diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-06-07 17:10:17 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-06-07 17:10:17 +0000
commit6a13615a1efa7e2e10ea8e7187d2bda0819fd1d5 (patch)
parent0329bbb517f0cb0f3707b209ef849d389cf870dc (diff)
- Added two new introduction patterns with the following temptative syntaxes:
- "*" implements Arthur Charguéraud's "introv" - "**" works as "; intros" (see also "*" in ssreflect). - Simplifying the proof of Z_eq_dec, as suggested by Frédéric Blanqui. - Shy attempt to seize the opportunity to clean Zarith_dec but Coq's library is really going anarchically (see a summary of the various formulations of total order, dichotomy of order and decidability of equality and in stdlib-project.tex in branch V8revised-theories). git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@12171 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
11 files changed, 113 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/interp/genarg.ml b/interp/genarg.ml
index 35107c808..8724b0bfd 100644
--- a/interp/genarg.ml
+++ b/interp/genarg.ml
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ type intro_pattern_expr =
| IntroRewrite of bool
| IntroIdentifier of identifier
| IntroFresh of identifier
+ | IntroForthcoming of bool
| IntroAnonymous
and or_and_intro_pattern_expr = (loc * intro_pattern_expr) list list
@@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ let rec pr_intro_pattern (_,pat) = match pat with
| IntroRewrite false -> str "<-"
| IntroIdentifier id -> pr_id id
| IntroFresh id -> str "?" ++ pr_id id
+ | IntroForthcoming true -> str "*"
+ | IntroForthcoming false -> str "**"
| IntroAnonymous -> str "?"
and pr_or_and_intro_pattern = function
diff --git a/interp/genarg.mli b/interp/genarg.mli
index 92c7db36f..9072456c3 100644
--- a/interp/genarg.mli
+++ b/interp/genarg.mli
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ type intro_pattern_expr =
| IntroRewrite of bool
| IntroIdentifier of identifier
| IntroFresh of identifier
+ | IntroForthcoming of bool
| IntroAnonymous
and or_and_intro_pattern_expr = (loc * intro_pattern_expr) list list
diff --git a/parsing/g_tactic.ml4 b/parsing/g_tactic.ml4
index e370b693f..c0a3f2e77 100644
--- a/parsing/g_tactic.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_tactic.ml4
@@ -256,7 +256,9 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ prefix = pattern_ident -> loc, IntroFresh prefix
| "?" -> loc, IntroAnonymous
- | id = ident -> loc, IntroIdentifier id ] ]
+ | id = ident -> loc, IntroIdentifier id
+ | "*" -> loc, IntroForthcoming true
+ | "**" -> loc, IntroForthcoming false ] ]
[ [ IDENT "_eqn";
diff --git a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4 b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
index 18322504e..a494738f9 100644
--- a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
+++ b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ let mlexpr_of_intro_pattern = function
| Genarg.IntroWildcard -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroWildcard >>
| Genarg.IntroAnonymous -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroAnonymous >>
| Genarg.IntroFresh id -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroFresh (mlexpr_of_ident $dloc$ id) >>
+ | Genarg.IntroForthcoming b -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroForthcoming (mlexpr_of_bool $dloc$ b) >>
| Genarg.IntroIdentifier id ->
<:expr< Genarg.IntroIdentifier (mlexpr_of_ident $dloc$ id) >>
| Genarg.IntroOrAndPattern _ | Genarg.IntroRewrite _ ->
diff --git a/tactics/eqdecide.ml4 b/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
index 9f5da99a7..7b0e5e0ef 100644
--- a/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
+++ b/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let mkBranches c1 c2 =
let solveNoteqBranch side =
tclTHEN (choose_noteq side)
- (tclTHEN (intro_force true)
+ (tclTHEN introf
(onLastHypId (fun id -> Extratactics.h_discrHyp id)))
let h_solveNoteqBranch side =
diff --git a/tactics/inv.ml b/tactics/inv.ml
index a0d1d2783..ae76e6b26 100644
--- a/tactics/inv.ml
+++ b/tactics/inv.ml
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ let rewrite_equations_gene othin neqns ba gl =
let rec get_names allow_conj (loc,pat) = match pat with
| IntroWildcard ->
error "Discarding pattern not allowed for inversion equations."
- | IntroAnonymous ->
+ | IntroAnonymous | IntroForthcoming _ ->
error "Anonymous pattern not allowed for inversion equations."
| IntroFresh _ ->
error "Fresh pattern not allowed for inversion equations."
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index cbc1c6ce2..c21a4c080 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ let rec intern_intro_pattern lf ist = function
loc, IntroIdentifier (intern_ident lf ist id)
| loc, IntroFresh id ->
loc, IntroFresh (intern_ident lf ist id)
- | loc, (IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroRewrite _)
+ | loc, (IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroRewrite _ | IntroForthcoming _)
as x -> x
and intern_or_and_intro_pattern lf ist =
@@ -1362,7 +1362,8 @@ let rec intropattern_ids (loc,pat) = match pat with
| IntroIdentifier id -> [id]
| IntroOrAndPattern ll ->
List.flatten (List.map intropattern_ids (List.flatten ll))
- | IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroRewrite _ -> []
+ | IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroRewrite _
+ | IntroForthcoming _ -> []
let rec extract_ids ids = function
| (id,VIntroPattern ipat)::tl when not (List.mem id ids) ->
@@ -1661,7 +1662,7 @@ let rec interp_intro_pattern ist gl = function
loc, interp_intro_pattern_var loc ist (pf_env gl) id
| loc, IntroFresh id ->
loc, IntroFresh (interp_fresh_ident ist gl id)
- | loc, (IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroRewrite _)
+ | loc, (IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroRewrite _ | IntroForthcoming _)
as x -> x
and interp_or_and_intro_pattern ist gl =
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
index c3c1c4505..0452a9ed8 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -432,30 +432,27 @@ let build_intro_tac id = function
| MoveToEnd true -> introduction id
| dest -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (move_hyp true id dest)
-let rec intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag gl =
+let rec intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag dep_flag gl =
match kind_of_term (pf_concl gl) with
- | Prod (name,t,_) ->
+ | Prod (name,t,u) when not dep_flag or (dependent (mkRel 1) u) ->
build_intro_tac (find_name loc (name,None,t) gl name_flag) move_flag gl
- | LetIn (name,b,t,_) ->
+ | LetIn (name,b,t,u) when not dep_flag or (dependent (mkRel 1) u) ->
build_intro_tac (find_name loc (name,Some b,t) gl name_flag) move_flag
| _ ->
if not force_flag then raise (RefinerError IntroNeedsProduct);
tclTHEN try_red_in_concl
- (intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag) gl
+ (intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag dep_flag) gl
with Redelimination ->
user_err_loc(loc,"Intro",str "No product even after head-reduction.")
-let intro_mustbe_force id = intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) no_move true
-let intro_using id = intro_gen dloc (IntroBasedOn (id,[])) no_move false
-let intro_force force_flag = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) no_move force_flag
-let intro = intro_force false
-let introf = intro_force true
-let intro_avoiding l = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid l) no_move false
-let introf_move_name destopt = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) destopt true
+let intro_mustbe_force id = intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) no_move true false
+let intro_using id = intro_gen dloc (IntroBasedOn (id,[])) no_move false false
+let intro = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) no_move false false
+let introf = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) no_move true false
+let intro_avoiding l = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid l) no_move false false
+let introf_move_name destopt = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) destopt true false
(**** Multiple introduction tactics ****)
@@ -463,10 +460,13 @@ let rec intros_using = function
| [] -> tclIDTAC
| str::l -> tclTHEN (intro_using str) (intros_using l)
-let intros = tclREPEAT (intro_force false)
+let intros = tclREPEAT intro
let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id)
+let intro_forthcoming_gen loc name_flag move_flag dep_flag =
+ tclREPEAT (intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag false dep_flag)
let rec get_next_hyp_position id = function
| [] -> error ("No such hypothesis: " ^ string_of_id id)
| (hyp,_,_) :: right ->
@@ -508,8 +508,8 @@ let intros_replacing ids gl =
(* User-level introduction tactics *)
let intro_move idopt hto = match idopt with
- | None -> intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) hto true
- | Some id -> intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) hto true
+ | None -> intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) hto true false
+ | Some id -> intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) hto true false
let pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed env ccl = function
| AnonHyp n -> pf_lookup_index_as_renamed env ccl n
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ let try_intros_until tac = function
let rec intros_move = function
| [] -> tclIDTAC
| (hyp,destopt) :: rest ->
- tclTHEN (intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe hyp) destopt false)
+ tclTHEN (intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe hyp) destopt false false)
(intros_move rest)
let dependent_in_decl a (_,c,t) =
@@ -1243,8 +1243,8 @@ let rewrite_hyp l2r id gl =
let rec explicit_intro_names = function
| (_, IntroIdentifier id) :: l ->
id :: explicit_intro_names l
-| (_, (IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroRewrite _)) :: l ->
- explicit_intro_names l
+| (_, (IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _
+ | IntroRewrite _ | IntroForthcoming _)) :: l -> explicit_intro_names l
| (_, IntroOrAndPattern ll) :: l' ->
List.flatten (List.map (fun l -> explicit_intro_names (l@l')) ll)
| [] ->
@@ -1257,24 +1257,30 @@ let rec explicit_intro_names = function
let rec intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt = function
| (loc, IntroWildcard) :: l ->
- (intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l)) no_move true)
+ (intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ no_move true false)
(onLastHypId (fun id ->
(tclTHEN (clear [id]) (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l))
(intros_patterns b avoid ((loc,id)::thin) destopt l)))
| (loc, IntroIdentifier id) :: l ->
- (intro_gen loc (IntroMustBe id) destopt true)
+ (intro_gen loc (IntroMustBe id) destopt true false)
(intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
| (loc, IntroAnonymous) :: l ->
(intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- destopt true)
+ destopt true false)
(intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
| (loc, IntroFresh id) :: l ->
(intro_gen loc (IntroBasedOn (id, avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- destopt true)
+ destopt true false)
+ (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
+ | (loc, IntroForthcoming onlydeps) :: l ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (intro_forthcoming_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ destopt onlydeps)
(intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
| (loc, IntroOrAndPattern ll) :: l' ->
@@ -1284,7 +1290,8 @@ let rec intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt = function
(intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt)))
| (loc, IntroRewrite l2r) :: l ->
- (intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l)) no_move true)
+ (intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ no_move true false)
(onLastHypId (fun id ->
(rewrite_hyp l2r id)
@@ -1319,6 +1326,8 @@ let prepare_intros s ipat gl = match ipat with
(intro_or_and_pattern loc true ll []
(intros_patterns true [] [] no_move))
+ | IntroForthcoming _ -> user_err_loc
+ (loc,"",str "Introduction pattern for one hypothesis expected")
let ipat_of_name = function
| Anonymous -> None
@@ -1351,7 +1360,8 @@ let as_tac id ipat = match ipat with
intro_or_and_pattern loc true ll [] (intros_patterns true [] [] no_move)
| Some (loc,
- (IntroIdentifier _ | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroWildcard)) ->
+ (IntroIdentifier _ | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ |
+ IntroWildcard | IntroForthcoming _)) ->
user_err_loc (loc,"", str "Disjunctive/conjunctive pattern expected")
| None -> tclIDTAC
@@ -1587,13 +1597,13 @@ let letin_tac_gen with_eq name c ty occs gl =
let refl = applist (eqdata.refl, [t;mkVar id]) in
mkNamedLetIn id c t (mkLetIn (Name heq, refl, eq, ccl)),
- (intro_gen loc (IntroMustBe heq) lastlhyp true)
+ (intro_gen loc (IntroMustBe heq) lastlhyp true false)
(thin_body [heq;id])
| None ->
mkNamedLetIn id c t ccl, tclIDTAC in
[ convert_concl_no_check newcl DEFAULTcast;
- intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) lastlhyp true;
+ intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) lastlhyp true false;
tclMAP convert_hyp_no_check depdecls ] gl
@@ -1691,13 +1701,18 @@ let rec first_name_buggy avoid gl (loc,pat) = match pat with
| IntroWildcard -> no_move
| IntroRewrite _ -> no_move
| IntroIdentifier id -> MoveAfter id
- | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ -> (* buggy *) no_move
+ | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroForthcoming _ -> (* buggy *) no_move
-let consume_pattern avoid id gl = function
+let rec consume_pattern avoid id isdep gl = function
| [] -> ((dloc, IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id gl)), [])
| (loc,IntroAnonymous)::names ->
let avoid = avoid@explicit_intro_names names in
((loc,IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id gl)), names)
+ | (loc,IntroForthcoming true)::names when not isdep ->
+ consume_pattern avoid id isdep gl names
+ | (loc,IntroForthcoming _)::names as fullpat ->
+ let avoid = avoid@explicit_intro_names names in
+ ((loc,IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id gl)), fullpat)
| (loc,IntroFresh id')::names ->
let avoid = avoid@explicit_intro_names names in
((loc,IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id' gl)), names)
@@ -1719,14 +1734,14 @@ let induct_discharge statuslists destopt avoid' (avoid,ra) names gl =
let avoid = avoid @ avoid' in
let rec peel_tac ra names tophyp gl =
match ra with
- | (RecArg,recvarname) ::
- (IndArg,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
+ | (RecArg,deprec,recvarname) ::
+ (IndArg,depind,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
let recpat,names = match names with
| [loc,IntroIdentifier id as pat] ->
let id' = next_ident_away (add_prefix "IH" id) avoid in
(pat, [dloc, IntroIdentifier id'])
- | _ -> consume_pattern avoid recvarname gl names in
- let hyprec,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname gl names in
+ | _ -> consume_pattern avoid recvarname deprec gl names in
+ let hyprec,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname depind gl names in
(* IH stays at top: we need to update tophyp *)
(* This is buggy for intro-or-patterns with different first hypnames *)
(* Would need to pass peel_tac as a continuation of intros_patterns *)
@@ -1738,16 +1753,16 @@ let induct_discharge statuslists destopt avoid' (avoid,ra) names gl =
[ intros_patterns true avoid [] (update destopt tophyp) [recpat];
intros_patterns true avoid [] no_move [hyprec];
peel_tac ra' names newtophyp] gl
- | (IndArg,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
+ | (IndArg,dep,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
(* Rem: does not happen in Coq schemes, only in user-defined schemes *)
- let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname gl names in
+ let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname dep gl names in
tclTHEN (intros_patterns true avoid [] (update destopt tophyp) [pat])
(peel_tac ra' names tophyp) gl
- | (RecArg,recvarname) :: ra' ->
- let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid recvarname gl names in
+ | (RecArg,dep,recvarname) :: ra' ->
+ let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid recvarname dep gl names in
tclTHEN (intros_patterns true avoid [] (update destopt tophyp) [pat])
(peel_tac ra' names tophyp) gl
- | (OtherArg,_) :: ra' ->
+ | (OtherArg,_,_) :: ra' ->
let pat,names = match names with
| [] -> (dloc, IntroAnonymous), []
| pat::names -> pat,names in
@@ -2477,8 +2492,10 @@ let compute_elim_signature elimc elimt names_info ind_type_guess =
| _ -> OtherArg in
let rec check_branch p c =
match kind_of_term c with
- | Prod (_,t,c) -> is_pred p t :: check_branch (p+1) c
- | LetIn (_,_,_,c) -> OtherArg :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ | Prod (_,t,c) ->
+ (is_pred p t, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ | LetIn (_,_,_,c) ->
+ (OtherArg, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
| _ when is_pred p c = IndArg -> []
| _ -> raise Exit in
let rec find_branches p lbrch =
@@ -2487,11 +2504,12 @@ let compute_elim_signature elimc elimt names_info ind_type_guess =
let lchck_brch = check_branch p t in
let n = List.fold_left
- (fun n b -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
+ (fun n (b,_) -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
let recvarname, hyprecname, avoid =
make_up_names n scheme.indref names_info in
let namesign =
- List.map (fun b -> (b,if b=IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
+ List.map (fun (b,dep) ->
+ (b,dep,if b=IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
lchck_brch in
(avoid,namesign) :: find_branches (p+1) brs
with Exit-> error_ind_scheme "the branches of")
@@ -2508,8 +2526,10 @@ let compute_elim_signature elimc elimt names_info ind_type_guess =
| _ when hd = indhd -> RecArg
| _ -> OtherArg in
let rec check_branch p c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Prod (_,t,c) -> is_pred p t :: check_branch (p+1) c
- | LetIn (_,_,_,c) -> OtherArg :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ | Prod (_,t,c) ->
+ (is_pred p t, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ | LetIn (_,_,_,c) ->
+ (OtherArg, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
| _ when is_pred p c = IndArg -> []
| _ -> raise Exit in
let rec find_branches p lbrch =
@@ -2518,11 +2538,12 @@ let compute_elim_signature elimc elimt names_info ind_type_guess =
let lchck_brch = check_branch p t in
let n = List.fold_left
- (fun n b -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
+ (fun n (b,_) -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
let recvarname, hyprecname, avoid =
make_up_names n scheme.indref names_info in
let namesign =
- List.map (fun b -> (b,if b=IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
+ List.map (fun (b,dep) ->
+ (b,dep,if b=IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
lchck_brch in
(avoid,namesign) :: find_branches (p+1) brs
with Exit -> error_ind_scheme "the branches of")
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.mli b/tactics/tactics.mli
index e00088dd8..136833ad7 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.mli
+++ b/tactics/tactics.mli
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ val find_intro_names : rel_context -> goal sigma -> identifier list
val intro : tactic
val introf : tactic
-val intro_force : bool -> tactic
val intro_move : identifier option -> identifier move_location -> tactic
(* [intro_avoiding idl] acts as intro but prevents the new identifier
diff --git a/theories/NArith/BinPos.v b/theories/NArith/BinPos.v
index 076bceba4..af281b73f 100644
--- a/theories/NArith/BinPos.v
+++ b/theories/NArith/BinPos.v
@@ -266,12 +266,19 @@ Definition Pmax (p p' : positive) := match Pcompare p p' Eq with
-(** Miscellaneous properties of binary positive numbers *)
+(** Decidability of equality on binary positive numbers *)
-Lemma ZL11 : forall p:positive, p = 1 \/ p <> 1.
+Lemma positive_eq_dec : forall x y: positive, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
- intros x; case x; intros; (left; reflexivity) || (right; discriminate).
+ decide equality.
+(* begin hide *)
+Corollary ZL11 : forall p:positive, p = 1 \/ p <> 1.
+ intro; edestruct positive_eq_dec; eauto.
+(* end hide *)
(** Properties of successor on binary positive numbers *)
diff --git a/theories/ZArith/ZArith_dec.v b/theories/ZArith/ZArith_dec.v
index d1f93d498..f024339d8 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/ZArith_dec.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/ZArith_dec.v
@@ -15,18 +15,27 @@ Require Import Zorder.
Require Import Zcompare.
Open Local Scope Z_scope.
+(* begin hide *)
+(* Trivial, to deprecate? *)
Lemma Dcompare_inf : forall r:comparison, {r = Eq} + {r = Lt} + {r = Gt}.
- simple induction r; auto with arith.
+ induction r; auto.
+(* end hide *)
+Lemma Zcompare_rect :
+ forall (P:Type) (n m:Z),
+ ((n ?= m) = Eq -> P) -> ((n ?= m) = Lt -> P) -> ((n ?= m) = Gt -> P) -> P.
+ intros * H1 H2 H3.
+ destruct (n ?= m); auto.
Lemma Zcompare_rec :
forall (P:Set) (n m:Z),
((n ?= m) = Eq -> P) -> ((n ?= m) = Lt -> P) -> ((n ?= m) = Gt -> P) -> P.
- intros P x y H1 H2 H3.
- elim (Dcompare_inf (x ?= y)).
- intro H. elim H; auto with arith. auto with arith.
+ intro; apply Zcompare_rect.
Section decidability.
@@ -37,12 +46,7 @@ Section decidability.
Definition Z_eq_dec : {x = y} + {x <> y}.
- apply Zcompare_rec with (n := x) (m := y).
- intro. left. elim (Zcompare_Eq_iff_eq x y); auto with arith.
- intro H3. right. elim (Zcompare_Eq_iff_eq x y). intros H1 H2. unfold not in |- *. intro H4.
- rewrite (H2 H4) in H3. discriminate H3.
- intro H3. right. elim (Zcompare_Eq_iff_eq x y). intros H1 H2. unfold not in |- *. intro H4.
- rewrite (H2 H4) in H3. discriminate H3.
+ decide equality; apply positive_eq_dec.
(** * Decidability of order on binary integers *)
@@ -214,13 +218,16 @@ Proof.
[ right; assumption | left; apply (not_Zeq_inf _ _ H) ].
-Definition Z_zerop : forall x:Z, {x = 0} + {x <> 0}.
+(* begin hide *)
+(* To deprecate ? *)
+Corollary Z_zerop : forall x:Z, {x = 0} + {x <> 0}.
exact (fun x:Z => Z_eq_dec x 0).
-Definition Z_notzerop (x:Z) := sumbool_not _ _ (Z_zerop x).
+Corollary Z_notzerop : forall (x:Z), {x <> 0} + {x = 0}.
+Proof (fun x => sumbool_not _ _ (Z_zerop x)).
-Definition Z_noteq_dec (x y:Z) := sumbool_not _ _ (Z_eq_dec x y).
+Corollary Z_noteq_dec : forall (x y:Z), {x <> y} + {x = y}.
+Proof (fun x y => sumbool_not _ _ (Z_eq_dec x y)).
+(* end hide *)