diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-02-06 13:23:09 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-02-06 13:23:09 +0000
commitf493d89591116352cf6ab9cf2c79e2a79739b28e (patch)
parentb7f2b98e90ba65984c7f0d24fcdaabf1d6af7270 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@1336 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
5 files changed, 255 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0f65fc7a2..33a7321e9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ TOPLEVEL=toplevel/himsg.cmo toplevel/errors.cmo \
HIGHTACTICS=tactics/dhyp.cmo tactics/auto.cmo tactics/equality.cmo \
tactics/inv.cmo tactics/leminv.cmo tactics/eauto.cmo \
- tactics/autorewrite.cmo tactics/refine.cmo
+ tactics/autorewrite.cmo tactics/refine.cmo tactics/eqdecide.cmo
@@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ theories/Init/%.vo: theories/Init/%.v states/barestate.coq $(COQC)
init: $(INITVO)
TACTICSVO=tactics/Equality.vo tactics/Tauto.vo tactics/Inv.vo \
- tactics/EAuto.vo tactics/AutoRewrite.vo tactics/Refine.vo
+ tactics/EAuto.vo tactics/AutoRewrite.vo tactics/Refine.vo \
+ tactics/EqDecide.vo
tactics/%.vo: tactics/%.v states/barestate.coq $(COQC)
$(COQC) -$(BEST) -bindir bin -q -I tactics -is states/barestate.coq $<
diff --git a/states/MakeInitial.v b/states/MakeInitial.v
index b8c75307a..151306194 100644
--- a/states/MakeInitial.v
+++ b/states/MakeInitial.v
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ Require Export Inv.
Require Export EAuto.
Require Export AutoRewrite.
Require Export Refine.
+Require Export EqDecide.
diff --git a/tactics/EqDecide.v b/tactics/EqDecide.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fa3c2f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/EqDecide.v
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(* EqDecide.v *)
+(* A tactic for deciding propositional equality on inductive types *)
+(* by Eduardo Gimenez *)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
+Declare ML Module "equality" "eqdecide".
+Grammar tactic simple_tactic : ast :=
+ EqDecideRuleG1
+ [ "Decide" "Equality" constrarg($com1) constrarg($com2) ] ->
+ [ (DecideEquality $com1 $com2) ]
+| EqDecideRuleG2
+ [ "Decide" "Equality" ] -> [ (DecideEquality) ]
+| CompareRule
+ [ "Compare" constrarg($com1) constrarg($com2) ] -> [ (Compare $com1 $com2) ].
+Syntax tactic level 0:
+ EqDecideRulePP1
+ [ <<(DecideEquality)>> ] -> [ "Decide Equality" ]
+| EqDecideRulePP2
+ [ <<(DecideEquality $com1 $com2)>> ] ->
+ [ "Decide Equality" [1 2] $com1 [1 2] $com2 ]
+| ComparePP
+ [ <<(Compare $com1 $com2)>> ] -> [ "Compare" [1 2] $com1 [1 2] $com2 ].
diff --git a/tactics/eqdecide.ml b/tactics/eqdecide.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..728430f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/eqdecide.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+(*i $Id$ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Hiddentac
+open Equality
+open Auto
+open Pattern
+open Hipattern
+open Proof_trees
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+(* This file containts the implementation of the tactics ``Decide
+ Equality'' and ``Compare''. They can be used to decide the
+ propositional equality of two objects that belongs to a small
+ inductive datatype --i.e., an inductive set such that all the
+ arguments of its constructors are non-functional sets.
+ The procedure for proving (x,y:R){x=y}+{~x=y} can be scketched as
+ follows:
+ 1. Eliminate x and then y.
+ 2. Try discrimination to solve those goals where x and y has
+ been introduced by different constructors.
+ 3. If x and y have been introduced by the same constructor,
+ then analyse one by one the correspoing pairs of arguments.
+ If they are equal, rewrite one into the other. If they are
+ not, derive a contradiction from the injectiveness of the
+ constructor.
+ 4. Once all the arguments have been rewritten, solve the left half
+ of the disjunction by reflexivity.
+ Eduardo Gimenez (30/3/98).
+let clear_last = (tclLAST_HYP (fun c -> (clear_one (destVar c))))
+let mkBranches =
+ (tclTHEN intro
+ (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP h_simplest_elim)
+ (tclTHEN clear_last
+ (tclTHEN intros
+ (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP h_simplest_case)
+ (tclTHEN clear_last
+ intros))))))
+let solveRightBranch = (tclTHEN h_simplest_right h_discrConcl)
+let h_solveRightBranch =
+ hide_atomic_tactic "solveRightBranch" solveRightBranch
+(* Constructs the type {c1=c2}+{~c1=c2} *)
+let mmk = make_module_marker [ "Logic"; "Specif" ]
+let eqpat = put_squel mmk "eq"
+let sumboolpat = put_squel mmk "sumbool"
+let notpat = put_squel mmk "not"
+let mkDecideEqGoal rectype c1 c2 g =
+ let equality = mkAppA [|get_squel eqpat;rectype;c1;c2|] in
+ let disequality = mkAppA [|get_squel notpat;equality|] in
+ mkAppA [|get_squel sumboolpat;equality;disequality |]
+(* Constructs the type (x1,x2:R){x1=x2}+{~x1=x2} *)
+let mkGenDecideEqGoal rectype g =
+ let hypnames = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
+ let xname = next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") hypnames
+ and yname = next_ident_away (id_of_string "y") hypnames in
+ (mkNamedProd xname rectype
+ (mkNamedProd yname rectype
+ (mkDecideEqGoal rectype (mkVar xname) (mkVar yname) g)))
+let eqCase tac =
+ (tclTHEN intro
+ (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP h_rewriteLR)
+ (tclTHEN clear_last
+ tac)))
+let diseqCase =
+ let diseq = id_of_string "diseq" in
+ let absurd = id_of_string "absurd" in
+ (tclTHEN (intro_using diseq)
+ (tclTHEN h_simplest_right
+ (tclTHEN red_in_concl
+ (tclTHEN (intro_using absurd)
+ (tclTHEN (h_simplest_apply (mkVar diseq))
+ (tclTHEN (h_injHyp absurd)
+ full_trivial))))))
+let solveArg a1 a2 tac g =
+ let rectype = pf_type_of g a1 in
+ let decide = mkDecideEqGoal rectype a1 a2 g in
+ (tclTHENS
+ (h_elimType decide)
+ [(eqCase tac);diseqCase;default_auto]) g
+let conclpatt = lazy (get_pat (put_pat mmk "{<?1>?2=?3}+{?4}"))
+let solveLeftBranch rectype g =
+ match
+ try matches (Lazy.force conclpatt) (pf_concl g)
+ with Pattern.PatternMatchingFailure -> error "Unexpected conclusion!"
+ with
+ | _ :: lhs :: rhs :: _ ->
+ let nparams = Global.mind_nparams rectype in
+ let getargs l = snd (list_chop nparams (snd (decomp_app l))) in
+ let rargs = getargs (snd rhs)
+ and largs = getargs (snd lhs) in
+ List.fold_right2
+ solveArg largs rargs (tclTHEN h_simplest_left h_reflexivity) g
+ | _ -> anomaly "Unexpected pattern for solveLeftBranch"
+(* The expected form of the goal for the tactic Decide Equality *)
+let initialpatt = lazy (get_pat (put_pat mmk "(x,y:?1){<?1>x=y}+{~(<?1>x=y)}"))
+(* The tactic Decide Equality *)
+let hd_app c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | IsApp (h,_) -> h
+ | _ -> c
+let decideGralEquality g =
+ match
+ try matches (Lazy.force initialpatt) (pf_concl g)
+ with Pattern.PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ error "The goal does not have the expected form"
+ with
+ | (_,typ) :: _ ->
+ let headtyp = hd_app (pf_compute g typ) in
+ let rectype =
+ match kind_of_term headtyp with
+ | IsMutInd mi -> mi
+ | _ -> error
+ "This decision procedure only works for inductive objects"
+ in
+ (tclTHEN
+ mkBranches
+ (tclORELSE h_solveRightBranch (solveLeftBranch rectype))) g
+ | _ -> anomaly "Unexpected pattern for decideGralEquality"
+let decideEquality c1 c2 g =
+ let rectype = (pf_type_of g c1) in
+ let decide = mkGenDecideEqGoal rectype g in
+ (tclTHENS (cut decide) [default_auto;decideGralEquality]) g
+(* The tactic Compare *)
+let compare c1 c2 g =
+ let rectype = pf_type_of g c1 in
+ let decide = mkDecideEqGoal rectype c1 c2 g in
+ (tclTHENS (cut decide)
+ [(tclTHEN intro
+ (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP simplest_case)
+ clear_last));
+ decideEquality c1 c2]) g
+(* The dynamic tactics to be registered in the tactics table *)
+let dyn_decideEquality args g = match args with
+ | [ Constr c1; Constr c2 ] ->
+ decideEquality c1 c2 g
+ | [ Command com1; Command com2 ] ->
+ let c1 = pf_interp_constr g com1
+ and c2 = pf_interp_constr g com2 in
+ decideEquality c1 c2 g
+ | [] -> decideGralEquality g
+ | _ -> error "Invalid arguments for dynamic tactic"
+let dyn_compare args g = match args with
+ | [ Constr c1; Constr c2 ] ->
+ compare c1 c2 g
+ | [ Command com1; Command com2 ] ->
+ let c1 = pf_interp_constr g com1
+ and c2 = pf_interp_constr g com2 in
+ compare c1 c2 g
+ | _ -> error "Invalid arguments for dynamic tactic"
+(* Tactic registration *)
+let _ = add_tactic "DecideEquality" dyn_decideEquality
+let _ = add_tactic "Compare" dyn_compare
diff --git a/test-suite/success/eqdecide.v b/test-suite/success/eqdecide.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f118bc830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/success/eqdecide.v
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Inductive T : Set := A: T | B :T->T.
+Lemma lem1 : (x,y:T){x=y}+{~x=y}.
+Decide Equality.
+Lemma lem2 : (x,y:T){x=y}+{~x=y}.
+Intros x y.
+Decide Equality x y.
+Lemma lem3 : (x,y:T){x=y}+{~x=y}.
+Intros x y.
+Decide Equality y x.
+Lemma lem4 : (x,y:T){x=y}+{~x=y}.
+Intros x y.
+Compare x y; Auto.