diff options
authorGravatar bertot <bertot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-08-28 11:42:14 +0000
committerGravatar bertot <bertot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-08-28 11:42:14 +0000
commita49d610f95a9d78d273cc34a82cc91ebfab2f22a (patch)
parent6eeef4f694e5833c3244604bda5fa44f82e2d039 (diff)
improve the amount of information given by the Ltac tactic debugger
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@9092 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
4 files changed, 188 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/tactic_debug.ml b/proofs/tactic_debug.ml
index 889e06a8b..96df8f641 100644
--- a/proofs/tactic_debug.ml
+++ b/proofs/tactic_debug.ml
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ type debug_info =
(* An exception handler *)
let explain_logic_error = ref (fun e -> mt())
+let explain_logic_error_no_anomaly = ref (fun e -> mt())
(* Prints the goal *)
let db_pr_goal g =
msgnl (str "Goal:" ++ fnl () ++ Proof_trees.db_pr_goal (Refiner.sig_it g))
diff --git a/proofs/tactic_debug.mli b/proofs/tactic_debug.mli
index a64965605..6da6dc61c 100644
--- a/proofs/tactic_debug.mli
+++ b/proofs/tactic_debug.mli
@@ -66,5 +66,11 @@ val db_eval_failure : debug_info -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
(* An exception handler *)
val explain_logic_error: (exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds) ref
+(* For use in the Ltac debugger: some exception that are usually
+ consider anomalies are acceptable because they are caught later in
+ the process that is being debugged. One should not require
+ from users that they report these anomalies. *)
+val explain_logic_error_no_anomaly : (exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds) ref
(* Prints a logic failure message for a rule *)
val db_logic_failure : debug_info -> exn -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index 20649674d..cfda82a98 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ open Pretyping
open Pretyping.Default
open Pcoq
+let safe_msgnl s =
+ try msgnl s with e ->
+ msgnl
+ (str "bug in the debugger : " ++
+ str "an exception is raised while printing debug information")
let error_syntactic_metavariables_not_allowed loc =
@@ -1296,11 +1302,39 @@ let interp_may_eval f ist gl = function
user_err_loc (loc, "interp_may_eval",
str "Unbound context identifier" ++ pr_id s))
| ConstrTypeOf c -> pf_type_of gl (f ist gl c)
- | ConstrTerm c -> f ist gl c
+ | ConstrTerm c ->
+ try
+ f ist gl c
+ with e ->
+ begin
+ match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": interpretation of term " ++
+ Printer.pr_rawconstr_env (pf_env gl) (fst c) ++
+ str " raised an exception" ++
+ fnl() ++
+ !Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error_no_anomaly e)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ raise e
(* Interprets a constr expression possibly to first evaluate *)
let interp_constr_may_eval ist gl c =
- let csr = interp_may_eval pf_interp_constr ist gl c in
+ let csr =
+ try
+ interp_may_eval pf_interp_constr ist gl c
+ with e ->
+ begin match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": evaluation of term raised an exception" ++
+ fnl() ++
+ !Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error_no_anomaly e)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ raise e
+ in
db_constr ist.debug (pf_env gl) csr;
@@ -1481,7 +1515,31 @@ and interp_app ist gl fv largs loc =
| VFun(olfun,var,body) ->
let (newlfun,lvar,lval)=head_with_value (var,largs) in
if lvar=[] then
- let v = val_interp { ist with lfun=newlfun@olfun } gl body in
+ let v =
+ let res =
+ try
+ val_interp { ist with lfun=newlfun@olfun } gl body
+ with e ->
+ begin match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl
+ (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": evaluation raises an exception" ++
+ fnl() ++
+ !Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error_no_anomaly e)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ raise e
+ in
+ (match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": evaluation returns" ++ fnl() ++
+ pr_value (Some (pf_env gl)) res)
+ | _ -> ());
+ res
+ in
if lval=[] then locate_tactic_call loc v
else interp_app ist gl v lval loc
@@ -1706,26 +1764,114 @@ and interp_match ist g lz constr lmr =
(try eval_with_fail ist lz g t
with e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr [])
| (Pat ([],Term c,mt))::tl ->
- (try
- let lm = matches c csr in
- let lm = List.map (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lm in
- eval_with_fail { ist with lfun=lm@ist.lfun } lz g mt
- with e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr tl)
+ (try let lm =
+ (try matches c csr with
+ e ->
+ (match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": matching with pattern" ++ fnl() ++
+ Printer.pr_constr_pattern_env (pf_env g) c ++ fnl() ++
+ str "raised the exception" ++ fnl() ++
+ !Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error_no_anomaly e)
+ | _ -> ()); raise e) in
+ (try let lm = List.map (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lm in
+ eval_with_fail { ist with lfun=lm@ist.lfun } lz g mt
+ with e ->
+ (match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "rule body for pattern" ++ fnl() ++
+ Printer.pr_constr_pattern_env (pf_env g) c ++ fnl() ++
+ str "raised the exception" ++ fnl() ++
+ !Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error_no_anomaly e)
+ | _ -> ()); raise e)
+ with e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ (match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ":switching to the next rule");
+ | DebugOff -> ());
+ apply_match ist csr tl)
| (Pat ([],Subterm (id,c),mt))::tl ->
(try apply_match_subterm ist 0 (id,c) csr mt
with PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_match ist csr tl)
| _ ->
errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.apply_match" (str
"No matching clauses for match") in
- let csr = interp_ltac_constr ist g constr in
+ let csr =
+ try interp_ltac_constr ist g constr with
+ e -> (match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": evaluation of the matched expression raised " ++
+ str "the exception" ++ fnl() ++
+ !Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error e)
+ | _ -> ()); raise e in
let ilr = read_match_rule (fst (constr_list ist (pf_env g))) lmr in
- apply_match ist csr ilr
+ let res =
+ try apply_match ist csr ilr with
+ e ->
+ begin match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": match expression failed with error" ++ fnl() ++
+ !Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error e)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ raise e in
+ (if ist.debug <> DebugOff then
+ safe_msgnl (str "match expression returns " ++
+ pr_value (Some (pf_env g)) res));
+ res
(* Interprets tactic expressions : returns a "constr" *)
and interp_ltac_constr ist gl e =
- try constr_of_value (pf_env gl) (val_interp ist gl e)
+ let result =
+ try (val_interp ist gl e) with Not_found ->
+ begin match ist.debug with
+ DebugOn lev ->
+ safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++
+ str ": evaluation failed for" ++ fnl() ++
+ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (pf_env gl) e)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ raise Not_found in
+ try let cresult = constr_of_value (pf_env gl) result in
+ (if !debug <> DebugOff then
+ safe_msgnl (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (pf_env gl) e ++ fnl() ++
+ str " has value " ++ fnl() ++ print_constr_env (pf_env gl) cresult);
+ cresult)
with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Must evaluate to a term")
+ errorlabstrm ""
+ (str "Must evaluate to a term" ++ fnl() ++
+ str "offending expression: " ++ fnl() ++
+ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (pf_env gl) e ++ fnl() ++ str "this is a " ++
+ (match result with
+ VTactic _ -> str "VTactic"
+ | VRTactic _ -> str "VRTactic"
+ | VFun (il,ul,b) ->
+ (str "VFun with body " ++ fnl() ++
+ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (pf_env gl) b ++ fnl() ++
+ str "instantiated arguments " ++ fnl() ++
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun p s ->
+ let (i,v) = p in str (string_of_id i) ++ str ", " ++ s)
+ il (str "") ++
+ str "uninstantiated arguments " ++ fnl() ++
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun opt_id s ->
+ (match opt_id with
+ Some id -> str (string_of_id id)
+ | None -> str "_") ++ str ", " ++ s)
+ ul (str ""))
+ | VVoid -> str "VVoid"
+ | VInteger _ -> str "VInteger"
+ | VConstr _ -> str "VConstr"
+ | VIntroPattern _ -> str "VIntroPattern"
+ | VConstr_context _ -> str "VConstrr_context"
+ | VRec _ -> str "VRec"))
(* Interprets tactic expressions : returns a "tactic" *)
and interp_tactic ist tac gl =
diff --git a/toplevel/cerrors.ml b/toplevel/cerrors.ml
index 35725c5bf..a1ac9f184 100644
--- a/toplevel/cerrors.ml
+++ b/toplevel/cerrors.ml
@@ -28,19 +28,21 @@ let guill s = "\""^s^"\""
let where s =
if !Options.debug then (str"in " ++ str s ++ str":" ++ spc ()) else (mt ())
+let anomaly_string () = str "Anomaly: "
let report () = (str "." ++ spc () ++ str "Please report.")
(* assumption : explain_sys_exn does NOT end with a 'FNL anymore! *)
-let rec explain_exn_default = function
+let rec explain_exn_default_aux anomaly_string report_fn = function
| Stream.Failure ->
- hov 0 (str "Anomaly: uncaught Stream.Failure.")
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught Stream.Failure.")
| Stream.Error txt ->
hov 0 (str "Syntax error: " ++ str txt)
| Token.Error txt ->
hov 0 (str "Syntax error: " ++ str txt)
| Sys_error msg ->
- hov 0 (str "Anomaly: uncaught exception Sys_error " ++ str (guill msg) ++ report ())
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Sys_error " ++ str (guill msg) ++ report_fn ())
| UserError(s,pps) ->
hov 1 (str "User error: " ++ where s ++ pps)
| Out_of_memory ->
@@ -48,22 +50,22 @@ let rec explain_exn_default = function
| Stack_overflow ->
hov 0 (str "Stack overflow")
| Anomaly (s,pps) ->
- hov 1 (str "Anomaly: " ++ where s ++ pps ++ report ())
+ hov 1 (anomaly_string () ++ where s ++ pps ++ report_fn ())
| Match_failure(filename,pos1,pos2) ->
- hov 1 (str "Anomaly: Match failure in file " ++ str (guill filename) ++
+ hov 1 (anomaly_string () ++ str "Match failure in file " ++ str (guill filename) ++
if Sys.ocaml_version = "3.06" then
(str " from character " ++ int pos1 ++
str " to " ++ int pos2)
(str " at line " ++ int pos1 ++
str " character " ++ int pos2)
- ++ report ())
+ ++ report_fn ())
| Not_found ->
- hov 0 (str "Anomaly: uncaught exception Not_found" ++ report ())
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Not_found" ++ report_fn ())
| Failure s ->
- hov 0 (str "Anomaly: uncaught exception Failure " ++ str (guill s) ++ report ())
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Failure " ++ str (guill s) ++ report_fn ())
| Invalid_argument s ->
- hov 0 (str "Anomaly: uncaught exception Invalid_argument " ++ str (guill s) ++ report ())
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Invalid_argument " ++ str (guill s) ++ report_fn ())
| Sys.Break ->
hov 0 (fnl () ++ str "User Interrupt.")
| Univ.UniverseInconsistency ->
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ let rec explain_exn_default = function
| Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,exc) ->
hov 0 ((if loc = dummy_loc then (mt ())
else (str"At location " ++ print_loc loc ++ str":" ++ fnl ()))
- ++ explain_exn_default exc)
+ ++ explain_exn_default_aux anomaly_string report_fn exc)
| Lexer.Error Illegal_character ->
hov 0 (str "Syntax error: Illegal character.")
| Lexer.Error Unterminated_comment ->
@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ let rec explain_exn_default = function
| Lexer.Error (Bad_token s) ->
hov 0 (str "Syntax error: Bad token" ++ spc () ++ str s ++ str ".")
| Assert_failure (s,b,e) ->
- hov 0 (str "Anomaly: assert failure" ++ spc () ++
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "assert failure" ++ spc () ++
(if s <> "" then
if Sys.ocaml_version = "3.06" then
(str ("(file \"" ^ s ^ "\", characters ") ++
@@ -120,16 +122,22 @@ let rec explain_exn_default = function
int (e+6) ++ str ")")
(mt ())) ++
- report ())
+ report_fn ())
| reraise ->
- hov 0 (str "Anomaly: Uncaught exception " ++
- str (Printexc.to_string reraise) ++ report ())
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "Uncaught exception " ++
+ str (Printexc.to_string reraise) ++ report_fn ())
+let explain_exn_default =
+ explain_exn_default_aux (fun () -> str "Anomaly: ") report
let raise_if_debug e =
if !Options.debug then raise e
let _ = Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error := explain_exn_default
+let _ = Tactic_debug.explain_logic_error_no_anomaly :=
+ explain_exn_default_aux (fun () -> mt()) (fun () -> mt())
let explain_exn_function = ref explain_exn_default
let explain_exn e = !explain_exn_function e