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authorGravatar gmelquio <gmelquio@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2010-02-18 19:31:45 +0000
committerGravatar gmelquio <gmelquio@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2010-02-18 19:31:45 +0000
commit737d1b8008783e0c558065ca0836412f0c9b0e0d (patch)
parentaef3d0dceedcc277b7b5128018b0beffd31601a8 (diff)
Removed SeqProp's dependency on Classical.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@12796 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
2 files changed, 103 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Reals/Rseries.v b/theories/Reals/Rseries.v
index 15f02c69b..1ed6b03c5 100644
--- a/theories/Reals/Rseries.v
+++ b/theories/Reals/Rseries.v
@@ -100,12 +100,9 @@ Section sequence.
- Lemma Un_cv_crit : Un_growing -> bound EUn -> exists l : R, Un_cv l.
+ Lemma Un_cv_crit_lub : Un_growing -> forall l, is_lub EUn l -> Un_cv l.
- intros Hug Heub.
- destruct (completeness EUn Heub EUn_noempty) as (l, H).
- exists l.
- intros eps Heps.
+ intros Hug l H eps Heps.
cut (exists N, Un N > l - eps).
intros (N, H3).
@@ -263,6 +260,15 @@ Section sequence.
+ Lemma Un_cv_crit : Un_growing -> bound EUn -> exists l : R, Un_cv l.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hug Heub.
+ exists (projT1 (completeness EUn Heub EUn_noempty)).
+ destruct (completeness EUn Heub EUn_noempty) as (l, H).
+ now apply Un_cv_crit_lub.
+ Qed.
Lemma finite_greater :
forall N:nat, exists M : R, (forall n:nat, (n <= N)%nat -> Un n <= M).
diff --git a/theories/Reals/SeqProp.v b/theories/Reals/SeqProp.v
index a84a1cc97..e53e9cc6d 100644
--- a/theories/Reals/SeqProp.v
+++ b/theories/Reals/SeqProp.v
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
Require Import Rbase.
Require Import Rfunctions.
Require Import Rseries.
-Require Import Classical.
Require Import Max.
Open Local Scope R_scope.
@@ -29,31 +28,10 @@ Definition has_lb (Un:nat -> R) : Prop := bound (EUn (opp_seq Un)).
Lemma growing_cv :
forall Un:nat -> R, Un_growing Un -> has_ub Un -> { l:R | Un_cv Un l }.
- unfold Un_growing, Un_cv in |- *; intros;
- destruct (completeness (EUn Un) H0 (EUn_noempty Un)) as [x [H2 H3]].
- exists x; intros eps H1.
- unfold is_upper_bound in H2, H3.
- assert (H5 : forall n:nat, Un n <= x).
- intro n; apply (H2 (Un n) (Un_in_EUn Un n)).
- cut (exists N : nat, x - eps < Un N).
- intro H6; destruct H6 as [N H6]; exists N.
- intros n H7; unfold R_dist in |- *; apply (Rabs_def1 (Un n - x) eps).
- unfold Rgt in H1.
- apply (Rle_lt_trans (Un n - x) 0 eps (Rle_minus (Un n) x (H5 n)) H1).
- fold Un_growing in H; generalize (growing_prop Un n N H H7); intro H8.
- generalize
- (Rlt_le_trans (x - eps) (Un N) (Un n) H6 (Rge_le (Un n) (Un N) H8));
- intro H9; generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l (- x) (x - eps) (Un n) H9);
- unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- x) x (- eps));
- rewrite (Rplus_comm (- x) (Un n)); fold (Un n - x) in |- *;
- rewrite Rplus_opp_l; rewrite (let (H1, H2) := Rplus_ne (- eps) in H2);
- trivial.
- cut (~ (forall N:nat, Un N <= x - eps)).
- intro H6; apply (not_all_not_ex nat (fun N:nat => x - eps < Un N)).
- intro H7; apply H6; intro N; apply Rnot_lt_le; apply H7.
- intro H7; generalize (Un_bound_imp Un (x - eps) H7); intro H8;
- unfold is_upper_bound in H8; generalize (H3 (x - eps) H8);
- apply Rlt_not_le; apply tech_Rgt_minus; exact H1.
+ intros Un Hug Heub.
+ exists (projT1 (completeness (EUn Un) Heub (EUn_noempty Un))).
+ destruct (completeness _ Heub (EUn_noempty Un)) as (l, H).
+ now apply Un_cv_crit_lub.
Lemma decreasing_growing :
@@ -518,68 +496,77 @@ Lemma approx_maj :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_ub Un) (eps:R),
0 < eps -> exists k : nat, Rabs (lub Un pr - Un k) < eps.
- intros.
- set (P := fun k:nat => Rabs (lub Un pr - Un k) < eps).
- unfold P in |- *.
- cut
- ((exists k : nat, P k) ->
- exists k : nat, Rabs (lub Un pr - Un k) < eps).
- intros.
- apply H0.
- apply not_all_not_ex.
- red in |- *; intro.
- 2: unfold P in |- *; trivial.
- unfold P in H1.
- cut (forall n:nat, Rabs (lub Un pr - Un n) >= eps).
- intro.
- cut (is_lub (EUn Un) (lub Un pr)).
- intro.
- unfold is_lub in H3.
- unfold is_upper_bound in H3.
- elim H3; intros.
- cut (forall n:nat, eps <= lub Un pr - Un n).
- intro.
- cut (forall n:nat, Un n <= lub Un pr - eps).
- intro.
- cut (forall x:R, EUn Un x -> x <= lub Un pr - eps).
- intro.
- assert (H9 := H5 (lub Un pr - eps) H8).
- cut (eps <= 0).
- intro.
- elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H H10)).
- apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (lub Un pr - eps).
- rewrite Rplus_0_r.
- replace (lub Un pr - eps + eps) with (lub Un pr);
- [ assumption | ring ].
- intros.
- unfold EUn in H8.
- elim H8; intros.
- rewrite H9; apply H7.
- intro.
- assert (H7 := H6 n).
- apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (eps - Un n).
- replace (eps - Un n + Un n) with eps.
- replace (eps - Un n + (lub Un pr - eps)) with (lub Un pr - Un n).
- assumption.
- ring.
- ring.
- intro.
- assert (H6 := H2 n).
- rewrite Rabs_right in H6.
- apply Rge_le.
- assumption.
- apply Rle_ge.
- apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (Un n).
- rewrite Rplus_0_r;
- replace (Un n + (lub Un pr - Un n)) with (lub Un pr);
- [ apply H4 | ring ].
- exists n; reflexivity.
- unfold lub in |- *.
- case (ub_to_lub Un pr).
- trivial.
- intro.
- assert (H2 := H1 n).
- apply not_Rlt; assumption.
+ intros Un pr.
+ pose (Vn := fix aux n := match n with S n' => if Rle_lt_dec (aux n') (Un n) then Un n else aux n' | O => Un O end).
+ pose (In := fix aux n := match n with S n' => if Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un n) then n else aux n' | O => O end).
+ assert (VUI: forall n, Vn n = Un (In n)).
+ induction n.
+ easy.
+ simpl.
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S n))) as [H1|H1].
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Un (S n)) (Un (S n))) as [H2|H2].
+ easy.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H2).
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S n))) as [H2|H2].
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H2 H1)).
+ exact IHn.
+ assert (HubV : has_ub Vn).
+ destruct pr as (ub, Hub).
+ exists ub.
+ intros x (n, Hn).
+ rewrite Hn, VUI.
+ apply Hub.
+ now exists (In n).
+ assert (HgrV : Un_growing Vn).
+ intros n.
+ induction n.
+ simpl.
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Un O) (Un 1%nat)) as [H|_].
+ exact H.
+ apply Rle_refl.
+ simpl.
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S n))) as [H1|H1].
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Un (S n)) (Un (S (S n)))) as [H2|H2].
+ exact H2.
+ apply Rle_refl.
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn n) (Un (S (S n)))) as [H2|H2].
+ exact H2.
+ apply Rle_refl.
+ destruct (ub_to_lub Vn HubV) as (l, Hl).
+ unfold lub.
+ destruct (ub_to_lub Un pr) as (l', Hl').
+ replace l' with l.
+ intros eps Heps.
+ destruct (Un_cv_crit_lub Vn HgrV l Hl eps Heps) as (n, Hn).
+ exists (In n).
+ rewrite <- VUI.
+ rewrite Rabs_minus_sym.
+ apply Hn.
+ apply le_refl.
+ apply Rle_antisym.
+ apply Hl.
+ intros n (k, Hk).
+ rewrite Hk, VUI.
+ apply Hl'.
+ now exists (In k).
+ apply Hl'.
+ intros n (k, Hk).
+ rewrite Hk.
+ apply Rle_trans with (Vn k).
+ clear.
+ induction k.
+ apply Rle_refl.
+ simpl.
+ destruct (Rle_lt_dec (Vn k) (Un (S k))) as [H|H].
+ apply Rle_refl.
+ now apply Rlt_le.
+ apply Hl.
+ now exists k.
@@ -587,72 +574,23 @@ Lemma approx_min :
forall (Un:nat -> R) (pr:has_lb Un) (eps:R),
0 < eps -> exists k : nat, Rabs (glb Un pr - Un k) < eps.
- intros.
- set (P := fun k:nat => Rabs (glb Un pr - Un k) < eps).
- unfold P in |- *.
- cut
- ((exists k : nat, P k) ->
- exists k : nat, Rabs (glb Un pr - Un k) < eps).
- intros.
- apply H0.
- apply not_all_not_ex.
- red in |- *; intro.
- 2: unfold P in |- *; trivial.
- unfold P in H1.
- cut (forall n:nat, Rabs (glb Un pr - Un n) >= eps).
- intro.
- cut (is_lub (EUn (opp_seq Un)) (- glb Un pr)).
- intro.
- unfold is_lub in H3.
- unfold is_upper_bound in H3.
- elim H3; intros.
- cut (forall n:nat, eps <= Un n - glb Un pr).
- intro.
- cut (forall n:nat, opp_seq Un n <= - glb Un pr - eps).
- intro.
- cut (forall x:R, EUn (opp_seq Un) x -> x <= - glb Un pr - eps).
- intro.
- assert (H9 := H5 (- glb Un pr - eps) H8).
- cut (eps <= 0).
- intro.
- elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H H10)).
- apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (- glb Un pr - eps).
- rewrite Rplus_0_r.
- replace (- glb Un pr - eps + eps) with (- glb Un pr);
- [ assumption | ring ].
- intros.
- unfold EUn in H8.
- elim H8; intros.
- rewrite H9; apply H7.
- intro.
- assert (H7 := H6 n).
- unfold opp_seq in |- *.
- apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (eps + Un n).
- replace (eps + Un n + - Un n) with eps.
- replace (eps + Un n + (- glb Un pr - eps)) with (Un n - glb Un pr).
- assumption.
- ring.
- ring.
- intro.
- assert (H6 := H2 n).
- rewrite Rabs_left1 in H6.
- apply Rge_le.
- replace (Un n - glb Un pr) with (- (glb Un pr - Un n));
- [ assumption | ring ].
- apply Rplus_le_reg_l with (- glb Un pr).
- rewrite Rplus_0_r;
- replace (- glb Un pr + (glb Un pr - Un n)) with (- Un n).
- apply H4.
- exists n; reflexivity.
- ring.
- unfold glb in |- *.
- case (lb_to_glb Un pr); simpl.
- intro.
- rewrite Ropp_involutive.
- trivial.
- intro.
- assert (H2 := H1 n).
- apply not_Rlt; assumption.
+ intros Un pr.
+ unfold glb.
+ destruct lb_to_glb as (lb, Hlb).
+ intros eps Heps.
+ destruct (approx_maj _ pr eps Heps) as (n, Hn).
+ exists n.
+ unfold Rminus.
+ rewrite <- Ropp_plus_distr, Rabs_Ropp.
+ replace lb with (lub (opp_seq Un) pr).
+ now rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (Un n)).
+ unfold lub.
+ destruct ub_to_lub as (ub, Hub).
+ apply Rle_antisym.
+ apply Hub.
+ apply Hlb.
+ apply Hlb.
+ apply Hub.
(** Unicity of limit for convergent sequences *)