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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2011-06-10 22:06:56 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2011-06-10 22:06:56 +0000
commitc468f0600e6b0cefc3089af1c304f636b3f5e42f (patch)
parent52e4aaaf65ce3be633fa6c8606b4999a88a3def6 (diff)
Fixing the "buggy" first_name and prepare multi-induction.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@14184 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
index c2a2ded45..546907a8b 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -443,8 +443,13 @@ let intros = tclREPEAT intro
let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id)
-let intro_forthcoming_gen loc name_flag move_flag dep_flag =
- tclREPEAT (intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag false dep_flag)
+let intro_forthcoming_then_gen loc name_flag move_flag dep_flag tac =
+ let rec aux ids =
+ tclORELSE0
+ (intro_then_gen loc name_flag move_flag false dep_flag
+ (fun id -> aux (id::ids)))
+ (tac ids) in
+ aux []
let rec get_next_hyp_position id = function
| [] -> error ("No such hypothesis: " ^ string_of_id id)
@@ -1304,45 +1309,44 @@ let rec explicit_intro_names = function
to ensure that dependent hypotheses are cleared in the right
dependency order (see bug #1000); we use fresh names, not used in
the tactic, for the hyps to clear *)
-let rec intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac = function
+let rec intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac = function
| (loc, IntroWildcard) :: l ->
intro_then_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
no_move true false
(fun id ->
- (tclTHEN (clear [id]) (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac l))
- (intros_patterns b avoid ((loc,id)::thin) destopt tac l))
+ (tclTHEN (clear [id]) (intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac l))
+ (intros_patterns b avoid ids ((loc,id)::thin) destopt tac l))
| (loc, IntroIdentifier id) :: l ->
intro_then_gen loc (IntroMustBe id) destopt true false
- (fun _id -> intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac l)
+ (fun id -> intros_patterns b avoid (id::ids) thin destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroAnonymous) :: l ->
intro_then_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
destopt true false
- (fun _id -> intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac l)
+ (fun id -> intros_patterns b avoid (id::ids) thin destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroFresh id) :: l ->
intro_then_gen loc (IntroBasedOn (id, avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
destopt true false
- (fun _id -> intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac l)
+ (fun id -> intros_patterns b avoid (id::ids) thin destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroForthcoming onlydeps) :: l ->
- tclTHEN
- (intro_forthcoming_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- destopt onlydeps)
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac l)
+ intro_forthcoming_then_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ destopt onlydeps
+ (fun ids -> intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroOrAndPattern ll) :: l' ->
(intro_or_and_pattern loc b ll l'
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac))
+ (intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac))
| (loc, IntroRewrite l2r) :: l ->
intro_then_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
no_move true false
(fun id ->
tclTHENLAST (* Skip the side conditions of the rewriting step *)
(rewrite_hyp l2r id)
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt tac l))
- | [] -> tac thin
+ (intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac l))
+ | [] -> tac ids thin
let intros_pattern destopt =
- intros_patterns false [] [] destopt clear_wildcards
+ intros_patterns false [] [] [] destopt (fun _ -> clear_wildcards)
let intro_pattern destopt pat =
intros_pattern destopt [dloc,pat]
@@ -1370,7 +1374,7 @@ let prepare_intros s ipat gl = match ipat with
| IntroOrAndPattern ll -> make_id s gl,
(intro_or_and_pattern loc true ll []
- (intros_patterns true [] [] no_move clear_wildcards))
+ (intros_patterns true [] [] [] no_move (fun _ -> clear_wildcards)))
| IntroForthcoming _ -> user_err_loc
(loc,"",str "Introduction pattern for one hypothesis expected")
@@ -1403,7 +1407,7 @@ let as_tac id ipat = match ipat with
!forward_general_multi_rewrite l2r false (mkVar id,NoBindings) allHypsAndConcl
| Some (loc,IntroOrAndPattern ll) ->
intro_or_and_pattern loc true ll []
- (intros_patterns true [] [] no_move clear_wildcards)
+ (intros_patterns true [] [] [] no_move (fun _ -> clear_wildcards))
| Some (loc,
(IntroIdentifier _ | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ |
@@ -1781,16 +1785,6 @@ let check_unused_names names =
(str"Unused introduction " ++ str (plural (List.length names) "pattern")
++ str": " ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_intro_pattern names)
-let rec first_name_buggy avoid gl (loc,pat) = match pat with
- | IntroOrAndPattern [] -> no_move
- | IntroOrAndPattern ([]::l) ->
- first_name_buggy avoid gl (loc,IntroOrAndPattern l)
- | IntroOrAndPattern ((p::_)::_) -> first_name_buggy avoid gl p
- | IntroWildcard -> no_move
- | IntroRewrite _ -> no_move
- | IntroIdentifier id -> MoveAfter id
- | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroForthcoming _ -> (* buggy *) no_move
let rec consume_pattern avoid id isdep gl = function
| [] -> ((dloc, IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id gl)), [])
| (loc,IntroAnonymous)::names ->
@@ -1806,7 +1800,8 @@ let rec consume_pattern avoid id isdep gl = function
((loc,IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id' gl)), names)
| pat::names -> (pat,names)
-let re_intro_dependent_hypotheses (lstatus,rstatus) tophyp =
+let re_intro_dependent_hypotheses (lstatus,rstatus) (_,tophyp) =
+ let tophyp = match tophyp with None -> MoveToEnd true | Some hyp -> MoveAfter hyp in
let newlstatus = (* if some IH has taken place at the top of hyps *)
List.map (function (hyp,MoveToEnd true) -> (hyp,tophyp) | x -> x) lstatus
@@ -1817,19 +1812,45 @@ let re_intro_dependent_hypotheses (lstatus,rstatus) tophyp =
let update destopt tophyp = if destopt = no_move then tophyp else destopt
let safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest pat tac gl =
- try intros_patterns true avoid thin dest tac pat gl
+ try intros_patterns true avoid [] thin dest tac pat gl
with UserError ("move_hyp",_) ->
- (* May happen if the lemma has dependent arguments that has resolved
- only after cook_sign is called, e.g. as in
+ (* May happen if the lemma has dependent arguments that are resolved
+ only after cook_sign is called, e.g. as in "destruct dec" in context
"dec:forall x, {x=0}+{x<>0}; a:A |- if dec a then True else False"
- for argument a of dec which will be found only lately *)
- intros_patterns true avoid [] no_move tac pat gl
+ where argument a of dec will be found only lately *)
+ intros_patterns true avoid [] [] no_move tac pat gl
type elim_arg_kind = RecArg | IndArg | OtherArg
-let induct_discharge destopt avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names gl =
+type recarg_position =
+ | AfterFixedPosition of identifier option (* None = top of context *)
+let update_dest (recargdests,tophyp as dests) = function
+ | [] -> dests
+ | hyp::_ ->
+ (match recargdests with
+ | AfterFixedPosition None -> AfterFixedPosition (Some hyp)
+ | x -> x),
+ (match tophyp with None -> Some hyp | x -> x)
+let get_recarg_dest (recargdests,tophyp) =
+ match recargdests with
+ | AfterFixedPosition None -> MoveToEnd true
+ | AfterFixedPosition (Some id) -> MoveAfter id
+(* Current policy re-introduces recursive arguments of destructed
+ variable at the place of the original variable while induction
+ hypothesese are introduced at the top of the context. Since in the
+ general case of an inductive scheme, the induction hypotheses can
+ arrive just after the recursive arguments (e.g. as in "forall
+ t1:tree, P t1 -> forall t2:tree, P t2 -> P (node t1 t2)", we need
+ to update the position for t2 after "P t1" is introduced if ever t2
+ had to be introduced at the top of the context).
+let induct_discharge dests avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names gl =
let avoid = avoid @ avoid' in
- let rec peel_tac ra names thin tophyp gl =
+ let rec peel_tac ra dests names thin gl =
match ra with
| (RecArg,deprec,recvarname) ::
(IndArg,depind,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
@@ -1839,36 +1860,33 @@ let induct_discharge destopt avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names gl =
(pat, [dloc, IntroIdentifier id'])
| _ -> consume_pattern avoid recvarname deprec gl names in
let hyprec,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname depind gl names in
- (* IH stays at top: we need to update tophyp *)
- (* This is buggy for intro-or-patterns with different first hypnames *)
- (* Would need to pass peel_tac as a continuation of intros_patterns *)
- (* (or to have hypotheses classified by blocks...) *)
- let newtophyp =
- if tophyp=no_move then first_name_buggy avoid gl hyprec else tophyp
- in
- safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin (update destopt tophyp) [recpat] (fun thin ->
- safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin no_move [hyprec] (fun thin ->
- peel_tac ra' names thin newtophyp)) gl
+ let dest = get_recarg_dest dests in
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest [recpat] (fun ids thin ->
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin no_move [hyprec] (fun ids' thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' (update_dest dests ids') names thin))
+ gl
| (IndArg,dep,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
(* Rem: does not happen in Coq schemes, only in user-defined schemes *)
let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname dep gl names in
- safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin (update destopt tophyp) [pat] (fun thin ->
- peel_tac ra' names thin tophyp) gl
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin no_move [pat] (fun ids thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' (update_dest dests ids) names thin) gl
| (RecArg,dep,recvarname) :: ra' ->
let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid recvarname dep gl names in
- safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin (update destopt tophyp) [pat] (fun thin ->
- peel_tac ra' names thin tophyp) gl
+ let dest = get_recarg_dest dests in
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest [pat] (fun ids thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' dests names thin) gl
| (OtherArg,_,_) :: ra' ->
let pat,names = match names with
| [] -> (dloc, IntroAnonymous), []
| pat::names -> pat,names in
- safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin (update destopt tophyp) [pat] (fun thin ->
- peel_tac ra' names thin tophyp) gl
+ let dest = get_recarg_dest dests in
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest [pat] (fun ids thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' dests names thin) gl
| [] ->
check_unused_names names;
- tclTHEN (clear_wildcards thin) (tac tophyp) gl
+ tclTHEN (clear_wildcards thin) (tac dests) gl
- peel_tac ra names [] no_move gl
+ peel_tac ra dests names [] gl
(* - le recalcul de indtyp à chaque itération de atomize_one est pour ne pas
s'embêter à regarder si un letin_tac ne fait pas des
@@ -2046,8 +2064,13 @@ let cook_sign hyp0_opt indvars env =
fold_named_context_reverse compute_lstatus ~init:(MoveToEnd true) env in
raise (Shunt (MoveToEnd true)) (* ?? FIXME *)
with Shunt lhyp0 ->
+ let lhyp0 = match lhyp0 with
+ | MoveToEnd true -> None
+ | MoveAfter hyp -> Some hyp
+ | _ -> assert false in
let statuslists = (!lstatus,List.rev !rstatus) in
- (statuslists, (if hyp0_opt=None then MoveToEnd true else lhyp0),
+ let recargdests = AfterFixedPosition (if hyp0_opt=None then None else lhyp0) in
+ (statuslists, (recargdests,None),
!indhyps, !decldeps)