diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2015-02-20 16:01:12 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2015-02-21 19:25:24 +0100
commit7fc3adcf583cea7db6a224d9a58554b19d41cd4c (patch)
parentcab07133acbce19e865b8302fef24dd4ea190d90 (diff)
Future: human readable name for delegated (Close #4065)
3 files changed, 47 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/lib/future.ml b/lib/future.ml
index 2f1ce5e4e..02d3702d7 100644
--- a/lib/future.ml
+++ b/lib/future.ml
@@ -11,19 +11,21 @@ let freeze = ref (fun () -> assert false : unit -> Dyn.t)
let unfreeze = ref (fun _ -> () : Dyn.t -> unit)
let set_freeze f g = freeze := f; unfreeze := g
-exception NotReady
-exception NotHere
+exception NotReady of string
+exception NotHere of string
let _ = Errors.register_handler (function
- | NotReady ->
- Pp.strbrk("The value you are asking for is not ready yet. " ^
+ | NotReady name ->
+ Pp.strbrk("The value you are asking for ("^name^") is not ready yet. "^
"Please wait or pass "^
"the \"-async-proofs off\" option to CoqIDE to disable "^
- "asynchronous script processing.")
- | NotHere ->
- Pp.strbrk("The value you are asking for is not available "^
+ "asynchronous script processing and don't pass \"-quick\" to "^
+ "coqc.")
+ | NotHere name ->
+ Pp.strbrk("The value you are asking for ("^name^") is not available "^
"in this process. If you really need this, pass "^
"the \"-async-proofs off\" option to CoqIDE to disable "^
- "asynchronous script processing.")
+ "asynchronous script processing and don't pass \"-quick\" to "^
+ "coqc.")
| _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled)
type fix_exn = Exninfo.iexn -> Exninfo.iexn
@@ -54,67 +56,69 @@ and 'a comp =
| Exn of Exninfo.iexn (* Invariant: this exception is always "fixed" as in fix_exn *)
and 'a comput =
- | Ongoing of (UUID.t * fix_exn * 'a comp ref) Ephemeron.key
+ | Ongoing of string * (UUID.t * fix_exn * 'a comp ref) Ephemeron.key
| Finished of 'a
and 'a computation = 'a comput ref
-let create ?(uuid=UUID.fresh ()) f x =
- ref (Ongoing (Ephemeron.create (uuid, f, Pervasives.ref x)))
+let unnamed = "unnamed"
+let create ?(name=unnamed) ?(uuid=UUID.fresh ()) f x =
+ ref (Ongoing (name, Ephemeron.create (uuid, f, Pervasives.ref x)))
let get x =
match !x with
- | Finished v -> UUID.invalid, id, ref (Val (v,None))
- | Ongoing x ->
- try Ephemeron.get x
+ | Finished v -> unnamed, UUID.invalid, id, ref (Val (v,None))
+ | Ongoing (name, x) ->
+ try let uuid, fix, c = Ephemeron.get x in name, uuid, fix, c
with Ephemeron.InvalidKey ->
- UUID.invalid, id, ref (Exn (NotHere, Exninfo.null))
+ name, UUID.invalid, id, ref (Exn (NotHere name, Exninfo.null))
type 'a value = [ `Val of 'a | `Exn of Exninfo.iexn ]
-let is_over kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
+let is_over kx = let _, _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
| Val _ | Exn _ -> true
| Closure _ | Delegated _ -> false
-let is_val kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
+let is_val kx = let _, _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
| Val _ -> true
| Exn _ | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> false
-let is_exn kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
+let is_exn kx = let _, _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
| Exn _ -> true
| Val _ | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> false
-let peek_val kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
+let peek_val kx = let _, _, _, x = get kx in match !x with
| Val (v, _) -> Some v
| Exn _ | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> None
-let uuid kx = let id, _, _ = get kx in id
+let uuid kx = let _, id, _, _ = get kx in id
let from_val ?(fix_exn=id) v = create fix_exn (Val (v, None))
let from_here ?(fix_exn=id) v = create fix_exn (Val (v, Some (!freeze ())))
-let fix_exn_of ck = let _, fix_exn, _ = get ck in fix_exn
+let fix_exn_of ck = let _, _, fix_exn, _ = get ck in fix_exn
-let create_delegate ?(blocking=true) fix_exn =
+let create_delegate ?(blocking=true) ~name fix_exn =
let assignement signal ck = fun v ->
- let _, fix_exn, c = get ck in
+ let _, _, fix_exn, c = get ck in
assert (match !c with Delegated _ -> true | _ -> false);
begin match v with
| `Val v -> c := Val (v, None)
| `Exn e -> c := Exn (fix_exn e)
- | `Comp f -> let _, _, comp = get f in c := !comp end;
+ | `Comp f -> let _, _, _, comp = get f in c := !comp end;
signal () in
let wait, signal =
- if not blocking then (fun () -> raise NotReady), ignore else
+ if not blocking then (fun () -> raise (NotReady name)), ignore else
let lock = Mutex.create () in
let cond = Condition.create () in
(fun () -> Mutex.lock lock; Condition.wait cond lock; Mutex.unlock lock),
(fun () -> Mutex.lock lock; Condition.broadcast cond; Mutex.unlock lock) in
- let ck = create fix_exn (Delegated wait) in
+ let ck = create ~name fix_exn (Delegated wait) in
ck, assignement signal ck
(* TODO: get rid of try/catch to be stackless *)
let rec compute ~pure ck : 'a value =
- let _, fix_exn, c = get ck in
+ let _, _, fix_exn, c = get ck in
match !c with
| Val (x, _) -> `Val x
| Exn (e, info) -> `Exn (e, info)
@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ let rec compute ~pure ck : 'a value =
let e = Errors.push e in
let e = fix_exn e in
match e with
- | (NotReady, _) -> `Exn e
+ | (NotReady _, _) -> `Exn e
| _ -> c := Exn e; `Exn e
let force ~pure x = match compute ~pure x with
@@ -136,8 +140,8 @@ let force ~pure x = match compute ~pure x with
| `Exn e -> Exninfo.iraise e
let chain ~pure ck f =
- let uuid, fix_exn, c = get ck in
- create ~uuid fix_exn (match !c with
+ let name, uuid, fix_exn, c = get ck in
+ create ~uuid ~name fix_exn (match !c with
| Closure _ | Delegated _ -> Closure (fun () -> f (force ~pure ck))
| Exn _ as x -> x
| Val (v, None) when pure -> Closure (fun () -> f v)
@@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ let chain ~pure ck f =
let create fix_exn f = create fix_exn (Closure f)
let replace kx y =
- let _, _, x = get kx in
+ let _, _, _, x = get kx in
match !x with
| Exn _ -> x := Closure (fun () -> force ~pure:false y)
| _ -> Errors.anomaly
@@ -207,10 +211,10 @@ let map2 ?greedy f x l =
let print f kx =
let open Pp in
- let (uid, _, x) = get kx in
+ let name, uid, _, x = get kx in
let uid =
- if UUID.equal uid UUID.invalid then str "[#]"
- else str "[" ++ int uid ++ str "]"
+ if UUID.equal uid UUID.invalid then str "[#:" ++ str name ++ str "]"
+ else str "[" ++ int uid ++ str":" ++ str name ++ str "]"
match !x with
| Delegated _ -> str "Delegated" ++ uid
diff --git a/lib/future.mli b/lib/future.mli
index 8a4fa0bdf..324d5f7d1 100644
--- a/lib/future.mli
+++ b/lib/future.mli
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ end
module UUIDMap : Map.S with type key = UUID.t
module UUIDSet : Set.S with type elt = UUID.t
-exception NotReady
+exception NotReady of string
type 'a computation
type 'a value = [ `Val of 'a | `Exn of Exninfo.iexn ]
@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ val fix_exn_of : 'a computation -> fix_exn
delage assigns it. *)
type 'a assignement = [ `Val of 'a | `Exn of Exninfo.iexn | `Comp of 'a computation]
val create_delegate :
- ?blocking:bool -> fix_exn -> 'a computation * ('a assignement -> unit)
+ ?blocking:bool -> name:string ->
+ fix_exn -> 'a computation * ('a assignement -> unit)
(* Given a computation that is_exn, replace it by another one *)
val replace : 'a computation -> 'a computation -> unit
diff --git a/stm/stm.ml b/stm/stm.ml
index 43db6f3f6..a4db934b2 100644
--- a/stm/stm.ml
+++ b/stm/stm.ml
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
if TaskQueue.n_workers (Option.get !queue) = 0 then
if !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio then begin
let f,assign =
- Future.create_delegate ~blocking:true (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
+ Future.create_delegate ~blocking:true ~name:pname (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
let t_uuid = Future.uuid f in
let task = ProofTask.(BuildProof {
t_exn_info; t_start = start; t_stop = stop;
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
end else
ProofTask.build_proof_here t_exn_info loc stop, cancel_switch
- let f, t_assign = Future.create_delegate (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
+ let f, t_assign = Future.create_delegate ~name:pname (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
let t_uuid = Future.uuid f in
feedback (Feedback.InProgress 1);
let task = ProofTask.(BuildProof {
@@ -1436,7 +1436,10 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let goals, _, _, _, _ = Proof.proof p in
let open TacTask in
let res = CList.map_i (fun i g ->
- let f,assign= Future.create_delegate (State.exn_on id ~valid:safe_id) in
+ let f, assign =
+ Future.create_delegate
+ ~name:(Printf.sprintf "subgoal %d" i)
+ (State.exn_on id ~valid:safe_id) in
let t_ast =
{ verbose;loc;expr = VernacSolve(SelectNth i,None,e,etac) } in
let t_name = Goal.uid g in