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authorGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-05-16 13:53:49 +0000
committerGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-05-16 13:53:49 +0000
commitdf73f477fd496168bf448d2bfef8cec3cb0643ee (patch)
parentb0e371b354ffdbf4a8572924602d04848020079e (diff)
(Tentative to) add Canonical Structure resolution to the regular
unification algorithm. Uses the same code to recognize projections (check_conv_record) and the same unification steps on the solution as evar_conv. This required to fold the sigma through unify_* along with the meta and evar substitutions as this can grow during unification. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@12128 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
3 files changed, 139 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/evarconv.mli b/pretyping/evarconv.mli
index 538ac29b9..a281a3898 100644
--- a/pretyping/evarconv.mli
+++ b/pretyping/evarconv.mli
@@ -35,3 +35,9 @@ val evar_eqappr_x :
val consider_remaining_unif_problems : env -> evar_defs -> evar_defs * bool
+val check_conv_record : constr * types list -> constr * types list ->
+ constr * constr list * (constr list * constr list) *
+ (constr list * types list) *
+ (constr list * types list) * constr *
+ (int * constr)
diff --git a/pretyping/recordops.ml b/pretyping/recordops.ml
index 16d3331aa..79c347cea 100644
--- a/pretyping/recordops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/recordops.ml
@@ -310,11 +310,13 @@ let outCanonicalStructure x = fst (outCanonStruct x)
let lookup_canonical_conversion (proj,pat) =
List.assoc pat (Refmap.find proj !object_table)
+let isEvar_or_Meta c = isEvar c || isMeta c
let is_open_canonical_projection sigma (c,args) =
let l = Refmap.find (global_of_constr c) !object_table in
let n = (snd (List.hd l)).o_NPARAMS in
- try isEvar (whd_evar sigma (List.nth args n)) with Failure _ -> false
+ try isEvar_or_Meta (whd_evar sigma (List.nth args n)) with Failure _ -> false
with Not_found -> false
let freeze () =
diff --git a/pretyping/unification.ml b/pretyping/unification.ml
index 217376acc..4d0308c20 100644
--- a/pretyping/unification.ml
+++ b/pretyping/unification.ml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ open Evarutil
open Pretype_errors
open Retyping
open Coercion.Default
+open Recordops
(* if lname_typ is [xn,An;..;x1,A1] and l is a list of terms,
gives [x1:A1]..[xn:An]c' such that c converts to ([x1:A1]..[xn:An]c' l) *)
@@ -86,32 +87,32 @@ let rec subst_meta_instances bl c =
| Meta i -> (try assoc_pair i bl with Not_found -> c)
| _ -> map_constr (subst_meta_instances bl) c
-let solve_pattern_eqn_array (env,nb) sigma f l c (metasubst,evarsubst) =
+let solve_pattern_eqn_array (env,nb) f l c (sigma,metasubst,evarsubst) =
match kind_of_term f with
| Meta k ->
let c = solve_pattern_eqn env (Array.to_list l) c in
let n = Array.length l - List.length (fst (decompose_lam c)) in
let pb = (ConvUpToEta n,TypeNotProcessed) in
if noccur_between 1 nb c then
- (k,lift (-nb) c,pb)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ sigma,(k,lift (-nb) c,pb)::metasubst,evarsubst
else error_cannot_unify_local env sigma (mkApp (f, l),c,c)
| Evar ev ->
(* Currently unused: incompatible with eauto/eassumption backtracking *)
- metasubst,(ev,solve_pattern_eqn env (Array.to_list l) c)::evarsubst
+ sigma,metasubst,(ev,solve_pattern_eqn env (Array.to_list l) c)::evarsubst
| _ -> assert false
let push d (env,n) = (push_rel_assum d env,n+1)
-(* Unification à l'ordre 0 de m et n: [unify_0 env sigma cv_pb m n]
+(* Unification à l'ordre 0 de m et n: [unify_0 env sigma cv_pb m n]
renvoie deux listes:
- metasubst:(int*constr)list récolte les instances des (Meta k)
- evarsubst:(constr*constr)list récolte les instances des (Const "?k")
+ metasubst:(int*constr)list récolte les instances des (Meta k)
+ evarsubst:(constr*constr)list récolte les instances des (Const "?k")
- Attention : pas d'unification entre les différences instances d'une
- même meta ou evar, il peut rester des doublons *)
+ Attention : pas d'unification entre les différences instances d'une
+ même meta ou evar, il peut rester des doublons *)
(* Unification order: *)
(* Left to right: unifies first argument and then the other arguments *)
@@ -167,9 +168,9 @@ let oracle_order env cf1 cf2 =
| None -> Some true
| Some k2 -> Some (Conv_oracle.oracle_order k1 k2)
-let unify_0_with_initial_metas subst conv_at_top env sigma cv_pb flags m n =
- let trivial_unify curenv pb (metasubst,_) m n =
- let subst = if flags.use_metas_eagerly then metasubst else fst subst in
+let unify_0_with_initial_metas (sigma,ms,es as subst) conv_at_top env cv_pb flags m n =
+ let trivial_unify curenv pb (sigma,metasubst,_) m n =
+ let subst = if flags.use_metas_eagerly then metasubst else ms in
match subst_defined_metas subst m with
| Some m1 ->
if (match flags.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms with
@@ -180,35 +181,36 @@ let unify_0_with_initial_metas subst conv_at_top env sigma cv_pb flags m n =
|| occur_meta_or_existential n then false else
error_cannot_unify curenv sigma (m, n)
| _ -> false in
- let rec unirec_rec (curenv,nb as curenvnb) pb b ((metasubst,evarsubst) as substn) curm curn =
+ let rec unirec_rec (curenv,nb as curenvnb) pb b ((sigma,metasubst,evarsubst) as substn) curm curn =
let cM = Evarutil.whd_castappevar sigma curm
and cN = Evarutil.whd_castappevar sigma curn in
match (kind_of_term cM,kind_of_term cN) with
| Meta k1, Meta k2 ->
let stM,stN = extract_instance_status pb in
if k1 < k2
- then (k1,cN,stN)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ then sigma,(k1,cN,stN)::metasubst,evarsubst
else if k1 = k2 then substn
- else (k2,cM,stM)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ else sigma,(k2,cM,stM)::metasubst,evarsubst
| Meta k, _ when not (dependent cM cN) ->
(* Here we check that [cN] does not contain any local variables *)
if nb = 0 then
- (k,cN,snd (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,evarsubst
+ sigma,(k,cN,snd (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,evarsubst
else if noccur_between 1 nb cN then
- (k,lift (-nb) cN,snd (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,
- evarsubst
+ (sigma,
+ (k,lift (-nb) cN,snd (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,
+ evarsubst)
else error_cannot_unify_local curenv sigma (m,n,cN)
| _, Meta k when not (dependent cN cM) ->
(* Here we check that [cM] does not contain any local variables *)
if nb = 0 then
- (k,cM,snd (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,evarsubst
+ (sigma,(k,cM,snd (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,evarsubst)
else if noccur_between 1 nb cM
- (k,lift (-nb) cM,fst (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,
- evarsubst
+ (sigma,(k,lift (-nb) cM,fst (extract_instance_status pb))::metasubst,
+ evarsubst)
else error_cannot_unify_local curenv sigma (m,n,cM)
- | Evar ev, _ -> metasubst,((ev,cN)::evarsubst)
- | _, Evar ev -> metasubst,((ev,cM)::evarsubst)
+ | Evar ev, _ -> sigma,metasubst,((ev,cN)::evarsubst)
+ | _, Evar ev -> sigma,metasubst,((ev,cM)::evarsubst)
| Lambda (na,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) ->
unirec_rec (push (na,t1) curenvnb) topconv true
(unirec_rec curenvnb topconv true substn t1 t2) c1 c2
@@ -226,16 +228,16 @@ let unify_0_with_initial_metas subst conv_at_top env sigma cv_pb flags m n =
| App (f1,l1), _ when
isMeta f1 & is_unification_pattern curenvnb f1 l1 cN &
not (dependent f1 cN) ->
- solve_pattern_eqn_array curenvnb sigma f1 l1 cN substn
+ solve_pattern_eqn_array curenvnb f1 l1 cN substn
| _, App (f2,l2) when
isMeta f2 & is_unification_pattern curenvnb f2 l2 cM &
not (dependent f2 cM) ->
- solve_pattern_eqn_array curenvnb sigma f2 l2 cM substn
+ solve_pattern_eqn_array curenvnb f2 l2 cM substn
| App (f1,l1), App (f2,l2) ->
- let len1 = Array.length l1
- and len2 = Array.length l2 in
+ let len1 = Array.length l1
+ and len2 = Array.length l2 in
let (f1,l1,f2,l2) =
if len1 = len2 then (f1,l1,f2,l2)
@@ -249,19 +251,24 @@ let unify_0_with_initial_metas subst conv_at_top env sigma cv_pb flags m n =
array_fold_left2 (unirec_rec curenvnb topconv true)
(unirec_rec curenvnb pb true substn f1 f2) l1 l2
with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
- expand curenvnb pb b substn cM f1 l1 cN f2 l2)
+ try expand curenvnb pb b substn cM f1 l1 cN f2 l2
+ with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
+ canonical_projections curenvnb pb b cM cN substn)
| _ ->
- if constr_cmp (conv_pb_of cv_pb) cM cN then substn else
- let (f1,l1) =
- match kind_of_term cM with App (f,l) -> (f,l) | _ -> (cM,[||]) in
- let (f2,l2) =
- match kind_of_term cN with App (f,l) -> (f,l) | _ -> (cN,[||]) in
- expand curenvnb pb b substn cM f1 l1 cN f2 l2
- and expand (curenv,_ as curenvnb) pb b substn cM f1 l1 cN f2 l2 =
+ try canonical_projections curenvnb pb b cM cN substn
+ with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
+ if constr_cmp (conv_pb_of cv_pb) cM cN then substn else
+ let (f1,l1) =
+ match kind_of_term cM with App (f,l) -> (f,l) | _ -> (cM,[||]) in
+ let (f2,l2) =
+ match kind_of_term cN with App (f,l) -> (f,l) | _ -> (cN,[||]) in
+ expand curenvnb pb b substn cM f1 l1 cN f2 l2
+ and expand (curenv,_ as curenvnb) pb b (sigma, _, _ as substn) cM f1 l1 cN f2 l2 =
if trivial_unify curenv pb substn cM cN then substn
- else if b then
+ else
+ if b then
let cf1 = key_of flags f1 and cf2 = key_of flags f2 in
match oracle_order curenv cf1 cf2 with
| None -> error_cannot_unify curenv sigma (cM,cN)
@@ -292,6 +299,49 @@ let unify_0_with_initial_metas subst conv_at_top env sigma cv_pb flags m n =
error_cannot_unify curenv sigma (cM,cN)
+ and canonical_projections curenvnb pb b cM cN (sigma,_,_ as substn) =
+ let f1 () =
+ if isApp cM then
+ let f1l1 = decompose_app cM in
+ if is_open_canonical_projection sigma f1l1 then
+ let f2l2 = decompose_app cN in
+ solve_canonical_projection curenvnb pb b cM f1l1 cN f2l2 substn
+ else error_cannot_unify (fst curenvnb) sigma (cM,cN)
+ else error_cannot_unify (fst curenvnb) sigma (cM,cN)
+ in try f1 () with e when precatchable_exception e ->
+ if isApp cN then
+ let f2l2 = decompose_app cN in
+ if is_open_canonical_projection sigma f2l2 then
+ let f1l1 = decompose_app cM in
+ solve_canonical_projection curenvnb pb b cN f2l2 cM f1l1 substn
+ else error_cannot_unify (fst curenvnb) sigma (cM,cN)
+ else error_cannot_unify (fst curenvnb) sigma (cM,cN)
+ and solve_canonical_projection curenvnb pb b cM f1l1 cN f2l2 (sigma,ms,es) =
+ let (c,bs,(params,params1),(us,us2),(ts,ts1),c1,(n,t2)) =
+ try Evarconv.check_conv_record f1l1 f2l2
+ with Not_found -> error_cannot_unify (fst curenvnb) sigma (cM,cN)
+ in
+ let (evd,ks,_) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (evd,ks,m) b ->
+ if m=n then (evd,t2::ks, m-1) else
+ let mv = new_meta () in
+ let evd' = meta_declare mv (substl ks b) evd in
+ (evd', mkMeta mv :: ks, m - 1))
+ (sigma,[],List.length bs - 1) bs
+ in
+ let substn =
+ List.fold_left2 (fun s u1 u -> unirec_rec curenvnb pb b s u1 (substl ks u)) (evd,ms,es) us2 us
+ in
+ let substn =
+ List.fold_left2 (fun s u1 u -> unirec_rec curenvnb pb b s u1 (substl ks u)) substn params1 params
+ in
+ let substn =
+ List.fold_left2 (unirec_rec curenvnb pb b) substn ts ts1
+ in
+ unirec_rec curenvnb pb b substn c1 (applist (c,(List.rev ks)))
if (if occur_meta m then false else
if (match flags.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms with
@@ -306,12 +356,11 @@ let unify_0_with_initial_metas subst conv_at_top env sigma cv_pb flags m n =
| None,(dl_id, dl_k) ->
Idpred.is_empty dl_id && Cpred.is_empty dl_k)
then error_cannot_unify env sigma (m, n) else false)
- then
- subst
+ then subst
unirec_rec (env,0) cv_pb conv_at_top subst m n
-let unify_0 = unify_0_with_initial_metas ([],[]) true
+let unify_0 env sigma = unify_0_with_initial_metas (sigma,[],[]) true env
let left = true
let right = false
@@ -324,10 +373,10 @@ let rec unify_with_eta keptside flags env sigma k1 k2 c1 c2 =
match kind_of_term c1, kind_of_term c2 with
| (Lambda (na,t1,c1'), Lambda (_,t2,c2')) ->
let env' = push_rel_assum (na,t1) env in
- let metas,evars = unify_0 env sigma topconv flags t1 t2 in
- let side,status,(metas',evars') =
+ let sigma,metas,evars = unify_0 env sigma topconv flags t1 t2 in
+ let side,status,(sigma,metas',evars') =
unify_with_eta keptside flags env' sigma (pop k1) (pop k2) c1' c2'
- in (side,status,(metas@metas',evars@evars'))
+ in (side,status,(sigma,metas@metas',evars@evars'))
| (Lambda (na,t,c1'),_) when k2 > 0 ->
let env' = push_rel_assum (na,t) env in
let side = left in (* expansion on the right: we keep the left side *)
@@ -489,20 +538,19 @@ let w_coerce env evd mv c =
let mvty = Typing.meta_type evd mv in
w_coerce_to_type env evd c cty mvty
-let unify_to_type env evd flags c u =
- let sigma = evd in
+let unify_to_type env sigma flags c u =
let c = refresh_universes c in
let t = get_type_of env sigma c in
- let t = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma (nf_betaiota sigma (nf_meta evd t)) in
+ let t = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma (nf_betaiota sigma (nf_meta sigma t)) in
let u = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma u in
try unify_0 env sigma Cumul flags t u
- with e when precatchable_exception e -> ([],[])
+ with e when precatchable_exception e -> (sigma,[],[])
-let unify_type env evd flags mv c =
- let mvty = Typing.meta_type evd mv in
- if occur_meta_or_existential mvty or is_arity env evd mvty then
- unify_to_type env evd flags c mvty
- else ([],[])
+let unify_type env sigma flags mv c =
+ let mvty = Typing.meta_type sigma mv in
+ if occur_meta_or_existential mvty or is_arity env sigma mvty then
+ unify_to_type env sigma flags c mvty
+ else (sigma,[],[])
(* Move metas that may need coercion at the end of the list of instances *)
@@ -527,7 +575,7 @@ let solve_simple_evar_eqn env evd ev rhs =
or in evars, possibly generating new unification problems; if [b]
is true, unification of types of metas is required *)
-let w_merge env with_types flags (metas,evars) evd =
+let w_merge env with_types flags (evd,metas,evars) =
let rec w_merge_rec evd metas evars eqns =
(* Process evars *)
@@ -535,8 +583,8 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (metas,evars) evd =
| ((evn,_ as ev),rhs)::evars' ->
if is_defined_evar evd ev then
let v = Evd.existential_value ( evd) ev in
- let (metas',evars'') =
- unify_0 env ( evd) topconv flags rhs v in
+ let (evd,metas',evars'') =
+ unify_0 env evd topconv flags rhs v in
w_merge_rec evd (metas'@metas) (evars''@evars') eqns
else begin
let rhs' = subst_meta_instances metas rhs in
@@ -565,25 +613,25 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (metas,evars) evd =
((evd,c),([],[])),eqns in
- if meta_defined evd mv then
- let {rebus=c'},(status',_) = meta_fvalue evd mv in
- let (take_left,st,(metas',evars')) =
- merge_instances env ( evd) flags status' status c' c
- in
- let evd' =
- if take_left then evd
- else meta_reassign mv (c,(st,TypeProcessed)) evd
- in
- w_merge_rec evd' (metas'@metas@metas'') (evars'@evars'') eqns
- else
- let evd' = meta_assign mv (c,(status,TypeProcessed)) evd in
- w_merge_rec evd' (metas@metas'') evars'' eqns
+ if meta_defined evd mv then
+ let {rebus=c'},(status',_) = meta_fvalue evd mv in
+ let (take_left,st,(evd,metas',evars')) =
+ merge_instances env evd flags status' status c' c
+ in
+ let evd' =
+ if take_left then evd
+ else meta_reassign mv (c,(st,TypeProcessed)) evd
+ in
+ w_merge_rec evd' (metas'@metas@metas'') (evars'@evars'') eqns
+ else
+ let evd' = meta_assign mv (c,(status,TypeProcessed)) evd in
+ w_merge_rec evd' (metas@metas'') evars'' eqns
| [] ->
(* Process type eqns *)
match eqns with
| (mv,c)::eqns ->
- let (metas,evars) = unify_type env evd flags mv c in
+ let (evd,metas,evars) = unify_type env evd flags mv c in
w_merge_rec evd metas evars eqns
| [] -> evd
@@ -591,20 +639,20 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (metas,evars) evd =
let ev = Evd.find ( evd) sp in
let sp_env = Global.env_of_context ev.evar_hyps in
let (evd', c) = applyHead sp_env evd nargs hdc in
- let (mc,ec) =
- unify_0 sp_env ( evd') Cumul flags
+ let (evd'',mc,ec) =
+ unify_0 sp_env evd' Cumul flags
(Retyping.get_type_of sp_env evd' c) ev.evar_concl in
- let evd'' = w_merge_rec evd' mc ec [] in
- if ( evd') == ( evd'')
- then Evd.define sp c evd''
- else Evd.define sp (Evarutil.nf_evar ( evd'') c) evd'' in
+ let evd''' = w_merge_rec evd'' mc ec [] in
+ if evd' == evd'''
+ then Evd.define sp c evd'''
+ else Evd.define sp (Evarutil.nf_evar evd''' c) evd''' in
(* merge constraints *)
w_merge_rec evd (order_metas metas) evars []
let w_unify_meta_types env ?(flags=default_unify_flags) evd =
let metas,evd = retract_coercible_metas evd in
- w_merge env true flags (metas,[]) evd
+ w_merge env true flags (evd,metas,[])
(* [w_unify env evd M N]
performs a unification of M and N, generating a bunch of
@@ -616,23 +664,21 @@ let w_unify_meta_types env ?(flags=default_unify_flags) evd =
[clenv_typed_unify M N clenv] expects in addition that expected
types of metavars are unifiable with the types of their instances *)
-let check_types env evd flags subst m n =
- let sigma = evd in
+let check_types env flags (sigma,_,_ as subst) m n =
if isEvar (fst (whd_stack sigma m)) or isEvar (fst (whd_stack sigma n)) then
- unify_0_with_initial_metas subst true env ( evd) topconv
+ unify_0_with_initial_metas subst true env topconv
(Retyping.get_type_of env sigma m)
(Retyping.get_type_of env sigma n)
- else
- subst
+ else subst
let w_unify_core_0 env with_types cv_pb flags m n evd =
let (mc1,evd') = retract_coercible_metas evd in
- let subst1 = check_types env evd flags (mc1,[]) m n in
+ let (sigma,ms,es) = check_types env flags (evd,mc1,[]) m n in
let subst2 =
- unify_0_with_initial_metas subst1 true env ( evd') cv_pb flags m n
+ unify_0_with_initial_metas (evd',ms,es) true env cv_pb flags m n
- w_merge env with_types flags subst2 evd'
+ w_merge env with_types flags subst2
let w_unify_0 env = w_unify_core_0 env false
let w_typed_unify env = w_unify_core_0 env true
@@ -740,7 +786,7 @@ let secondOrderAbstraction env flags allow_K typ (p, oplist) evd =
w_unify_to_subterm_list env flags allow_K oplist typ evd in
let typp = Typing.meta_type evd' p in
let pred = abstract_list_all env evd' typp typ cllist in
- w_merge env false flags ([p,pred,(ConvUpToEta 0,TypeProcessed)],[]) evd'
+ w_merge env false flags (evd',[p,pred,(ConvUpToEta 0,TypeProcessed)],[])
let w_unify2 env flags allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 evd =
let c1, oplist1 = whd_stack ( evd) ty1 in