diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-12-11 18:42:39 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-12-11 18:42:39 +0000
commit9a1a12170b1f62ad65576ac30405ef86e364b97a (patch)
parent20445e418ffee0c0dc1398c80af4a2b75abe9ac3 (diff)
outils (manquent encore les deux filtres)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@235 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
14 files changed, 2083 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/.cvsignore b/tools/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e765a8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/tools/README.coq-tex b/tools/README.coq-tex
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5c7606a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/README.coq-tex
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+The coq-tex filter extracts Coq phrases embedded in LaTeX files,
+evaluates them, and insert the outcome of the evaluation after each
+The filter is written in Perl, so you'll need Perl version 4 installed
+on your machine.
+USAGE. See the manual page (coq-tex.1).
+AUTHOR. Jean-Christophe Filliatre (jcfillia@lip.ens-lyon.fr)
+ from caml-tex of Xavier Leroy.
diff --git a/tools/README.emacs b/tools/README.emacs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0d27b607f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/README.emacs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+An emacs mode to help editing Coq vernacular files.
+Jean-Christophe Filliatre (jcfillia@lri.fr),
+ from the Caml mode of Xavier Leroy.
+ coq.el A major mode for editing Coq files in Gnu Emacs
+Add the following lines to your .emacs file:
+(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.v$" . coq-mode) auto-mode-alist))
+(autoload 'coq-mode "coq" "Major mode for editing Coq vernacular." t)
+The Coq major mode is triggered by visiting a file with extension .v,
+or manually by M-x coq-mode. It gives you the correct syntax table for
+the Coq language, and also a rudimentary indentation facility:
+- pressing TAB at the beginning of a line indents the line like the line above
+- extra TABs increase the indentation level (by 2 spaces by default)
+- M-TAB decreases the indentation level.
diff --git a/tools/coq-sl.sty b/tools/coq-sl.sty
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9f6e5480c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coq-sl.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% COQ style option, for use with the coq-latex filter.
+\typeout{Document Style option `coq-sl' <7 Apr 92>.}
+ \font\sltt = cmsltt10
+\or \font\sltt = cmsltt10 \@halfmag
+\or \font\sltt = cmsltt10 \@magscale1
+{\catcode`\^^M=\active %
+ \gdef\@coqinputline#1^^M{\tt Coq < #1\par} %
+ \gdef\@coqoutputline#1^^M{\sltt#1\par} } %
+ \bgroup
+ \flushleft
+ \parindent 0pt
+ \parskip 0pt
+ \let\do\@makeother\dospecials
+ \catcode`\^^M=\active
+ \catcode`\\=0
+ \catcode`\ \active
+ \frenchspacing
+ \@vobeyspaces
+ \let\?\@coqinputline
+ \let\:\@coqoutputline
+ \let\;\@coqblankline
+ \let\\\@coqbackslash
+ \endflushleft
+ \egroup\noindent
diff --git a/tools/coq-tex.1 b/tools/coq-tex.1
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..737de70a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coq-tex.1
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+.TH COQ-TEX 1 "29 March 1995"
+coq-tex \- Process Coq phrases embedded in LaTeX files
+.B coq-tex
+.BI \-o \ output-file
+.BI \-n \ line-width
+.BI \-image \ coq-image
+.B -w
+.B -v
+.B -sl
+.B -hrule
+.B -small
+.I input-file ...
+.B coq-tex
+filter extracts Coq phrases embedded in LaTeX files, evaluates
+them, and insert the outcome of the evaluation after each phrase.
+Three LaTeX environments are provided to include Coq code in
+the input files:
+.B coq_example
+The phrases between \\begin{coq_example} and \\end{coq_example} are
+evaluated and copied into the output file. Each phrase is followed by
+the response of the toplevel loop.
+.B coq_example*
+The phrases between \\begin{coq_example*} and \\end{coq_example*} are
+evaluated and copied into the output file. The responses of the
+toplevel loop are discarded.
+.B coq_eval
+The phrases between \\begin{coq_eval} and \\end{coq_eval} are
+silently evaluated. They are not copied into the output file, and the
+responses of the toplevel loop are discarded.
+The resulting LaTeX code is stored in the file
+.IR file \&.v.tex
+if the input file has a name of the form
+.IR file \&.tex,
+otherwise the name of the output file is the name of the input file
+with `.v.tex' appended.
+The files produced by
+.B coq-tex
+can be directly processed by LaTeX.
+Both the Coq phrases and the toplevel output are typeset in
+typewriter font.
+.BI \-o \ output-file
+Specify the name of a file where the LaTeX output is to be stored. A
+dash `-' causes the LaTeX output to be printed on standard output.
+.BI \-n \ line-width
+Set the line width. The default is 72 characters. The responses of the
+toplevel loop are folded if they are longer than the line width. No
+folding is performed on the Coq input text.
+.BI \-image \ coq-image
+Cause the file
+.IR coq-image
+to be executed to evaluate the Coq phrases. By default,
+this is the command
+.IR coqtop
+without specifying any path which is used to evaluate the Coq phrases.
+.B -w
+Cause lines to be folded on a space character whenever possible,
+avoiding word cuts in the output. By default, folding occurs at
+the line width, regardless of word cuts.
+.B -v
+Verbose mode. Prints the Coq answers on the standard output.
+Useful to detect errors in Coq phrases.
+.B -sl
+Slanted mode. The Coq answers are written in a slanted font.
+.B -hrule
+Horizontal lines mode. The Coq parts are written between two
+horizontal lines.
+.B -small
+Small font mode. The Coq parts are written in a smaller font.
+The \\begin... and \\end... phrases must sit on a line by themselves,
+with no characters before the backslash or after the closing brace.
+Each Coq phrase must be terminated by `.' at the end of a line.
+Blank space is accepted between `.' and the newline, but any other
+character will cause coq-tex to ignore the end of the phrase,
+resulting in an incorrect shuffling of the responses into the phrases.
+(The responses ``lag behind''.)
+.B coqtop
diff --git a/tools/coq-tex.ml b/tools/coq-tex.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69882c0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coq-tex.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* coq-tex
+ * JCF, 16/1/98
+ * adapted from caml-tex (perl script written by Xavier Leroy)
+ *
+ * Perl isn't as portable as it pretends to be, and is quite difficult
+ * to read and maintain... Let us rewrite the stuff in Caml! *)
+let _ =
+ match Sys.os_type with
+ | "Unix" -> ()
+ | _ -> begin
+ print_string "This program only runs under Unix !\n";
+ flush stdout;
+ exit 1
+ end
+let linelen = ref 72
+let output = ref ""
+let output_specified = ref false
+let image = ref ""
+let cut_at_blanks = ref false
+let verbose = ref false
+let slanted = ref false
+let hrule = ref false
+let small = ref false
+let coq_prompt = Str.regexp "Coq < "
+let any_prompt = Str.regexp "^[A-Z0-9a-z_\$']* < "
+let remove_prompt s = Str.replace_first any_prompt "" s
+(* First pass: extract the Coq phrases to evaluate from [texfile]
+ * and put them into the file [inputv] *)
+let begin_coq = Str.regexp "\\\\begin{coq_\(example\|example\*\|eval\)}[ \t]*$"
+let end_coq = Str.regexp "\\\\end{coq_\(example\|example\*\|eval\)}[ \t]*$"
+let extract texfile inputv =
+ let chan_in = open_in texfile in
+ let chan_out = open_out inputv in
+ let rec inside () =
+ let s = input_line chan_in in
+ if Str.string_match end_coq s 0 then
+ outside ()
+ else begin
+ output_string chan_out (s ^ "\n");
+ inside ()
+ end
+ and outside () =
+ let s = input_line chan_in in
+ if Str.string_match begin_coq s 0 then
+ inside ()
+ else
+ outside ()
+ in
+ try
+ outside ()
+ with End_of_file ->
+ begin close_in chan_in; close_out chan_out end
+(* Second pass: insert the answers of Coq from [coq_output] into the
+ * TeX file [texfile]. The result goes in file [result]. *)
+let begin_coq_example =
+ Str.regexp "\\\\begin{coq_\(example\|example\*\)}[ \t]*$"
+let begin_coq_eval = Str.regexp "\\\\begin{coq_eval}[ \t]*$"
+let end_coq_example = Str.regexp "\\\\end{coq_\(example\|example\*\)}[ \t]*$"
+let end_coq_eval = Str.regexp "\\\\end{coq_eval}[ \t]*$"
+let dot_end_line = Str.regexp "\\.[ \t]*$"
+let has_match r s =
+ try let _ = Str.search_forward r s 0 in true with Not_found -> false
+let percent = Str.regexp "%"
+let bang = Str.regexp "!"
+let expos = Str.regexp "^"
+let tex_escaped s =
+ let rec trans = parser
+ | [< s1 = (parser
+ | [< ''_'|'$'|'{'|'}'|'&'|'%'|'#' as c >] ->
+ "\\" ^ (String.make 1 c)
+ | [< ''\\' >] -> "\\char'134"
+ | [< ''^' >] -> "\\char'136"
+ | [< ''~' >] -> "\\char'176"
+ | [< '' ' >] -> "~"
+ | [< 'c >] -> String.make 1 c);
+ s2 = trans >] -> s1 ^ s2
+ | [< >] -> ""
+ in
+ trans (Stream.of_string s)
+let encapsule sl c_out s =
+ if sl then
+ Printf.fprintf c_out "\\texttt{\\textit{%s}}\\\\\n" (tex_escaped s)
+ else
+ Printf.fprintf c_out "\\texttt{%s}\\\\\n" (tex_escaped s)
+let print_block c_out bl =
+ List.iter (fun s -> if s="" then () else encapsule !slanted c_out s) bl
+let insert texfile coq_output result =
+ let c_tex = open_in texfile in
+ let c_coq = open_in coq_output in
+ let c_out = open_out result in
+ (* next_block k : this function reads the next block of Coq output
+ * removing the k leading prompts.
+ * it returns the block as a list of string) *)
+ let last_read = ref "" in
+ let next_block k =
+ if !last_read = "" then last_read := input_line c_coq;
+ (* skip k prompts *)
+ for i = 1 to k do
+ last_read := remove_prompt !last_read;
+ done;
+ (* read and return the following lines until a prompt is found *)
+ let rec read_lines () =
+ let s = input_line c_coq in
+ if Str.string_match any_prompt s 0 then begin
+ last_read := s; []
+ end else
+ s :: (read_lines ())
+ in
+ let first = !last_read in first :: (read_lines ())
+ in
+ (* we are outside of a \begin{coq_...} ... \end{coq_...} block *)
+ let rec outside () =
+ let s = input_line c_tex in
+ if Str.string_match begin_coq_example s 0 then begin
+ if !small then output_string c_out "\\begin{small}\n";
+ output_string c_out "\\begin{flushleft}\n";
+ if !hrule then output_string c_out "\\hrulefill\\\\\n";
+ inside (Str.matched_group 1 s = "example") 0 true
+ end else if Str.string_match begin_coq_eval s 0 then
+ eval 0
+ else begin
+ output_string c_out (s ^ "\n");
+ outside ()
+ end
+ (* we are inside a \begin{coq_example?} ... \end{coq_example?} block
+ * show_answers tells what kind of block it is
+ * k is the number of lines read until now *)
+ and inside show_answers k first_block =
+ let s = input_line c_tex in
+ if Str.string_match end_coq_example s 0 then begin
+ if !hrule then output_string c_out "\\hrulefill\\\\\n";
+ output_string c_out "\\end{flushleft}\n";
+ if !small then output_string c_out "\\end{small}\n";
+ outside ()
+ end else begin
+ if !verbose then Printf.printf "Coq < %s\n" s;
+ if (not first_block) & k=0 then output_string c_out "\\medskip\n";
+ encapsule false c_out ("Coq < " ^ s);
+ if has_match dot_end_line s then begin
+ let bl = next_block (succ k) in
+ if !verbose then List.iter print_endline bl;
+ if show_answers then print_block c_out bl;
+ inside show_answers 0 false
+ end else
+ inside show_answers (succ k) first_block
+ end
+ (* we are inside a \begin{coq_eval} ... \end{coq_eval} block
+ * k is the number of lines read until now *)
+ and eval k =
+ let s = input_line c_tex in
+ if Str.string_match end_coq_eval s 0 then
+ outside ()
+ else begin
+ if !verbose then Printf.printf "Coq < %s\n" s;
+ if has_match dot_end_line s then
+ let bl = next_block (succ k) in
+ if !verbose then List.iter print_endline bl;
+ eval 0
+ else
+ eval (succ k)
+ end
+ in
+ try
+ let _ = next_block 0 in (* to skip the Coq banner *)
+ outside ()
+ with End_of_file -> begin
+ close_in c_tex;
+ close_in c_coq;
+ close_out c_out
+ end
+(* Process of one TeX file *)
+let rm f = try Sys.remove f with _ -> ()
+let one_file texfile =
+ let inputv = Filename.temp_file "coq_tex" ".v" in
+ let coq_output = Filename.temp_file "coq_tex" ".coq_output"in
+ let result =
+ if !output_specified then
+ !output
+ else if Filename.check_suffix texfile ".tex" then
+ (Filename.chop_suffix texfile ".tex") ^ ".v.tex"
+ else
+ texfile ^ ".v.tex"
+ in
+ try
+ (* 1. extract Coq phrases *)
+ extract texfile inputv;
+ (* 2. run Coq on input *)
+ let _ = Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "%s < %s > %s 2>&1" !image inputv
+ coq_output)
+ in
+ (* 3. insert Coq output into original file *)
+ insert texfile coq_output result;
+ (* 4. clean up *)
+ rm inputv; rm coq_output
+ with e -> begin
+ rm inputv; rm coq_output;
+ raise e
+ end
+(* Parsing of the command line, check of the Coq command and process
+ * of all the files in the command line, one by one *)
+let files = ref []
+let parse_cl () =
+ Arg.parse
+ [ "-o", Arg.String (fun s -> output_specified := true; output := s),
+ "output-file Specifiy the resulting LaTeX file";
+ "-n", Arg.Int (fun n -> linelen := n),
+ "line-width Set the line width";
+ "-image", Arg.String (fun s -> image := s),
+ "coq-image Use coq-image as Coq command";
+ "-w", Arg.Set cut_at_blanks,
+ " Try to cut lines at blanks";
+ "-v", Arg.Set verbose,
+ " Verbose mode (show Coq answers on stdout)";
+ "-sl", Arg.Set slanted,
+ " Coq answers in slanted font (only with LaTeX2e)";
+ "-hrule", Arg.Set hrule,
+ " Coq parts are written between 2 horizontal lines";
+ "-small", Arg.Set small,
+ " Coq parts are written in small font"
+ ]
+ (fun s -> files := s :: !files)
+ "coq-tex [options] file ..."
+let main () =
+ parse_cl ();
+ if !image = "" then begin
+ Printf.printf "Warning: preprocessing with default image \"coqtop\"\n";
+ image := "coqtop"
+ end;
+ if Sys.command (!image ^ " -batch > /dev/null 2>&1") <> 0 then begin
+ Printf.printf "Error: ";
+ let _ = Sys.command (!image ^ " -batch") in
+ exit 1
+ end else begin
+ Printf.printf "Your version of coqtop seems OK\n";
+ flush stdout
+ end;
+ List.iter one_file (List.rev !files)
+let _ = Printexc.catch main ()
diff --git a/tools/coq.el b/tools/coq.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d54c888f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coq.el
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+;; coq.el --- Coq mode editing commands for Emacs
+;; Jean-Christophe Filliatre, march 1995
+;; Honteusement pompé de caml.el, Xavier Leroy, july 1993.
+(defvar coq-mode-map nil
+ "Keymap used in Coq mode.")
+(if coq-mode-map
+ ()
+ (setq coq-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key coq-mode-map "\t" 'coq-indent-command)
+ (define-key coq-mode-map "\M-\t" 'coq-unindent-command)
+(defvar coq-mode-syntax-table nil
+ "Syntax table in use in Coq mode buffers.")
+(if coq-mode-syntax-table
+ ()
+ (setq coq-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
+ ; ( is first character of comment start
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()1" coq-mode-syntax-table)
+ ; * is second character of comment start,
+ ; and first character of comment end
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" coq-mode-syntax-table)
+ ; ) is last character of comment end
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(4" coq-mode-syntax-table)
+ ; quote is a string-like delimiter (for character literals)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" coq-mode-syntax-table)
+ ; quote is part of words
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w" coq-mode-syntax-table)
+(defvar coq-mode-indentation 2
+ "*Indentation for each extra tab in Coq mode.")
+;;; The major mode
+(defun coq-mode ()
+ "Major mode for editing Coq code.
+Tab at the beginning of a line indents this line like the line above.
+Extra tabs increase the indentation level.
+The variable coq-mode-indentation indicates how many spaces are
+inserted for each indentation level."
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (setq major-mode 'coq-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "coq")
+ (use-local-map coq-mode-map)
+ (set-syntax-table coq-mode-syntax-table)
+ (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
+ (setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
+ (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
+ (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
+ (make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
+ (setq paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t)
+ (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
+ (setq require-final-newline t)
+ (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
+ (setq comment-start "(* ")
+ (make-local-variable 'comment-end)
+ (setq comment-end " *)")
+ (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
+ (setq comment-column 40)
+ (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
+ (setq comment-start-skip "(\\*+ *")
+ (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
+ (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments nil)
+ (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
+ (setq indent-line-function 'coq-indent-command)
+ (run-hooks 'coq-mode-hook))
+;;; Indentation stuff
+(defun coq-in-indentation ()
+ "Tests whether all characters between beginning of line and point
+are blanks."
+ (save-excursion
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (bolp)))
+(defun coq-indent-command ()
+ "Indent the current line in Coq mode.
+When the point is at the beginning of an empty line, indent this line like
+the line above.
+When the point is at the beginning of an indented line
+\(i.e. all characters between beginning of line and point are blanks\),
+increase the indentation by one level.
+The indentation size is given by the variable coq-mode-indentation.
+In all other cases, insert a tabulation (using insert-tab)."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((begline
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (point)))
+ (current-offset
+ (- (point) begline))
+ (previous-indentation
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (eq (forward-line -1) 0) (current-indentation) 0))))
+ (cond ((and (bolp)
+ (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
+ (> previous-indentation 0))
+ (indent-to previous-indentation))
+ ((coq-in-indentation)
+ (indent-to (+ current-offset coq-mode-indentation)))
+ (t
+ (insert-tab)))))
+(defun coq-unindent-command ()
+ "Decrease indentation by one level in Coq mode.
+Works only if the point is at the beginning of an indented line
+\(i.e. all characters between beginning of line and point are blanks\).
+Does nothing otherwise."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((begline
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (point)))
+ (current-offset
+ (- (point) begline)))
+ (if (and (>= current-offset coq-mode-indentation)
+ (coq-in-indentation))
+ (backward-delete-char-untabify coq-mode-indentation))))
+;;; Hilight
+ (window-system
+ (setq hilit-mode-enable-list '(not text-mode)
+ hilit-inhibit-hooks nil
+ hilit-inhibit-rebinding nil)
+ (require 'hilit19)
+ (setq hilit-quietly t)
+ (hilit-set-mode-patterns
+ 'coq-mode
+ '(;;comments
+ ("(\\*" "\\*)" comment)
+ ;;strings
+ (hilit-string-find ?' string)
+ ;;directives
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(AddPath\\|DelPath\\|Add[ \t]+ML[ \t]+Path\\|Declare[ \t]+ML[ \t]+Module\\|Require\\|Export\\|Module\\|Opaque\\|Transparent\\|Section\\|Chapter\\|End\\|Load\\|Print\\|Show\\)[ \t]+[^.]*" nil include)
+ ("Implicit[ \t]+Arguments[ \t]+\\(On\\|Off\\)[^.]*" nil include)
+ ;;grammar definitions
+ ("^[ \t]*Syntax[ \t]+\\(tactic\\|command\\)" nil define)
+ ("^[ \t]*Syntax[ \t]+\\(tactic\\|command\\)[ \t]*level[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*" nil define)
+ ("^[ \t]*level[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*:" nil define)
+ ("^[ \t]*Grammar.*" ":=" define)
+ ("^[ \t]*Tactic[ \t]+Definition" ":=" define)
+ ("^[ \t]*Token[^.]*" nil define)
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Coercion\\|Class\\|Infix\\)[ \t]+[[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil define)
+ ;;declarations
+ ("^[ \t]*Recursive[ \t]+Definition[ \t]+[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*Syntactic[ \t]+Definition[ \t]+[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*Tactic[ \t]+Definition[ \t]+[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*Inductive[ \t]+\\(Set\\|Prop\\|Type\\)[ \t]+[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*Mutual[ \t]+\\(Inductive\\|CoInductive\\)[ \t]+[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Inductive\\|CoInductive\\|CoFixpoint\\|Definition\\|Local\\|Fixpoint\\|with\\|Record\\|Correctness\\)[ \t]+[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Derive\\|Dependant[ \t]+Derive\\)[ \t]+\\(Inversion\\|Inversion_clear\\)[ \t]+[A-Za-z0-9$_\\']+" nil defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Variable\\|Parameter\\|Hypothesis\\).*" ":" defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Global[ \t]+Variable\\).*" ":" defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Realizer[ \t]+Program\\|Realizer\\)" nil defun)
+ ;;proofs
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Lemma\\|Theorem\\|Remark\\|Axiom\\).*" ":" defun)
+ ("^[ \t]*Proof" nil decl)
+ ("^[ \t]*\\(Save\\|Qed\\|Defined\\|Hint\\|Immediate\\)[^.]*" nil decl)
+ ;;keywords
+ ("[^_]\\<\\(Case\\|Cases\\|case\\|esac\\|of\\|end\\|in\\|Match\\|with\\|Fix\\|let\\|if\\|then\\|else\\)\\>[^_]" 1 keyword)
+ ("[^_]\\<\\(begin\\|assert\\|invariant\\|variant\\|for\\|while\\|do\\|done\\|state\\)\\>[^_]" 1 keyword)
+ ))
+;;; coq.el ends here
+(provide 'coq) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/coq_makefile.ml b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..288d8a035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* créer un Makefile pour un développement Coq automatiquement *)
+type target =
+ | ML of string (* ML file : foo.ml -> (ML "foo") *)
+ | V of string (* V file : foo.v -> (V "foo") *)
+ | Special of string * string * string (* file, dependencies, command *)
+ | Subdir of string
+ | Def of string * string (* X=foo -> Def ("X","foo") *)
+ | Include of string
+let output_channel = ref stdout
+let some_file = ref false
+let some_vfile = ref false
+let some_mlfile = ref false
+let opt = ref "-opt"
+let print x = output_string !output_channel x
+let rec print_list sep = function
+ | [ x ] -> print x
+ | x::l -> print x ; print sep ; print_list sep l
+ | [] -> ()
+let section s =
+ let l = String.length s in
+ let sep = String.make (l+5) '#'
+ and sep2 = String.make (l+5) ' ' in
+ String.set sep (l+4) '\n';
+ String.set sep2 0 '#';
+ String.set sep2 (l+3) '#';
+ String.set sep2 (l+4) '\n';
+ print sep;
+ print sep2;
+ print "# "; print s; print " #\n";
+ print sep2;
+ print sep;
+ print "\n"
+let usage () =
+ output_string stderr "Usage summary:
+do_Makefile [subdirectory] .... [file.v] ... [file.ml] ... [-custom
+ command dependencies file] ... [-I dir] ... [VARIABLE = value] ...
+ [-full] [-no-opt] [-f file] [-o file] [-h] [--help]
+[file.v]: Coq file to be compiled
+[file.ml]: ML file to be compiled
+[subdirectory] : subdirectory that should be \"made\"
+[-custom command dependencies file]: add target \"file\" with command
+ \"command\" and dependencies \"dependencies\"
+[-I dir]: look for dependencies in \"dir\"
+[VARIABLE = value]: Add the variable definition \"VARIABLE=value\"
+[-full]: \"opt\" should use \"coqc -full\" instead of \"coqc -opt\"
+[-no-opt]: target \"opt\" should be equivalent to \"byte\"
+[-f file]: take the contents of file as arguments
+[-o file]: output should go in file file
+[-h]: print this usage summary
+[--help]: equivalent to [-h]\n";
+ exit 1
+let standard sds =
+ print "byte::\n";
+ print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT=\"\n\n";
+ print "opt::\n";
+ if !opt = "" then print "\t@echo \"WARNING: opt is disabled\"\n";
+ print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT="; print !opt ; print "\"\n\n";
+ if !some_file then print "include .depend\n\n";
+ print "depend::\n";
+ if !some_file then begin
+ print "\trm .depend\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDEP) -i $(LIBS) *.v *.ml *.mli >.depend\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDEP) $(LIBS) -suffix .html *.v >>.depend\n";
+ if !some_mlfile then print "\t$(P4DEP) *.ml >>.depend\n"
+ end;
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) depend)\n")
+ sds;
+ print "\n";
+ print "install::\n";
+ print "\t@if test -z $(TARGETDIR); then echo \"You must set TARGETDIR (for instance with 'make TARGETDIR=foobla install')\"; exit 1; fi\n";
+ if !some_vfile then print "\tcp -f *.vo $(TARGETDIR)\n";
+ if !some_mlfile then print "\tcp -f *.cmo $(TARGETDIR)\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) install)\n")
+ sds;
+ print "\n";
+ print "Makefile::\n";
+ print "\tmv -f Makefile Makefile.bak\n";
+ print "\tdo_Makefile -f Make -o Makefile\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "clean::\n";
+ print "\trm -f *.cmo *.cmi *.cmx *.o *.vo *.vi *~\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) clean)\n")
+ sds;
+ print "\n";
+ print "archclean::\n";
+ print "\trm -f *.cmx *.o\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) archclean)\n")
+ sds;
+ print "\n"
+let implicit () =
+ let ml_rules () =
+ print ".mli.cmi:\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n" ;
+ print ".ml.cmo:\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n" ;
+ print ".ml.cmx:\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n" ;
+ print ".ml4.cmo:\n\t$(CAMLC) -pp $(P4) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -impl $<\n\n";
+ print ".ml4.cmx:\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) -pp $(P4) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS)\n\n"
+ and v_rule () =
+ print ".v.vo:\n\t$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n" ;
+ print ".v.vi:\n\t$(COQC) -i $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n" ;
+ print ".v.g:\n\t$(GALLINA) $<\n\n" ;
+ print ".v.html:\n\t$(COQ2HTML) $<\n\n" ;
+ print ".v.tex:\n\t$(COQ2LATEX) $< -latex -o $@\n\n" ;
+ print ".v.g.html:\n\t$(GALLINA) -stdout $< | $(COQ2HTML) -f > $@\n\n" ;
+ print
+ ".v.g.tex:\n\t$(GALLINA) -stdout $< | $(COQ2LATEX) - -latex -o $@\n\n"
+ and ml_suffixes =
+ if !some_mlfile then
+ [ ".mli" ; ".ml" ; ".cmo" ; ".cmi"; ".cmx" ]
+ else
+ []
+ and v_suffixes =
+ if !some_vfile then
+ [ ".v" ; ".vo" ; ".vi" ; ".g" ; ".html" ; ".tex" ;
+ ".g.tex" ; ".g.html" ]
+ else
+ []
+ in
+ let suffixes = ml_suffixes @ v_suffixes in
+ if suffixes <> [] then begin
+ print ".SUFFIXES: " ; print_list " " suffixes ;
+ print "\n\n"
+ end;
+ if !some_mlfile then ml_rules ();
+ if !some_vfile then v_rule ()
+let variables l =
+ let rec var_aux = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | Def(v,def)::r -> print v ; print "=" ; print def ; print "\n";var_aux r
+ | _::r -> var_aux r
+ in
+ section "Variables definitions.";
+ print "CAMLP4LIB=`camlp4 -where`\n";
+ print "MAKE=make \"COQBIN=$(COQBIN)\" \"OPT=$(OPT)\"\n";
+ print "COQSRC=-I $(COQTOP)/src/tactics -I $(COQTOP)/src/proofs \\
+ -I $(COQTOP)/src/syntax -I $(COQTOP)/src/env -I $(COQTOP)/src/lib/util \\
+ -I $(COQTOP)/src/constr -I $(COQTOP)/tactics -I $(COQTOP)/src/meta \\
+ -I $(COQTOP)/src/parsing -I $(COQTOP)/src/typing -I $(CAMLP4LIB)\n";
+ print "ZFLAGS=$(LIBS) $(COQSRC)\n";
+ print "FULLOPT=$(OPT:-opt=-full)\n";
+ if !opt="-opt" then
+ print "COQFLAGS=-q $(OPT) $(LIBS)\n"
+ else begin
+ print "OPTCOQ=";
+ print "$(OPT:-opt="; print !opt; print ")\n";
+ print "COQFLAGS=-q $(OPTCOQ) $(LIBS)\n"
+ end;
+ print "COQC=$(COQBIN)coqc\n";
+ print "COQFULL=$(COQBIN)coqc $(FULLOPT) -q $(LIBS)\n";
+ print "GALLINA=gallina\n";
+ print "COQ2HTML=coq2html\n";
+ print "COQ2LATEX=coq2latex\n";
+ print "CAMLC=ocamlc -c\n";
+ print "CAMLOPTC=ocamlopt -c\n";
+ print "CAMLLINK=ocamlc\n";
+ print "CAMLOPTLINK=ocamlopt\n";
+ print "COQDEP=$(COQBIN)coqdep -c\n";
+ print "P4=$(COQBIN)call_camlp4 -I $(COQTOP)/src/parsing \\
+ -I $(COQTOP)/theories/INIT -I $(COQTOP)/tactics\n";
+ print "P4DEP=$(COQBIN)camlp4dep\n";
+ var_aux l;
+ print "\n"
+let include_dirs l =
+ let rec include_aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Include x :: r -> ("-I "^x) :: (include_aux r)
+ | _ :: r -> include_aux r
+ in
+ let i = "-I ." :: (include_aux l) in
+ if i <> [] then begin
+ section "Libraries definition.";
+ print "LIBS="; print_list "\\\n " i; print "\n\n"
+ end
+let special l =
+ let pr_sp (file,dependencies,com) =
+ print file; print ": "; print dependencies; print "\n";
+ print "\t"; print com; print "\n\n"
+ in
+ let rec sp_aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Special(file,dependencies,com)::r -> (file,dependencies,com)::(sp_aux r)
+ | _::r -> sp_aux r
+ in
+ let sps = sp_aux l in
+ if sps <> [] then section "Custom targets.";
+ List.iter pr_sp sps
+let subdirs l =
+ let rec subdirs_aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Subdir x :: r -> x::(subdirs_aux r)
+ | _ :: r -> subdirs_aux r
+ and pr_subdir s =
+ print s ; print "::\n\tcd " ; print s ; print " ; $(MAKE) all\n\n"
+ in
+ let sds = subdirs_aux l in
+ if sds <> [] then section "Subdirectories.";
+ List.iter pr_subdir sds;
+ section "Special targets.";
+ print ".PHONY: " ;
+ print_list " "
+ ("all"::"opt"::"byte"::"archclean"::"clean"::"install"::"depend"::sds);
+ print "\n\n";
+ sds
+(* Extract gallina/html filenames (foo.v) from the list of all targets *)
+let rec other_files suff = function
+ | V n :: r ->
+ let f = (Filename.chop_suffix n "vo") ^ suff in
+ f :: (other_files suff r)
+ | _ :: r -> other_files suff r
+ | [] -> []
+let gfiles = other_files "g"
+let hfiles = other_files "html"
+let tfiles = other_files "tex"
+let vifiles = other_files "vi"
+let gtfiles l = List.map (fun f -> f^".tex") (gfiles l)
+let ghfiles l = List.map (fun f -> f^".html") (gfiles l)
+let all_target l =
+ let rec fnames = function
+ | ML n :: r -> n::(fnames r)
+ | Subdir n ::r -> n::(fnames r)
+ | V n :: r -> n::(fnames r)
+ | Special (n,_,_) :: r -> n::(fnames r)
+ | Include _ :: r -> fnames r
+ | Def _ :: r -> fnames r
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ section "Definition of the \"all\" target.";
+ print "all:: "; print_list "\\\n " (fnames l) ;
+ print "\n\n" ;
+ if !some_vfile then begin
+ print "spec:: "; print_list "\\\n " (vifiles l) ;
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "gallina:: "; print_list "\\\n " (gfiles l) ;
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "html:: "; print_list "\\\n " (hfiles l) ;
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "tex:: "; print_list "\\\n " (tfiles l) ;
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "gallinatex:: "; print_list "\\\n " (gtfiles l) ;
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "gallinahtml:: "; print_list "\\\n " (ghfiles l) ;
+ print "\n\n";
+ end
+let parse f =
+ let rec string = parser
+ | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\t' >] -> ""
+ | [< 'c ; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(string s)
+ | [< >] -> ""
+ and string2 = parser
+ | [< ''"' >] -> ""
+ | [< 'c ; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(string2 s)
+ and skip_comment = parser
+ | [< ''\n' ; s >] -> s
+ | [< 'c ; s >] -> skip_comment s
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+ and args = parser
+ | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\t'; s >] -> args s
+ | [< ''#' ; s >] -> args (skip_comment s)
+ | [< ''"' ; str = string2 ; s >] -> (""^str)::args s
+ | [< 'c ; str = string ; s >] -> ((String.make 1 c)^str)::(args s)
+ | [< >] -> []
+ in
+ let c = open_in f in
+ let res = args (Stream.of_channel c) in
+ close_in c;
+ res
+let rec process_cmd_line = function
+ | [] ->
+ some_file := !some_file or !some_mlfile or !some_vfile ; []
+ | ("-h"|"--help") :: _ ->
+ usage ()
+ | "-no-opt" :: r ->
+ opt := "" ; process_cmd_line r
+ | "-full"::r ->
+ opt := "-full" ; process_cmd_line r
+ | "-custom" :: com :: dependencies :: file :: r ->
+ some_file := true;
+ Special (file,dependencies,com) :: (process_cmd_line r)
+ | "-I" :: d :: r ->
+ Include d :: (process_cmd_line r)
+ | ("-I" | "-h" | "--help" | "-custom") :: _ ->
+ usage ()
+ | "-f"::file::r ->
+ process_cmd_line ((parse file)@r)
+ | ["-f"] ->
+ usage ()
+ | "-o" :: file :: r ->
+ output_channel := (open_out file);
+ (process_cmd_line r)
+ | v :: "=" :: def :: r ->
+ Def (v,def) :: (process_cmd_line r)
+ | f :: r ->
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then begin
+ some_vfile := true;
+ V (f^"o") :: (process_cmd_line r)
+ end else if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" then begin
+ some_mlfile := true;
+ ML ((Filename.chop_suffix f "ml")^"cmo") :: (process_cmd_line r)
+ end else
+ Subdir f :: (process_cmd_line r)
+let banner () =
+ print
+## The Calculus of Inductive Constructions ##
+## ##
+## Projet Coq ##
+## ##
+## Rocquencourt Lyon ##
+## ##
+## Coq V6.1 ##
+## ##
+## ##
+let warning () =
+ print "# WARNING\n#\n";
+ print "# This Makefile has been automagically generated by do_Makefile\n";
+ print "# Edit at your own risks !\n";
+ print "#\n# END OF WARNING\n\n"
+let command_line args =
+ print "#\n# This Makefile was generated by the command line :\n";
+ print "# do_Makefile ";
+ List.iter (fun x -> print x; print " ") args;
+ print "\n#\n\n"
+let do_makefile args =
+ let l = process_cmd_line args in
+ banner ();
+ warning ();
+ command_line args;
+ variables l;
+ include_dirs l;
+ all_target l;
+ special l;
+ let sds = subdirs l in
+ implicit ();
+ standard sds;
+ warning ();
+ if not (!output_channel == stdout) then close_out !output_channel;
+ exit 0
+let main () =
+ let args =
+ if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then usage ();
+ List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)
+ in
+ do_makefile args
+let _ = Printexc.catch main ()
diff --git a/tools/coqdep.1 b/tools/coqdep.1
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..342a52d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdep.1
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+.TH COQ 1 "28 March 1995" "Coq tools"
+coqdep \- Compute inter-module dependencies for Coq and Caml programs
+.B coqdep
+.BI \-w
+.BI \-I \ directory
+.BI \-coqlib \ directory
+.BI \-c
+.BI \-i
+.BI \-D
+.I filename ...
+.I directory ...
+.B coqdep
+compute inter-module dependencies for Coq and Caml programs,
+and prints the dependencies on the standard output in a format
+readable by make.
+When a directory is given as argument, it is recursively looked at.
+Dependencies of Coq modules are computed by looking at
+.IR Require \&
+commands (Require, Require Export, Require Import, Require Implementation),
+.IR Declare \&
+.IR ML \&
+.IR Module \&
+commands. Dependencies relative to modules from the Coq library are not
+Dependencies of Caml modules are computed by looking at
+.IR open \&
+directives and the dot notation
+.IR module.value \&.
+.BI \-c
+Prints the dependencies of Caml modules.
+(On Caml modules, the behaviour is exactly the same as cldepend,
+except that nested comments and strings are correctly handled).
+.BI \-w
+Prints a warning if a Coq command
+.IR Declare \&
+.IR ML \&
+.IR Module \&
+is incorrect. (For instance, you wrote `Declare ML Module "A".',
+but the module A contains #open "B"). The correct command is printed
+(see option -D). The warning is printed on standard error.
+.BI \-i
+Prints also the dependencies for .vi files (Coq specification modules).
+.BI \-D
+This commands looks for every command
+.IR Declare \&
+.IR ML \&
+.IR Module \&
+of each Coq file given as argument and complete (if needed)
+the list of Caml modules. The new command is printed on
+the standard output. No dependency is computed with this option.
+.BI \-I \ directory
+The files .v .ml .mli of the directory
+.IR directory \&
+are taken into account during the calculus of dependencies,
+but their own dependencies are not printed.
+.BI \-coqlib \ directory
+Indicates where is the Coq library. The default value has been
+determined at installation time, and therefore this option should not
+be used.
+.BR camlc (1),
+.BR coqc (1),
+.BR make (1).
+Lexers (for Coq and Caml) correctly handle nested comments
+and strings.
+The treatment of symbolic links is primitive.
+If two files have the same name, in two different directories,
+a warning is printed on standard error.
+There is no way to limit the scope of the recursive search for
+Consider the files (in the same directory):
+ A.ml B.ml C.ml D.ml X.v Y.v and Z.v
+.BI \+
+D.ml contains the commands `#open "A"', `#open "B"' and `type t = C__t' ;
+.BI \+
+Y.v contains the command `Require X' ;
+.BI \+
+Z.v contains the commands `Require X' and `Declare ML Module "D"'.
+To get the dependencies of the Coq files:
+example% coqdep -I . *.v
+.sp .5
+.B Z.vo: Z.v ./X.vo ./D.zo
+.B Y.vo: Y.v ./X.vo
+.B X.vo: X.v
+.ne 7
+With a warning:
+example% coqdep -w -I . *.v
+.sp .5
+.B Z.vo: Z.v ./X.vo ./D.zo
+.B Y.vo: Y.v ./X.vo
+.B X.vo: X.v
+### Warning : In file Z.v, the ML modules declaration should be
+### Declare ML Module "A" "B" "C" "D".
+.ne 7
+To get only the Caml dependencies:
+example% coqdep -c -I . *.ml
+.sp .5
+.B D.zo: D.ml ./A.zo ./B.zo ./C.zo
+.B C.zo: C.ml
+.B B.zo: B.ml
+.B A.zo: A.ml
+.ne 7
+Please report any bug to
+.B coq@pauillac.inria.fr
diff --git a/tools/coqdep.ml b/tools/coqdep.ml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..16b0e4809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdep.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Coqdep_lexer
+open Unix
+let stderr = Pervasives.stderr
+let stdout = Pervasives.stdout
+let option_c = ref false
+let option_D = ref false
+let option_w = ref false
+let option_i = ref false
+let suffixe = ref ".vo"
+let suffixe_spec = ref ".vi"
+let traite_fichier_ML md ext =
+ try
+ let chan = open_in (md^ext) in
+ let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ let deja_vu = ref [md] in
+ let a_faire = ref "" in
+ let a_faire_opt = ref "" in
+ begin try
+ while true do
+ let (Use_module str) = caml_action buf in
+ if List.mem str !deja_vu then
+ ()
+ else begin
+ deja_vu := str :: !deja_vu;
+ begin try
+ let mlidir = List.assoc str !mliKnown in
+ let filename = file_name (str,mlidir) in
+ a_faire := !a_faire ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmi";
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let mldir = List.assoc str !mlKnown in
+ let filename = file_name (str,mldir) in
+ a_faire := !a_faire ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmo";
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ end;
+ begin try
+ let mldir = List.assoc str !mlKnown in
+ let filename = file_name (str,mldir) in
+ a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmx"
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let mlidir = List.assoc str !mliKnown in
+ let filename = file_name (str,mlidir) in
+ a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmi"
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ end
+ end
+ done
+ with Fin_fichier -> ()
+ end;
+ close_in chan;
+ (!a_faire, !a_faire_opt)
+ with Sys_error _ -> ("","")
+let warning_notfound f s =
+ output_string stderr ("*** Warning : in file " ^ f ^ ", the file ");
+ output_string stderr ( s ^ ".v is required and has not been found !\n");
+ flush stderr
+let traite_fichier_Coq f =
+ try
+ let chan = open_in f in
+ let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ let deja_vu_v = ref ([]: string list)
+ and deja_vu_ml = ref ([] : string list) in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let tok = coq_action buf in
+ match tok with
+ | Require (spec,str) ->
+ if not (List.mem str !deja_vu_v) then begin
+ deja_vu_v := str :: !deja_vu_v;
+ try
+ let vdir = List.assoc str !vKnown in
+ print_string " ";
+ print_string (file_name (str,vdir));
+ print_string (if spec then !suffixe_spec else !suffixe)
+ with Not_found ->
+ begin
+ try let _ = List.assoc str !coqlibKnown in ()
+ with Not_found -> warning_notfound f str end
+ end
+ | RequireString (spec,s) ->
+ let str = Filename.basename s in
+ if not (List.mem str !deja_vu_v) then begin
+ deja_vu_v := str :: !deja_vu_v;
+ try
+ let vdir = List.assoc str !vKnown in
+ print_string " ";
+ print_string (file_name (str,vdir));
+ print_string (if spec then !suffixe_spec else !suffixe)
+ with Not_found ->
+ begin try let _ = List.assoc s !coqlibKnown in ()
+ with Not_found -> warning_notfound f s end
+ end
+ | Declare sl ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun str ->
+ if not (List.mem str !deja_vu_ml) then begin
+ deja_vu_ml := str :: !deja_vu_ml;
+ try
+ let mldir = List.assoc str !mlKnown in
+ print_string " ";
+ print_string (file_name (str,mldir));
+ print_string ".cmo"
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ end)
+ sl
+ done
+ with Fin_fichier -> ();
+ close_in chan
+ with Sys_error _ -> ()
+let mL_dep_list b f =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find dep_tab f
+ with Not_found ->
+ let deja_vu = ref ([] : string list) in
+ try
+ let chan = open_in f in
+ let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let (Use_module str) = caml_action buf in
+ if str = b then begin
+ output_string stderr ("*** Warning : in file "^f^" the");
+ output_string stderr (" notation "^b^"__ is useless !\n");
+ flush stderr
+ end else if List.mem str !deja_vu then
+ ()
+ else
+ deja_vu := str :: !deja_vu
+ done; []
+ with Fin_fichier -> begin
+ close_in chan;
+ let rl = List.rev !deja_vu in
+ Hashtbl.add dep_tab f rl;
+ rl
+ end
+ with Sys_error _ -> []
+let affiche_Declare f dcl =
+ print_newline ();
+ print_string ("*** In file "^f^" : ");
+ print_newline ();
+ print_string "Declare ML Module";
+ List.iter (fun str -> print_string " ";
+ print_char '"'; print_string str;
+ print_char '"') dcl;
+ print_string ".";
+ print_newline();
+ flush stdout
+let warning_Declare f dcl =
+ output_string stderr ("*** Warning : in file "^f^", the ML modules");
+ output_string stderr " declaration should be\n";
+ output_string stderr "*** Declare ML Module";
+ List.iter (fun str -> output_string stderr " ";
+ output_char stderr '"'; output_string stderr str;
+ output_char stderr '"') dcl;
+ output_string stderr ".\n";
+ flush stderr
+let traite_Declare f =
+ let decl_list = ref ([] : string list) in
+ let rec treat = function
+ | s::ll ->
+ if (List.mem_assoc s !mlKnown) & not (List.mem s !decl_list) then begin
+ let mldir = List.assoc s !mlKnown in
+ let fullname = file_name (s,mldir) in
+ let depl = mL_dep_list s (fullname^".ml") in
+ treat depl;
+ decl_list := s :: !decl_list
+ end;
+ treat ll
+ | [] -> ()
+ in
+ try
+ let chan = open_in f in
+ let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ begin try
+ while true do
+ let tok = coq_action buf in
+ (match tok with
+ | Declare sl ->
+ decl_list := [];
+ treat sl;
+ decl_list := List.rev !decl_list;
+ if !option_D then
+ affiche_Declare f !decl_list
+ else if !decl_list <> sl then
+ warning_Declare f !decl_list
+ | _ -> ())
+ done
+ with Fin_fichier -> () end;
+ close_in chan
+ with Sys_error _ -> ()
+let file_mem (f,_,d) =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | (f1,_,d1) :: l -> if f1 = f && d1 = d then true else loop l
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ loop
+let mL_dependencies () =
+ List.iter
+ (fun ((name,ext,dirname) as pairname) ->
+ let fullname = file_name (name,dirname) in
+ let (dep,dep_opt) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ext in
+ print_string fullname; print_string ".cmo: ";
+ print_string fullname; print_string ext;
+ if file_mem pairname !mliAccu then begin
+ print_string " "; print_string fullname; print_string ".cmi"
+ end;
+ print_string dep;
+ print_newline ();
+ print_string fullname; print_string ".cmx: ";
+ print_string fullname; print_string ext;
+ if file_mem pairname !mliAccu then begin
+ print_string " "; print_string fullname; print_string ".cmi"
+ end;
+ print_string dep_opt;
+ print_newline ();
+ flush stdout)
+ !mlAccu;
+ List.iter
+ (fun ((name,ext,dirname) as pairname) ->
+ let fullname = file_name (name,dirname) in
+ let (dep,_) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ext in
+ print_string fullname; print_string ".cmi: ";
+ print_string fullname;print_string ext;
+ print_string dep;
+ print_newline ();
+ flush stdout)
+ !mliAccu
+let coq_dependencies () =
+ List.iter
+ (fun ((name,dirname) as pairname) ->
+ let fullname = file_name pairname in
+ Printf.printf "%s%s: %s.v" fullname !suffixe fullname;
+ traite_fichier_Coq (fullname^".v");
+ print_newline ();
+ if !option_i then begin
+ Printf.printf "%s%s: %s.v" fullname !suffixe_spec fullname;
+ traite_fichier_Coq (fullname^".v");
+ print_newline ();
+ end;
+ flush stdout)
+ !vAccu
+let declare_dependencies () =
+ List.iter
+ (fun ((name,dirname) as pairname) ->
+ let fullname = file_name pairname in
+ traite_Declare (fullname^".v");
+ flush stdout)
+ !vAccu
+let rec warning_mult suf l =
+ let tab = Hashtbl.create 151 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (f,d) ->
+ begin try
+ let d' = Hashtbl.find tab f in
+ if (Filename.dirname (file_name (f,d)))
+ <> (Filename.dirname (file_name (f,d'))) then begin
+ output_string stderr "*** Warning : the file ";
+ output_string stderr (f ^ suf);
+ output_string stderr " is defined twice !\n";
+ flush stderr
+ end
+ with Not_found -> () end;
+ Hashtbl.add tab f d)
+ l
+let usage () =
+ print_string
+ "[ usage: coqdep [-w] [-I dir] [-coqlib dir] [-c] [-i] [-D] <filename>+ ]\n";
+ flush stdout;
+ exit 1
+let add_coqlib_known dir_name f =
+ let complete_name = Filename.concat dir_name f in
+ match try (stat complete_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
+ | S_REG ->
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".vo" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".vo" in
+ addQueue coqlibKnown (basename,Some dir_name)
+ | _ -> ()
+let add_coqlib_directory dir_name =
+ match try (stat dir_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
+ | S_DIR ->
+ (let dir = opendir dir_name in
+ try
+ while true do add_coqlib_known dir_name (readdir dir) done
+ with End_of_file -> closedir dir)
+ | _ -> ()
+let coqdep () =
+ let lg_command = Array.length Sys.argv in
+ if lg_command < 2 then usage ();
+ let rec treat old_dirname old_name =
+ let name = Filename.basename old_name
+ and new_dirname = Filename.dirname old_name in
+ let dirname =
+ match (old_dirname,new_dirname) with
+ | (d, ".") -> d
+ | (None,d) -> Some d
+ | (Some d1,d2) -> Some (Filename.concat d1 d2)
+ in
+ let complete_name = file_name (name,dirname) in
+ match try (stat (file_name (name,dirname))).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
+ | S_DIR ->
+ (if name <> "." & name <> ".." then
+ let dir=opendir complete_name in
+ let newdirname =
+ match dirname with
+ | None -> name
+ | Some d -> Filename.concat d name
+ in
+ try
+ while true do treat (Some newdirname) (readdir dir) done
+ with End_of_file -> closedir dir)
+ | S_REG ->
+ if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".ml" in
+ addQueue mlAccu (basename,".ml",dirname)
+ else if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml4" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".ml4" in
+ addQueue mlAccu (basename,".ml4",dirname)
+ else if Filename.check_suffix name ".mli" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".mli" in
+ addQueue mliAccu (basename,".mli",dirname)
+ else if Filename.check_suffix name ".v" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".v" in
+ addQueue vAccu (basename,dirname)
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ let add_known dir_name f =
+ let complete_name = Filename.concat dir_name f in
+ match try (stat complete_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
+ | S_REG ->
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".ml" in
+ addQueue mlKnown (basename,Some dir_name)
+ else if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml4" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".ml4" in
+ addQueue mlKnown (basename,Some dir_name)
+ else if Filename.check_suffix f ".mli" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".mli" in
+ addQueue mliKnown (basename,Some dir_name)
+ else if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then
+ let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".v" in
+ addQueue vKnown (basename,Some dir_name)
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ let add_directory dir_name =
+ match try (stat dir_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
+ | S_DIR ->
+ (let dir = opendir dir_name in
+ try
+ while true do add_known dir_name (readdir dir) done
+ with End_of_file -> closedir dir)
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ let rec parse = function
+ | "-c" :: ll -> option_c := true; parse ll
+ | "-D" :: ll -> option_D := true; parse ll
+ | "-w" :: ll -> option_w := true; parse ll
+ | "-i" :: ll -> option_i := true; parse ll
+ | "-I" :: (r :: ll) -> add_directory r; parse ll
+ | "-I" :: [] -> usage ()
+ | "-coqlib" :: (r :: ll) -> coqlib := r; parse ll
+ | "-coqlib" :: [] -> usage ()
+ | "-suffix" :: (s :: ll) -> suffixe := s ; suffixe_spec := s; parse ll
+ | "-suffix" :: [] -> usage ()
+ | f :: ll -> treat None f; parse ll
+ | [] -> ()
+ in
+ parse (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
+ let theories = Filename.concat !coqlib "theories" in
+ List.iter
+ (fun s -> add_coqlib_directory (Filename.concat theories s))
+ Coq_config.theories_dirs;
+ let tactics = Filename.concat !coqlib "tactics" in
+ add_coqlib_directory tactics;
+ List.iter
+ (fun s -> add_coqlib_directory (Filename.concat tactics s))
+ Coq_config.tactics_dirs;
+ mliKnown := !mliKnown @ (List.map (fun (f,_,d) -> (f,d)) !mliAccu);
+ mlKnown := !mlKnown @ (List.map (fun (f,_,d) -> (f,d)) !mlAccu);
+ vKnown := !vKnown @ !vAccu;
+ warning_mult ".mli" !mliKnown;
+ warning_mult ".ml" !mlKnown;
+ warning_mult ".v" !vKnown;
+ if !option_c & not !option_D then mL_dependencies ();
+ if not !option_D then coq_dependencies ();
+ if !option_w or !option_D then declare_dependencies ()
+let _ = Printexc.catch coqdep ()
diff --git a/tools/coqdep_lexer.mll b/tools/coqdep_lexer.mll
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d12e8518f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdep_lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ (* $Id: *)
+ open Lexing
+ type mL_token = Use_module of string
+ type spec = bool
+ type coq_token =
+ | Require of spec * string
+ | RequireString of spec * string
+ | Declare of string list
+ let mlAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * string option) list)
+ and mliAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * string option) list)
+ and vAccu = ref ([] : (string * string option) list)
+ let mlKnown = ref ([] : (string * string option) list)
+ and mliKnown = ref ([] : (string * string option) list)
+ and vKnown = ref ([] : (string * string option) list)
+ and coqlibKnown = ref ([] : (string * string option) list)
+ let coqlib = ref Coq_config.coqlib
+ let (dep_tab : (string,string list) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 151
+ let addQueue q v = q := v :: !q
+ let file_name = function
+ | (s,None) -> s
+ | (s,Some ".") -> s
+ | (s,Some d) -> Filename.concat d s
+ let comment_depth = ref 0
+ exception Fin_fichier
+ let module_name = ref ""
+ let specif = ref false
+ let mllist = ref ([] : string list)
+let space = [' ' '\t' '\n']
+let lowercase = ['a'-'z' '\223'-'\246' '\248'-'\255']
+let uppercase = ['A'-'Z' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\222']
+let identchar =
+ ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']
+let coq_ident = ['a'-'z' '_' '0'-'9' 'A'-'Z']+
+rule coq_action = parse
+ | "Require" space+
+ { specif := false; opened_file lexbuf }
+ | "Require" space+ "Export" space+
+ { specif := false; opened_file lexbuf}
+ | "Require" space+ "Syntax" space+
+ { specif := false; opened_file lexbuf}
+ | "Require" space+ "Import" space+
+ { specif := false; opened_file lexbuf}
+ | "Declare" space+ "ML" space+ "Module" space+
+ { mllist := []; modules lexbuf}
+ | "\""
+ { string lexbuf; coq_action lexbuf}
+ | "(*"
+ { comment_depth := 1; comment lexbuf; coq_action lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier}
+ | _ { coq_action lexbuf }
+and caml_action = parse
+ | [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "open" [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012']*
+ { caml_opened_file lexbuf }
+ | lowercase identchar*
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | uppercase identchar*
+ { module_name := Lexing.lexeme lexbuf;
+ qual_id lexbuf }
+ | ['0'-'9']+
+ | '0' ['x' 'X'] ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f']+
+ | '0' ['o' 'O'] ['0'-'7']+
+ | '0' ['b' 'B'] ['0'-'1']+
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | ['0'-'9']+ ('.' ['0'-'9']*)? (['e' 'E'] ['+' '-']? ['0'-'9']+)?
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "\""
+ { string lexbuf; caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "'" [^ '\\' '\''] "'"
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "'" '\\' ['\\' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r'] "'"
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "'" '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "'"
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "(*"
+ { comment_depth := 1; comment lexbuf; caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "#" | "&" | "&&" | "'" | "(" | ")" | "*" | "," | "?" | "->" | "." | ".."
+ | ".(" | ".[" | ":" | "::" | ":=" | ";" | ";;" | "<-" | "=" | "[" | "[|"
+ | "[<" | "]" | "_" | "{" | "|" | "||" | "|]" | ">]" | "}" | "!=" | "-"
+ | "-." { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | ['!' '?' '~']
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~'] *
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | ['=' '<' '>' '@' '^' '|' '&' '$']
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~'] *
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | ['+' '-']
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~'] *
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | "**"
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~'] *
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | ['*' '/' '%']
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~'] *
+ { caml_action lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { caml_action lexbuf }
+and comment = parse
+ | "(*"
+ { comment_depth := succ !comment_depth; comment lexbuf }
+ | "*)"
+ { comment_depth := pred !comment_depth;
+ if !comment_depth > 0 then comment lexbuf }
+ | "'" [^ '\\' '\''] "'"
+ { comment lexbuf }
+ | "'" '\\' ['\\' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r'] "'"
+ { comment lexbuf }
+ | "'" '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "'"
+ { comment lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { comment lexbuf }
+and string = parse
+ | '"'
+ { () }
+ | '\\' ("\010" | "\013" | "\010\013") [' ' '\009'] *
+ { string lexbuf }
+ | '\\' ['\\' '"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r']
+ { string lexbuf }
+ | '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']
+ { string lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _
+ { string lexbuf }
+and opened_file = parse
+ | "(*" { comment_depth := 1; comment lexbuf; opened_file lexbuf }
+ | space+
+ { opened_file lexbuf }
+ | "Implementation"
+ { opened_file lexbuf }
+ | "Specification"
+ { specif := true; opened_file lexbuf }
+ | coq_ident
+ { module_name := (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+ opened_file_end lexbuf }
+and opened_file_end = parse
+ | '.' { Require (!specif, !module_name) }
+ | space+ { opened_file_end lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { comment_depth := 1; comment lexbuf;
+ opened_file_end lexbuf }
+ | '"' [^'"']* '"' { let lex = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ let str = String.sub lex 1 (String.length lex - 2) in
+ RequireString (!specif, str) }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { opened_file_end lexbuf }
+and modules = parse
+ | space+ { modules lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { comment_depth := 1; comment lexbuf;
+ modules lexbuf }
+ | '"' [^'"']* '"'
+ { let lex = (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) in
+ let str = String.sub lex 1 (String.length lex - 2) in
+ mllist := str :: !mllist; modules lexbuf }
+ | _ { (Declare (List.rev !mllist)) }
+and qual_id = parse
+ | '.' [^ '.' '(' '['] { Use_module (String.uncapitalize !module_name) }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { caml_action lexbuf }
+and caml_opened_file = parse
+ | uppercase identchar*
+ { let lex = (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) in
+ let str = String.sub lex 0 (String.length lex) in
+ (Use_module (String.uncapitalize str)) }
+ | eof {raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { caml_action lexbuf }
diff --git a/tools/gallina.1 b/tools/gallina.1
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8c607216e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gallina.1
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+.TH COQ 1 "29 March 1995" "Coq tools"
+gallina \- extracts specification from Coq vernacular files
+.B gallina
+.BI \-
+.BI \-stdout
+.BI \-nocomments
+.I file ...
+.B gallina
+takes Coq files as arguments and builds the corresponding
+specification files.
+The Coq file
+.IR foo.v \&
+gives bearth to the specification file
+.IR foo.g. \&
+The suffix '.g' stands for Gallina.
+For that purpose, gallina removes all commands that follow a
+"Theorem", "Lemma", "Fact", "Remark" or "Goal" statement until it
+reaches a command "Abort.", "Save.", "Qed.", "Defined." or "Proof
+<...>.". It also removes every "Hint", "Syntax",
+"Immediate" or "Transparent" command.
+Files without the .v suffix are ignored.
+.BI \-stdout
+Prints the result on standard output.
+.BI \-
+Coq source is taken on standard input. The result is printed on
+standard output.
+.BI \-nocomments
+Comments are removed in the *.g file.
+Nested comments are correctly handled. In particular, every command
+"Save." or "Abort." in a comment is not taken into account.
+Please report any bug to
+.B coq@pauillac.inria.fr
diff --git a/tools/gallina.ml b/tools/gallina.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f013c5788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gallina.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Gallina_lexer
+let vfiles = ref ([] : string list)
+let option_moins = ref false
+let option_stdout = ref false
+let traite_fichier f =
+ try
+ let chan_in = open_in (f^".v") in
+ let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan_in in
+ if not !option_stdout then chan_out := open_out (f ^ ".g");
+ try
+ while true do Gallina_lexer.action buf done
+ with Fin_fichier -> begin
+ flush !chan_out;
+ close_in chan_in;
+ if not !option_stdout then close_out !chan_out
+ end
+ with Sys_error _ ->
+ ()
+let traite_stdin () =
+ try
+ let buf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
+ try
+ while true do Gallina_lexer.action buf done
+ with Fin_fichier ->
+ flush !chan_out
+ with Sys_error _ ->
+ ()
+let gallina () =
+ let lg_command = Array.length Sys.argv in
+ if lg_command < 2 then begin
+ output_string stderr "Usage: gallina [-] [-stdout] file1 file2 ...\n";
+ flush stderr;
+ exit 1
+ end;
+ let treat = function
+ | "-" -> option_moins := true
+ | "-stdout" -> option_stdout := true
+ | "-nocomments" -> comments := false
+ | f ->
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then
+ vfiles := (Filename.chop_suffix f ".v") :: !vfiles
+ in
+ Array.iter treat Sys.argv;
+ if !option_moins then
+ traite_stdin ()
+ else
+ List.iter traite_fichier !vfiles
+let _ = Printexc.catch gallina ()
diff --git a/tools/gallina_lexer.mll b/tools/gallina_lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a7568a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gallina_lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+ open Lexing
+ let chan_out = ref stdout
+ let comment_depth = ref 0
+ let cRcpt = ref 0
+ let comments = ref true
+ let print s = output_string !chan_out s
+ exception Fin_fichier
+let space = [' ' '\t' '\n']
+rule action = parse
+ | "Theorem" space { print "Theorem "; body lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 1; action lexbuf }
+ | "Lemma" space { print "Lemma "; body lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 1; action lexbuf }
+ | "Fact" space { print "Fact "; body lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 1; action lexbuf }
+ | "Remark" space { print "Remark "; body lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 1; action lexbuf }
+ | "Goal" space { print "Goal "; body lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 1; action lexbuf }
+ | "Correctness" space { print "Correctness "; body_pgm lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 1; action lexbuf }
+ | "Definition" space { print "Definition "; body_def lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 1; action lexbuf }
+ | "Hint" space { skip_until_point lexbuf ; action lexbuf }
+ | "Transparent" space { skip_until_point lexbuf ; action lexbuf }
+ | "Immediate" space { skip_until_point lexbuf ; action lexbuf }
+ | "Syntax" space { skip_until_point lexbuf ; action lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { (if !comments then print "(*");
+ comment_depth := 1;
+ comment lexbuf;
+ cRcpt := 0; action lexbuf }
+ | [' ' '\t']* '\n' { if !cRcpt < 2 then print "\n";
+ cRcpt := !cRcpt+1; action lexbuf}
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier}
+ | _ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); cRcpt := 0; action lexbuf }
+and comment = parse
+ | "(*" { (if !comments then print "(*");
+ comment_depth := succ !comment_depth; comment lexbuf }
+ | "*)" { (if !comments then print "*)");
+ comment_depth := pred !comment_depth;
+ if !comment_depth > 0 then comment lexbuf }
+ | "*)" [' ''\t']*'\n' { (if !comments then print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ comment_depth := pred !comment_depth;
+ if !comment_depth > 0 then comment lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { (if !comments then print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ comment lexbuf }
+and skip_comment = parse
+ | "(*" { comment_depth := succ !comment_depth; skip_comment lexbuf }
+ | "*)" { comment_depth := pred !comment_depth;
+ if !comment_depth > 0 then skip_comment lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { skip_comment lexbuf }
+and body_def = parse
+ | [^'.']* ":=" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); () }
+ | _ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); body lexbuf }
+and body = parse
+ | '.' { print ".\n"; skip_proof lexbuf }
+ | ":=" { print ".\n"; skip_proof lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { print "(*"; comment_depth := 1;
+ comment lexbuf; body lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); body lexbuf }
+and body_pgm = parse
+ | '.' { print ".\n"; skip_proof lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { print "(*"; comment_depth := 1;
+ comment lexbuf; body_pgm lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); body_pgm lexbuf }
+and skip_until_point = parse
+ | '.' { end_of_line lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { comment_depth := 1;
+ skip_comment lexbuf; skip_until_point lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+and end_of_line = parse
+ | [' ' '\t' ]* { end_of_line lexbuf }
+ | '\n' { () }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+and skip_proof = parse
+ | "Save." { end_of_line lexbuf }
+ | "Save" space
+ { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+ | "Qed." { end_of_line lexbuf }
+ | "Qed" space
+ { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+ | "Defined." { end_of_line lexbuf }
+ | "Defined" space
+ { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+ | "Abort." { end_of_line lexbuf }
+ | "Abort" space
+ { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+ | "Proof" space { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+ | "Proof" [' ' '\t' ]* '.' { skip_proof lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { comment_depth := 1;
+ skip_comment lexbuf; skip_proof lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise Fin_fichier }
+ | _ { skip_proof lexbuf }