diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2011-04-03 11:23:31 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2011-04-03 11:23:31 +0000
commit5681594c83c2ba9a2c0e21983cac0f161ff95f02 (patch)
parentda1e32cbdc78050ea2e89eee896ba2b40db1b5dd (diff)
Lazy loading of opaque proofs: fast as -dont-load-proofs without its drawbacks
The recent experiment with -dont-load-proofs in the stdlib showed that this options isn't fully safe: some axioms were generated (Include ? functor application ? This is still to be fully understood). Instead, I've implemented an idea of Yann: only load opaque proofs when we need them. This is almost as fast as -dont-load-proofs (on the stdlib, we're now 15% faster than before instead of 20% faster with -dont-load-proofs), but fully compatible with Coq standard behavior. Technically, the const_body field of Declarations.constant_body now regroup const_body + const_opaque + const_inline in a ternary type. It is now either: - Undef : an axiom or parameter, with an inline info - Def : a transparent definition, with a constr_substituted - OpaqueDef : an opaque definition, with a lazy constr_substitued Accessing the lazy constr of an OpaqueDef might trigger the read on disk of the final section of a .vo, where opaque proofs are located. Some functions (body_of_constant, is_opaque, constant_has_body) emulate the behavior of the old fields. The rest of Coq (including the checker) has been adapted accordingly, either via direct access to the new const_body or via these new functions. Many places look nicer now (ok, subjective notion). There are now three options: -lazy-load-proofs (default), -force-load-proofs (earlier semantics), -dont-load-proofs. Note that -outputstate now implies -force-load-proofs (otherwise the marshaling fails on some delayed lazy). On the way, I fixed what looked like a bug : a module type (T with Definition x := c) was accepted even when x in T was opaque. I also tried to clarify Subtyping.check_constant. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@13952 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
49 files changed, 591 insertions, 447 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.build b/Makefile.build
index eefafb0cb..28da169cf 100644
--- a/Makefile.build
+++ b/Makefile.build
@@ -69,15 +69,9 @@ TIMECMD= # is "'time -p'" to get compilation time of .v
# For instance:
# TIME="%C (%U user, %S sys, %e total, %M maxres)"
-# Since library files aren't meant to contain queries like Print Assumptions
-# nor extractions, it is safe (and quite quicker) to compile them with
-# -dont-load-proofs
# The SHOW and HIDE variables control whether make will echo complete commands
# or only abbreviated versions.
diff --git a/checker/check.ml b/checker/check.ml
index 3dc510dcc..bb42b949d 100644
--- a/checker/check.ml
+++ b/checker/check.ml
@@ -270,10 +270,10 @@ let with_magic_number_check f a =
(* Internalise libraries *)
-let mk_library md f get_table digest = {
+let mk_library md f table digest = {
library_name = md.md_name;
library_filename = f;
- library_compiled = Safe_typing.LightenLibrary.load ~load_proof:true get_table md.md_compiled;
+ library_compiled = Safe_typing.LightenLibrary.load table md.md_compiled;
library_deps = md.md_deps;
library_digest = digest }
@@ -287,24 +287,21 @@ let depgraph = ref LibraryMap.empty
let intern_from_file (dir, f) =
Flags.if_verbose msg (str"[intern "++str f++str" ...");
- let (md,get_table,close,digest) =
+ let (md,table,digest) =
let ch = with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
let (md:library_disk) = System.marshal_in ch in
let digest = System.marshal_in ch in
- let get_table () =
- (System.marshal_in ch : Safe_typing.LightenLibrary.table)
- in
+ let table = (System.marshal_in ch : Safe_typing.LightenLibrary.table) in
+ close_in ch;
if dir <> md.md_name then
errorlabstrm "load_physical_library"
(name_clash_message dir md.md_name f);
Flags.if_verbose msgnl(str" done]");
- md,get_table,(fun () -> close_in ch),digest
+ md,table,digest
with e -> Flags.if_verbose msgnl(str" failed!]"); raise e in
depgraph := LibraryMap.add md.md_name md.md_deps !depgraph;
- let library = mk_library md f get_table digest in
- close ();
- library
+ mk_library md f table digest
let get_deps (dir, f) =
try LibraryMap.find dir !depgraph
diff --git a/checker/check_stat.ml b/checker/check_stat.ml
index 7ca406fec..5f28269ee 100644
--- a/checker/check_stat.ml
+++ b/checker/check_stat.ml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let cst_filter f csts =
(fun c ce acc -> if f c ce then c::acc else acc)
csts []
-let is_ax _ cb = cb.const_body = None
+let is_ax _ cb = not (constant_has_body cb)
let pr_ax csts =
let axs = cst_filter is_ax csts in
diff --git a/checker/declarations.ml b/checker/declarations.ml
index 084b4eb54..890996d10 100644
--- a/checker/declarations.ml
+++ b/checker/declarations.ml
@@ -478,27 +478,67 @@ let val_cstr_subst = val_substituted val_constr
let subst_constr_subst = subst_substituted
-type inline = int option (* inlining level, None for no inlining *)
+(** Beware! In .vo files, lazy_constr are stored as integers
+ used as indexes for a separate table. The actual lazy_constr is restored
+ later, by [Safe_typing.LightenLibrary.load]. This allows us
+ to use here a different definition of lazy_constr than coqtop:
+ since the checker will inspect all proofs parts, even opaque
+ ones, no need to use Lazy.t here *)
+type lazy_constr = constr_substituted
+let subst_lazy_constr = subst_substituted
+let force_lazy_constr = force_constr
+let lazy_constr_from_val c = c
+let val_lazy_constr = val_cstr_subst
+(** Inlining level of parameters at functor applications.
+ This is ignored by the checker. *)
+type inline = int option
+(** A constant can have no body (axiom/parameter), or a
+ transparent body, or an opaque one *)
+type constant_def =
+ | Undef of inline
+ | Def of constr_substituted
+ | OpaqueDef of lazy_constr
+let val_cst_def =
+ val_sum "constant_def" 0
+ [|[|val_opt val_int|]; [|val_cstr_subst|]; [|val_lazy_constr|]|]
+let subst_constant_def sub = function
+ | Undef inl -> Undef inl
+ | Def c -> Def (subst_constr_subst sub c)
+ | OpaqueDef lc -> OpaqueDef (subst_lazy_constr sub lc)
type constant_body = {
const_hyps : section_context; (* New: younger hyp at top *)
- const_body : constr_substituted option;
+ const_body : constant_def;
const_type : constant_type;
const_body_code : to_patch_substituted;
- (* const_type_code : Cemitcodes.to_patch; *)
- const_constraints : Univ.constraints;
- const_opaque : bool;
- const_inline : inline }
+ const_constraints : Univ.constraints }
+let body_of_constant cb = match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> None
+ | Def c -> Some c
+ | OpaqueDef c -> Some c
+let constant_has_body cb = match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> false
+ | Def _ | OpaqueDef _ -> true
+let is_opaque cb = match cb.const_body with
+ | OpaqueDef _ -> true
+ | Def _ | Undef _ -> false
let val_cb = val_tuple ~name:"constant_body"
- val_opt val_cstr_subst;
+ val_cst_def;
- val_cstrs;
- val_bool;
- val_opt val_int |]
+ val_cstrs|]
let subst_rel_declaration sub (id,copt,t as x) =
let copt' = Option.smartmap (subst_mps sub) copt in
@@ -662,13 +702,10 @@ let subst_arity sub = function
(* TODO: should be changed to non-coping after Term.subst_mps *)
let subst_const_body sub cb = {
const_hyps = (assert (cb.const_hyps=[]); []);
- const_body = Option.map (subst_constr_subst sub) cb.const_body;
+ const_body = subst_constant_def sub cb.const_body;
const_type = subst_arity sub cb.const_type;
const_body_code = (*Cemitcodes.subst_to_patch_subst sub*) cb.const_body_code;
- (*const_type_code = Cemitcodes.subst_to_patch sub cb.const_type_code;*)
- const_constraints = cb.const_constraints;
- const_opaque = cb.const_opaque;
- const_inline = cb.const_inline}
+ const_constraints = cb.const_constraints}
let subst_arity sub = function
| Monomorphic s ->
diff --git a/checker/declarations.mli b/checker/declarations.mli
index b5038996c..90beb326b 100644
--- a/checker/declarations.mli
+++ b/checker/declarations.mli
@@ -29,16 +29,40 @@ type constr_substituted
val force_constr : constr_substituted -> constr
val from_val : constr -> constr_substituted
-type inline = int option (* inlining level, None for no inlining *)
+(** Beware! In .vo files, lazy_constr are stored as integers
+ used as indexes for a separate table. The actual lazy_constr is restored
+ later, by [Safe_typing.LightenLibrary.load]. This allows us
+ to use here a different definition of lazy_constr than coqtop:
+ since the checker will inspect all proofs parts, even opaque
+ ones, no need to use Lazy.t here *)
+type lazy_constr
+val force_lazy_constr : lazy_constr -> constr
+val lazy_constr_from_val : constr_substituted -> lazy_constr
+(** Inlining level of parameters at functor applications.
+ This is ignored by the checker. *)
+type inline = int option
+(** A constant can have no body (axiom/parameter), or a
+ transparent body, or an opaque one *)
+type constant_def =
+ | Undef of inline
+ | Def of constr_substituted
+ | OpaqueDef of lazy_constr
type constant_body = {
const_hyps : section_context; (* New: younger hyp at top *)
- const_body : constr_substituted option;
+ const_body : constant_def;
const_type : constant_type;
const_body_code : to_patch_substituted;
- const_constraints : Univ.constraints;
- const_opaque : bool;
- const_inline : inline }
+ const_constraints : Univ.constraints }
+val body_of_constant : constant_body -> constr_substituted option
+val constant_has_body : constant_body -> bool
+val is_opaque : constant_body -> bool
(* Mutual inductives *)
diff --git a/checker/environ.ml b/checker/environ.ml
index d960e2a7c..d79cb118b 100644
--- a/checker/environ.ml
+++ b/checker/environ.ml
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result
let constant_value env kn =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
- if cb.const_opaque then raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque);
match cb.const_body with
- | Some l_body -> force_constr l_body
- | None -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody)
+ | Def l_body -> force_constr l_body
+ | OpaqueDef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque)
+ | Undef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody)
(* A global const is evaluable if it is defined and not opaque *)
let evaluable_constant cst env =
diff --git a/checker/mod_checking.ml b/checker/mod_checking.ml
index 30149331e..e6582e918 100644
--- a/checker/mod_checking.ml
+++ b/checker/mod_checking.ml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let check_constant_declaration env kn cb =
let ty, cu = refresh_arity ty in
let envty = add_constraints cu env' in
let _ = infer_type envty ty in
- (match cb.const_body with
+ (match body_of_constant cb with
| Some bd ->
let j = infer env' (force_constr bd) in
conv_leq envty j ty
@@ -110,14 +110,17 @@ let check_definition_sub env cb1 cb2 =
let typ1 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb1.const_type in
let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
check_type env typ1 typ2;
- (match cb2 with
- | {const_body=Some lc2;const_opaque=false} ->
- let c2 = force_constr lc2 in
- let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
- | Some lc1 -> force_constr lc1
- | None -> assert false in
- Reduction.conv env c1 c2
- | _ -> ())
+ (match cb2.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> ()
+ | Def lc2 ->
+ (match cb1.const_body with
+ | Def lc1 ->
+ let c1 = force_constr lc1 in
+ let c2 = force_constr lc2 in
+ Reduction.conv env c1 c2
+ (* Coq only places transparent cb in With_definition_body *)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> ()) (* Pierre L: shouldn't this case raise an error ? *)
let lookup_modtype mp env =
try Environ.lookup_modtype mp env
diff --git a/checker/modops.ml b/checker/modops.ml
index b18b58a9f..4e2bbc210 100644
--- a/checker/modops.ml
+++ b/checker/modops.ml
@@ -95,19 +95,14 @@ and add_module mb env =
let strengthen_const env mp_from l cb resolver =
- match cb.const_opaque, cb.const_body with
- | false, Some _ -> cb
- | true, Some _
- | _, None ->
+ match cb.const_body with
+ | Def _ -> cb
+ | _ ->
let con = make_con mp_from empty_dirpath l in
- (* let con = constant_of_delta resolver con in*)
- let const = Const con in
- let const_subs = Some (Declarations.from_val const) in
- {cb with
- const_body = const_subs;
- const_opaque = false;
- }
+ (* let con = constant_of_delta resolver con in*)
+ let const = Const con in
+ let def = Def (Declarations.from_val const) in
+ { cb with const_body = def }
let rec strengthen_mod env mp_from mp_to mb =
if Declarations.mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta then
diff --git a/checker/safe_typing.ml b/checker/safe_typing.ml
index eaf2aae80..bc067dc5f 100644
--- a/checker/safe_typing.ml
+++ b/checker/safe_typing.ml
@@ -77,15 +77,18 @@ type compiled_library =
module LightenLibrary : sig
type table
type lightened_compiled_library
- val load : load_proof:bool -> (unit -> table)
- -> lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library
+ val load : table -> lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library
end = struct
(* The table is implemented as an array of [constr_substituted].
- Thus, its keys are integers which can be easily embedded inside
- [constr_substituted]. This way the [compiled_library] type does
- not have to be changed. *)
+ Keys are hence integers. To avoid changing the [compiled_library]
+ type, we brutally encode integers into [lazy_constr]. This isn't
+ pretty, but shouldn't be dangerous since the produced structure
+ [lightened_compiled_library] is abstract and only meant for writing
+ to .vo via Marshal (which doesn't care about types).
+ *)
type table = constr_substituted array
+ let key_of_lazy_constr (c:lazy_constr) = (Obj.magic c : int)
(* To avoid any future misuse of the lightened library that could
interpret encoded keys as real [constr_substituted], we hide
@@ -115,8 +118,8 @@ end = struct
and traverse_struct struc =
let traverse_body (l,body) = (l,match body with
- | SFBconst ({const_opaque=true} as x) ->
- SFBconst {x with const_body = on_opaque_const_body x.const_body }
+ | (SFBconst cb) when is_opaque cb ->
+ SFBconst {cb with const_body = on_opaque_const_body cb.const_body}
| (SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ ) as x ->
| SFBmodule m ->
@@ -148,21 +151,16 @@ end = struct
[constr_substituted]. Otherwise, we set the [const_body] field
to [None].
- let load ~load_proof (get_table : unit -> table) lightened_library =
- let decode_key : constr_substituted option -> constr_substituted option =
- if load_proof then
- let table = get_table () in
- function Some cterm ->
- Some (table.(
- try
- match Declarations.force_constr cterm with
- | Term.Rel key -> key
- | _ -> assert false
- with _ -> assert false
- ))
- | _ -> None
- else
- fun _ -> None
+ let load table lightened_library =
+ let decode_key = function
+ | Undef _ | Def _ -> assert false
+ | OpaqueDef k ->
+ let k = key_of_lazy_constr k in
+ let body =
+ try table.(k)
+ with _ -> error "Error while retrieving an opaque body"
+ in
+ OpaqueDef (lazy_constr_from_val body)
traverse_library decode_key lightened_library
diff --git a/checker/safe_typing.mli b/checker/safe_typing.mli
index 986393b29..cd2c06d20 100644
--- a/checker/safe_typing.mli
+++ b/checker/safe_typing.mli
@@ -33,12 +33,8 @@ sig
type table
type lightened_compiled_library
- (** [load lpf get_table lcl] builds a compiled library from a
+ (** [load table lcl] builds a compiled library from a
lightened library [lcl] by remplacing every index by its related
- opaque terms inside the table obtained by [get_table ()].
- If [lpf] is unset then the table is considered empty, which
- implies that [get_table] is not evaluated and every index
- is replaced by [None] inside the compiled library. *)
- val load : load_proof:bool -> (unit -> table)
- -> lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library
+ opaque terms inside [table]. *)
+ val load : table -> lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library
diff --git a/checker/subtyping.ml b/checker/subtyping.ml
index 670f2783b..e00671b03 100644
--- a/checker/subtyping.ml
+++ b/checker/subtyping.ml
@@ -237,22 +237,26 @@ let check_constant env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
match info1 with
| Constant cb1 ->
assert (cb1.const_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
- (*Start by checking types*)
- let cb1 = subst_const_body subst1 cb1 in
- let cb2 = subst_const_body subst2 cb2 in
- let typ1 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb1.const_type in
- let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
- check_type env typ1 typ2;
- let con = make_con mp1 empty_dirpath l in
- (match cb2 with
- | {const_body=Some lc2;const_opaque=false} ->
- let c2 = force_constr lc2 in
- let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
- | Some lc1 -> force_constr lc1
- | None -> Const con
- in
- check_conv conv env c1 c2
- | _ -> ())
+ let cb1 = subst_const_body subst1 cb1 in
+ let cb2 = subst_const_body subst2 cb2 in
+ (*Start by checking types*)
+ let typ1 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb1.const_type in
+ let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
+ check_type env typ1 typ2;
+ (* Now we check the bodies *)
+ (match cb2.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> ()
+ | Def lc2 ->
+ (* Only a transparent cb1 can implement a transparent cb2.
+ NB: cb1 might have been strengthened and appear as transparent.
+ Anyway [check_conv] will handle that afterwards. *)
+ (match cb1.const_body with
+ | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> error ()
+ | Def lc1 ->
+ let c1 = force_constr lc1 in
+ let c2 = force_constr lc2 in
+ check_conv conv env c1 c2)
+ | OpaqueDef lc2 -> ()) (* Pierre L. : this looks really strange ?! *)
| IndType ((kn,i),mind1) ->
ignore (Util.error (
"The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^
@@ -260,7 +264,7 @@ let check_constant env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
"inductive type and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^
assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
- if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ;
+ if constant_has_body cb2 then error () ;
let arity1 = type_of_inductive env (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in
let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
check_conv conv_leq env arity1 typ2
@@ -271,7 +275,7 @@ let check_constant env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
"constructor and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^
assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
- if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ;
+ if constant_has_body cb2 then error () ;
let ty1 = type_of_constructor cstr (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in
let ty2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
check_conv conv env ty1 ty2
diff --git a/kernel/cbytegen.ml b/kernel/cbytegen.ml
index 337b90751..bd12528c7 100644
--- a/kernel/cbytegen.ml
+++ b/kernel/cbytegen.ml
@@ -714,11 +714,9 @@ let compile env c =
Format.print_flush(); *)
init_code,!fun_code, Array.of_list fv
-let compile_constant_body env body opaque =
- if opaque then BCconstant
- else match body with
- | None -> BCconstant
- | Some sb ->
+let compile_constant_body env = function
+ | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> BCconstant
+ | Def sb ->
let body = Declarations.force sb in
match kind_of_term body with
| Const kn' ->
diff --git a/kernel/cbytegen.mli b/kernel/cbytegen.mli
index 403c1c7b5..74fb3f7ff 100644
--- a/kernel/cbytegen.mli
+++ b/kernel/cbytegen.mli
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ open Pre_env
val compile : env -> constr -> bytecodes * bytecodes * fv
(** init, fun, fv *)
-val compile_constant_body :
- env -> constr_substituted option -> bool -> body_code
- (** opaque *)
+val compile_constant_body : env -> constant_def -> body_code
(** spiwack: this function contains the information needed to perform
diff --git a/kernel/cooking.ml b/kernel/cooking.ml
index 87474b863..02330339d 100644
--- a/kernel/cooking.ml
+++ b/kernel/cooking.ml
@@ -117,16 +117,24 @@ type recipe = {
d_abstract : named_context;
d_modlist : work_list }
-let on_body f =
- Option.map (fun c -> Declarations.from_val (f (Declarations.force c)))
+let on_body f = function
+ | Undef inl -> Undef inl
+ | Def cs -> Def (Declarations.from_val (f (Declarations.force cs)))
+ | OpaqueDef lc ->
+ OpaqueDef (Declarations.opaque_from_val (f (Declarations.force_opaque lc)))
+let constr_of_def = function
+ | Undef _ -> assert false
+ | Def cs -> Declarations.force cs
+ | OpaqueDef lc -> Declarations.force_opaque lc
let cook_constant env r =
let cb = r.d_from in
let hyps = Sign.map_named_context (expmod_constr r.d_modlist) r.d_abstract in
- let body =
- on_body (fun c ->
- abstract_constant_body (expmod_constr r.d_modlist c) hyps)
- cb.const_body in
+ let body = on_body
+ (fun c -> abstract_constant_body (expmod_constr r.d_modlist c) hyps)
+ cb.const_body
+ in
let typ = match cb.const_type with
| NonPolymorphicType t ->
let typ = abstract_constant_type (expmod_constr r.d_modlist t) hyps in
@@ -134,7 +142,7 @@ let cook_constant env r =
| PolymorphicArity (ctx,s) ->
let t = mkArity (ctx,Type s.poly_level) in
let typ = abstract_constant_type (expmod_constr r.d_modlist t) hyps in
- let j = make_judge (force (Option.get body)) typ in
+ let j = make_judge (constr_of_def body) typ in
Typeops.make_polymorphic_if_constant_for_ind env j
- (body, typ, cb.const_constraints, cb.const_opaque, None)
+ (body, typ, cb.const_constraints)
diff --git a/kernel/cooking.mli b/kernel/cooking.mli
index 4b8b4537c..5f31ff8ce 100644
--- a/kernel/cooking.mli
+++ b/kernel/cooking.mli
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ type recipe = {
d_modlist : work_list }
val cook_constant :
- env -> recipe ->
- constr_substituted option * constant_type * constraints * bool * inline
+ env -> recipe -> constant_def * constant_type * constraints
(** {6 Utility functions used in module [Discharge]. } *)
diff --git a/kernel/declarations.ml b/kernel/declarations.ml
index fc8064d59..f092c8261 100644
--- a/kernel/declarations.ml
+++ b/kernel/declarations.ml
@@ -49,17 +49,64 @@ let force = force subst_mps
let subst_constr_subst = subst_substituted
-type inline = int option (* inlining level, None for no inlining *)
+(** Opaque proof terms are not loaded immediately, but are there
+ in a lazy form. Forcing this lazy may trigger some unmarshal of
+ the necessary structure. The ['a substituted] type isn't really great
+ here, so we store "manually" a substitution list, the younger one at top.
+type lazy_constr = constr_substituted Lazy.t * substitution list
+let force_lazy_constr (c,l) =
+ List.fold_right subst_constr_subst l (Lazy.force c)
+let lazy_constr_is_val (c,_) = Lazy.lazy_is_val c
+let make_lazy_constr c = (c, [])
+let force_opaque lc = force (force_lazy_constr lc)
+let opaque_from_val c = (Lazy.lazy_from_val (from_val c), [])
+let subst_lazy_constr sub (c,l) = (c,sub::l)
+(** Inlining level of parameters at functor applications.
+ None means no inlining *)
+type inline = int option
+(** A constant can have no body (axiom/parameter), or a
+ transparent body, or an opaque one *)
+type constant_def =
+ | Undef of inline
+ | Def of constr_substituted
+ | OpaqueDef of lazy_constr
+let subst_constant_def sub = function
+ | Undef inl -> Undef inl
+ | Def c -> Def (subst_constr_subst sub c)
+ | OpaqueDef lc -> OpaqueDef (subst_lazy_constr sub lc)
type constant_body = {
const_hyps : section_context; (* New: younger hyp at top *)
- const_body : constr_substituted option;
+ const_body : constant_def;
const_type : constant_type;
const_body_code : Cemitcodes.to_patch_substituted;
- (* const_type_code : Cemitcodes.to_patch; *)
- const_constraints : constraints;
- const_opaque : bool;
- const_inline : inline }
+ const_constraints : constraints }
+let body_of_constant cb = match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> None
+ | Def c -> Some c
+ | OpaqueDef lc -> Some (force_lazy_constr lc)
+let constant_has_body cb = match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> false
+ | Def _ | OpaqueDef _ -> true
+let is_opaque cb = match cb.const_body with
+ | OpaqueDef _ -> true
+ | Undef _ | Def _ -> false
(*s Inductive types (internal representation with redundant
information). *)
@@ -218,14 +265,12 @@ let subst_arity sub arity =
(* TODO: should be changed to non-coping after Term.subst_mps *)
let subst_const_body sub cb = {
const_hyps = (assert (cb.const_hyps=[]); []);
- const_body = Option.map (subst_constr_subst sub) cb.const_body;
+ const_body = subst_constant_def sub cb.const_body;
const_type = subst_arity sub cb.const_type;
const_body_code = Cemitcodes.subst_to_patch_subst sub cb.const_body_code;
(*const_type_code = Cemitcodes.subst_to_patch sub cb.const_type_code;*)
- const_constraints = cb.const_constraints;
- const_opaque = cb.const_opaque;
- const_inline = cb.const_inline}
+ const_constraints = cb.const_constraints}
let subst_arity sub = function
| Monomorphic s ->
Monomorphic {
diff --git a/kernel/declarations.mli b/kernel/declarations.mli
index d4c86fb35..ebedd17e6 100644
--- a/kernel/declarations.mli
+++ b/kernel/declarations.mli
@@ -35,20 +35,54 @@ type constr_substituted
val from_val : constr -> constr_substituted
val force : constr_substituted -> constr
-type inline = int option (* inlining level, None for no inlining *)
+(** Opaque proof terms are not loaded immediately, but are there
+ in a lazy form. Forcing this lazy may trigger some unmarshal of
+ the necessary structure. *)
+type lazy_constr
+val subst_lazy_constr : substitution -> lazy_constr -> lazy_constr
+val force_lazy_constr : lazy_constr -> constr_substituted
+val make_lazy_constr : constr_substituted Lazy.t -> lazy_constr
+val lazy_constr_is_val : lazy_constr -> bool
+val force_opaque : lazy_constr -> constr
+val opaque_from_val : constr -> lazy_constr
+(** Inlining level of parameters at functor applications.
+ None means no inlining *)
+type inline = int option
+(** A constant can have no body (axiom/parameter), or a
+ transparent body, or an opaque one *)
+type constant_def =
+ | Undef of inline
+ | Def of constr_substituted
+ | OpaqueDef of lazy_constr
+val subst_constant_def : substitution -> constant_def -> constant_def
type constant_body = {
const_hyps : section_context; (** New: younger hyp at top *)
- const_body : constr_substituted option;
+ const_body : constant_def;
const_type : constant_type;
const_body_code : to_patch_substituted;
- (* const_type_code : to_patch;*)
- const_constraints : constraints;
- const_opaque : bool;
- const_inline : inline }
+ const_constraints : constraints }
val subst_const_body : substitution -> constant_body -> constant_body
+(** Is there a actual body in const_body or const_body_opaque ? *)
+val constant_has_body : constant_body -> bool
+(** Accessing const_body_opaque or const_body *)
+val body_of_constant : constant_body -> constr_substituted option
+val is_opaque : constant_body -> bool
(** {6 Representation of mutual inductive types in the kernel } *)
type recarg =
diff --git a/kernel/environ.ml b/kernel/environ.ml
index 34074b677..a69a98c1b 100644
--- a/kernel/environ.ml
+++ b/kernel/environ.ml
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result
let constant_value env kn =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
- if cb.const_opaque then raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque);
match cb.const_body with
- | Some l_body -> Declarations.force l_body
- | None -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody)
+ | Def l_body -> Declarations.force l_body
+ | OpaqueDef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque)
+ | Undef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody)
let constant_opt_value env cst =
try Some (constant_value env cst)
@@ -648,14 +648,14 @@ let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) st (* t env *) =
(s,ContextObjectMap.add cst ctype acc)
let (s,acc) =
- if cb.Declarations.const_body <> None
- && (cb.Declarations.const_opaque || not (Cpred.mem kn knst))
+ if Declarations.constant_has_body cb
+ && (Declarations.is_opaque cb || not (Cpred.mem kn knst))
&& add_opaque
do_type (Opaque kn)
else (s,acc)
- match cb.Declarations.const_body with
+ match Declarations.body_of_constant cb with
| None -> do_type (Axiom kn)
| Some body -> aux (Declarations.force body) env s acc
diff --git a/kernel/environ.mli b/kernel/environ.mli
index f26d49dde..af1e17591 100644
--- a/kernel/environ.mli
+++ b/kernel/environ.mli
@@ -189,9 +189,7 @@ type unsafe_type_judgment = {
(** {6 Compilation of global declaration } *)
-val compile_constant_body :
- env -> constr_substituted option -> bool -> Cemitcodes.body_code
- (** opaque *)
+val compile_constant_body : env -> constant_def -> Cemitcodes.body_code
exception Hyp_not_found
diff --git a/kernel/mod_typing.ml b/kernel/mod_typing.ml
index 335c2a94e..aad541d21 100644
--- a/kernel/mod_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/mod_typing.ml
@@ -84,40 +84,41 @@ and check_with_aux_def env sign with_decl mp equiv =
| With_Definition ([],_) -> assert false
| With_Definition ([id],c) ->
let cb = match spec with
- SFBconst cb -> cb
+ | SFBconst cb -> cb
| _ -> error_not_a_constant l
- begin
- match cb.const_body with
- | None ->
- let (j,cst1) = Typeops.infer env' c in
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env' cb.const_type in
- let cst2 = Reduction.conv_leq env' j.uj_type typ in
- let cst =
- union_constraints
- (union_constraints cb.const_constraints cst1)
- cst2 in
- let body = Some (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val) in
- let cb' = {cb with
- const_body = body;
- const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val
- (compile_constant_body env' body false);
- const_constraints = cst} in
- SEBstruct(before@((l,SFBconst(cb'))::after)),cb',cst
- | Some b ->
- let cst1 = Reduction.conv env' c (Declarations.force b) in
- let cst = union_constraints cb.const_constraints cst1 in
- let body = Some (Declarations.from_val c) in
- let cb' = {cb with
- const_body = body;
- const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val
- (compile_constant_body env' body false);
- const_constraints = cst} in
- SEBstruct(before@((l,SFBconst(cb'))::after)),cb',cst
- end
+ let def,cst = match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ ->
+ let (j,cst1) = Typeops.infer env' c in
+ let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env' cb.const_type in
+ let cst2 = Reduction.conv_leq env' j.uj_type typ in
+ let cst =
+ union_constraints
+ (union_constraints cb.const_constraints cst1)
+ cst2
+ in
+ let def = Def (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val) in
+ def,cst
+ | Def cs ->
+ let cst1 = Reduction.conv env' c (Declarations.force cs) in
+ let cst = union_constraints cb.const_constraints cst1 in
+ let def = Def (Declarations.from_val c) in
+ def,cst
+ | OpaqueDef _ ->
+ (* We cannot make transparent an opaque field *)
+ raise Reduction.NotConvertible
+ in
+ let cb' =
+ { cb with
+ const_body = def;
+ const_body_code =
+ Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env' def);
+ const_constraints = cst }
+ in
+ SEBstruct(before@((l,SFBconst(cb'))::after)),cb',cst
| With_Definition (_::_,c) ->
let old = match spec with
- SFBmodule msb -> msb
+ | SFBmodule msb -> msb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l)
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ and check_with_aux_def env sign with_decl mp equiv =
| _ -> anomaly "Modtyping:incorrect use of with"
- Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
+ | Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
| Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_incorrect_with_constraint l
and check_with_aux_mod env sign with_decl mp equiv =
diff --git a/kernel/modops.ml b/kernel/modops.ml
index 6d4ebb989..df9b7e81f 100644
--- a/kernel/modops.ml
+++ b/kernel/modops.ml
@@ -290,21 +290,17 @@ and add_module mb env =
| _ -> anomaly "Modops:the evaluation of the structure failed "
let strengthen_const env mp_from l cb resolver =
- match cb.const_opaque, cb.const_body with
- | false, Some _ -> cb
- | true, Some _
- | _, None ->
+ match cb.const_body with
+ | Def _ -> cb
+ | _ ->
let con = make_con mp_from empty_dirpath l in
let con = constant_of_delta resolver con in
let const = mkConst con in
- let const_subs = Some (Declarations.from_val const) in
- {cb with
- const_body = const_subs;
- const_opaque = false;
- const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val
- (compile_constant_body env const_subs false)
- }
+ let def = Def (Declarations.from_val const) in
+ { cb with
+ const_body = def;
+ const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env def)
+ }
let rec strengthen_mod env mp_from mp_to mb =
if mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta then
@@ -401,10 +397,9 @@ let inline_delta_resolver env inl mp mbid mtb delta =
let constant = lookup_constant con' env in
let l = make_inline delta r in
- if constant.Declarations.const_opaque then l
- else match constant.Declarations.const_body with
- | None -> l
- | Some body ->
+ match constant.const_body with
+ | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> l
+ | Def body ->
let constr = Declarations.force body in
add_inline_constr_delta_resolver con lev constr l
with Not_found ->
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.ml b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
index 8f4ec76f8..bdffa6802 100644
--- a/kernel/safe_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
@@ -253,21 +253,27 @@ type global_declaration =
| ConstantEntry of constant_entry
| GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe
-let hcons_constant_type = function
+let hcons_const_type = function
| NonPolymorphicType t ->
NonPolymorphicType (hcons1_constr t)
| PolymorphicArity (ctx,s) ->
PolymorphicArity (map_rel_context hcons1_constr ctx,s)
+let hcons_const_body = function
+ | Undef inl -> Undef inl
+ | Def l_constr ->
+ let constr = Declarations.force l_constr in
+ Def (Declarations.from_val (hcons1_constr constr))
+ | OpaqueDef lc ->
+ if lazy_constr_is_val lc then
+ let constr = Declarations.force_opaque lc in
+ OpaqueDef (Declarations.opaque_from_val (hcons1_constr constr))
+ else OpaqueDef lc
let hcons_constant_body cb =
- let body = match cb.const_body with
- None -> None
- | Some l_constr -> let constr = Declarations.force l_constr in
- Some (Declarations.from_val (hcons1_constr constr))
- in
- { cb with
- const_body = body;
- const_type = hcons_constant_type cb.const_type }
+ { cb with
+ const_body = hcons_const_body cb.const_body;
+ const_type = hcons_const_type cb.const_type }
let add_constant dir l decl senv =
check_label l senv.labset;
@@ -280,9 +286,10 @@ let add_constant dir l decl senv =
if dir = empty_dirpath then hcons_constant_body cb else cb
let senv' = add_field (l,SFBconst cb) (C kn) senv in
- let senv'' = match cb.const_inline with
- | None -> senv'
- | Some lev -> update_resolver (add_inline_delta_resolver kn lev) senv'
+ let senv'' = match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef (Some lev) ->
+ update_resolver (add_inline_delta_resolver kn lev) senv'
+ | _ -> senv'
kn, senv''
@@ -768,15 +775,20 @@ module LightenLibrary : sig
type table
type lightened_compiled_library
val save : compiled_library -> lightened_compiled_library * table
- val load : load_proof:bool -> (unit -> table)
+ val load : load_proof:Flags.load_proofs -> table Lazy.t
-> lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library
end = struct
(* The table is implemented as an array of [constr_substituted].
- Thus, its keys are integers which can be easily embedded inside
- [constr_substituted]. This way the [compiled_library] type does
- not have to be changed. *)
+ Keys are hence integers. To avoid changing the [compiled_library]
+ type, we brutally encode integers into [lazy_constr]. This isn't
+ pretty, but shouldn't be dangerous since the produced structure
+ [lightened_compiled_library] is abstract and only meant for writing
+ to .vo via Marshal (which doesn't care about types).
+ *)
type table = constr_substituted array
+ let key_as_lazy_constr (i:int) = (Obj.magic i : lazy_constr)
+ let key_of_lazy_constr (c:lazy_constr) = (Obj.magic c : int)
(* To avoid any future misuse of the lightened library that could
interpret encoded keys as real [constr_substituted], we hide
@@ -806,9 +818,9 @@ end = struct
and traverse_struct struc =
let traverse_body (l,body) = (l,match body with
- | SFBconst ({const_opaque=true} as x) ->
- SFBconst {x with const_body = on_opaque_const_body x.const_body }
- | (SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ ) as x ->
+ | SFBconst cb when is_opaque cb ->
+ SFBconst {cb with const_body = on_opaque_const_body cb.const_body}
+ | (SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ ) as x ->
| SFBmodule m ->
SFBmodule (traverse_module m)
@@ -837,31 +849,29 @@ end = struct
traverse it and add an indirection between the module body
and its reference to a [const_body]. *)
let save library =
- let ((insert : constr_substituted -> constr_substituted),
+ let ((insert : constant_def -> constant_def),
(get_table : unit -> table)) =
(* We use an integer as a key inside the table. *)
let counter = ref (-1) in
- (* ... but it is wrapped inside a [constr_substituted]. *)
- let key_as_constr key = Declarations.from_val (Term.mkRel key) in
(* During the traversal, the table is implemented by a list
to get constant time insertion. *)
let opaque_definitions = ref [] in
((* Insert inside the table. *)
- (fun opaque_definition ->
- incr counter;
- opaque_definitions := opaque_definition :: !opaque_definitions;
- key_as_constr !counter),
+ (fun def ->
+ let opaque_definition = match def with
+ | OpaqueDef lc -> force_lazy_constr lc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ incr counter;
+ opaque_definitions := opaque_definition :: !opaque_definitions;
+ OpaqueDef (key_as_lazy_constr !counter)),
(* Get the final table representation. *)
(fun () -> Array.of_list (List.rev !opaque_definitions)))
- let encode_const_body : constr_substituted option -> constr_substituted option = function
- | None -> None
- | Some ct -> Some (insert ct)
- in
- let lightened_library = traverse_library encode_const_body library in
+ let lightened_library = traverse_library insert library in
(lightened_library, get_table ())
(* Loading is also a traversing that decodes the embedded keys that
@@ -870,19 +880,24 @@ end = struct
[constr_substituted]. Otherwise, we set the [const_body] field
to [None].
- let load ~load_proof (get_table : unit -> table) lightened_library =
- let decode_key : constr_substituted option -> constr_substituted option =
- if load_proof then
- let table = get_table () in
- function Some cterm ->
- Some (try
- table.(Term.destRel (Declarations.force cterm))
- with _ ->
- assert false
- )
- | _ -> None
- else
- fun _ -> None
+ let load ~load_proof (table : table Lazy.t) lightened_library =
+ let decode_key = function
+ | Undef _ | Def _ -> assert false
+ | OpaqueDef k ->
+ let k = key_of_lazy_constr k in
+ let access key =
+ try (Lazy.force table).(key)
+ with _ -> error "Error while retrieving an opaque body"
+ in
+ match load_proof with
+ | Flags.Force ->
+ let lc = Lazy.lazy_from_val (access k) in
+ OpaqueDef (make_lazy_constr lc)
+ | Flags.Lazy ->
+ let lc = lazy (access k) in
+ OpaqueDef (make_lazy_constr lc)
+ | Flags.Dont ->
+ Undef None
traverse_library decode_key lightened_library
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.mli b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
index 0ab70b69e..3a7954874 100644
--- a/kernel/safe_typing.mli
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
@@ -114,10 +114,11 @@ val import : compiled_library -> Digest.t -> safe_environment
module LightenLibrary :
- type table
- type lightened_compiled_library
+ type table
+ type lightened_compiled_library
val save : compiled_library -> lightened_compiled_library * table
- val load : load_proof:bool -> (unit -> table) -> lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library
+ val load : load_proof:Flags.load_proofs -> table Lazy.t ->
+ lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library
(** {6 Typing judgments } *)
@@ -135,8 +136,6 @@ val safe_infer : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * Univ.constraints
val typing : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment
(*spiwack: safe retroknowledge functionalities *)
open Retroknowledge
diff --git a/kernel/subtyping.ml b/kernel/subtyping.ml
index 0c7299508..cac55f4be 100644
--- a/kernel/subtyping.ml
+++ b/kernel/subtyping.ml
@@ -253,55 +253,46 @@ let check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
match info1 with
| Constant cb1 ->
- assert (cb1.const_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
- (*Start by checking types*)
- let cb1 = subst_const_body subst1 cb1 in
- let cb2 = subst_const_body subst2 cb2 in
+ assert (cb1.const_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
+ let cb1 = subst_const_body subst1 cb1 in
+ let cb2 = subst_const_body subst2 cb2 in
+ (* Start by checking types*)
let typ1 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb1.const_type in
let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
let cst = check_type cst env typ1 typ2 in
- let con = make_con mp1 empty_dirpath l in
- let cst =
- if cb2.const_opaque then
- (* In this case we compare opaque definitions, we need to bypass
- the opacity and do a delta step*)
- match cb2.const_body with
- | None -> cst
- | Some lc2 ->
- let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in
- let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
- | Some lc1 ->
- let c = Declarations.force lc1 in
- begin
- match (kind_of_term c),(kind_of_term c2) with
- Const n1,Const n2 when (eq_constant n1 n2) -> c
- (* c1 may have been strenghtened
- we need to unfold it*)
- | Const n,_ ->
- let cb = subst_const_body subst1
- (lookup_constant n env) in
- (match cb.const_opaque,
- cb.const_body with
- | true, Some lc1 ->
- Declarations.force lc1
- | _,_ -> c)
- | _ ,_-> c
- end
- | None -> mkConst con
- in
- check_conv NotConvertibleBodyField cst conv env c1 c2
- else
- match cb2.const_body with
- | None -> cst
- | Some lc2 ->
- let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in
- let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
- | Some lc1 -> Declarations.force lc1
- | None -> mkConst con
- in
- check_conv NotConvertibleBodyField cst conv env c1 c2
- in
- cst
+ (* Now we check the bodies *)
+ (match cb2.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> cst
+ | Def lc2 ->
+ (* Only a transparent cb1 can implement a transparent cb2.
+ NB: cb1 might have been strengthened and appear as transparent.
+ Anyway [check_conv] will handle that afterwards. *)
+ (match cb1.const_body with
+ | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> error NotConvertibleBodyField
+ | Def lc1 ->
+ let c1 = Declarations.force lc1 in
+ let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in
+ check_conv NotConvertibleBodyField cst conv env c1 c2)
+ | OpaqueDef lc2 ->
+ (* Here cb1 can be either opaque or transparent. We need to
+ bypass the opacity and possibly do a delta step. *)
+ (match body_of_constant cb1 with
+ | None -> error NotConvertibleBodyField
+ | Some lc1 ->
+ let c1 = Declarations.force lc1 in
+ let c2 = Declarations.force_opaque lc2 in
+ let c1' = match (kind_of_term c1),(kind_of_term c2) with
+ | Const n1,Const n2 when (eq_constant n1 n2) -> c1
+ (* cb1 may have been strengthened, we need to unfold it: *)
+ | Const n1,_ ->
+ let cb1' = subst_const_body subst1 (lookup_constant n1 env)
+ in
+ (match cb1'.const_body with
+ | OpaqueDef lc1' -> Declarations.force_opaque lc1'
+ | _ -> c1)
+ | _,_ -> c1
+ in
+ check_conv NotConvertibleBodyField cst conv env c1' c2))
| IndType ((kn,i),mind1) ->
ignore (Util.error (
"The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^
@@ -309,7 +300,7 @@ let check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
"inductive type and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^
assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
- if cb2.const_body <> None then error DefinitionFieldExpected;
+ if constant_has_body cb2 then error DefinitionFieldExpected;
let arity1 = type_of_inductive env (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in
let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
check_conv NotConvertibleTypeField cst conv_leq env arity1 typ2
@@ -320,7 +311,7 @@ let check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
"constructor and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^
assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
- if cb2.const_body <> None then error DefinitionFieldExpected;
+ if constant_has_body cb2 then error DefinitionFieldExpected;
let ty1 = type_of_constructor cstr (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in
let ty2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
check_conv NotConvertibleTypeField cst conv env ty1 ty2
diff --git a/kernel/term_typing.ml b/kernel/term_typing.ml
index 801bd6c80..8146ea7c1 100644
--- a/kernel/term_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/term_typing.ml
@@ -93,12 +93,15 @@ let infer_declaration env dcl =
| DefinitionEntry c ->
let (j,cst) = infer env c.const_entry_body in
let (typ,cst) = constrain_type env j cst c.const_entry_type in
- Some (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val), typ, cst,
- c.const_entry_opaque, None
+ let def =
+ if c.const_entry_opaque
+ then OpaqueDef (Declarations.opaque_from_val j.uj_val)
+ else Def (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val)
+ in
+ def, typ, cst
| ParameterEntry (t,nl) ->
let (j,cst) = infer env t in
- None, NonPolymorphicType (Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j), cst,
- false, nl
+ Undef nl, NonPolymorphicType (Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j), cst
let global_vars_set_constant_type env = function
| NonPolymorphicType t -> global_vars_set env t
@@ -108,25 +111,20 @@ let global_vars_set_constant_type env = function
(fun t c -> Idset.union (global_vars_set env t) c))
ctx ~init:Idset.empty
-let build_constant_declaration env kn (body,typ,cst,op,inline) =
- let ids =
- match body with
- | None -> global_vars_set_constant_type env typ
- | Some b ->
- Idset.union
- (global_vars_set env (Declarations.force b))
- (global_vars_set_constant_type env typ)
+let build_constant_declaration env kn (def,typ,cst) =
+ let ids_typ = global_vars_set_constant_type env typ in
+ let ids_def = match def with
+ | Undef _ -> Idset.empty
+ | Def cs -> global_vars_set env (Declarations.force cs)
+ | OpaqueDef lc -> global_vars_set env (Declarations.force_opaque lc)
- let tps = Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env body op) in
- let hyps = keep_hyps env ids in
- { const_hyps = hyps;
- const_body = body;
- const_type = typ;
- const_body_code = tps;
- (* const_type_code = to_patch env typ;*)
- const_constraints = cst;
- const_opaque = op;
- const_inline = inline}
+ let hyps = keep_hyps env (Idset.union ids_typ ids_def) in
+ let tps = Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env def) in
+ { const_hyps = hyps;
+ const_body = def;
+ const_type = typ;
+ const_body_code = tps;
+ const_constraints = cst }
(*s Global and local constant declaration. *)
diff --git a/kernel/term_typing.mli b/kernel/term_typing.mli
index 8b48fc3cf..158f2c787 100644
--- a/kernel/term_typing.mli
+++ b/kernel/term_typing.mli
@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ val translate_local_assum : env -> types ->
types * Univ.constraints
val infer_declaration : env -> constant_entry ->
- constr_substituted option * constant_type * constraints * bool * inline
+ constant_def * constant_type * constraints
val build_constant_declaration : env -> 'a ->
- constr_substituted option * constant_type * constraints * bool * inline ->
- constant_body
+ constant_def * constant_type * constraints -> constant_body
val translate_constant : env -> constant -> constant_entry -> constant_body
diff --git a/lib/flags.ml b/lib/flags.ml
index 6d1fb7fae..547e394aa 100644
--- a/lib/flags.ml
+++ b/lib/flags.ml
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ let term_quality = ref false
let xml_export = ref false
-let load_proofs = ref true
+type load_proofs = Force | Lazy | Dont
+let load_proofs = ref Lazy
let raw_print = ref false
diff --git a/lib/flags.mli b/lib/flags.mli
index 20e3a7819..dd0f33ae4 100644
--- a/lib/flags.mli
+++ b/lib/flags.mli
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ val term_quality : bool ref
val xml_export : bool ref
-val load_proofs : bool ref
+type load_proofs = Force | Lazy | Dont
+val load_proofs : load_proofs ref
val raw_print : bool ref
diff --git a/library/impargs.ml b/library/impargs.ml
index fad81b152..3f60bf96a 100644
--- a/library/impargs.ml
+++ b/library/impargs.ml
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ let is_flexible_reference env bound depth f =
| Rel n -> (* since local definitions have been expanded *) false
| Const kn ->
let cb = Environ.lookup_constant kn env in
- cb.const_body <> None & not cb.const_opaque
+ (match cb.const_body with Def _ -> true | _ -> false)
| Var id ->
let (_,value,_) = Environ.lookup_named id env in value <> None
| Ind _ | Construct _ -> false
diff --git a/library/library.ml b/library/library.ml
index 3d72c5fdb..447d53610 100644
--- a/library/library.ml
+++ b/library/library.ml
@@ -382,25 +382,39 @@ let try_locate_qualified_library (loc,qid) =
(* Internalise libraries *)
-let mk_library md get_table digest =
- let md_compiled =
- LightenLibrary.load ~load_proof:!Flags.load_proofs get_table md.md_compiled
+let mk_library md table digest =
+ let md_compiled =
+ LightenLibrary.load ~load_proof:!Flags.load_proofs table md.md_compiled
in {
library_name = md.md_name;
library_compiled = md_compiled;
library_objects = md.md_objects;
library_deps = md.md_deps;
library_imports = md.md_imports;
- library_digest = digest
+ library_digest = digest
+let fetch_opaque_table (f,pos,digest) =
+ try
+ let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
+ seek_in ch pos;
+ if System.marshal_in ch <> digest then failwith "File changed!";
+ let table = (System.marshal_in ch : LightenLibrary.table) in
+ close_in ch;
+ table
+ with _ ->
+ error
+ ("The file "^f^" is inaccessible or has changed,\n" ^
+ "cannot load some opaque constant bodies in it.\n")
let intern_from_file f =
let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
let lmd = System.marshal_in ch in
+ let pos = pos_in ch in
let digest = System.marshal_in ch in
- let get_table () = (System.marshal_in ch : LightenLibrary.table) in
+ let table = lazy (fetch_opaque_table (f,pos,digest)) in
register_library_filename lmd.md_name f;
- let library = mk_library lmd get_table digest in
+ let library = mk_library lmd table digest in
close_in ch;
diff --git a/library/states.ml b/library/states.ml
index 4619b3b53..c88858f7e 100644
--- a/library/states.ml
+++ b/library/states.ml
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ let unfreeze (fl,fs) =
let (extern_state,intern_state) =
let (raw_extern, raw_intern) =
extern_intern Coq_config.state_magic_number ".coq" in
- (fun s -> raw_extern s (freeze())),
+ (fun s ->
+ if !Flags.load_proofs <> Flags.Force then
+ Util.error "Write State only works with option -force-load-proofs";
+ raw_extern s (freeze())),
(fun s ->
(with_magic_number_check (raw_intern (Library.get_load_paths ())) s);
diff --git a/parsing/prettyp.ml b/parsing/prettyp.ml
index 3b979f519..17feae4ed 100644
--- a/parsing/prettyp.ml
+++ b/parsing/prettyp.ml
@@ -163,10 +163,11 @@ let opacity env = function
Some(TransparentMaybeOpacified (Conv_oracle.get_strategy(VarKey v)))
| ConstRef cst ->
let cb = Environ.lookup_constant cst env in
- if cb.const_body = None then None
- else if cb.const_opaque then Some FullyOpaque
- else Some
- (TransparentMaybeOpacified (Conv_oracle.get_strategy(ConstKey cst)))
+ (match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> None
+ | OpaqueDef _ -> Some FullyOpaque
+ | Def _ -> Some
+ (TransparentMaybeOpacified (Conv_oracle.get_strategy(ConstKey cst))))
| _ -> None
let print_opacity ref =
@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ let ungeneralized_type_of_constant_type = function
let print_constant with_values sep sp =
let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in
- let val_0 = cb.const_body in
+ let val_0 = body_of_constant cb in
let typ = ungeneralized_type_of_constant_type cb.const_type in
hov 0 (
match val_0 with
@@ -586,22 +587,21 @@ let print_full_pure_context () =
let con = Global.constant_of_delta (constant_of_kn kn) in
let cb = Global.lookup_constant con in
- let val_0 = cb.const_body in
let typ = ungeneralized_type_of_constant_type cb.const_type in
hov 0 (
- match val_0 with
- | None ->
- str (if cb.const_opaque then "Axiom " else "Parameter ") ++
+ match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ ->
+ str "Parameter " ++
print_basename con ++ str " : " ++ cut () ++ pr_ltype typ
- | Some v ->
- if cb.const_opaque then
- str "Theorem " ++ print_basename con ++ cut () ++
- str " : " ++ pr_ltype typ ++ str "." ++ fnl () ++
- str "Proof " ++ print_body val_0
- else
- str "Definition " ++ print_basename con ++ cut () ++
- str " : " ++ pr_ltype typ ++ cut () ++ str " := " ++
- print_body val_0) ++ str "." ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()
+ | OpaqueDef lc ->
+ str "Theorem " ++ print_basename con ++ cut () ++
+ str " : " ++ pr_ltype typ ++ str "." ++ fnl () ++
+ str "Proof " ++ pr_lconstr (Declarations.force_opaque lc)
+ | Def c ->
+ str "Definition " ++ print_basename con ++ cut () ++
+ str " : " ++ pr_ltype typ ++ cut () ++ str " := " ++
+ pr_lconstr (Declarations.force c))
+ ++ str "." ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()
let mind = Global.mind_of_delta (mind_of_kn kn) in
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive (mind,0) in
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ let print_opaque_name qid =
match global qid with
| ConstRef cst ->
let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in
- if cb.const_body <> None then
+ if constant_has_body cb then
print_constant_with_infos cst
error "Not a defined constant."
diff --git a/parsing/printmod.ml b/parsing/printmod.ml
index 16f6e6c9d..9440a61bf 100644
--- a/parsing/printmod.ml
+++ b/parsing/printmod.ml
@@ -97,24 +97,27 @@ and print_modtype locals mty =
str "Module"++ spc() ++ str s ++ spc() ++ str ":="++ spc())
and print_sig locals sign =
- let print_spec (l,spec) = (match spec with
- | SFBconst {const_body=Some _; const_opaque=false} -> str "Definition "
- | SFBconst {const_body=None}
- | SFBconst {const_opaque=true} -> str "Parameter "
- | SFBmind _ -> str "Inductive "
- | SFBmodule _ -> str "Module "
- | SFBmodtype _ -> str "Module Type ") ++ str (string_of_label l)
+ let print_spec (l,spec) = str (match spec with
+ | SFBconst cb ->
+ (match cb.const_body with
+ | Def _ -> "Definition "
+ | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> "Parameter ")
+ | SFBmind _ -> "Inductive "
+ | SFBmodule _ -> "Module "
+ | SFBmodtype _ -> "Module Type ") ++ str (string_of_label l)
prlist_with_sep spc print_spec sign
and print_struct locals struc =
- let print_body (l,body) = (match body with
- | SFBconst {const_body=Some _; const_opaque=false} -> str "Definition "
- | SFBconst {const_body=Some _; const_opaque=true} -> str "Theorem "
- | SFBconst {const_body=None} -> str "Parameter "
- | SFBmind _ -> str "Inductive "
- | SFBmodule _ -> str "Module "
- | SFBmodtype _ -> str "Module Type ") ++ str (string_of_label l)
+ let print_body (l,body) = str (match body with
+ | SFBconst cb ->
+ (match cb.const_body with
+ | Undef _ -> "Parameter "
+ | Def _ -> "Definition "
+ | OpaqueDef _ -> "Theorem ")
+ | SFBmind _ -> "Inductive "
+ | SFBmodule _ -> "Module "
+ | SFBmodtype _ -> "Module Type ") ++ str (string_of_label l)
prlist_with_sep spc print_body struc
diff --git a/plugins/dp/dp.ml b/plugins/dp/dp.ml
index 00a76efa3..b025cea64 100644
--- a/plugins/dp/dp.ml
+++ b/plugins/dp/dp.ml
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ and axiomatize_body env r id d = match r with
| VarRef _ ->
assert false
| ConstRef c ->
- begin match (Global.lookup_constant c).const_body with
+ begin match body_of_constant (Global.lookup_constant c) with
| Some b ->
let b = force b in
let axioms =
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml b/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
index 04d1f2a8d..c4dce1c7b 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
+++ b/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
@@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ let check_arity env cb =
let check_fix env cb i =
match cb.const_body with
- | None -> raise Impossible
- | Some lbody ->
- match kind_of_term (Declarations.force lbody) with
+ | Def lbody ->
+ (match kind_of_term (Declarations.force lbody) with
| Fix ((_,j),recd) when i=j -> check_arity env cb; (true,recd)
| CoFix (j,recd) when i=j -> check_arity env cb; (false,recd)
- | _ -> raise Impossible
+ | _ -> raise Impossible)
+ | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> raise Impossible
let factor_fix env l cb msb =
let _,recd as check = check_fix env cb 0 in
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml b/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml
index 51d79e821..992f8fca6 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
(match flag_of_type env typ with
| (Info, TypeScheme) ->
let mlt = extract_type_app env db (r, type_sign env typ) args in
- (match cb.const_body with
+ (match body_of_constant cb with
| None -> mlt
| Some _ when is_custom r -> mlt
| Some lbody ->
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
(* If possible, we take [mlt], otherwise [mlt']. *)
if expand env mlt = expand env mlt' then mlt else mlt')
| _ -> (* only other case here: Info, Default, i.e. not an ML type *)
- (match cb.const_body with
+ (match body_of_constant cb with
| None -> Tunknown (* Brutal approximation ... *)
| Some lbody ->
(* We try to reduce. *)
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ and mlt_env env r = match r with
with Not_found ->
let cb = Environ.lookup_constant kn env in
let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- match cb.const_body with
+ match body_of_constant cb with
| None -> None
| Some l_body ->
(match flag_of_type env typ with
@@ -904,15 +904,9 @@ let extract_fixpoint env vkn (fi,ti,ci) =
let extract_constant env kn cb =
let r = ConstRef kn in
let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- let warn_info_none () =
- if not (is_custom r) then begin
- add_info_axiom r;
- if not !Flags.load_proofs && cb.const_opaque then add_opaque_ko r
- end
- in
- let warn_info_some () = if cb.const_opaque then add_opaque_ok r
- in
- match cb.const_body with
+ let warn_info_none () = if not (is_custom r) then add_info_axiom r in
+ let warn_info_some () = if is_opaque cb then add_opaque r in
+ match body_of_constant cb with
| None ->
(match flag_of_type env typ with
| (Info,TypeScheme) ->
@@ -951,7 +945,7 @@ let extract_constant_spec env kn cb =
| (Logic, Default) -> Sval (r, Tdummy Kother)
| (Info, TypeScheme) ->
let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
- (match cb.const_body with
+ (match body_of_constant cb with
| None -> Stype (r, vl, None)
| Some body ->
let db = db_from_sign s in
@@ -966,7 +960,7 @@ let extract_with_type env cb =
match flag_of_type env typ with
| (Info, TypeScheme) ->
let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
- let body = Option.get cb.const_body in
+ let body = Option.get (body_of_constant cb) in
let db = db_from_sign s in
let t = extract_type_scheme env db (force body) (List.length s) in
Some (vl, t)
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/mlutil.ml b/plugins/extraction/mlutil.ml
index 3036cb134..4ab7b6f75 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/plugins/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -1205,12 +1205,14 @@ let inline_test r t =
if not (auto_inline ()) then false
let c = match r with ConstRef c -> c | _ -> assert false in
- let body = try (Global.lookup_constant c).const_body with _ -> None in
- if body = None then false
- else
- let t1 = eta_red t in
- let t2 = snd (collect_lams t1) in
- not (is_fix t2) && ml_size t < 12 && is_not_strict t
+ let has_body =
+ try constant_has_body (Global.lookup_constant c)
+ with _ -> false
+ in
+ has_body &&
+ (let t1 = eta_red t in
+ let t2 = snd (collect_lams t1) in
+ not (is_fix t2) && ml_size t < 12 && is_not_strict t)
let con_of_string s =
let null = empty_dirpath in
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/table.ml b/plugins/extraction/table.ml
index 8c9fdf37d..35494d3d2 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/table.ml
+++ b/plugins/extraction/table.ml
@@ -175,14 +175,10 @@ let add_info_axiom r = info_axioms := Refset'.add r !info_axioms
let remove_info_axiom r = info_axioms := Refset'.remove r !info_axioms
let add_log_axiom r = log_axioms := Refset'.add r !log_axioms
-let opaques_ok = ref Refset'.empty
-let opaques_ko = ref Refset'.empty
-let init_opaques () = opaques_ok := Refset'.empty; opaques_ko := Refset'.empty
-let add_opaque_ok r = opaques_ok := Refset'.add r !opaques_ok
-let add_opaque_ko r = opaques_ko := Refset'.add r !opaques_ko
-let remove_opaque r =
- opaques_ok := Refset'.remove r !opaques_ok;
- opaques_ko := Refset'.remove r !opaques_ko
+let opaques = ref Refset'.empty
+let init_opaques () = opaques := Refset'.empty
+let add_opaque r = opaques := Refset'.add r !opaques
+let remove_opaque r = opaques := Refset'.remove r !opaques
(*s Extraction modes: modular or monolithic, library or minimal ?
@@ -263,23 +259,19 @@ let warning_axioms () =
str "Having invalid logical axiom in the environment when extracting" ++
spc () ++ str "may lead to incorrect or non-terminating ML terms." ++
fnl ())
- end
+ end;
+ if !Flags.load_proofs = Flags.Dont && info_axioms@log_axioms <> [] then
+ msg_warning
+ (str "Some of these axioms might by due to option -dont-load-proofs.")
let warning_opaques () =
- let opaques_ok = Refset'.elements !opaques_ok in
- if opaques_ok = [] then ()
+ let opaques = Refset'.elements !opaques in
+ if opaques = [] then ()
else msg_warning
(str "Extraction is accessing the body of the following opaque constants:"
- ++ hov 1 (spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc safe_pr_global opaques_ok)
+ ++ hov 1 (spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc safe_pr_global opaques)
++ str "." ++ fnl ()
- ++ str "Be careful if using option -dont-load-proofs later." ++ fnl ());
- let opaques_ko = Refset'.elements !opaques_ko in
- if opaques_ko = [] then ()
- else msg_warning
- (str "Extraction cannot access the body of the following opaque constants:"
- ++ hov 1 (spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc safe_pr_global opaques_ko)
- ++ fnl () ++ str "due to option -dont-load-proofs. "
- ++ str "These constants are treated as axioms." ++ fnl ())
+ ++ str "Be careful if using option -dont-load-proofs later." ++ fnl ())
let warning_both_mod_and_cst q mp r =
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/table.mli b/plugins/extraction/table.mli
index 158e33ec9..97c28b154 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/table.mli
+++ b/plugins/extraction/table.mli
@@ -84,8 +84,7 @@ val add_info_axiom : global_reference -> unit
val remove_info_axiom : global_reference -> unit
val add_log_axiom : global_reference -> unit
-val add_opaque_ok : global_reference -> unit
-val add_opaque_ko : global_reference -> unit
+val add_opaque : global_reference -> unit
val remove_opaque : global_reference -> unit
val reset_tables : unit -> unit
diff --git a/plugins/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml b/plugins/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml
index 2c5118e92..4f32bbd99 100644
--- a/plugins/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml
+++ b/plugins/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ let generate_equation_lemma fnames f fun_num nb_params nb_args rec_args_num =
let f_def = Global.lookup_constant (destConst f) in
let eq_lhs = mkApp(f,Array.init (nb_params + nb_args) (fun i -> mkRel(nb_params + nb_args - i))) in
let f_body =
- force (Option.get f_def.const_body)
+ force (Option.get (body_of_constant f_def))
let params,f_body_with_params = decompose_lam_n nb_params f_body in
let (_,num),(_,_,bodies) = destFix f_body_with_params in
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _nparams :
let get_body const =
- match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
+ match body_of_constant (Global.lookup_constant const) with
| Some b ->
let body = force b in
diff --git a/plugins/funind/functional_principles_types.ml b/plugins/funind/functional_principles_types.ml
index 1d089409b..2ba29ced7 100644
--- a/plugins/funind/functional_principles_types.ml
+++ b/plugins/funind/functional_principles_types.ml
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ let get_funs_constant mp dp =
function const ->
let find_constant_body const =
- match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
+ match body_of_constant (Global.lookup_constant const) with
| Some b ->
let body = force b in
let body = Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ let make_scheme (fas : (constant*Glob_term.glob_sort) list) : Entries.definition
let finfos = find_Function_infos this_block_funs.(0) in
let equation = Option.get finfos.equation_lemma in
- (Global.lookup_constant equation).Declarations.const_opaque
+ Declarations.is_opaque (Global.lookup_constant equation)
with Option.IsNone -> (* non recursive definition *)
diff --git a/plugins/funind/indfun.ml b/plugins/funind/indfun.ml
index 38492f88b..dd48765fb 100644
--- a/plugins/funind/indfun.ml
+++ b/plugins/funind/indfun.ml
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ let make_graph (f_ref:global_reference) =
| _ -> raise (UserError ("", str "Not a function reference") )
Dumpglob.pause ();
- (match c_body.const_body with
+ (match body_of_constant c_body with
| None -> error "Cannot build a graph over an axiom !"
| Some b ->
let env = Global.env () in
diff --git a/plugins/funind/indfun_common.ml b/plugins/funind/indfun_common.ml
index 1de0f91d1..094d2e50f 100644
--- a/plugins/funind/indfun_common.ml
+++ b/plugins/funind/indfun_common.ml
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ let const_of_id id =
let def_of_const t =
match (Term.kind_of_term t) with
Term.Const sp ->
- (try (match (Global.lookup_constant sp) with
- {Declarations.const_body=Some c} -> Declarations.force c
- |_ -> assert false)
+ (try (match Declarations.body_of_constant (Global.lookup_constant sp) with
+ | Some c -> Declarations.force c
+ | _ -> assert false)
with _ -> assert false)
|_ -> assert false
diff --git a/plugins/funind/recdef.ml b/plugins/funind/recdef.ml
index 4217b83fa..11fbc01ba 100644
--- a/plugins/funind/recdef.ml
+++ b/plugins/funind/recdef.ml
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ let message s = if Flags.is_verbose () then msgnl(str s);;
let def_of_const t =
match (kind_of_term t) with
Const sp ->
- (try (match (Global.lookup_constant sp) with
- {const_body=Some c} -> Declarations.force c
- |_ -> assert false)
+ (try (match body_of_constant (Global.lookup_constant sp) with
+ | Some c -> Declarations.force c
+ | _ -> assert false)
with _ ->
anomaly ("Cannot find definition of constant "^
(string_of_id (id_of_label (con_label sp))))
@@ -939,6 +939,13 @@ let build_new_goal_type () =
let res = build_and_l sub_gls_types in
+let is_opaque_constant c =
+ let cb = Global.lookup_constant c in
+ match cb.Declarations.const_body with
+ | Declarations.OpaqueDef _ -> true
+ | Declarations.Undef _ -> true
+ | Declarations.Def _ -> false
let open_new_goal (build_proof:tactic -> tactic -> unit) using_lemmas ref_ goal_name (gls_type,decompose_and_tac,nb_goal) =
(* Pp.msgnl (str "gls_type := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr gls_type); *)
let current_proof_name = get_current_proof_name () in
@@ -958,10 +965,7 @@ let open_new_goal (build_proof:tactic -> tactic -> unit) using_lemmas ref_ goal_
let na_ref = Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,na) in
let na_global = Nametab.global na_ref in
match na_global with
- ConstRef c ->
- let cb = Global.lookup_constant c in
- if cb.Declarations.const_opaque then true
- else begin match cb.const_body with None -> true | _ -> false end
+ ConstRef c -> is_opaque_constant c
| _ -> anomaly "equation_lemma: not a constant"
let lemma = mkConst (Lib.make_con na) in
@@ -1339,10 +1343,7 @@ let (com_eqn : int -> identifier ->
fun nb_arg eq_name functional_ref f_ref terminate_ref equation_lemma_type ->
let opacity =
match terminate_ref with
- | ConstRef c ->
- let cb = Global.lookup_constant c in
- if cb.Declarations.const_opaque then true
- else begin match cb.const_body with None -> true | _ -> false end
+ | ConstRef c -> is_opaque_constant c
| _ -> anomaly "terminate_lemma: not a constant"
let (evmap, env) = Lemmas.get_current_context() in
diff --git a/plugins/xml/xmlcommand.ml b/plugins/xml/xmlcommand.ml
index f0a5089cc..78048c8ee 100644
--- a/plugins/xml/xmlcommand.ml
+++ b/plugins/xml/xmlcommand.ml
@@ -527,8 +527,10 @@ let print internal glob_ref kind xml_library_root =
Cic2acic.Variable kn,mk_variable_obj id body typ
| Ln.ConstRef kn ->
let id = N.id_of_label (N.con_label kn) in
- let {D.const_body=val0 ; D.const_type = typ ; D.const_hyps = hyps} =
- G.lookup_constant kn in
+ let cb = G.lookup_constant kn in
+ let val0 = D.body_of_constant cb in
+ let typ = cb.D.const_type in
+ let hyps = cb.D.const_hyps in
let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type (Global.env()) typ in
Cic2acic.Constant kn,mk_constant_obj id val0 typ variables hyps
| Ln.IndRef (kn,_) ->
diff --git a/proofs/redexpr.ml b/proofs/redexpr.ml
index 69ef4598d..c6b3339d7 100644
--- a/proofs/redexpr.ml
+++ b/proofs/redexpr.ml
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ let set_strategy_one ref l =
Csymtable.set_opaque_const sp
| ConstKey sp, _ ->
let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in
- if cb.const_body <> None & cb.const_opaque then
- errorlabstrm "set_transparent_const"
- (str "Cannot make" ++ spc () ++
- Nametab.pr_global_env Idset.empty (ConstRef sp) ++
- spc () ++ str "transparent because it was declared opaque.");
- Csymtable.set_transparent_const sp
+ (match cb.const_body with
+ | OpaqueDef _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "set_transparent_const"
+ (str "Cannot make" ++ spc () ++
+ Nametab.pr_global_env Idset.empty (ConstRef sp) ++
+ spc () ++ str "transparent because it was declared opaque.");
+ | _ -> Csymtable.set_transparent_const sp)
| _ -> ()
let cache_strategy (_,str) =
diff --git a/toplevel/coqtop.ml b/toplevel/coqtop.ml
index 93476f4c4..e0f21aab8 100644
--- a/toplevel/coqtop.ml
+++ b/toplevel/coqtop.ml
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ let parse_args arglist =
| "-batch" :: rem -> set_batch_mode (); parse rem
| "-boot" :: rem -> boot := true; no_load_rc (); parse rem
| "-quality" :: rem -> term_quality := true; no_load_rc (); parse rem
- | "-outputstate" :: s :: rem -> set_outputstate s; parse rem
+ | "-outputstate" :: s :: rem ->
+ Flags.load_proofs := Flags.Force; set_outputstate s; parse rem
| "-outputstate" :: [] -> usage ()
| "-nois" :: rem -> set_inputstate ""; parse rem
@@ -230,8 +231,9 @@ let parse_args arglist =
| "-compile-verbose" :: f :: rem -> add_compile true f; if not !glob_opt then Dumpglob.dump_to_dotglob (); parse rem
| "-compile-verbose" :: [] -> usage ()
- | "-load-proofs" :: rem -> Flags.load_proofs := true; parse rem
- | "-dont-load-proofs" :: rem -> Flags.load_proofs := false; parse rem
+ | "-force-load-proofs" :: rem -> Flags.load_proofs := Flags.Force; parse rem
+ | "-lazy-load-proofs" :: rem -> Flags.load_proofs := Flags.Lazy; parse rem
+ | "-dont-load-proofs" :: rem -> Flags.load_proofs := Flags.Dont; parse rem
| "-beautify" :: rem -> make_beautify true; parse rem
diff --git a/toplevel/lemmas.ml b/toplevel/lemmas.ml
index 2d904c554..7cc9ba33e 100644
--- a/toplevel/lemmas.ml
+++ b/toplevel/lemmas.ml
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ let retrieve_first_recthm = function
| VarRef id ->
(pi2 (Global.lookup_named id),variable_opacity id)
| ConstRef cst ->
- let {const_body=body;const_opaque=opaq} = Global.lookup_constant cst in
- (Option.map Declarations.force body,opaq)
+ let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in
+ (Option.map Declarations.force (body_of_constant cb), is_opaque cb)
| _ -> assert false
let adjust_guardness_conditions const = function
diff --git a/toplevel/usage.ml b/toplevel/usage.ml
index 84e38c0a1..e09706325 100644
--- a/toplevel/usage.ml
+++ b/toplevel/usage.ml
@@ -61,8 +61,10 @@ let print_usage_channel co command =
\n -dump-glob f dump globalizations in file f (to be used by coqdoc)\
\n -with-geoproof (yes|no) to (de)activate special functions for Geoproof within Coqide (default is yes)\
\n -impredicative-set set sort Set impredicative\
-\n -load-proofs load opaque proofs in memory (default)\
-\n -dont-load-proofs don't load opaque proofs in memory\
+\n -force-load-proofs load opaque proofs in memory initially\
+\n -lazy-load-proofs load opaque proofs in memory by necessity (default)\
+\n -dont-load-proofs see opaque proofs as axioms instead of loading them\
\n -xml export XML files either to the hierarchy rooted in\
\n the directory $COQ_XML_LIBRARY_ROOT (if set) or to\
\n stdout (if unset)\