diff options
authorGravatar notin <notin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-08-22 15:08:31 +0000
committerGravatar notin <notin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-08-22 15:08:31 +0000
commitf5a03a037e9773d7be90ac50500e70245f5fec3c (patch)
parent0014a18c28c3d601c61eb453b3936461c7c16bd8 (diff)
Correction du bug #1634 + ajout de bugs dans la test-suite
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10085 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
5 files changed, 146 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
index 9452d4f3c..b33e38005 100644
--- a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
+++ b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
@@ -1874,47 +1874,49 @@ let general_setoid_replace rewrite_tac try_prove_eq_tac_opt relation c1 c2 ~new_
| Some tac -> Tacticals.tclTRY (Tacticals.tclCOMPLETE tac )
- let relation =
- match relation with
- Some rel ->
- (try
- match find_relation_class rel with
- Relation sa -> sa
- | Leibniz _ -> raise Optimize
- with
- Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "Setoid_rewrite"
- (pr_lconstr rel ++ str " is not a registered relation."))
- | None ->
- match default_relation_for_carrier (pf_type_of gl c1) with
- Relation sa -> sa
- | Leibniz _ -> raise Optimize
- in
- let eq_left_to_right = mkApp (relation.rel_aeq, [| c1 ; c2 |]) in
- let eq_right_to_left = mkApp (relation.rel_aeq, [| c2 ; c1 |]) in
- let replace dir eq =
- tclTHENS (assert_tac false Anonymous eq)
- [onLastHyp (fun id ->
- tclTHEN
- (rewrite_tac dir (mkVar id) ~new_goals)
- (clear [id]));
- try_prove_eq_tac]
- in
- (replace true eq_left_to_right) (replace false eq_right_to_left) gl
- with
- Optimize -> (* (!replace tac_opt c1 c2) gl *)
- let eq = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| pf_type_of gl c1;c2 ; c1 |]) in
- tclTHENS (assert_tac false Anonymous eq)
- [onLastHyp (fun id ->
- tclTHEN
- (rewrite_tac false (mkVar id) ~new_goals)
- (clear [id]));
- try_prove_eq_tac] gl
+ let carrier,args = decompose_app (pf_type_of gl c1) in
+ let relation =
+ match relation with
+ Some rel ->
+ (try
+ match find_relation_class rel with
+ Relation sa -> if not (eq_constr carrier sa.rel_a) then
+ errorlabstrm "Setoid_rewrite"
+ (str "the carrier of " ++ pr_lconstr rel ++
+ str " does not match the type of " ++ pr_lconstr c1);
+ sa
+ | Leibniz _ -> raise Optimize
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "Setoid_rewrite"
+ (pr_lconstr rel ++ str " is not a registered relation."))
+ | None ->
+ match default_relation_for_carrier (pf_type_of gl c1) with
+ Relation sa -> sa
+ | Leibniz _ -> raise Optimize
+ in
+ let eq_left_to_right = mkApp (relation.rel_aeq, Array.of_list (List.append args [ c1 ; c2 ])) in
+ let eq_right_to_left = mkApp (relation.rel_aeq, Array.of_list (List.append args [ c2 ; c1 ])) in
+ let replace dir eq =
+ tclTHENS (assert_tac false Anonymous eq)
+ [onLastHyp (fun id ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (rewrite_tac dir (mkVar id) ~new_goals)
+ (clear [id]));
+ try_prove_eq_tac]
+ in
+ (replace true eq_left_to_right) (replace false eq_right_to_left) gl
+ with
+ Optimize -> (* (!replace tac_opt c1 c2) gl *)
+ let eq = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| pf_type_of gl c1;c2 ; c1 |]) in
+ tclTHENS (assert_tac false Anonymous eq)
+ [onLastHyp (fun id ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (rewrite_tac false (mkVar id) ~new_goals)
+ (clear [id]));
+ try_prove_eq_tac] gl
let setoid_replace = general_setoid_replace general_s_rewrite
let setoid_replace_in tac_opt id relation c1 c2 ~new_goals gl =
general_setoid_replace (general_s_rewrite_in id) tac_opt relation c1 c2 ~new_goals gl
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/1414.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/1414.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c2686ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/1414.v
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Require Import ZArith Coq.Program.Utils.
+Parameter data:Set.
+Inductive t : Set :=
+ | Leaf : t
+ | Node : t -> data -> t -> Z -> t.
+Parameter avl : t -> Prop.
+Parameter bst : t -> Prop.
+Parameter In : data -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter cardinal : t -> nat.
+Definition card2 (s:t*t) := let (s1,s2) := s in cardinal s1 + cardinal s2.
+Parameter split : data -> t -> t*(bool*t).
+Parameter join : t -> data -> t -> t.
+Parameter add : data -> t -> t.
+Program Fixpoint union
+ (s:t*t)
+ (hb1: bst (fst s))(ha1: avl (fst s))(hb2: bst (snd s))(hb2: avl (snd s))
+ { measure card2 s } :
+ {s' : t | bst s' /\ avl s' /\ forall x, In x s' <-> In x (fst s) \/ In x (snd
+s)} :=
+ match s with
+ | (Leaf,t2) => t2
+ | (t1,Leaf) => t1
+ | (Node l1 v1 r1 h1, Node l2 v2 r2 h2) =>
+ if (Z_ge_lt_dec h1 h2) then
+ if (Z_eq_dec h2 1)
+ then add v2 (fst s)
+ else
+ let (l2', r2') := split v1 (snd s) in
+ join (union (l1,l2') _ _ _ _) v1 (union (r1,snd r2') _ _ _ _)
+ else
+ if (Z_eq_dec h1 1)
+ then add v1 (snd s)
+ else
+ let (l1', r1') := split v2 (fst s) in
+ join (union (l1',l2) _ _ _ _) v2 (union (snd r1',r2) _ _ _ _)
+ end.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/1634.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/1634.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e50f6f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/1634.v
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Require Export Relation_Definitions.
+Require Export Setoid.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable S : A -> Type.
+Variable Seq : forall (a:A), relation (S a).
+Hypothesis Seq_refl : forall (a:A) (x : S a), Seq a x x.
+Hypothesis Seq_sym : forall (a:A) (x y : S a), Seq a x y -> Seq a y x.
+Hypothesis Seq_trans : forall (a:A) (x y z : S a), Seq a x y -> Seq a y z ->
+a x z.
+Add Relation S Seq
+ reflexivity proved by Seq_refl
+ symmetry proved by Seq_sym
+ transitivity proved by Seq_trans
+ as S_Setoid.
+Goal forall (a : A) (x y : S a), Seq a x y -> Seq a x y.
+ intros a x y H.
+ setoid_replace x with y using relation Seq.
+ apply Seq_refl. trivial.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/shouldnotfail/1416.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/shouldnotfail/1416.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6f4302d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/opened/shouldnotfail/1416.v
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Record Place (Env A: Type) : Type := {
+ read: Env -> A ;
+ write: Env -> A -> Env ;
+ write_read: forall (e:Env), (write e (read e))=e
+Hint Rewrite -> write_read: placeeq.
+Record sumPl (Env A B: Type) (vL:(Place Env A)) (vR:(Place Env B)) : Type :=
+ {
+ mkEnv: A -> B -> Env ;
+ mkEnv2writeL: forall (e:Env) (x:A), (mkEnv x (read vR e))=(write vL e x)
+ }.
+(* when the following line is commented, the bug does not appear *)
+Hint Rewrite -> mkEnv2writeL: placeeq.
+Lemma autorewrite_raise_anomaly: forall (Env A:Type) (e: Env) (p:Place Env A),
+ (exists e1:Env, e=(write p e1 (read p e))).
+ intros Env A e p; eapply ex_intro.
+ autorewrite with placeeq. (* Here is the bug *)
+ auto.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/shouldnotfail/743.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/shouldnotfail/743.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1eee6c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/opened/shouldnotfail/743.v
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Require Import Omega.
+Lemma foo : forall n m : Z, (n >= 0)%Z -> (n * m >= 0)%Z -> (n <= n + n * m)%Z.
+ intros. omega.
+Lemma foo' : forall n m : nat, n <= n + n * m.
+ intros. omega.