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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-05-05 22:47:26 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-05-05 22:47:26 +0000
commit86a1787cf9ae815ee8b1f6fd7f39ac615da031a4 (patch)
parentbecc50a8ac662d666cbe2645d7d84a7ee7b0b8e4 (diff)
Relaxing the constraint on eta-expanding on the fly while looking for
notation to use at printing time. We now allow to print "sigT P" as "{x:_ & P x}", generating a "_" for the missing type, when the notation is defined by 'Notation "{ x : A & P }" := (sigT (fun x:A => P))'. Do better, and change the notation to "(sigT (A:=A) (fun x => P))" so that the type is known even when eta-expansion is needed. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16467 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
2 files changed, 36 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/interp/notation_ops.ml b/interp/notation_ops.ml
index c0e83447f..87e39aba2 100644
--- a/interp/notation_ops.ml
+++ b/interp/notation_ops.ml
@@ -498,16 +498,29 @@ let rec alpha_var id1 id2 = function
| _::idl -> alpha_var id1 id2 idl
| [] -> Id.equal id1 id2
+let compare_var v1 v2 =
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | GHole _, _ -> (true,true)
+ | _, GHole _ -> (false,false)
+ | _, _ -> (true,Pervasives.(=) v1 v2 (** FIXME *))
+let add_env alp (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) var v =
+ (* Check that no capture of binding variables occur *)
+ if List.exists (fun (id,_) ->occur_glob_constr id v) alp then raise No_match;
+ (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
+ ((var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
let bind_env alp (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders as fullsigma) var v =
- let vvar = List.assoc var sigma in
- if Pervasives.(=) v vvar then fullsigma (** FIXME *)
- else raise No_match
- with Not_found ->
- (* Check that no capture of binding variables occur *)
- if List.exists (fun (id,_) ->occur_glob_constr id v) alp then raise No_match;
- (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
- ((var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
+ let v' = List.assoc var sigma in
+ match v, v' with
+ | GHole _, _ -> fullsigma
+ | _, GHole _ ->
+ add_env alp (List.remove_assoc var sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) var v
+ | _, _ ->
+ if Pervasives.(=) v v' then fullsigma (** FIXME *)
+ else raise No_match
+ with Not_found -> add_env alp fullsigma var v
let bind_binder (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) x bl =
(sigma,sigmalist,(x,List.rev bl)::sigmabinders)
@@ -703,13 +716,19 @@ let rec match_ inner u alp (tmetas,blmetas as metas) sigma a1 a2 =
| a, NHole _ -> sigma
(* On the fly eta-expansion so as to use notations of the form
- "exists x, P x" for "ex P"; expects type not given because don't know
+ "exists x, P x" for "ex P"; ensure at least one constructor is
+ consumed to avoid looping; expects type not given because don't know
otherwise how to ensure it corresponds to a well-typed eta-expansion;
- ensure at least one constructor is consumed to avoid looping *)
- | b1, NLambda (Name id,NHole _,b2) when inner ->
+ we make an exception for types which are metavariables: this is useful e.g.
+ to print "{x:_ & P x}" knowing that notation "{x & P x}" is not defined. *)
+ | b1, NLambda (Name id,(NHole _ | NVar _ as t2),b2) when inner ->
let id' = Namegen.next_ident_away id (free_glob_vars b1) in
- match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id
- [(Name id',Explicit,None,GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id')))])
+ let t1 = GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id')) in
+ let sigma = match t2 with
+ | NHole _ -> sigma
+ | NVar id2 -> bind_env alp sigma id2 t1
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(Name id',Explicit,None,t1)])
(mkGApp Loc.ghost b1 (GVar (Loc.ghost,id'))) b2
| (GRec _ | GEvar _), _
diff --git a/theories/Init/Specif.v b/theories/Init/Specif.v
index 6adc1c369..88c2c264a 100644
--- a/theories/Init/Specif.v
+++ b/theories/Init/Specif.v
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ Arguments sigT2 (A P Q)%type.
Notation "{ x | P }" := (sig (fun x => P)) : type_scope.
Notation "{ x | P & Q }" := (sig2 (fun x => P) (fun x => Q)) : type_scope.
-Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig (fun x:A => P)) : type_scope.
-Notation "{ x : A | P & Q }" := (sig2 (fun x:A => P) (fun x:A => Q)) :
+Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig (A:=A) (fun x => P)) : type_scope.
+Notation "{ x : A | P & Q }" := (sig2 (A:=A) (fun x => P) (fun x => Q)) :
-Notation "{ x : A & P }" := (sigT (fun x:A => P)) : type_scope.
-Notation "{ x : A & P & Q }" := (sigT2 (fun x:A => P) (fun x:A => Q)) :
+Notation "{ x : A & P }" := (sigT (A:=A) (fun x => P)) : type_scope.
+Notation "{ x : A & P & Q }" := (sigT2 (A:=A) (fun x => P) (fun x => Q)) :
Add Printing Let sig.