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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2014-02-28 15:18:45 +0100
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2014-02-28 20:03:46 +0100
commitdc438047cc7d20d4f2df6ab703689814a7552623 (patch)
parent93a35165079204b57d5e28a22781de18beb9f446 (diff)
Removing a Pervasives.compare in Term_dnet.
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/term_dnet.ml b/pretyping/term_dnet.ml
index 225823411..dd1309290 100644
--- a/pretyping/term_dnet.ml
+++ b/pretyping/term_dnet.ml
@@ -81,17 +81,60 @@ struct
DCoFix (i,Array.map f ta,Array.map f ca)
| DCons ((t,topt),u) -> DCons ((f t,Option.map f topt), f u)
- let compare x y =
- let make_name n =
- match n with
- | DRef(ConstRef con) ->
- DRef(ConstRef(constant_of_kn(canonical_con con)))
- | DRef(IndRef (kn,i)) ->
- DRef(IndRef(mind_of_kn(canonical_mind kn),i))
- | DRef(ConstructRef ((kn,i),j ))->
- DRef(ConstructRef((mind_of_kn(canonical_mind kn),i),j))
- | k -> k in
- Pervasives.compare (make_name x) (make_name y)
+ let compare_ci ci1 ci2 =
+ let c = ind_ord ci1.ci_ind ci2.ci_ind in
+ if c = 0 then
+ let c = Int.compare ci1.ci_npar ci2.ci_npar in
+ if c = 0 then
+ Array.compare Int.compare ci1.ci_cstr_ndecls ci2.ci_cstr_ndecls
+ else c
+ else c
+ let compare cmp t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
+ | DRel, DRel -> 0
+ | DSort, DSort -> 0
+ | DRef gr1, DRef gr2 ->
+ begin match gr1, gr2 with
+ | ConstRef c1, ConstRef c2 -> Constant.CanOrd.compare c1 c2
+ | IndRef i1, IndRef i2 -> ind_ord i1 i2
+ | ConstructRef c1, ConstructRef c2 -> constructor_ord c1 c2
+ | _ -> Pervasives.compare gr1 gr2 (** OK **)
+ end
+ | DCtx (tl1, tr1), DCtx (tl2, tr2)
+ | DLambda (tl1, tr1), DCtx (tl2, tr2)
+ | DApp (tl1, tr1), DCtx (tl2, tr2) ->
+ let c = cmp tl1 tl2 in
+ if c = 0 then cmp tr1 tr2 else c
+ | DCase (ci1, c1, t1, p1), DCase (ci2, c2, t2, p2) ->
+ let c = cmp c1 c2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ let c = cmp t1 t2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ let c = Array.compare cmp p1 p2 in
+ if c = 0 then compare_ci ci1 ci2
+ else c
+ else c
+ else c
+ | DFix (i1, j1, tl1, pl1), DFix (i2, j2, tl2, pl2) ->
+ let c = Int.compare j1 j2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ let c = Array.compare Int.compare i1 i2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ let c = Array.compare cmp tl1 tl2 in
+ if c = 0 then Array.compare cmp pl1 pl2
+ else c
+ else c
+ else c
+ | DCoFix (i1, tl1, pl1), DCoFix (i2, tl2, pl2) ->
+ let c = Int.compare i1 i2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ let c = Array.compare cmp tl1 tl2 in
+ if c = 0 then Array.compare cmp pl1 pl2
+ else c
+ else c
+ | _ -> Pervasives.compare t1 t2 (** OK **)
let fold f acc = function
| (DRel | DNil | DSort | DRef _) -> acc
@@ -115,9 +158,11 @@ struct
| DCoFix (i,ta,ca) -> f ta.(0)
| DCons ((t,topt),u) -> f u
+ let dummy_cmp () () = 0
let fold2 (f:'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) (acc:'a) (c1:'b t) (c2:'c t) : 'a =
let head w = map (fun _ -> ()) w in
- if not (Int.equal (compare (head c1) (head c2)) 0)
+ if not (Int.equal (compare dummy_cmp (head c1) (head c2)) 0)
then invalid_arg "fold2:compare" else
match c1,c2 with
| (DRel, DRel | DNil, DNil | DSort, DSort | DRef _, DRef _) -> acc
@@ -136,7 +181,7 @@ struct
let map2 (f:'a -> 'b -> 'c) (c1:'a t) (c2:'b t) : 'c t =
let head w = map (fun _ -> ()) w in
- if not (Int.equal (compare (head c1) (head c2)) 0)
+ if not (Int.equal (compare dummy_cmp (head c1) (head c2)) 0)
then invalid_arg "map2_t:compare" else
match c1,c2 with
| (DRel, DRel | DSort, DSort | DNil, DNil | DRef _, DRef _) as cc ->
@@ -157,6 +202,9 @@ struct
let terminal = function
| (DRel | DSort | DNil | DRef _) -> true
| _ -> false
+ let compare t1 t2 = compare dummy_cmp t1 t2