diff options
authorGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2018-05-05 13:14:10 +0200
committerGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2018-05-14 15:51:49 +0200
commitf3ef7928b2d92a93ad9da28bb703ba4a5e715880 (patch)
parentd6258081255af9e0ee8a62110945ba93299c43c6 (diff)
Gitlab: build docker image in pipeline and use through registry.
A docker-boot job is added which builds the docker image and pushes it to the registry, the other jobs running on the image from the registry. The boot job reuses the already pushed image if it exists and matches, this is important to cut down its runtime. Making a new image takes 30min for all the switches https://gitlab.com/SkySkimmer/coq/-/jobs/66650546 For testing I removed all jobs except boot and main build, and after that run I built only the standard switch. Building 1 switch takes around 20min https://gitlab.com/SkySkimmer/coq/-/jobs/66656942 When the registry is up to date it takes 2min https://gitlab.com/SkySkimmer/coq/-/jobs/66658790 (I don't know about all switches but probably no more than 5min) Each pipeline pushes the image to $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_PIPELINE_ID which is eg registry.gitlab.com/skyskimmer/coq:21557176 and is what the other jobs use to run themselves. For caching it pulls from and pushes to a constant name, in this test $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CACHEKEY. We might also want to pull from the main coq repo to avoid redoing work. The question of having 1 image or 1 image/switch remains open. Using the gitlab registry doesn't really work for circle CI, so the dockerhub account would have to remain (or circle could return to an opam-boot job, or be removed from our CI). There are similar concerns with travis if we want to move it to docker.
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 095099690..3ef592abc 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-image: coqci/base:V2018-05-07-V2
+image: "$IMAGE"
+ - docker
- build
- test
@@ -9,11 +10,25 @@ variables:
# Format: $IMAGE-V$DATE [Cache is not used as of today but kept here
# for reference]
CACHEKEY: bionic_coq-V2018-05-07-V2
# By default, jobs run in the base switch; override to select another switch
# Used to select special compiler switches such as flambda, 32bits, etc...
+ stage: docker
+ image: docker:stable
+ services:
+ - docker:dind
+ before_script: []
+ script:
+ - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p "$CI_JOB_TOKEN" "$CI_REGISTRY"
+ - cd dev/ci/docker/bionic_coq/
+ - if docker pull "$IMAGE"; then echo "Image prebuilt!"; exit 0; fi
+ - docker build -t "$IMAGE" .
+ - docker push "$IMAGE"
- cat /proc/{cpu,mem}info || true
- ls -a # figure out if artifacts are around