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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-04-06 13:25:58 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-04-06 13:25:58 +0000
commit5f9b04da0f3c72f4b582cd094edae721b1bc9a9e (patch)
parentb7f569627247bbcdf7826b263ee121ebc9f84fd2 (diff)
versement de MoreList.v dans List.v, reorganisation, quelques nouveaux lemmes
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@8687 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 507 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Lists/MoreList.v b/theories/Lists/MoreList.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 113703318..000000000
--- a/theories/Lists/MoreList.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
-(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-(** This file contains some complements to [List.v], in particular
- results about lengths of the different lists operations (but not only)
-Require Export List.
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Import Bool.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Unset Strict Implicit.
-Section MoreLists.
-Variable A B C:Set.
-Implicit Types l : list A.
-Section Nth.
-Lemma nth_overflow : forall l n d, length l <= n -> nth n l d = d.
-induction l; destruct n; simpl; intros; auto.
-inversion H.
-apply IHl; auto with arith.
-Lemma nth_indep :
- forall l n d d', n < length l -> nth n l d = nth n l d'.
-induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
-inversion H.
-destruct n; simpl; auto with arith.
-End Nth.
-Section App.
-Lemma app_length : forall l l', length (l++l') = length l + length l'.
-induction l; simpl; auto.
-Lemma app_nth1 :
- forall l l' d n, n < length l -> nth n (l++l') d = nth n l d.
-induction l.
-inversion H.
-intros l' d n.
-case n; simpl; auto.
-intros; rewrite IHl; auto with arith.
-Lemma app_nth2 :
- forall l l' d n, n >= length l -> nth n (l++l') d = nth (n-length l) l' d.
-induction l.
-rewrite <- minus_n_O; auto.
-intros l' d n.
-case n; simpl; auto.
-inversion H.
-rewrite IHl; auto with arith.
-End App.
-Section Fold.
-Lemma fold_left_length :
- forall l, fold_left (fun x _ => S x) l 0 = length l.
-cut (forall l n, fold_left (fun x _ => S x) l n = n + length l).
-exact (H l 0).
-induction l; simpl; auto.
-intros; rewrite IHl.
-simpl; auto with arith.
-Lemma fold_left_app : forall (l l':list B)(f : A -> B -> A)(i:A),
- fold_left f (l++l') i = fold_left f l' (fold_left f l i).
-induction l.
-simpl; auto.
-Lemma fold_right_app : forall l l' (f:A->B->B)(i:B),
- fold_right f i (l++l') = fold_right f (fold_right f i l') l.
-induction l.
-simpl; auto.
-simpl; intros.
-f_equal; auto.
-Lemma fold_left_rev_right : forall l (f:A->B->B)(i:B),
- fold_right f i (rev l) = fold_left (fun x y => f y x) l i.
-induction l.
-simpl; auto.
-rewrite fold_right_app; simpl.
-End Fold.
-Section Rev.
-Lemma In_rev : forall l x, In x l <-> In x (rev l).
-induction l.
-simpl; intuition.
-apply in_or_app; right; simpl; auto.
-apply in_or_app; left; firstorder.
-destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H); firstorder.
-Lemma rev_length : forall l, length (rev l) = length l.
-induction l;simpl; auto.
-rewrite app_length.
-rewrite IHl.
-simpl; rewrite plus_comm; auto.
-Lemma rev_nth : forall l d n, n < length l ->
- nth n (rev l) d = nth (length l - S n) l d.
-induction l.
-intros; inversion H.
-simpl in H.
-simpl (rev (a :: l)).
-simpl (length (a :: l) - S n).
-inversion H.
-rewrite <- minus_n_n; simpl.
-rewrite <- rev_length.
-rewrite app_nth2; auto.
-rewrite <- minus_n_n; auto.
-rewrite app_nth1; auto.
-rewrite (minus_plus_simpl_l_reverse (length l) n 1).
-replace (1 + length l) with (S (length l)); auto with arith.
-rewrite <- minus_Sn_m; auto with arith; simpl.
-apply IHl; auto.
-rewrite rev_length; auto.
-End Rev.
-Section Rev_acc.
-(** An alternative tail-recursive definition of [rev] *)
-Fixpoint rev_acc (l l': list A) {struct l} : list A :=
- match l with
- | nil => l'
- | a::l => rev_acc l (a::l')
- end.
-Lemma rev_acc_rev : forall l l', rev_acc l l' = rev l ++ l'.
-induction l; simpl; auto; intros.
-rewrite <- ass_app; firstorder.
-Lemma rev_alt : forall l, rev l = rev_acc l nil.
-intros; rewrite rev_acc_rev.
-apply app_nil_end.
-End Rev_acc.
-Section Seq.
-(** [seq] computes the sequence of [len] contiguous integers
- that starts at [start]. For instance, [seq 2 3] is [2::3::4::nil]. *)
-Fixpoint seq (start len:nat) {struct len} : list nat :=
- match len with
- | 0 => nil
- | S len => start :: seq (S start) len
- end.
-Lemma seq_length : forall len start, length (seq start len) = len.
-induction len; simpl; auto.
-Lemma seq_nth : forall len start n d,
- n < len -> nth n (seq start len) d = start+n.
-induction len; intros.
-inversion H.
-simpl seq.
-destruct n; simpl.
-auto with arith.
-rewrite IHlen;simpl; auto with arith.
-Lemma seq_shift : forall len start,
- map S (seq start len) = seq (S start) len.
-induction len; simpl; auto.
-rewrite IHlen.
-auto with arith.
-End Seq.
-Section Map.
-Variable f : A-> B.
-Lemma In_map : forall l y, In y (map f l) <-> exists x, f x = y /\ In x l.
-induction l; firstorder (subst; auto).
-Lemma map_length : forall l, length (map f l) = length l.
-induction l; simpl; auto.
-Lemma map_nth : forall l d n,
- nth n (map f l) (f d) = f (nth n l d).
-induction l; simpl map; destruct n; firstorder.
-Lemma map_app : forall l l',
- map f (l++l') = (map f l) ++ (map f l').
-induction l; simpl; auto.
-intros; rewrite IHl; auto.
-Lemma map_rev : forall l, map f (rev l) = rev (map f l).
-induction l; simpl; auto.
-rewrite map_app.
-rewrite IHl; auto.
-Lemma map_map : forall (f:A->B)(g:B->C) l,
- map g (map f l) = map (fun x => g (f x)) l.
-induction l; simpl; auto.
-rewrite IHl; auto.
-Lemma map_ext :
- forall g, (forall a, f a = g a) -> forall l, map f l = map g l.
-induction l; simpl; auto.
-rewrite H; rewrite IHl; auto.
-End Map.
-Section SplitLast.
-(** [last l d] returns the last elements of the list [l],
- or the default value [d] if [l] is empty. *)
-Fixpoint last (l:list A)(d:A) {struct l} : A :=
- match l with
- | nil => d
- | a :: nil => a
- | a :: l => last l d
- end.
-(** [removelast l] remove the last element of [l] *)
-Fixpoint removelast (l:list A) {struct l} : list A :=
- match l with
- | nil => nil
- | a :: nil => nil
- | a :: l => a :: removelast l
- end.
-Lemma app_removelast_last :
- forall l d, l<>nil -> l = removelast l ++ (last l d :: nil).
-induction l.
-destruct 1; auto.
-intros d _.
-destruct l; auto.
-pattern (a0::l) at 1; rewrite IHl with d; auto; discriminate.
-Lemma exists_last :
- forall l, l<>nil -> { l' : list A & { a : A | l = l'++a::nil}}.
-induction l.
-destruct 1; auto.
-intros _.
-destruct l.
-exists (@nil A); exists a; auto.
-destruct IHl as [l' (a',H)]; try discriminate.
-rewrite H.
-exists (a::l'); exists a'; auto.
-End SplitLast.
-Section SplitN.
-Fixpoint firstn (n:nat)(l:list A) {struct n} : list A :=
- match n with
- | 0 => nil
- | S n => match l with
- | nil => nil
- | a::l => a::(firstn n l)
- end
- end.
-Fixpoint skipn (n:nat)(l:list A) { struct n } : list A :=
- match n with
- | 0 => l
- | S n => match l with
- | nil => nil
- | a::l => skipn n l
- end
- end.
-Lemma firstn_skipn : forall n l, firstn n l ++ skipn n l = l.
-induction n.
-simpl; auto.
-destruct l; simpl; auto.
-f_equal; auto.
-End SplitN.
-Section Bool.
-Variable f : A -> bool.
-(** find whether a boolean function can be satisfied by an
- elements of the list. *)
-Fixpoint existsb (l:list A) {struct l}: bool :=
- match l with
- | nil => false
- | a::l => f a || existsb l
- end.
-Lemma existsb_exists :
- forall l, existsb l = true <-> exists x, In x l /\ f x = true.
-induction l; simpl; intuition.
-inversion H.
-destruct (orb_prop _ _ H1); firstorder.
-rewrite H2; auto.
-Lemma existsb_nth : forall l n d, n < length l ->
- existsb l = false -> f (nth n l d) = false.
-induction l.
-inversion 1.
-simpl; intros.
-destruct (orb_false_elim _ _ H0); clear H0; auto.
-destruct n ; auto.
-rewrite IHl; auto with arith.
-(** find whether a boolean function is satisfied by
- all the elements of a list. *)
-Fixpoint forallb (l:list A) {struct l} : bool :=
- match l with
- | nil => true
- | a::l => f a && forallb l
- end.
-Lemma forallb_forall :
- forall l, forallb l = true <-> (forall x, In x l -> f x = true).
-induction l; simpl; intuition.
-destruct (andb_prop _ _ H1).
-destruct (andb_prop _ _ H1); auto.
-assert (forallb l = true).
-apply H0; intuition.
-rewrite H1; auto.
-(** [filter] *)
-Fixpoint filter (l:list A) : list A :=
- match l with
- | nil => nil
- | x :: l => if f x then x::(filter l) else filter l
- end.
-Lemma filter_In : forall x l, In x (filter l) <-> In x l /\ f x = true.
-induction l; simpl.
-case_eq (f a); intros; simpl; intuition congruence.
-Fixpoint find (l:list A) : option A :=
- match l with
- | nil => None
- | x :: tl => if f x then Some x else find tl
- end.
-Fixpoint partition (l:list A) {struct l} : list A * list A :=
- match l with
- | nil => (nil, nil)
- | x :: tl => let (g,d) := partition tl in
- if f x then (x::g,d) else (g,x::d)
- end.
-End Bool.
-Section Split.
-Fixpoint split (l:list (A*B)) : list A * list B :=
- match l with
- | nil => (nil, nil)
- | (x,y) :: tl => let (g,d) := split tl in (x::g, y::d)
- end.
-(** [combine] stops on the shorter list *)
-Fixpoint combine (l : list A) (l' : list B){struct l} : list (A*B) :=
- match l,l' with
- | x::tl, y::tl' => (x,y)::(combine tl tl')
- | _, _ => nil
- end.
-End Split.
-Section Remove.
-Hypothesis eq_dec : forall x y : A, {x = y}+{x <> y}.
-Fixpoint remove (x : A) (l : list A){struct l} : list A :=
- match l with
- | nil => nil
- | y::tl => if (eq_dec x y) then remove x tl else y::(remove x tl)
- end.
-End Remove.
-Section NoDuplicates.
-(** A list without redundancy. *)
-Inductive NoDup : list A -> Prop :=
- | NoDup_nil : NoDup nil
- | NoDup_cons : forall x l, ~ In x l -> NoDup l -> NoDup (x::l).
-End NoDuplicates.
-End MoreLists.
-Hint Rewrite
- rev_involutive (* rev (rev l) = l *)
- rev_unit (* rev (l ++ a :: nil) = a :: rev l *)
- map_nth (* nth n (map f l) (f d) = f (nth n l d) *)
- map_length (* length (map f l) = length l *)
- seq_length (* length (seq start len) = len *)
- app_length (* length (l ++ l') = length l + length l' *)
- rev_length (* length (rev l) = length l *)
- : list.
-Hint Rewrite <-
- app_nil_end (* l = l ++ nil *)
- : list.
-Ltac simpl_list := autorewrite with list.
-Ltac ssimpl_list := autorewrite with list using simpl.