diff options
authorGravatar Amin Timany <amintimany@gmail.com>2017-04-27 20:16:35 +0200
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2017-06-16 04:51:16 +0200
commit9468e4b49bd2f397b5e1bd2b7994cc84929fb6ac (patch)
parent7b5fcef8a0fb3b97a3980f10596137234061990f (diff)
Fix bugs and add an option for cumulativity
28 files changed, 1093 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/API/API.mli b/API/API.mli
index a4ae6347c..a993b0277 100644
--- a/API/API.mli
+++ b/API/API.mli
@@ -1095,6 +1095,7 @@ sig
mind_nparams_rec : int;
mind_params_ctxt : Context.Rel.t;
mind_polymorphic : bool;
+ mind_cumulative : bool;
mind_universes : Univ.universe_info_ind;
mind_private : bool option;
mind_typing_flags : Declarations.typing_flags;
@@ -1907,6 +1908,7 @@ end
module Decl_kinds :
type polymorphic = bool
+ type cumulative_inductive_flag = bool
type recursivity_kind = Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind =
| Finite
| CoFinite
@@ -2388,7 +2390,7 @@ sig
| VernacExactProof of Constrexpr.constr_expr
| VernacAssumption of (Decl_kinds.locality option * Decl_kinds.assumption_object_kind) *
inline * (plident list * Constrexpr.constr_expr) with_coercion list
- | VernacInductive of Decl_kinds.private_flag * inductive_flag * (inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list
+ | VernacInductive of Decl_kinds.cumulative_inductive_flag * Decl_kinds.private_flag * inductive_flag * (inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list
| VernacFixpoint of
Decl_kinds.locality option * (fixpoint_expr * decl_notation list) list
| VernacCoFixpoint of
@@ -4743,7 +4745,9 @@ sig
type one_inductive_impls = Command.one_inductive_impls
val do_mutual_inductive :
- (Vernacexpr.one_inductive_expr * Vernacexpr.decl_notation list) list -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
+ (Vernacexpr.one_inductive_expr * Vernacexpr.decl_notation list) list ->
+ Decl_kinds.cumulative_inductive_flag ->
+ Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
Decl_kinds.private_flag -> Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind -> unit
val do_definition : Names.Id.t -> Decl_kinds.definition_kind -> Vernacexpr.lident list option ->
@@ -4767,7 +4771,9 @@ sig
structured_inductive_expr * Libnames.qualid list * Vernacexpr.decl_notation list
val interp_mutual_inductive :
- structured_inductive_expr -> Vernacexpr.decl_notation list -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
+ structured_inductive_expr -> Vernacexpr.decl_notation list ->
+ Decl_kinds.cumulative_inductive_flag ->
+ Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
Decl_kinds.private_flag -> Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind ->
Entries.mutual_inductive_entry * Universes.universe_binders * one_inductive_impls list
diff --git a/ide/texmacspp.ml b/ide/texmacspp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8409c7521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/texmacspp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Xml_datatype
+open Vernacexpr
+open Constrexpr
+open Names
+open Misctypes
+open Bigint
+open Decl_kinds
+open Extend
+open Libnames
+open Constrexpr_ops
+let unlock ?loc =
+ let start, stop = Option.cata Loc.unloc (0,0) loc in
+ (string_of_int start, string_of_int stop)
+let xmlWithLoc ?loc ename attr xml =
+ let start, stop = unlock ?loc in
+ Element(ename, [ "begin", start; "end", stop ] @ attr, xml)
+let get_fst_attr_in_xml_list attr xml_list =
+ let attrs_list =
+ List.map (function
+ | Element (_, attrs, _) -> (List.filter (fun (a,_) -> a = attr) attrs)
+ | _ -> [])
+ xml_list in
+ match List.flatten attrs_list with
+ | [] -> (attr, "")
+ | l -> (List.hd l)
+let backstep_loc xmllist =
+ let start_att = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "begin" xmllist in
+ let stop_att = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "end" (List.rev xmllist) in
+ [start_att ; stop_att]
+let compare_begin_att xml1 xml2 =
+ let att1 = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "begin" [xml1] in
+ let att2 = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "begin" [xml2] in
+ match att1, att2 with
+ | (_, s1), (_, s2) when s1 == "" || s2 == "" -> 0
+ | (_, s1), (_, s2) when int_of_string s1 > int_of_string s2 -> 1
+ | (_, s1), (_, s2) when int_of_string s1 < int_of_string s2 -> -1
+ | _ -> 0
+let xmlBeginSection ?loc name = xmlWithLoc ?loc "beginsection" ["name", name] []
+let xmlEndSegment ?loc name = xmlWithLoc ?loc "endsegment" ["name", name] []
+let xmlThm ?loc typ name xml =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "theorem" ["type", typ; "name", name] xml
+let xmlDef ?loc typ name xml =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "definition" ["type", typ; "name", name] xml
+let xmlNotation ?loc attr name xml =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "notation" (("name", name) :: attr) xml
+let xmlReservedNotation ?loc attr name =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "reservednotation" (("name", name) :: attr) []
+let xmlCst ?loc ?(attr=[]) name =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "constant" (("name", name) :: attr) []
+let xmlOperator ?loc ?(attr=[]) ?(pprules=[]) name =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "operator"
+ (("name", name) :: List.map (fun (a,b) -> "format"^a,b) pprules @ attr) []
+let xmlApply ?loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "apply" attr xml
+let xmlToken ?loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "token" attr xml
+let xmlTyped xml = Element("typed", (backstep_loc xml), xml)
+let xmlReturn ?(attr=[]) xml = Element("return", attr, xml)
+let xmlCase xml = Element("case", [], xml)
+let xmlScrutinee ?(attr=[]) xml = Element("scrutinee", attr, xml)
+let xmlWith xml = Element("with", [], xml)
+let xmlAssign id xml = Element("assign", ["target",string_of_id id], [xml])
+let xmlInductive ?loc kind xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "inductive" ["kind",kind] xml
+let xmlCoFixpoint xml = Element("cofixpoint", [], xml)
+let xmlFixpoint xml = Element("fixpoint", [], xml)
+let xmlCheck ?loc xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "check" [] xml
+let xmlAssumption ?loc kind xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "assumption" ["kind",kind] xml
+let xmlComment ?loc xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "comment" [] xml
+let xmlCanonicalStructure ?loc attr = xmlWithLoc ?loc "canonicalstructure" attr []
+let xmlQed ?loc ?(attr=[]) = xmlWithLoc ?loc "qed" attr []
+let xmlPatvar ?loc id = xmlWithLoc ?loc "patvar" ["id", id] []
+let xmlReference ref =
+ let name = Libnames.string_of_reference ref in
+ let i, j = Option.cata Loc.unloc (0,0) (Libnames.loc_of_reference ref) in
+ let b, e = string_of_int i, string_of_int j in
+ Element("reference",["name", name; "begin", b; "end", e] ,[])
+let xmlRequire ?loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "require" attr xml
+let xmlImport ?loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "import" attr xml
+let xmlAddLoadPath ?loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "addloadpath" attr xml
+let xmlRemoveLoadPath ?loc ?(attr=[]) = xmlWithLoc ?loc "removeloadpath" attr
+let xmlAddMLPath ?loc ?(attr=[]) = xmlWithLoc ?loc "addmlpath" attr
+let xmlExtend ?loc xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "extend" [] xml
+let xmlScope ?loc ?(attr=[]) action name xml =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "scope" (["name",name;"action",action] @ attr) xml
+let xmlProofMode ?loc name = xmlWithLoc ?loc "proofmode" ["name",name] []
+let xmlProof ?loc xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "proof" [] xml
+let xmlSectionSubsetDescr name ssd =
+ Element("sectionsubsetdescr",["name",name],
+ [PCData (Proof_using.to_string ssd)])
+let xmlDeclareMLModule ?loc s =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "declarexmlmodule" []
+ (List.map (fun x -> Element("path",["value",x],[])) s)
+(* tactics *)
+let xmlLtac ?loc xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "ltac" [] xml
+(* toplevel commands *)
+let xmlGallina ?loc xml = xmlWithLoc ?loc "gallina" [] xml
+let xmlTODO ?loc x =
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "todo" [] [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppvernac.pr_vernac x))]
+let string_of_name n =
+ match n with
+ | Anonymous -> "_"
+ | Name id -> Id.to_string id
+let string_of_glob_sort s =
+ match s with
+ | GProp -> "Prop"
+ | GSet -> "Set"
+ | GType _ -> "Type"
+let string_of_cast_sort c =
+ match c with
+ | CastConv _ -> "CastConv"
+ | CastVM _ -> "CastVM"
+ | CastNative _ -> "CastNative"
+ | CastCoerce -> "CastCoerce"
+let string_of_case_style s =
+ match s with
+ | LetStyle -> "Let"
+ | IfStyle -> "If"
+ | LetPatternStyle -> "LetPattern"
+ | MatchStyle -> "Match"
+ | RegularStyle -> "Regular"
+let attribute_of_syntax_modifier sm =
+match sm with
+ | SetItemLevel (sl, NumLevel n) ->
+ List.map (fun s -> ("itemlevel", s)) sl @ ["level", string_of_int n]
+ | SetItemLevel (sl, NextLevel) ->
+ List.map (fun s -> ("itemlevel", s)) sl @ ["level", "next"]
+ | SetLevel i -> ["level", string_of_int i]
+ | SetAssoc a ->
+ begin match a with
+ | NonA -> ["",""]
+ | RightA -> ["associativity", "right"]
+ | LeftA -> ["associativity", "left"]
+ end
+ | SetEntryType (s, _) -> ["entrytype", s]
+ | SetOnlyPrinting -> ["onlyprinting", ""]
+ | SetOnlyParsing -> ["onlyparsing", ""]
+ | SetCompatVersion v -> ["compat", Flags.pr_version v]
+ | SetFormat (system, (loc, s)) ->
+ let start, stop = unlock ?loc in
+ ["format-"^system, s; "begin", start; "end", stop]
+let string_of_assumption_kind l a many =
+ match l, a, many with
+ | (Discharge, Logical, true) -> "Hypotheses"
+ | (Discharge, Logical, false) -> "Hypothesis"
+ | (Discharge, Definitional, true) -> "Variables"
+ | (Discharge, Definitional, false) -> "Variable"
+ | (Global, Logical, true) -> "Axioms"
+ | (Global, Logical, false) -> "Axiom"
+ | (Global, Definitional, true) -> "Parameters"
+ | (Global, Definitional, false) -> "Parameter"
+ | (Local, Logical, true) -> "Local Axioms"
+ | (Local, Logical, false) -> "Local Axiom"
+ | (Local, Definitional, true) -> "Local Parameters"
+ | (Local, Definitional, false) -> "Local Parameter"
+ | (Global, Conjectural, _) -> "Conjecture"
+ | ((Discharge | Local), Conjectural, _) -> assert false
+let rec pp_bindlist bl =
+ let tlist =
+ List.flatten
+ (List.map
+ (fun (loc_names, _, e) ->
+ let names =
+ (List.map
+ (fun (loc, name) ->
+ xmlCst ?loc (string_of_name name)) loc_names) in
+ match e.CAst.v with
+ | CHole _ -> names
+ | _ -> names @ [pp_expr e])
+ bl) in
+ match tlist with
+ | [e] -> e
+ | l -> xmlTyped l
+and pp_decl_notation ((_, s), ce, sc) = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ Element ("decl_notation", ["name", s], [pp_expr ce])
+and pp_local_binder lb = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ match lb with
+ | CLocalDef ((loc, nam), ce, ty) ->
+ let attrs = ["name", string_of_name nam] in
+ let value = match ty with
+ Some t -> CAst.make ?loc:(Loc.merge_opt (constr_loc ce) (constr_loc t)) @@ CCast (ce, CastConv t)
+ | None -> ce in
+ pp_expr ~attr:attrs value
+ | CLocalAssum (namll, _, ce) ->
+ let ppl =
+ List.map (fun (loc, nam) -> (xmlCst ?loc (string_of_name nam))) namll in
+ xmlTyped (ppl @ [pp_expr ce])
+ | CLocalPattern _ ->
+ assert false
+and pp_local_decl_expr lde = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ match lde with
+ | AssumExpr (_, ce) -> pp_expr ce
+ | DefExpr (_, ce, _) -> pp_expr ce
+and pp_inductive_expr ((_, ((l, id),_)), lbl, ceo, _, cl_or_rdexpr) =
+ (* inductive_expr *)
+ let b,e = Option.cata Loc.unloc (0,0) l in
+ let location = ["begin", string_of_int b; "end", string_of_int e] in
+ [Element ("lident", ["name", Id.to_string id] @ location, [])] @ (* inductive name *)
+ begin match cl_or_rdexpr with
+ | Constructors coel -> List.map (fun (_, (_, ce)) -> pp_expr ce) coel
+ | RecordDecl (_, ldewwwl) ->
+ List.map (fun (((_, x), _), _) -> pp_local_decl_expr x) ldewwwl
+ end @
+ begin match ceo with (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ | Some ce -> [pp_expr ce]
+ | None -> []
+ end @
+ (List.map pp_local_binder lbl)
+and pp_recursion_order_expr optid roe = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ let attrs =
+ match optid with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (loc, id) ->
+ let start, stop = unlock ?loc in
+ ["begin", start; "end", stop ; "name", Id.to_string id] in
+ let kind, expr =
+ match roe with
+ | CStructRec -> "struct", []
+ | CWfRec e -> "rec", [pp_expr e]
+ | CMeasureRec (e, None) -> "mesrec", [pp_expr e]
+ | CMeasureRec (e, Some rel) -> "mesrec", [pp_expr e] @ [pp_expr rel] in
+ Element ("recursion_order", ["kind", kind] @ attrs, expr)
+and pp_fixpoint_expr (((loc, id), pl), (optid, roe), lbl, ce, ceo) =
+ (* fixpoint_expr *)
+ let start, stop = unlock ?loc in
+ let id = Id.to_string id in
+ [Element ("lident", ["begin", start; "end", stop ; "name", id], [])] @
+ (* fixpoint name *)
+ [pp_recursion_order_expr optid roe] @
+ (List.map pp_local_binder lbl) @
+ [pp_expr ce] @
+ begin match ceo with (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ | Some ce -> [pp_expr ce]
+ | None -> []
+ end
+and pp_cofixpoint_expr (((loc, id), pl), lbl, ce, ceo) = (* cofixpoint_expr *)
+ (* Nota: it is like fixpoint_expr without (optid, roe)
+ * so could be merged if there is no more differences *)
+ let start, stop = unlock ?loc in
+ let id = Id.to_string id in
+ [Element ("lident", ["begin", start; "end", stop ; "name", id], [])] @
+ (* cofixpoint name *)
+ (List.map pp_local_binder lbl) @
+ [pp_expr ce] @
+ begin match ceo with (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ | Some ce -> [pp_expr ce]
+ | None -> []
+ end
+and pp_lident (loc, id) = xmlCst ?loc (Id.to_string id)
+and pp_simple_binder (idl, ce) = List.map pp_lident idl @ [pp_expr ce]
+and pp_cases_pattern_expr {loc ; CAst.v = cpe} =
+ match cpe with
+ | CPatAlias (cpe, id) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc ~attr:["name", string_of_id id] "alias" ::
+ [pp_cases_pattern_expr cpe])
+ | CPatCstr (ref, None, cpel2) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "reference"
+ ~attr:["name", Libnames.string_of_reference ref] ::
+ [Element ("impargs", [], []);
+ Element ("args", [], (List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel2))])
+ | CPatCstr (ref, Some cpel1, cpel2) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "reference"
+ ~attr:["name", Libnames.string_of_reference ref] ::
+ [Element ("impargs", [], (List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel1));
+ Element ("args", [], (List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel2))])
+ | CPatAtom optr ->
+ let attrs = match optr with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> ["name", Libnames.string_of_reference r] in
+ xmlApply ?loc (xmlOperator ?loc "atom" ~attr:attrs :: [])
+ | CPatOr cpel ->
+ xmlApply ?loc (xmlOperator ?loc "or" :: List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel)
+ | CPatNotation (n, (subst_constr, subst_rec), cpel) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "notation" ::
+ [xmlOperator ?loc n;
+ Element ("subst", [],
+ [Element ("subterms", [],
+ List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr subst_constr);
+ Element ("recsubterms", [],
+ List.map
+ (fun (cpel) ->
+ Element ("recsubterm", [],
+ List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel))
+ subst_rec)]);
+ Element ("args", [], (List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel))])
+ | CPatPrim tok -> pp_token ?loc tok
+ | CPatRecord rcl ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "record" ::
+ List.map (fun (r, cpe) ->
+ Element ("field",
+ ["reference", Libnames.string_of_reference r],
+ [pp_cases_pattern_expr cpe]))
+ rcl)
+ | CPatDelimiters (delim, cpe) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "delimiter" ~attr:["name", delim] ::
+ [pp_cases_pattern_expr cpe])
+ | CPatCast _ -> assert false
+and pp_case_expr (e, name, pat) =
+ match name, pat with
+ | None, None -> xmlScrutinee [pp_expr e]
+ | Some (loc, name), None ->
+ let start, stop= unlock ?loc in
+ xmlScrutinee ~attr:["name", string_of_name name;
+ "begin", start; "end", stop] [pp_expr e]
+ | Some (loc, name), Some p ->
+ let start, stop= unlock ?loc in
+ xmlScrutinee ~attr:["name", string_of_name name;
+ "begin", start; "end", stop]
+ [Element ("in", [], [pp_cases_pattern_expr p]) ; pp_expr e]
+ | None, Some p ->
+ xmlScrutinee [Element ("in", [], [pp_cases_pattern_expr p]) ; pp_expr e]
+and pp_branch_expr_list bel =
+ xmlWith
+ (List.map
+ (fun (_, (cpel, e)) ->
+ let ppcepl =
+ List.map pp_cases_pattern_expr (List.flatten (List.map snd cpel)) in
+ let ppe = [pp_expr e] in
+ xmlCase (ppcepl @ ppe))
+ bel)
+and pp_token ?loc tok =
+ let tokstr =
+ match tok with
+ | String s -> PCData s
+ | Numeral n -> PCData (to_string n) in
+ xmlToken ?loc [tokstr]
+and pp_local_binder_list lbl =
+ let l = (List.map pp_local_binder lbl) in
+ Element ("recurse", (backstep_loc l), l)
+and pp_const_expr_list cel =
+ let l = List.map pp_expr cel in
+ Element ("recurse", (backstep_loc l), l)
+and pp_expr ?(attr=[]) { loc; CAst.v = e } =
+ match e with
+ | CRef (r, _) ->
+ xmlCst ?loc:(Libnames.loc_of_reference r) ~attr (Libnames.string_of_reference r)
+ | CProdN (bl, e) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "forall" :: [pp_bindlist bl] @ [pp_expr e])
+ | CApp ((_, hd), args) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc ~attr (pp_expr hd :: List.map (fun (e,_) -> pp_expr e) args)
+ | CAppExpl ((_, r, _), args) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc ~attr
+ (xmlCst ?loc:(Libnames.loc_of_reference r) (Libnames.string_of_reference r)
+ :: List.map pp_expr args)
+ | CNotation (notation, ([],[],[])) ->
+ xmlOperator ?loc notation
+ | CNotation (notation, (args, cell, lbll)) ->
+ let fmts = Notation.find_notation_extra_printing_rules notation in
+ let oper = xmlOperator ?loc notation ~pprules:fmts in
+ let cels = List.map pp_const_expr_list cell in
+ let lbls = List.map pp_local_binder_list lbll in
+ let args = List.map pp_expr args in
+ xmlApply ?loc (oper :: (List.sort compare_begin_att (args @ cels @ lbls)))
+ | CSort(s) ->
+ xmlOperator ?loc (string_of_glob_sort s)
+ | CDelimiters (scope, ce) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc (xmlOperator ?loc "delimiter" ~attr:["name", scope] ::
+ [pp_expr ce])
+ | CPrim tok -> pp_token ?loc tok
+ | CGeneralization (kind, _, e) ->
+ let kind= match kind with
+ | Explicit -> "explicit"
+ | Implicit -> "implicit" in
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc ~attr:["kind", kind] "generalization" :: [pp_expr e])
+ | CCast (e, tc) ->
+ begin match tc with
+ | CastConv t | CastVM t |CastNative t ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc ":" ~attr:["kind", (string_of_cast_sort tc)] ::
+ [pp_expr e; pp_expr t])
+ | CastCoerce ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc ":" ~attr:["kind", "CastCoerce"] ::
+ [pp_expr e])
+ end
+ | CEvar (ek, cel) ->
+ let ppcel = List.map (fun (id,e) -> xmlAssign id (pp_expr e)) cel in
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "evar" ~attr:["id", string_of_id ek] ::
+ ppcel)
+ | CPatVar id -> xmlPatvar ?loc (string_of_id id)
+ | CHole (_, _, _) -> xmlCst ?loc ~attr "_"
+ | CIf (test, (_, ret), th, el) ->
+ let return = match ret with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> [xmlReturn [pp_expr r]] in
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "if" ::
+ return @ [pp_expr th] @ [pp_expr el])
+ | CLetTuple (names, (_, ret), value, body) ->
+ let return = match ret with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> [xmlReturn [pp_expr r]] in
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "lettuple" ::
+ return @
+ (List.map (fun (loc, var) -> xmlCst ?loc (string_of_name var)) names) @
+ [pp_expr value; pp_expr body])
+ | CCases (sty, ret, cel, bel) ->
+ let return = match ret with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> [xmlReturn [pp_expr r]] in
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc ~attr:["style", (string_of_case_style sty)] "match" ::
+ (return @
+ [Element ("scrutinees", [], List.map pp_case_expr cel)] @
+ [pp_branch_expr_list bel]))
+ | CRecord _ -> assert false
+ | CLetIn ((varloc, var), value, typ, body) ->
+ let value = match typ with
+ | Some t ->
+ CAst.make ?loc:(Loc.merge_opt (constr_loc value) (constr_loc t)) (CCast (value, CastConv t))
+ | None -> value in
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "let" ::
+ [xmlCst ?loc:varloc (string_of_name var) ; pp_expr value; pp_expr body])
+ | CLambdaN (bl, e) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "lambda" :: [pp_bindlist bl] @ [pp_expr e])
+ | CCoFix (_, _) -> assert false
+ | CFix (lid, fel) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc
+ (xmlOperator ?loc "fix" ::
+ List.flatten (List.map
+ (fun (a,b,cl,c,d) -> pp_fixpoint_expr ((a,None),b,cl,c,Some d))
+ fel))
+let pp_comment c =
+ match c with
+ | CommentConstr e -> [pp_expr e]
+ | CommentString s -> [Element ("string", [], [PCData s])]
+ | CommentInt i -> [PCData (string_of_int i)]
+let rec tmpp ?loc v =
+ match v with
+ (* Control *)
+ | VernacLoad (verbose,f) ->
+ xmlWithLoc ?loc "load" ["verbose",string_of_bool verbose;"file",f] []
+ | VernacTime (loc,e) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc (Element("time",[],[]) ::
+ [tmpp ?loc e])
+ | VernacRedirect (s, (loc,e)) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc (Element("redirect",["path", s],[]) ::
+ [tmpp ?loc e])
+ | VernacTimeout (s,e) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc (Element("timeout",["val",string_of_int s],[]) ::
+ [tmpp ?loc e])
+ | VernacFail e -> xmlApply ?loc (Element("fail",[],[]) :: [tmpp ?loc e])
+ (* Syntax *)
+ | VernacSyntaxExtension (_, ((_, name), sml)) ->
+ let attrs = List.flatten (List.map attribute_of_syntax_modifier sml) in
+ xmlReservedNotation ?loc attrs name
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope (_,(true,name)) -> xmlScope ?loc "open" name []
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope (_,(false,name)) -> xmlScope ?loc "close" name []
+ | VernacDelimiters (name,Some tag) ->
+ xmlScope ?loc "delimit" name ~attr:["delimiter",tag] []
+ | VernacDelimiters (name,None) ->
+ xmlScope ?loc "undelimit" name ~attr:[] []
+ | VernacInfix (_,((_,name),sml),ce,sn) ->
+ let attrs = List.flatten (List.map attribute_of_syntax_modifier sml) in
+ let sc_attr =
+ match sn with
+ | Some scope -> ["scope", scope]
+ | None -> [] in
+ xmlNotation ?loc (sc_attr @ attrs) name [pp_expr ce]
+ | VernacNotation (_, ce, (lstr, sml), sn) ->
+ let name = snd lstr in
+ let attrs = List.flatten (List.map attribute_of_syntax_modifier sml) in
+ let sc_attr =
+ match sn with
+ | Some scope -> ["scope", scope]
+ | None -> [] in
+ xmlNotation ?loc (sc_attr @ attrs) name [pp_expr ce]
+ | VernacBindScope _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacNotationAddFormat _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacUniverse _
+ | VernacConstraint _
+ | VernacPolymorphic (_, _) as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* Gallina *)
+ | VernacDefinition (ldk, ((_,id),_), de) ->
+ let l, dk =
+ match ldk with
+ | Some l, dk -> (l, dk)
+ | None, dk -> (Global, dk) in (* Like in ppvernac.ml, l 585 *)
+ let e =
+ match de with
+ | ProveBody (_, ce) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, Some _, ce, None) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, None , ce, None) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, Some _, ce, Some _) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, None , ce, Some _) -> ce in
+ let str_dk = Kindops.string_of_definition_kind (l, false, dk) in
+ let str_id = Id.to_string id in
+ (xmlDef ?loc str_dk str_id [pp_expr e])
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (tk, [ Some ((_,id),_), ([], statement, None) ], b) ->
+ let str_tk = Kindops.string_of_theorem_kind tk in
+ let str_id = Id.to_string id in
+ (xmlThm ?loc str_tk str_id [pp_expr statement])
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacEndProof pe ->
+ begin
+ match pe with
+ | Admitted -> xmlQed ?loc ?attr:None
+ | Proved (_, Some ((_, id), Some tk)) ->
+ let nam = Id.to_string id in
+ let typ = Kindops.string_of_theorem_kind tk in
+ xmlQed ?loc ~attr:["name", nam; "type", typ]
+ | Proved (_, Some ((_, id), None)) ->
+ let nam = Id.to_string id in
+ xmlQed ?loc ~attr:["name", nam]
+ | Proved _ -> xmlQed ?loc ?attr:None
+ end
+ | VernacExactProof _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacAssumption ((l, a), _, sbwcl) ->
+ let binders = List.map (fun (_, (id, c)) -> (List.map fst id, c)) sbwcl in
+ let many =
+ List.length (List.flatten (List.map fst binders)) > 1 in
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten (List.map pp_simple_binder binders) in
+ let l = match l with Some x -> x | None -> Decl_kinds.Global in
+ let kind = string_of_assumption_kind l a many in
+ xmlAssumption ?loc kind exprs
+ | VernacInductive (_, _, _, iednll) ->
+ let kind =
+ let (_, _, _, k, _), _ = List.hd iednll in
+ begin
+ match k with
+ | Record -> "Record"
+ | Structure -> "Structure"
+ | Inductive_kw -> "Inductive"
+ | CoInductive -> "CoInductive"
+ | Class _ -> "Class"
+ | Variant -> "Variant"
+ end in
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten (* should probably not be flattened *)
+ (List.map
+ (fun (ie, dnl) -> (pp_inductive_expr ie) @
+ (List.map pp_decl_notation dnl)) iednll) in
+ xmlInductive ?loc kind exprs
+ | VernacFixpoint (_, fednll) ->
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten (* should probably not be flattened *)
+ (List.map
+ (fun (fe, dnl) -> (pp_fixpoint_expr fe) @
+ (List.map pp_decl_notation dnl)) fednll) in
+ xmlFixpoint exprs
+ | VernacCoFixpoint (_, cfednll) ->
+ (* Nota: it is like VernacFixpoint without so could be merged *)
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten (* should probably not be flattened *)
+ (List.map
+ (fun (cfe, dnl) -> (pp_cofixpoint_expr cfe) @
+ (List.map pp_decl_notation dnl)) cfednll) in
+ xmlCoFixpoint exprs
+ | VernacScheme _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacCombinedScheme _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* Gallina extensions *)
+ | VernacBeginSection (_, id) -> xmlBeginSection ?loc (Id.to_string id)
+ | VernacEndSegment (_, id) -> xmlEndSegment ?loc (Id.to_string id)
+ | VernacNameSectionHypSet _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacRequire (from, import, l) ->
+ let import = match import with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some true -> ["export","true"]
+ | Some false -> ["import","true"]
+ in
+ let from = match from with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> ["from", Libnames.string_of_reference r]
+ in
+ xmlRequire ?loc ~attr:(from @ import) (List.map (fun ref ->
+ xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacImport (true,l) ->
+ xmlImport ?loc ~attr:["export","true"] (List.map (fun ref ->
+ xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacImport (false,l) ->
+ xmlImport ?loc (List.map (fun ref -> xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacCanonical r ->
+ let attr =
+ match r with
+ | AN (Qualid (_, q)) -> ["qualid", string_of_qualid q]
+ | AN (Ident (_, id)) -> ["id", Id.to_string id]
+ | ByNotation (_, (s, _)) -> ["notation", s] in
+ xmlCanonicalStructure ?loc attr
+ | VernacCoercion _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacIdentityCoercion _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* Type classes *)
+ | VernacInstance _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacContext _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacDeclareInstances _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacDeclareClass _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* Modules and Module Types *)
+ | VernacDeclareModule _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacDefineModule _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacInclude _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* Solving *)
+ | (VernacSolveExistential _) as x ->
+ xmlLtac ?loc [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppvernac.pr_vernac x))]
+ (* Auxiliary file and library management *)
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (recf,name,None) ->
+ xmlAddLoadPath ?loc ~attr:["rec",string_of_bool recf;"path",name] []
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (recf,name,Some dp) ->
+ xmlAddLoadPath ?loc ~attr:["rec",string_of_bool recf;"path",name]
+ [PCData (Names.DirPath.to_string dp)]
+ | VernacRemoveLoadPath name -> xmlRemoveLoadPath ?loc ~attr:["path",name] []
+ | VernacAddMLPath (recf,name) ->
+ xmlAddMLPath ?loc ~attr:["rec",string_of_bool recf;"path",name] []
+ | VernacDeclareMLModule sl -> xmlDeclareMLModule ?loc sl
+ | VernacChdir _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* State management *)
+ | VernacWriteState _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacRestoreState _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* Resetting *)
+ | VernacResetName _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacResetInitial as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacBack _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacBackTo _ -> PCData "VernacBackTo"
+ (* Commands *)
+ | VernacCreateHintDb _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacRemoveHints _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacHints _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition ((_, name), (idl, ce), _, _) ->
+ let name = Id.to_string name in
+ let attrs = List.map (fun id -> ("id", Id.to_string id)) idl in
+ xmlNotation ?loc attrs name [pp_expr ce]
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacArguments _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacArgumentsScope _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacReserve _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacGeneralizable _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacSetOpacity _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacSetStrategy _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacUnsetOption _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacSetOption _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacSetAppendOption _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacAddOption _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacRemoveOption _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacMemOption _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacPrintOption _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacCheckMayEval (_,_,e) -> xmlCheck ?loc [pp_expr e]
+ | VernacGlobalCheck _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacDeclareReduction _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacPrint _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacSearch _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacLocate _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacRegister _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacComments (cl) ->
+ xmlComment ?loc (List.flatten (List.map pp_comment cl))
+ (* Stm backdoor *)
+ | VernacStm _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* Proof management *)
+ | VernacGoal _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacAbort _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacAbortAll -> PCData "VernacAbortAll"
+ | VernacRestart as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacUndo _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacUndoTo _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacBacktrack _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacFocus _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacUnfocus as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacUnfocused as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacBullet _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacSubproof _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacEndSubproof as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacShow _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacCheckGuard as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ | VernacProof (tac,using) ->
+ let tac = None (** FIXME *) in
+ let using = Option.map (xmlSectionSubsetDescr "using") using in
+ xmlProof ?loc (Option.List.(cons tac (cons using [])))
+ | VernacProofMode name -> xmlProofMode ?loc name
+ (* Toplevel control *)
+ | VernacToplevelControl _ as x -> xmlTODO ?loc x
+ (* For extension *)
+ | VernacExtend _ as x ->
+ xmlExtend ?loc [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppvernac.pr_vernac x))]
+ (* Flags *)
+ | VernacProgram e -> xmlApply ?loc (Element("program",[],[]) :: [tmpp ?loc e])
+ | VernacLocal (b,e) ->
+ xmlApply ?loc (Element("local",["flag",string_of_bool b],[]) ::
+ [tmpp ?loc e])
+let tmpp ?loc v =
+ match tmpp ?loc v with
+ | Element("ltac",_,_) as x -> x
+ | xml -> xmlGallina ?loc [xml]
diff --git a/intf/decl_kinds.ml b/intf/decl_kinds.ml
index 8254b1b80..c15c00988 100644
--- a/intf/decl_kinds.ml
+++ b/intf/decl_kinds.ml
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ type binding_kind = Explicit | Implicit
type polymorphic = bool
-type private_flag = bool
+type private_flag = bool
+type cumulative_inductive_flag = bool
type theorem_kind =
| Theorem
diff --git a/intf/vernacexpr.ml b/intf/vernacexpr.ml
index cabd06735..26a6db4ec 100644
--- a/intf/vernacexpr.ml
+++ b/intf/vernacexpr.ml
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ type vernac_expr =
| VernacExactProof of constr_expr
| VernacAssumption of (locality option * assumption_object_kind) *
inline * (plident list * constr_expr) with_coercion list
- | VernacInductive of private_flag * inductive_flag * (inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list
+ | VernacInductive of cumulative_inductive_flag * private_flag * inductive_flag * (inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list
| VernacFixpoint of
locality option * (fixpoint_expr * decl_notation list) list
| VernacCoFixpoint of
diff --git a/kernel/declarations.ml b/kernel/declarations.ml
index 1bb1e885f..ae4732456 100644
--- a/kernel/declarations.ml
+++ b/kernel/declarations.ml
@@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ type mutual_inductive_body = {
mind_polymorphic : bool; (** Is it polymorphic or not *)
+ mind_cumulative : bool; (** Is it cumulative or not *)
mind_universes : Univ.universe_info_ind; (** Local universe variables and constraints together with subtyping constraints *)
mind_private : bool option; (** allow pattern-matching: Some true ok, Some false blocked *)
diff --git a/kernel/declareops.ml b/kernel/declareops.ml
index 883896652..1d91b2d41 100644
--- a/kernel/declareops.ml
+++ b/kernel/declareops.ml
@@ -267,6 +267,7 @@ let subst_mind_body sub mib =
Context.Rel.map (subst_mps sub) mib.mind_params_ctxt;
mind_packets = Array.smartmap (subst_mind_packet sub) mib.mind_packets ;
mind_polymorphic = mib.mind_polymorphic;
+ mind_cumulative = mib.mind_cumulative;
mind_universes = mib.mind_universes;
mind_private = mib.mind_private;
mind_typing_flags = mib.mind_typing_flags;
diff --git a/kernel/entries.mli b/kernel/entries.mli
index 97c28025a..9c17346f2 100644
--- a/kernel/entries.mli
+++ b/kernel/entries.mli
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ type mutual_inductive_entry = {
mind_entry_finite : Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind;
mind_entry_params : (Id.t * local_entry) list;
mind_entry_inds : one_inductive_entry list;
- mind_entry_polymorphic : bool;
+ mind_entry_polymorphic : bool;
+ mind_entry_cumulative : bool;
mind_entry_universes : Univ.universe_info_ind;
(* universe constraints and the constraints for subtyping of
inductive types in the block. *)
diff --git a/kernel/indtypes.ml b/kernel/indtypes.ml
index a4c7a0573..5cfcbba60 100644
--- a/kernel/indtypes.ml
+++ b/kernel/indtypes.ml
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ let typecheck_inductive env mie =
(* Check that the subtyping information inferred for inductive types in the block is correct. *)
(* This check produces a value of the unit type if successful or raises an anomaly if check fails. *)
- let () = check_subtyping mie paramsctxt env_arities inds
+ let () = if mie.mind_entry_cumulative then check_subtyping mie paramsctxt env_arities inds
in (env_arities, env_ar_par, paramsctxt, inds)
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ let compute_projections ((kn, _ as ind), u as indu) n x nparamargs params
Array.of_list (List.rev kns),
Array.of_list (List.rev pbs)
-let build_inductive env p prv ctx env_ar paramsctxt kn isrecord isfinite inds nmr recargs =
+let build_inductive env cum p prv ctx env_ar paramsctxt kn isrecord isfinite inds nmr recargs =
let ntypes = Array.length inds in
(* Compute the set of used section variables *)
let hyps = used_section_variables env inds in
@@ -969,6 +969,7 @@ let build_inductive env p prv ctx env_ar paramsctxt kn isrecord isfinite inds nm
mind_params_ctxt = paramsctxt;
mind_packets = packets;
mind_polymorphic = p;
+ mind_cumulative = cum;
mind_universes = Univ.UInfoInd.make (ctxunivs, ctxsubtyp);
mind_private = prv;
mind_typing_flags = Environ.typing_flags env;
@@ -984,7 +985,7 @@ let check_inductive env kn mie =
let chkpos = (Environ.typing_flags env).check_guarded in
let (nmr,recargs) = check_positivity ~chkpos kn env_ar_par paramsctxt mie.mind_entry_finite inds in
(* Build the inductive packets *)
- build_inductive env mie.mind_entry_polymorphic mie.mind_entry_private
+ build_inductive env mie.mind_entry_cumulative mie.mind_entry_polymorphic mie.mind_entry_private
env_ar paramsctxt kn mie.mind_entry_record mie.mind_entry_finite
inds nmr recargs
diff --git a/kernel/reduction.ml b/kernel/reduction.ml
index 33dd53a5b..ea583fdac 100644
--- a/kernel/reduction.ml
+++ b/kernel/reduction.ml
@@ -191,7 +191,10 @@ type 'a universe_compare =
{ (* Might raise NotConvertible *)
compare : env -> conv_pb -> sorts -> sorts -> 'a -> 'a;
compare_instances: flex:bool -> Univ.Instance.t -> Univ.Instance.t -> 'a -> 'a;
- leq_inductives : flex:bool -> Univ.UInfoInd.t -> Univ.Instance.t -> Univ.Instance.t -> 'a -> 'a;
+ conv_inductives : conv_pb -> (Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * int) -> Univ.Instance.t -> int ->
+ Univ.Instance.t -> int -> 'a -> 'a;
+ conv_constructors : (Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * int * int) ->
+ Univ.Instance.t -> int -> Univ.Instance.t -> int -> 'a -> 'a;
type 'a universe_state = 'a * 'a universe_compare
@@ -207,9 +210,12 @@ let sort_cmp_universes env pb s0 s1 (u, check) =
constructors. *)
let convert_instances ~flex u u' (s, check) =
(check.compare_instances ~flex u u' s, check)
+let convert_inductives cv_pb ind u1 sv1 u2 sv2 (s, check) =
+ (check.conv_inductives cv_pb ind u1 sv1 u2 sv2 s, check)
-let compare_leq_inductives ~flex uinfind u u' (s, check) =
- (check.leq_inductives ~flex uinfind u u' s, check)
+let convert_constructors cons u1 sv1 u2 sv2 (s, check) =
+ (check.conv_constructors cons u1 sv1 u2 sv2 s, check)
let conv_table_key infos k1 k2 cuniv =
if k1 == k2 then cuniv else
@@ -487,64 +493,31 @@ and eqappr env cv_pb l2r infos (lft1,st1) (lft2,st2) cuniv =
| _ -> raise NotConvertible)
(* Inductive types: MutInd MutConstruct Fix Cofix *)
| (FInd (ind1,u1), FInd (ind2,u2)) ->
- if eq_ind ind1 ind2
- then
- begin
- let fall_back () =
- let cuniv = convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 cuniv in
- convert_stacks env l2r infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
- in
- let mind = Environ.lookup_mind (fst ind1) env in
- if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic then
- begin
- let num_param_arity =
- mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(snd ind1).Declarations.mind_nrealargs
- in
- if not (num_param_arity = CClosure.stack_args_size v1 && num_param_arity = CClosure.stack_args_size v2) then
- fall_back ()
- else
- begin
- let uinfind = mind.Declarations.mind_universes in
- let cuniv = compare_leq_inductives ~flex:false uinfind u1 u2 cuniv in
- let cuniv = if cv_pb = CONV then compare_leq_inductives ~flex:false uinfind u2 u1 cuniv else cuniv in
- convert_stacks env l2r infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
- end
- end
+ if eq_ind ind1 ind2 then
+ let mind = Environ.lookup_mind (fst ind1) env in
+ let cuniv =
+ if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic && mind.Declarations.mind_cumulative then
+ convert_inductives cv_pb (mind, snd ind1) u1 (CClosure.stack_args_size v1)
+ u2 (CClosure.stack_args_size v2) cuniv
- fall_back ()
- end
+ convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 cuniv
+ in
+ convert_stacks env l2r infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
else raise NotConvertible
| (FConstruct ((ind1,j1),u1), FConstruct ((ind2,j2),u2)) ->
- if Int.equal j1 j2 && eq_ind ind1 ind2
- then
- begin
- let fall_back () =
- let cuniv = convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 cuniv in
- convert_stacks env l2r infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
- in
- let mind = Environ.lookup_mind (fst ind1) env in
- if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic then
- begin
- let num_cnstr_args =
- let nparamsctxt = Context.Rel.length mind.Declarations.mind_params_ctxt in
- nparamsctxt + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(snd ind1).Declarations.mind_consnrealargs.(j1 - 1)
- in
- if not (num_cnstr_args = CClosure.stack_args_size v1 && num_cnstr_args = CClosure.stack_args_size v2) then
- fall_back ()
- else
- begin (* we consider subtyping for constructors. *)
- let uinfind = mind.Declarations.mind_universes in
- let cuniv = compare_leq_inductives ~flex:false uinfind u1 u2 cuniv in
- let cuniv = compare_leq_inductives ~flex:false uinfind u2 u1 cuniv in
- convert_stacks env l2r infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
- end
- end
+ if Int.equal j1 j2 && eq_ind ind1 ind2 then
+ let mind = Environ.lookup_mind (fst ind1) env in
+ let cuniv =
+ if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic && mind.Declarations.mind_cumulative then
+ convert_constructors
+ (mind, snd ind1, j1) u1 (CClosure.stack_args_size v1)
+ u2 (CClosure.stack_args_size v2) cuniv
- fall_back ()
- end
+ convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 cuniv
+ in
+ convert_stacks env l2r infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
else raise NotConvertible
(* Eta expansion of records *)
@@ -659,24 +632,79 @@ let check_convert_instances ~flex u u' univs =
if UGraph.check_eq_instances univs u u' then univs
else raise NotConvertible
-let check_leq_inductives ~flex uinfind u u' univs =
+(* general conversion and inference functions *)
+let infer_check_conv_inductives
+ infer_check_convert_instances
+ infer_check_inductive_instances
+ cv_pb (mind, ind) u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs =
+ if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic then
+ let num_param_arity =
+ mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs
+ in
+ if not (num_param_arity = sv1 && num_param_arity = sv2) then
+ infer_check_convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 univs
+ else
+ let uinfind = mind.Declarations.mind_universes in
+ infer_check_inductive_instances cv_pb uinfind u1 u2 univs
+ else infer_check_convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 univs
+let infer_check_conv_constructors
+ infer_check_convert_instances
+ infer_check_inductive_instances
+ (mind, ind, cns) u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs =
+ if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic then
+ let num_cnstr_args =
+ let nparamsctxt =
+ mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs
+ (* Context.Rel.length mind.Declarations.mind_params_ctxt *) in
+ nparamsctxt + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_consnrealargs.(cns - 1)
+ in
+ if not (num_cnstr_args = sv1 && num_cnstr_args = sv2) then
+ infer_check_convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 univs
+ else
+ let uinfind = mind.Declarations.mind_universes in
+ infer_check_inductive_instances CONV uinfind u1 u2 univs
+ else infer_check_convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 univs
+let check_inductive_instances cv_pb uinfind u u' univs =
let ind_instance = Univ.UContext.instance (Univ.UInfoInd.univ_context uinfind) in
let ind_sbcst = Univ.UContext.constraints (Univ.UInfoInd.subtyp_context uinfind) in
if not ((Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u) &&
(Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u')) then
anomaly (Pp.str "Invalid inductive subtyping encountered!")
- begin
- let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u u') in
- let comp_cst = Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst in
- if UGraph.check_constraints comp_cst univs then univs
- else raise NotConvertible
- end
+ let comp_cst =
+ let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u u') in
+ Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst
+ in
+ let comp_cst =
+ match cv_pb with
+ CONV ->
+ let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u' u) in
+ let comp_cst' = (Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst) in
+ Univ.Constraint.union comp_cst comp_cst'
+ | CUMUL -> comp_cst
+ in
+ if (UGraph.check_constraints comp_cst univs) then univs
+ else raise NotConvertible
+let check_conv_inductives cv_pb ind u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs =
+ infer_check_conv_inductives
+ check_convert_instances
+ check_inductive_instances
+ cv_pb ind u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs
+let check_conv_constructors cns u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs =
+ infer_check_conv_constructors
+ check_convert_instances
+ check_inductive_instances
+ cns u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs
let checked_universes =
{ compare = checked_sort_cmp_universes;
compare_instances = check_convert_instances;
- leq_inductives = check_leq_inductives }
+ conv_inductives = check_conv_inductives;
+ conv_constructors = check_conv_constructors}
let infer_eq (univs, cstrs as cuniv) u u' =
if UGraph.check_eq univs u u' then cuniv
@@ -718,21 +746,45 @@ let infer_convert_instances ~flex u u' (univs,cstrs) =
else Univ.enforce_eq_instances u u' cstrs
in (univs, cstrs')
-let infer_leq_inductives ~flex uinfind u u' (univs, cstrs) =
+let infer_inductive_instances cv_pb uinfind u u' (univs, cstrs) =
let ind_instance = Univ.UContext.instance (Univ.UInfoInd.univ_context uinfind) in
let ind_sbcst = Univ.UContext.constraints (Univ.UInfoInd.subtyp_context uinfind) in
if not ((Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u) &&
(Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u')) then
anomaly (Pp.str "Invalid inductive subtyping encountered!")
- let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u u') in
- let comp_cst = Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst in
- (univs, Univ.Constraint.union cstrs comp_cst)
+ let comp_cst =
+ let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u u') in
+ Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst
+ in
+ let comp_cst =
+ match cv_pb with
+ CONV ->
+ let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u' u) in
+ let comp_cst' = (Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst) in
+ Univ.Constraint.union comp_cst comp_cst'
+ | CUMUL -> comp_cst
+ in
+ (univs, Univ.Constraint.union cstrs comp_cst)
+let infer_conv_inductives cv_pb ind u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs =
+ infer_check_conv_inductives
+ infer_convert_instances
+ infer_inductive_instances
+ cv_pb ind u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs
+let infer_conv_constructors cns u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs =
+ infer_check_conv_constructors
+ infer_convert_instances
+ infer_inductive_instances
+ cns u1 sv1 u2 sv2 univs
let inferred_universes : (UGraph.t * Univ.Constraint.t) universe_compare =
{ compare = infer_cmp_universes;
compare_instances = infer_convert_instances;
- leq_inductives = infer_leq_inductives }
+ conv_inductives = infer_conv_inductives;
+ conv_constructors = infer_conv_constructors}
let gen_conv cv_pb l2r reds env evars univs t1 t2 =
let b =
diff --git a/kernel/reduction.mli b/kernel/reduction.mli
index 72f0ecffd..b6d88c2b9 100644
--- a/kernel/reduction.mli
+++ b/kernel/reduction.mli
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ type 'a extended_conversion_function =
type conv_pb = CONV | CUMUL
type 'a universe_compare =
- { (* Might raise NotConvertible or UnivInconsistency *)
+ { (* Might raise NotConvertible *)
compare : env -> conv_pb -> sorts -> sorts -> 'a -> 'a;
- compare_instances: flex:bool ->
- Univ.Instance.t -> Univ.Instance.t -> 'a -> 'a;
- leq_inductives : flex:bool -> Univ.UInfoInd.t ->
- Univ.Instance.t -> Univ.Instance.t -> 'a -> 'a;
+ compare_instances: flex:bool -> Univ.Instance.t -> Univ.Instance.t -> 'a -> 'a;
+ conv_inductives : conv_pb -> (Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * int) -> Univ.Instance.t -> int ->
+ Univ.Instance.t -> int -> 'a -> 'a;
+ conv_constructors : (Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * int * int) ->
+ Univ.Instance.t -> int -> Univ.Instance.t -> int -> 'a -> 'a;
type 'a universe_state = 'a * 'a universe_compare
diff --git a/lib/flags.ml b/lib/flags.ml
index 13539bced..46bbba8e5 100644
--- a/lib/flags.ml
+++ b/lib/flags.ml
@@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ let use_polymorphic_flag () =
let make_polymorphic_flag b =
local_polymorphic_flag := Some b
+let inductive_cumulativity = ref false
+let make_inductive_cumulativity b = inductive_cumulativity := b
+let is_inductive_cumulativity () = !inductive_cumulativity
(** [program_mode] tells that Program mode has been activated, either
globally via [Set Program] or locally via the Program command prefix. *)
diff --git a/lib/flags.mli b/lib/flags.mli
index 0026aba2e..5e78f0a04 100644
--- a/lib/flags.mli
+++ b/lib/flags.mli
@@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ val is_universe_polymorphism : unit -> bool
val make_polymorphic_flag : bool -> unit
val use_polymorphic_flag : unit -> bool
+(** Global inductive cumulativity flag. *)
+val make_inductive_cumulativity : bool -> unit
+val is_inductive_cumulativity : unit -> bool
val warn : bool ref
val make_warn : bool -> unit
val if_warn : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
diff --git a/library/declare.ml b/library/declare.ml
index bf5313545..e2b726f45 100644
--- a/library/declare.ml
+++ b/library/declare.ml
@@ -352,13 +352,14 @@ let dummy_inductive_entry (_,m) = ([],{
mind_entry_finite = Decl_kinds.BiFinite;
mind_entry_inds = List.map dummy_one_inductive_entry m.mind_entry_inds;
mind_entry_polymorphic = false;
+ mind_entry_cumulative = false;
mind_entry_universes = Univ.UInfoInd.empty;
mind_entry_private = None;
(* reinfer subtyping constraints for inductive after section is dischared. *)
let infer_inductive_subtyping (pth, mind_ent) =
- if mind_ent.mind_entry_polymorphic then
+ if mind_ent.mind_entry_polymorphic && mind_ent.mind_entry_cumulative then
let env = Global.env () in
let env' =
@@ -370,7 +371,6 @@ let infer_inductive_subtyping (pth, mind_ent) =
else (pth, mind_ent)
type inductive_obj = Dischargedhypsmap.discharged_hyps * mutual_inductive_entry
let inInductive : inductive_obj -> obj =
diff --git a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4 b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
index b605a44c8..e6b28b1d8 100644
--- a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
@@ -162,11 +162,16 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| IDENT "Let"; id = identref; b = def_body ->
VernacDefinition ((Some Discharge, Definition), (id, None), b)
(* Gallina inductive declarations *)
- | priv = private_token; f = finite_token;
+ | cum = cumulativity_token; priv = private_token; f = finite_token;
indl = LIST1 inductive_definition SEP "with" ->
let (k,f) = f in
- let indl=List.map (fun ((a,b,c,d),e) -> ((a,b,c,k,d),e)) indl in
- VernacInductive (priv,f,indl)
+ let indl=List.map (fun ((a,b,c,d),e) -> ((a,b,c,k,d),e)) indl in
+ let cum =
+ match cum with
+ Some b -> b
+ | None -> Flags.is_inductive_cumulativity ()
+ in
+ VernacInductive (cum, priv,f,indl)
| "Fixpoint"; recs = LIST1 rec_definition SEP "with" ->
VernacFixpoint (None, recs)
| IDENT "Let"; "Fixpoint"; recs = LIST1 rec_definition SEP "with" ->
@@ -234,6 +239,9 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| IDENT "Structure" -> (Structure,BiFinite)
| IDENT "Class" -> (Class true,BiFinite) ] ]
+ cumulativity_token:
+ [ [ IDENT "Cumulative" -> Some true | IDENT "NonCumulative" -> Some false | -> None ] ]
+ ;
[ [ IDENT "Private" -> true | -> false ] ]
diff --git a/plugins/funind/glob_term_to_relation.ml b/plugins/funind/glob_term_to_relation.ml
index 0e2ca4900..db2af2be5 100644
--- a/plugins/funind/glob_term_to_relation.ml
+++ b/plugins/funind/glob_term_to_relation.ml
@@ -1459,7 +1459,9 @@ let do_build_inductive
(* in *)
let _time2 = System.get_time () in
- with_full_print (Flags.silently (Command.do_mutual_inductive rel_inds (Flags.is_universe_polymorphism ()) false)) Decl_kinds.Finite
+ with_full_print
+ (Flags.silently (Command.do_mutual_inductive rel_inds (Flags.is_universe_polymorphism ()) false false))
+ Decl_kinds.Finite
| UserError(s,msg) as e ->
let _time3 = System.get_time () in
@@ -1470,7 +1472,7 @@ let do_build_inductive
let msg =
str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
- Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(false,Decl_kinds.Finite,repacked_rel_inds))
+ Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(false,false,Decl_kinds.Finite,repacked_rel_inds))
++ fnl () ++
@@ -1485,7 +1487,7 @@ let do_build_inductive
let msg =
str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
- Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(false,Decl_kinds.Finite,repacked_rel_inds))
+ Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(false,false,Decl_kinds.Finite,repacked_rel_inds))
++ fnl () ++
CErrors.print reraise
diff --git a/plugins/funind/merge.ml b/plugins/funind/merge.ml
index c75f7f868..ba88563d3 100644
--- a/plugins/funind/merge.ml
+++ b/plugins/funind/merge.ml
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ let merge_inductive (ind1: inductive) (ind2: inductive)
(* Declare inductive *)
let indl,_,_ = Command.extract_mutual_inductive_declaration_components [(indexpr,[])] in
let mie,pl,impls = Command.interp_mutual_inductive indl []
- false (*FIXMEnon-poly *) false (* means not private *) Decl_kinds.Finite (* means: not coinductive *) in
+ false (* non-cumulative *) false (*FIXMEnon-poly *) false (* means not private *) Decl_kinds.Finite (* means: not coinductive *) in
(* Declare the mutual inductive block with its associated schemes *)
ignore (Command.declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations mie pl impls)
diff --git a/pretyping/evarconv.ml b/pretyping/evarconv.ml
index ea22c3708..be2fd8129 100644
--- a/pretyping/evarconv.ml
+++ b/pretyping/evarconv.ml
@@ -494,6 +494,7 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false) ts env evd pbty
if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic then
let num_param_arity =
+ (* Context.Rel.length (mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(snd ind).Declarations.mind_arity_ctxt) *)
mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(snd ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs
if not (num_param_arity = nparamsaplied && num_param_arity = nparamsaplied') then
@@ -521,6 +522,7 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false) ts env evd pbty
let num_cnstr_args =
let nparamsctxt =
+ (* Context.Rel.length mind.Declarations.mind_params_ctxt *)
mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(snd ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs
nparamsctxt + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(snd ind).Declarations.mind_consnrealargs.(j - 1)
diff --git a/pretyping/reductionops.ml b/pretyping/reductionops.ml
index e374f7b3b..2040acba7 100644
--- a/pretyping/reductionops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/reductionops.ml
@@ -1361,24 +1361,68 @@ let sigma_compare_instances ~flex i0 i1 sigma =
| Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ ->
raise Reduction.NotConvertible
-let sigma_leq_inductives ~flex uinfind i0 i1 sigma =
+let sigma_check_inductive_instances cv_pb uinfind u u' sigma =
let ind_instance = Univ.UContext.instance (Univ.UInfoInd.univ_context uinfind) in
let ind_sbcst = Univ.UContext.constraints (Univ.UInfoInd.subtyp_context uinfind) in
- if not ((Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length i0) &&
- (Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length i1)) then
+ if not ((Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u) &&
+ (Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u')) then
anomaly (Pp.str "Invalid inductive subtyping encountered!")
- let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append i0 i1) in
- let comp_cst = Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst in
- try Evd.add_constraints sigma comp_cst
- with Evd.UniversesDiffer
- | Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ ->
- raise Reduction.NotConvertible
+ let comp_cst =
+ let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u u') in
+ Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst
+ in
+ let comp_cst =
+ match cv_pb with
+ Reduction.CONV ->
+ let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u' u) in
+ let comp_cst' = (Univ.subst_instance_constraints comp_subst ind_sbcst) in
+ Univ.Constraint.union comp_cst comp_cst'
+ | Reduction.CUMUL -> comp_cst
+ in
+ try Evd.add_constraints sigma comp_cst
+ with Evd.UniversesDiffer
+ | Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ ->
+ raise Reduction.NotConvertible
+let sigma_conv_inductives
+ cv_pb (mind, ind) u1 sv1 u2 sv2 sigma =
+ try sigma_compare_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 sigma with
+ Reduction.NotConvertible ->
+ if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic then
+ let num_param_arity =
+ mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs
+ in
+ if not (num_param_arity = sv1 && num_param_arity = sv2) then
+ raise Reduction.NotConvertible
+ else
+ let uinfind = mind.Declarations.mind_universes in
+ sigma_check_inductive_instances cv_pb uinfind u1 u2 sigma
+ else raise Reduction.NotConvertible
+let sigma_conv_constructors
+ (mind, ind, cns) u1 sv1 u2 sv2 sigma =
+ try sigma_compare_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 sigma with
+ Reduction.NotConvertible ->
+ if mind.Declarations.mind_polymorphic then
+ let num_cnstr_args =
+ let nparamsctxt =
+ mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs
+ (* Context.Rel.length mind.Declarations.mind_params_ctxt *) in
+ nparamsctxt + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_consnrealargs.(cns - 1)
+ in
+ if not (num_cnstr_args = sv1 && num_cnstr_args = sv2) then
+ raise Reduction.NotConvertible
+ else
+ let uinfind = mind.Declarations.mind_universes in
+ sigma_check_inductive_instances Reduction.CONV uinfind u1 u2 sigma
+ else raise Reduction.NotConvertible
let sigma_univ_state =
{ Reduction.compare = sigma_compare_sorts;
Reduction.compare_instances = sigma_compare_instances;
- Reduction.leq_inductives = sigma_leq_inductives }
+ Reduction.conv_inductives = sigma_conv_inductives;
+ Reduction.conv_constructors = sigma_conv_constructors}
let infer_conv_gen conv_fun ?(catch_incon=true) ?(pb=Reduction.CUMUL)
?(ts=full_transparent_state) env sigma x y =
diff --git a/printing/ppvernac.ml b/printing/ppvernac.ml
index 9d28bc4f8..6a47c308d 100644
--- a/printing/ppvernac.ml
+++ b/printing/ppvernac.ml
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ open Decl_kinds
let assumptions = prlist_with_sep spc (fun p -> hov 1 (str "(" ++ pr_params p ++ str ")")) l in
return (hov 2 (pr_assumption_token (n > 1) stre ++
pr_non_empty_arg pr_assumption_inline t ++ spc() ++ assumptions))
- | VernacInductive (p,f,l) ->
+ | VernacInductive (cum, p,f,l) ->
let pr_constructor (coe,(id,c)) =
hov 2 (pr_lident id ++ str" " ++
(if coe then str":>" else str":") ++
@@ -754,13 +754,17 @@ open Decl_kinds
let key =
let (_,_,_,k,_),_ = List.hd l in
- match k with Record -> "Record" | Structure -> "Structure"
- | Inductive_kw -> "Inductive" | CoInductive -> "CoInductive"
- | Class _ -> "Class" | Variant -> "Variant"
+ let kind =
+ match k with Record -> "Record" | Structure -> "Structure"
+ | Inductive_kw -> "Inductive" | CoInductive -> "CoInductive"
+ | Class _ -> "Class" | Variant -> "Variant"
+ in
+ let cm = if cum then "Cumulative" else "NonCumulative" in
+ cm ^ " " ^ kind
return (
hov 1 (pr_oneind key (List.hd l)) ++
- (prlist (fun ind -> fnl() ++ hov 1 (pr_oneind "with" ind)) (List.tl l))
+ (prlist (fun ind -> fnl() ++ hov 1 (pr_oneind "with" ind)) (List.tl l))
| VernacFixpoint (local, recs) ->
diff --git a/stm/vernac_classifier.ml b/stm/vernac_classifier.ml
index 471e05e45..87d9e411a 100644
--- a/stm/vernac_classifier.ml
+++ b/stm/vernac_classifier.ml
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ let rec classify_vernac e =
let ids = List.flatten (List.map (fun (_,(l,_)) -> List.map (fun (id, _) -> snd id) l) l) in
VtSideff ids, VtLater
| VernacDefinition (_,((_,id),_),DefineBody _) -> VtSideff [id], VtLater
- | VernacInductive (_,_,l) ->
+ | VernacInductive (_, _,_,l) ->
let ids = List.map (fun (((_,((_,id),_)),_,_,_,cl),_) -> id :: match cl with
| Constructors l -> List.map (fun (_,((_,id),_)) -> id) l
| RecordDecl (oid,l) -> (match oid with Some (_,x) -> [x] | _ -> []) @
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3330.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3330.v
index e3b5e9435..a497e7a98 100644
--- a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3330.v
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3330.v
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ Notation "g 'o' f" := (compose g f) (at level 40, left associativity) : function
Open Scope function_scope.
+Set Printing Universes. Set Printing All.
Inductive paths {A : Type} (a : A) : A -> Type :=
idpath : paths a a.
@@ -156,7 +158,8 @@ Delimit Scope morphism_scope with morphism.
Delimit Scope category_scope with category.
Delimit Scope object_scope with object.
+Set Printing Universes.
+Set Printing All.
Record PreCategory :=
Build_PreCategory' {
object :> Type;
@@ -1069,8 +1072,10 @@ Section Adjunction.
Variable F : Functor C D.
Variable G : Functor D C.
- Let Adjunction_Type :=
- Eval simpl in (hom_functor D) o (F^op, 1) <~=~> (hom_functor C) o (1, G).
+(* Let Adjunction_Type :=
+ Eval simpl in (hom_functor D) o (F^op, 1) <~=~> (hom_functor C) o (1, G).*)
+ Set Printing All. Set Printing Universes.
Record AdjunctionHom :=
diff --git a/test-suite/success/polymorphism.v b/test-suite/success/polymorphism.v
index 3e90825ab..f57cbcc2b 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/polymorphism.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/polymorphism.v
@@ -316,26 +316,6 @@ Module Hurkens'.
Polymorphic Record box (X : Type) (T := Type) : Type := wrap { unwrap : T }.
-Section test_letin_subtyping.
- Universe i j k i' j' k'.
- Constraint j < j'.
- Context (W : Type) (X : box@{i j k} W).
- Definition Y := X : box@{i' j' k'} W.
- Universe i1 j1 k1 i2 j2 k2.
- Constraint i1 < i2, k2 < k1.
- Definition Z : box@{i1 j1 k1} W := {| unwrap := W |}.
- Definition Z' : box@{i2 j2 k2} W := {| unwrap := W |}.
- Lemma ZZ' : @eq (box@{i2 j2 k2} W) Z Z'.
- Proof.
- Set Printing All. Set Printing Universes.
- cbv.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End test_letin_subtyping.
Definition unwrap' := fun (X : Type) (b : box X) => let (unw) := b in unw.
Fail Definition bad : False := TypeNeqSmallType.paradox (unwrap' Type (wrap _
@@ -372,3 +352,35 @@ Module Anonymous.
Check collapsethemiddle@{_ _}.
End Anonymous.
+Module F.
+ Context {A B : Type}.
+ Definition foo : Type := B.
+End F.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Record box (X : Type) (T := Type) : Type := wrap { unwrap : T }.
+Section test_letin_subtyping.
+ Universe i j k i' j' k'.
+ Constraint j < j'.
+ Context (W : Type) (X : box@{i j k} W).
+ Definition Y := X : box@{i' j' k'} W.
+ Universe i1 j1 k1 i2 j2 k2.
+ Constraint i1 < i2.
+ Constraint k2 < k1.
+ Context (V : Type).
+ Definition Z : box@{i1 j1 k1} V := {| unwrap := V |}.
+ Definition Z' : box@{i2 j2 k2} V := {| unwrap := V |}.
+ Lemma ZZ' : @eq (box@{i2 j2 k2} V) Z Z'.
+ Proof.
+ Set Printing All. Set Printing Universes.
+ cbv.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End test_letin_subtyping.
diff --git a/vernac/command.ml b/vernac/command.ml
index 6c5997623..2345cb4c5 100644
--- a/vernac/command.ml
+++ b/vernac/command.ml
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ let check_param = function
| CLocalAssum (nas, Generalized _, _) -> ()
| CLocalPattern _ -> assert false
-let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations poly prv finite =
+let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations cum poly prv finite =
check_all_names_different indl;
List.iter check_param paramsl;
let env0 = Global.env() in
@@ -657,6 +657,7 @@ let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations poly prv finite =
mind_entry_finite = finite;
mind_entry_inds = entries;
mind_entry_polymorphic = poly;
+ mind_entry_cumulative = cum;
mind_entry_private = if prv then Some false else None;
mind_entry_universes = ground_uinfind;
@@ -747,10 +748,10 @@ type one_inductive_impls =
Impargs.manual_explicitation list (* for inds *)*
Impargs.manual_explicitation list list (* for constrs *)
-let do_mutual_inductive indl poly prv finite =
+let do_mutual_inductive indl cum poly prv finite =
let indl,coes,ntns = extract_mutual_inductive_declaration_components indl in
(* Interpret the types *)
- let mie,pl,impls = interp_mutual_inductive indl ntns poly prv finite in
+ let mie,pl,impls = interp_mutual_inductive indl ntns cum poly prv finite in
(* Declare the mutual inductive block with its associated schemes *)
ignore (declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations mie pl impls);
(* Declare the possible notations of inductive types *)
diff --git a/vernac/command.mli b/vernac/command.mli
index 2a52d9bcb..a636bc03c 100644
--- a/vernac/command.mli
+++ b/vernac/command.mli
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ type one_inductive_impls =
Impargs.manual_implicits list (** for constrs *)
val interp_mutual_inductive :
- structured_inductive_expr -> decl_notation list -> polymorphic ->
- private_flag -> Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind ->
- mutual_inductive_entry * Universes.universe_binders * one_inductive_impls list
+ structured_inductive_expr -> decl_notation list -> cumulative_inductive_flag ->
+ polymorphic -> private_flag -> Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind ->
+ mutual_inductive_entry * Universes.universe_binders * one_inductive_impls list
(** Registering a mutual inductive definition together with its
associated schemes *)
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ val declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations :
(** Entry points for the vernacular commands Inductive and CoInductive *)
val do_mutual_inductive :
- (one_inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list -> polymorphic ->
- private_flag -> Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind -> unit
+ (one_inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list -> cumulative_inductive_flag ->
+ polymorphic -> private_flag -> Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind -> unit
(** {6 Fixpoints and cofixpoints} *)
diff --git a/vernac/discharge.ml b/vernac/discharge.ml
index c7a741c13..738e27f63 100644
--- a/vernac/discharge.ml
+++ b/vernac/discharge.ml
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ let process_inductive (sechyps,abs_ctx) modlist mib =
mind_entry_params = params';
mind_entry_inds = inds';
mind_entry_polymorphic = mib.mind_polymorphic;
+ mind_entry_cumulative = mib.mind_cumulative;
mind_entry_private = mib.mind_private;
mind_entry_universes = univ_info_ind
diff --git a/vernac/record.ml b/vernac/record.ml
index 093a31c19..8a83dceef 100644
--- a/vernac/record.ml
+++ b/vernac/record.ml
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ let structure_signature ctx =
open Typeclasses
-let declare_structure finite poly ctx id idbuild paramimpls params arity template
+let declare_structure finite cum poly ctx id idbuild paramimpls params arity template
fieldimpls fields ?(kind=StructureComponent) ?name is_coe coers sign =
let nparams = List.length params and nfields = List.length fields in
let args = Context.Rel.to_extended_list mkRel nfields params in
@@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ let declare_structure finite poly ctx id idbuild paramimpls params arity templat
mind_entry_finite = finite;
mind_entry_inds = [mie_ind];
mind_entry_polymorphic = poly;
+ mind_entry_cumulative = cum;
mind_entry_private = None;
mind_entry_universes = ctx;
@@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ let implicits_of_context ctx =
in ExplByPos (i, explname), (true, true, true))
1 (List.rev (Anonymous :: (List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx)))
-let declare_class finite def poly ctx id idbuild paramimpls params arity
+let declare_class finite def cum poly ctx id idbuild paramimpls params arity
template fieldimpls fields ?(kind=StructureComponent) is_coe coers priorities sign =
let fieldimpls =
(* Make the class implicit in the projections, and the params if applicable. *)
@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ let declare_class finite def poly ctx id idbuild paramimpls params arity
cref, [Name proj_name, sub, Some proj_cst]
| _ ->
- let ind = declare_structure BiFinite poly (Universes.univ_inf_ind_from_universe_context ctx) (snd id) idbuild paramimpls
+ let ind = declare_structure BiFinite cum poly (Universes.univ_inf_ind_from_universe_context ctx) (snd id) idbuild paramimpls
params arity template fieldimpls fields
~kind:Method ~name:binder_name false (List.map (fun _ -> false) fields) sign
@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ open Vernacexpr
(* [fs] corresponds to fields and [ps] to parameters; [coers] is a
list telling if the corresponding fields must me declared as coercions
or subinstances. *)
-let definition_structure (kind,poly,finite,(is_coe,((loc,idstruc),pl)),ps,cfs,idbuild,s) =
+let definition_structure (kind,cum,poly,finite,(is_coe,((loc,idstruc),pl)),ps,cfs,idbuild,s) =
let cfs,notations = List.split cfs in
let cfs,priorities = List.split cfs in
let coers,fs = List.split cfs in
@@ -576,14 +577,14 @@ let definition_structure (kind,poly,finite,(is_coe,((loc,idstruc),pl)),ps,cfs,id
let gr = match kind with
| Class def ->
let priorities = List.map (fun id -> {hint_priority = id; hint_pattern = None}) priorities in
- let gr = declare_class finite def poly ctx (loc,idstruc) idbuild
+ let gr = declare_class finite def cum poly ctx (loc,idstruc) idbuild
implpars params arity template implfs fields is_coe coers priorities sign in
| _ ->
let implfs = List.map
(fun impls -> implpars @ Impargs.lift_implicits
(succ (List.length params)) impls) implfs in
- let ind = declare_structure finite poly (Universes.univ_inf_ind_from_universe_context ctx) idstruc
+ let ind = declare_structure Finite cum poly (Universes.univ_inf_ind_from_universe_context ctx) idstruc
idbuild implpars params arity template implfs
fields is_coe (List.map (fun coe -> not (Option.is_empty coe)) coers) sign in
IndRef ind
diff --git a/vernac/record.mli b/vernac/record.mli
index ec5d2cf83..c43d833b0 100644
--- a/vernac/record.mli
+++ b/vernac/record.mli
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ val declare_projections :
val declare_structure :
Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind ->
- bool (** polymorphic?*) ->
+ Decl_kinds.cumulative_inductive_flag ->
+ Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
Univ.universe_info_ind (** universe and subtyping constraints *) ->
Id.t -> Id.t ->
manual_explicitation list -> Context.Rel.t -> (** params *) constr -> (** arity *)
@@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ val declare_structure :
val definition_structure :
- inductive_kind * Decl_kinds.polymorphic * Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind *
- plident with_coercion * local_binder_expr list *
+ inductive_kind * Decl_kinds.cumulative_inductive_flag * Decl_kinds.polymorphic *
+ Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind * plident with_coercion * local_binder_expr list *
(local_decl_expr with_instance with_priority with_notation) list *
Id.t * constr_expr option -> global_reference
diff --git a/vernac/vernacentries.ml b/vernac/vernacentries.ml
index d0f9c7de7..f130708c4 100644
--- a/vernac/vernacentries.ml
+++ b/vernac/vernacentries.ml
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ let vernac_assumption locality poly (local, kind) l nl =
let status = do_assumptions kind nl l in
if not status then Feedback.feedback Feedback.AddedAxiom
-let vernac_record k poly finite struc binders sort nameopt cfs =
+let vernac_record cum k poly finite struc binders sort nameopt cfs =
let const = match nameopt with
| None -> add_prefix "Build_" (snd (fst (snd struc)))
| Some (_,id as lid) ->
@@ -537,13 +537,13 @@ let vernac_record k poly finite struc binders sort nameopt cfs =
match x with
| Vernacexpr.AssumExpr ((loc, Name id), _) -> Dumpglob.dump_definition (loc,id) false "proj"
| _ -> ()) cfs);
- ignore(Record.definition_structure (k,poly,finite,struc,binders,cfs,const,sort))
+ ignore(Record.definition_structure (k,cum,poly,finite,struc,binders,cfs,const,sort))
(** When [poly] is true the type is declared polymorphic. When [lo] is true,
then the type is declared private (as per the [Private] keyword). [finite]
indicates whether the type is inductive, co-inductive or
neither. *)
-let vernac_inductive poly lo finite indl =
+let vernac_inductive cum poly lo finite indl =
if Dumpglob.dump () then
List.iter (fun (((coe,(lid,_)), _, _, _, cstrs), _) ->
match cstrs with
@@ -559,14 +559,14 @@ let vernac_inductive poly lo finite indl =
| [ (_ , _ , _ ,Variant, RecordDecl _),_ ] ->
user_err Pp.(str "The Variant keyword does not support syntax { ... }.")
| [ ( id , bl , c , b, RecordDecl (oc,fs) ), [] ] ->
- vernac_record (match b with Class _ -> Class false | _ -> b)
+ vernac_record cum (match b with Class _ -> Class false | _ -> b)
poly finite id bl c oc fs
| [ ( id , bl , c , Class _, Constructors [l]), [] ] ->
let f =
let (coe, ((loc, id), ce)) = l in
let coe' = if coe then Some true else None in
(((coe', AssumExpr ((loc, Name id), ce)), None), [])
- in vernac_record (Class true) poly finite id bl c None [f]
+ in vernac_record cum (Class true) poly finite id bl c None [f]
| [ ( _ , _, _, Class _, Constructors _), [] ] ->
user_err Pp.(str "Inductive classes not supported")
| [ ( id , bl , c , Class _, _), _ :: _ ] ->
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ let vernac_inductive poly lo finite indl =
| _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Cannot handle mutually (co)inductive records.")
let indl = List.map unpack indl in
- do_mutual_inductive indl poly lo finite
+ do_mutual_inductive indl cum poly lo finite
let vernac_fixpoint locality poly local l =
let local = enforce_locality_exp locality local in
@@ -1365,6 +1365,14 @@ let _ =
optwrite = Flags.make_universe_polymorphism }
let _ =
+ declare_bool_option
+ { optdepr = false;
+ optname = "inductive cumulativity";
+ optkey = ["Inductive"; "Cumulativity"];
+ optread = Flags.is_universe_polymorphism;
+ optwrite = Flags.make_universe_polymorphism }
+let _ =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "the level of inlining during functor application";
@@ -1933,7 +1941,7 @@ let interp ?proof ?loc locality poly c =
| VernacEndProof e -> vernac_end_proof ?proof e
| VernacExactProof c -> vernac_exact_proof c
| VernacAssumption (stre,nl,l) -> vernac_assumption locality poly stre l nl
- | VernacInductive (priv,finite,l) -> vernac_inductive poly priv finite l
+ | VernacInductive (cum, priv,finite,l) -> vernac_inductive cum poly priv finite l
| VernacFixpoint (local, l) -> vernac_fixpoint locality poly local l
| VernacCoFixpoint (local, l) -> vernac_cofixpoint locality poly local l
| VernacScheme l -> vernac_scheme l
@@ -2083,6 +2091,12 @@ let enforce_polymorphism = function
| None -> Flags.is_universe_polymorphism ()
| Some b -> Flags.make_polymorphic_flag b; b
+let check_vernac_supports_cumulativity c p =
+ match p, c with
+ | None, _ -> ()
+ | Some _, (VernacInductive _ ) -> ()
+ | Some _, _ -> CErrors.error "This command does not support Cumulativity"
(** A global default timeout, controlled by option "Set Default Timeout n".
Use "Unset Default Timeout" to deactivate it (or set it to 0). *)