diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-03-14 11:29:38 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-03-14 11:29:38 +0000
commit60cd664eb37d017289d468d7e4f826c229cba7f6 (patch)
parentbca32c24a669d29f5bdc3519fa41cfa387e97e48 (diff)
Coqdep: better handling of Declare ML Module (via .mllib) + many cleanups
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@11976 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
2 files changed, 212 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/tools/coqdep.ml b/tools/coqdep.ml
index 019ee6b1a..a617bce49 100644
--- a/tools/coqdep.ml
+++ b/tools/coqdep.ml
@@ -36,18 +36,42 @@ let file_concat l =
if l=[] then "<empty>" else
List.fold_left (//) (List.hd l) (List.tl l)
-let make_ml_module_name filename =
- (* Computes a ML Module name from its physical name *)
- let fn = try Filename.chop_extension filename with _ -> filename in
- let bn = Filename.basename fn in
- String.capitalize bn
-(* Files specified on the command line *)
-let mlAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list)
-and mliAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list)
-and vAccu = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
-(* Queue operations *)
+(** [get_extension f l] checks whether [f] has one of the extensions
+ listed in [l]. It returns [f] without its extension, alongside with
+ the extension. When no extension match, [(f,"")] is returned *)
+let rec get_extension f = function
+ | [] -> (f, "")
+ | s :: _ when Filename.check_suffix f s -> (Filename.chop_suffix f s, s)
+ | _ :: l -> get_extension f l
+(** [basename_noext] removes both the directory part and the extension
+ (if necessary) of a filename *)
+let basename_noext filename =
+ let fn = Filename.basename filename in
+ try Filename.chop_extension fn with _ -> fn
+(** ML Files specified on the command line. In the entries:
+ - the first string is the basename of the file, without extension nor
+ directory part
+ - the second string of [mlAccu] is the extension (either .ml or .ml4)
+ - the [dir] part is the directory, with None used as the current directory
+let mlAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list)
+and mliAccu = ref ([] : (string * dir) list)
+and mllibAccu = ref ([] : (string * dir) list)
+(** Coq files specifies on the command line:
+ - first string is the full filename, with only its extension removed
+ - second string is the absolute version of the previous (via getcwd)
+let vAccu = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
+(** Queue operations *)
let addQueue q v = q := v :: !q
let safe_hash_add clq q (k,v) =
@@ -61,16 +85,32 @@ let safe_hash_add clq q (k,v) =
clq := add_clash !clq
with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add q k v
-(* Files found in the loadpaths *)
+(** Files found in the loadpaths.
+ For the ML files, the string is the basename without extension.
+ To allow ML source filename to be potentially capitalized,
+ we perform a double search.
+let mkknown () =
+ let h = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let add x s = Hashtbl.add h x s
+ and iter f = Hashtbl.iter f h
+ and search x =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find h (String.uncapitalize x))
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find h (String.capitalize x))
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in add, iter, search
+let add_ml_known, iter_ml_known, search_ml_known = mkknown ()
+let add_mli_known, iter_mli_known, search_mli_known = mkknown ()
+let add_mllib_known, _, search_mllib_known = mkknown ()
-let mlKnown = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir) Hashtbl.t)
-let mliKnown = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir) Hashtbl.t)
let vKnown = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string list, string) Hashtbl.t)
let coqlibKnown = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string list, unit) Hashtbl.t)
let clash_v = ref ([]: (string list * string list) list)
let warning_module_notfound f s =
eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s, library " f;
eprintf "%s.v is required and has not been found in loadpath !\n"
@@ -82,6 +122,11 @@ let warning_notfound f s =
eprintf "%s.v is required and has not been found !\n" s;
flush stderr
+let warning_declare f s =
+ eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s, Declared ML Module " f;
+ eprintf "%s has not been found !\n" s;
+ flush stderr
let warning_clash file dir =
match List.assoc dir !clash_v with
(f1::f2::fl) ->
@@ -110,11 +155,25 @@ let absolute_dir dir =
let absolute_file_name basename odir =
let dir = match odir with Some dir -> dir | None -> "." in
absolute_dir dir // basename
-let file_name = function
- | (s,None) -> file_concat s
- | (s,Some ".") -> file_concat s
- | (s,Some d) -> d // file_concat s
+let file_name s = function
+ | None -> s
+ | Some "." -> s
+ | Some d -> d // s
+let depend_ML str =
+ match search_mli_known str, search_ml_known str with
+ | Some mlidir, Some mldir ->
+ let mlifile = file_name str mlidir
+ and mlfile = file_name str mldir in
+ (" "^mlifile^".cmi"," "^mlfile^".cmx")
+ | None, Some mldir ->
+ let mlfile = file_name str mldir in
+ (" "^mlfile^".cmo"," "^mlfile^".cmx")
+ | Some mlidir, None ->
+ let mlifile = file_name str mlidir in
+ (" "^mlifile^".cmi"," "^mlifile^".cmi")
+ | None, None -> "", ""
let traite_fichier_ML md ext =
@@ -130,28 +189,9 @@ let traite_fichier_ML md ext =
else begin
addQueue deja_vu str;
- begin try
- let mlidir = Hashtbl.find mliKnown str in
- let filename = file_name ([str],mlidir) in
- a_faire := !a_faire ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmi";
- with Not_found ->
- try
- let mldir = Hashtbl.find mlKnown str in
- let filename = file_name ([str],mldir) in
- a_faire := !a_faire ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmo";
- with Not_found -> ()
- end;
- begin try
- let mldir = Hashtbl.find mlKnown str in
- let filename = file_name ([str],mldir) in
- a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmx"
- with Not_found ->
- try
- let mlidir = Hashtbl.find mliKnown str in
- let filename = file_name ([str],mlidir) in
- a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmi"
- with Not_found -> ()
- end
+ let byte,opt = depend_ML str in
+ a_faire := !a_faire ^ byte;
+ a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ opt
with Fin_fichier -> ()
@@ -160,6 +200,22 @@ let traite_fichier_ML md ext =
(!a_faire, !a_faire_opt)
with Sys_error _ -> ("","")
+let traite_fichier_mllib md ext =
+ try
+ let chan = open_in (md ^ ext) in
+ let list = mllib_list (Lexing.from_channel chan) in
+ let a_faire = ref "" in
+ let a_faire_opt = ref "" in
+ List.iter
+ (fun str -> match search_ml_known str with
+ | Some mldir ->
+ let file = file_name str mldir in
+ a_faire := !a_faire^" "^file^".cmo";
+ a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt^" "^file^".cmx"
+ | None -> ()) list;
+ (!a_faire, !a_faire_opt)
+ with Sys_error _ -> ("","")
let cut_prefix p s =
let lp = String.length p in
let ls = String.length s in
@@ -185,7 +241,7 @@ let sort () =
| Require sl ->
(fun s ->
- try loop (Hashtbl.find vKnown s)
+ try loop (Hashtbl.find vKnown s)
with Not_found -> ())
| RequireString s -> loop s
@@ -230,33 +286,26 @@ let traite_fichier_Coq verbose f =
if not (Hashtbl.mem coqlibKnown [str]) then
warning_notfound f s
- | Declare sl ->
- List.iter
- (fun str ->
- let s = make_ml_module_name str in
- if not (List.mem s !deja_vu_ml) then begin
- addQueue deja_vu_ml s;
- try
- let mldir = Hashtbl.find mlKnown s in
- let filename = file_name ([String.uncapitalize s],mldir) in
- if Coq_config.has_natdynlink then
- printf " %s.cmo %s.cmxs" filename filename
- else
- printf " %s.cmo" filename
- with Not_found ->
- (** The .cmxs we want to load dynamically may come
- from a .cmxa, that has no corresponding .ml file.
- Idem with bytecode .cma. What dependency should
- we produce then ? For the moment, we suppose the
- .cmxs and .cma are at the same location. *)
- let mldir = Some (Filename.dirname f) in
- let filename = file_name ([String.uncapitalize s],mldir) in
- if Coq_config.has_natdynlink then
- printf " %s.cma %s.cmxs" filename filename
- else
- printf " %s.cma" filename
- end)
- sl
+ | Declare sl ->
+ let declare suff dir s =
+ let base = file_name s dir in
+ let opt =
+ if Coq_config.has_natdynlink then " "^base^".cmxs" else ""
+ in
+ printf " %s%s%s" base suff opt
+ in
+ let decl str =
+ let s = basename_noext str in
+ if not (List.mem s !deja_vu_ml) then begin
+ addQueue deja_vu_ml s;
+ match search_mllib_known s with
+ | Some mldir -> declare ".cma" mldir s
+ | None ->
+ match search_ml_known s with
+ | Some mldir -> declare ".cmo" mldir s
+ | None -> warning_declare f str
+ end
+ in List.iter decl sl
| Load str ->
let str = Filename.basename str in
if not (List.mem [str] !deja_vu_v) then begin
@@ -318,16 +367,16 @@ let warning_Declare f dcl =
let traite_Declare f =
let decl_list = ref ([] : string list) in
let rec treat = function
- | s :: ll ->
- let s' = make_ml_module_name s in
- if (Hashtbl.mem mlKnown s') & not (List.mem s' !decl_list) then begin
- let mldir = Hashtbl.find mlKnown s in
- let fullname = file_name ([(String.uncapitalize s')],mldir) in
- let depl = mL_dep_list s (fullname ^ ".ml") in
- treat depl;
- decl_list := s :: !decl_list
- end;
- treat ll
+ | s :: ll ->
+ let s' = basename_noext s in
+ (match search_ml_known s with
+ | Some mldir when not (List.mem s' !decl_list) ->
+ let fullname = file_name (String.uncapitalize s') mldir in
+ let depl = mL_dep_list s (fullname ^ ".ml") in
+ treat depl;
+ decl_list := s :: !decl_list
+ | _ -> ());
+ treat ll
| [] -> ()
@@ -355,35 +404,41 @@ let file_mem (f,_,d) =
let rec loop = function
| (f1,_,d1) :: l -> (f1 = f && d1 = d) || (loop l)
| _ -> false
- in
+ in
let mL_dependencies () =
- (fun ((name,ext,dirname) as pairname) ->
- let fullname = file_name ([name],dirname) in
+ (fun (name,ext,dirname) ->
+ let fullname = file_name name dirname in
let (dep,dep_opt) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ext in
- printf "%s.cmo: %s%s" fullname fullname ext;
- if file_mem pairname !mliAccu then printf " %s.cmi" fullname;
- printf "%s\n" dep;
- printf "%s.cmx: %s%s" fullname fullname ext;
- if file_mem pairname !mliAccu then printf " %s.cmi" fullname;
- printf "%s\n" dep_opt;
+ let intf =
+ if List.mem (name,dirname) !mliAccu then " "^fullname^".cmi" else ""
+ in
+ printf "%s.cmo: %s%s%s%s\n" fullname fullname ext intf dep;
+ printf "%s.cmx: %s%s%s%s\n" fullname fullname ext intf dep_opt;
flush stdout)
(List.rev !mlAccu);
- (fun ((name,ext,dirname)) ->
- let fullname = file_name ([name],dirname) in
- let (dep,_) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ext in
- printf "%s.cmi: %s%s" fullname fullname ext;
- printf "%s\n" dep;
+ (fun (name,dirname) ->
+ let fullname = file_name name dirname in
+ let (dep,_) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ".mli" in
+ printf "%s.cmi: %s.mli%s\n" fullname fullname dep;
+ flush stdout)
+ (List.rev !mliAccu);
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name,dirname) ->
+ let fullname = file_name name dirname in
+ let (dep,dep_opt) = traite_fichier_mllib fullname ".mllib" in
+ printf "%s.cma:%s\n" fullname dep;
+ printf "%s.cmxa %s.cmxs:%s\n" fullname fullname dep_opt;
flush stdout)
- (List.rev !mliAccu)
+ (List.rev !mllibAccu)
let coq_dependencies () =
(fun (name,_) ->
- let glob = if !option_noglob then "" else " "^name^".glob" in
+ let glob = if !option_noglob then "" else " "^name^".glob" in
printf "%s%s%s: %s.v" name !suffixe glob name;
traite_fichier_Coq true (name ^ ".v");
printf "\n";
@@ -393,24 +448,24 @@ let coq_dependencies () =
let declare_dependencies () =
(fun (name,_) ->
- traite_Declare (name^".v");
+ traite_Declare (name^".v");
flush stdout)
(List.rev !vAccu)
-let rec warning_mult suf l =
+let rec warning_mult suf iter =
let tab = Hashtbl.create 151 in
- Hashtbl.iter
- (fun f d ->
- begin try
- let d' = Hashtbl.find tab f in
- if (Filename.dirname (file_name ([f],d)))
- <> (Filename.dirname (file_name ([f],d'))) then begin
- eprintf "*** Warning : the file %s is defined twice!\n" (f ^ suf);
- flush stderr
- end
- with Not_found -> () end;
- Hashtbl.add tab f d)
- l
+ let check f d =
+ begin try
+ let d' = Hashtbl.find tab f in
+ if (Filename.dirname (file_name f d))
+ <> (Filename.dirname (file_name f d')) then begin
+ eprintf "*** Warning : the file %s is defined twice!\n" (f ^ suf);
+ flush stderr
+ end
+ with Not_found -> () end;
+ Hashtbl.add tab f d
+ in
+ iter check
let usage () =
@@ -418,24 +473,27 @@ let usage () =
flush stderr;
exit 1
-let add_coqlib_known phys_dir log_dir f =
- if Filename.check_suffix f ".vo" then
- let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".vo" in
- let name = log_dir@[basename] in
- Hashtbl.add coqlibKnown [basename] ();
- Hashtbl.add coqlibKnown name ()
-let add_known phys_dir log_dir f =
- if (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" || Filename.check_suffix f ".mli" || Filename.check_suffix f ".ml4") then
- let basename = make_ml_module_name f in
- Hashtbl.add mlKnown basename (Some phys_dir)
- else if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then
- let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".v" in
- let name = log_dir@[basename] in
- let file = phys_dir//basename in
- let paths = [name;[basename]] in
- List.iter
- (fun n -> safe_hash_add clash_v vKnown (n,file)) paths
+let add_coqlib_known phys_dir log_dir f =
+ match get_extension f [".vo"] with
+ | (basename,".vo") ->
+ let name = log_dir@[basename] in
+ Hashtbl.add coqlibKnown [basename] ();
+ Hashtbl.add coqlibKnown name ()
+ | _ -> ()
+let add_known phys_dir log_dir f =
+ match get_extension f [".v";".ml";".mli";".ml4";".mllib"] with
+ | (basename,".v") ->
+ let name = log_dir@[basename] in
+ let file = phys_dir//basename in
+ let paths = [name;[basename]] in
+ List.iter
+ (fun n -> safe_hash_add clash_v vKnown (n,file)) paths
+ | (basename,(".ml"|".ml4")) -> add_ml_known basename (Some phys_dir)
+ | (basename,".mli") -> add_mli_known basename (Some phys_dir)
+ | (basename,".mllib") -> add_mllib_known basename (Some phys_dir)
+ | _ -> ()
(* Visits all the directories under [dir], including [dir],
or just [dir] if [recur=false] *)
@@ -470,7 +528,7 @@ let rec treat_file old_dirname old_name =
| (None,d) -> Some d
| (Some d1,d2) -> Some (d1//d2)
- let complete_name = file_name ([name],dirname) in
+ let complete_name = file_name name dirname in
match try (stat complete_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
| S_DIR ->
(if name.[0] <> '.' then
@@ -483,20 +541,16 @@ let rec treat_file old_dirname old_name =
while true do treat_file (Some newdirname) (readdir dir) done
with End_of_file -> closedir dir)
- | S_REG ->
- if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml" then
- let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".ml" in
- addQueue mlAccu (basename,".ml",dirname)
- else if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml4" then
- let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".ml4" in
- addQueue mlAccu (basename,".ml4",dirname)
- else if Filename.check_suffix name ".mli" then
- let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".mli" in
- addQueue mliAccu (basename,".mli",dirname)
- else if Filename.check_suffix name ".v" then
- let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".v" in
- let name = file_name ([basename],dirname) in
- addQueue vAccu (name, absolute_file_name basename dirname)
+ | S_REG ->
+ (match get_extension name [".v";".ml";".mli";".ml4";".mllib"] with
+ | (base,".v") ->
+ let name = file_name base dirname
+ and absname = absolute_file_name base dirname in
+ addQueue vAccu (name, absname)
+ | (base,(".ml"|".ml4" as ext)) -> addQueue mlAccu (base,ext,dirname)
+ | (base,".mli") -> addQueue mliAccu (base,dirname)
+ | (base,".mllib") -> addQueue mllibAccu (base,dirname)
+ | _ -> ())
| _ -> ()
let rec parse = function
@@ -526,14 +580,15 @@ let coqdep () =
add_rec_dir add_known "contrib" ["Coq"]
end else begin
let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
- add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"theories") ["Coq"];
- add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"contrib") ["Coq"];
- add_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"user-contrib") []
+ add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"theories") ["Coq"];
+ add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"contrib") ["Coq"];
+ add_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"user-contrib") []
- List.iter (fun (f,_,d) -> Hashtbl.add mliKnown f d) !mliAccu;
- List.iter (fun (f,_,d) -> Hashtbl.add mlKnown f d) !mlAccu;
- warning_mult ".mli" mliKnown;
- warning_mult ".ml" mlKnown;
+ List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mli_known f d) !mliAccu;
+ List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mllib_known f d) !mllibAccu;
+ List.iter (fun (f,_,d) -> add_ml_known f d) !mlAccu;
+ warning_mult ".mli" iter_mli_known;
+ warning_mult ".ml" iter_ml_known;
if !option_sort then begin sort (); exit 0 end;
if !option_c && not !option_D then mL_dependencies ();
if not !option_D then coq_dependencies ();
diff --git a/tools/coqdep_lexer.mll b/tools/coqdep_lexer.mll
index 67dea5a3c..6d6a804da 100755
--- a/tools/coqdep_lexer.mll
+++ b/tools/coqdep_lexer.mll
@@ -225,5 +225,11 @@ and caml_opened_file = parse
| eof {raise Fin_fichier }
| _ { caml_action lexbuf }
+and mllib_list = parse
+ | coq_ident { let s = String.uncapitalize (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ in s :: mllib_list lexbuf }
+ | space+ { mllib_list lexbuf }
+ | eof { [] }