diff options
authorGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2017-10-26 16:00:09 +0200
committerGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2017-11-15 13:36:10 +0100
commit900ead851016c9056fd61a772b38602576f4986c (patch)
parenta2b02cb9142984b912bf01cea09449d767326f19 (diff)
Fix #5761: cbv on undefined evars under binders produces unbound rel
When an evar is undefined we need to substitute inside the evar instance. With help from @herbelin and @psteckler to identify the issue from a large test case.
2 files changed, 151 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/cbv.ml b/pretyping/cbv.ml
index 3a2eac7e7..95de96926 100644
--- a/pretyping/cbv.ml
+++ b/pretyping/cbv.ml
@@ -208,25 +208,32 @@ and reify_value = function (* reduction under binders *)
| STACK (n,v,stk) ->
lift n (reify_stack (reify_value v) stk)
| CBN(t,env) ->
- t
- (* map_constr_with_binders subs_lift (cbv_norm_term) env t *)
- | LAM (n,ctxt,b,env) ->
- List.fold_left (fun c (n,t) -> mkLambda (n, t, c)) b ctxt
+ apply_env env t
+ | LAM (k,ctxt,b,env) ->
+ apply_env env @@
+ List.fold_left (fun c (n,t) ->
+ mkLambda (n, t, c)) b ctxt
| FIXP ((lij,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) ->
- mkApp
- (mkFix (lij,
- (names,
- lty,
- bds)),
- Array.map reify_value args)
+ let fix = mkFix (lij, (names, lty, bds)) in
+ mkApp (apply_env env fix, Array.map reify_value args)
| COFIXP ((j,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) ->
- mkApp
- (mkCoFix (j,
- (names,lty,bds)),
- Array.map reify_value args)
+ let cofix = mkCoFix (j, (names,lty,bds)) in
+ mkApp (apply_env env cofix, Array.map reify_value args)
| CONSTR (c,args) ->
mkApp(mkConstructU c, Array.map reify_value args)
+and apply_env env t =
+ match kind t with
+ | Rel i ->
+ begin match expand_rel i env with
+ | Inl (k, v) ->
+ reify_value (shift_value k v)
+ | Inr (k,_) ->
+ mkRel k
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ map_with_binders subs_lift apply_env env t
(* The main recursive functions
* Go under applications and cases/projections (pushed in the stack),
@@ -290,7 +297,10 @@ let rec norm_head info env t stack =
| Evar ev ->
(match evar_value info.infos.i_cache ev with
Some c -> norm_head info env c stack
- | None -> (VAL(0, t), stack))
+ | None ->
+ let e, xs = ev in
+ let xs' = Array.map (apply_env env) xs in
+ (VAL(0, mkEvar (e,xs')), stack))
(* non-neutral cases *)
| Lambda _ ->
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/5761.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/5761.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f28d1981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/5761.v
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+Set Primitive Projections.
+Record mix := { a : nat ; b : a = a ; c : nat ; d : a = c ; e : nat ; f : nat }.
+Ltac strip_args T ctor :=
+ lazymatch type of ctor with
+ | context[T]
+ => match eval cbv beta in ctor with
+ | ?ctor _ => strip_args T ctor
+ | _ => ctor
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac get_ctor T :=
+ let full_ctor := constr:(ltac:(let x := fresh in intro x; econstructor; apply
+x) : T -> T) in
+ let ctor := constr:(fun x : T => ltac:(let v := strip_args T (full_ctor x) in
+exact v)) in
+ lazymatch ctor with
+ | fun _ => ?ctor => ctor
+ end.
+Ltac uncurry_domain f :=
+ lazymatch type of f with
+ | forall (a : ?A) (b : @ ?B a), _
+ => uncurry_domain (fun ab : { a : A & B a } => f (projT1 ab) (projT2 ab))
+ | _ => eval cbv beta in f
+ end.
+Ltac get_of_sigma T :=
+ let ctor := get_ctor T in
+ uncurry_domain ctor.
+Ltac repeat_existT :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- sigT _ ] => simple refine (existT _ _ _); [ repeat_existT | shelve ]
+ | _ => shelve
+ end.
+ Ltac prove_to_of_sigma_goal of_sigma :=
+ let v := fresh "v" in
+ simple refine (exist _ _ (fun v => _ : id _ (of_sigma v) = v));
+ try unfold of_sigma;
+ [ intro v; destruct v; repeat_existT
+ | cbv beta;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[projT2 ?k] ]
+ => let x := fresh "x" in
+ is_var k;
+ destruct k as [k x]; cbn [projT1 projT2]
+ end;
+ unfold id; reflexivity ].
+Ltac prove_to_of_sigma of_sigma :=
+ constr:(
+ ltac:(prove_to_of_sigma_goal of_sigma)
+ : { to_sigma : _ | forall v, id to_sigma (of_sigma v) = v }).
+Ltac get_to_sigma_gen of_sigma :=
+ let v := prove_to_of_sigma of_sigma in
+ eval hnf in (proj1_sig v).
+Ltac get_to_sigma T :=
+ let of_sigma := get_of_sigma T in
+ get_to_sigma_gen of_sigma.
+Definition to_sigma := ltac:(let v := get_to_sigma mix in exact v).
+(* Error:
+In nested Ltac calls to "get_to_sigma", "get_to_sigma_gen",
+"(_ : {to_sigma : _ | forall v, id to_sigma (of_sigma v) = v})" (with
+ ab : {_
+ : {_
+ : {ab : {_ : {a : nat & a = a} & nat} &
+ projT1 (projT1 ab) = projT2 ab} & nat} & nat} =>
+ {|
+ a := projT1 (projT1 (projT1 (projT1 (projT1 ab))));
+ b := projT2 (projT1 (projT1 (projT1 (projT1 ab))));
+ c := projT2 (projT1 (projT1 (projT1 ab)));
+ d := projT2 (projT1 (projT1 ab));
+ e := projT2 (projT1 ab);
+ f := projT2 ab |}) and "prove_to_of_sigma_goal", last call failed.
+Anomaly "Uncaught exception Not_found." Please report at
+frame @ file "toplevel/coqtop.ml", line 640, characters 6-22
+frame @ file "list.ml", line 73, characters 12-15
+frame @ file "toplevel/vernac.ml", line 344, characters 2-13
+frame @ file "toplevel/vernac.ml", line 308, characters 14-75
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "lib/flags.ml", line 141, characters 19-40
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "lib/flags.ml", line 11, characters 15-18
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "toplevel/vernac.ml", line 167, characters 6-16
+frame @ file "toplevel/vernac.ml", line 151, characters 26-39
+frame @ file "stm/stm.ml", line 2365, characters 2-35
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "stm/stm.ml", line 2355, characters 4-48
+frame @ file "stm/stm.ml", line 2321, characters 4-100
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "stm/stm.ml", line 832, characters 6-10
+frame @ file "stm/stm.ml", line 2206, characters 10-32
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "stm/stm.ml", line 975, characters 8-81
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "vernac/vernacentries.ml", line 2216, characters 10-389
+frame @ file "lib/flags.ml", line 141, characters 19-40
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "lib/flags.ml", line 11, characters 15-18
+frame @ file "vernac/command.ml", line 150, characters 4-56
+frame @ file "interp/constrintern.ml", line 2046, characters 2-73
+frame @ file "pretyping/pretyping.ml", line 1194, characters 19-77
+frame @ file "pretyping/pretyping.ml", line 1155, characters 8-72
+frame @ file "pretyping/pretyping.ml", line 628, characters 23-65
+frame @ file "plugins/ltac/tacinterp.ml", line 2095, characters 21-61
+frame @ file "proofs/pfedit.ml", line 178, characters 6-22
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "proofs/pfedit.ml", line 174, characters 8-36
+frame @ file "proofs/proof.ml", line 351, characters 4-30
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "engine/proofview.ml", line 1222, characters 8-12
+frame @ file "plugins/ltac/tacinterp.ml", line 2020, characters 19-36
+frame @ file "plugins/ltac/tacinterp.ml", line 618, characters 4-70
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "plugins/ltac/tacinterp.ml", line 214, characters 6-9
+frame @ file "pretyping/pretyping.ml", line 1198, characters 19-62
+frame @ file "pretyping/pretyping.ml", line 1155, characters 8-72
+raise @ unknown
+frame @ file "pretyping/pretyping.ml", line 628, characters 23-65
+frame @ file "plugins/ltac/tacinterp.ml", line 2095, characters 21-61
+frame @ file "proofs/pfedit.ml", line 178, characters 6-22
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+frame @ file "proofs/pfedit.ml", line 174, characters 8-36
+frame @ file "proofs/proof.ml", line 351, characters 4-30
+raise @ file "lib/exninfo.ml", line 63, characters 8-15
+ *)