diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-03-31 21:18:27 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-03-31 21:18:27 +0000
commitca29570a25be8f9b8757399f5f0b72b4a9bd5e43 (patch)
parent107de0174cf738e3eb9ac32a514c2773709315ec (diff)
Ajout d'un message à FailTac; localisation des appels à des tactiques définies
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@3824 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
3 files changed, 70 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/auto.ml b/tactics/auto.ml
index fb6485481..9eb192f4d 100644
--- a/tactics/auto.ml
+++ b/tactics/auto.ml
@@ -850,7 +850,8 @@ let compileAutoArg contac = function
tclTHENSEQ [simplest_elim (mkVar id); clear [id]; contac]
- tclFAIL 0) ctx) g)
+ tclFAIL 0 ((string_of_id id)^"is not a conjunction"))
+ ctx) g)
| UsingTDB ->
diff --git a/tactics/newtauto.ml4 b/tactics/newtauto.ml4
index 04ecc36fa..11958a0ea 100644
--- a/tactics/newtauto.ml4
+++ b/tactics/newtauto.ml4
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ let myprint env rc t=
let ppstr=Printer.prterm_env env2 t in
Pp.msgnl ppstr
-let tacinj tac=valueIn (VTactic (tac))
+let tacinj tac=valueIn (VTactic (dummy_loc,tac))
let tclATMOSTn n tac1 gl=
let result=tac1 gl in
- if List.length (fst result).it <= n then result else (tclFAIL 0 gl)
+ if List.length (fst result).it <= n then result
+ else (tclFAIL 0 "Not enough subgoals" gl)
let tclTRY_REV_HYPS (tac : constr->tactic) gl =
tclTRY_sign tac (List.rev (Tacmach.pf_hyps gl)) gl
@@ -81,9 +82,9 @@ let rule_named_llarrow id gl=
(try let nam=destVar id in
let body=Tacmach.pf_get_hyp_typ gl nam in
let (_,cc,c)=destProd body in
- if dependent (mkRel 1) c then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if dependent (mkRel 1) c then tclFAIL 0 "" else
let (_,ta,b)=destProd cc in
- if dependent (mkRel 1) b then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if dependent (mkRel 1) b then tclFAIL 0 "" else
let tb=pop b and tc=pop c in
let d=mkLambda (Anonymous,tb,
mkApp (id,[|mkLambda (Anonymous,(lift 1 ta),(mkRel 2))|])) in
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ let rule_named_llarrow id gl=
[tclTHEN intro (clear [nam]);
tclTHENS (cut cc)
[exact_check id; tclTHENLIST [generalize [d];intro;clear [nam]]]]
- with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0) gl
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0 "") gl
let rule_llarrow tac=
@@ -102,16 +103,18 @@ let rule_llarrow tac=
let rule_rind tac gl=
(let (hdapp,args)=decompose_app gl.it.Evd.evar_concl in
try let ind=destInd hdapp in
- if isrec ind then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if isrec ind then tclFAIL 0 "Found a recursive inductive type" else
any_constructor (Some tac)
- with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0) gl
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0 "") gl
let rule_rind_rev (* b *) gl=
(let (hdapp,args)=decompose_app gl.it.Evd.evar_concl in
try let ind=destInd hdapp in
- if (isrec ind)(* || (not b && (nhyps ind).(0)>1) *)then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if (isrec ind)(* || (not b && (nhyps ind).(0)>1) *) then
+ tclFAIL 0 "Found a recursive inductive type"
+ else
- with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0) gl
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0 "") gl
(* this rule increases the number of goals
if the unique constructor has several hyps.
i.e if (nhyps ind).(0)>1 *)
@@ -120,8 +123,8 @@ let rule_named_false id gl=
(try let nam=destVar id in
let body=Tacmach.pf_get_hyp_typ gl nam in
if is_empty_type body then (simplest_elim id)
- else tclFAIL 0
- with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0) gl
+ else tclFAIL 0 "Found an non empty type"
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0 "") gl
let rule_false=tclTRY_REV_HYPS rule_named_false
@@ -133,11 +136,13 @@ let rule_named_lind (*b*) id gl=
(*let nconstr=
if b then 0 else
Array.length (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).mind_consnames in *)
- if (isrec ind) (*|| (nconstr>1)*) then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if (isrec ind) (*|| (nconstr>1)*) then
+ tclFAIL 0 "Found a recursive inductive type"
+ else
let l=nhyps ind in
let f n= tclDO n intro in
tclTHENSV (tclTHEN (simplest_elim id) (clear [nam])) (Array.map f l)
- with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0) gl
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> tclFAIL 0 "") gl
let rule_lind (* b *) =
tclTRY_REV_HYPS (rule_named_lind (* b *))
@@ -147,14 +152,14 @@ let rule_named_llind id gl=
(try let nam=destVar id in
let body=Tacmach.pf_get_hyp_typ gl nam in
let (_,xind,b) =destProd body in
- if dependent (mkRel 1) b then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if dependent (mkRel 1) b then tclFAIL 0 "Found a dependent product" else
let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app xind in
let vargs=Array.of_list args in
let ind=destInd hdapp in
- if isrec ind then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if isrec ind then tclFAIL 0 "" else
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
let n=mip.mind_nparams in
- if n<>(List.length args) then tclFAIL 0 else
+ if n<>(List.length args) then tclFAIL 0 "" else
let p=nhyps ind in
let types= mip.mind_nf_lc in
let names= mip.mind_consnames in
@@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ let rule_named_llind id gl=
let newhyps=List.map myterm (interval 0 ((Array.length p)-1)) in
tclTHEN (generalize newhyps)
(tclTHEN (clear [nam]) (tclDO (Array.length p) intro))
- with Invalid_argument _ ->tclFAIL 0) gl
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->tclFAIL 0 "") gl
let rule_llind=tclTRY_REV_HYPS rule_named_llind
@@ -196,19 +201,19 @@ let rec newtauto b stac gl=
rule_llarrow (tclSOLVE [newtauto b stac]);
rule_rind (tclSOLVE [newtauto b stac]);
rule_rforall (tclSOLVE [newtauto b stac]);
- if b then tclFAIL 0 else (rule_simp_larrow stac)])
+ if b then tclFAIL 0 "" else (rule_simp_larrow stac)])
(tclPROGRESS (newtauto b stac)))
stac)) gl
let q_elim tac=
- let vtac=Tacexpr.TacArg (valueIn (VTactic tac)) in
+ let vtac=Tacexpr.TacArg (valueIn (VTactic (dummy_loc,tac))) in
interp <:tactic<
Match Context With
Generalize (H x);Clear H;$vtac>>
let rec lfo n=
- if n=0 then (tclFAIL 0) else
+ if n=0 then (tclFAIL 0 "NewLinearIntuition failed") else
let p=if n<0 then n else (n-1) in
let lfo_rec=q_elim (fun gl->lfo p gl) in
newtauto true lfo_rec
@@ -230,7 +235,7 @@ TACTIC EXTEND Intuition1
- [ "NewTauto" ] -> [ newtauto true (tclFAIL 0) ]
+ [ "NewTauto" ] -> [ newtauto true (tclFAIL 0 "NewTauto failed") ]
TACTIC EXTEND NewLinearIntuition
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index 87d756e1f..c28e21e79 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ type ltac_type =
(* Values for interpretation *)
type value =
- | VTactic of tactic (* For mixed ML/Ltac tactics (e.g. Tauto) *)
+ | VTactic of loc * tactic (* For mixed ML/Ltac tactics (e.g. Tauto) *)
| VRTactic of (goal list sigma * validation) (* For Match results *)
(* Not a true value *)
| VFun of (identifier * value) list * identifier option list *raw_tactic_expr
@@ -78,6 +78,17 @@ type value =
| VConstr_context of constr
| VRec of value ref
+let locate_tactic_call loc = function
+ | VTactic (_,t) -> VTactic (loc,t)
+ | v -> v
+let catch_error loc tac g =
+ try tac g
+ with e when loc <> dummy_loc ->
+ match e with
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,e))
+ | e -> raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,e))
(* Signature for interpretation: val_interp and interpretation functions *)
type interp_sign =
{ lfun : (identifier * value) list;
@@ -591,7 +602,7 @@ and glob_tactic_seq (lfun,lmeta,sigma,env as ist) = function
| TacMatch (c,lmr) ->
lfun, TacMatch (glob_constr_may_eval ist c,glob_match_rule ist lmr)
| TacId -> lfun, TacId
- | TacFail n as x -> lfun, x
+ | TacFail _ as x -> lfun, x
| TacProgress tac -> lfun, TacProgress (glob_tactic ist tac)
| TacAbstract (tac,s) -> lfun, TacAbstract (glob_tactic ist tac,s)
| TacThen (t1,t2) ->
@@ -745,11 +756,15 @@ let rec read_match_rule evc env lfun = function
(* For Match Context and Match *)
exception No_match
exception Not_coherent_metas
-exception Eval_fail
+exception Eval_fail of string
+let is_failure = function
+ | FailError _ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,FailError _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
let is_match_catchable = function
- | No_match | Eval_fail | FailError _ -> true
- | e -> Logic.catchable_exception e
+ | No_match | Eval_fail _ -> true
+ | e -> is_failure e or Logic.catchable_exception e
(* Verifies if the matched list is coherent with respect to lcm *)
let rec verify_metas_coherence gl lcm = function
@@ -1112,7 +1127,7 @@ let rec val_interp ist gl tac =
| TacMatch (c,lmr) -> match_interp ist gl c lmr
| TacArg a -> tacarg_interp ist gl a
(* Delayed evaluation *)
- | t -> VTactic (eval_tactic ist t)
+ | t -> VTactic (dummy_loc,eval_tactic ist t)
match ist.debug with
| DebugOn | Run _ ->
@@ -1121,9 +1136,7 @@ let rec val_interp ist gl tac =
| _ -> value_interp ist
and eval_tactic ist = function
- | TacAtom (loc,t) -> fun gl ->
- (try interp_atomic ist gl t gl
- with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e)
+ | TacAtom (loc,t) -> fun gl -> catch_error loc (interp_atomic ist gl t) gl
| TacFun (it,body) -> assert false
| TacLetRecIn (lrc,u) -> assert false
| TacLetIn (l,u) -> assert false
@@ -1131,7 +1144,7 @@ and eval_tactic ist = function
| TacMatchContext _ -> assert false
| TacMatch (c,lmr) -> assert false
| TacId -> tclIDTAC
- | TacFail n -> tclFAIL n
+ | TacFail (n,s) -> tclFAIL n s
| TacProgress tac -> tclPROGRESS (tactic_interp ist tac)
| TacAbstract (tac,s) -> Tactics.tclABSTRACT s (tactic_interp ist tac)
| TacThen (t1,t2) -> tclTHEN (tactic_interp ist t1) (tactic_interp ist t2)
@@ -1148,8 +1161,11 @@ and eval_tactic ist = function
| TacArg a -> assert false
and interp_ltac_qualid is_applied ist gl (loc,qid as lqid) =
- try val_interp {lfun=[];lmatch=[];debug=ist.debug} gl (lookup qid)
- with Not_found -> interp_pure_qualid is_applied (pf_env gl) lqid
+ try
+ let v = val_interp {lfun=[];lmatch=[];debug=ist.debug} gl (lookup qid) in
+ if is_applied then v else locate_tactic_call loc v
+ with
+ Not_found -> interp_pure_qualid is_applied (pf_env gl) lqid
and interp_ltac_reference isapplied ist gl = function
| Ident (loc,id) ->
@@ -1194,7 +1210,8 @@ and app_interp ist gl fv largs loc =
let (newlfun,lvar,lval)=head_with_value (var,largs) in
if lvar=[] then
let v = val_interp { ist with lfun=newlfun@olfun } gl body in
- if lval=[] then v else app_interp ist gl v lval loc
+ if lval=[] then locate_tactic_call loc v
+ else app_interp ist gl v lval loc
| _ ->
@@ -1205,7 +1222,7 @@ and app_interp ist gl fv largs loc =
and tactic_of_value vle g =
match vle with
| VRTactic res -> res
- | VTactic tac -> tac g
+ | VTactic (loc,tac) -> catch_error loc tac g
| VFun _ -> error "A fully applied tactic is expected"
| _ -> raise NotTactic
@@ -1213,13 +1230,15 @@ and tactic_of_value vle g =
and eval_with_fail interp tac goal =
(match interp goal tac with
- | VTactic tac -> VRTactic (tac goal)
+ | VTactic (loc,tac) -> VRTactic (catch_error loc tac goal)
| a -> a)
- with | FailError lvl ->
- if lvl = 0 then
- raise Eval_fail
- else
- raise (FailError (lvl - 1))
+ with
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,FailError (0,s)) | FailError (0,s) ->
+ raise (Eval_fail s)
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (s',FailError (lvl,s)) ->
+ raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (s',FailError (lvl - 1, s)))
+ | FailError (lvl,s) ->
+ raise (FailError (lvl - 1, s))
(* Interprets recursive expressions *)
and letrec_interp ist gl lrc u =
@@ -1301,7 +1320,7 @@ and match_context_interp ist g lr lmr =
apply_hyps_context ist env goal mt lgoal mhyps hyps
- | (FailError _) as e -> raise e
+ | e when is_failure e -> raise e
| NextOccurrence _ -> raise No_match
| e when is_match_catchable e ->
apply_goal_sub ist env goal (nocc + 1) (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps in
@@ -1341,7 +1360,7 @@ and match_context_interp ist g lr lmr =
(match e with
| No_match -> db_matching_failure ist.debug
- | Eval_fail -> db_eval_failure ist.debug
+ | Eval_fail s -> db_eval_failure ist.debug s
| _ -> db_logic_failure ist.debug e);
apply_match_context ist env goal (nrs+1) (List.tl lex) tl
@@ -1385,7 +1404,7 @@ and apply_hyps_context ist env goal mt lgmatch mhyps hyps =
apply_hyps_context_rec ist mt
(lfun@lid@lc) (lmatch@lm) tl nextlhyps nextlhyps None
- | (FailError _) as e -> raise e
+ | e when is_failure e -> raise e
| e when is_match_catchable e ->
(match noccopt with
| None ->