diff options
authorGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <matthieu.sozeau@inria.fr>2015-10-09 11:01:54 +0200
committerGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <matthieu.sozeau@inria.fr>2015-10-09 11:03:13 +0200
commit864bcb82f84a8101fec9a8f7225a01083ebff8c4 (patch)
parent41ac12062858d3b8b82b0ed736b3800d052f34b8 (diff)
Fix inference of return clause raising a type error.
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/cases.ml b/pretyping/cases.ml
index 2a4be9f31..47d92f5e0 100644
--- a/pretyping/cases.ml
+++ b/pretyping/cases.ml
@@ -1865,17 +1865,10 @@ let inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env evdref j tycon =
(* We put the tycon inside the arity signature, possibly discovering dependencies. *)
-let context_of_arsign l =
- let (x, _) = List.fold_right
- (fun c (x, n) ->
- (lift_rel_context n c @ x, List.length c + n))
- l ([], 0)
- in x
let prepare_predicate_from_arsign_tycon env sigma loc tomatchs arsign c =
let nar = List.fold_left (fun n sign -> List.length sign + n) 0 arsign in
let subst, len =
- List.fold_left2 (fun (subst, len) (tm, tmtype) sign ->
+ List.fold_right2 (fun (tm, tmtype) sign (subst, len) ->
let signlen = List.length sign in
match kind_of_term tm with
| Rel n when dependent tm c
@@ -1886,19 +1879,21 @@ let prepare_predicate_from_arsign_tycon env sigma loc tomatchs arsign c =
(match tmtype with
NotInd _ -> (subst, len - signlen)
| IsInd (_, IndType(indf,realargs),_) ->
- let subst =
- if dependent tm c && List.for_all isRel realargs
- then (n, 1) :: subst else subst
- in
+ let subst, len =
(fun (subst, len) arg ->
match kind_of_term arg with
| Rel n when dependent arg c ->
((n, len) :: subst, pred len)
| _ -> (subst, pred len))
- (subst, len) realargs)
+ (subst, len) realargs
+ in
+ let subst =
+ if dependent tm c && List.for_all isRel realargs
+ then (n, len) :: subst else subst
+ in (subst, pred len))
| _ -> (subst, len - signlen))
- ([], nar) tomatchs arsign
+ (List.rev tomatchs) arsign ([], nar)
let rec predicate lift c =
match kind_of_term c with
@@ -1913,9 +1908,12 @@ let prepare_predicate_from_arsign_tycon env sigma loc tomatchs arsign c =
| _ ->
map_constr_with_binders succ predicate lift c
+ assert (len == 0);
let p = predicate 0 c in
- fst (Typing.type_of (push_rel_context (context_of_arsign arsign) env) sigma p), p
+ let env' = List.fold_right push_rel_context arsign env in
+ try let sigma' = fst (Typing.type_of env' sigma p) in
+ Some (sigma', p)
+ with e when precatchable_exception e -> None
(* Builds the predicate. If the predicate is dependent, its context is
* made of 1+nrealargs assumptions for each matched term in an inductive
@@ -1936,11 +1934,13 @@ let prepare_predicate loc typing_fun env sigma tomatchs arsign tycon pred =
(* If the tycon is not closed w.r.t real variables, we try *)
(* two different strategies *)
(* First strategy: we abstract the tycon wrt to the dependencies *)
- let sigma1,pred1 =
+ let p1 =
prepare_predicate_from_arsign_tycon env sigma loc tomatchs arsign t in
(* Second strategy: we build an "inversion" predicate *)
let sigma2,pred2 = build_inversion_problem loc env sigma tomatchs t in
- [sigma1, pred1; sigma2, pred2]
+ (match p1 with
+ | Some (sigma1,pred1) -> [sigma1, pred1; sigma2, pred2]
+ | None -> [sigma2, pred2])
| None, _ ->
(* No dependent type constraint, or no constraints at all: *)
(* we use two strategies *)
@@ -2375,6 +2375,13 @@ let build_dependent_signature env evdref avoid tomatchs arsign =
assert(Int.equal slift 0); (* we must have folded over all elements of the arity signature *)
arsign'', allnames, nar, eqs, neqs, refls
+let context_of_arsign l =
+ let (x, _) = List.fold_right
+ (fun c (x, n) ->
+ (lift_rel_context n c @ x, List.length c + n))
+ l ([], 0)
+ in x
let compile_program_cases loc style (typing_function, evdref) tycon env
(predopt, tomatchl, eqns) =
let typing_fun tycon env = function
@@ -2405,12 +2412,11 @@ let compile_program_cases loc style (typing_function, evdref) tycon env
| None -> let ev = mkExistential env evdref in ev, ev
| Some t ->
let pred =
- try
- let evd, pred = prepare_predicate_from_arsign_tycon env !evdref loc tomatchs sign t in
- evdref := evd; pred
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- let nar = List.fold_left (fun n sign -> List.length sign + n) 0 sign in
- lift nar t
+ match prepare_predicate_from_arsign_tycon env !evdref loc tomatchs sign t with
+ | Some (evd, pred) -> evdref := evd; pred
+ | None ->
+ let nar = List.fold_left (fun n sign -> List.length sign + n) 0 sign in
+ lift nar t
in Option.get tycon, pred
let neqs, arity =