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authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-06-18 07:19:39 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-06-18 07:19:39 +0000
commit6a8bc7c39cf22fda3804c0855a42e497897e9ed7 (patch)
parent1000a01cfdca074b9e0677e0441051422cce385f (diff)
AVL: suite
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@4177 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v b/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v
index a7fab42a9..5c10528e7 100644
--- a/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v
+++ b/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v
@@ -251,10 +251,12 @@ Module Make [X : OrderedType] <: Sdep with Module E := X.
Inductive avl : tree -> Prop :=
| RBLeaf :
(avl Leaf)
- | RBNode : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)
+ | RBNode : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
(avl l) -> (avl r) ->
`-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
- (avl (Node l x r ((max (height l) (height r)) + 1))).
+ (((height l) >= (height r) /\ h = (height l) + 1) \/
+ ((height r) >= (height l) /\ h = (height r) + 1)) ->
+ (avl (Node l x r h)).
Hint avl := Constructors avl.
@@ -286,32 +288,19 @@ Module Make [X : OrderedType] <: Sdep with Module E := X.
Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
Inversion_clear H1; Intuition.
- MaxCase '(height t) '(height t1); Intros; Omega.
- Lemma height_equation :
- (l,r:tree)(x:elt)(h:Z)
- (avl (Node l x r h)) ->
- h = (max (height l) (height r)) + 1.
- Proof.
- Inversion 1; Trivial.
- Save.
- (* variant without [max] to ease the use of Omega *)
- Lemma height_equation_2 :
+ Lemma height_equation :
(avl (Node l x r h)) ->
((height l) >= (height r) /\ h = (height l) + 1) \/
((height r) >= (height l) /\ h = (height r) + 1).
- Inversion 1.
- Generalize H4; Clear H4.
- MaxCase '(height l) '(height r); Intuition.
+ Inversion 1; Trivial.
Implicits height_non_negative.
Implicits height_equation.
- Implicits height_equation_2.
(** * Sets as AVL trees *)
@@ -432,9 +421,7 @@ Module Make [X : OrderedType] <: Sdep with Module E := X.
Lemma singleton_avl : (x:elt)(avl (singleton_tree x)).
Unfold singleton_tree; Intro.
- Replace 1 with (max (height Leaf) (height Leaf)) + 1; Trivial.
- Constructor; Auto.
- Unfold height; Simpl; Omega.
+ Constructor; Auto; Unfold height; Simpl; Omega.
Definition singleton : (x:elt){ s:t | (y:elt)(In y s) <-> (E.eq x y)}.
@@ -458,22 +445,22 @@ Module Make [X : OrderedType] <: Sdep with Module E := X.
{ s:tree |
(bst s) /\
(avl s) /\
- (((height l) >= (height r) /\ (height s) = (height l) + 1) \/
- ((height r) >= (height l) /\ (height s) = (height r) + 1)) /\
+ (((height l) >= (height r) /\ (height s) = `(height l) + 1`) \/
+ ((height r) >= (height l) /\ (height s) = `(height r) + 1`)) /\
(y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r)) }.
Exists (Node l x r ((max (height l) (height r)) + 1)).
- Intuition.
MaxCase '(height l) '(height r); Intuition.
Inversion_clear H5; Intuition.
+ Inversion_clear H5; Intuition.
(* [h] is a proof of [avl (Node l x r h)] *)
Tactic Definition AVL h :=
(Generalize (height_non_negative h); Try Simpl);
- (Try Generalize (height_equation_2 h)); Intros.
+ (Try Generalize (height_equation h)); Intros.
(** [bal l x r] acts as [create], but performs one step of
rebalancing if necessary. *)