diff options
authorGravatar Regis-Gianas <yrg@pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr>2014-10-30 22:14:22 +0100
committerGravatar Regis-Gianas <yrg@pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr>2014-11-04 22:51:35 +0100
commit0aa24d51d2606549da87ed42085f612f2dbb1428 (patch)
parent812c611bdc8532b7cd25d9368a8356be3eb1d34a (diff)
RichPp: New module.
It is responsible for turning a tagged pretty-printing into a semi-structured document. clib.mllib: Include RichPp as well as Xml_*. The migration of Xml_* from lib to clib is needed by RichPp depends on these modules.
4 files changed, 182 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/clib.mllib b/lib/clib.mllib
index 160d49fba..568ffbe0e 100644
--- a/lib/clib.mllib
+++ b/lib/clib.mllib
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ Util
diff --git a/lib/lib.mllib b/lib/lib.mllib
index b5421a8c8..f3f6ad8fc 100644
--- a/lib/lib.mllib
+++ b/lib/lib.mllib
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/lib/richPp.ml b/lib/richPp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f1b17d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/richPp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Xml_datatype
+type index = Format.tag
+type 'annotation located = {
+ annotation : 'annotation;
+ startpos : int;
+ endpos : int
+module Indexer (Annotation : sig type t end) = struct
+ let annotations : Annotation.t list ref = ref []
+ let index =
+ let count = ref (-1) in
+ fun annotation ->
+ incr count;
+ annotations := annotation :: !annotations;
+ string_of_int !count
+ let get_annotations () =
+ let annotations = Array.of_list (List.rev !annotations) in
+ fun index -> annotations.(int_of_string index)
+let rich_pp get_annotations ppcmds =
+ (** First, we use Format to introduce tags inside
+ the pretty-printed document.
+ Each inserted tag is an index to an annotation.
+ *)
+ let tagged_pp =
+ let b = Buffer.create 13 in
+ Buffer.add_string b "<pp>";
+ Format.set_tags true;
+ Pp.pp_with (Format.formatter_of_buffer b) ppcmds;
+ Format.set_tags false;
+ Buffer.add_string b "</pp>";
+ Buffer.contents b
+ in
+ (** Second, we retrieve the final function that relates
+ each tag to an annotation. *)
+ let get = get_annotations () in
+ (** Third, we parse the resulting string. It is a valid XML
+ document (in the sense of Xml_parser). *)
+ let xml_pp = Xml_parser.(parse (make (SString tagged_pp))) in
+ (** Fourth, the low-level XML is turned into a high-level
+ semi-structured document that contains a located annotation in
+ every node. During the traversal of the low-level XML document,
+ we build a raw string representation of the pretty-print. *)
+ let rec node buffer = function
+ | Element (index, [], cs) ->
+ let startpos, endpos, cs = children buffer cs in
+ let annotation = get index in
+ (Element (index, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs), endpos)
+ | PCData s ->
+ Buffer.add_string buffer s;
+ (PCData s, Buffer.length buffer)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false (* Because of the form of XML produced by Format. *)
+ and children buffer cs =
+ let startpos = Buffer.length buffer in
+ let cs, endpos =
+ List.fold_left (fun (cs, endpos) c ->
+ let c, endpos = node buffer c in
+ (c :: cs, endpos)
+ ) ([], startpos) cs
+ in
+ (startpos, endpos, List.rev cs)
+ in
+ let pp_buffer = Buffer.create 13 in
+ let xml, _ = node pp_buffer xml_pp in
+ (** That's it. We return the raw pretty-printing and its annotations
+ tree. *)
+ (Buffer.contents pp_buffer, xml)
+let annotations_positions xml =
+ let rec node accu = function
+ | Element (_, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) ->
+ children ((annotation, (startpos, endpos)) :: accu) cs
+ | _ ->
+ accu
+ and children accu cs =
+ List.fold_left node accu cs
+ in
+ node [] xml
+let xml_of_rich_pp tag_of_annotation attributes_of_annotation xml =
+ let rec node = function
+ | Element (_, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) ->
+ let attributes =
+ [ "startpos", string_of_int startpos;
+ "endpos", string_of_int endpos
+ ]
+ @ attributes_of_annotation annotation
+ in
+ Element (tag_of_annotation annotation,
+ attributes,
+ List.map node cs)
+ | PCData s ->
+ PCData s
+ in
+ node xml
diff --git a/lib/richPp.mli b/lib/richPp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca7f7a0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/richPp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** This module produces semi-structured pretty-printing. *)
+(** A pretty printer module must use an instance of the following
+ functor to index annotations. The index must be used as Format.tag
+ during the pretty-printing. *)
+(** The indices are Format.tags. *)
+type index = Format.tag (* = string *)
+module Indexer (Annotation : sig type t end) : sig
+ (** [index annotation] returns a fresh index for the [annotation]. *)
+ val index : Annotation.t -> index
+ (** [get_annotations ()] returns a function to retrieve annotations
+ from indices after pretty-printing. *)
+ val get_annotations : unit -> (index -> Annotation.t)
+(** Each annotation of the semi-structures document refers to the
+ substring it annotates. *)
+type 'annotation located = {
+ annotation : 'annotation;
+ startpos : int;
+ endpos : int
+(** [rich_pp get_annotations ppcmds] returns the interpretation
+ of [ppcmds] as a string as well as a semi-structured document
+ that represents (located) annotations of this string. *)
+val rich_pp :
+ (unit -> (index -> 'annotation)) ->
+ Pp.std_ppcmds ->
+ string * ('annotation located) Xml_datatype.gxml
+(** [annotations_positions ssdoc] returns a list associating each
+ annotations with its position in the string from which [ssdoc] is
+ built. *)
+val annotations_positions :
+ 'annotation located Xml_datatype.gxml ->
+ ('annotation * (int * int)) list
+(** [xml_of_rich_pp ssdoc] returns an XML representation of the
+ semi-structured document [ssdoc]. *)
+val xml_of_rich_pp :
+ ('annotation -> string) ->
+ ('annotation -> (string * string) list) ->
+ 'annotation located Xml_datatype.gxml ->
+ Xml_datatype.xml