diff options
authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2014-03-03 02:49:04 +0100
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2014-03-03 02:52:53 +0100
commita13e33bc6b4cf637f0e3b94be15907d50cf48eea (patch)
parent37f624d80e82d655021f2beb7d72794a120ff8b5 (diff)
Removing Termdn, and putting the relevant code in Btermdn. The current Termdn
file was useless and duplicated code from Btermdn itself.
5 files changed, 119 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/btermdn.ml b/tactics/btermdn.ml
index 1751d4138..b93be6fc2 100644
--- a/tactics/btermdn.ml
+++ b/tactics/btermdn.ml
@@ -18,11 +18,117 @@ open Globnames
let dnet_depth = ref 8
+type term_label =
+| GRLabel of global_reference
+| ProdLabel
+| LambdaLabel
+| SortLabel
+let compare_term_label t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
+| GRLabel gr1, GRLabel gr2 -> RefOrdered.compare gr1 gr2
+| _ -> Pervasives.compare t1 t2 (** OK *)
+type 'res lookup_res = 'res Dn.lookup_res = Label of 'res | Nothing | Everything
+let decomp_pat =
+ let rec decrec acc = function
+ | PApp (f,args) -> decrec (Array.to_list args @ acc) f
+ | c -> (c,acc)
+ in
+ decrec []
+let decomp =
+ let rec decrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (f,l) -> decrec (Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) l acc) f
+ | Cast (c1,_,_) -> decrec acc c1
+ | _ -> (c,acc)
+ in
+ decrec []
+let constr_val_discr t =
+ let c, l = decomp t in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind ind_sp -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
+ | Construct cstr_sp -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
+ | Var id -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
+ | Const _ -> Everything
+ | _ -> Nothing
+let constr_pat_discr t =
+ if not (Patternops.occur_meta_pattern t) then
+ None
+ else
+ match decomp_pat t with
+ | PRef ((IndRef _) as ref), args
+ | PRef ((ConstructRef _ ) as ref), args -> Some (GRLabel ref,args)
+ | PRef ((VarRef v) as ref), args -> Some(GRLabel ref,args)
+ | _ -> None
+let constr_val_discr_st (idpred,cpred) t =
+ let c, l = decomp t in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Const c -> if Cpred.mem c cpred then Everything else Label(GRLabel (ConstRef c),l)
+ | Ind ind_sp -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
+ | Construct cstr_sp -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
+ | Var id when not (Id.Pred.mem id idpred) -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
+ | Prod (n, d, c) -> Label(ProdLabel, [d; c])
+ | Lambda (n, d, c) -> Label(LambdaLabel, [d; c] @ l)
+ | Sort _ -> Label(SortLabel, [])
+ | Evar _ -> Everything
+ | _ -> Nothing
+let constr_pat_discr_st (idpred,cpred) t =
+ match decomp_pat t with
+ | PRef ((IndRef _) as ref), args
+ | PRef ((ConstructRef _ ) as ref), args -> Some (GRLabel ref,args)
+ | PRef ((VarRef v) as ref), args when not (Id.Pred.mem v idpred) ->
+ Some(GRLabel ref,args)
+ | PVar v, args when not (Id.Pred.mem v idpred) ->
+ Some(GRLabel (VarRef v),args)
+ | PRef ((ConstRef c) as ref), args when not (Cpred.mem c cpred) ->
+ Some (GRLabel ref, args)
+ | PProd (_, d, c), [] -> Some (ProdLabel, [d ; c])
+ | PLambda (_, d, c), l -> Some (LambdaLabel, [d ; c] @ l)
+ | PSort s, [] -> Some (SortLabel, [])
+ | _ -> None
+let bounded_constr_pat_discr_st st (t,depth) =
+ if Int.equal depth 0 then
+ None
+ else
+ match constr_pat_discr_st st t with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (c,l) -> Some(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
+let bounded_constr_val_discr_st st (t,depth) =
+ if Int.equal depth 0 then
+ Nothing
+ else
+ match constr_val_discr_st st t with
+ | Label (c,l) -> Label(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
+ | Nothing -> Nothing
+ | Everything -> Everything
+let bounded_constr_pat_discr (t,depth) =
+ if Int.equal depth 0 then
+ None
+ else
+ match constr_pat_discr t with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (c,l) -> Some(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
+let bounded_constr_val_discr (t,depth) =
+ if Int.equal depth 0 then
+ Nothing
+ else
+ match constr_val_discr t with
+ | Label (c,l) -> Label(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
+ | Nothing -> Nothing
+ | Everything -> Everything
module Make =
functor (Z : Map.OrderedType) ->
- open Termdn
module X = struct
type t = constr_pattern*int
@@ -34,79 +140,12 @@ struct
let compare = compare_term_label
- type 'res lookup_res = 'res Dn.lookup_res = Label of 'res | Nothing | Everything
module Dn = Dn.Make(X)(Y)(Z)
type t = Dn.t
let create = Dn.create
- let decomp =
- let rec decrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with
- | App (f,l) -> decrec (Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) l acc) f
- | Cast (c1,_,_) -> decrec acc c1
- | _ -> (c,acc)
- in
- decrec []
- let constr_val_discr t =
- let c, l = decomp t in
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind ind_sp -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
- | Construct cstr_sp -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
- | Var id -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
- | Const _ -> Everything
- | _ -> Nothing
- let constr_val_discr_st (idpred,cpred) t =
- let c, l = decomp t in
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Const c -> if Cpred.mem c cpred then Everything else Label(GRLabel (ConstRef c),l)
- | Ind ind_sp -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
- | Construct cstr_sp -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
- | Var id when not (Id.Pred.mem id idpred) -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
- | Prod (n, d, c) -> Label(ProdLabel, [d; c])
- | Lambda (n, d, c) -> Label(LambdaLabel, [d; c] @ l)
- | Sort _ -> Label(SortLabel, [])
- | Evar _ -> Everything
- | _ -> Nothing
- let bounded_constr_pat_discr_st st (t,depth) =
- if Int.equal depth 0 then
- None
- else
- match constr_pat_discr_st st t with
- | None -> None
- | Some (c,l) -> Some(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
- let bounded_constr_val_discr_st st (t,depth) =
- if Int.equal depth 0 then
- Nothing
- else
- match constr_val_discr_st st t with
- | Label (c,l) -> Label(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
- | Nothing -> Nothing
- | Everything -> Everything
- let bounded_constr_pat_discr (t,depth) =
- if Int.equal depth 0 then
- None
- else
- match constr_pat_discr t with
- | None -> None
- | Some (c,l) -> Some(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
- let bounded_constr_val_discr (t,depth) =
- if Int.equal depth 0 then
- Nothing
- else
- match constr_val_discr t with
- | Label (c,l) -> Label(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
- | Nothing -> Nothing
- | Everything -> Everything
let add = function
| None ->
(fun dn (c,v) ->
diff --git a/tactics/btermdn.mli b/tactics/btermdn.mli
index fedc68047..575502026 100644
--- a/tactics/btermdn.mli
+++ b/tactics/btermdn.mli
@@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ open Pattern
open Names
(** Discrimination nets with bounded depth. *)
+(** This module registers actions (typically tactics) mapped to patterns *)
+(** Patterns are stocked linearly as the list of its node in prefix
+order in such a way patterns having the same prefix have this common
+prefix shared and the seek for the action associated to the patterns
+that a term matches are found in time proportional to the maximal
+number of nodes of the patterns matching the term. The [transparent_state]
+indicates which constants and variables can be considered as rigid.
+These dnets are able to cope with existential variables as well, which match
+[Everything]. *)
module Make :
functor (Z : Map.OrderedType) ->
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.mllib b/tactics/tactics.mllib
index a4de9e2b4..27ded2357 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.mllib
+++ b/tactics/tactics.mllib
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/tactics/termdn.ml b/tactics/termdn.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eff2909f..000000000
--- a/tactics/termdn.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Pattern
-open Patternops
-open Globnames
-type term_label =
-| GRLabel of global_reference
-| ProdLabel
-| LambdaLabel
-| SortLabel
-let compare_term_label t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
-| GRLabel gr1, GRLabel gr2 -> RefOrdered.compare gr1 gr2
-| _ -> Pervasives.compare t1 t2 (** OK *)
-type 'res lookup_res = 'res Dn.lookup_res = Label of 'res | Nothing | Everything
-(*If we have: f a b c ..., decomp gives: (f,[a;b;c;...])*)
-let decomp =
- let rec decrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with
- | App (f,l) -> decrec (Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) l acc) f
- | Cast (c1,_,_) -> decrec acc c1
- | _ -> (c,acc)
- in
- decrec []
-let decomp_pat =
- let rec decrec acc = function
- | PApp (f,args) -> decrec (Array.to_list args @ acc) f
- | c -> (c,acc)
- in
- decrec []
-let constr_pat_discr t =
- if not (occur_meta_pattern t) then
- None
- else
- match decomp_pat t with
- | PRef ((IndRef _) as ref), args
- | PRef ((ConstructRef _ ) as ref), args -> Some (GRLabel ref,args)
- | PRef ((VarRef v) as ref), args -> Some(GRLabel ref,args)
- | _ -> None
-let constr_pat_discr_st (idpred,cpred) t =
- match decomp_pat t with
- | PRef ((IndRef _) as ref), args
- | PRef ((ConstructRef _ ) as ref), args -> Some (GRLabel ref,args)
- | PRef ((VarRef v) as ref), args when not (Id.Pred.mem v idpred) ->
- Some(GRLabel ref,args)
- | PVar v, args when not (Id.Pred.mem v idpred) ->
- Some(GRLabel (VarRef v),args)
- | PRef ((ConstRef c) as ref), args when not (Cpred.mem c cpred) ->
- Some (GRLabel ref, args)
- | PProd (_, d, c), [] -> Some (ProdLabel, [d ; c])
- | PLambda (_, d, c), l -> Some (LambdaLabel, [d ; c] @ l)
- | PSort s, [] -> Some (SortLabel, [])
- | _ -> None
-open Dn
-let constr_val_discr t =
- let c, l = decomp t in
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind ind_sp -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
- | Construct cstr_sp -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
- | Var id -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
- | Const _ -> Everything
- | _ -> Nothing
-let constr_val_discr_st (idpred,cpred) t =
- let c, l = decomp t in
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Const c -> if Cpred.mem c cpred then Everything else Label(GRLabel (ConstRef c),l)
- | Ind ind_sp -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
- | Construct cstr_sp -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
- | Var id when not (Id.Pred.mem id idpred) -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
- | Prod (n, d, c) -> Label(ProdLabel, [d; c])
- | Lambda (n, d, c) -> Label(LambdaLabel, [d; c] @ l)
- | Sort _ -> Label (SortLabel, [])
- | Evar _ -> Everything
- | _ -> Nothing
diff --git a/tactics/termdn.mli b/tactics/termdn.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 16be2e1c9..000000000
--- a/tactics/termdn.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Term
-open Pattern
-open Globnames
-open Names
-type term_label =
-| GRLabel of global_reference
-| ProdLabel
-| LambdaLabel
-| SortLabel
-val compare_term_label : term_label -> term_label -> int
-(** Discrimination nets of terms. *)
-(** This module registers actions (typically tactics) mapped to patterns *)
-(** Patterns are stocked linearly as the list of its node in prefix
-order in such a way patterns having the same prefix have this common
-prefix shared and the seek for the action associated to the patterns
-that a term matches are found in time proportional to the maximal
-number of nodes of the patterns matching the term. The [transparent_state]
-indicates which constants and variables can be considered as rigid.
-These dnets are able to cope with existential variables as well, which match
-[Everything]. *)
-(** These are for Nbtermdn *)
-val constr_pat_discr_st : transparent_state ->
- constr_pattern -> (term_label * constr_pattern list) option
-val constr_val_discr_st : transparent_state ->
- constr -> (term_label * constr list) Dn.lookup_res
-val constr_pat_discr : constr_pattern -> (term_label * constr_pattern list) option
-val constr_val_discr : constr -> (term_label * constr list) Dn.lookup_res