diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-11-26 13:52:09 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-11-26 13:52:09 +0000
commitba86510ae228cd70dd88719453ba8f5c07250682 (patch)
parente52bfd221b6a28fd74a70daa92ff71c74c55ec22 (diff)
module Pretty (partiellement)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@150 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
3 files changed, 718 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/pretty.ml b/parsing/pretty.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59d93aaa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/pretty.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Generic
+open Term
+open Inductive
+open Sign
+open Printer
+open Reduction
+open Impargs
+open Libobject
+open Printer
+let print_basename sp =
+ let (_,id,k) = repr_path sp in
+ try
+ if sp = Nametab.sp_of_id k id then
+ string_of_id id
+ else
+ (string_of_id id)^"."^(string_of_kind k)
+ with Not_found ->
+ warning "Undeclared constants in print_name";
+ string_of_path sp
+let print_basename_mind sp mindid =
+ let (_,id,k) = repr_path sp in
+ try
+ if sp = Nametab.sp_of_id k id then
+ string_of_id mindid
+ else
+ (string_of_id mindid)^"."^(string_of_kind k)
+ with Not_found ->
+ warning "Undeclared constants in print_name";
+ string_of_path_mind sp mindid
+let print_closed_sections = ref false
+let print_typed_value_in_sign sign (trm,typ) =
+ [< term0 (gLOB sign) trm ; 'fNL ;
+ 'sTR " : "; term0 (gLOB sign) typ ; 'fNL >]
+let print_typed_value = print_typed_value_in_sign nil_sign
+let print_recipe = function
+ | Some c -> prterm c
+ | None -> [< 'sTR"<uncookable>" >]
+let fprint_recipe = function
+ | Some c -> fprterm c
+ | None -> [< 'sTR"<uncookable>" >]
+let print_typed_recipe (val_0,typ) =
+ [< print_recipe val_0 ; 'fNL ; 'sTR " : "; prtype typ ; 'fNL >]
+let print_impl_args = function
+ | [] -> [<>]
+ | [i] -> [< 'sTR"Position ["; 'iNT i; 'sTR"] is implicit" >]
+ | l ->
+ [< 'sTR"Positions [";
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR";" >]) (fun i -> [< 'iNT i >]) l;
+ 'sTR"] are implicit" >]
+(* To be improved; the type should be used to provide the types in the
+ abstractions. This should be done recursively inside prterm, so that
+ the pretty-print of a proposition (P:(nat->nat)->Prop)(P [u]u)
+ synthesizes the type nat of the abstraction on u *)
+let print_var name typ =
+ [< 'sTR "*** [" ; 'sTR name ; 'sTR " : "; prtype typ; 'sTR "]"; 'fNL >]
+let print_env pk =
+ let pterminenv = if pk = FW then fterm0 else term0 in
+ let pr_binder env (na,c) =
+ match na with
+ | Name id as name ->
+ let pc = pterminenv env c in [< print_id id; 'sTR":"; pc >]
+ | Anonymous -> anomaly "Anonymous variables in inductives"
+ in
+ let rec prec env = function
+ | [] -> [<>]
+ | [b] -> pr_binder env b
+ | b::rest ->
+ let pb = pr_binder env b in
+ let penvtl = prec (add_rel b env) rest in
+ [< pb; 'sTR";"; 'sPC; penvtl >]
+ in
+ prec (gLOB nil_sign)
+let assumptions_for_print lna =
+ ENVIRON(([],[]),List.map (fun na -> (na,())) lna)
+let print_constructors_with_sep pk fsep mip =
+ let pterm,pterminenv =
+ if pk = FW then (fprterm,fterm0) else (prterm,term0) in
+ let (lna,lC) = decomp_all_DLAMV_name mip.mind_lc in
+ let ass_name = assumptions_for_print lna in
+ let lidC = Array.to_list
+ (array_map2 (fun id c -> (id,c)) mip.mind_consnames lC) in
+ let prass (id,c) =
+ let pc = pterminenv ass_name c in [< print_id id; 'sTR " : "; pc >]
+ in
+ prlist_with_sep fsep prass lidC
+let implicit_args_id id l =
+ if l = [] then
+ [<>]
+ else
+ [< 'sTR"For "; print_id id; 'sTR": "; print_impl_args l ; 'fNL >]
+let implicit_args_msg sp mipv =
+ [< prvecti
+ (fun i mip ->
+ let imps = inductive_implicits (sp,i) in
+ [< (implicit_args_id mip.mind_typename (list_of_implicits imps));
+ prvecti
+ (fun j idc ->
+ let imps = constructor_implicits ((sp,i),j) in
+ (implicit_args_id idc (list_of_implicits imps)))
+ mip.mind_consnames
+ >])
+ mipv >]
+let print_mutual pk sp mib =
+ let pterm,pterminenv =
+ if pk = FW then (fprterm,fterm0) else (prterm,term0) in
+ let env = Global.unsafe_env () in
+ let evd = Evd.empty in
+ let {mind_packets=mipv; mind_nparams=nparams} = mib in
+ let (lpars,_) = decomp_n_prod env evd nparams mipv.(0).mind_arity.body in
+ let lparsname = List.map fst lpars in
+ let lparsprint = assumptions_for_print lparsname in
+ let prass ass_name (id,c) =
+ let pc = pterminenv ass_name c in [< print_id id; 'sTR " : "; pc >]
+ in
+ let print_constructors mip =
+ let (lna,lC) = decomp_all_DLAMV_name mip.mind_lc in
+ let ass_name = assumptions_for_print (lparsname@lna) in
+ let lidC =
+ Array.to_list
+ (array_map2 (fun id c -> (id,snd (decomp_n_prod env evd nparams c)))
+ mip.mind_consnames lC) in
+ let plidC = prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [<'bRK(1,0); 'sTR "| " >])
+ (prass ass_name) lidC in
+ (hV 0 [< 'sTR " "; plidC >])
+ in
+ let print_oneind mip =
+ let (_,arity) = decomp_n_prod env evd nparams mip.mind_arity.body in
+ (hOV 0
+ [< (hOV 0
+ [< print_id mip.mind_typename ; 'bRK(1,2);
+ if nparams = 0 then
+ [<>]
+ else
+ [< 'sTR "["; print_env pk (List.rev lpars);
+ 'sTR "]"; 'bRK(1,2) >];
+ 'sTR ": "; pterminenv lparsprint arity; 'sTR " :=" >]);
+ 'bRK(1,2); print_constructors mip >])
+ in
+ let mip = mipv.(0) in
+ (* Case one [co]inductive *)
+ if Array.length mipv = 1 then
+ let (_,arity) = decomp_n_prod env evd nparams mip.mind_arity.body in
+ let sfinite = if mip.mind_finite then "Inductive " else "CoInductive " in
+ (hOV 0 [< 'sTR sfinite ; print_id mip.mind_typename ;
+ if nparams = 0 then
+ [<>]
+ else
+ [< 'sTR" ["; print_env pk (List.rev lpars); 'sTR "]">];
+ 'bRK(1,5); 'sTR": "; pterminenv lparsprint arity; 'sTR" :=";
+ 'bRK(0,4); print_constructors mip; 'fNL;
+ implicit_args_msg sp mipv >] )
+ (* Mutual [co]inductive definitions *)
+ else
+ let (mipli,miplc) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (li,lc) mi ->
+ if mi.mind_finite then (mi::li,lc) else (li,mi::lc))
+ ([],[]) (Array.to_list mipv)
+ in
+ let strind =
+ if mipli = [] then [<>]
+ else [< 'sTR "Inductive"; 'bRK(1,4);
+ (prlist_with_sep
+ (fun () -> [< 'fNL; 'sTR" with"; 'bRK(1,4) >])
+ print_oneind
+ (List.rev mipli)); 'fNL >]
+ and strcoind =
+ if miplc = [] then [<>]
+ else [< 'sTR "CoInductive"; 'bRK(1,4);
+ (prlist_with_sep
+ (fun () -> [<'fNL; 'sTR " with"; 'bRK(1,4) >])
+ print_oneind (List.rev miplc)); 'fNL >]
+ in
+ (hV 0 [< 'sTR"Mutual " ;
+ if mip.mind_finite then
+ [< strind; strcoind >]
+ else
+ [<strcoind; strind>];
+ implicit_args_msg sp mipv >])
+let print_extracted_mutual sp =
+ let mib = Global.lookup_mind (ccisp_of sp) in
+ match mib.mind_singl with
+ | None ->
+ let fwsp = fwsp_of sp in
+ print_mutual FW fwsp (Global.lookup_mind fwsp)
+ | Some a -> fprterm a
+let print_leaf_entry with_values sep (spopt,lobj) =
+ let tag = object_tag lobj in
+ match (spopt,tag) with
+ | (_,"VARIABLE") ->
+ let (name,(typ,_),_,l,_,_) = outVariable lobj in
+ [< print_var (string_of_id name) typ;
+ print_impl_args (list_of_implicits l); 'fNL >]
+ | (sp,"CONSTANT") ->
+ let (cmap,_,_) = outConstant lobj in
+ if Listmap.in_dom cmap CCI then
+ let {cONSTBODY=val_0;cONSTTYPE=typ;cONSTIMPARGS=l} =
+ Listmap.map cmap CCI
+ in
+ hOV 0 [< (match val_0 with
+ | None ->
+ [< 'sTR"*** [ ";
+ 'sTR (print_basename (ccisp_of sp));
+ 'sTR " : "; 'cUT ; prtype typ ; 'sTR" ]"; 'fNL >]
+ | _ ->
+ [< 'sTR(print_basename (ccisp_of sp)) ;
+ 'sTR sep; 'cUT ;
+ if with_values then
+ print_typed_recipe (val_0,typ)
+ else
+ [< prtype typ ; 'fNL >] >]);
+ print_impl_args (list_of_implicits l); 'fNL >]
+ else
+ hOV 0 [< 'sTR"Fw constant " ;
+ 'sTR (print_basename (fwsp_of sp)) ; 'fNL>]
+ let (cmap,_) = outMutualInductive lobj in
+ if Listmap.in_dom cmap CCI then
+ [< print_mutual CCI (Listmap.map cmap CCI); 'fNL >]
+ else
+ hOV 0 [< 'sTR"Fw inductive definition " ;
+ 'sTR (print_basename (fwsp_of sp)) ; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,"UNIVERSES") -> [< print_universes_object (outUniverses lobj); 'fNL >]
+ | (_,"AUTOHINT") -> [< 'sTR" Add Auto Marker" ; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,"GRAMMAR") -> [< 'sTR" Grammar Marker" ; 'fNL >]
+ | (sp,"SYNTAXCONSTANT") ->
+ [< 'sTR" Syntax Macro " ;
+ 'sTR(string_of_id(basename sp)) ; 'sTR sep;
+ if with_values then
+ let cmap = outSyntaxConstant lobj in
+ [< prterm (Listmap.map cmap CCI) >]
+ else [<>]; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,"PPSYNTAX") -> [< 'sTR" Syntax Marker" ; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,"TOKEN") -> [< 'sTR" Token Marker" ; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,"CLASS") -> [< 'sTR" Class Marker" ; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,"COERCION") -> [< 'sTR" Coercion Marker" ; 'fNL >]
+ | (sp,s) -> [< 'sTR(string_of_path sp) ; 'sTR" : " ;
+ 'sTR"Unrecognized object " ; 'sTR s ; 'fNL >]
+let rec print_library_entry with_values ent =
+ let sep = if with_values then " = " else " : " in
+ match ent with
+ | (sp,Lib.LEAF lobj) -> [< print_leaf_entry with_values sep (sp,lobj) >]
+ | (s,Lib.ClosedDir(_,_,_,ctxt)) ->
+ [< 'sTR"Closed Section " ; 'sTR (string_of_path s) ; 'fNL ;
+ if !print_closed_sections then
+ [< 'sTR " " ; hOV 0 [< print_context with_values ctxt >] >]
+ else
+ [< >] >]
+ | (sp,Lib.OpenDir(str,_)) ->
+ [< 'sTR(" >>>>>>> Section " ^ str) ; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,Lib.Import(s,_,true)) ->
+ [< 'sTR" >>>>>>> Import " ; 'sTR s ; 'fNL >]
+ | (_,Lib.Import(s,_,false)) ->
+ [< 'sTR" >>>>>>> Export " ; 'sTR s ; 'fNL >]
+and print_context with_values =
+ let rec prec = function
+ | h::rest -> [< prec rest ; print_library_entry with_values h >]
+ | [] -> [< >]
+ in
+ prec
+let print_full_context () = print_context true (Lib.contents_after None)
+let print_full_context_typ () = print_context false (Lib.contents_after None)
+(* For printing an inductive definition with
+ its constructors and elimination,
+ assume that the declaration of constructors and eliminations
+ follows the definition of the inductive type *)
+let rec head_const c = match strip_outer_cast c with
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> head_const c
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> head_const (hd_vect cl)
+ | def -> def
+let list_filter_vec f vec =
+ let rec frec n lf =
+ if n < 0 then lf
+ else if f vec.(n) then
+ frec (n-1) (vec.(n)::lf)
+ else
+ frec (n-1) lf
+ in
+ frec (Array.length vec -1) []
+ (* The four functions print_constructors_head, print_all_constructors_head,
+ print_constructors_rel and crible implement the behavior needed for the
+ Coq Search command. These functions take as first argument the procedure
+ that will be called to treat each entry. This procedure receives the name
+ of the object, the assumptions that will make it possible to print its type,
+ and the constr term that represent its type. *)
+let print_constructors_head
+ (fn:string -> unit assumptions -> constr -> unit) c mip =
+ let (lna,lC) = decomp_all_DLAMV_name mip.mINDLC in
+ let ass_name = assumptions_for_print lna in
+ let lidC = map2_vect (fun id c_0 -> (id,c_0)) mip.mINDCONSNAMES lC in
+ let flid = list_filter_vec (fun (_,c_0) -> head_const c_0 = c) lidC in
+ List.iter
+ (function (id,c_0) -> fn (string_of_id id) ass_name c_0) flid
+let print_all_constructors_head fn c mib =
+ let mipvec = mib.mINDPACKETS
+ and n = mib.mINDNTYPES in
+ let rec prec i =
+ if i = n then
+ mSG([< >])
+ else begin
+ print_constructors_head fn c mipvec.(i);
+ prec (i+1)
+ end
+ in
+ prec 0
+let print_constructors_rel fn mip =
+ let (lna,lC) = decomp_all_DLAMV_name mip.mINDLC in
+ let ass_name = assumptions_for_print lna in
+ let lidC = map2_vect (fun id c -> (id,c)) mip.mINDCONSNAMES lC in
+ let flid = list_filter_vec (fun (_,c) -> isRel (head_const c)) lidC in
+ List.iter (function (id,c) -> fn (string_of_id id) ass_name c) flid
+let crible (fn:string -> unit assumptions -> constr -> unit) name =
+ let imported = Library.search_imports() in
+ let const = Machops.global (gLOB(initial_sign())) name in
+ let rec crible_rec = function
+ | (spopt,Lib.LEAF lobj)::rest ->
+ (match (spopt,object_tag lobj) with
+ | (_,"VARIABLE") ->
+ let (namec,(typ,_),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in
+ (if (head_const typ.body)=const then
+ fn (string_of_id namec) (gLOB(initial_sign())) typ.body);
+ crible_rec rest
+ | (sp,"CONSTANT") ->
+ let (_,{cONSTTYPE=typ}) = const_of_path (ccisp_of sp) in
+ (if (head_const typ.body)=const then
+ fn (print_basename sp) (gLOB(initial_sign())) typ.body);
+ crible_rec rest
+ let (_,mib) = mind_of_path (ccisp_of sp) in
+ (match const with (DOPN(MutInd(sp',tyi),_))
+ -> if sp = objsp_of sp' then print_constructors_rel fn
+ (mind_nth_type_packet mib tyi)
+ | _ -> print_all_constructors_head fn const mib);
+ crible_rec rest
+ | _ -> crible_rec rest)
+ | (spopt,Lib.OpenDir _)::rest -> crible_rec rest
+ | (spopt,Lib.ClosedDir (_,_,_,libseg))::rest ->
+ (if List.mem spopt imported then crible_rec libseg);
+ crible_rec rest
+ | (spopt,Lib.Import _)::rest -> crible_rec rest
+ | [] -> ()
+ in
+ try
+ crible_rec (Lib.contents_after None)
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ((string_of_id name) ^ " not declared")
+let print_crible name =
+ crible (fun str ass_name constr ->
+ let pc = term0 ass_name constr in
+ mSG[<'sTR str; 'sTR":"; pc; 'fNL >]) name
+let read_sec_context sec =
+ let rec get_cxt in_cxt = function
+ | ((sp,Lib.OpenDir(str,_)) as hd)::rest ->
+ if str = sec then (hd::in_cxt) else get_cxt (hd::in_cxt) rest
+ | [] -> []
+ | hd::rest -> get_cxt (hd::in_cxt) rest
+ in
+ let cxt = (Lib.contents_after None) in
+ List.rev (get_cxt [] cxt)
+let print_sec_context sec = print_context true (read_sec_context sec)
+let print_sec_context_typ sec = print_context false (read_sec_context sec)
+let print_val sign {_VAL=trm;_TYPE=typ} =
+ print_typed_value_in_sign sign (trm,typ)
+let print_type sign {_VAL=trm;_TYPE=typ} =
+ print_typed_value_in_sign sign (trm, nf_betaiota typ)
+let print_eval red_fun sign {_VAL=trm;_TYPE=typ} =
+ let ntrm = red_fun trm
+ and ntyp = nf_betaiota typ in
+ [< 'sTR " = "; print_typed_value_in_sign sign (ntrm, ntyp) >]
+let print_name name =
+ let str = string_of_id name in
+ try
+ let sp = Nametab.sp_of_id CCI name in
+ let lobj = Lib.map_leaf (objsp_of sp) in
+ print_leaf_entry true " = " (sp,lobj)
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ (try
+ let typ = snd(lookup_glob name (gLOB (initial_sign ()))) in
+ ([< print_var str typ;
+ try print_impl_args (Vartab.implicits_of_var CCI name)
+ with _ -> [<>] >])
+ with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ ->
+ error (str ^ " not a defined object"))
+ | Invalid_argument _ -> error (str ^ " not a defined object")
+let print_opaque_name name =
+ let (sigma,sign) = initial_sigma_sign() in
+ try
+ match (Machops.global (gLOB sign) name) with
+ | DOPN(Const sp,_) as x ->
+ if evaluable_const sigma x then
+ print_typed_value(const_value sigma x,const_type sigma x)
+ else begin
+ Constants.set_transparent_sp sp;
+ let valu = const_value sigma x in
+ Constants.set_opaque_sp sp;
+ print_typed_value(valu,const_type sigma x)
+ end
+ | DOPN(MutInd (sp,_),_) as x ->
+ print_mutual CCI (snd (mind_of_path sp))
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) as x ->
+ print_typed_value(x, type_of sigma sign x)
+ | VAR id ->
+ let a = snd(lookup_sign id sign) in
+ print_var (string_of_id id) a
+ | _ -> failwith "print_name"
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ((string_of_id name) ^ " not declared")
+let print_local_context () =
+ let env = Lib.contents_after None in
+ let rec print_var_rec = function
+ | [] -> [< >]
+ | ((_,Lib.LEAF lobj))::rest ->
+ if "VARIABLE" = object_tag lobj then
+ let (name,(typ,_),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in
+ [< print_var_rec rest;
+ print_var (string_of_id name) typ >]
+ else
+ print_var_rec rest
+ | _::rest -> print_var_rec rest
+ and print_last_const = function
+ | (sp,Lib.LEAF lobj)::rest ->
+ (match object_tag lobj with
+ | "CONSTANT" ->
+ let (_,{cONSTBODY=val_0;cONSTTYPE=typ}) =
+ const_of_path (ccisp_of sp) in
+ [< print_last_const rest;
+ 'sTR(print_basename sp) ;'sTR" = ";
+ print_typed_recipe (val_0,typ) >]
+ let (_,mib) = mind_of_path (ccisp_of sp) in
+ [< print_last_const rest;print_mutual CCI mib; 'fNL >]
+ | "VARIABLE" -> [< >]
+ | _ -> print_last_const rest)
+ | (sp,Lib.ClosedDir _)::rest -> print_last_const rest
+ | _ -> [< >]
+ in
+ [< print_var_rec env; print_last_const env >]
+let fprint_var name typ =
+ [< 'sTR ("*** [" ^ name ^ " :"); fprtype typ; 'sTR "]"; 'fNL >]
+let fprint_judge {_VAL=trm;_TYPE=typ} =
+ [< fprterm trm; 'sTR" : " ; fprterm typ >]
+let unfold_head_fconst sigma =
+ let rec unfrec = function
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) as k -> const_value sigma k
+ | DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(na,b)) -> DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(na,unfrec b))
+ | DOPN(AppL,v) -> DOPN(AppL,cons_vect (unfrec (hd_vect v)) (tl_vect v))
+ | x -> x
+ in
+ unfrec
+let print_extracted_name name =
+ let (sigma,(sign,fsign)) = initial_sigma_assumptions() in
+ try
+ match (Machops.global (gLOB sign) name) with
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) as x ->
+ let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) x) in
+ (match cont with
+ | Inf {_VAL=trm; _TYPE=typ} ->
+ (hOV 0
+ [< 'sTR (string_of_id name);
+ if defined_const sigma x then
+ begin
+ Constants.set_transparent_extraction name;
+ [< 'sTR " ==>";'bRK(1,4);
+ fprterm (unfold_head_fconst sigma trm); 'fNL>]
+ end
+ else
+ [< >];
+ 'sTR " : "; fprterm typ; 'fNL >])
+ | _ -> error "Non informative term")
+ | VAR id ->
+ (* Pourquoi on n'utilise pas fsign ? *)
+ let a = snd(lookup_sign id sign) in
+ let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) a.body) in
+ (match cont with (* Cradingue *)
+ | Inf {_VAL=t;_TYPE=k} ->
+ (match whd_betadeltaiota sigma k with
+ | DOP0 (Sort s) ->
+ fprint_var (string_of_id name) {body=t;typ=s})
+ | _ -> error "Non informative term")
+ | DOPN(MutInd (sp,_),_) as x ->
+ let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) x) in
+ (match cont with
+ | Inf _ ->
+ (hOV 0 [< 'sTR (string_of_id name); 'sTR " ==>"; 'bRK(1,4);
+ print_extracted_mutual sp >])
+ | _ -> error "Non informative term")
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct _ ,_) as x ->
+ let cont = snd(infexecute sigma (sign,fsign) x) in
+ (match cont with
+ | Inf d ->
+ [< 'sTR ((string_of_id name) ^" ==> ");
+ fprint_judge d ; 'fNL >]
+ | _ -> error "Non informative term")
+ | _ -> anomaly "should be a variable or constant"
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ((string_of_id name) ^ " not declared")
+let print_extraction () =
+ let rec print_rec = function
+ | (sp,Lib.LEAF lobj)::rest ->
+ (match (sp,object_tag lobj) with
+ | (sp,"CONSTANT") ->
+ (try
+ let (_,{cONSTBODY=d}) = const_of_path (fwsp_of sp) in
+ [< print_rec rest;
+ 'sTR(print_basename sp) ; 'sTR" ==> ";
+ fprint_recipe d; 'fNL >]
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_rec rest)
+ | (_,"VARIABLE") ->
+ let (name,(_,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in
+ [< print_rec rest;
+ (match cont with
+ | Some(t,_) -> fprint_var (string_of_id name) t
+ | _ -> [< >]) >]
+ [< print_rec rest;
+ (try
+ [< print_extracted_mutual sp ; 'fNL >]
+ with Not_found -> [<>]) >]
+ | _ -> print_rec rest)
+ | (sp,Lib.ClosedDir _)::rest -> print_rec rest
+ | _::rest -> print_rec rest
+ | [] -> [< 'fNL >]
+ in
+ [< print_rec (Lib.contents_after None); 'fNL >]
+let print_extracted_context () =
+ let env = Lib.contents_after None in
+ let rec print_var_rec = function
+ | ((_,Lib.LEAF lobj))::rest ->
+ if "VARIABLE" = object_tag lobj then
+ let (name,(typ,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in
+ [< print_var_rec rest ; 'fNL;
+ match cont with
+ | Some(t,_) -> fprint_var (string_of_id name) t
+ | _ -> [< >] >]
+ else
+ print_var_rec rest
+ | _::rest -> print_var_rec rest
+ | [] -> [< 'fNL >]
+ and print_last_constants = function
+ | (sp,Lib.LEAF lobj)::rest ->
+ (match object_tag lobj with
+ | "CONSTANT" ->
+ let (_,{cONSTBODY=c;cONSTTYPE=typ}) =
+ const_of_path (fwsp_of sp) in
+ [< print_last_constants rest;
+ let s=print_basename sp in
+ (try
+ let (_,{cONSTBODY = d}) = const_of_path (fwsp_of sp) in
+ [< 'sTR (s ^" ==> "); fprint_recipe d; 'fNL >]
+ with Not_found ->
+ [< >]) >]
+ [< print_last_constants rest;
+ try print_extracted_mutual sp with Not_found -> [<>] >]
+ | "VARIABLE" ->
+ let (_,(_,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in
+ (match cont with
+ | Some _ -> [<>]
+ | None -> print_last_constants rest)
+ | _ -> print_last_constants rest)
+ | (_,Lib.ClosedDir _)::rest -> print_last_constants rest
+ | _ -> [< >]
+ in
+ [< print_var_rec env; print_last_constants env >]
+let print_extracted_vars () =
+ let env = Lib.contents_after None in
+ let rec print_var_rec = function
+ | ((_,Lib.LEAF lobj))::rest ->
+ if "VARIABLE" = object_tag lobj then
+ let (name,(_,cont),_,_,_,_) = outVariable lobj in
+ [< print_var_rec rest ; 'fNL;
+ match cont with
+ | Some (t,_) -> fprint_var (string_of_id name) t
+ | _ -> [< >] >]
+ else
+ print_var_rec rest
+ | _::rest -> print_var_rec rest
+ | [] -> [< 'fNL >]
+ in
+ print_var_rec env
+(* for debug *)
+let inspect depth =
+ let rec inspectrec n res env =
+ if n=0 or env=[] then
+ res
+ else
+ inspectrec (n-1) (List.hd env::res) (List.tl env)
+ in
+ let items = List.rev (inspectrec depth [] (Lib.contents_after None)) in
+ print_context false items
diff --git a/parsing/pretty.mli b/parsing/pretty.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b4c378c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/pretty.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Sign
+open Term
+open Inductive
+open Reduction
+open Environ
+(* A Pretty-Printer for the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. *)
+val assumptions_for_print : name list -> unit assumptions
+val print_basename : section_path -> string
+val print_basename_mind : section_path -> identifier -> string
+val print_closed_sections : bool ref
+val print_impl_args : int list -> std_ppcmds
+val print_env : path_kind -> (name * constr) list -> std_ppcmds
+val print_context : bool -> Lib.library_segment -> std_ppcmds
+val print_library_entry : bool -> (section_path * Lib.node) -> std_ppcmds
+val print_full_context : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val print_full_context_typ : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val print_crible : identifier -> unit
+val print_sec_context : string -> std_ppcmds
+val print_sec_context_typ : string -> std_ppcmds
+val print_val : context -> unsafe_judgment -> std_ppcmds
+val print_type : context -> unsafe_judgment -> std_ppcmds
+val print_eval :
+ 'a reduction_function -> context -> unsafe_judgment -> std_ppcmds
+val implicit_args_msg : mutual_inductive_packet array -> std_ppcmds
+val print_mutual : path_kind -> mutual_inductive_body -> std_ppcmds
+val print_name : identifier -> std_ppcmds
+val print_opaque_name : identifier -> std_ppcmds
+val print_local_context : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val print_extracted_name : identifier -> std_ppcmds
+val print_extraction : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val print_extracted_vars : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val crible : (string -> unit assumptions -> constr -> unit) -> identifier ->
+ unit
+val inspect : int -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/parsing/printer.mli b/parsing/printer.mli
index 9bf72b660..438c338b8 100644
--- a/parsing/printer.mli
+++ b/parsing/printer.mli
@@ -12,6 +12,16 @@ val gencompr : path_kind -> Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds
val gentermpr : path_kind -> 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
val gentacpr : Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds
+val prterm : constr -> std_ppcmds
+val prtype_env : 'a assumptions -> typed_type -> std_ppcmds
+val prtype : typed_type -> std_ppcmds
+val fprterm : constr -> std_ppcmds
+val fprtype_env : 'a assumptions -> typed_type -> std_ppcmds
+val fprtype : typed_type -> std_ppcmds
+val fterm0 : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
+val term0 : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
+val term0_at_top : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
val print_arguments : bool ref
val print_casts : bool ref
val print_emacs : bool ref