_ind; auto.
-intros x HH HH1 _; unfold Zsucc; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-repeat rewrite Zpower_exp_1.
-apply Zle_trans with (a ^x * b); auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_lt_monotone: forall a b c: Z, 1 < a -> 0 <= b < c -> a ^ b < a ^
- c.
-intros a b c H (H1, H2).
-rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (a ^ b)); replace c with (b + (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-assert (0 < a ^ (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with (a ^1); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
-apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zpower_le_monotone_inv :
- forall a b c, 1 < a -> 0 < b -> a^b <= a^c -> b <= c.
- intros a b c H H0 H1.
- destruct (Z_le_gt_dec b c);trivial.
- assert (2 <= a^b).
- apply Zle_trans with (2^b).
- pattern 2 at 1;replace 2 with (2^1);trivial.
- apply Zpower_le_monotone;auto with zarith.
- apply Zpower_le_monotone_exp;auto with zarith.
- assert (c > 0).
- destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 c);trivial.
- destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ z0);auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- H3 in H1;simpl in H1; elimtype False;omega.
- destruct c;try discriminate z0. simpl in H1. elimtype False;omega.
- assert (H4 := Zpower_lt_monotone a c b H). elimtype False;omega.
-Theorem Zpower_le_monotone2:
- forall a b c: Z, 0 < a -> b <= c -> a ^ b <= a ^ c.
-intros a b c H H2.
-destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 b).
-rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (a ^ b)); replace c with (b + (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
-apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
-assert (0 < a ^ (c - b)); auto with zarith.
-replace (a^b) with 0.
-destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 c).
-destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ z0).
-apply Zlt_le_weak;apply Zpower_lt_0;trivial.
-rewrite <- H0;simpl;auto with zarith.
-replace (a^c) with 0. auto with zarith.
-destruct c;trivial;unfold Zgt in z0;discriminate z0.
-destruct b;trivial;unfold Zgt in z;discriminate z.
-Theorem Zpower2_lt_lin: forall n,
- 0 <= n -> n < 2 ^ n.
-intros n; apply (natlike_ind (fun n => n < 2 ^n)); clear n.
- simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros n H1 H2; unfold Zsucc.
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ H1); clear H1; intros H1.
- apply Zle_lt_trans with (n + n); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1.
- assert (tmp: forall p, p * 2 = p + p); intros; try ring;
- rewrite tmp; auto with zarith.
-subst n; simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower2_le_lin: forall n,
- 0 <= n -> n <= 2 ^ n.
-intros; apply Zlt_le_weak.
-apply Zpower2_lt_lin; auto.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/Z/ZSum.v b/theories/Ints/Z/ZSum.v
deleted file mode 100644
index bcde7386c..000000000
--- a/theories/Ints/Z/ZSum.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
- Summation.v from Z to Z
- *********************************************************************)
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Import ArithRing.
-Require Import ListAux.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import Iterator.
-Require Import ZProgression.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-(* Iterated Sum *)
-Definition Zsum :=
- fun n m f =>
- if Zle_bool n m
- then iter 0 f Zplus (progression Zsucc n (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n)))
- else iter 0 f Zplus (progression Zpred n (Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - m))).
-Hint Unfold Zsum .
-Lemma Zsum_nn: forall n f, Zsum n n f = f n.
-intros n f; unfold Zsum; rewrite Zle_bool_refl.
-replace ((1 + n) - n) with 1; auto with zarith.
-simpl; ring.
-Theorem permutation_rev: forall (A:Set) (l : list A), permutation (rev l) l.
-intros a l; elim l; simpl; auto.
-intros a1 l1 Hl1.
-apply permutation_trans with (cons a1 (rev l1)); auto.
-change (permutation (rev l1 ++ (a1 :: nil)) (app (cons a1 nil) (rev l1))); auto.
-Lemma Zsum_swap: forall (n m : Z) (f : Z -> Z), Zsum n m f = Zsum m n f.
-intros n m f; unfold Zsum.
-generalize (Zle_cases n m) (Zle_cases m n); case (Zle_bool n m);
- case (Zle_bool m n); auto with arith.
-intros; replace n with m; auto with zarith.
-3:intros H1 H2; contradict H2; auto with zarith.
-intros H1 H2; apply iter_permutation; auto with zarith.
-apply permutation_trans
- with (rev (progression Zsucc n (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n)))).
-apply permutation_sym; apply permutation_rev.
-rewrite Zprogression_opp; auto with zarith.
-replace (n + Z_of_nat (pred (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n)))) with m; auto.
-replace (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n)) with (S (Zabs_nat (m - n))); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-replace ((1 + m) - n) with (1 + (m - n)); auto with zarith.
-cut (0 <= m - n); auto with zarith; unfold Zabs_nat.
-case (m - n); auto with zarith.
-intros p; case p; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros p1 Hp1; rewrite nat_of_P_xO; rewrite nat_of_P_xI;
- rewrite nat_of_P_succ_morphism.
-simpl; repeat rewrite plus_0_r.
-repeat rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; simpl; auto.
-intros p H3; contradict H3; auto with zarith.
-intros H1 H2; apply iter_permutation; auto with zarith.
-apply permutation_trans
- with (rev (progression Zsucc m (Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - m)))).
-rewrite Zprogression_opp; auto with zarith.
-replace (m + Z_of_nat (pred (Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - m)))) with n; auto.
-replace (Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - m)) with (S (Zabs_nat (n - m))); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-replace ((1 + n) - m) with (1 + (n - m)); auto with zarith.
-cut (0 <= n - m); auto with zarith; unfold Zabs_nat.
-case (n - m); auto with zarith.
-intros p; case p; simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros p1 Hp1; rewrite nat_of_P_xO; rewrite nat_of_P_xI;
- rewrite nat_of_P_succ_morphism.
-simpl; repeat rewrite plus_0_r.
-repeat rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; simpl; auto.
-intros p H3; contradict H3; auto with zarith.
-apply permutation_rev.
-Lemma Zsum_split_up:
- forall (n m p : Z) (f : Z -> Z),
- ( n <= m < p ) -> Zsum n p f = Zsum n m f + Zsum (m + 1) p f.
-intros n m p f [H H0].
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ H); clear H; intros H.
-unfold Zsum; (repeat rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool); auto with zarith.
-assert (H1: n < p).
-apply Zlt_trans with ( 1 := H ); auto with zarith.
-assert (H2: m < 1 + p).
-apply Zlt_trans with ( 1 := H0 ); auto with zarith.
-assert (H3: n < 1 + m).
-apply Zlt_trans with ( 1 := H ); auto with zarith.
-assert (H4: n < 1 + p).
-apply Zlt_trans with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with zarith.
-replace (Zabs_nat ((1 + p) - (m + 1)))
- with (minus (Zabs_nat ((1 + p) - n)) (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n))).
-apply iter_progression_app; auto with zarith.
-apply inj_le_inv.
-(repeat rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat); auto with zarith.
-rewrite next_n_Z; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-apply inj_eq_inv; auto with zarith.
-rewrite inj_minus1; auto with zarith.
-(repeat rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat); auto with zarith.
-apply inj_le_inv.
-(repeat rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat); auto with zarith.
-subst m.
-rewrite Zsum_nn; auto with zarith.
-unfold Zsum; generalize (Zle_cases n p); generalize (Zle_cases (n + 1) p);
- case (Zle_bool n p); case (Zle_bool (n + 1) p); auto with zarith.
-intros H1 H2.
-replace (Zabs_nat ((1 + p) - n)) with (S (Zabs_nat (p - n))); auto with zarith.
-replace (n + 1) with (Zsucc n); auto with zarith.
-replace ((1 + p) - Zsucc n) with (p - n); auto with zarith.
-apply inj_eq_inv; auto with zarith.
-rewrite inj_S; (repeat rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat); auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zsum_S_left:
- forall (n m : Z) (f : Z -> Z), n < m -> Zsum n m f = f n + Zsum (n + 1) m f.
-intros n m f H; rewrite (Zsum_split_up n n m f); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zsum_nn; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zsum_S_right:
- forall (n m : Z) (f : Z -> Z),
- n <= m -> Zsum n (m + 1) f = Zsum n m f + f (m + 1).
-intros n m f H; rewrite (Zsum_split_up n m (m + 1) f); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zsum_nn; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zsum_split_down:
- forall (n m p : Z) (f : Z -> Z),
- ( p < m <= n ) -> Zsum n p f = Zsum n m f + Zsum (m - 1) p f.
-intros n m p f [H H0].
-case (Zle_lt_or_eq p (m - 1)); auto with zarith; intros H1.
-pattern m at 1; replace m with ((m - 1) + 1); auto with zarith.
-repeat rewrite (Zsum_swap n).
-rewrite (Zsum_swap (m - 1)).
-rewrite Zplus_comm.
-apply Zsum_split_up; auto with zarith.
-subst p.
-repeat rewrite (Zsum_swap n).
-rewrite Zsum_nn.
-unfold Zsum; (repeat rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool); auto with zarith.
-replace (Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - (m - 1))) with (S (Zabs_nat (n - (m - 1)))).
-rewrite Zplus_comm.
-replace (Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - m)) with (Zabs_nat (n - (m - 1))); auto with zarith.
-pattern m at 4; replace m with (Zsucc (m - 1)); auto with zarith.
-apply f_equal with ( f := Zabs_nat ); auto with zarith.
-apply inj_eq_inv; auto with zarith.
-rewrite inj_S.
-(repeat rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat); auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zsum_ext:
- forall (n m : Z) (f g : Z -> Z),
- n <= m ->
- (forall (x : Z), ( n <= x <= m ) -> f x = g x) -> Zsum n m f = Zsum n m g.
-intros n m f g HH H.
-unfold Zsum; auto.
-unfold Zsum; (repeat rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool); auto with zarith.
-apply iter_ext; auto with zarith.
-intros a H1; apply H; auto; split.
-apply Zprogression_le_init with ( 1 := H1 ).
-cut (a < Zsucc m); auto with zarith.
-replace (Zsucc m) with (n + Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n))); auto with zarith.
-apply Zprogression_le_end; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zsum_add:
- forall (n m : Z) (f g : Z -> Z),
- Zsum n m f + Zsum n m g = Zsum n m (fun (i : Z) => f i + g i).
-intros n m f g; unfold Zsum; case (Zle_bool n m); apply iter_comp;
- auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zsum_times:
- forall n m x f, x * Zsum n m f = Zsum n m (fun i=> x * f i).
-intros n m x f.
-unfold Zsum. case (Zle_bool n m); intros; apply iter_comp_const with (k := (fun y : Z => x * y)); auto with zarith.
-Lemma inv_Zsum:
- forall (P : Z -> Prop) (n m : Z) (f : Z -> Z),
- n <= m ->
- P 0 ->
- (forall (a b : Z), P a -> P b -> P (a + b)) ->
- (forall (x : Z), ( n <= x <= m ) -> P (f x)) -> P (Zsum n m f).
-intros P n m f HH H H0 H1.
-unfold Zsum; rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool; auto with zarith; apply iter_inv; auto.
-intros x H3; apply H1; auto; split.
-apply Zprogression_le_init with ( 1 := H3 ).
-cut (x < Zsucc m); auto with zarith.
-replace (Zsucc m) with (n + Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n))); auto with zarith.
-apply Zprogression_le_end; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zsum_pred:
- forall (n m : Z) (f : Z -> Z),
- Zsum n m f = Zsum (n + 1) (m + 1) (fun (i : Z) => f (Zpred i)).
-intros n m f.
-unfold Zsum.
-generalize (Zle_cases n m); generalize (Zle_cases (n + 1) (m + 1));
- case (Zle_bool n m); case (Zle_bool (n + 1) (m + 1)); auto with zarith.
-replace ((1 + (m + 1)) - (n + 1)) with ((1 + m) - n); auto with zarith.
-intros H1 H2; cut (exists c , c = Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n) ).
-intros [c H3]; rewrite <- H3.
-generalize n; elim c; auto with zarith; clear H1 H2 H3 c n.
-intros c H n; simpl; eq_tac; auto with zarith.
-eq_tac; unfold Zpred; auto with zarith.
-replace (Zsucc (n + 1)) with (Zsucc n + 1); auto with zarith.
-exists (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n)); auto.
-replace ((1 + (n + 1)) - (m + 1)) with ((1 + n) - m); auto with zarith.
-intros H1 H2; cut (exists c , c = Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - m) ).
-intros [c H3]; rewrite <- H3.
-generalize n; elim c; auto with zarith; clear H1 H2 H3 c n.
-intros c H n; simpl; (eq_tac; auto with zarith).
-eq_tac; unfold Zpred; auto with zarith.
-replace (Zpred (n + 1)) with (Zpred n + 1); auto with zarith.
-unfold Zpred; auto with zarith.
-exists (Zabs_nat ((1 + n) - m)); auto.
-Theorem Zsum_c:
- forall (c p q : Z), p <= q -> Zsum p q (fun x => c) = ((1 + q) - p) * c.
-intros c p q Hq; unfold Zsum.
-rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool; auto with zarith.
-pattern ((1 + q) - p) at 2; rewrite <- Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-cut (exists r , r = Zabs_nat ((1 + q) - p) );
- [intros [r H1]; rewrite <- H1 | exists (Zabs_nat ((1 + q) - p))]; auto.
-generalize p; elim r; auto with zarith.
-intros n H p0; replace (Z_of_nat (S n)) with (Z_of_nat n + 1); auto with zarith.
-simpl; rewrite H; ring.
-rewrite inj_S; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zsum_Zsum_f:
- forall (i j k l : Z) (f : Z -> Z -> Z),
- i <= j ->
- k < l ->
- Zsum i j (fun x => Zsum k (l + 1) (fun y => f x y)) =
- Zsum i j (fun x => Zsum k l (fun y => f x y) + f x (l + 1)).
-intros; apply Zsum_ext; intros; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zsum_S_right; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zsum_com:
- forall (i j k l : Z) (f : Z -> Z -> Z),
- Zsum i j (fun x => Zsum k l (fun y => f x y)) =
- Zsum k l (fun y => Zsum i j (fun x => f x y)).
-intros; unfold Zsum; case (Zle_bool i j); case (Zle_bool k l); apply iter_com;
- auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zsum_le:
- forall (n m : Z) (f g : Z -> Z),
- n <= m ->
- (forall (x : Z), ( n <= x <= m ) -> (f x <= g x )) ->
- (Zsum n m f <= Zsum n m g ).
-intros n m f g Hl H.
-unfold Zsum; rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool; auto with zarith.
-unfold Zsum;
- cut
- (forall x,
- In x (progression Zsucc n (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n))) -> ( f x <= g x )).
-elim (progression Zsucc n (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n))); simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros x H1; apply H; split.
-apply Zprogression_le_init with ( 1 := H1 ); auto.
-cut (x < m + 1); auto with zarith.
-replace (m + 1) with (n + Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n))); auto with zarith.
-apply Zprogression_le_end; auto with zarith.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-Theorem iter_le:
-forall (f g: Z -> Z) l, (forall a, In a l -> f a <= g a) ->
- iter 0 f Zplus l <= iter 0 g Zplus l.
-intros f g l; elim l; simpl; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zsum_lt:
- forall n m f g,
- (forall x, n <= x -> x <= m -> f x <= g x) ->
- (exists x, n <= x /\ x <= m /\ f x < g x) ->
- Zsum n m f < Zsum n m g.
-intros n m f g H (d, (Hd1, (Hd2, Hd3))); unfold Zsum; rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool; auto with zarith.
-cut (In d (progression Zsucc n (Zabs_nat (1 + m - n)))).
-cut (forall x, In x (progression Zsucc n (Zabs_nat (1 + m - n)))-> f x <= g x).
-elim (progression Zsucc n (Zabs_nat (1 + m - n))); simpl; auto with zarith.
-intros a l Rec H0 [H1 | H1]; subst; auto.
-apply Zle_lt_trans with (f d + iter 0 g Zplus l); auto with zarith.
-apply Zplus_le_compat_l.
-apply iter_le; auto.
-apply Zlt_le_trans with (f a + iter 0 g Zplus l); auto with zarith.
-intros x H1; apply H.
-apply Zprogression_le_init with ( 1 := H1 ); auto.
-cut (x < m + 1); auto with zarith.
-replace (m + 1) with (n + Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat ((1 + m) - n))); auto with zarith.
-apply Zprogression_le_end with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with arith.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-apply in_Zprogression.
-rewrite Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zsum_minus:
- forall n m f g, Zsum n m f - Zsum n m g = Zsum n m (fun x => f x - g x).
-intros n m f g; apply trans_equal with (Zsum n m f + (-1) * Zsum n m g); auto with zarith.
-rewrite Zsum_times; rewrite Zsum_add; auto with zarith.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenAdd.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenAdd.v
index 9d4c57902..77f5e2301 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenAdd.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenAdd.v
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
@@ -265,11 +264,11 @@ Section GenAdd.
Lemma spec_ww_succ : forall x, [[ww_succ x]] = ([[x]] + 1) mod wwB.
destruct x as [ |xh xl];simpl.
- rewrite spec_ww_1;rewrite Zmod_def_small;trivial.
+ rewrite spec_ww_1;rewrite Zmod_small;trivial.
split;[intro;discriminate|apply wwB_pos].
rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;generalize (spec_w_succ_c xl);
destruct (w_succ_c xl) as[l|l];intro H;unfold interp_carry in H;rewrite <-H.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;trivial.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;trivial.
rewrite wwB_wBwB;apply beta_mult;apply spec_to_Z.
assert ([|l|] = 0). clear spec_ww_1 spec_w_1 spec_w_0.
assert (H1:= spec_to_Z l); assert (H2:= spec_to_Z xl); omega.
@@ -281,10 +280,10 @@ Section GenAdd.
Lemma spec_ww_add : forall x y, [[ww_add x y]] = ([[x]] + [[y]]) mod wwB.
destruct x as [ |xh xl];intros y;simpl.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;trivial. apply spec_ww_to_Z;trivial.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;trivial. apply spec_ww_to_Z;trivial.
destruct y as [ |yh yl].
change [[W0]] with 0;rewrite Zplus_0_r.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;trivial.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;trivial.
exact (spec_ww_to_Z w_digits w_to_Z spec_to_Z (WW xh xl)).
simpl. replace ([|xh|] * wB + [|xl|] + ([|yh|] * wB + [|yl|]))
with (([|xh|]+[|yh|])*wB + ([|xl|]+[|yl|])). 2:ring.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenBase.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenBase.v
index 6b6376b69..a9936f1dd 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenBase.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenBase.v
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
-Require Import ZPowerAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import JMeq.
@@ -188,7 +186,7 @@ Section GenBase.
Lemma lt_0_wB : 0 < wB.
- unfold base;apply Zpower_lt_0. unfold Zlt;reflexivity.
+ unfold base;apply Zpower_gt_0. unfold Zlt;reflexivity.
unfold Zle;intros H;discriminate H.
@@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ Section GenBase.
assert (H:= wB_pos);rewrite wwB_wBwB;rewrite <-(Zmult_1_r 1).
rewrite Zpower_2.
- apply Zmult_lt_compat;(split;[unfold Zlt;reflexivity|trivial]).
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat2;(split;[unfold Zlt;reflexivity|trivial]).
apply Zlt_le_weak;trivial.
@@ -217,11 +215,11 @@ Section GenBase.
clear spec_w_0 w_0 spec_w_1 w_1 spec_w_Bm1 w_Bm1 spec_w_WW spec_w_0W
spec_to_Z;unfold base.
assert (2 ^ Zpos w_digits = 2 * (2 ^ (Zpos w_digits - 1))).
- pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1.
+ pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_1_r.
rewrite <- Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- eq_tac; auto with zarith.
+ f_equal; auto with zarith.
case w_digits; compute; intros; discriminate.
- rewrite H; eq_tac; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite H; f_equal; auto with zarith.
rewrite Zmult_comm; apply Z_div_mult; auto with zarith.
@@ -239,17 +237,17 @@ Section GenBase.
(z*wB + [|x|]) mod wwB = (z mod wB)*wB + [|x|].
intros z x.
- rewrite Zmod_plus. 2:apply lt_0_wwB.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod.
pattern wwB at 1;rewrite wwB_wBwB; rewrite Zpower_2.
rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_r;try apply lt_0_wB.
- rewrite (Zmod_def_small [|x|]).
- apply Zmod_def_small;rewrite wwB_wBwB;apply beta_mult;try apply spec_to_Z.
+ rewrite (Zmod_small [|x|]).
+ apply Zmod_small;rewrite wwB_wBwB;apply beta_mult;try apply spec_to_Z.
apply Z_mod_lt;apply Zlt_gt;apply lt_0_wB.
destruct (spec_to_Z x);split;trivial.
change [|x|] with (0*wB+[|x|]). rewrite wwB_wBwB.
rewrite Zpower_2;rewrite <- (Zplus_0_r (wB*wB));apply beta_lex_inv.
apply lt_0_wB. apply spec_to_Z. split;[apply Zle_refl | apply lt_0_wB].
- Qed.
+ Qed.
Lemma wB_div : forall x y, ([|x|] * wB + [|y|]) / wB = [|x|].
@@ -321,7 +319,7 @@ Section GenBase.
apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with zarith.
apply Zle_trans with wB; auto with zarith.
unfold base.
- rewrite <- (ZAux.Zpower_exp_0 2).
+ rewrite <- (Zpower_0_r 2).
apply Zpower_le_monotone2; auto with zarith.
unfold base; auto with zarith.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenDiv.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenDiv.v
index 6466c198f..237adb48b 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenDiv.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenDiv.v
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
-Require Import ZPowerAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
Require Import GenDivn1.
@@ -102,42 +100,41 @@ Section POS_MOD.
assert (F0: forall x y, x - y + y = x); auto with zarith.
intros w1 p; case (spec_to_w_Z p); intros HH1 HH2.
unfold ww_pos_mod; case w1.
- simpl; rewrite Zmod_def_small; split; auto with zarith.
+ simpl; rewrite Zmod_small; split; auto with zarith.
intros xh xl; generalize (spec_ww_compare p (w_0W w_zdigits));
case ww_compare;
rewrite spec_w_0W; rewrite spec_zdigits; fold wB;
intros H1.
rewrite H1; simpl ww_to_Z.
autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_mult_0; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Z_mod_mult; auto with zarith.
autorewrite with rm10.
rewrite Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10.
simpl ww_to_Z.
rewrite spec_pos_mod.
assert (HH0: [|low p|] = [[p]]).
rewrite spec_low.
- apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
case (spec_to_w_Z p); intros HHH1 HHH2; split; auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (1 := H1).
- unfold base.
- apply Zpower2_le_lin; auto with zarith.
+ unfold base; apply Zpower2_le_lin; auto with zarith.
rewrite HH0.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
unfold base.
rewrite <- (F0 (Zpos w_digits) [[p]]).
rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
rewrite Zmult_assoc.
- rewrite Zmod_mult_0; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Z_mod_mult; auto with zarith.
autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10.
rewrite Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
generalize (spec_ww_compare p ww_zdigits);
case ww_compare; rewrite spec_ww_zdigits;
rewrite spec_zdigits; intros H2.
replace (2^[[p]]) with wwB.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
unfold base; rewrite H2.
rewrite spec_ww_digits; auto.
assert (HH0: [|low (ww_sub p (w_0W w_zdigits))|] =
@@ -146,7 +143,7 @@ generalize (spec_ww_compare p ww_zdigits);
rewrite spec_ww_sub.
rewrite spec_w_0W; rewrite spec_zdigits.
rewrite <- Zmod_div_mod; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply Zpower2_le_lin; auto with zarith.
@@ -162,11 +159,11 @@ generalize (spec_ww_compare p ww_zdigits);
unfold base; rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; rewrite <- Zpower_exp;
auto with zarith.
rewrite F0; auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_mult_0; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Z_mod_mult; auto with zarith.
autorewrite with rm10.
rewrite Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
- apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
case (spec_to_Z xh); intros U1 U2.
case (spec_to_Z xl); intros U3 U4.
split; auto with zarith.
@@ -186,7 +183,7 @@ generalize (spec_ww_compare p ww_zdigits);
case (spec_to_Z xl); unfold base; auto with zarith.
rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_r; rewrite <- Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
rewrite F0; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
case (spec_to_w_Z (WW xh xl)); intros U1 U2.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (1:= U2).
@@ -349,7 +346,7 @@ Section GenDiv32.
simpl;rewrite spec_sub.
assert ([|a2|] - [|b2|] = wB*(-1) + ([|a2|] - [|b2|] + wB)). ring.
assert (0 <= [|a2|] - [|b2|] + wB < wB). omega.
- rewrite <-(Zmod_unique ([|a2|]-[|b2|]) wB (-1) ([|a2|]-[|b2|]+wB) U H1 H0).
+ rewrite <-(Zmod_unique ([|a2|]-[|b2|]) wB (-1) ([|a2|]-[|b2|]+wB) H1 H0).
rewrite wwB_wBwB;ring.
assert (U2 := wB_pos w_digits).
eapply spec_ww_add_c_cont with (P :=
@@ -433,8 +430,8 @@ Section GenDiv32.
rewrite <- H8 in H2;rewrite H2 in H7.
assert (0 < [|b1|]*wB). apply Zmult_lt_0_compat;zarith.
Spec_ww_to_Z r2. zarith.
- rewrite (Zmod_def_small ([|q|] -1));zarith.
- rewrite (Zmod_def_small ([|q|] -1 -1));zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmod_small ([|q|] -1));zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmod_small ([|q|] -1 -1));zarith.
assert ([[r2]] + ([|b1|] * wB + [|b2|]) =
wwB * 1 +
([|r|] * wB + [|a3|] - [|q|] * [|b2|] + 2 * ([|b1|] * wB + [|b2|]))).
@@ -455,11 +452,10 @@ Section GenDiv32.
([|r|] * wB + [|a3|] - [|q|] * [|b2|] + 2*([|b1|] * wB + [|b2|]))
- U1
H10 H8).
split. ring. zarith.
intros r2;repeat (rewrite spec_pred);simpl ww_to_Z;intros H7.
- rewrite (Zmod_def_small ([|q|] -1));zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmod_small ([|q|] -1));zarith.
replace [[r2]] with ([[r1]] + ([|b1|] * wB + [|b2|]) -wwB).
rewrite H2; ring. rewrite <- H7; ring.
@@ -580,7 +576,7 @@ Section GenDiv21.
match goal with |-context [ww_compare ?Y ?Z] =>
generalize (spec_ww_compare Y Z); case (ww_compare Y Z)
end; simpl;try rewrite spec_ww_1;autorewrite with rm10; intros;zarith.
- rewrite spec_ww_sub;simpl. rewrite Zmod_def_small;zarith.
+ rewrite spec_ww_sub;simpl. rewrite Zmod_small;zarith.
split. ring.
assert (wwB <= 2*[[b]]);zarith.
rewrite wwB_div;zarith.
@@ -927,7 +923,7 @@ Section GenDivGt.
Spec_ww_to_Z (WW ah al).
rewrite spec_ww_sub;eauto.
simpl;rewrite spec_ww_1;rewrite Zmult_1_l;simpl.
- simpl ww_to_Z in Hgt, H, HH;rewrite Zmod_def_small;split;zarith.
+ simpl ww_to_Z in Hgt, H, HH;rewrite Zmod_small;split;zarith.
case (spec_to_Z (w_head0 bh)); auto with zarith.
assert ([|w_head0 bh|] < Zpos w_digits).
destruct (Z_lt_ge_dec [|w_head0 bh|] (Zpos w_digits));trivial.
@@ -951,8 +947,8 @@ Section GenDivGt.
assert (H5:=to_Z_div_minus_p bl HHHH).
rewrite Zmult_comm in Hh.
assert (2^[|w_head0 bh|] < wB). unfold base;apply Zpower_lt_monotone;zarith.
- unfold base in H0;rewrite Zmod_def_small;zarith.
- fold wB; rewrite (Zmod_def_small ([|bh|] * 2 ^ [|w_head0 bh|]));zarith.
+ unfold base in H0;rewrite Zmod_small;zarith.
+ fold wB; rewrite (Zmod_small ([|bh|] * 2 ^ [|w_head0 bh|]));zarith.
intros U1 U2 U3 V1 V2.
generalize (@spec_w_div32 (w_add_mul_div (w_head0 bh) w_0 ah)
(w_add_mul_div (w_head0 bh) ah al)
@@ -991,7 +987,7 @@ Section GenDivGt.
Zmult_0_l;rewrite Zplus_0_l.
replace [[ww_add_mul_div (ww_sub w_0 w_WW w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_opp w_sub w_sub_carry
_ww_zdigits (w_0W (w_head0 bh))) W0 r]] with ([[r]]/2^[|w_head0 bh|]).
- assert (0 < 2^[|w_head0 bh|]). apply Zpower_lt_0;zarith.
+ assert (0 < 2^[|w_head0 bh|]). apply Zpower_gt_0;zarith.
rewrite <- (Z_div_mult [[WW ah al]] (2^[|w_head0 bh|]));zarith.
rewrite H1;rewrite Zmult_assoc;apply Z_div_plus_l;trivial.
@@ -1002,9 +998,9 @@ Section GenDivGt.
change (Zpos (xO (w_digits))) with (2*Zpos (w_digits));zarith.
simpl ww_to_Z;rewrite Zmult_0_l;rewrite Zplus_0_l.
rewrite spec_w_0W.
- rewrite (fun x y => Zmod_def_small (x-y)); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (fun x y => Zmod_small (x-y)); auto with zarith.
ring_simplify (2 * Zpos w_digits - (2 * Zpos w_digits - [|w_head0 bh|])).
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;zarith.
split;[apply Zdiv_le_lower_bound| apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound];zarith.
Spec_ww_to_Z r.
apply Zlt_le_trans with wwB;zarith.
@@ -1015,7 +1011,7 @@ Section GenDivGt.
apply Zpower2_lt_lin; auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_ww_sub; auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_ww_digits_; rewrite spec_w_0W.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;zarith.
rewrite Zpos_xO; split; auto with zarith.
apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 * Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
unfold base, ww_digits; rewrite (Zpos_xO w_digits).
@@ -1412,7 +1408,7 @@ Section GenDiv.
intros a b Hpos;unfold ww_mod.
assert (H := spec_ww_compare a b);destruct (ww_compare a b).
simpl;apply Zmod_unique with 1;try rewrite H;zarith.
- Spec_ww_to_Z a;symmetry;apply Zmod_def_small;zarith.
+ Spec_ww_to_Z a;symmetry;apply Zmod_small;zarith.
apply spec_ww_mod_gt;trivial.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenDivn1.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenDivn1.v
index 84bf247f7..7987741da 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenDivn1.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenDivn1.v
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
-Require Import ZPowerAux.
+Require Import ZAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
with (2*Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n));auto with zarith.
replace (2 ^ (Zpos (gen_digits w_digits (S n)) - [|p|])) with
(2^(Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n) - [|p|])*2^Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n)).
- rewrite Zdiv_Zmult_compat_r;auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zdiv_mult_cancel_r;auto with zarith.
rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l with (p:= 2^[|p|]).
pattern ([!n|hl!] * 2^[|p|]) at 2;
rewrite (shift_unshift_mod (Zpos(gen_digits w_digits n))([|p|])([!n|hl!]));
@@ -254,7 +253,7 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
with (2^Zpos(gen_digits w_digits n) *2^Zpos(gen_digits w_digits n)).
rewrite (Zmult_comm (([!n|hh!] * 2 ^ [|p|] +
[!n|hl!] / 2 ^ (Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n) - [|p|])))).
- rewrite Zmod_Zmult_compat_l;auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_l;auto with zarith.
rewrite Zpower_exp;auto with zarith.
assert (0 < Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n)). unfold Zlt;reflexivity.
@@ -336,7 +335,7 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
replace (2 ^ (Zpos (gen_digits w_digits (S n)) - Zpos w_digits)) with
(2^(Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n) - Zpos w_digits) *
2^Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n)).
- rewrite Zdiv_Zmult_compat_r;auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zdiv_mult_cancel_r;auto with zarith.
rewrite <- Zpower_exp;auto with zarith.
replace (Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n) - Zpos w_digits +
Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n)) with
@@ -373,7 +372,7 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
generalize (spec_compare (w_head0 b) w_0); case w_compare;
rewrite spec_0; intros H2; auto with zarith.
assert (Hv1: wB/2 <= [|b|]).
- generalize H0; rewrite H2; rewrite Zpower_exp_0;
+ generalize H0; rewrite H2; rewrite Zpower_0_r;
rewrite Zmult_1_l; auto.
assert (Hv2: [|w_0|] < [|b|]).
rewrite spec_0; auto.
@@ -394,7 +393,7 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
rewrite (spec_add_mul_div b w_0); auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_0;rewrite Zdiv_0_l; try omega.
rewrite Zplus_0_r; rewrite Zmult_comm.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
assert (H5 := spec_to_Z (high n a)).
([|w_add_mul_div (w_head0 b) w_0 (high n a)|]
@@ -407,15 +406,15 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
apply Zlt_le_trans with wB;auto with zarith.
pattern wB at 1;replace wB with (wB*1);try ring.
apply Zmult_le_compat;auto with zarith.
- assert (H6 := Zpower_lt_0 2 (Zpos w_digits - [|w_head0 b|]));
+ assert (H6 := Zpower_gt_0 2 (Zpos w_digits - [|w_head0 b|]));
auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;auto with zarith.
apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound;auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with wB;auto with zarith.
apply Zle_trans with (2 ^ [|w_head0 b|] * [|b|] * 2).
rewrite <- wB_div_2; try omega.
apply Zmult_le_compat;auto with zarith.
- pattern 2 at 1;rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1.
+ pattern 2 at 1;rewrite <- Zpower_1_r.
apply Zpower_le_monotone;split;auto with zarith.
rewrite <- H4 in H0.
assert (Hb3: [|w_head0 b|] <= Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
@@ -430,13 +429,13 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
rewrite spec_0 in H7;rewrite Zmult_0_l in H7;rewrite Zplus_0_l in H7.
assert (([|high n a|] / 2 ^ (Zpos w_digits - [|w_head0 b|])) mod wB
= [!n|a!] / 2^(Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n) - [|w_head0 b|])).
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_high. rewrite Zdiv_Zdiv;auto with zarith.
rewrite <- Zpower_exp;auto with zarith.
replace (Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n) - Zpos w_digits +
(Zpos w_digits - [|w_head0 b|]))
with (Zpos (gen_digits w_digits n) - [|w_head0 b|]);trivial;ring.
- assert (H8 := Zpower_lt_0 2 (Zpos w_digits - [|w_head0 b|]));auto with zarith.
+ assert (H8 := Zpower_gt_0 2 (Zpos w_digits - [|w_head0 b|]));auto with zarith.
split;auto with zarith.
apply Zle_lt_trans with ([|high n a|]);auto with zarith.
apply Zdiv_le_upper_bound;auto with zarith.
@@ -451,20 +450,20 @@ Section GENDIVN1.
rewrite spec_0;rewrite Zmult_0_l;rewrite Zplus_0_l.
replace (Zpos w_digits - [|w_sub w_zdigits (w_head0 b)|])
with ([|w_head0 b|]).
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;auto with zarith.
assert (H9 := spec_to_Z r).
split;auto with zarith.
apply Zle_lt_trans with ([|r|]);auto with zarith.
apply Zdiv_le_upper_bound;auto with zarith.
pattern ([|r|]) at 1;rewrite <- Zmult_1_r.
apply Zmult_le_compat;auto with zarith.
- assert (H10 := Zpower_lt_0 2 ([|w_head0 b|]));auto with zarith.
+ assert (H10 := Zpower_gt_0 2 ([|w_head0 b|]));auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_sub.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
case (spec_to_Z w_zdigits); auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_sub.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
case (spec_to_Z w_zdigits); auto with zarith.
case H7; intros H71 H72.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenLift.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenLift.v
index a7d8480ba..06c76067e 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenLift.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenLift.v
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZPowerAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
@@ -283,7 +281,7 @@ Section GenLift.
repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc.
apply f_equal2 with (f := Zmult); auto.
case (spec_to_Z (w_tail0 xl)); intros HH3 HH4.
- pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1.
+ pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_1_r.
lazy beta; repeat rewrite <- Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply f_equal with (f := Zpower 2); auto with zarith.
@@ -328,12 +326,12 @@ Section GenLift.
fold wB.
rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l;rewrite <- Zmult_assoc;rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
rewrite <- Zpower_2.
- rewrite <- wwB_wBwB;apply Zmod_unique with [|xh|]. apply lt_0_wwB.
+ rewrite <- wwB_wBwB;apply Zmod_unique with [|xh|].
exact (spec_ww_to_Z w_digits w_to_Z spec_to_Z (WW xl yh)). ring.
simpl ww_to_Z; w_rewrite;zarith.
assert (HH0: [|low p|] = [[p]]).
rewrite spec_low.
- apply Zmod_def_small.
+ apply Zmod_small.
case (spec_to_w_Z p); intros HH1 HH2; split; auto.
generalize H1; unfold zdigits; rewrite spec_w_0W;
rewrite spec_zdigits; intros tmp.
@@ -370,7 +368,7 @@ Section GenLift.
rewrite spec_ww_sub.
unfold zdigits; rewrite spec_w_0W; rewrite spec_zdigits.
rewrite <- Zmod_div_mod; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zle_lt_trans with (Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply Zpower2_lt_lin; auto with zarith.
@@ -407,7 +405,7 @@ Section GenLift.
([|xh|]*2^u*wB). 2:ring.
repeat rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
rewrite (Zplus_comm ([|xh|] * 2 ^ u * wB)).
- rewrite Z_mod_plus;zarith. rewrite Zmod_mult_0;zarith.
+ rewrite Z_mod_plus;zarith. rewrite Z_mod_mult;zarith.
unfold base;rewrite <- Zmod_shift_r;zarith. fold base;apply Z_mod_lt;zarith.
unfold u; split;zarith.
split;zarith. unfold u; apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound;zarith.
@@ -450,7 +448,7 @@ Section GenLift.
generalize H1; w_rewrite; rewrite spec_zdigits; clear H1; intros H1.
assert (HH0: [|low p|] = [[p]]).
rewrite spec_low.
- apply Zmod_def_small.
+ apply Zmod_small.
case (spec_to_w_Z p); intros HH1 HH2; split; auto.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (1 := H1).
unfold base; apply Zpower2_le_lin; auto with zarith.
@@ -466,7 +464,7 @@ Section GenLift.
rewrite spec_low.
rewrite spec_ww_sub; w_rewrite; intros H1.
rewrite <- Zmod_div_mod; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zle_lt_trans with (Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply Zpower2_lt_lin; auto with zarith.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenMul.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenMul.v
index 7550781f1..5522e41bf 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenMul.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenMul.v
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ Section GenMul.
2:ring. rewrite <- H1;rewrite <- H;rewrite <- H0.
assert (H2 := sum_mul_carry _ _ _ _ _ _ H1).
destruct cc as [ | cch ccl]; simpl zn2z_to_Z; simpl ww_to_Z.
- rewrite spec_ww_add;rewrite spec_w_W0;rewrite Zmod_def_small;
+ rewrite spec_ww_add;rewrite spec_w_W0;rewrite Zmod_small;
rewrite wwB_wBwB. ring.
rewrite <- (Zplus_0_r ([|wc|]*wB));rewrite H;apply mult_add_ineq3;zarith.
simpl ww_to_Z in H1. assert (U:=spec_to_Z cch).
@@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ Section GenMul.
as [l|l];unfold interp_carry;rewrite spec_w_W0;try rewrite Zmult_1_l;
simpl zn2z_to_Z;
try rewrite spec_ww_add;try rewrite spec_ww_add_carry;rewrite spec_w_WW;
- rewrite Zmod_def_small;rewrite wwB_wBwB;intros.
+ rewrite Zmod_small;rewrite wwB_wBwB;intros.
rewrite H4;ring. rewrite H;apply mult_add_ineq2;zarith.
rewrite Zplus_assoc;rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l.
rewrite Zmult_1_l;rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;rewrite H4;ring.
@@ -385,8 +384,8 @@ Section GenMul.
Lemma spec_w_2: [|w_2|] = 2.
unfold w_2; rewrite spec_w_add; rewrite spec_w_1; simpl.
- apply Zmod_def_small; split; auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- (Zpower_exp_1 2); unfold base; apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmod_small; split; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- (Zpower_1_r 2); unfold base; apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
Lemma kara_prod_aux : forall xh xl yh yl,
@@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ Section GenMul.
generalize (spec_w_compare yl yh); case (w_compare yl yh); intros Hylh;
try rewrite Hylh; try rewrite spec_w_0; try (ring; fail).
repeat (rewrite spec_ww_sub || rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
split; auto with zarith.
simpl in Hz; rewrite Hz; rewrite H; rewrite H0.
rewrite kara_prod_aux; apply Zplus_le_0_compat; apply Zmult_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
@@ -422,10 +421,10 @@ Section GenMul.
intros z1 Hz2
simpl in Hz2; rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
rewrite spec_w_1; unfold interp_carry in Hz2; rewrite Hz2;
repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
generalize (spec_w_compare yl yh); case (w_compare yl yh); intros Hylh;
try rewrite Hylh; try rewrite spec_w_0; try (ring; fail).
match goal with |- context[ww_add_c ?x ?y] =>
@@ -433,12 +432,12 @@ Section GenMul.
intros z1 Hz2
simpl in Hz2; rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
rewrite spec_w_1; unfold interp_carry in Hz2; rewrite Hz2;
repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
repeat (rewrite spec_ww_sub || rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
match goal with |- context[(?x - ?y) * (?z - ?t)] =>
replace ((x - y) * (z - t)) with ((y - x) * (t - z)); [idtac | ring]
@@ -459,22 +458,22 @@ Section GenMul.
intros z1 Hz2
simpl in Hz2; rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
rewrite spec_w_0; rewrite Zmult_0_l; rewrite Zplus_0_l.
generalize Hz2; clear Hz2; unfold interp_carry.
repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
match goal with |- context[ww_add_c ?x ?y] =>
generalize (spec_ww_add_c x y); case (ww_add_c x y); try rewrite spec_w_1;
intros z1 Hz2
simpl in Hz2; rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
rewrite spec_w_2; unfold interp_carry in Hz2.
apply trans_equal with (wwB + (1 * wwB + [[z1]])).
rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
generalize (spec_w_compare yl yh); case (w_compare yl yh); intros Hylh;
try rewrite Hylh; try rewrite spec_w_1; try (ring; fail).
match goal with |- context[ww_add_c ?x ?y] =>
@@ -482,25 +481,25 @@ Section GenMul.
intros z1 Hz2
simpl in Hz2; rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
rewrite spec_w_2; unfold interp_carry in Hz2.
apply trans_equal with (wwB + (1 * wwB + [[z1]])).
rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
match goal with |- context[ww_sub_c ?x ?y] =>
generalize (spec_ww_sub_c x y); case (ww_sub_c x y); try rewrite spec_w_1;
intros z1 Hz2
simpl in Hz2; rewrite Hz2; repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
rewrite spec_w_0; rewrite Zmult_0_l; rewrite Zplus_0_l.
match goal with |- context[(?x - ?y) * (?z - ?t)] =>
replace ((x - y) * (z - t)) with ((y - x) * (t - z)); [idtac | ring]
generalize Hz2; clear Hz2; unfold interp_carry.
repeat (rewrite spec_w_sub || rewrite spec_w_mul_c).
- repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith; try (ring; fail).
Lemma sub_carry : forall xh xl yh yl z,
@@ -539,21 +538,21 @@ Section GenMul.
assert (U1:= lt_0_wwB w_digits).
intros x y; case x; auto; intros xh xl.
case y; auto.
- simpl; rewrite Zmult_0_r; rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ simpl; rewrite Zmult_0_r; rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros yh yl;simpl.
repeat (rewrite spec_ww_add || rewrite spec_w_W0 || rewrite spec_w_mul_c
|| rewrite spec_w_add || rewrite spec_w_mul).
- rewrite <- Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
repeat (rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l || rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r).
rewrite <- Zmult_mod_distr_r; auto with zarith.
rewrite <- Zpower_2; rewrite <- wwB_wBwB; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
rewrite Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
- rewrite <- Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
match goal with |- ?X mod _ = _ =>
rewrite <- Z_mod_plus with (a := X) (b := [|xh|] * [|yh|])
end; auto with zarith.
- eq_tac; auto; rewrite wwB_wBwB; ring.
+ f_equal; auto; rewrite wwB_wBwB; ring.
Lemma spec_ww_square_c : forall x, [||ww_square_c x||] = [[x]]*[[x]].
@@ -607,7 +606,7 @@ Section GenMul.
rewrite spec_w_0;trivial.
assert (U:=spec_w_add_c l r);destruct (w_add_c l r) as [lr|lr];unfold
interp_carry in U;try rewrite Zmult_1_l in H;simpl.
- rewrite U;ring. rewrite spec_w_succ. rewrite Zmod_def_small.
+ rewrite U;ring. rewrite spec_w_succ. rewrite Zmod_small.
rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;rewrite <- U;ring.
simpl in H;assert (H1:= Zmult_lt_b _ _ _ (spec_to_Z x) (spec_to_Z y)).
rewrite <- H in H1.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenSqrt.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenSqrt.v
index 07b11ad74..3a5b59b6d 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenSqrt.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenSqrt.v
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
-Require Import ZPowerAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
@@ -277,10 +275,10 @@ Section GenSqrt.
clear spec_more_than_1_digit.
intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros w1 w2; simpl.
unfold base.
- rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
rewrite (fun x y => (Zdivide_mod (x * y))); auto with zarith.
rewrite Zplus_0_l; rewrite Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
apply spec_w_is_even; auto with zarith.
@@ -313,12 +311,12 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
destruct (spec_to_Z a2);auto with zarith.
intros H1 H2; split.
unfold interp_carry; autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10; auto with zarith.
- rewrite H2; rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite H2; rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
destruct (spec_to_Z a2);auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_w_sub; auto with zarith.
destruct (spec_to_Z a2) as [H3 H4];auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
assert ([|a2|] < 2 * [|b|]); auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (2 * (wB / 2)); auto with zarith.
@@ -332,7 +330,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
intros H1.
assert (H2: [|w_sub a1 b|] < [|b|]).
rewrite spec_w_sub; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
assert ([|a1|] < 2 * [|b|]); auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (2 * (wB / 2)); auto with zarith.
rewrite wB_div_2; auto.
@@ -344,7 +342,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
intros w0 w1; replace [+|C1 w0|] with (wB + [|w0|]).
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros (H3, H4); split; auto.
rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l.
rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; rewrite <- H3; ring.
@@ -366,7 +364,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
intros w1.
assert (Hp: [|w_pred w_zdigits|] = Zpos w_digits - 1).
rewrite spec_pred; rewrite spec_w_zdigits.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply Zpower2_le_lin; auto with zarith.
@@ -375,7 +373,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
match goal with |- context[?X - ?Y] =>
replace (X - Y) with 1
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r; rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
destruct (spec_to_Z w1) as [H1 H2];auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound; auto with zarith.
@@ -388,7 +386,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
intros w1.
assert (Hp: [|w_pred w_zdigits|] = Zpos w_digits - 1).
rewrite spec_pred; rewrite spec_w_zdigits.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply Zpower2_le_lin; auto with zarith.
@@ -397,7 +395,8 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
replace (X - Y) with 1
end; rewrite Hp; try ring.
rewrite Zpos_minus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmax_right; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r; rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
destruct (spec_to_Z w1) as [H1 H2];auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
unfold base.
@@ -405,14 +404,14 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
assert (tmp: forall p, 1 + (p - 1) = p); auto with zarith;
rewrite <- (tmp X); clear tmp
- rewrite Zpower_exp; try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_exp; try rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
assert (tmp: forall p, 1 + (p -1) - 1 = p - 1); auto with zarith;
rewrite tmp; clear tmp; auto with zarith.
match goal with |- ?X + ?Y < _ =>
assert (Y < X); auto with zarith
apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound; auto with zarith.
- pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1; rewrite <- Zpower_exp;
+ pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_1_r; rewrite <- Zpower_exp;
auto with zarith.
assert (tmp: forall p, (p - 1) + 1 = p); auto with zarith;
rewrite tmp; clear tmp; auto with zarith.
@@ -422,7 +421,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
[|w_add_mul_div w_1 w w_0|] = 2 * [|w|] mod wB.
intros w1.
autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
rewrite Zmult_comm; auto.
@@ -432,7 +431,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
rewrite spec_ww_add_mul_div; auto with zarith.
autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10.
rewrite spec_w_0W; rewrite spec_w_1.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
rewrite Zmult_comm; auto.
rewrite spec_w_0W; rewrite spec_w_1; auto with zarith.
red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
@@ -444,22 +443,18 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
intros w1.
rewrite spec_ww_add_mul_div; auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_w_0W; rewrite spec_w_1; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
- eq_tac; auto.
- rewrite Zmult_comm; eq_tac; auto.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
+ f_equal; auto.
+ rewrite Zmult_comm; f_equal; auto.
autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10.
unfold ww_digits, base.
apply sym_equal; apply Zdiv_unique with (r := 2 ^ (Zpos (ww_digits w_digits) - 1) -1);
auto with zarith.
- apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
- match goal with |- 0 <= ?X - 1 =>
- assert (0 < X); auto with zarith; red; reflexivity
- end.
unfold ww_digits; split; auto with zarith.
match goal with |- 0 <= ?X - 1 =>
assert (0 < X); auto with zarith
- apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_gt_0; auto with zarith.
match goal with |- 0 <= ?X - 1 =>
assert (0 < X); auto with zarith; red; reflexivity
@@ -468,8 +463,8 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
rewrite tmp; clear tmp.
assert (tmp: forall p, p + p = 2 * p); auto with zarith;
rewrite tmp; clear tmp.
- eq_tac; auto.
- pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1; rewrite <- Zpower_exp;
+ f_equal; auto.
+ pattern 2 at 2; rewrite <- Zpower_1_r; rewrite <- Zpower_exp;
auto with zarith.
assert (tmp: forall p, 1 + (p - 1) = p); auto with zarith;
rewrite tmp; clear tmp; auto.
@@ -480,8 +475,8 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
- Theorem Zmod_plus_one: forall a1 b1, 0 < b1 -> (a1 + b1) mod b1 = a1 mod b1.
- intros a1 b1 H; rewrite Zmod_plus; auto with zarith.
+ Theorem Zplus_mod_one: forall a1 b1, 0 < b1 -> (a1 + b1) mod b1 = a1 mod b1.
+ intros a1 b1 H; rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
rewrite Z_mod_same; try rewrite Zplus_0_r; auto with zarith.
apply Zmod_mod; auto.
@@ -544,9 +539,10 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
match goal with |- context[_ ^ ?X] =>
assert (tmp: forall p, 1 + (p - 1) = p); auto with zarith;
rewrite <- (tmp X); clear tmp; rewrite Zpower_exp;
- try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith
+ try rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith
rewrite Zpos_minus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmax_right; auto with zarith.
repeat rewrite C0_id.
rewrite spec_w_add_c; auto with zarith.
@@ -560,9 +556,10 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
match goal with |- context[_ ^ ?X] =>
assert (tmp: forall p, 1 + (p - 1) = p); auto with zarith;
rewrite <- (tmp X); clear tmp; rewrite Zpower_exp;
- try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith
+ try rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith
rewrite Zpos_minus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmax_right; auto with zarith.
repeat rewrite C1_plus_wB in H0.
rewrite C1_plus_wB.
@@ -573,8 +570,8 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
intros c w1; case c.
intros w2 (Hw1, Hw2); rewrite C0_id in Hw1.
- rewrite <- Zmod_plus_one in Hw1; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small in Hw1; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zplus_mod_one in Hw1; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small in Hw1; auto with zarith.
match goal with |- context[w_is_even ?y] =>
generalize (spec_w_is_even y);
case (w_is_even y)
@@ -592,9 +589,10 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
match goal with |- context[_ ^ ?X] =>
assert (tmp: forall p, 1 + (p - 1) = p); auto with zarith;
rewrite <- (tmp X); clear tmp; rewrite Zpower_exp;
- try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith
+ try rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith
rewrite Zpos_minus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmax_right; auto with zarith.
repeat rewrite C0_id.
rewrite add_mult_div_2_plus_1.
@@ -610,9 +608,10 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
match goal with |- context[_ ^ ?X] =>
assert (tmp: forall p, 1 + (p - 1) = p); auto with zarith;
rewrite <- (tmp X); clear tmp; rewrite Zpower_exp;
- try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith
+ try rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith
rewrite Zpos_minus; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmax_right; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
destruct (spec_to_Z b);auto with zarith.
@@ -620,8 +619,8 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
destruct (spec_to_Z b);auto with zarith.
destruct (spec_to_Z b);auto with zarith.
intros w2; rewrite C1_plus_wB.
- rewrite <- Zmod_plus_one; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zplus_mod_one; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros (Hw1, Hw2).
match goal with |- context[w_is_even ?y] =>
generalize (spec_w_is_even y);
@@ -662,7 +661,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
4 * (2 ^ (Zpos w_digits - 2))).
change 4 with (2 ^ 2).
rewrite <- Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
- eq_tac; auto with zarith.
+ f_equal; auto with zarith.
rewrite H.
rewrite (fun x => (Zmult_comm 4 (2 ^x))).
rewrite Z_div_mult; auto with zarith.
@@ -670,7 +669,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
Theorem Zsquare_mult: forall p, p ^ 2 = p * p.
intros p; change 2 with (1 + 1); rewrite Zpower_exp;
- try rewrite Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
+ try rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
Theorem Zsquare_pos: forall p, 0 <= p ^ 2.
@@ -817,7 +816,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
rewrite spec_ww_pred.
rewrite <- Zmod_unique with (q := 1) (r := -wwB + 2 * [[WW w4 w5]]);
auto with zarith.
- intros Hz1; rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ intros Hz1; rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
match type of H5 with -?X + ?Y = ?Z =>
assert (V: Y = Z + X);
try (rewrite <- H5; ring)
@@ -866,7 +865,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
rewrite spec_ww_add; auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_ww_pred; auto with zarith.
rewrite ww_add_mult_mult_2.
- assert (VV1 := spec_ww_to_Z w_digits w_to_Z spec_to_Z (WW w4 w5)).
+ rename V1 into VV1.
assert (VV2: 0 < [[WW w4 w5]]); auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (wB/ 2 * wB + 0); auto with zarith.
autorewrite with rm10; apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto with zarith.
@@ -886,7 +885,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
simpl ww_to_Z; assert (V4 := spec_to_Z w5);auto with zarith.
rewrite <- Zmod_unique with (q := 1) (r := -wwB + 2 * [[WW w4 w5]]);
auto with zarith.
- intros Hz1; rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ intros Hz1; rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
match type of H5 with -?X + ?Y = ?Z =>
assert (V: Y = Z + X);
try (rewrite <- H5; ring)
@@ -895,7 +894,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
assert (V1: Y = Z - 1);
[replace (Z - 1) with (X + (-X + Z -1));
[rewrite <- Hz1 | idtac]; ring
- | idtac]
+ | idtac]
rewrite <- Zmod_unique with (q := 1) (r := -wwB + [[z1]] + [[z]]);
auto with zarith.
@@ -1161,24 +1160,24 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
assert (Hp0: 0 < [[ww_head0 x]]).
generalize (spec_ww_is_even (ww_head0 x)); rewrite H1.
generalize Hv1; case [[ww_head0 x]].
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros; assert (0 < Zpos p); auto with zarith.
red; simpl; auto.
intros p H2; case H2; auto.
assert (Hp: [[ww_pred (ww_head0 x)]] = [[ww_head0 x]] - 1).
rewrite spec_ww_pred.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros H2; split.
generalize (spec_ww_is_even (ww_pred (ww_head0 x)));
case ww_is_even; auto.
rewrite Hp.
- rewrite Zmod_minus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite H2; repeat rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zminus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite H2; repeat rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros H3; rewrite Hp.
case (spec_ww_head0 x); auto; intros Hv3 Hv4.
assert (Hu: forall u, 0 < u -> 2 * 2 ^ (u - 1) = 2 ^u).
intros u Hu.
- pattern 2 at 1; rewrite <- Zpower_exp_1.
+ pattern 2 at 1; rewrite <- Zpower_1_r.
rewrite <- Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
ring_simplify (1 + (u - 1)); auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
@@ -1254,13 +1253,13 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
generalize (spec_ww_add_mul_div x W0 (ww_head1 x) Hv2);
case ww_add_mul_div.
simpl ww_to_Z; autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
intros H2; case (Zmult_integral _ _ (sym_equal H2)); clear H2; intros H2.
rewrite H2; unfold Zpower, Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
match type of H2 with ?X = ?Y =>
absurd (Y < X); try (rewrite H2; auto with zarith; fail)
- apply Zpower_lt_0; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_gt_0; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
case Hp2; intros _ tmp; apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := tmp);
clear tmp.
@@ -1271,7 +1270,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
generalize (spec_ww_is_even (ww_head1 x)); rewrite Hp1;
intros tmp; rewrite tmp; rewrite Zplus_0_r; auto.
intros w0 w1; autorewrite with w_rewrite rm10.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
2: rewrite Zmult_comm; auto with zarith.
intros H2.
assert (V: wB/4 <= [|w0|]).
@@ -1287,7 +1286,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
assert (Hv3: [[ww_pred ww_zdigits]]
= Zpos (xO w_digits) - 1).
rewrite spec_ww_pred; rewrite spec_ww_zdigits.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (Zpos (xO w_digits)); auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply Zpower2_le_lin; auto with zarith.
@@ -1303,8 +1302,8 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
simpl ww_to_Z; autorewrite with rm10.
rewrite Hv3.
ring_simplify (Zpos (xO w_digits) - (Zpos (xO w_digits) - 1)).
- rewrite Zpower_exp_1.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
apply Zlt_le_trans with (1 := Hv4); auto with zarith.
unfold base; apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
@@ -1313,15 +1312,15 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
assert (Hv6: [|low(ww_add_mul_div (ww_pred ww_zdigits) W0 (ww_head1 x))|]
= [[ww_head1 x]]/2).
rewrite spec_low.
- rewrite Hv5; rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Hv5; rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_w_add_mul_div; auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_w_sub; auto with zarith.
rewrite spec_w_0.
simpl ww_to_Z; autorewrite with rm10.
rewrite Hv6; rewrite spec_w_zdigits.
- rewrite (fun x y => Zmod_def_small (x - y)).
+ rewrite (fun x y => Zmod_small (x - y)).
ring_simplify (Zpos w_digits - (Zpos w_digits - [[ww_head1 x]] / 2)).
- rewrite Zmod_def_small.
+ rewrite Zmod_small.
simpl ww_to_Z in H2; rewrite H2; auto with zarith.
intros (H4, H5); split.
apply Zmult_le_reg_r with (2 ^ [[ww_head1 x]]); auto with zarith.
@@ -1335,7 +1334,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
assert (tmp: forall p q, p ^ 2 * q ^ 2 = (p * q) ^2);
try (intros; repeat rewrite Zsquare_mult; ring);
rewrite tmp; clear tmp.
- apply ZPowerAux.Zpower_le_monotone_exp; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone3; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
pattern [|w2|] at 2;
rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq [|w2|] (2 ^ ([[ww_head1 x]] / 2)));
@@ -1361,7 +1360,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
assert (tmp: forall p q, p ^ 2 * q ^ 2 = (p * q) ^2);
try (intros; repeat rewrite Zsquare_mult; ring);
rewrite tmp; clear tmp.
- apply ZPowerAux.Zpower_le_monotone_exp; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone3; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
pattern [|w2|] at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq [|w2|] (2 ^ ([[ww_head1 x]]/2)));
auto with zarith.
@@ -1375,7 +1374,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
auto with zarith.
apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zpower_exp_0; autorewrite with rm10; auto.
+ rewrite Zpower_0_r; autorewrite with rm10; auto.
split; auto with zarith.
rewrite Hv0 in Hv2; rewrite (Zpos_xO w_digits) in Hv2; auto with zarith.
apply Zle_lt_trans with (Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
@@ -1383,7 +1382,7 @@ intros x; case x; simpl ww_is_even.
rewrite spec_w_sub; auto with zarith.
rewrite Hv6; rewrite spec_w_zdigits; auto with zarith.
assert (Hv7: 0 < [[ww_head1 x]]/2); auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
assert ([[ww_head1 x]]/2 <= Zpos w_digits); auto with zarith.
apply Zmult_le_reg_r with 2; auto with zarith.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/GenSub.v b/theories/Ints/num/GenSub.v
index 43661edd5..9b0924853 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/GenSub.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/GenSub.v
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ Section GenSub.
rewrite H0;rewrite Zplus_0_r; rewrite Zpower_2;
rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_r;try apply lt_0_wB.
rewrite spec_opp;trivial.
- apply Zmod_unique with (q:= -1). apply lt_0_wwB.
+ apply Zmod_unique with (q:= -1).
exact (spec_ww_to_Z w_digits w_to_Z spec_to_Z (WW (w_opp_carry xh) l)).
rewrite spec_opp_carry;rewrite wwB_wBwB;ring.
@@ -295,12 +294,12 @@ Section GenSub.
Lemma spec_ww_pred : forall x, [[ww_pred x]] = ([[x]] - 1) mod wwB.
destruct x as [ |xh xl];simpl.
- apply Zmod_unique with (-1). apply lt_0_wwB. apply spec_ww_to_Z;trivial.
+ apply Zmod_unique with (-1). apply spec_ww_to_Z;trivial.
rewrite spec_ww_Bm1;ring.
replace ([|xh|]*wB + [|xl|] - 1) with ([|xh|]*wB + ([|xl|] - 1)). 2:ring.
generalize (spec_pred_c xl);destruct (w_pred_c xl) as [l|l];intro H;
unfold interp_carry in H;rewrite <- H;simpl ww_to_Z.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small. apply spec_w_WW.
+ rewrite Zmod_small. apply spec_w_WW.
exact (spec_ww_to_Z w_digits w_to_Z spec_to_Z (WW xh l)).
rewrite Zplus_assoc;rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_l.
change ([|xh|] + -1) with ([|xh|] - 1).
@@ -313,7 +312,7 @@ Section GenSub.
Lemma spec_ww_sub : forall x y, [[ww_sub x y]] = ([[x]] - [[y]]) mod wwB.
destruct y as [ |yh yl];simpl.
- ring_simplify ([[x]] - 0);rewrite Zmod_def_small;trivial. apply spec_ww_to_Z;trivial.
+ ring_simplify ([[x]] - 0);rewrite Zmod_small;trivial. apply spec_ww_to_Z;trivial.
destruct x as [ |xh xl];simpl. exact (spec_ww_opp (WW yh yl)).
replace ([|xh|] * wB + [|xl|] - ([|yh|] * wB + [|yl|]))
with (([|xh|] - [|yh|]) * wB + ([|xl|] - [|yl|])). 2:ring.
@@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ Section GenSub.
destruct y as [ |yh yl];simpl.
ring_simplify ([[x]] - 0);exact (spec_ww_pred x).
destruct x as [ |xh xl];simpl.
- apply Zmod_unique with (-1). apply lt_0_wwB.
+ apply Zmod_unique with (-1).
apply spec_ww_to_Z;trivial.
fold (ww_opp_carry (WW yh yl)).
rewrite (spec_ww_opp_carry (WW yh yl));simpl ww_to_Z;ring.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/Nbasic.v b/theories/Ints/num/Nbasic.v
index f7731ae6a..0d85c92ed 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/Nbasic.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/Nbasic.v
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import Max.
Require Import GenBase.
@@ -28,13 +27,13 @@ assert (tmp: (forall p, 2 * p = p + p)%Z);
intros p1 Hp1; rewrite F; rewrite (Zpos_xO p1).
assert (tmp: (forall p, 2 * p = p + p)%Z);
try repeat rewrite tmp; auto with zarith.
-rewrite ZPowerAux.Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
Theorem plength_pred_correct: forall p, (Zpos p <= 2 ^ Zpos (plength (Ppred p)))%Z.
intros p; case (Psucc_pred p); intros H1.
subst; simpl plength.
-rewrite ZPowerAux.Zpower_exp_1; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
pattern p at 1; rewrite <- H1.
rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism; unfold Zsucc; auto with zarith.
generalize (plength_correct (Ppred p)); auto with zarith.
@@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ Section CompareRec.
Lemma base_xO: forall n, base (xO n) = (base n)^2.
intros n1; unfold base.
- rewrite (Zpos_xO n1); rewrite Zmult_comm; rewrite ZAux.Zpower_mult; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zpos_xO n1); rewrite Zmult_comm; rewrite Zpower_mult; auto with zarith.
Let gen_to_Z_pos: forall n x, 0 <= gen_to_Z n x < gen_wB n :=
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/Q0Make.v b/theories/Ints/num/Q0Make.v
index 326e62902..c39a63301 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/Q0Make.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/Q0Make.v
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Require Import Bool.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Arith.
Require Export BigN.
Require Export BigZ.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/QbiMake.v b/theories/Ints/num/QbiMake.v
index 53fb65b2a..fdf864707 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/QbiMake.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/QbiMake.v
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Require Import Bool.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Arith.
Require Export BigN.
Require Export BigZ.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/QifMake.v b/theories/Ints/num/QifMake.v
index add89898a..5f461aa59 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/QifMake.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/QifMake.v
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Require Import Bool.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Arith.
Require Export BigN.
Require Export BigZ.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/QpMake.v b/theories/Ints/num/QpMake.v
index 3c859d0f1..906cf8d15 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/QpMake.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/QpMake.v
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Require Import Bool.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Arith.
Require Export BigN.
Require Export BigZ.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/QvMake.v b/theories/Ints/num/QvMake.v
index eb97123da..e51291a04 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/QvMake.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/QvMake.v
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Require Import Bool.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Arith.
Require Export BigN.
Require Export BigZ.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/ZMake.v b/theories/Ints/num/ZMake.v
index 0a2b5cd3f..d00f14ec6 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/ZMake.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/ZMake.v
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Open Scope Z_scope.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/Zn2Z.v b/theories/Ints/num/Zn2Z.v
index db3f28b41..a244635ea 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/Zn2Z.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/Zn2Z.v
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZAux.
-Require Import ZDivModAux.
Require Import Basic_type.
Require Import GenBase.
Require Import GenAdd.
@@ -588,7 +587,7 @@ Section Zn2Z.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);auto.
unfold w_Bm2, w_to_Z, w_pred, w_Bm1.
rewrite (spec_pred op_spec);rewrite (spec_Bm1 op_spec).
- unfold w_digits;rewrite Zmod_def_small. ring.
+ unfold w_digits;rewrite Zmod_small. ring.
assert (H:= wB_pos(znz_digits w_op)). omega.
exact (spec_WW op_spec). exact (spec_compare op_spec).
exact (spec_mul_c op_spec). exact (spec_div21 op_spec).
@@ -621,12 +620,12 @@ Section Zn2Z.
w_to_Z (low x) = [|x|] mod wB.
intros x; case x; simpl low.
unfold ww_to_Z, w_to_Z, w_0; rewrite (spec_0 op_spec); simpl.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
split; auto with zarith.
unfold wB, base; auto with zarith.
intros xh xl; simpl.
rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith.
- rewrite Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
unfold wB, base; auto with zarith.
diff --git a/theories/Ints/num/ZnZ.v b/theories/Ints/num/ZnZ.v
index 68f1092cd..61d1ced60 100644
--- a/theories/Ints/num/ZnZ.v
+++ b/theories/Ints/num/ZnZ.v
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
Set Implicit Arguments.
-Require Import Tactic.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import Basic_type.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/TreeMod/ZTreeMod.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/TreeMod/ZTreeMod.v
index 2d63a22fa..7ee894ca4 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/TreeMod/ZTreeMod.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/TreeMod/ZTreeMod.v
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ Notation "x * y" := (NZtimes x y) : IntScope.
Theorem gt_wB_1 : 1 < wB.
-unfold base. apply Zgt_pow_1; unfold Zlt; auto with zarith.
+unfold base.
+apply Zpower_gt_1; unfold Zlt; auto with zarith.
Theorem gt_wB_0 : 0 < wB.
@@ -90,22 +91,22 @@ Qed.
Lemma NZsucc_mod_wB : forall n : Z, (n + 1) mod wB = ((n mod wB) + 1) mod wB.
intro n.
-pattern 1 at 2. replace 1 with (1 mod wB). rewrite <- Zmod_plus; [ | apply gt_wB_0].
+pattern 1 at 2. replace 1 with (1 mod wB). rewrite <- Zplus_mod.
-now rewrite Zmod_def_small; [ | split; [auto with zarith | apply gt_wB_1]].
+now rewrite Zmod_small; [ | split; [auto with zarith | apply gt_wB_1]].
Lemma NZpred_mod_wB : forall n : Z, (n - 1) mod wB = ((n mod wB) - 1) mod wB.
intro n.
-pattern 1 at 2. replace 1 with (1 mod wB). rewrite <- Zmod_minus; [ | apply gt_wB_0].
+pattern 1 at 2. replace 1 with (1 mod wB). rewrite <- Zminus_mod.
-now rewrite Zmod_def_small; [ | split; [auto with zarith | apply gt_wB_1]].
+now rewrite Zmod_small; [ | split; [auto with zarith | apply gt_wB_1]].
Lemma NZ_to_Z_mod : forall n : NZ, [| n |] mod wB = [| n |].
-intro n; rewrite Zmod_def_small. reflexivity. apply w_spec.(spec_to_Z).
+intro n; rewrite Zmod_small. reflexivity. apply w_spec.(spec_to_Z).
Theorem NZpred_succ : forall n : NZ, P (S n) == n.
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ setoid_replace (Z_to_NZ (n + 1)) with (S (Z_to_NZ n)) using relation NZeq. assum
unfold NZeq. rewrite w_spec.(spec_succ).
unfold NZ_to_Z, Z_to_NZ.
do 2 (rewrite znz_of_Z_correct; [ | exact w_spec | auto with zarith]).
-symmetry; apply Zmod_def_small; auto with zarith.
+symmetry; apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
Lemma B_holds : forall n : Z, 0 <= n < wB -> B n.
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ End Induction.
Theorem NZplus_0_l : forall n : NZ, 0 + n == n.
intro n; unfold NZplus, NZ0, NZeq. rewrite w_spec.(spec_add). rewrite w_spec.(spec_0).
-rewrite Zplus_0_l. rewrite Zmod_def_small; [reflexivity | apply w_spec.(spec_to_Z)].
+rewrite Zplus_0_l. rewrite Zmod_small; [reflexivity | apply w_spec.(spec_to_Z)].
Theorem NZplus_succ_l : forall n m : NZ, (S n) + m == S (n + m).
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ Proof.
intros n m; unfold NZplus, NZsucc, NZeq. rewrite w_spec.(spec_add).
do 2 rewrite w_spec.(spec_succ). rewrite w_spec.(spec_add).
rewrite NZsucc_mod_wB. repeat rewrite Zplus_mod_idemp_l; try apply gt_wB_0.
-rewrite <- (Zplus_assoc ([| n |] mod wB) 1 [| m |]). rewrite Zplus_mod_idemp_l; [ |apply gt_wB_0].
+rewrite <- (Zplus_assoc ([| n |] mod wB) 1 [| m |]). rewrite Zplus_mod_idemp_l.
rewrite (Zplus_comm 1 [| m |]); now rewrite Zplus_assoc.
@@ -194,8 +195,8 @@ Theorem NZminus_succ_r : forall n m : NZ, n - (S m) == P (n - m).
intros n m; unfold NZminus, NZsucc, NZpred, NZeq.
rewrite w_spec.(spec_pred). do 2 rewrite w_spec.(spec_sub).
-rewrite w_spec.(spec_succ). rewrite Zminus_mod_idemp_r; [ | apply gt_wB_0].
-rewrite Zminus_mod_idemp_l; [ | apply gt_wB_0].
+rewrite w_spec.(spec_succ). rewrite Zminus_mod_idemp_r.
+rewrite Zminus_mod_idemp_l.
now replace ([|n|] - ([|m|] + 1))%Z with ([|n|] - [|m|] - 1)%Z by auto with zarith.
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ Theorem NZtimes_succ_r : forall n m : NZ, n * (S m) == n * m + n.
intros n m; unfold NZtimes, NZsucc, NZplus, NZeq. rewrite w_spec.(spec_mul).
rewrite w_spec.(spec_add). rewrite w_spec.(spec_mul). rewrite w_spec.(spec_succ).
-rewrite Zplus_mod_idemp_l; [ | apply gt_wB_0]. rewrite Zmult_mod_idemp_r; [ | apply gt_wB_0].
+rewrite Zplus_mod_idemp_l. rewrite Zmult_mod_idemp_r.
rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r. now rewrite Zmult_1_r.
diff --git a/theories/QArith/Qpower.v b/theories/QArith/Qpower.v
index 8fa680a72..54cf4bcbd 100644
--- a/theories/QArith/Qpower.v
+++ b/theories/QArith/Qpower.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Require Import Qfield Qreduction.
+Require Import Zpow_facts Qfield Qreduction.
Lemma Qpower_positive_1 : forall n, Qpower_positive 1 n == 1.
diff --git a/theories/QArith/Qround.v b/theories/QArith/Qround.v
index c5b06af7f..2479c2259 100644
--- a/theories/QArith/Qround.v
+++ b/theories/QArith/Qround.v
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Proof.
intros z.
unfold Qceiling.
-rewrite Z_div_1.
+rewrite Zdiv_1_r.
auto with *.
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zabs.v b/theories/ZArith/Zabs.v
index e43d68bfa..ab699f4a7 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zabs.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zabs.v
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Require Import Arith_base.
Require Import BinPos.
Require Import BinInt.
Require Import Zorder.
+Require Import Zmax.
+Require Import Znat.
Require Import ZArith_dec.
Open Local Scope Z_scope.
@@ -63,6 +65,11 @@ Lemma Zabs_pos : forall n:Z, 0 <= Zabs n.
intro x; destruct x; auto with arith; compute in |- *; intros H; inversion H.
+Lemma Zabs_involutive : forall x:Z, Zabs (Zabs x) = Zabs x.
+ intros; apply Zabs_eq; apply Zabs_pos.
Theorem Zabs_eq_case : forall n m:Z, Zabs n = Zabs m -> n = m \/ n = - m.
intros z1 z2; case z1; case z2; simpl in |- *; auto;
@@ -96,16 +103,6 @@ Proof.
apply Zplus_le_compat; simpl in |- *; auto with zarith.
-(** * A characterization of the sign function: *)
-Lemma Zsgn_spec : forall x:Z,
- 0 < x /\ Zsgn x = 1 \/
- 0 = x /\ Zsgn x = 0 \/
- 0 > x /\ Zsgn x = -1.
- intros; unfold Zsgn, Zle, Zgt; destruct x; compute; intuition.
(** * Absolute value and multiplication *)
Lemma Zsgn_Zabs : forall n:Z, n * Zsgn n = Zabs n.
@@ -123,25 +120,90 @@ Proof.
intros z1 z2; case z1; case z2; simpl in |- *; auto.
-(** * Absolute value in nat is compatible with order *)
+Theorem Zabs_square : forall a, Zabs a * Zabs a = a * a.
+ destruct a; simpl; auto.
+(** * Results about absolute value in nat. *)
+Theorem inj_Zabs_nat : forall z:Z, Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat z) = Zabs z.
+ destruct z; simpl; auto; symmetry; apply Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P.
+Theorem Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat: forall n, Zabs_nat (Z_of_nat n) = n.
+ destruct n; simpl; auto.
+ apply nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
+Lemma Zabs_nat_mult: forall n m:Z, Zabs_nat (n*m) = (Zabs_nat n * Zabs_nat m)%nat.
+ intros; apply inj_eq_rev.
+ rewrite inj_mult; repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat; apply Zabs_Zmult.
+Lemma Zabs_nat_Zsucc:
+ forall p, 0 <= p -> Zabs_nat (Zsucc p) = S (Zabs_nat p).
+ intros; apply inj_eq_rev.
+ rewrite inj_S; repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat, Zabs_eq; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zabs_nat_Zplus:
+ forall x y, 0<=x -> 0<=y -> Zabs_nat (x+y) = (Zabs_nat x + Zabs_nat y)%nat.
+ intros; apply inj_eq_rev.
+ rewrite inj_plus; repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat, Zabs_eq; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto.
+Lemma Zabs_nat_Zminus:
+ forall x y, 0 <= x <= y -> Zabs_nat (y - x) = (Zabs_nat y - Zabs_nat x)%nat.
+ intros x y (H,H').
+ assert (0 <= y) by (apply Zle_trans with x; auto).
+ assert (0 <= y-x) by (apply Zle_minus_le_0; auto).
+ apply inj_eq_rev.
+ rewrite inj_minus; repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat, Zabs_eq; auto.
+ rewrite Zmax_right; auto.
+Lemma Zabs_nat_le :
+ forall n m:Z, 0 <= n <= m -> (Zabs_nat n <= Zabs_nat m)%nat.
+ intros n m (H,H'); apply inj_le_rev.
+ repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat, Zabs_eq; auto.
+ apply Zle_trans with n; auto.
Lemma Zabs_nat_lt :
- forall n m:Z, 0 <= n /\ n < m -> (Zabs_nat n < Zabs_nat m)%nat.
+ forall n m:Z, 0 <= n < m -> (Zabs_nat n < Zabs_nat m)%nat.
- intros x y. case x; simpl in |- *. case y; simpl in |- *.
+ intros n m (H,H'); apply inj_lt_rev.
+ repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat, Zabs_eq; auto.
+ apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zle_lt_trans with n; auto.
- intro. absurd (0 < 0). compute in |- *. intro H0. discriminate H0. intuition.
- intros. elim (ZL4 p). intros. rewrite H0. auto with arith.
- intros. elim (ZL4 p). intros. rewrite H0. auto with arith.
- case y; simpl in |- *.
- intros. absurd (Zpos p < 0). compute in |- *. intro H0. discriminate H0. intuition.
- intros. change (nat_of_P p > nat_of_P p0)%nat in |- *.
- apply nat_of_P_gt_Gt_compare_morphism.
- elim H; auto with arith. intro. exact (ZC2 p0 p).
+(** * Some results about the sign function. *)
- intros. absurd (Zpos p0 < Zneg p).
- compute in |- *. intro H0. discriminate H0. intuition.
+Lemma Zsgn_Zmult : forall a b, Zsgn (a*b) = Zsgn a * Zsgn b.
+ destruct a; destruct b; simpl; auto.
+Lemma Zsgn_Zopp : forall a, Zsgn (-a) = - Zsgn a.
+ destruct a; simpl; auto.
+(** A characterization of the sign function: *)
- intros. absurd (0 <= Zneg p). compute in |- *. auto with arith. intuition.
+Lemma Zsgn_spec : forall x:Z,
+ 0 < x /\ Zsgn x = 1 \/
+ 0 = x /\ Zsgn x = 0 \/
+ 0 > x /\ Zsgn x = -1.
+ intros; unfold Zsgn, Zle, Zgt; destruct x; compute; intuition.
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v b/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v
index 57c0af02f..258ae1d13 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v
@@ -70,8 +70,21 @@ Unboxed Fixpoint Zdiv_eucl_POS (a:positive) (b:Z) {struct a} :
if r = 0 then (-q,0) else (-(q+1),b+r)
In other word, when b is non-zero, q is chosen to be the greatest integer
- smaller or equal to a/b. And sgn(r)=sgn(b) and |r| < |b|.
+ smaller or equal to a/b. And sgn(r)=sgn(b) and |r| < |b| (at least when
+ r is not null).
+(* Nota: At least two others conventions also exist for euclidean division.
+ They all satify the equation a=b*q+r, but differ on the choice of (q,r)
+ on negative numbers.
+ * Ocaml uses Round-Toward-Zero division: (-a)/b = a/(-b) = -(a/b).
+ Hence (-a) mod b = - (a mod b)
+ a mod (-b) = a mod b
+ And: |r| < |b| and sgn(r) = sgn(a) (notice the a here instead of b).
+ * Another solution is to always pick a non-negative remainder:
+ a=b*q+r with 0 <= r < |b|
Definition Zdiv_eucl (a b:Z) : Z * Z :=
@@ -96,7 +109,7 @@ Definition Zdiv_eucl (a b:Z) : Z * Z :=
(** Division and modulo are projections of [Zdiv_eucl] *)
Definition Zdiv (a b:Z) : Z := let (q, _) := Zdiv_eucl a b in q.
Definition Zmod (a b:Z) : Z := let (_, r) := Zdiv_eucl a b in r.
@@ -108,20 +121,20 @@ Infix "mod" := Zmod (at level 40, no associativity) : Z_scope.
(* Tests:
-Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl 7 3)`.
+Eval compute in (Zdiv_eucl 7 3).
-Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl (-7) 3)`.
+Eval compute in (Zdiv_eucl (-7) 3).
-Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl 7 (-3))`.
+Eval compute in (Zdiv_eucl 7 (-3)).
-Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl (-7) (-3))`.
+Eval compute in (Zdiv_eucl (-7) (-3)).
(** * Main division theorem *)
-(** First a lemma for positive *)
+(** First a lemma for two positive arguments *)
Lemma Z_div_mod_POS :
forall b:Z,
@@ -148,6 +161,7 @@ case (Zge_bool b 2); (intros; split; [ try ring | omega ]).
+(** Then the usual situation of a positive [b] and no restriction on [a] *)
Theorem Z_div_mod :
forall a b:Z,
@@ -167,129 +181,299 @@ Proof.
intros [H1 H2].
split; trivial.
- replace (Zneg p0) with (- Zpos p0); [ rewrite H1; ring | trivial ].
+ change (Zneg p0) with (- Zpos p0); rewrite H1; ring.
intros p1 [H1 H2].
split; trivial.
- replace (Zneg p0) with (- Zpos p0); [ rewrite H1; ring | trivial ].
+ change (Zneg p0) with (- Zpos p0); rewrite H1; ring.
generalize (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 p1); omega.
intros p1 [H1 H2].
split; trivial.
- replace (Zneg p0) with (- Zpos p0); [ rewrite H1; ring | trivial ].
+ change (Zneg p0) with (- Zpos p0); rewrite H1; ring.
generalize (Zorder.Zlt_neg_0 p1); omega.
intros; discriminate.
-(** Existence theorems *)
+(** For stating the fully general result, let's give a short name
+ to the condition on the remainder. *)
-Theorem Zdiv_eucl_exist :
- forall b:Z,
- b > 0 ->
- forall a:Z, {qr : Z * Z | let (q, r) := qr in a = b * q + r /\ 0 <= r < b}.
+Definition Remainder r b := 0 <= r < b \/ b < r <= 0.
+(** Another equivalent formulation: *)
+Definition Remainder_alt r b := Zabs r < Zabs b /\ Zsgn r <> - Zsgn b.
+(* In the last formulation, [ Zsgn r <> - Zsgn b ] is less nice than saying
+ [ Zsgn r = Zsgn b ], but at least it works even when [r] is null. *)
+Lemma Remainder_equiv : forall r b, Remainder r b <-> Remainder_alt r b.
- intros b Hb a.
- exists (Zdiv_eucl a b).
- exact (Z_div_mod a b Hb).
+ intros; unfold Remainder, Remainder_alt; omega with *.
-Implicit Arguments Zdiv_eucl_exist.
+Hint Unfold Remainder.
-Theorem Zdiv_eucl_extended :
- forall b:Z,
- b <> 0 ->
- forall a:Z,
- {qr : Z * Z | let (q, r) := qr in a = b * q + r /\ 0 <= r < Zabs b}.
+(** Now comes the fully general result about Euclidean division. *)
+Theorem Z_div_mod_full :
+ forall a b:Z,
+ b <> 0 -> let (q, r) := Zdiv_eucl a b in a = b * q + r /\ Remainder r b.
+ destruct b as [|b|b].
+ (* b = 0 *)
+ intro H; elim H; auto.
+ (* b > 0 *)
+ intros _.
+ assert (Zpos b > 0) by auto with zarith.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod a (Zpos b) H).
+ destruct Zdiv_eucl as (q,r); intuition; simpl; auto.
+ (* b < 0 *)
+ intros _.
+ assert (Zpos b > 0) by auto with zarith.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod a (Zpos b) H).
+ unfold Remainder.
+ destruct a as [|a|a].
+ (* a = 0 *)
+ simpl; intuition.
+ (* a > 0 *)
+ unfold Zdiv_eucl; destruct Zdiv_eucl_POS as (q,r).
+ destruct r as [|r|r]; [ | | omega with *].
+ rewrite <- Zmult_opp_comm; simpl Zopp; intuition.
+ rewrite <- Zmult_opp_comm; simpl Zopp.
+ rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r; omega with *.
+ (* a < 0 *)
+ unfold Zdiv_eucl.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_POS (Zpos b) H a).
+ destruct Zdiv_eucl_POS as (q,r).
+ destruct r as [|r|r]; change (Zneg b) with (-Zpos b).
+ rewrite Zmult_opp_comm; omega with *.
+ rewrite <- Zmult_opp_comm, Zmult_plus_distr_r;
+ repeat rewrite Zmult_opp_comm; omega.
+ rewrite Zmult_opp_comm; omega with *.
+(** The same results as before, stated separately in terms of Zdiv and Zmod *)
+Lemma Z_mod_remainder : forall a b:Z, b<>0 -> Remainder (a mod b) b.
+ unfold Zmod; intros a b Hb; generalize (Z_div_mod_full a b Hb); auto.
+ destruct Zdiv_eucl; tauto.
+Lemma Z_mod_lt : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> 0 <= a mod b < b.
+ unfold Zmod; intros a b Hb; generalize (Z_div_mod a b Hb).
+ destruct Zdiv_eucl; tauto.
+Lemma Z_mod_neg : forall a b:Z, b < 0 -> b < a mod b <= 0.
+ unfold Zmod; intros a b Hb.
+ assert (Hb' : b<>0) by (auto with zarith).
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_full a b Hb').
+ destruct Zdiv_eucl.
+ unfold Remainder; intuition.
+Lemma Z_div_mod_eq_full : forall a b:Z, b <> 0 -> a = b*(a/b) + (a mod b).
+ unfold Zdiv, Zmod; intros a b Hb; generalize (Z_div_mod_full a b Hb).
+ destruct Zdiv_eucl; tauto.
+Lemma Z_div_mod_eq : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a = b*(a/b) + (a mod b).
+ intros; apply Z_div_mod_eq_full; auto with zarith.
+(** Existence theorem *)
+Theorem Zdiv_eucl_exist : forall (b:Z)(Hb:b>0)(a:Z),
+ {qr : Z * Z | let (q, r) := qr in a = b * q + r /\ 0 <= r < b}.
intros b Hb a.
- elim (Z_le_gt_dec 0 b); intro Hb'.
- cut (b > 0); [ intro Hb'' | omega ].
- rewrite Zabs_eq; [ apply Zdiv_eucl_exist; assumption | assumption ].
- cut (- b > 0); [ intro Hb'' | omega ].
- elim (Zdiv_eucl_exist Hb'' a); intros qr.
- elim qr; intros q r Hqr.
- exists (- q, r).
- elim Hqr; intros.
- split.
- rewrite <- Zmult_opp_comm; assumption.
- rewrite Zabs_non_eq; [ assumption | omega ].
+ exists (Zdiv_eucl a b).
+ exact (Z_div_mod a b Hb).
-Implicit Arguments Zdiv_eucl_extended.
+Implicit Arguments Zdiv_eucl_exist.
(** Uniqueness theorems *)
Theorem Zdiv_mod_unique :
forall b q1 q2 r1 r2:Z,
0 <= r1 < Zabs b -> 0 <= r2 < Zabs b ->
- b*q1 + r1=b*q2+r2 -> q1=q2/\r1=r2.
+ b*q1+r1 = b*q2+r2 -> q1=q2 /\ r1=r2.
intros b q1 q2 r1 r2 Hr1 Hr2 H.
-assert (H0:=Zeq_minus _ _ H).
-replace (b * q1 + r1 - (b * q2 + r2))
- with (b*(q1-q2) - (r2-r1)) in H0 by ring.
-assert (H1:=Zminus_eq _ _ H0).
-destruct (Z_dec q1 q2).
- elim (Zlt_not_le (Zabs (r2 - r1)) (Zabs b)).
- apply Zabs_ind; omega.
- rewrite <- H1.
- replace (Zabs b) with (1*(Zabs b)) by ring.
- rewrite Zabs_Zmult.
- rewrite (Zmult_comm (Zabs b)).
- apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with *.
- change 1 with (Zsucc 0).
- apply Zlt_le_succ.
- destruct s; apply Zabs_ind; omega.
-split; try assumption.
-rewrite e in H1.
-ring_simplify in H1.
+destruct (Z_eq_dec q1 q2) as [Hq|Hq].
+split; trivial.
+rewrite Hq in H; omega.
+elim (Zlt_not_le (Zabs (r2 - r1)) (Zabs b)).
+omega with *.
+replace (r2-r1) with (b*(q1-q2)) by (rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_l; omega).
+replace (Zabs b) with ((Zabs b)*1) by ring.
+rewrite Zabs_Zmult.
+apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with *.
+omega with *.
-(** * Auxiliary lemmas about [Zdiv] and [Zmod] *)
+Theorem Zdiv_mod_unique_2 :
+ forall b q1 q2 r1 r2:Z,
+ Remainder r1 b -> Remainder r2 b ->
+ b*q1+r1 = b*q2+r2 -> q1=q2 /\ r1=r2.
+unfold Remainder.
+intros b q1 q2 r1 r2 Hr1 Hr2 H.
+destruct (Z_eq_dec q1 q2) as [Hq|Hq].
+split; trivial.
+rewrite Hq in H; omega.
+elim (Zlt_not_le (Zabs (r2 - r1)) (Zabs b)).
+omega with *.
+replace (r2-r1) with (b*(q1-q2)) by (rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_l; omega).
+replace (Zabs b) with ((Zabs b)*1) by ring.
+rewrite Zabs_Zmult.
+apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with *.
+omega with *.
-Lemma Z_div_mod_eq : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a = b * Zdiv a b + Zmod a b.
+Theorem Zdiv_unique_full:
+ forall a b q r, Remainder r b ->
+ a = b*q + r -> q = a/b.
- unfold Zdiv, Zmod in |- *.
- intros a b Hb.
- generalize (Z_div_mod a b Hb).
- case Zdiv_eucl; tauto.
+ intros.
+ assert (b <> 0) by (unfold Remainder in *; omega with *).
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_full a b H1).
+ unfold Zdiv; destruct Zdiv_eucl as (q',r').
+ intros (H2,H3); rewrite H2 in H0.
+ destruct (Zdiv_mod_unique_2 b q q' r r'); auto.
-Lemma Z_mod_lt : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> 0 <= Zmod a b < b.
+Theorem Zdiv_unique:
+ forall a b q r, 0 <= r < b ->
+ a = b*q + r -> q = a/b.
- unfold Zmod in |- *.
- intros a b Hb.
- generalize (Z_div_mod a b Hb).
- case (Zdiv_eucl a b); tauto.
+ intros; eapply Zdiv_unique_full; eauto.
-Lemma Z_div_POS_ge0 :
- forall (b:Z) (a:positive), let (q, _) := Zdiv_eucl_POS a b in q >= 0.
+Theorem Zmod_unique_full:
+ forall a b q r, Remainder r b ->
+ a = b*q + r -> r = a mod b.
- simple induction a; cbv beta iota delta [Zdiv_eucl_POS] in |- *;
- fold Zdiv_eucl_POS in |- *; cbv zeta.
- intro p; case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b).
- intros; case (Zgt_bool b (2 * z0 + 1)); intros; omega.
- intro p; case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b).
- intros; case (Zgt_bool b (2 * z0)); intros; omega.
- case (Zge_bool b 2); simpl in |- *; omega.
+ intros.
+ assert (b <> 0) by (unfold Remainder in *; omega with *).
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_full a b H1).
+ unfold Zmod; destruct Zdiv_eucl as (q',r').
+ intros (H2,H3); rewrite H2 in H0.
+ destruct (Zdiv_mod_unique_2 b q q' r r'); auto.
-Lemma Z_div_ge0 : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a >= 0 -> Zdiv a b >= 0.
+Theorem Zmod_unique:
+ forall a b q r, 0 <= r < b ->
+ a = b*q + r -> r = a mod b.
- intros a b Hb; unfold Zdiv, Zdiv_eucl in |- *; case a; simpl in |- *; intros.
- case b; simpl in |- *; trivial.
- generalize Hb; case b; try trivial.
- auto with zarith.
- intros p0 Hp0; generalize (Z_div_POS_ge0 (Zpos p0) p).
- case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p (Zpos p0)); simpl in |- *; tauto.
- intros; discriminate.
- elim H; trivial.
+ intros; eapply Zmod_unique_full; eauto.
+(** * Basic values of divisions and modulo. *)
+Lemma Zmod_0_l: forall a, 0 mod a = 0.
+ destruct a; simpl; auto.
+Lemma Zmod_0_r: forall a, a mod 0 = 0.
+ destruct a; simpl; auto.
-Lemma Z_div_lt : forall a b:Z, b >= 2 -> a > 0 -> Zdiv a b < a.
+Lemma Zdiv_0_l: forall a, 0/a = 0.
+ destruct a; simpl; auto.
+Lemma Zdiv_0_r: forall a, a/0 = 0.
+ destruct a; simpl; auto.
+Lemma Zmod_1_r: forall a, a mod 1 = 0.
+ intros; symmetry; apply Zmod_unique with a; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zdiv_1_r: forall a, a/1 = a.
+ intros; symmetry; apply Zdiv_unique with 0; auto with zarith.
+Hint Resolve Zmod_0_l Zmod_0_r Zdiv_0_l Zdiv_0_r Zdiv_1_r Zmod_1_r
+ : zarith.
+Lemma Zdiv_1_l: forall a, 1 < a -> 1/a = 0.
+ intros; symmetry; apply Zdiv_unique with 1; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zmod_1_l: forall a, 1 < a -> 1 mod a = 1.
+ intros; symmetry; apply Zmod_unique with 0; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Z_div_same_full : forall a:Z, a<>0 -> a/a = 1.
+ intros; symmetry; apply Zdiv_unique_full with 0; auto with *; red; omega.
+Lemma Z_mod_same_full : forall a, a mod a = 0.
+ destruct a; intros; symmetry.
+ compute; auto.
+ apply Zmod_unique with 1; auto with *; omega with *.
+ apply Zmod_unique_full with 1; auto with *; red; omega with *.
+Lemma Z_mod_mult : forall a b, (a*b) mod b = 0.
+ intros a b; destruct (Z_eq_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; simpl; rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ symmetry; apply Zmod_unique_full with a; [ red; omega | ring ].
+Lemma Z_div_mult_full : forall a b:Z, b <> 0 -> (a*b)/b = a.
+ intros; symmetry; apply Zdiv_unique_full with 0; auto with zarith;
+ [ red; omega | ring].
+(** * Order results about Zmod and Zdiv *)
+(* Division of positive numbers is positive. *)
+Lemma Z_div_pos: forall a b, b > 0 -> 0 <= a -> 0 <= a/b.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b H) in H0.
+ assert (H1:=Z_mod_lt a b H).
+ destruct (Z_lt_le_dec (a/b) 0); auto.
+ assert (b*(a/b) <= -b).
+ replace (-b) with (b*-1); [ | ring].
+ apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
+ omega.
+Lemma Z_div_ge0: forall a b, b > 0 -> a >= 0 -> a/b >=0.
+ intros; generalize (Z_div_pos a b H); auto with zarith.
+(** As soon as the divisor is greater or equal than 2,
+ the division is strictly decreasing. *)
+Lemma Z_div_lt : forall a b:Z, b >= 2 -> a > 0 -> a/b < a.
intros. cut (b > 0); [ intro Hb | omega ].
generalize (Z_div_mod a b Hb).
@@ -302,9 +486,23 @@ Proof.
auto with zarith.
-(** * Other lemmas (now using the syntax for [Zdiv] and [Zmod]). *)
+(** A division of a small number by a bigger one yields zero. *)
-Lemma Z_div_ge : forall a b c:Z, c > 0 -> a >= b -> a / c >= b / c.
+Theorem Zdiv_small: forall a b, 0 <= a < b -> a/b = 0.
+ intros a b H; apply sym_equal; apply Zdiv_unique with a; auto with zarith.
+(** Same situation, in term of modulo: *)
+Theorem Zmod_small: forall a n, 0 <= a < n -> a mod n = a.
+ intros a b H; apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_unique with 0; auto with zarith.
+(** [Zge] is compatible with a positive division. *)
+Lemma Z_div_ge : forall a b c:Z, c > 0 -> a >= b -> a/c >= b/c.
intros a b c cPos aGeb.
generalize (Z_div_mod_eq a c cPos).
@@ -316,13 +514,8 @@ Proof.
absurd (b - a >= 1).
- rewrite H0.
- rewrite H2.
- assert
- (c * (b / c) + b mod c - (c * (a / c) + a mod c) =
- c * (b / c - a / c) + b mod c - a mod c).
- ring.
- rewrite H3.
+ replace (b-a) with (c * (b/c-a/c) + b mod c - a mod c) by
+ (symmetry; pattern a at 1; rewrite H2; pattern b at 1; rewrite H0; ring).
assert (c * (b / c - a / c) >= c * 1).
apply Zmult_ge_compat_l.
@@ -332,180 +525,640 @@ Proof.
-Lemma Z_div_le : forall a b c:Z, c > 0 -> a <= b -> a / c <= b / c.
+(** Same, with [Zle]. *)
+Lemma Z_div_le : forall a b c:Z, c > 0 -> a <= b -> a/c <= b/c.
-intros a b c H H0.
-apply Zge_le.
-apply Z_div_ge; auto with *.
+ intros a b c H H0.
+ apply Zge_le.
+ apply Z_div_ge; auto with *.
-Lemma Z_mod_plus : forall a b c:Z, c > 0 -> (a + b * c) mod c = a mod c.
+(** With our choice of division, rounding of (a/b) is always done toward bottom: *)
+Lemma Z_mult_div_ge : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> b*(a/b) <= a.
- intros a b c cPos.
- generalize (Z_div_mod_eq a c cPos).
- generalize (Z_mod_lt a c cPos).
- generalize (Z_div_mod_eq (a + b * c) c cPos).
- generalize (Z_mod_lt (a + b * c) c cPos).
- intros.
+ intros a b H; generalize (Z_div_mod_eq a b H) (Z_mod_lt a b H); omega.
- assert ((a + b * c) mod c - a mod c = c * (b + a / c - (a + b * c) / c)).
- replace ((a + b * c) mod c) with (a + b * c - c * ((a + b * c) / c)).
- replace (a mod c) with (a - c * (a / c)).
- ring.
- omega.
- omega.
- set (q := b + a / c - (a + b * c) / c) in *.
- apply (Zcase_sign q); intros.
- assert (c * q = 0).
- rewrite H4; ring.
- rewrite H5 in H3.
- omega.
+Lemma Z_mult_div_ge_neg : forall a b:Z, b < 0 -> b*(a/b) >= a.
+ intros a b H.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_eq_full a _ (Zlt_not_eq _ _ H)) (Z_mod_neg a _ H); omega.
- assert (c * q >= c).
- pattern c at 2 in |- *; replace c with (c * 1).
- apply Zmult_ge_compat_l; omega.
- ring.
- omega.
+(** The previous inequalities are exact iff the modulo is zero. *)
+Lemma Z_div_exact_full_1 : forall a b:Z, a = b*(a/b) -> a mod b = 0.
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst b; simpl in *; subst; auto.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b Hb); omega.
+Lemma Z_div_exact_full_2 : forall a b:Z, b <> 0 -> a mod b = 0 -> a = b*(a/b).
+ intros; generalize (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b H); omega.
+(** A modulo cannot grow beyond its starting point. *)
+Theorem Zmod_le: forall a b, 0 < b -> 0 <= a -> a mod b <= a.
+ intros a b H1 H2; case (Zle_or_lt b a); intros H3.
+ case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
+(** Some additionnal inequalities about Zdiv. *)
+Theorem Zdiv_le_upper_bound:
+ forall a b q, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> a <= q*b -> a/b <= q.
+ intros a b q H1 H2 H3.
+ apply Zmult_le_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_trans with (2 := H3).
+ pattern a at 2; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm b); case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zdiv_lt_upper_bound:
+ forall a b q, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> a < q*b -> a/b < q.
+ intros a b q H1 H2 H3.
+ apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := H3).
+ pattern a at 2; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm b); case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zdiv_le_lower_bound:
+ forall a b q, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> q*b <= a -> q <= a/b.
+ intros a b q H1 H2 H3.
+ assert (q < a / b + 1); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with (1 := H3).
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l; rewrite (Zmult_comm b); case (Z_mod_lt a b);
+ auto with zarith.
+(** * Relations between usual operations and Zmod and Zdiv *)
+Lemma Z_mod_plus_full : forall a b c:Z, (a + b * c) mod c = a mod c.
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec c 0) as [Hc|Hc].
+ subst; do 2 rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ symmetry; apply Zmod_unique_full with (a/c+b); auto with zarith.
+ red; generalize (Z_mod_lt a c)(Z_mod_neg a c); omega.
+ rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r, Zmult_comm.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_eq_full a c Hc); omega.
+Lemma Z_div_plus_full : forall a b c:Z, c <> 0 -> (a + b * c) / c = a / c + b.
+ intro; symmetry.
+ apply Zdiv_unique_full with (a mod c); auto with zarith.
+ red; generalize (Z_mod_lt a c)(Z_mod_neg a c); omega.
+ rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r, Zmult_comm.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_eq_full a c H); omega.
+Theorem Z_div_plus_full_l: forall a b c : Z, b <> 0 -> (a * b + c) / b = a + c / b.
+ intros a b c H; rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Z_div_plus_full;
+ try apply Zplus_comm; auto with zarith.
- assert (c * q <= - c).
- replace (- c) with (c * -1).
- apply Zmult_le_compat_l; omega.
+(** [Zopp] and [Zdiv], [Zmod].
+ Due to the choice of convention for our Euclidean division,
+ some of the relations about [Zopp] and divisions are rather complex. *)
+Lemma Zdiv_opp_opp : forall a b:Z, (-a)/(-b) = a/b.
+ intros [|a|a] [|b|b]; try reflexivity; unfold Zdiv; simpl;
+ destruct (Zdiv_eucl_POS a (Zpos b)); destruct z0; try reflexivity.
+Lemma Zmod_opp_opp : forall a b:Z, (-a) mod (-b) = - (a mod b).
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; do 2 rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ intros; symmetry.
+ apply Zmod_unique_full with ((-a)/(-b)); auto.
+ generalize (Z_mod_remainder a b Hb); destruct 1; [right|left]; omega.
+ rewrite Zdiv_opp_opp.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b Hb); ring.
+Lemma Z_mod_zero_opp_full : forall a b:Z, a mod b = 0 -> (-a) mod b = 0.
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ rewrite Z_div_exact_full_2 with a b; auto.
+ replace (- (b * (a / b))) with (0 + - (a / b) * b).
+ rewrite Z_mod_plus_full; auto.
- omega.
-Lemma Z_div_plus : forall a b c:Z, c > 0 -> (a + b * c) / c = a / c + b.
+Lemma Z_mod_nz_opp_full : forall a b:Z, a mod b <> 0 ->
+ (-a) mod b = b - (a mod b).
- intros a b c cPos.
- generalize (Z_div_mod_eq a c cPos).
- generalize (Z_mod_lt a c cPos).
- generalize (Z_div_mod_eq (a + b * c) c cPos).
- generalize (Z_mod_lt (a + b * c) c cPos).
- apply Zmult_reg_l with c. omega.
- replace (c * ((a + b * c) / c)) with (a + b * c - (a + b * c) mod c).
- rewrite (Z_mod_plus a b c cPos).
- pattern a at 1 in |- *; rewrite H2.
- ring.
- pattern (a + b * c) at 1 in |- *; rewrite H0.
- ring.
+ assert (b<>0) by (swap H; subst; rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto).
+ symmetry; apply Zmod_unique_full with (-1-a/b); auto.
+ generalize (Z_mod_remainder a b H0); destruct 1; [left|right]; omega.
+ rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_l.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b H0); ring.
-Lemma Zdiv_opp_opp : forall a b:Z, Zdiv (-a) (-b) = Zdiv a b.
+Lemma Z_mod_zero_opp_r : forall a b:Z, a mod b = 0 -> a mod (-b) = 0.
-intros [|a|a] [|b|b];
- try reflexivity;
- unfold Zdiv;
- simpl;
- destruct (Zdiv_eucl_POS a (Zpos b)); destruct z0; try reflexivity.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- (Zopp_involutive a).
+ rewrite Zmod_opp_opp.
+ rewrite Z_mod_zero_opp_full; auto.
-Lemma Z_div_mult : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a * b / b = a.
- intros; replace (a * b) with (0 + a * b); auto.
- rewrite Z_div_plus; auto.
+Lemma Z_mod_nz_opp_r : forall a b:Z, a mod b <> 0 ->
+ a mod (-b) = (a mod b) - b.
+ intros.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite <- (Zopp_involutive a).
+ rewrite Zmod_opp_opp.
+ rewrite Z_mod_nz_opp_full; auto; omega.
-Lemma Zdiv_mult_cancel_r : forall (a b c:Z),
- (c <> 0) -> (a*c/(b*c) = a/b).
+Lemma Z_div_zero_opp_full : forall a b:Z, a mod b = 0 -> (-a)/b = -(a/b).
-assert (X: forall a b c, b > 0 -> c > 0 -> a * c / (b * c) = a / b).
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; do 2 rewrite Zdiv_0_r; auto.
+ symmetry; apply Zdiv_unique_full with 0; auto.
+ red; omega.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b Hb).
+ rewrite H; ring.
+Lemma Z_div_nz_opp_full : forall a b:Z, a mod b <> 0 ->
+ (-a)/b = -(a/b)-1.
+ intros.
+ assert (b<>0) by (swap H; subst; rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto).
+ symmetry; apply Zdiv_unique_full with (b-a mod b); auto.
+ generalize (Z_mod_remainder a b H0); destruct 1; [left|right]; omega.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b H0); ring.
+Lemma Z_div_zero_opp_r : forall a b:Z, a mod b = 0 -> a/(-b) = -(a/b).
+ intros.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite <- (Zopp_involutive a).
+ rewrite Zdiv_opp_opp.
+ rewrite Z_div_zero_opp_full; auto.
+Lemma Z_div_nz_opp_r : forall a b:Z, a mod b <> 0 ->
+ a/(-b) = -(a/b)-1.
+ intros.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite <- (Zopp_involutive a).
+ rewrite Zdiv_opp_opp.
+ rewrite Z_div_nz_opp_full; auto; omega.
+(** Cancellations. *)
+Lemma Zdiv_mult_cancel_r : forall a b c:Z,
+ c <> 0 -> (a*c)/(b*c) = a/b.
+assert (X: forall a b c, b > 0 -> c > 0 -> (a*c) / (b*c) = a / b).
intros a b c Hb Hc.
- assert (X:=Z_div_mod (a*c) (b*c)).
- assert (Y:=Z_div_mod a b Hb).
- unfold Zdiv.
- destruct (Zdiv_eucl (a*c) (b*c)).
- destruct (Zdiv_eucl a b).
- destruct Y as [Y0 Y1].
- rewrite Y0 in X.
- clear Y0.
- destruct X as [X0 X1].
- auto with *.
- replace ((b*z1 + z2)* c) with
- ((b*c)*z1 + z2*c) in X0 by ring.
- destruct (Zdiv_mod_unique (b*c) z1 z (z2*c) z0); try rewrite Zabs_eq; auto with *.
- split; auto with *.
- apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with *.
+ symmetry.
+ apply Zdiv_unique with ((a mod b)*c); auto with zarith.
+ destruct (Z_mod_lt a b Hb); split.
+ apply Zmult_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b Hb); ring.
intros a b c Hc.
-destruct (Z_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
- destruct Hb as [Hb|Hb];
- destruct (not_Zeq_inf _ _ Hc).
- rewrite <- (Zdiv_opp_opp a b).
- replace (b*c) with ((-b)*(-c)) by ring.
- replace (a*c) with ((-a)*(-c)) by ring.
- apply X; auto with *.
- rewrite <- (Zdiv_opp_opp a b).
- rewrite <- Zdiv_opp_opp.
- replace (-(b*c)) with ((-b)*c) by ring.
- replace (-(a*c)) with ((-a)*c) by ring.
- apply X; auto with *.
- rewrite <- Zdiv_opp_opp.
- replace (-(b*c)) with (b*(-c)) by ring.
- replace (-(a*c)) with (a*(-c)) by ring.
- apply X; auto with *.
- apply X; auto with *.
-rewrite Hb.
-destruct (a*c); destruct a; reflexivity.
-Lemma Z_mult_div_ge : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> b * (a / b) <= a.
- intros a b bPos.
- generalize (Z_div_mod_eq a _ bPos); intros.
- generalize (Z_mod_lt a _ bPos); intros.
- pattern a at 2 in |- *; rewrite H.
- omega.
+destruct (Z_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+destruct Hb as [Hb|Hb]; destruct (not_Zeq_inf _ _ Hc); auto with *.
+rewrite <- (Zdiv_opp_opp a), <- (Zmult_opp_opp b), <-(Zmult_opp_opp a);
+ auto with *.
+rewrite <- (Zdiv_opp_opp a), <- Zdiv_opp_opp, Zopp_mult_distr_l,
+ Zopp_mult_distr_l; auto with *.
+rewrite <- Zdiv_opp_opp, Zopp_mult_distr_r, Zopp_mult_distr_r; auto with *.
+rewrite Hb; simpl; do 2 rewrite Zdiv_0_r; auto.
-Lemma Z_mod_same : forall a:Z, a > 0 -> a mod a = 0.
+Lemma Zdiv_mult_cancel_l : forall a b c:Z,
+ c<>0 -> (c*a)/(c*b) = a/b.
- intros a aPos.
- generalize (Z_mod_plus 0 1 a aPos).
- replace (0 + 1 * a) with a.
- rewrite H.
- compute in |- *.
- trivial.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm c a); rewrite (Zmult_comm c b).
+ apply Zdiv_mult_cancel_r; auto.
+Lemma Zmult_mod_distr_l: forall a b c,
+ (c*a) mod (c*b) = c * (a mod b).
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec c 0) as [Hc|Hc].
+ subst; simpl; rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ destruct (Z_eq_dec b 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; repeat rewrite Zmult_0_r || rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ assert (c*b <> 0).
+ contradict Hc; eapply Zmult_integral_l; eauto.
+ rewrite (Zplus_minus_eq _ _ _ (Z_div_mod_eq_full (c*a) (c*b) H)).
+ rewrite (Zplus_minus_eq _ _ _ (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b Hb)).
+ rewrite Zdiv_mult_cancel_l; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Z_div_same : forall a:Z, a > 0 -> a / a = 1.
+Lemma Zmult_mod_distr_r: forall a b c,
+ (a*c) mod (b*c) = (a mod b) * c.
+ intros; repeat rewrite (fun x => (Zmult_comm x c)).
+ apply Zmult_mod_distr_l; auto.
+(** Operations modulo. *)
+Theorem Zmod_mod: forall a n, (a mod n) mod n = a mod n.
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec n 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; do 2 rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ pattern a at 2; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a n); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Zmult_comm.
+ apply sym_equal; apply Z_mod_plus_full; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zmult_mod: forall a b n,
+ (a * b) mod n = ((a mod n) * (b mod n)) mod n.
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec n 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; do 2 rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a n); auto with zarith.
+ pattern b at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full b n); auto with zarith.
+ set (A:=a mod n); set (B:=b mod n); set (A':=a/n); set (B':=b/n).
+ replace ((n*A' + A) * (n*B' + B))
+ with (A*B + (A'*B+B'*A+n*A'*B')*n) by ring.
+ apply Z_mod_plus_full; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zplus_mod: forall a b n,
+ (a + b) mod n = (a mod n + b mod n) mod n.
+ intros; destruct (Z_eq_dec n 0) as [Hb|Hb].
+ subst; do 2 rewrite Zmod_0_r; auto.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a n); auto with zarith.
+ pattern b at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full b n); auto with zarith.
+ replace ((n * (a / n) + a mod n) + (n * (b / n) + b mod n))
+ with ((a mod n + b mod n) + (a / n + b / n) * n) by ring.
+ apply Z_mod_plus_full; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zminus_mod: forall a b n,
+ (a - b) mod n = (a mod n - b mod n) mod n.
- intros a aPos.
- generalize (Z_div_plus 0 1 a aPos).
- replace (0 + 1 * a) with a.
- rewrite H.
- compute in |- *.
- trivial.
+ replace (a - b) with (a + (-1) * b); auto with zarith.
+ replace (a mod n - b mod n) with (a mod n + (-1) * (b mod n)); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod.
+ rewrite Zmult_mod.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod with (b:=(-1) * (b mod n)).
+ rewrite Zmult_mod.
+ rewrite Zmult_mod with (b:= b mod n).
+ repeat rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
+Lemma Zplus_mod_idemp_l: forall a b n, (a mod n + b) mod n = (a + b) mod n.
+ intros; rewrite Zplus_mod, Zmod_mod, <- Zplus_mod; auto.
+Lemma Zplus_mod_idemp_r: forall a b n, (b + a mod n) mod n = (b + a) mod n.
+ intros; rewrite Zplus_mod, Zmod_mod, <- Zplus_mod; auto.
+Lemma Zminus_mod_idemp_l: forall a b n, (a mod n - b) mod n = (a - b) mod n.
+ intros; rewrite Zminus_mod, Zmod_mod, <- Zminus_mod; auto.
+Lemma Zminus_mod_idemp_r: forall a b n, (a - b mod n) mod n = (a - b) mod n.
+ intros; rewrite Zminus_mod, Zmod_mod, <- Zminus_mod; auto.
+Lemma Zmult_mod_idemp_l: forall a b n, (a mod n * b) mod n = (a * b) mod n.
+ intros; rewrite Zmult_mod, Zmod_mod, <- Zmult_mod; auto.
+Lemma Zmult_mod_idemp_r: forall a b n, (b * (a mod n)) mod n = (b * a) mod n.
+ intros; rewrite Zmult_mod, Zmod_mod, <- Zmult_mod; auto.
+Section EqualityModulo.
+ (** For a specific number n, equality modulo n is hence a nice setoid
+ equivalence, compatible with the usual operations. But for the
+ moment, Coq setoids cannot be parametric, and all this nice framework
+ will vanish at the end of this section. *)
+ Variable n:Z.
+ Definition eqm a b := (a mod n = b mod n).
+ Infix "==" := eqm (at level 70).
+ Lemma eqm_refl : forall a, a == a.
+ Proof. unfold eqm; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma eqm_sym : forall a b, a == b -> b == a.
+ Proof. unfold eqm; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma eqm_trans : forall a b c, a == b -> b == c -> a == c.
+ Proof. unfold eqm; eauto with *. Qed.
+ Add Relation Z eqm
+ reflexivity proved by eqm_refl
+ symmetry proved by eqm_sym
+ transitivity proved by eqm_trans as eqm_setoid.
+ Add Morphism Zplus : Zplus_eqm.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eqm; intros; rewrite Zplus_mod, H, H0, <- Zplus_mod; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Add Morphism Zminus : Zminus_eqm.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eqm; intros; rewrite Zminus_mod, H, H0, <- Zminus_mod; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Add Morphism Zmult : Zmult_eqm.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eqm; intros; rewrite Zmult_mod, H, H0, <- Zmult_mod; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Add Morphism Zopp : Zopp_eqm.
+ Proof.
+ intros; change (-x1 == -x2) with (0-x1 == 0-x2).
+ rewrite H; red; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Zmod_eqm : forall a, a mod n == a.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eqm; intros; apply Zmod_mod.
+ Qed.
+ (* Zmod and Zdiv are not full morphisms with respect to eqm.
+ For instance, take n=2. Then 3 == 1 but we don't have
+ 1 mod 3 == 1 mod 1 nor 1/3 == 1/1.
+ *)
+End EqualityModulo.
+Lemma Zdiv_Zdiv : forall a b c, b>0 -> c>0 -> (a/b)/c = a/(b*c).
+ intros a b c H H0.
+ pattern a at 2;rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b);auto with zarith.
+ pattern (a/b) at 2;rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full (a/b) c);auto with zarith.
+ replace (b * (c * (a / b / c) + (a / b) mod c) + a mod b) with
+ ((a / b / c)*(b * c) + (b * ((a / b) mod c) + a mod b)) by ring.
+ rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zdiv_small (b * ((a / b) mod c) + a mod b)).
+ split.
+ apply Zplus_le_0_compat;auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_0_compat;auto with zarith.
+ destruct (Z_mod_lt (a/b) c);auto with zarith.
+ destruct (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with (b * ((a / b) mod c) + (b-1)).
+ destruct (Z_mod_lt a b);auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with (b * (c-1) + (b - 1)).
+ apply Zplus_le_compat;auto with zarith.
+ destruct (Z_mod_lt (a/b) c);auto with zarith.
+ replace (b * (c - 1) + (b - 1)) with (b*c-1);try ring;auto with zarith.
+ intro H1;
+ assert (H2: c <> 0) by auto with zarith;
+ rewrite (Zmult_integral_l _ _ H2 H1) in H; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Z_div_1 : forall z:Z, (z/1 = z)%Z.
+(** Unfortunately, the previous result isn't always true on negative numbers.
+ For instance: 3/(-2)/(-2) = 1 <> 0 = 3 / (-2*-2) *)
+(** A last inequality: *)
+Theorem Zdiv_mult_le:
+ forall a b c, 0 <= a -> 0 < b -> 0 <= c -> c*(a/b) <= (c*a)/b.
+ intros a b c H1 H2 H3.
+ case (Z_mod_lt a b); auto with zarith; intros Hu1 Hu2.
+ case (Z_mod_lt c b); auto with zarith; intros Hv1 Hv2.
+ apply Zmult_le_reg_r with b; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zmult_assoc.
+ replace (a / b * b) with (a - a mod b).
+ replace (c * a / b * b) with (c * a - (c * a) mod b).
+ rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_l.
+ unfold Zminus; apply Zplus_le_compat_l.
+ match goal with |- - ?X <= -?Y => assert (Y <= X); auto with zarith end.
+ apply Zle_trans with ((c mod b) * (a mod b)); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmult_mod; auto with zarith.
+ apply (Zmod_le ((c mod b) * (a mod b)) b); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+ apply (Zmod_le c b); auto.
+ pattern (c * a) at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq (c * a) b); try ring;
+ auto with zarith.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a b); try ring; auto with zarith.
+(** * Compatibility *)
+(** Weaker results kept only for compatibility *)
+Lemma Z_mod_same : forall a, a > 0 -> a mod a = 0.
+ intros; apply Z_mod_same_full.
+Lemma Z_div_same : forall a, a > 0 -> a/a = 1.
+ intros; apply Z_div_same_full; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Z_div_mult : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> (a*b)/b = a.
-intros z.
-set (z':=z).
-unfold z' at 1.
-replace z with (0 + z*1)%Z by ring.
-rewrite (Z_div_plus 0 z 1);[reflexivity|constructor].
+ intros; apply Z_div_mult_full; auto with zarith.
-Hint Resolve Z_div_1 : zarith.
+Lemma Z_mod_plus : forall a b c:Z, c > 0 -> (a + b * c) mod c = a mod c.
+ intros; apply Z_mod_plus_full; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Z_div_exact_1 : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a = b * (a / b) -> a mod b = 0.
- intros a b Hb; generalize (Z_div_mod a b Hb); unfold Zmod, Zdiv in |- *.
- case (Zdiv_eucl a b); intros q r; omega.
+Lemma Z_div_exact_1 : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a = b*(a/b) -> a mod b = 0.
+ intros; apply Z_div_exact_full_1; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Z_div_exact_2 : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a mod b = 0 -> a = b * (a / b).
- intros a b Hb; generalize (Z_div_mod a b Hb); unfold Zmod, Zdiv in |- *.
- case (Zdiv_eucl a b); intros q r; omega.
+Lemma Z_div_exact_2 : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a mod b = 0 -> a = b*(a/b).
+ intros; apply Z_div_exact_full_2; auto with zarith.
-Lemma Z_mod_zero_opp : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a mod b = 0 -> - a mod b = 0.
- intros a b Hb.
+Lemma Z_mod_zero_opp : forall a b:Z, b > 0 -> a mod b = 0 -> (-a) mod b = 0.
+ intros; apply Z_mod_zero_opp_full; auto with zarith.
+(** * A direct way to compute Zmod *)
+Fixpoint Zmod_POS (a : positive) (b : Z) {struct a} : Z :=
+ match a with
+ | xI a' =>
+ let r := Zmod_POS a' b in
+ let r' := (2 * r + 1) in
+ if Zgt_bool b r' then r' else (r' - b)
+ | xO a' =>
+ let r := Zmod_POS a' b in
+ let r' := (2 * r) in
+ if Zgt_bool b r' then r' else (r' - b)
+ | xH => if Zge_bool b 2 then 1 else 0
+ end.
+Definition Zmod' a b :=
+ match a with
+ | Z0 => 0
+ | Zpos a' =>
+ match b with
+ | Z0 => 0
+ | Zpos _ => Zmod_POS a' b
+ | Zneg b' =>
+ let r := Zmod_POS a' (Zpos b') in
+ match r with Z0 => 0 | _ => b + r end
+ end
+ | Zneg a' =>
+ match b with
+ | Z0 => 0
+ | Zpos _ =>
+ let r := Zmod_POS a' b in
+ match r with Z0 => 0 | _ => b - r end
+ | Zneg b' => - (Zmod_POS a' (Zpos b'))
+ end
+ end.
+Theorem Zmod_POS_correct: forall a b, Zmod_POS a b = (snd (Zdiv_eucl_POS a b)).
+ intros a b; elim a; simpl; auto.
+ intros p Rec; rewrite Rec.
+ case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b); intros z1 z2; simpl; auto.
+ match goal with |- context [Zgt_bool _ ?X] => case (Zgt_bool b X) end; auto.
+ intros p Rec; rewrite Rec.
+ case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b); intros z1 z2; simpl; auto.
+ match goal with |- context [Zgt_bool _ ?X] => case (Zgt_bool b X) end; auto.
+ case (Zge_bool b 2); auto.
+Theorem Zmod'_correct: forall a b, Zmod' a b = Zmod a b.
+ intros a b; unfold Zmod; case a; simpl; auto.
+ intros p; case b; simpl; auto.
+ intros p1; refine (Zmod_POS_correct _ _); auto.
+ intros p1; rewrite Zmod_POS_correct; auto.
+ case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p (Zpos p1)); simpl; intros z1 z2; case z2; auto.
+ intros p; case b; simpl; auto.
+ intros p1; rewrite Zmod_POS_correct; auto.
+ case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p (Zpos p1)); simpl; intros z1 z2; case z2; auto.
+ intros p1; rewrite Zmod_POS_correct; simpl; auto.
+ case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p (Zpos p1)); auto.
+(** Another convention is possible for division by negative numbers:
+ * quotient is always the biggest integer smaller than or equal to a/b
+ * remainder is hence always positive or null. *)
+Theorem Zdiv_eucl_extended :
+ forall b:Z,
+ b <> 0 ->
+ forall a:Z,
+ {qr : Z * Z | let (q, r) := qr in a = b * q + r /\ 0 <= r < Zabs b}.
+ intros b Hb a.
+ elim (Z_le_gt_dec 0 b); intro Hb'.
+ cut (b > 0); [ intro Hb'' | omega ].
+ rewrite Zabs_eq; [ apply Zdiv_eucl_exist; assumption | assumption ].
+ cut (- b > 0); [ intro Hb'' | omega ].
+ elim (Zdiv_eucl_exist Hb'' a); intros qr.
+ elim qr; intros q r Hqr.
+ exists (- q, r).
+ elim Hqr; intros.
+ split.
+ rewrite <- Zmult_opp_comm; assumption.
+ rewrite Zabs_non_eq; [ assumption | omega ].
+Implicit Arguments Zdiv_eucl_extended.
+(** A third convention: Ocaml.
+ Ocaml uses Round-Toward-Zero division: (-a)/b = a/(-b) = -(a/b).
+ Hence (-a) mod b = - (a mod b)
+ a mod (-b) = a mod b
+ And: |r| < |b| and sgn(r) = sgn(a) (notice the a here instead of b).
+Definition Odiv a b :=
+ Zdiv (Zabs a) (Zabs b) * Zsgn a * Zsgn b.
+Definition Omod a b :=
+ Zmod (Zabs a) (Zabs b) * Zsgn a.
+Lemma Odiv_Omod_eq : forall a b, b<>0 ->
+ a = b*(Odiv a b) + (Omod a b).
- rewrite Z_div_exact_2 with a b; auto.
- replace (- (b * (a / b))) with (0 + - (a / b) * b).
- rewrite Z_mod_plus; auto.
+ assert (Zabs b <> 0).
+ swap H.
+ destruct b; simpl in *; auto with zarith; inversion H0.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite <- (Zabs_Zsgn a).
+ rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq_full (Zabs a) (Zabs b) H0).
+ unfold Odiv, Omod.
+ replace (b*(Zabs a/Zabs b * Zsgn a * Zsgn b)) with
+ ((b*Zsgn b)*(Zabs a/Zabs b)*(Zsgn a)) by ring.
+ rewrite Zsgn_Zabs.
+Lemma Odiv_opp_l : forall a b, b<>0 -> Odiv (-a) b = - (Odiv a b).
+ intros; unfold Odiv; rewrite Zabs_Zopp, Zsgn_Zopp; ring.
+Lemma Odiv_opp_r : forall a b, b<>0 -> Odiv a (-b) = - (Odiv a b).
+ intros; unfold Odiv; rewrite Zabs_Zopp, Zsgn_Zopp; ring.
+Lemma Odiv_opp_opp : forall a b, b<>0 -> Odiv (-a) (-b) = Odiv a b.
+ intros; unfold Odiv; do 2 rewrite Zabs_Zopp, Zsgn_Zopp; ring.
+Lemma Omod_opp_l : forall a b, b<>0 -> Omod (-a) b = - (Omod a b).
+ intros; unfold Omod; rewrite Zabs_Zopp, Zsgn_Zopp; ring.
+Lemma Omod_opp_r : forall a b, b<>0 -> Omod a (-b) = Omod a b.
+ intros; unfold Omod; rewrite Zabs_Zopp; ring.
+Lemma Omod_opp_opp : forall a b, b<>0 -> Omod (-a) (-b) = - (Omod a b).
+ intros; unfold Omod; do 2 rewrite Zabs_Zopp; rewrite Zsgn_Zopp; ring.
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v b/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v
index 0e5a03dd8..a0a75cf1e 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
Require Import BinInt.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
(** About parity: even and odd predicates on Z, division by 2 on Z *)
@@ -135,14 +137,14 @@ Hint Unfold Zeven Zodd: zarith.
Definition Zdiv2 (z:Z) :=
match z with
- | Z0 => 0%Z
- | Zpos xH => 0%Z
+ | Z0 => 0
+ | Zpos xH => 0
| Zpos p => Zpos (Pdiv2 p)
- | Zneg xH => 0%Z
+ | Zneg xH => 0
| Zneg p => Zneg (Pdiv2 p)
-Lemma Zeven_div2 : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> n = (2 * Zdiv2 n)%Z.
+Lemma Zeven_div2 : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> n = 2 * Zdiv2 n.
intro x; destruct x.
auto with arith.
@@ -154,27 +156,27 @@ Proof.
intros. absurd (Zeven (-1)); red in |- *; auto with arith.
-Lemma Zodd_div2 : forall n:Z, (n >= 0)%Z -> Zodd n -> n = (2 * Zdiv2 n + 1)%Z.
+Lemma Zodd_div2 : forall n:Z, n >= 0 -> Zodd n -> n = 2 * Zdiv2 n + 1.
intro x; destruct x.
intros. absurd (Zodd 0); red in |- *; auto with arith.
destruct p; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zodd (Zpos (xO p))); red in |- *; auto with arith.
- intros. absurd (Zneg p >= 0)%Z; red in |- *; auto with arith.
+ intros. absurd (Zneg p >= 0); red in |- *; auto with arith.
Lemma Zodd_div2_neg :
- forall n:Z, (n <= 0)%Z -> Zodd n -> n = (2 * Zdiv2 n - 1)%Z.
+ forall n:Z, n <= 0 -> Zodd n -> n = 2 * Zdiv2 n - 1.
intro x; destruct x.
intros. absurd (Zodd 0); red in |- *; auto with arith.
- intros. absurd (Zneg p >= 0)%Z; red in |- *; auto with arith.
+ intros. absurd (Zneg p >= 0); red in |- *; auto with arith.
destruct p; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zodd (Zneg (xO p))); red in |- *; auto with arith.
Lemma Z_modulo_2 :
- forall n:Z, {y : Z | n = (2 * y)%Z} + {y : Z | n = (2 * y + 1)%Z}.
+ forall n:Z, {y : Z | n = 2 * y} + {y : Z | n = 2 * y + 1}.
intros x.
elim (Zeven_odd_dec x); intro.
@@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma Zsplit2 :
forall n:Z,
{p : Z * Z |
- let (x1, x2) := p in n = (x1 + x2)%Z /\ (x1 = x2 \/ x2 = (x1 + 1)%Z)}.
+ let (x1, x2) := p in n = x1 + x2 /\ (x1 = x2 \/ x2 = x1 + 1)}.
intros x.
elim (Z_modulo_2 x); intros [y Hy]; rewrite Zmult_comm in Hy;
@@ -206,3 +208,109 @@ Proof.
right; reflexivity.
+Theorem Zeven_ex: forall n, Zeven n -> exists m, n = 2 * m.
+ intro n; exists (Zdiv2 n); apply Zeven_div2; auto.
+Theorem Zodd_ex: forall n, Zodd n -> exists m, n = 2 * m + 1.
+ destruct n; intros.
+ inversion H.
+ exists (Zdiv2 (Zpos p)).
+ apply Zodd_div2; simpl; auto; compute; inversion 1.
+ exists (Zdiv2 (Zneg p) - 1).
+ unfold Zminus.
+ rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r.
+ rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
+ assert (Zneg p <= 0) by (compute; inversion 1).
+ exact (Zodd_div2_neg _ H0 H).
+Theorem Zeven_2p: forall p, Zeven (2 * p).
+ destruct p; simpl; auto.
+Theorem Zodd_2p_plus_1: forall p, Zodd (2 * p + 1).
+ destruct p; simpl; auto.
+ destruct p; simpl; auto.
+Theorem Zeven_plus_Zodd: forall a b,
+ Zeven a -> Zodd b -> Zodd (a + b).
+ intros a b H1 H2; case Zeven_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
+ case Zodd_ex with (1 := H2); intros y H4; try rewrite H4; auto.
+ replace (2 * x + (2 * y + 1)) with (2 * (x + y) + 1); try apply Zodd_2p_plus_1; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r, Zplus_assoc; auto.
+Theorem Zeven_plus_Zeven: forall a b,
+ Zeven a -> Zeven b -> Zeven (a + b).
+ intros a b H1 H2; case Zeven_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
+ case Zeven_ex with (1 := H2); intros y H4; try rewrite H4; auto.
+ replace (2 * x + 2 * y) with (2 * (x + y)); try apply Zeven_2p; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_plus_distr_r; auto.
+Theorem Zodd_plus_Zeven: forall a b,
+ Zodd a -> Zeven b -> Zodd (a + b).
+ intros a b H1 H2; rewrite Zplus_comm; apply Zeven_plus_Zodd; auto.
+Theorem Zodd_plus_Zodd: forall a b,
+ Zodd a -> Zodd b -> Zeven (a + b).
+ intros a b H1 H2; case Zodd_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
+ case Zodd_ex with (1 := H2); intros y H4; try rewrite H4; auto.
+ replace ((2 * x + 1) + (2 * y + 1)) with (2 * (x + y + 1)); try apply Zeven_2p; auto.
+ (* ring part *)
+ do 2 rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r; auto.
+ repeat rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; f_equal.
+ rewrite (Zplus_comm 1).
+ repeat rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; auto.
+Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_l: forall a b,
+ Zeven a -> Zeven (a * b).
+ intros a b H1; case Zeven_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
+ replace (2 * x * b) with (2 * (x * b)); try apply Zeven_2p; auto with zarith.
+ (* ring part *)
+ apply Zmult_assoc.
+Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_r: forall a b,
+ Zeven b -> Zeven (a * b).
+ intros a b H1; case Zeven_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
+ replace (a * (2 * x)) with (2 * (x * a)); try apply Zeven_2p; auto.
+ (* ring part *)
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm x a).
+ do 2 rewrite Zmult_assoc.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm 2 a); auto.
+Hint Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r Zmult_plus_distr_l
+ Zplus_assoc Zmult_1_r Zmult_1_l : Zexpand.
+Theorem Zodd_mult_Zodd: forall a b,
+ Zodd a -> Zodd b -> Zodd (a * b).
+ intros a b H1 H2; case Zodd_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
+ case Zodd_ex with (1 := H2); intros y H4; try rewrite H4; auto.
+ replace ((2 * x + 1) * (2 * y + 1)) with (2 * (2 * x * y + x + y) + 1); try apply Zodd_2p_plus_1; auto.
+ (* ring part *)
+ autorewrite with Zexpand; f_equal.
+ repeat rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; f_equal.
+ repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
+ repeat rewrite Zmult_assoc; f_equal; apply Zmult_comm.
+(* for compatibility *)
+Close Scope Z_scope.
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zmax.v b/theories/ZArith/Zmax.v
index fbc7bfafc..c21b4affb 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zmax.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zmax.v
@@ -46,6 +46,20 @@ Proof.
destruct (Zcompare x y); [ left | right | left ]; split; auto; discriminate.
+Lemma Zmax_left : forall n m:Z, n>=m -> Zmax n m = n.
+ intros n m; unfold Zmax, Zge; destruct (n ?= m); auto.
+ intro H; elim H; auto.
+Lemma Zmax_right : forall n m:Z, n<=m -> Zmax n m = m.
+ intros n m; unfold Zmax, Zle.
+ generalize (Zcompare_Eq_eq n m).
+ destruct (n ?= m); auto.
+ intros _ H; elim H; auto.
(** * Least upper bound properties of max *)
Lemma Zle_max_l : forall n m:Z, n <= Zmax n m.
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Znat.v b/theories/ZArith/Znat.v
index d9fb4e97c..ec37c1412 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Znat.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Znat.v
@@ -256,11 +256,6 @@ Proof.
rewrite Zpos_xO; simpl in |- *; rewrite Pplus_diag; reflexivity.
-Theorem inj_Zabs_nat : forall z:Z, Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat z) = Zabs z.
-destruct z; simpl; auto; symmetry; apply Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P.
(** Misc *)
Theorem intro_Z :
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Znumtheory.v b/theories/ZArith/Znumtheory.v
index 262d7bac5..710c8aca0 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Znumtheory.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Znumtheory.v
@@ -293,6 +293,40 @@ Proof.
apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zmod_div_mod: forall n m a, 0 < n -> 0 < m ->
+ (n | m) -> a mod n = (a mod m) mod n.
+ intros n m a H1 H2 H3.
+ pattern a at 1; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq a m); auto with zarith.
+ case H3; intros q Hq; pattern m at 1; rewrite Hq.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm q).
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; rewrite Zmult_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Z_mod_same; try rewrite Zmult_0_l; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmod_small 0); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_0_l; rewrite Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zmod_divide_minus: forall a b c : Z, 0 < b ->
+ a mod b = c -> (b | a - c).
+ intros a b c H H1; apply Zmod_divide; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zminus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite H1; pattern c at 1; rewrite <- (Zmod_small c b); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zminus_diag; apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
+ subst; apply Z_mod_lt; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zdivide_mod_minus: forall a b c : Z, 0 <= c < b ->
+ (b | a - c) -> a mod b = c.
+ intros a b c (H1, H2) H3; assert (0 < b); try apply Zle_lt_trans with c; auto.
+ replace a with ((a - c) + c); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zdivide_mod (a -c) b); try rewrite Zplus_0_l; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zmod_mod; try apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
(** * Greatest common divisor (gcd). *)
(** There is no unicity of the gcd; hence we define the predicate [gcd a b d]
@@ -574,6 +608,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma Zis_gcd_rel_prime :
forall a b g:Z,
b > 0 -> g >= 0 -> Zis_gcd a b g -> rel_prime (a / g) (b / g).
intros a b g; intros.
assert (g <> 0).
@@ -602,6 +637,68 @@ Lemma Zis_gcd_rel_prime :
exists q; auto with zarith.
+Theorem rel_prime_sym: forall a b, rel_prime a b -> rel_prime b a.
+ intros a b H; auto with zarith.
+ red; apply Zis_gcd_sym; auto with zarith.
+Theorem rel_prime_div: forall p q r,
+ rel_prime p q -> (r | p) -> rel_prime r q.
+ intros p q r H (u, H1); subst.
+ inversion_clear H as [H1 H2 H3].
+ red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; try apply Zone_divide.
+ intros x H4 H5; apply H3; auto.
+ apply Zdivide_mult_r; auto.
+Theorem rel_prime_1: forall n, rel_prime 1 n.
+ intros n; red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto.
+ exists 1; auto with zarith.
+ exists n; auto with zarith.
+Theorem not_rel_prime_0: forall n, 1 < n -> ~ rel_prime 0 n.
+ intros n H H1; absurd (n = 1 \/ n = -1).
+ intros [H2 | H2]; subst; absurd_hyp H; auto with zarith.
+ case (Zis_gcd_unique 0 n n 1); auto.
+ apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto.
+ exists 0; auto with zarith.
+ exists 1; auto with zarith.
+Theorem rel_prime_mod: forall p q, 0 < q ->
+ rel_prime p q -> rel_prime (p mod q) q.
+ intros p q H H0.
+ assert (H1: Bezout p q 1).
+ apply rel_prime_bezout; auto.
+ inversion_clear H1 as [q1 r1 H2].
+ apply bezout_rel_prime.
+ apply Bezout_intro with q1 (r1 + q1 * (p / q)).
+ rewrite <- H2.
+ pattern p at 3; rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq p q); try ring; auto with zarith.
+Theorem rel_prime_mod_rev: forall p q, 0 < q ->
+ rel_prime (p mod q) q -> rel_prime p q.
+ intros p q H H0.
+ rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq p q); auto with zarith; red.
+ apply Zis_gcd_sym; apply Zis_gcd_for_euclid2; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zrel_prime_neq_mod_0: forall a b, 1 < b -> rel_prime a b -> a mod b <> 0.
+ intros a b H H1 H2.
+ case (not_rel_prime_0 _ H).
+ rewrite <- H2.
+ apply rel_prime_mod; auto with zarith.
(** * Primality *)
Inductive prime (p:Z) : Prop :=
@@ -654,6 +751,20 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve prime_rel_prime: zarith.
+(** As a consequence, a prime number is relatively prime with smaller numbers *)
+Theorem rel_prime_le_prime:
+ forall a p, prime p -> 1 <= a < p -> rel_prime a p.
+ intros a p Hp [H1 H2].
+ apply rel_prime_sym; apply prime_rel_prime; auto.
+ intros [q Hq]; subst a.
+ case (Zle_or_lt q 0); intros Hl.
+ absurd (q * p <= 0 * p); auto with zarith.
+ absurd (1 * p <= q * p); auto with zarith.
(** If a prime [p] divides [ab] then it divides either [a] or [b] *)
Lemma prime_mult :
@@ -664,6 +775,108 @@ Proof.
right; apply Gauss with a; auto with zarith.
+Lemma not_prime_0: ~ prime 0.
+ intros H1; case (prime_divisors _ H1 2); auto with zarith.
+Lemma not_prime_1: ~ prime 1.
+ intros H1; absurd (1 < 1); auto with zarith.
+ inversion H1; auto.
+Lemma prime_2: prime 2.
+ apply prime_intro; auto with zarith.
+ intros n [H1 H2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with zarith;
+ clear H1; intros H1.
+ absurd_hyp H2; auto with zarith.
+ subst n; red; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
+Theorem prime_3: prime 3.
+ apply prime_intro; auto with zarith.
+ intros n [H1 H2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with zarith;
+ clear H1; intros H1.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 2 n); auto with zarith; clear H1; intros H1.
+ absurd_hyp H2; auto with zarith.
+ subst n; red; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
+ intros x [q1 Hq1] [q2 Hq2].
+ exists (q2 - q1).
+ apply trans_equal with (3 - 2); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Hq1; rewrite Hq2; ring.
+ subst n; red; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
+Theorem prime_ge_2: forall p, prime p -> 2 <= p.
+ intros p Hp; inversion Hp; auto with zarith.
+Definition prime' p := 1<p /\ (forall n, 1<n<p -> ~ (n|p)).
+Theorem prime_alt:
+ forall p, prime' p <-> prime p.
+ split; destruct 1; intros.
+ (* prime -> prime' *)
+ constructor; auto; intros.
+ red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith; intros.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 (Zabs x)); auto with zarith; intros H6.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 (Zabs x)); auto with zarith; intros H7.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq (Zabs x) p); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zdivide_Zabs_inv_l; auto.
+ intros H8; case (H0 (Zabs x)); auto.
+ apply Zdivide_Zabs_inv_l; auto.
+ intros H8; subst p; absurd (Zabs x <= n); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zdivide_Zabs_inv_l; auto.
+ rewrite H7; pattern (Zabs x); apply Zabs_intro; auto with zarith.
+ absurd (0%Z = p); auto with zarith.
+ assert (x=0) by (destruct x; simpl in *; now auto).
+ subst x; elim H3; intro q; rewrite Zmult_0_r; auto.
+ (* prime' -> prime *)
+ split; auto; intros.
+ intros H2.
+ case (Zis_gcd_unique n p n 1); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
+ apply H0; auto with zarith.
+Theorem square_not_prime: forall a, ~ prime (a * a).
+ intros a Ha.
+ rewrite <- (Zabs_square a) in Ha.
+ assert (0 <= Zabs a) by auto with zarith.
+ set (b:=Zabs a) in *; clearbody b.
+ rewrite <- prime_alt in Ha; destruct Ha.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 b); auto with zarith; intros Hza1; [ | subst; omega].
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 b); auto with zarith; intros Hza2; [ | subst; omega].
+ assert (Hza3 := Zmult_lt_compat_r 1 b b Hza1 Hza2).
+ rewrite Zmult_1_l in Hza3.
+ elim (H1 _ (conj Hza2 Hza3)).
+ exists b; auto.
+Theorem prime_div_prime: forall p q,
+ prime p -> prime q -> (p | q) -> p = q.
+ intros p q H H1 H2;
+ assert (Hp: 0 < p); try apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; try apply prime_ge_2; auto with zarith.
+ assert (Hq: 0 < q); try apply Zlt_le_trans with 2; try apply prime_ge_2; auto with zarith.
+ case prime_divisors with (2 := H2); auto.
+ intros H4; absurd_hyp Hp; subst; auto with zarith.
+ intros [H4| [H4 | H4]]; subst; auto.
+ absurd_hyp H; auto; apply not_prime_1.
+ absurd_hyp Hp; auto with zarith.
(** We could obtain a [Zgcd] function via Euclid algorithm. But we propose
here a binary version of [Zgcd], faster and executable within Coq.
@@ -895,12 +1108,12 @@ Theorem Zgcd_div_swap0 : forall a b : Z,
0 < b ->
(a / Zgcd a b) * b = a * (b/Zgcd a b).
- intros a b Hg Hb.
- assert (F := Zgcd_is_gcd a b); inversion F as [F1 F2 F3].
- pattern b at 2; rewrite (Zdivide_Zdiv_eq (Zgcd a b) b); auto.
- repeat rewrite Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
- rewrite Zmult_comm.
- rewrite <- Zdivide_Zdiv_eq; auto.
+ intros a b Hg Hb.
+ assert (F := Zgcd_is_gcd a b); inversion F as [F1 F2 F3].
+ pattern b at 2; rewrite (Zdivide_Zdiv_eq (Zgcd a b) b); auto.
+ repeat rewrite Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
+ rewrite Zmult_comm.
+ rewrite <- Zdivide_Zdiv_eq; auto.
Theorem Zgcd_div_swap : forall a b c : Z,
@@ -908,16 +1121,100 @@ Theorem Zgcd_div_swap : forall a b c : Z,
0 < b ->
(c * a) / Zgcd a b * b = c * a * (b/Zgcd a b).
- intros a b c Hg Hb.
- assert (F := Zgcd_is_gcd a b); inversion F as [F1 F2 F3].
- pattern b at 2; rewrite (Zdivide_Zdiv_eq (Zgcd a b) b); auto.
- repeat rewrite Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
- rewrite Zdivide_Zdiv_eq_2; auto.
- repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
- rewrite Zmult_comm.
- rewrite <- Zdivide_Zdiv_eq; auto.
+ intros a b c Hg Hb.
+ assert (F := Zgcd_is_gcd a b); inversion F as [F1 F2 F3].
+ pattern b at 2; rewrite (Zdivide_Zdiv_eq (Zgcd a b) b); auto.
+ repeat rewrite Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
+ rewrite Zdivide_Zdiv_eq_2; auto.
+ repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
+ rewrite Zmult_comm.
+ rewrite <- Zdivide_Zdiv_eq; auto.
+Theorem Zgcd_1_rel_prime : forall a b,
+ Zgcd a b = 1 <-> rel_prime a b.
+ unfold rel_prime; split; intro H.
+ rewrite <- H; apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
+ case (Zis_gcd_unique a b (Zgcd a b) 1); auto.
+ apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
+ intros H2; absurd (0 <= Zgcd a b); auto with zarith.
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_pos a b); auto with zarith.
+Definition rel_prime_dec: forall a b,
+ { rel_prime a b }+{ ~ rel_prime a b }.
+ intros a b; case (Z_eq_dec (Zgcd a b) 1); intros H1.
+ left; apply -> Zgcd_1_rel_prime; auto.
+ right; swap H1; apply <- Zgcd_1_rel_prime; auto.
+Definition prime_dec_aux:
+ forall p m,
+ { forall n, 1 < n < m -> rel_prime n p } +
+ { exists n, 1 < n < m /\ ~ rel_prime n p }.
+ intros p m.
+ case (Z_lt_dec 1 m); intros H1;
+ [ | left; intros; elimtype False; omega ].
+ pattern m; apply natlike_rec; auto with zarith.
+ left; intros; elimtype False; omega.
+ intros x Hx IH; destruct IH as [F|E].
+ destruct (rel_prime_dec x p) as [Y|N].
+ left; intros n [HH1 HH2].
+ case (Zgt_succ_gt_or_eq x n); auto with zarith.
+ intros HH3; subst x; auto.
+ case (Z_lt_dec 1 x); intros HH1.
+ right; exists x; split; auto with zarith.
+ left; intros n [HHH1 HHH2]; absurd_hyp HHH1; auto with zarith.
+ right; destruct E as (n,((H0,H2),H3)); exists n; auto with zarith.
+Definition prime_dec: forall p, { prime p }+{ ~ prime p }.
+ intros p; case (Z_lt_dec 1 p); intros H1.
+ case (prime_dec_aux p p); intros H2.
+ left; apply prime_intro; auto.
+ intros n [Hn1 Hn2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := Hn1 ); auto.
+ intros HH; subst n.
+ red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
+ right; intros H3; inversion_clear H3 as [Hp1 Hp2].
+ case H2; intros n [Hn1 Hn2]; case Hn2; auto with zarith.
+ right; intros H3; inversion_clear H3 as [Hp1 Hp2]; case H1; auto.
+Theorem not_prime_divide:
+ forall p, 1 < p -> ~ prime p -> exists n, 1 < n < p /\ (n | p).
+ intros p Hp Hp1.
+ case (prime_dec_aux p p); intros H1.
+ elim Hp1; constructor; auto.
+ intros n [Hn1 Hn2].
+ case Zle_lt_or_eq with ( 1 := Hn1 ); auto with zarith.
+ intros H2; subst n; red; apply Zis_gcd_intro; auto with zarith.
+ case H1; intros n [Hn1 Hn2].
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_pos n p); intros Hpos.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 (Zgcd n p)); auto with zarith; intros H3.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 (Zgcd n p)); auto with zarith; intros H4.
+ exists (Zgcd n p); split; auto.
+ split; auto.
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with n; auto with zarith.
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_gcd n p); intros tmp; inversion_clear tmp as [Hr1 Hr2 Hr3].
+ case Hr1; intros q Hq.
+ case (Zle_or_lt q 0); auto with zarith; intros Ht.
+ absurd (n <= 0 * Zgcd n p) ; auto with zarith.
+ pattern n at 1; rewrite Hq; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_trans with (1 * Zgcd n p); auto with zarith.
+ pattern n at 2; rewrite Hq; auto with zarith.
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_gcd n p); intros Ht; inversion Ht; auto.
+ case Hn2; red.
+ rewrite H4; apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_gcd n p); rewrite <- H3; intros tmp;
+ inversion_clear tmp as [Hr1 Hr2 Hr3].
+ absurd (n = 0); auto with zarith.
+ case Hr1; auto with zarith.
(** A Generalized Gcd that also computes Bezout coefficients.
The algorithm is the same as for Zgcd. *)
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zorder.v b/theories/ZArith/Zorder.v
index 45369561d..454560b85 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zorder.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zorder.v
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(*i $Id$ i*)
-(** Binary Integers (Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France) *)
+(** Binary Integers (Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France) *)
Require Import BinPos.
Require Import BinInt.
@@ -997,5 +997,31 @@ Proof.
rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; rewrite Zplus_opp_l; rewrite Zplus_0_r; exact H.
+Lemma Zmult_lt_compat:
+ forall n m p q : Z, 0 <= n < p -> 0 <= m < q -> n * m < p * q.
+ intros n m p q (H1, H2) (H3,H4).
+ assert (0<p) by (apply Zle_lt_trans with n; auto).
+ assert (0<q) by (apply Zle_lt_trans with m; auto).
+ case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := H1); intros H5; auto with zarith.
+ case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := H3); intros H6; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zlt_trans with (n * q).
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto.
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- H6; rewrite Zmult_0_r; apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- H5; simpl; apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zmult_lt_compat2:
+ forall n m p q : Z, 0 < n <= p -> 0 < m < q -> n * m < p * q.
+ intros n m p q (H1, H2) (H3, H4).
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with (p * m).
+ apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto.
+ apply Zlt_le_weak; auto.
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto.
+ apply Zlt_le_trans with n; auto.
(** For compatibility *)
Notation Zlt_O_minus_lt := Zlt_0_minus_lt (only parsing).
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zpow_facts.v b/theories/ZArith/Zpow_facts.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..448fa8602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zpow_facts.v
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
+Require Import ZArith_base.
+Require Import ZArithRing.
+Require Import Zcomplements.
+Require Export Zpower.
+Require Import Zdiv.
+Require Import Znumtheory.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Lemma Zpower_pos_1_r: forall x, Zpower_pos x 1 = x.
+ intros x; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zpower_pos_1_l: forall p, Zpower_pos 1 p = 1.
+ induction p.
+ (* xI *)
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO, <-Pplus_diag, Pplus_one_succ_l.
+ repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r, IHp; auto.
+ (* xO *)
+ rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
+ repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
+ rewrite IHp; auto.
+ (* xH *)
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
+Lemma Zpower_pos_0_l: forall p, Zpower_pos 0 p = 0.
+ induction p.
+ change (xI p) with (1 + (xO p))%positive.
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp, Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp, IHp; auto.
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
+Lemma Zpower_pos_pos: forall x p,
+ 0 < x -> 0 < Zpower_pos x p.
+ induction p; intros.
+ (* xI *)
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO, <-Pplus_diag, Pplus_one_succ_l.
+ repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r.
+ repeat apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto.
+ (* xO *)
+ rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
+ repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
+ repeat apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto.
+ (* xH *)
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
+Theorem Zpower_1_r: forall z, z^1 = z.
+ exact Zpower_pos_1_r.
+Theorem Zpower_1_l: forall z, 0 <= z -> 1^z = 1.
+ destruct z; simpl; auto.
+ intros; apply Zpower_pos_1_l.
+ intros; compute in H; elim H; auto.
+Theorem Zpower_0_l: forall z, z<>0 -> 0^z = 0.
+ destruct z; simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros; apply Zpower_pos_0_l.
+Theorem Zpower_0_r: forall z, z^0 = 1.
+ simpl; auto.
+Theorem Zpower_2: forall z, z^2 = z * z.
+ intros; ring.
+Theorem Zpower_gt_0: forall x y,
+ 0 < x -> 0 <= y -> 0 < x^y.
+ destruct y; simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros; apply Zpower_pos_pos; auto.
+ intros; compute in H0; elim H0; auto.
+Theorem Zpower_Zabs: forall a b, Zabs (a^b) = (Zabs a)^b.
+ intros a b; case (Zle_or_lt 0 b).
+ intros Hb; pattern b; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith.
+ intros x Hx Hx1; unfold Zsucc.
+ (repeat rewrite Zpower_exp); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zabs_Zmult; rewrite Hx1.
+ f_equal; auto.
+ replace (a ^ 1) with a; auto.
+ simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto.
+ simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto.
+ case b; simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros p Hp; discriminate.
+Theorem Zpower_Zsucc: forall p n, 0 <= n -> p^(Zsucc n) = p * p^n.
+ intros p n H.
+ unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r; apply Zmult_comm.
+Theorem Zpower_mult: forall p q r, 0 <= q -> 0 <= r -> p^(q*r) = (p^q)^r.
+ intros p q r H1 H2; generalize H2; pattern r; apply natlike_ind; auto.
+ intros H3; rewrite Zmult_0_r; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp_0; auto.
+ intros r1 H3 H4 H5.
+ unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- H4; try rewrite Zpower_1_r; try rewrite <- Zpower_exp; try f_equal; auto with zarith.
+ ring.
+ apply Zle_ge; replace 0 with (0 * r1); try apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto.
+Theorem Zpower_le_monotone: forall a b c,
+ 0 < a -> 0 <= b <= c -> a^b <= a^c.
+ intros a b c H (H1, H2).
+ rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (a ^ b)); replace c with (b + (c - b)); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
+ assert (0 < a ^ (c - b)); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_gt_0; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zpower_gt_0; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zpower_lt_monotone: forall a b c,
+ 1 < a -> 0 <= b < c -> a^b < a^c.
+ intros a b c H (H1, H2).
+ rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (a ^ b)); replace c with (b + (c - b)); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_gt_0; auto with zarith.
+ assert (0 < a ^ (c - b)); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_gt_0; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zlt_le_trans with (a ^1); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zpower_gt_1 : forall x y,
+ 1 < x -> 0 < y -> 1 < x^y.
+ intros x y H1 H2.
+ replace 1 with (x ^ 0) by apply Zpower_0_r.
+ apply Zpower_lt_monotone; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zpower_ge_0: forall x y, 0 <= x -> 0 <= x^y.
+ intros x y; case y; auto with zarith.
+ simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros p H1; assert (H: 0 <= Zpos p); auto with zarith.
+ generalize H; pattern (Zpos p); apply natlike_ind; auto.
+ intros p1 H2 H3 _; unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; simpl; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
+ generalize H1; case x; compute; intros; auto; discriminate.
+Theorem Zpower_le_monotone2:
+ forall a b c, 0 < a -> b <= c -> a^b <= a^c.
+ intros a b c H H2.
+ destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 b).
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto.
+ replace (a^b) with 0.
+ destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 c).
+ destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ z0).
+ apply Zlt_le_weak;apply Zpower_gt_0;trivial.
+ rewrite <- H0;simpl;auto with zarith.
+ replace (a^c) with 0. auto with zarith.
+ destruct c;trivial;unfold Zgt in z0;discriminate z0.
+ destruct b;trivial;unfold Zgt in z;discriminate z.
+Theorem Zmult_power: forall p q r, 0 <= q -> 0 <= r ->
+ (p*q)^r = p^r * q^r.
+ intros p q r H1 H2; generalize H2; pattern r; apply natlike_ind; auto.
+ intros r1 H3 H4 H5.
+ unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite H4; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith; ring.
+Hint Resolve Zpower_ge_0 Zpower_gt_0: zarith.
+Theorem Zpower_le_monotone3: forall a b c,
+ 0 <= c -> 0 <= a <= b -> a^c <= b^c.
+ intros a b c H (H1, H2).
+ generalize H; pattern c; apply natlike_ind; auto.
+ intros x HH HH1 _; unfold Zsucc; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ repeat rewrite Zpower_1_r.
+ apply Zle_trans with (a^x * b); auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zpower_le_monotone_inv: forall a b c,
+ 1 < a -> 0 < b -> a^b <= a^c -> b <= c.
+ intros a b c H H0 H1.
+ destruct (Z_le_gt_dec b c);trivial.
+ assert (2 <= a^b).
+ apply Zle_trans with (2^b).
+ pattern 2 at 1;replace 2 with (2^1);trivial.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone;auto with zarith.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone3;auto with zarith.
+ assert (c > 0).
+ destruct (Z_le_gt_dec 0 c);trivial.
+ destruct (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ z0);auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- H3 in H1;simpl in H1; elimtype False;omega.
+ destruct c;try discriminate z0. simpl in H1. elimtype False;omega.
+ assert (H4 := Zpower_lt_monotone a c b H). elimtype False;omega.
+Theorem Zpower_nat_Zpower: forall p q, 0 <= q ->
+ p^q = Zpower_nat p (Zabs_nat q).
+ intros p1 q1; case q1; simpl.
+ intros _; exact (refl_equal _).
+ intros p2 _; apply Zpower_pos_nat.
+ intros p2 H1; case H1; auto.
+Theorem Zpower2_lt_lin: forall n, 0 <= n -> n < 2^n.
+ intros n; apply (natlike_ind (fun n => n < 2 ^n)); clear n.
+ simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros n H1 H2; unfold Zsucc.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ H1); clear H1; intros H1.
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with (n + n); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zpower_1_r.
+ assert (tmp: forall p, p * 2 = p + p); intros; try ring;
+ rewrite tmp; auto with zarith.
+ subst n; simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zpower2_le_lin: forall n, 0 <= n -> n <= 2^n.
+ intros; apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zpower2_lt_lin; auto.
+(** * Zpower and modulo *)
+Theorem Zpower_mod: forall p q n, 0 < n ->
+ (p^q) mod n = ((p mod n)^q) mod n.
+ intros p q n Hn; case (Zle_or_lt 0 q); intros H1.
+ generalize H1; pattern q; apply natlike_ind; auto.
+ intros q1 Hq1 Rec _; unfold Zsucc; repeat rewrite Zpower_exp; repeat rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (fun x => (Zmult_mod x p)); try rewrite Rec; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (fun x y => (Zmult_mod (x ^y))); try f_equal; auto with zarith.
+ f_equal; auto; apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_mod; auto with zarith.
+ generalize H1; case q; simpl; auto.
+ intros; discriminate.
+(** A direct way to compute Zpower modulo **)
+Fixpoint Zpow_mod_pos (a: Z)(m: positive)(n : Z) {struct m} : Z :=
+ match m with
+ | xH => a mod n
+ | xO m' =>
+ let z := Zpow_mod_pos a m' n in
+ match z with
+ | 0 => 0
+ | _ => (z * z) mod n
+ end
+ | xI m' =>
+ let z := Zpow_mod_pos a m' n in
+ match z with
+ | 0 => 0
+ | _ => (z * z * a) mod n
+ end
+ end.
+Definition Zpow_mod a m n :=
+ match m with
+ | 0 => 1
+ | Zpos p => Zpow_mod_pos a p n
+ | Zneg p => 0
+ end.
+Theorem Zpow_mod_pos_correct: forall a m n, 0 < n ->
+ Zpow_mod_pos a m n = (Zpower_pos a m) mod n.
+ intros a m; elim m; simpl; auto.
+ intros p Rec n H1; rewrite xI_succ_xO, Pplus_one_succ_r, <-Pplus_diag; auto.
+ repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp; auto.
+ repeat rewrite Rec; auto.
+ rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r.
+ repeat rewrite (fun x => (Zmult_mod x a)); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite (Zmult_mod (Zpower_pos a p)); auto with zarith.
+ case (Zpower_pos a p mod n); auto.
+ intros p Rec n H1; rewrite <- Pplus_diag; auto.
+ repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp; auto.
+ repeat rewrite Rec; auto.
+ rewrite (Zmult_mod (Zpower_pos a p)); auto with zarith.
+ case (Zpower_pos a p mod n); auto.
+ unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zpow_mod_correct: forall a m n, 1 < n -> 0 <= m ->
+ Zpow_mod a m n = (a ^ m) mod n.
+ intros a m n; case m; simpl.
+ intros; apply sym_equal; apply Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
+ intros; apply Zpow_mod_pos_correct; auto with zarith.
+ intros p H H1; case H1; auto.
+(* Complements about power and number theory. *)
+Lemma Zpower_divide: forall p q, 0 < q -> (p | p ^ q).
+ intros p q H; exists (p ^(q - 1)).
+ pattern p at 3; rewrite <- (Zpower_1_r p); rewrite <- Zpower_exp; try f_equal; auto with zarith.
+Theorem rel_prime_Zpower_r: forall i p q, 0 < i ->
+ rel_prime p q -> rel_prime p (q^i).
+ intros i p q Hi Hpq; generalize Hi; pattern i; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith; clear i Hi.
+ intros H; absurd_hyp H; auto with zarith.
+ intros i Hi Rec _; rewrite Zpower_Zsucc; auto.
+ apply rel_prime_mult; auto.
+ case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hi); intros Hi1; subst; auto.
+ rewrite Zpower_0_r; apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_1.
+Theorem rel_prime_Zpower: forall i j p q, 0 <= i -> 0 <= j ->
+ rel_prime p q -> rel_prime (p^i) (q^j).
+ intros i j p q Hi; generalize Hi j p q; pattern i; apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith; clear i Hi j p q.
+ intros _ j p q H H1; rewrite Zpower_0_r; apply rel_prime_1.
+ intros n Hn Rec _ j p q Hj Hpq.
+ rewrite Zpower_Zsucc; auto.
+ case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hj); intros Hj1; subst.
+ apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_mult; auto.
+ apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_Zpower_r; auto with arith.
+ apply rel_prime_sym; apply Rec; auto.
+ rewrite Zpower_0_r; apply rel_prime_sym; apply rel_prime_1.
+Theorem prime_power_prime: forall p q n, 0 <= n ->
+ prime p -> prime q -> (p | q^n) -> p = q.
+ intros p q n Hn Hp Hq; pattern n; apply natlike_ind; auto; clear n Hn.
+ rewrite Zpower_0_r; intros.
+ assert (2<=p) by (apply prime_ge_2; auto).
+ assert (p<=1) by (apply Zdivide_le; auto with zarith).
+ omega.
+ intros n1 H H1.
+ unfold Zsucc; rewrite Zpower_exp; try rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
+ assert (2<=p) by (apply prime_ge_2; auto).
+ assert (2<=q) by (apply prime_ge_2; auto).
+ intros H3; case prime_mult with (2 := H3); auto.
+ intros; apply prime_div_prime; auto.
+Theorem Zdivide_power_2: forall x p n, 0 <= n -> 0 <= x -> prime p ->
+ (x | p^n) -> exists m, x = p^m.
+ intros x p n Hn Hx; revert p n Hn; generalize Hx.
+ pattern x; apply Z_lt_induction; auto.
+ clear x Hx; intros x IH Hx p n Hn Hp H.
+ case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1 := Hx); auto; clear Hx; intros Hx; subst.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 1 x); auto with zarith; clear Hx; intros Hx; subst.
+ (* x > 1 *)
+ case (prime_dec x); intros H2.
+ exists 1; rewrite Zpower_1_r; apply prime_power_prime with n; auto.
+ case not_prime_divide with (2 := H2); auto.
+ intros p1 ((H3, H4), (q1, Hq1)); subst.
+ case (IH p1) with p n; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zdivide_trans with (2 := H); exists q1; auto with zarith.
+ intros r1 Hr1.
+ case (IH q1) with p n; auto with zarith.
+ case (Zle_lt_or_eq 0 q1).
+ apply Zmult_le_0_reg_r with p1; auto with zarith.
+ split; auto with zarith.
+ pattern q1 at 1; replace q1 with (q1 * 1); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith.
+ intros H5; subst; absurd_hyp Hx; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_0_reg_r with p1; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zdivide_trans with (2 := H); exists p1; auto with zarith.
+ intros r2 Hr2; exists (r2 + r1); subst.
+ apply sym_equal; apply Zpower_exp.
+ generalize Hx; case r2; simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros; red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
+ generalize H3; case r1; simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros; red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
+ (* x = 1 *)
+ exists 0; rewrite Zpower_0_r; auto.
+ (* x = 0 *)
+ exists n; destruct H; rewrite Zmult_0_r in H; auto.
+(** * Zsquare: a direct definition of [z^2] *)
+Fixpoint Psquare (p: positive): positive :=
+ match p with
+ | xH => xH
+ | xO p => xO (xO (Psquare p))
+ | xI p => xI (xO (Pplus (Psquare p) p))
+ end.
+Definition Zsquare p :=
+ match p with
+ | Z0 => Z0
+ | Zpos p => Zpos (Psquare p)
+ | Zneg p => Zpos (Psquare p)
+ end.
+Theorem Psquare_correct: forall p, Psquare p = (p * p)%positive.
+ induction p; simpl; auto; f_equal; rewrite IHp.
+ apply trans_equal with (xO p + xO (p*p))%positive; auto.
+ rewrite (Pplus_comm (xO p)); auto.
+ rewrite Pmult_xI_permute_r; rewrite Pplus_assoc.
+ f_equal; auto.
+ symmetry; apply Pplus_diag.
+ symmetry; apply Pmult_xO_permute_r.
+Theorem Zsquare_correct: forall p, Zsquare p = p * p.
+ intro p; case p; simpl; auto; intros p1; rewrite Psquare_correct; auto.
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zpower.v b/theories/ZArith/Zpower.v
index a1963a965..f3f357de1 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zpower.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zpower.v
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ Require Import Omega.
Require Import Zcomplements.
Open Local Scope Z_scope.
+Infix "^" := Zpower : Z_scope.
(** * Definition of powers over [Z]*)
(** [Zpower_nat z n] is the n-th power of [z] when [n] is an unary
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ Qed.
(** This theorem shows that powers of unary and binary integers
are the same thing, modulo the function convert : [positive -> nat] *)
-Theorem Zpower_pos_nat :
+Lemma Zpower_pos_nat :
forall (z:Z) (p:positive), Zpower_pos z p = Zpower_nat z (nat_of_P p).
intros; unfold Zpower_pos in |- *; unfold Zpower_nat in |- *;
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ Qed.
deduce that the function [[n:positive](Zpower_pos z n)] is a morphism
for [add : positive->positive] and [Zmult : Z->Z] *)
-Theorem Zpower_pos_is_exp :
+Lemma Zpower_pos_is_exp :
forall (n m:positive) (z:Z),
Zpower_pos z (n + m) = Zpower_pos z n * Zpower_pos z m.
@@ -60,69 +62,19 @@ Proof.
apply Zpower_nat_is_exp.
-Theorem Zpower_pos_1_r: forall x, Zpower_pos x 1 = x.
- intros x; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Zpower_pos_1_l: forall p, Zpower_pos 1 p = 1.
- induction p.
- (* xI *)
- rewrite xI_succ_xO, <-Pplus_diag, Pplus_one_succ_l.
- repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
- rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r, IHp; auto.
- (* xO *)
- rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
- repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
- rewrite IHp; auto.
- (* xH *)
- rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
-Theorem Zpower_pos_0_l: forall p, Zpower_pos 0 p = 0.
- induction p.
- change (xI p) with (1 + (xO p))%positive.
- rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp, Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
- rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
- rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp, IHp; auto.
- rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
-Theorem Zpower_pos_pos: forall x p,
- 0 < x -> 0 < Zpower_pos x p.
- induction p; intros.
- (* xI *)
- rewrite xI_succ_xO, <-Pplus_diag, Pplus_one_succ_l.
- repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
- rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r.
- repeat apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto.
- (* xO *)
- rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
- repeat rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
- repeat apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto.
- (* xH *)
- rewrite Zpower_pos_1_r; auto.
-Infix "^" := Zpower : Z_scope.
Hint Immediate Zpower_nat_is_exp Zpower_pos_is_exp : zarith.
Hint Unfold Zpower_pos Zpower_nat: zarith.
-Lemma Zpower_exp :
+Theorem Zpower_exp :
forall x n m:Z, n >= 0 -> m >= 0 -> x ^ (n + m) = x ^ n * x ^ m.
destruct n; destruct m; auto with zarith.
- simpl in |- *; intros; apply Zred_factor0.
- simpl in |- *; auto with zarith.
- intros; compute in H0; absurd (Datatypes.Lt = Datatypes.Lt); auto with zarith.
- intros; compute in H0; absurd (Datatypes.Lt = Datatypes.Lt); auto with zarith.
+ simpl; intros; apply Zred_factor0.
+ simpl; auto with zarith.
+ intros; compute in H0; elim H0; auto.
+ intros; compute in H; elim H; auto.
Section Powers_of_2.
(** * Powers of 2 *)
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zsqrt.v b/theories/ZArith/Zsqrt.v
index 4a395e6f8..00da766d8 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zsqrt.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zsqrt.v
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ Definition Zsqrt_plain (x:Z) : Z :=
(** A basic theorem about Zsqrt_plain *)
Theorem Zsqrt_interval :
forall n:Z,
0 <= n ->
@@ -162,3 +163,53 @@ Proof.
intros p Hle; elim Hle; auto.
+(** Positivity *)
+Theorem Zsqrt_plain_is_pos: forall n, 0 <= n -> 0 <= Zsqrt_plain n.
+ intros n m; case (Zsqrt_interval n); auto with zarith.
+ intros H1 H2; case (Zle_or_lt 0 (Zsqrt_plain n)); auto.
+ intros H3; absurd_hyp H2; auto; apply Zle_not_lt.
+ apply Zle_trans with ( 2 := H1 ).
+ replace ((Zsqrt_plain n + 1) * (Zsqrt_plain n + 1))
+ with (Zsqrt_plain n * Zsqrt_plain n + (2 * Zsqrt_plain n + 1));
+ auto with zarith.
+ ring.
+(** Direct correctness on squares. *)
+Theorem Zsqrt_square_id: forall a, 0 <= a -> Zsqrt_plain (a * a) = a.
+ intros a H.
+ generalize (Zsqrt_plain_is_pos (a * a)); auto with zarith; intros Haa.
+ case (Zsqrt_interval (a * a)); auto with zarith.
+ intros H1 H2.
+ case (Zle_or_lt a (Zsqrt_plain (a * a))); intros H3; auto.
+ case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1:=H3); auto; clear H3; intros H3.
+ absurd_hyp H1; auto; apply Zlt_not_le; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_lt_trans with (a * Zsqrt_plain (a * a)); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_lt_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+ absurd_hyp H2; auto; apply Zle_not_lt; auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with zarith.
+(** [Zsqrt_plain] is increasing *)
+Theorem Zsqrt_le:
+ forall p q, 0 <= p <= q -> Zsqrt_plain p <= Zsqrt_plain q.
+ intros p q [H1 H2]; case Zle_lt_or_eq with (1:=H2); clear H2; intros H2;
+ [ | subst q; auto with zarith].
+ case (Zle_or_lt (Zsqrt_plain p) (Zsqrt_plain q)); auto; intros H3.
+ assert (Hp: (0 <= Zsqrt_plain q)).
+ apply Zsqrt_plain_is_pos; auto with zarith.
+ absurd (q <= p); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_trans with ((Zsqrt_plain q + 1) * (Zsqrt_plain q + 1)).
+ case (Zsqrt_interval q); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zle_trans with (Zsqrt_plain p * Zsqrt_plain p); auto with zarith.
+ apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with zarith.
+ case (Zsqrt_interval p); auto with zarith.