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authorGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2015-09-08 17:46:21 +0200
committerGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2015-09-08 17:57:41 +0200
commit703e5b595a4a96dc9ff3df7ad10f90a238a061b6 (patch)
parent7e00e8d602e67810700a7071c419ffd7ef8806c5 (diff)
Emphasizing that eta for vectors is an instance of caseS, as pointed
out to me by Pierre B. Also extending use of bullets in Vectors where relevant.
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Vectors/Fin.v b/theories/Vectors/Fin.v
index b9bf6c7f7..2955184f6 100644
--- a/theories/Vectors/Fin.v
+++ b/theories/Vectors/Fin.v
@@ -152,18 +152,18 @@ Fixpoint L {m} n (p : t m) : t (m + n) :=
Lemma L_sanity {m} n (p : t m) : proj1_sig (to_nat (L n p)) = proj1_sig (to_nat p).
induction p.
- reflexivity.
- simpl; destruct (to_nat (L n p)); simpl in *; rewrite IHp. now destruct (to_nat p).
+- reflexivity.
+- simpl; destruct (to_nat (L n p)); simpl in *; rewrite IHp. now destruct (to_nat p).
(** The p{^ th} element of [fin m] viewed as the p{^ th} element of
[fin (n + m)]
Really really ineficient !!! *)
Definition L_R {m} n (p : t m) : t (n + m).
induction n.
- exact p.
- exact ((fix LS k (p: t k) :=
+- exact p.
+- exact ((fix LS k (p: t k) :=
match p with
|@F1 k' => @F1 (S k')
|FS p' => FS (LS _ p')
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ Fixpoint R {m} n (p : t m) : t (n + m) :=
Lemma R_sanity {m} n (p : t m) : proj1_sig (to_nat (R n p)) = n + proj1_sig (to_nat p).
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- simpl; destruct (to_nat (R n p)); simpl in *; rewrite IHn. now destruct (to_nat p).
+- reflexivity.
+- simpl; destruct (to_nat (R n p)); simpl in *; rewrite IHn. now destruct (to_nat p).
Fixpoint depair {m n} (o : t m) (p : t n) : t (m * n) :=
@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Lemma depair_sanity {m n} (o : t m) (p : t n) :
proj1_sig (to_nat (depair o p)) = n * (proj1_sig (to_nat o)) + (proj1_sig (to_nat p)).
induction o ; simpl.
- rewrite L_sanity. now rewrite Mult.mult_0_r.
+- rewrite L_sanity. now rewrite Mult.mult_0_r.
- rewrite R_sanity. rewrite IHo.
+- rewrite R_sanity. rewrite IHo.
rewrite Plus.plus_assoc. destruct (to_nat o); simpl; rewrite Mult.mult_succ_r.
now rewrite (Plus.plus_comm n).
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ end.
Lemma eqb_nat_eq : forall m n (p : t m) (q : t n), eqb p q = true -> m = n.
intros m n p; revert n; induction p; destruct q; simpl; intros; f_equal.
-+ now apply EqNat.beq_nat_true.
-+ easy.
-+ easy.
-+ eapply IHp. eassumption.
+- now apply EqNat.beq_nat_true.
+- easy.
+- easy.
+- eapply IHp. eassumption.
Lemma eqb_eq : forall n (p q : t n), eqb p q = true <-> p = q.
@@ -231,9 +231,9 @@ Qed.
Lemma eq_dec {n} (x y : t n): {x = y} + {x <> y}.
- case_eq (eqb x y); intros.
- + left; now apply eqb_eq.
- + right. intros Heq. apply <- eqb_eq in Heq. congruence.
+case_eq (eqb x y); intros.
+- left; now apply eqb_eq.
+- right. intros Heq. apply <- eqb_eq in Heq. congruence.
Definition cast: forall {m} (v: t m) {n}, m = n -> t n.
diff --git a/theories/Vectors/VectorSpec.v b/theories/Vectors/VectorSpec.v
index 46b537737..c5278b918 100644
--- a/theories/Vectors/VectorSpec.v
+++ b/theories/Vectors/VectorSpec.v
@@ -24,12 +24,7 @@ Definition cons_inj {A} {a1 a2} {n} {v1 v2 : t A n}
Lemma eta {A} {n} (v : t A (S n)) : v = hd v :: tl v.
- change
- (match S n with
- | 0 => fun v : t A 0 => v = v
- | S n => fun v => v = hd v :: tl v
- end v).
- destruct v; reflexivity.
+intros; apply caseS with (v:=v); intros; reflexivity.
(** Lemmas are done for functions that use [Fin.t] but thanks to [Peano_dec.le_unique], all
@@ -39,12 +34,12 @@ Lemma eq_nth_iff A n (v1 v2: t A n):
(forall p1 p2, p1 = p2 -> v1 [@ p1 ] = v2 [@ p2 ]) <-> v1 = v2.
- revert n v1 v2; refine (@rect2 _ _ _ _ _); simpl; intros.
- reflexivity.
- f_equal. apply (H0 Fin.F1 Fin.F1 eq_refl).
+- revert n v1 v2; refine (@rect2 _ _ _ _ _); simpl; intros.
+ + reflexivity.
+ + f_equal. apply (H0 Fin.F1 Fin.F1 eq_refl).
apply H. intros p1 p2 H1;
apply (H0 (Fin.FS p1) (Fin.FS p2) (f_equal (@Fin.FS n) H1)).
- intros; now f_equal.
+- intros; now f_equal.
Lemma nth_order_last A: forall n (v: t A (S n)) (H: n < S n),
@@ -57,8 +52,8 @@ Lemma shiftin_nth A a n (v: t A n) k1 k2 (eq: k1 = k2):
nth (shiftin a v) (Fin.L_R 1 k1) = nth v k2.
subst k2; induction k1.
- generalize dependent n. apply caseS ; intros. now simpl.
- generalize dependent n. refine (@caseS _ _ _) ; intros. now simpl.
+- generalize dependent n. apply caseS ; intros. now simpl.
+- generalize dependent n. refine (@caseS _ _ _) ; intros. now simpl.
Lemma shiftin_last A a n (v: t A n): last (shiftin a v) = a.
@@ -70,8 +65,8 @@ Lemma shiftrepeat_nth A: forall n k (v: t A (S n)),
nth (shiftrepeat v) (Fin.L_R 1 k) = nth v k.
refine (@Fin.rectS _ _ _); lazy beta; [ intros n v | intros n p H v ].
- revert n v; refine (@caseS _ _ _); simpl; intros. now destruct t.
- revert p H.
+- revert n v; refine (@caseS _ _ _); simpl; intros. now destruct t.
+- revert p H.
refine (match v as v' in t _ m return match m as m' return t A m' -> Prop with
|S (S n) => fun v => forall p : Fin.t (S n),
(forall v0 : t A (S n), (shiftrepeat v0) [@ Fin.L_R 1 p ] = v0 [@p]) ->
@@ -94,8 +89,8 @@ Lemma nth_map {A B} (f: A -> B) {n} v (p1 p2: Fin.t n) (eq: p1 = p2):
(map f v) [@ p1] = f (v [@ p2]).
subst p2; induction p1.
- revert n v; refine (@caseS _ _ _); now simpl.
- revert n v p1 IHp1; refine (@caseS _ _ _); now simpl.
+- revert n v; refine (@caseS _ _ _); now simpl.
+- revert n v p1 IHp1; refine (@caseS _ _ _); now simpl.
Lemma nth_map2 {A B C} (f: A -> B -> C) {n} v w (p1 p2 p3: Fin.t n):
@@ -103,8 +98,8 @@ Lemma nth_map2 {A B C} (f: A -> B -> C) {n} v w (p1 p2 p3: Fin.t n):
intros; subst p2; subst p3; revert n v w p1.
refine (@rect2 _ _ _ _ _); simpl.
- exact (Fin.case0 _).
- intros n v1 v2 H a b p; revert n p v1 v2 H; refine (@Fin.caseS _ _ _);
+- exact (Fin.case0 _).
+- intros n v1 v2 H a b p; revert n p v1 v2 H; refine (@Fin.caseS _ _ _);
now simpl.
@@ -113,17 +108,17 @@ Lemma fold_left_right_assoc_eq {A B} {f: A -> B -> A}
{n} (v: t B n): forall a, fold_left f a v = fold_right (fun x y => f y x) v a.
assert (forall n h (v: t B n) a, fold_left f (f a h) v = f (fold_left f a v) h).
- induction v0.
- now simpl.
- intros; simpl. rewrite<- IHv0, assoc. now f_equal.
- induction v.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. intros; now rewrite<- (IHv).
+- induction v0.
+ + now simpl.
+ + intros; simpl. rewrite<- IHv0, assoc. now f_equal.
+- induction v.
+ + reflexivity.
+ + simpl. intros; now rewrite<- (IHv).
Lemma to_list_of_list_opp {A} (l: list A): to_list (of_list l) = l.
induction l.
- reflexivity.
- unfold to_list; simpl. now f_equal.
+- reflexivity.
+- unfold to_list; simpl. now f_equal.